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10774157 No.10774157[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do nazi's and soyboy's love this pseud so much?

>> No.10774162

because they need to clean their rooms, and sky high divorce rates in the 80s and 90s left them in need of male guidance

>> No.10774166

nazis hate him with a rage I have seldom seen them direct towards anything ever. There is a constant torrent of enraged Nazis shitposting about how much they hate Peterson on pol at all times

>> No.10774177

Pol is retarded, people are retarded.

>> No.10774183

Because they think sjw's are whats holding the world back from being a utopia

>> No.10774193

lol i hate those retard's. hey poltards, i'm here to punch nazis and chew bubblegum, and i'm all out of gum! xDDDD

>> No.10774207

Because he can use apostrophes correctly.

>> No.10774216

>sky high divorce rates in the 80s and 90s left them in need of male guidance
You talk like a pseud and your shits all retarded.
>implying it's going to stop
We know what you're trying to do, even if you don't know it yourself.

>> No.10774227
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>> No.10774233

They’re both retarded

>> No.10774242

He's done a remarkable job making them feel like their worthless, cheeto-dust-covered lives not only matter, but have some epic purpose.

>fight the dragon
>face the monster
>become the hero


>> No.10774251

Because he slays dragons and teaches you how to one day slay them yourself.

>> No.10774621

this is the shit.
cleaning your room equals fighting the dragon of chaos and manifesting order on the edge of existence of the jing jang

>> No.10774638

good job op, literally the 2 groups that hate him more than anyone else

>> No.10774654
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Clearly you have never looked at his fanbase.

>> No.10774660

>im going to recite his insights as though that proves something
youre a faggot dude

>> No.10774666

I'm sorry for bullying all the petercucks and calling you cucks but you guys were really obnoxious, but I love JP for being the only one in the whole entire world to stand up against the left-liberal domination

I hope Žižek and Peterson will find understanding and commonground during their debate, perhaps even an alliance?

>> No.10774672

clearly you have never looked at his fanbase clearly

>> No.10774673

Is that one of his fans? Looks like a hipster, which is different from a soyboy.

The majority of his fans are normie college students from what I've seen. Nazis despise him because he's anti-collectivism and pro-individualism/classical liberalism. He's denounced the far right and alt-right multiple times. Soyboys hate him because he won't use tranny pronouns and he advocates typical gender roles and western values. He's also pro capitalism and he's constantly shit talking Marxism (the essential soyboy school of thought).

>> No.10774680
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Peterson is one of the only people that keeps me (a little) humble.

Even though I know it isn't the best way to go through life, I pretty much think everyone is considerably dumber than me or, at most, as smart. I have never met anyone that I believe to be smarter.

Peterson, along with a few other great thinkers, sets the bar incredibly high. It keeps me grounded. I'm sure all the genius mathematicians are slightly smarter too but I don't engage with their abilities so I don't care.

>> No.10774694
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Oh Jesus is this a new copypasta? I like it

>> No.10774703
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>> No.10774705


I like that we are doing this.

>> No.10774708

This except for me it's Stefan Molyneux and Milo Yiannopoulos

>> No.10774710

I try to re-frame my annoyance for just how grating and insufferable teenage Peterson fans are by reminding myself that all teenagers are like this.

>> No.10774711


>> No.10774712

this board is so gay and passive aggressive you can tell /leftypol/ and left twitter are from here

>> No.10774714

despite all your rage, your father's still trapped in a cage

>> No.10774720
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Fuck, I think I just got rused.

>> No.10774721

my thoughts as well>>10774703

you can smell the fat and unfunny humor

>> No.10774731

Lack of father figures.

>> No.10774735

>accusing others of being passive aggressive while being a passive aggressive whiny bitch

>> No.10774740
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>> No.10774741

that’s an aggressive statement of aggravation, you aggravate me with your mosquito bite rhetoric you little twerp. the faggot was being a faggot now i have to see his faggotry multiple times because pseudo intellectual dunning kreuger collitch students think its fucking funny FUCK YOU nigger

>> No.10774743

Surrogate father. It's like how the /v/jects like let's players because it makes them feel like they have friends or how the lumpen/pol/ like their alt-right loser buddies because they feel like they're a part of something.

>> No.10774751

such a poor analysis. and you call yourself a marxist. no wonder leftist thinking has deteriorated so

>> No.10774759


How is it a poor analysis? That is what it is.

I think people should have orderly rooms, though. Nothing bad about keeping clean and organised.

>> No.10774770

Peterstein is bad. He basically milks disaffected young frogmen for money. Plus, he deflects on the Jewish question and has a Jewish wife.

>> No.10774773

Because it's a stupid question to ask

>> No.10774774

you could be talking about the degradation of being to having to watching or perhaps try some psychoanalysis yet you just make some pedestrian observation that doesn't even describe the true situation

like a true fag

>> No.10774783

Falseflag bait thread but seriously, why are leftists so astonishingly anally devastated by this guy? All he's advocating is basic common sense to give a reason to young men to not hate their lives and accept responsibility. Is it because of identity politics?

>> No.10774797

I don't like him because he's stupid,also he just regurgitates others philosophy

>> No.10774816

>I don't like him because he's stupid,
You're projecting, anon. I don't like Chomsky, but I know he isn't stupid.

>> No.10774833

he sucks at philosophy but he's a beast at gender relations

>> No.10774847
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>nazi's and soyboy's

>> No.10774855

he's from the Rainbow Club ofc he can't write

>> No.10774894

Well until he learn how to use Wikipedia and reads what postmodernism is then I'll just ignore him