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/lit/ - Literature

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10761968 No.10761968 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/erary confessions thread. Confess your sins, filthy plebs.

>> No.10761972

I've attempted Infinite Jest four times and I struggle to get past the first ten pages. Feels like such a slog and this is coming from someone who enjoyed GR.

>> No.10761979

I have a collection of short stories I wrote about my cuckold fantasy that I masturbate to.

>> No.10762008

anything worth publishing or fanfic-tier? I'm sure De Sade and Georges Bataille got their rocks off their own writings too

>> No.10762016

I dunno but I'm worried that they'd be tracked to me by some autist.

>> No.10762023

i want to make tender love to sucy, then throatfuck her mercilessly.

>> No.10762036

I've never read a book

>> No.10762107

I'm poor so I'm not intelligent

>> No.10762113

I rarely finish books I get as gifts, but I pretend I did.

>> No.10762120

I've used surface-level knowledge of a particular book in order to appear as if I've read it on more than one occasion.
>why would I bother to read Kafka when the wikipedia summary is right there
>I've watched Equilibrium, fuck Fahrenheit 451

>> No.10762331

I started with the greeks

>> No.10762342
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Everytime I read a book I write an essay on it in hopes that I might make a YouTube channel where I can teach people literature and philosophy on a neutral standpoint while making the funny hahas. I have not made a single video yet.

>> No.10762345

I often read for fun

>> No.10762364 [DELETED] 
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>I don't like pineapple on my book
>I don't wait 15 minutes after reading before swimming
>when I use the book to clean my ears you better believe I am stuffing it in the ear canal
>the best book I've ever had was spiteful
>I don't believe in book but I still ask it for mercy

>> No.10762377

i did not

>> No.10762381

>have only read 3 Shakespeare plays
>havent read a full work of any philosopher ever

>> No.10762389

Who here only pretends to have read 1984?

>> No.10762396

I couldn't finish Catch-22. It was such a grind just to make it the 100 pages I did manage.

>> No.10762398

me too

>> No.10762402

I avoid books by female writers although I freely admit they are equal if not better than men.

>> No.10762403

is that one of the girls from this is england

>> No.10762414 [DELETED] 

only know her from the movie "Green Room"

>> No.10762425

Imogen poots, that pic is from Green Room

>> No.10762445

me too, I do not understand what the fuss is all about...
My strong conviction is that there are no more than a dozen books of fiction which are worth their time... Also I find the plots of the Iliad, the Odyssey, and ALL of the greek plays to be rather primitive...

>> No.10762447


>> No.10762486

After years of fairly consistent reading and a great interest of philosophy I’ve now pretty much lost all faith in it as a method for understanding my own life. Instead I’m slowly learning to stop asking broad metaphysical or existential questions and instead just trying to live as well and as simply as possible. I find pithy aphorisms more enlightening now than more serious philosophical works that I’ve read in the past and I’m more inspired by a stranger’s tiny, but genuine, act of kindness than a a great work of literature that I’ve read like Faust or something.

Not really confessions, I know. Just a bit of disillusionment.

>> No.10762498
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I exclusively read on e readers

>> No.10762529

Have you published them on porn sites?

>> No.10762533

You should do it anon! I believe in you :) <3!!

>> No.10762543

you monster

>> No.10762597

Make the videos for yourself, as a creative outlet, as an external goal and something to feel proud of upon completing. Don't worry if people watch them or not

>> No.10763014

The problem is I don’t know shit about making videos. Don’t know how to edit at all

>> No.10763042


Learn as you go alone, nobody starts out as an expert.

>> No.10763741
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I want poots to jump up and down on my chest with a pair of steel toecapped boots and kick me in my manhood repeatedly while laughing, spitting in my face and calling me a worthless excuse of a man, telling me I don't deserve to have a working cock and balls and I'm an insult to the human race.
Then I would like for her to smoke an entire pack of cigs and make me choke on her heavenly second hand smoke while she occasionally flicks her ashes into either my mouth, eyes or down my urethra. Whenever I flinch or try to move to avoid the ashes she'll kick me again and tell me if I don't stay still she'll break one of my fingers, once she finishes each cigarette she shoves the still smoking butts down my urethra and once she can't fit anymore in my tiny peehole she tells me to open wide and swallow them.
When the tears are running down my face she'll tell me I should have never been born and kiss my cheek before jumping up and crushing my nose with the bottom of her boot, she'll continue to jump on my head till I'm dead.
Absolutely sublime.

