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/lit/ - Literature

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10779754 No.10779754 [Reply] [Original]

what are you reading right now, /lit/?

>> No.10779760

Urth of the New Sun
~100 pages left

>> No.10779763

After Virtue by Alasdair Macintyre

>> No.10779764
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It's much harder then I though or i'm just a brainlet.

>> No.10779768

What kind of nigger reads on the curb of a street?

>> No.10779771

> smokes
You think you're cool huh faggot? Nice choice in book though

>> No.10779788

The Inheritors by William Golding. Interesting but a little confusing since it’s from a Neanderthal’s perspective and apparently Golding believed that Neanderthals were telepathic.

>> No.10779791

this post

>> No.10779793

>he even rotated the cig to show the logo in the pic

Not possible to be cool when reading a signet classic translation on the curb. You just look like a stupid and the cigs don't help.

>> No.10779808

Siddhartha by Hesse
Technological Society by Ellul

>> No.10779809
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>> No.10779812

I read the opening paragraph of Wizard's First Rule.

>> No.10779818

There is an array of personality disorders culminating in this picture.

>> No.10779828
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>> No.10779835

>American spirits

Christ you're a faggot

>> No.10779863

I miss being young. OP i am quitting smoking and reading Ursula Leguin, since you asked.

>> No.10779911

Neuromancer and some book about Democritus

>> No.10780175

Are those American Spirit cigs worth smoking? What am I in for (besides cancer and lung disease)?

>> No.10780184

You must be an amerifag, everyone in europe smokes like a lunatic.

>> No.10780186

Not worth it. Smoking is a shitty habit that will manifest you of your entire livelihood. You've heard it from the devil himself.

>> No.10780201

Assuming you already smoke, kinda. They're my favorite brand for if I'm not rolling. But be a true patrician and either get a pipe or roll Bali shag or Peter stokkebye.

>> No.10780208

Herman Melville collection from barnes and noble.
It's only comfirming his utter genius.

>> No.10780214
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This guy >>10780186 is a faggot. You can smoke for a few years and be completely fine after you quit, science has shown this. The serious adverse health effects start coming on after 10, 15, 20 years of smoking. Make sure you quit before you've been doing it for five years continuously, if you want to start.

With that in mind, just smoke whatever the fuck you want. Spirits are fucking repulsive and drag like a piece of chalk, not worth the money. And they make you look like a tryhard faggot poseur. They are made for idiot hipsters who want to deceive themselves into believing their tobacco habit is somehow less bad for them because the tobacco is "organic." Marb reds and Camel Turkish Royals were what I smoked. Newports occasionally for the minty flavor.

>> No.10780232

Are you in the right thread? Melville?

>> No.10780243

>They are made for idiot hipsters who want to deceive themselves into believing their tobacco habit is somehow less bad for them because the tobacco is "organic."

No wonder Paul Thomas Anderson smokes those.

>> No.10780256

>You can smoke for a few years and be completely fine after you quit, science has shown this
Gonna need a source on this. Everything I've seen indicates that even light or intermittent smoking has a noticeable negative impact on health (at the population level).

>> No.10780275

in my country only dumb brown people living in state housing with twenty children and eating KFC every night smoke.

>> No.10780285

I have Moby Dick in the b&n classics edition (not the flashy gay ass leather shit). It even comes with a dictionary of sea/whale hunting terms.What's wrong with it?

>> No.10780291


>> No.10780303

hm? I dunno. I love melville, haven't seen the b&n of Moby Dick though.
I smoke peter stokkebye as well, my cob is always full of balkan supreme or english oriental.
the thread is asking what i'm reading. it's Melville that i'm reading, and it's Melville that i'm responding.

>> No.10780305

Yeah, I already smoke sometimes in parties and when I need time alone to "think". Marbs and Camels, unfiltered, no menthol. Never tried A. Spirits.

>> No.10780316

Ok, Im high and confused, Im reading Amulet.

