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/lit/ - Literature

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10776351 No.10776351 [Reply] [Original]

How does /lit/ track their reading?

>> No.10776359

I have a clay bowl. Every time I turn a page I drop a stone in it.

>> No.10776368


>> No.10776407

Once I've finished reading a page I tear it out of the book and store it in a designated tuppleware box in the kitchen. The following morning while making my smoothie I put those pages in the blender with the fruit, vegetables and protein powder. I have read the pages and now, as I stand in the kitchen with the first rays of morning sunlight warming my naked body, I consume the literature. Another cycle of the /lit/erary life complete I can face the day with renewed vigour.

>> No.10776421


What program is that?

>> No.10776426

When I finish a book I know I've read as many pages as there were in that book

That's all the tracking a man needs

>> No.10776429

actually very useful i recommend this to all my reading friends helps to concentrate a lot

>> No.10776443
File: 25 KB, 559x329, blah blah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I finish reading a book I will change the red rectangle to green with the current year. Yellow if I haven't finished it whole but stopped reading intentiaonally.

I don't track pages or words read but I do track words written every day in a different excel file.

>> No.10776450

what program is being depicted in the screenshot?

>> No.10776463

>all this post-apocalyptic literature
>reading interpretations of Bible
>Why we're Ctholics
some pics are better not posted

>> No.10776487

I pick what books to read according to what I like, not by a warped sense of what I should like. You're free to dislike my selection.
I enjoy post-apocalyptic literature and I would like to understand current christianity more.

>> No.10776492

It is very sad that you enjoy reading superficial genre literature.

>> No.10776498

It is very sad that you're mom is gay lfmao.

>> No.10776504

no u

>> No.10776525

I don't because I actually enjoy reading not autistically tracking it on a Nicaraguan Seashell Raping Enthusiast Arroyo

>> No.10776697

What kind of pathetic tryhard tracks reading? That‘s like writing down how long you have sex.

>> No.10776714

>That‘s like writing down how long you have sex.
Shit, that cut deep.

>> No.10776719

That's not that weird


>> No.10776728

You could also compare it to tracking calories. It might show you if you‘re reaching your goal (read x pages a day, eat x calories a day, last c minutes), but have you ever met someone who‘s tracking their calories and also genuinely enyoing their food?

>> No.10776821
File: 315 KB, 2048x1536, 4L_l9fY8Z74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a custom Excel/Google sheets where I input a goal for the year (10,000 pages for 2018) and write down the books I read along with total pages read.

It auto calculates the pages I need to read per day and adjusts based on how much I've already read while auto counting down from 365.

Pic related is so far in 2018. Highlighted means I've completed the books.

I did this because I was embarrassed with how little I've been reading the past 5 years. I used to be a giant book nerd so I'm happy I'm back into it.

>> No.10776993
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It’s an iOS app which generates pretty infographics too. I just use it so I had a timer running, which seems to make me less likely to do other shit.


>> No.10776998

To be clear, the five stars is because my 3 is pegged at an average sci-fi book, so mediocre /lit/ books are a 5.

>> No.10777030
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you're supposed to enjoy reading books?

>> No.10777045

Your brain is lazy and selfcentered. It only enjoys what benefits him. If you don‘t enjoy what you‘re reading then your brain doesn‘t see any benefit in what you‘re reading and you should look for something else.

>> No.10777047

I like to think I enjoy reading books. I literally just track it so I there’s a timer running, which helps remind me to stay focused. I’ll often read a few pages without a timer, mostly before bed. So it’s not like I’m that autistic about it.

>> No.10777053
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Forgot pic

>> No.10777062

I‘ve been reading my whole life and if i ever had to „remind myself to stay focused“ i‘d throw that book away as far as possible. You should be thirsty for the next page and devastated when you reach the end of a book or else you‘re wasting your time. Even if there would be some gems hidden in the filth of a boring book, someone who writes a book that‘s a pain in the ass to read is’nt worth being heard.

>> No.10777064

>implying your brain is infallible

>> No.10777066

The fatty inside me enjoys the food, the autist inside me enjoys the numbers

>> No.10777070

Wouldn't this incentivize you to seek out editions with longer page counts? Sometimes that can be a difference of several hundred pages with long books

>> No.10777073

i'm reading the iliad right now and it's boring as fuck, but /lit/ told me to start with the greeks

>> No.10777075

What does the pervert inside you enjoy?

>> No.10777078
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I’m aware of that, and I read like a normal person for quite a while. It’s just that I got busy for a few months in the middle of last year, and fell out of the habit of reading. I tried to start reading again around September last year, and realised I’d managed to absolutely ruin my attention span. Pic related is about where I was when I started using the app. I think it’s helped me improve my capacity to focus, so I’m happy with that.

>> No.10777082
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It hasn’t done that to me. I’m literally reading the densest copy of Atlas Shrugged I’ve seen listed.

>> No.10777094

Do you always do what others tell you to do despite hating every minute of it? Would you spread your asshole and let lit stick their dick in, if they told you so? Does the perceived superiority you gain from reading „classical sophisticated fundamental books“ give you back the minutes you were bored out of your mind? Do you think you‘ll wish you‘ve read more boring books on your deathbed?