>> No.10763789

I enjoy reading but forget most of it. Very little "sticks" in my mind.

>> No.10763794

Funny thing about youtube is that there is billions of hours of video on it where people show you how to edit videos.

>> No.10763827

you might be into sarah kane

>> No.10764060

I hated Faulkern's As I Lay Dying. They should have buried the body where she died, not tried crossing a river where a bridge was out, risking lives and killing horses. I thought they were all morons and think the story would have been improved if all but the semi smart son had drowned.

>> No.10764120

I'm the guy who dog-ears all your library books.

>> No.10764494

I hate philosophy books

>> No.10764774

become an ironic unironic audiobook guy
and we'll laff (at the book, not at you)

>> No.10764794


>> No.10764804
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I was going to go for the trurationalathiest vibe, but actually be informative and less opinionated
> I'll make controversial jokes, like only addressing Jim in my analysis of huckleberry fin as nigger Jim, changing every pronoun I can to it

>> No.10764852

I don't know exactly when but it was around 150-200 pages in when I got sucked in. It'll set in if you give it time. One of the few books I got legitimately obsessed with

>> No.10764867


>> No.10764944

i spend more time lurking and shitposting on /lit/ than reading

>> No.10764949

Please do this, even if you feel that you don't have the talent for it, just do it anyways and someone will like it. I have legit been looking for someone like this for a long time because it just seems like such an untapped market. I would do it myself if I had the time/energy.

>> No.10764958

It is so easy, you might as well stop fibbing and just get around to it.

>> No.10765749

Thank you very much.

>> No.10765767

I chain smoke when I read. All my books smell faintly like cigs

>> No.10765770

also, I determine whether I'm gonna read a book by first smelling it's pages

>> No.10765786

What smells are you sniffing for, my man?

>> No.10765974

fuck if I know, just smelling for "character" I guess. If it smells like paper, I like it. If it smells like chemicals or otherwise gross I don't like it.

>> No.10765984

>never read faulkner
>never read any Russian other than Notes from the Underground
>never read Melville
>never read The Greeks outside of Homer
and in general there's so much on my bookshelf that I haven't even opened

>> No.10766047

Since about 2012 I've picked up the habit of stealing 1 or 2 books from houses I visit for the first time.

>> No.10766052

extremely niggerish behavior, stealing from stores and schools, doctors offices is fine; stealing from people you know is despicable nigger subhuman behavior someone should fucking knock you out if you ever get caught you disgusting parasite. giving thieves a bad name, i spit on your whole genetic lineage and your soul faggot

>> No.10766069

>standing on a pedestal of morality while being shamelessly racist

>> No.10766090

I keep reading trash Warhammer books instead of actually good literature. The hours I have spent reading about junk that is below shit like GRRM could have been better spent reading history or philosophy or good literature. I have been doing this for about a year whilst my books on my bookshelf get dusty (been reading the Warhammer stuff on torrentee epubs).

It's complete garbage. Even their best writer (Dan Abnett, supposedly) is complete trash. I can't stop, though. I'll say this now and start reading quality again but in a week or two I will return to shit. Help.

>> No.10766111
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Since I have a disposition towards psychological and philosophical knowledge, I feel obliged to read the actual source material for the foundations of those trains of thought. Unfortunately, my attention span struggles to keep concentrated on such texts because the syntax is complex, and dense with abstraction. It seems that my ability to focus has atrophied from so many masturbatory activities.

I bought a volume that contains all of Plato's essential dialogues. I wound up crawling through the first small fraction of the book and abandoning it because my attention is diverted away from processing all of the complex ideas so easily. I haven't attempted to pick it back up in a long while.

I have, however, managed to finish some Freud and some Jung recently. I'm trying to sharpen my willpower to keep consistent with my activities and my focus on them, which I manage to work simultaneously when I read and write. I was never a good student. These symptoms I described are only one of the many heads of my laziness.