>> No.10780323

I’m reading pic related, still 80 pages left and it’s very good but the first 200 pages were kind of hard to penetrate

>> No.10780334
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>> No.10780338



>> No.10780339

no they don't


we smoke more than yurofags do, not that this is anything to be proud of

>> No.10780349

>You can smoke for a few years and be completely fine after you quit,
Stopped reading there. You are totally and absolutely retarded.

>> No.10780350

He probably doesn't quite know what he's talking about.
I'm pretty sure he's saying you need to smoke for a few years before you get cancer, which I'm pretty sure is true. However, CO will hijack your hemoglobin, a film of tar will line your lungs and your respiratory system will get irritated from smoking even a single cigarette. Saying that smoking only becomes harmful a few years in is definitely wrong.

>> No.10780374

You smoke more than fucking France. Damn. Those Frenchies have pussied out.

>> No.10780396

>Smokers who stop before their mid-30s have approximately the same life expectancy as never smokers

Your risk of lung cancer will become greater (go from one percent to about 5 if you quit completely before five years) and, provided you don't smoke for long enough to get COPD or emphysema, all other damage will heal. I'm not especially concerned about the 4% higher chance of lung cancer. I would rather enjoy myself a bit when I'm alive than live in needless fear of death.

>> No.10780412

It's obviously harmful immediately, I'm saying that all the damage up to a certain point can be reversed. You would know this if you looked into it. If you smoke too long, or too often while you are a smoker, you will have irreversible damage.

>> No.10780413

>4k cigs per year
What the actual fuck

>> No.10780414

its probably just boomers and asians/spics that are driving the rate up. Outside of college kids trying to take the edge off their coke buzz most white adults under 35 do not smoke at all

>> No.10780418

hello are u a doctor or shall we just listen to whatever you say

>> No.10780419

Cigarettes look degenerate, sorry man.

>> No.10780425


i immediately think less of you

>> No.10780426

Not a numbers person, are you?

>> No.10780434

nice sources, by the way.

>> No.10780437

>per capita
isn’t that kind of a worthless metric for consumption of cigarettes?

>> No.10780440

I'm a spic kek either way France has pussied out.

>> No.10780441

Ask a doctor, or look up articles about this written by doctors, and you will see the same thing. They're going to tell you not to smoke, but if you're dead set on doing it, it can still be done to an extent that won't cause permanent damage or impairment.

>> No.10780443

Are you Murican?

>> No.10780449

Yeah, it tells nothing about the actual population of smokers.

>> No.10780465

And what if I smoke Newport?

>> No.10780467

wait those are those ugly sneaker like doc martens aren't they why are you wearing those

>> No.10780473

The first volume of Kotkin's "Stalin" biographies. I'm about 400/750 pages right now.

>> No.10780478

Why do you wear socks with sandals?

>> No.10780484

2666 and drinking Corona.

>> No.10780485

imagine being this much of a fag

>> No.10780492
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Don't try to deflect those are monkey boots aren't they

>> No.10780500

How far in op? I'm on part 4, and it's a fucking awesome ride! The best part is that he keeps introducing better characters. Of course, Raskolnikov is slickly morose, etc., but Svidrigailov is turning into my favorite character: The Absolute Madman!! Sonia is evolving interestingly, even Pyotr and Razuhimin, the whole ghost-stuff--which I won't spoil, the plot just keeps evolving and escalating. And it is all written so smoothly and naturally. D puts up so few barriers to smoothness, but 100 pages go by and all of a sudden 3 or 4 major philosophical points have been unveiled using completely believable characters. Plato looks like such a bitch in comparison: I honestly can't stop laughing

>> No.10780503

They're okay in my book.

>> No.10780507

plato was a retard

>> No.10780509

I like Raskolnikov even though he's a snob

>> No.10780515

I wouldn't go that far, but Doesteyevsky is innumerably better

>> No.10780523

Severyanin poems and drinking bear for 0.45$

>> No.10780525

I don't really feel them they're too chunky and overly ornate in their stitching

you do you though

Rereading Lord Of the Flies for the first time since high school and Edith Hamilton's mythology on the side, prepping for the Iliad

>> No.10780530

why do these type of post make me cringe?

