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/lit/ - Literature

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10762241 No.10762241 [Reply] [Original]

how do I read philosophy when I don't seem to have my own viewpoint
often I can understand an argument and follow a chain of reasoning but it's as if I never really agree or disagree with anything
I don't have a critical response, so at times it just feels useless to read something if I have nothing to take away from it

how do I get my mind and ideas back?
I don't believe an original thought or opinion has crossed my mind in at least three years

what do I do in this situation?

>> No.10762244

wtf.. a bodhisattva...

>> No.10762248

You have to take it with both a grain of salt and an open mind

>> No.10762351

Honestly this sounds almost ideal for reading and understanding philosophy. You're never clouded by your own biases then. It's not an unusual state to find yourself in the more and more you read. Why is it such a troubling state to be in?

>> No.10762376

because where do philosophical works emerge if not from the rigorous development and of one's own ideas or response to philosophical questions?
without a viewpoint where would new questions emerge?
but you have a point, the lack of bias would be a benefit but how do I know if this feeling of being impartial isn't just an illusion?

>> No.10762472

You could try to follow after Hegel and find the common points between seemingly disparate philosophies and see how they might be able to coexist. He says that thought progresses that way and I often see it.

That's a good way to think creatively about it. If you're interested in adding to/engaging with philosophy, at least.

>> No.10762904

I was just thinking i hadn't seen her in a while. Did /r9k/ move on?

>> No.10762913

nahh they just stalked her off the internet

>> No.10762929

that's a shame, she was quite a qt

>> No.10762941
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You develop that through reading you dumb orbiter.

>> No.10762946
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no she did
dont link her to /r9k/ pls thats my angel

>> No.10762968
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More donations to my patreon, pls goy

>> No.10762972

goddamn that is one adorable dog

>> No.10762974
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You should be reading a number of different authors within one topic, understand their arguments fundamentally, then analyze them and come to your own conclusions.

if you're reading philosophy arbitrarily, you're not going to come up with any worthwhile ideas because the information won't be cohesive nor complete and you'll be missing canonical texts that provide a solid foundation for whatever thoughts you may have. Sure, you may come up with an original idea on your own, but it's likely to be shit unless you're some sort of genius.

Also read the texts more than once for true understanding.

>> No.10763888
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>> No.10763948

d-did anyone save the videos

>> No.10764196
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Thank god for alcoholic moms churning out such ailing cocottes

>> No.10764202

Read peter singer, he is a Retard so you should be able to form an opinion and argue against his points

>> No.10764207

i feel the same way about neechee

>> No.10764619


That might backfire heavily and effectively turn OP into full blown retard himself. He should just read self help shit that teaches him to counter himself. This is more than enough to do once he absorbs other people's ideas.

>> No.10765701

Oh shit, I just saw a video of her's the other day talking about her voice and now I can't remember what her channel was called.

>> No.10765721

you retarded faggots how do you always do this
that was the only asmr that ever worked for me goddamnit
gone forever
like tears in the rain

>> No.10765748

What thoughts are my own? Am I not just a culmination of civilization. Nothing I say or think is really original. How do I differentiate between the ideology implanted in me and who me really is? Are those different people? Is the only part of me that’s me my real world experiences, and if so, that’s such a small realm of existence that none of it has really mattered or been interesting. Is action the only originality in the world? Am I not simply reiterating what someone else taught me to do physically? How can I differentiate the singular action of one event and not just find it a bastardazation of something I was taught before?

Even these arguments and questions aren’t unique.

>> No.10765754


>> No.10765755

>argue against neechee
>in an entry level thread
lol my nigga stick to 12 rules for life, you have a lot more to learn

>> No.10765763
File: 46 KB, 437x501, ivefuggedthingsyoupeoplewouldntbeliev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10766163

mab to / iBk9d77AM
Ya'll faggots better upload more if you have any.