>> No.10766420

I buy several books every month. I can't stop. But I haven't read most of what I have collected so far.

>> No.10766422

I didn't like Heart of Darkness until the last 10-15 pages.

>> No.10766452

>I've watched Equilibrium, fuck Fahrenheit 451
This was probably a good call

>> No.10766455

I've been stuck on a chapter of Journey to the End of the Night for weeks. I really like it but my motivation is dead right now

>> No.10766458

death on the installment plan sucked, it's sort of funny but gets old, journey is probably the same

>> No.10766466

Journey changes setting enough to keep it interesting and I like the humor in it, It just doesn't keep me immersed like other books.

>> No.10766477

I keep dream journals that are progressively becoming more perverted; rape, bondage, bloodletting, tentacles, etc. I've continued writing them for the sole purpose of going back in time, sending them to Freud, then watching him have a brain aneurysm

>> No.10766538

>I am the pinnacle of morality
>Theft is fine as long as you don't steal from your house
>Also I'm a homophobic, racist brainlet.


>> No.10766581

I agree

>> No.10766624
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Giacomo G.?

>> No.10766633

mincing castrati whores

>> No.10766637

>they were all morons
that's the point

>> No.10766746

Do it, I need more video essay channels to subscribe to but most of them focus on film or paintings.

>> No.10766749

I think you posted in one of these threads before mentioning only a dozen books of fiction are worth their time.

Please anon, which dozen books are worthy? Genuinely interested, we'll probably disagree but that's cool either way

>> No.10766750

I would also do that but I speak like an angry, retarded and caffeinated tradie

>> No.10766756

hey thanks dude now i know good parts to stop at

t. another dog-earing anon

>> No.10766759


Please look after yourself more, you don't have to smoke and it can get expensive too

>> No.10766783

It's never too late, dude.

I have a bunch of books I haven't read yet (russians, americans, greeks, ancients, po-mo, sci-fi, japanese, philosophy, etc), but as long as you're making some form of progress you'll get there eventually.

The tough situation is that there are so many great books that we sort of want to take a bundle from different regions but then we're spoilt for choice. I struggle to find the next book I want to read because of this.

>> No.10766784

As a black anon, I can say that I don't steal nor do I have "extremely niggerish behavior," you cretin.

>> No.10766793

No need to be insecure blackfella, stealing and home invasions certainly seem to be african pastimes

>> No.10766840

thats ok, it's not for everyone m8

the beats are shit

>> No.10766867

My parents must own close to 1500-2000 books and my aunt has about 500 or so.
I'm waiting for them 3 to die to inherit all that shit and prune the fuck out of the collection (the Gore Vidals, Agatha Christie's, Susan Sontag's or Doris Lessing's -I always mix them up).

>> No.10766870

David Mitchell (Cloud Atlas) and Marlon James (A Brief History of Seven Killings) are two of the best contemporary writers out there and will go down as classic writers if they keep their writing standards high.

>> No.10766901

I'd legitimately like to see your channel, as someone who uploads recordings I do of books on YouTube myself.

Even if you don't do anything with them, I think writing essays like that is very good for the brain. Nothing to confess here, my son.

>> No.10766903

I've read probably less than a fourth of the books I own.

And rather than reading them, I keep renting new ones from the library instead (mostly fear of missing context, i.e. the Greeks)

Also I haven't read anything in the past three days because I'm too busy with work.

>> No.10766932
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>> No.10767063

same, usually keep buying books that I want to read but rarely have time to finish books longer than 300 pages

>> No.10767118

George Orwell's Down and Out in Paris and London would work really well as a tongue-in-cheek animated film similar to Persepolis, similar to when Marjane is couch hopping and sleeping in the streets.

>> No.10767162
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i love BDSM


>> No.10767169

I've got a Sucy body pillow.

>> No.10767199

Sucy is my waifu, where can I find a Sucy body pillow

>> No.10767230
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All I want is a qt who wants to share quiet reading time with me.