>> No.10780542

because you can't tell if they're hamming it up for a reaction or if they sincerely feel so strongly about a book that it makes them type like a kid

>> No.10780552

I think it's nice people still get excited about a book in this way and in this day and age. Literature and reading are fucking dying and we're here complaining because some dude is enjoying Dosto.

>> No.10780559

Phone posting with a cracked screen, but ya, I'm giddy. It's a good book--isn't that why we are here? Heaven forbid someone is passionate!!

>> No.10780578

woops that was a bit more cynical than I wanted it to be

>> No.10780609

whoa cool boots and ciggy! stay redpozzed my dude!

>> No.10780621
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>Newports occasionally
>calling others faggot

>> No.10780625
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Just got done with The Righteous Mind by Haidt
What do I read next?
>The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda by Chomsky
>The Doors of Perception by Huxley
>Prometheus Rising by RAW

>> No.10780629

I am reading Of Human Bondage by Somerset Maugham.

>> No.10780632

About to start Aeschyllus' Orestia (translated by my man Lattimore). Just finished reading all his other tragedies.

>> No.10780633

>>Prometheus Rising by RAW
Save yourself the trouble anon. This is one of the few /lit/ memes that has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

>> No.10780635

because it was obviously written by a petersonian
>3 or 4 major philosophical points have been unveiled using completely believable characters
one of the most common criticisms of dosoyevsky is precisely that he doesn't do this, instead using melodramatic caricatures to make philosophical and political points. the only way you can read dostoyevsky and find his characters "completely believable" is if you're a shut-in loser with no real life experiences.

>> No.10780636

I've heard that a lot, but I watched an interview of his in which he seemed smart, he knew what he was talking about.
What's so bad about the book?

>> No.10780638

>t. norm macdonald

>> No.10780640

and in what way is that possible?

>> No.10780641

Say that to my face, bitch

>> No.10780645

How can you smoke and read? Even if you're past the dizziness or the tremors it'll still distract the shit out of me

I haven't smoked in a while though so maybe I've forgotten the experience

>> No.10780657

Yeah, I've been reading a bunch of Ursula Le Guin I never got around to since she died too. Currently in the middle of Lathe of Heaven.

>> No.10780661


Still haven't seen anyone on /lit/ answer that question despite the amount of people that keep saying the book is worthless. Read it and find for yourself if it has worth to you.

>> No.10780662

>the only way you can read dostoyevsky and find his characters "completely believable" is if you're a shut-in loser with no real life experiences
sounds more like an advertisement than a criticism desu

>> No.10780665

Yeah I made a thread about RAW a few days ago, no real criticisms, just saying it's shit and worthless.
Probably the reptilians trying to dissuade me

>> No.10780671
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>> No.10780678

>Male: More stuff you want to show everyone
>Female: Yourself

>> No.10780679
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for a certain type of person, sure

>> No.10780692

Finally getting into literature. Just read Annihilation and liked it (though I don't think I'll bother with the other two). Anybody recommend an easy to digest sci-fi novel that isn't part of a series. I was pretty disappointed after I finished that nothing had been answered.

>> No.10780715


Please leave

>> No.10780734

You reading it, too? And hey, you're that guy who occasionally posts the skeleton hugging a rump

>> No.10780738

Currently reading Swann's way of Proust. The depictions of the landscapes of Combray and the glorious passage of the madeleine is the best prose I've ever read.

>> No.10780741

come on man I haven't read a book since 2000, if it got me through a book for once then fuck it.

>> No.10780752 [DELETED] 

Those are ugly as fuck. The only good Docs are the standard 1460 model.

>> No.10780753

I literally know a person like Raskolnikov, Razuhimin, and someone else like Sonia. Certain people attract certain people. Doesteyevsky isn't a pleb--and a lot of people are, so he doesn't write pleb characters, so a lot of people can't relate

>> No.10780758

Dam, this is written so shitttily. I'm gunna stop posting at work

>> No.10780767

4k cigarettes per year is less than 10 per day. That's only half a pack. Certainly not ideal but definitely not "heavy" smoking. Obviously that 10-12 per day includes a substantial percentage of adults who don't smoke cigarettes, but I'd bet the average smoker there doesn't smoke more than at most a pack and a half a day. Likely just a larger percentage of adults smoke there, so it makes the national average skew so much higher.