>> No.10777100

I mean I'm a classicsfag too anon but Jesus h Christ let the guy read what he wants, I highly doubt you're as erudite as you pretend to be on a Mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.10777103

Goodreads like any other normie

>> No.10777104

Infographics of book reading statistics

>> No.10777126

it's not that terrible, it has its moments. besides, i have to read it so i can read the odyssey so i can read Ulysses someday

>> No.10777130

>it‘s not that terrible

That‘s exactly what someone getting assraped would try to tell himself

>> No.10777156

I update my Goodreads 1-2 times a week. I don't need more autistic tracking than that.

>> No.10777184

XFD @ page-counting pleb faggots. Patricians are interested in ideas, not paper. Get a fucking life, appfags.

>> No.10777208

Is children of men worth reading? I mean, the movie was absolutely brilliant.
But, am I missing anything?

>> No.10777233


Not for me. I always do ample research on the best translation/version and use that page count from Amazon.

>> No.10777308

always cool to see a compatriot here

>> No.10777314


>> No.10778278

I've been meaning to start counting how many books/novels I go through because I'm quite curious in the numbers involved.
I started a goodreads account for that purpose, also to keep track about it with my normie friends and see what they're currently reading.
It adds an additional fun aspect to it as far as I'm concerned, although I get teased about it by my r9k friend posing as a normie it's all cool.

>> No.10778287

has nobody mentioned that yet?

>> No.10778315
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>the Illiad is boring

>> No.10778369
File: 127 KB, 499x607, 8XekbY2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodreads. I used to have an Excel sheet too but my computer broke and I lost it forever :( I miss making charts...

>> No.10778376

>let me call you a brainlet when i can't even spell the title properly

>> No.10778973

I have a small note book in wich I make anotations about what I find the most interesting in a book and when I finish the book I scribble the date
I'm more intrigued by the need of tracking each page you read every day, it's kinda of to obsesive

>> No.10778990

why do you find it boring?

>> No.10779010

did you read it? how did you not find most of it boring? it's mostly just straightforward descriptions of combat

>> No.10779045

>being unable to enjoy anything but fiction corrupted by modern interiority

>> No.10779061

you should switch the medium if this is all you have noticed.

>> No.10779088

The catalogues of one-time characters getting introduced to die is pretty boring but just because it feels inconsequential to read that stuff. Anything else pertaining to a main character or the gods from combat to conversation is A+ though. As far as I remember, it maybe only 1/3 of the book is filled with chapters of Poochie characters getting killed off, so it's not THAT egregious.

>> No.10779095

>feels inconsequential to read that stuff

Catalogues are really important in archaic greek poetry...
Cf. Gaertner, Jan Felix (2001). "The Homeric Catalogues and Their Function in Epic Narrative" for further references.

>> No.10779292

Same but instead of clay it's plastic and instead of dropping stones it's eating grapes. What can I say? I eat grapes while I read!

>> No.10779586

>all you have noticed
you should learn to read, i said that most of it is boring. it has some good poetic moments and i overall i like it, but you're a poseur pseud if you don't admit that most of it is a slog to read through

i'm sure for ancient greeks it was amazing to listen to, i bet they were stroking each other's dicks when homer described skulls being pierced with spears and how zeus called his sister a bitch and fucked her

>> No.10779787

At some point in your life you have to realize that things you don't like seem longer-lasting than they are, whereas things you do like seem as mere fleeting moments when they are not. Cf.: imagine a time when you were having fun for hours that felt like minutes, versus when you were not having fun for minutes but felt like hours.

The majority of the book is NOT catalogues of spears going through the necks of pawns. You can use this information to reconsider your methodology for doing things as such: pushing through the minor parts you don't like is rewarded by the larger parts that you do like, larger parts that otherwise would lack context and may come off as seemingly arbitrary had you not had the full background of narrative sequences that culminated in the part that you are enjoying. That is to say, you couldn't just extract the dialogues and pivotal combat encounters and pose them on their own in isolation of the background and still have them remain a wholly comprehensible narrative. There are parts you enjoy, yet what relevance would Hera seducing Zeus have if it wasn't established by the full narrative through all the preceding events? It would just be vacuous erotica unrelated to anything, thus without any specifically discernible merit besides autoerotic exercise.

Therefore I just urge you to continue reading. Some of the better parts comes in the last few books when it actually boils down to Patrocles cosplaying as Achilles, then later on Achilles vs Hector, Priam going to visit and make appeal to Achilles in the Achaean encampment, and a whole lot of other things. I'm with you that most of the combat is not personally engaging, but that constitutes only a small part of the work overall and is worth grappling through despite my/your apprehensions.

>> No.10779914

thanks for the thoughtful post but there's no need to persuade me, i'm at book 18 so at this point i'd finish reading even if i really hated it, which i don't. i agree that it was worth it getting through the parts that bored me; i'm too much of a brainlet to quickly list off things i enjoyed but there's quite a few and overall i like it