>> No.10767300
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> tfw no qt doggo to play fetch with

>> No.10767364

>Homer: Iliad, Odyssey
>The New Testament
Highly recommended
>Luo Guanzhong: Romance of the Three Kingdoms
>William Shakespeare: Hamlet
>Miguel de Cervantes: Don Quixote
Personal favourite
>Leo Tolstoy: Anna Karenina

>> No.10767399

a dozen is 12

Nice choices though. Gonna read Anna Karenina some time this year.

>> No.10767459

Do it pls

>> No.10767728

In the hope that it will make my writing better, I think as if I was writing a novel
Ex: the sun beamed down on me, disgustingly florescent. It was as if I was being interrogated by the planet, forcing me to confess to sin I have not committed
This is what I thought on the train

>> No.10767869

Something something but it made you

>> No.10768040

Dostoevsky is boring turgid banal shit.

I am hesitating to start moby dick because Bartleby was New Yorker magazine tier soy nonsense.

All those lolsorandumb postmodern authors have nothing to say. Including Pynchon and DFW

>> No.10768112

I own a collection of 100+ books in german and don't even know how to read german. Out of the other books I own, I've read less than half and I prefer reading shit I borrow from the library.

>> No.10768450

Moby Dick is alright. I'm making decent headway through it t the moment. There's a shitload about whaling in the middle, but there's also a lot of subtext there to keep you interested. The problem is that I suck at picking up on subtext.

I do this too, only
>Sun beamed down on me
>Interrogated by the planet
The sun is not part of the planet, Anon.

>> No.10768477

Fine then universe, rather have been called an autist then have my mental writings critiqued

>> No.10768498

I hate reading and I hope never to finish another book in my life

books are for losers, unironically

>> No.10768573

Then why?

>> No.10768594

They kind of are, I still like them though.

>> No.10768787

You sick fuck

>> No.10769345

I agree, but it has nothing to do with being black.

>> No.10769378

I once took a Tom Clancy book from my sisters house, carried it half way home then threw it in the river and pelted it with rocks. She still hasnt realised to this day

>> No.10769488

I've never watched anime

>> No.10769534

I do this too. I think they are boring.

>> No.10769563

me too, but not really for any reason, it's just that all the books that interest me tend to be philosophy or /lit/-core fiction, which are all male writers. I'm sure I would like some female writers (I'm probably a bigger Murakami fan than most of /lit/) but I just never end up with their books in my hands.

>> No.10769606

Me three

>> No.10770002

i like collect clasical children's book

>> No.10771602

green room was pretty good

>> No.10771605
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i also am fond of good dogs

>> No.10771607

> Dostoevsky
> boring

I don't think you've read any Dostoevsky.

>> No.10771609

Wuthering Heights is pretty fucking stellar, you might dig it if you're into underlying tension, malicious motives and passive-aggressive manipulation. That's a darker book than I could've ever expected and I sort of think that it being written by a woman allows itself to mislead some readers expecting romance but getting the subtlest of destruction.

>> No.10771670

just transpose everything ...in space!

>> No.10771680

I can't read anything if it doesn't arouse me sexually

>> No.10771700

have you read yukio mishima's the sailor who fell from grace with the sea

>> No.10771704

I have somehow managed to convince myself that a trashy Japanese light novel series is actually well written. I have accepted that I'm either right or have the most horrendously awful taste imaginable.

>> No.10771743

I'm a virgin and am becoming increasingly insecure and bitter about it

>> No.10771765

Welcome to the NHK is the only acceptable light novel

>> No.10771774

only at the age of 22 did i find out what a noun is dont know what all the others mean

>> No.10771832

I don't like Joyce at all. I've given him an attempt a few times and I always get to a point where I feel like it's just some dude whacking off to how clever he is and making up a whole bunch of bullshit words.

>> No.10771853

become the fantano of /lit/ anon

>> No.10771890

I've been learning this godforsaken language for 10 years now, and I can't name most of the grammatical components like past tense or present perfect.

>> No.10771901

>starting with Ulysses/Finnegan

Always start with Dubliners

>> No.10771922

It's alright, I've met people in their 50s who can't tell the difference between an adverb and a pronoun. It happens, you foget a lot of the school-years education as you get older and focus on your career. No harm in reminding yourself of the fundamentals of education. Maths is a big one for me, I was always terrible with numbers and anything outside of addition and subtraction my mind turns to mud.