>> No.10780770
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40ish pages in.

>> No.10780771

Descartes Discourse on the Method and some 40k sci fantasy.

>> No.10780773

I don't think I've ever posted a skeleton hugging a rump, but yeah. I've skimmed it before but I'm doing a thorough reading now, only Chapter 5 though so far.

>> No.10780775

are you reading it in french or english?

>> No.10780783

A Canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.10780785

Not him and I'm serious: read pewdiepie books recs; it's entry level.

>> No.10780793
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The collected writings of John Keel.

>> No.10780795

You might like Ubik. It's pretty unconventional in some ways but it's not a difficult read and it's short and self-contained. Look into Phillip K Dick's work in general, most of them aren't long and frequent feelings of achievement you get when you finish a book can help get you back into reading again. Ursula Le Guin is also good.

>> No.10780810


>> No.10780855

Holding the book with one hand and smoking with the other. Distracting af, though.

>> No.10780860

The English and Their History by Robert Tombs.

It's okay. Tombs is English and feels like it's hilarious to rib the French any chance he gets. His partiality is obnoxious.

>> No.10780873

Mars by Fritz Zorn. Pretty good and (sad to say) very relatable for me. Though I can only read a bit at a time before it becomes tiring/overwhelming.

>> No.10780876

Yeah I just got it Monday. On chapter 3

Have a fun read anon!

>> No.10780884

Thus Spake Zarathustra - Nietzsche
The John Adams Papers - Frank Donovan
Demons - Dostoevsky
Treatise of Human Nature - Hume

>> No.10780894

Plato: The Founder of Philosophy as Dialectic. Fucking brilliant book. Gemish secondary literature is rare, buy this book, you’ll understand

>> No.10780897

I can just imagine some documentary w/ 2 old guys, one English, and the other French. With the English guy constantly giving the French guy shit when he's trying to work.

>> No.10780899


>> No.10780903
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Ethics - Spinoza
A Theologico-Political Treatise - Spinoza
Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics - Kant

>> No.10780906

"The Dark Side of Close Relationships, 2nd Ed"

It's actually fascinating.

>> No.10780924

also, smokin Senecas

>> No.10780944

what edition mi negro?

>> No.10780962

On the Road, page 100

>> No.10780982
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>> No.10780997

You look like you're absolutely insufferable

>> No.10781006
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>> No.10781068

Traducción de Pedro Salinas

>> No.10781090

The New Sun cometh

>> No.10781102

As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner

I thought Southern Gothic would've been lame as hell but holy hell it's actually real engaging

>> No.10781123

Poetic Edda

>> No.10781872

>thinks he looks cool for smoking
>owns a shitty plastic lighter in an ugly color

Get a Zippo at least if you want to do it right

>> No.10782418
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those shoes are disgusting. you need to get some of these.

>> No.10782434

i don't smoke but i read cool kids but butane inserts in

>> No.10782436
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This is what I wear when I go to the coffeehouse to read and smoke.

I just finished This Side of Paradise. Pretty disappointing. Very inconsistent, and fuck Amory Blaine.
I’m moving on to the memoir about Mario Batali

>> No.10782519

This thread
You could've skipped three days on ciggarrettess and buy a hardback of that book you fucking imbecile

>> No.10782601

>be macedonian
End my life.

>> No.10782863
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>> No.10782910

I'm reading the same edition of Crime and Punishment OP and also quit smoking you cancer fag

>> No.10782923

Alfred Burne is exactly the same in his Hundred Years War books. Most in depth account of medieval campaigns I've read but also super anti French

>> No.10782924
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cool cigarette my dude

>> No.10782941

Fuck man, this is so bad I want to stop breathing

>> No.10782957



>> No.10782962

Can't handle my coolness?