>> No.10771925

Did you read Dubliners? Always start with Dubliners, then maybe Portrait but if that's too much, try the Greeks - philosophy and myth, the Sumerians, the Bible, Dante, and then Joyce doesn't feel so frustrating.

>> No.10771965

tell me the painting channels and I'll eat your pussy

>> No.10771974

Nerdwriter has video essays on paintings that explores perspective, context, subtext in the image, etc

>> No.10771976

I have actually done those. It's Joyce in particular. Adored Dante, and I did actually read a ton of Sumerian mythology for pleasure. It's just Joyce. Something about his writing just fucks me off.

>> No.10771986

I dropped the lord of the rings at page 900 out of 1200
Also this

>> No.10771996

Haha, suck it, nerd. My girlfriend just gave me a blowjob and now im reading Deleuze.

>> No.10772002

I only read an average of 9-13 books a year and have yet to finish one in 2018.

>> No.10772010

Sex dolls don't count

>> No.10772019

Half true half lie

>> No.10772027

fair enough, anon, no worries

>> No.10772034

You'll burn in hell for your sins

>> No.10772045

It actually upsets me when I make or see a thread trying to discuss a specific book where nobody replies. I know I should be immune to it by now but it do.

Also, it's taken me six months to read The Wind-up Bird Chronicle and Love in the Time of Cholera. Neither are difficult books.

>> No.10772057

I feel similarly. A lot of the times it's books by popular writers but the book itself isn't as popular as their more famous works so I tend to only get one or two replies by people who have read it.

>> No.10772095


Yep. Also this board moves much faster now so any topic about a niche book will get archived much quicker than it did a few years back.

>> No.10772100

You usually have much more luck if you mention the lesser known works in a thread about a writer's major work e. g. ask about Twelfth Night in a Hamlet thread. Works for me sometimes.

>> No.10772107


>> No.10772108

Yeah, I do that sometimes and you can get some good discussion going that way

>> No.10772115

I will go buying some books tomorrow.

>> No.10772219

cool, any in particular you have in mind?

>> No.10772235

A Brief History of Seven Killings is genuinely one of my favourite books and it's likely to be seen as a classic in 50 years time. Not just saying that because I want to read more black authors either.

>> No.10772240

britbong here: this snow got my toes feelin all cold ;_;

>> No.10772397

>suck it
Nah, thats your painfully average gf's job

>> No.10772491


>> No.10772558


>> No.10772663

The reason Greek plots are primitive is because they basically invented the storytelling mechanisms and tropes that get widely used today. They were hot shit to the ancient Greeks, or at least enough for someone to memorize/write down.

>> No.10772811

i can't believe you have to explain this

>> No.10774203

Heraclitus felt the same

>> No.10774238

How so?

>> No.10774254

This is me

A few days ago i watched this man repeatedly slash his chest with an industrial straight razor (over years and years of scar tissue) all the while maniacally laughing in the dream

I sometimes miss cutting myself

>> No.10774260


>> No.10774346

Embracing pithy aphorism

the rejection of serious philosophical engagement as well- in Heraclitus’ day he notably rejected many famous cultural icons such as Hesiod and Xenophanes, in preference to simple authentic wisdom garnered from everyday experience. To Heraclitus these cultural giants merely consumed and parroted data without interpreting and creating for themselves

Also disillusionment. Heraclitus feels beside humanity, not in it. In a way he is happy for this- most people are quite stupid and superficial

>> No.10774354


>> No.10774359

Never thought about him in that way desu. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.10774581

Beast from the east can go away now

>> No.10774589

How did you get a cuckold fetish?

>> No.10774671

I like women

>> No.10774693

I don't like novels.
I did this to a serious rape scene I wrote in a story.

>> No.10775527

I'm not into cuckolding, and I've never written anything creative in my life, but I often masturbate to short stories from niche fetish-themed websites.

>> No.10775698

I like to think I don't have to read Brave New World or 1984 because I've already read Farenhieght 451, but I know I have to read them because it's not the same.