>> No.10783140

> Anonymous 03/01/18(Thu)19:10:03 No.10779809▶>>10780678
>File: TLxVSmO.jpg
more like "gutter" genius, amiright

>> No.10783238

Batali sucked at Liverpool though I suppose he worked out better when he played for Italian teams. There are better players more worthy of a biography.

>> No.10783277

Wow! Go exercise, Amerifat. Those shoes are crying in pain under your weight.

>> No.10783306

Talking about Mario Batali, the chef.

>> No.10783318

literal retard-tier poetry

good lord what a faggot

>> No.10783319
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oh yeah?

>> No.10783499
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flipping through

>> No.10784141

that's what I said

>> No.10784371

Radicant by Nicolas Bourriaud
Excession by Iain M. Banks
Necrotech by K.C. Alexander
next will be Insatiable by Asa Akira

>> No.10784398

i didnt really get that story about the guy receiving the gold coin in the end until i googled it.

>> No.10784413
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>> No.10784525

That fucking comment. Pseudo-intellectuals and “omg so deep” faggots have ruined good poetry.

>> No.10784532

>God created the integers
>cover shows Urizen
What did he mean by this?

>> No.10784727

Are those stats accurate? How does Spain have so few smokers compared to the rest of Europe? I thought tons of people in Japan smoked?

>> No.10784750
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This thing is hard to follow and I knew the story before going into it. I probably should have read the prose translation first.

>> No.10784757
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Doc's are ugly ass shitkickers

Only good boot brand is Red Wing

>> No.10784854

You're supposed to work in boots, faggot

>> No.10784862

I bet you try to justify yourself to people how it’s not unhealthy and people just think you’re a retard

>> No.10784909

Damn, I have to share a state with this clown.

>> No.10784963

Yeah, but he has also kinda poked fun at the idea that their being "organic" is anything other than marketing bullshit. But yeah, smoking is bad. Don't smoke.

>> No.10785017

how dare they use blake

>> No.10785813

ebin boots

>> No.10785948

Gravitys Rainbow. I truly almost threw up on the bus during the scene where he sucks shit out of Domina Nocturnas ass. Great book though, nice to read from someone who thinks about death more or less like I do. DAE inconsolable?

>> No.10786181

I like them, what's this model called?

>> No.10786191

nevermind they're for millionaires

>> No.10786232
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I'm in sore need of a Colt 45. I think when I get my next paycheck I'm finally going to use my WSJ wine voucher.

>> No.10786234

crime and punishment lol

>> No.10786254

The Republic

>> No.10786257

>Males: objects
>Females: themselves
Conclusion: women are objects

>> No.10786258

Collection of Poe stories

>> No.10786270


>> No.10786273

I'm not reading anything tonight. I am burnt out from work. I left my cellphone at work too so I can't go hang out with my friend. Sucks nuts, I tell ya whut.

Anyway, starting tomorrow I'll begin reading again.

I'm reading

Ibn Al-Haytham - Completion of the Conics
Irving Fisher - Mathematical Investigations into the Theory of Value and Price
Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay - The Federalist Papers.

Plato's Laws just came... I'm wondering how the fuck I'm going to fit it into my reading schedule. I got the Penguin Books version with all of the interspersed sectionals. Fuck you Penguin Random House, I hate your notations and sectionals. Eventually I have to get around to finishing Nicomachus' Introduction to Arithmetic which I started reading around a month ago... but those first two texts take most of my time/concentration right now.

I'll be reading Vilfredo Pareto's Manual of Political Economy after Mathematical Investigations... which is pretty short.

>> No.10786292
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>> No.10786357

Fontamara - Ignazio Silone

I'm reading it in English, but I'm wondering if it's worth trying the Italian. My Italian is shit so I don't know if it add anything to try.

>> No.10786364

Spirits are best, you don't wanna be that guy smoking Marlboro red 100s or camel crush lol

>> No.10786408

Quackery: A Brief History of the Worst Ways to Cure Everything
by Lyndia Kang, MD and Nate Pedersen

>> No.10786595
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>The idiot.
Hes a good character, rest are subpar

>> No.10786604

>faggot disgustingly huffing down a cancerstick is worth showing