>> No.10775987

I mainly read japanese light novels.
Not just in japanese. I also read shitty fan translations, alright fan translations, and alright official translations.
And more than that, I mainly read the lowest denomination possible - erotic harem isekai.
That's not to say I don't read proper literature, but I've grown lazy (and/or ADD) as fuck, and have gotten to the point of only reading real literature with the audiobook in the background - and even then I lose focus from time to time.
Was reading and listening to Dune earlier today, but right now I switched to Atelier Tanaka.

>> No.10776162

Same here. I tried twice - just dreadful. I like me some humorous fiction, but Catch-22 is not it. Just a lot of rambling attempting to be clever.

>> No.10776187

The ONLY excuse I can see for a person like you is that you read a book per day or three or more books simultaneously. Otherwise there is not saving you.

Sorry not sorry.

>> No.10776212

I forget a lot of what I've read, so I arbitrarily decided GR is my favorite novel even though I can't really remember too many of its events, let alone any quotes of nice prose. But I've been able to speak at length about how much I like the novel, to a point where I guess I half-impressed a qt (or maybe she was just pretending to care, and I was too autistic to notice; regardless, I didn't get to hold her hand or anything). Vineland is actually probably my favorite novel.

Also, in the past year, I've mostly read light novels and manga, physical copies of English translations, rather than anything of aesthetic merit. Pretty sure the only novels I read last year were John Barth's first two, as well as two DFW short story collections, all in January, then The Castle in like May.

>> No.10776222

What do you prefer instead of books?

>> No.10776223

I am opposed to a great focus on Narrative in fiction that I've decided only myths and fairy tales have actually good plots, concise in their details and simple in their message, and everything else that tries to "tell a story" is probably automatically shit. That said, I can thus enjoy such things as Sword Art Online and Overlord LNs because I know they rely primarily on their shit plots so I can just enjoy them for the nonsense they are.

>> No.10776230

I cool ma-
>not sorry

>> No.10776233

I was hoping it was David Mitchell the comedian : (

>> No.10776240

I minored in Philosophy, but I can never read a philosophical text without feeling immediately sleepy. I think, for example, it took me about 3 minutes to read a single page of Beyond Good & Evil, and I could only really read in half-hour chunks (thus, 10 pages a sitting) before I got too tired to want to continue.

>> No.10776247

I'm going to try it

>> No.10776248

Do it anon, you don't have to upload them at all. Just see for yourself.

>> No.10776259

Pretty sure that's a real novel, as "anime" as it may be. Still kinda on the level of a Murakami book, at least.

I'd say the Monogatari novels are pretty good, mostly because they don't have illustrations in the middle of the text. The main issue is they are too episodic to count as real literature. Or, what I mean is no series of novels can be actual literature, and this certainly cannot work with a series that divides its books further into smaller episodes (e.g. Suruga Monkey being an episode within the second novel of Bakemonogatari, a part of the overall Monogatari Series First Season, a part of the overall Monogatari Series)

>> No.10776267

I have really hard time not finishing a book even if i already figured out that I hate it and it is a waste of my time.

>> No.10776291

I would say that the fact that all the divisions follow and are influenced by each other, and the fact that themes are established and followed up on mitigates that to an extent.

>> No.10776437

Sure, but it seems somewhat hackneyed, when one can imagine the true authorial intent is to really just write a 5000-page story, which would obviously defy the constraints of print books. I can enjoy Lord of the Rings, for example, because it is actually one novel split into three books for reasons of convenience w/r/t book binding. I cannot enjoy ASOIAF because it is too heavily centered around its story, and the ending of A Game of Thrones does not firmly establish the novel as its own individual piece, but rather sets up too much shit to happen in further books. Therefore, it is expected I spend $50 more to read the rest of GRRM's long-winded story. Now stretch this out to the 23+ Monogatari LNs, or the 40 or so Magical Index LNs, and it gets far more ridiculous.

Gravity's Rainbow is a long novel, and it features a number of subplots, but it ends with a page count shorter than most individual volumes of ASOIAF. We do not need a definite Gravity's Rainbow II to continue the narrative, and even if there was a sequel, we can trust Pynchon to create a unique novel, presumably with a unique title (as usually are not numerical sequels). Hell, even Bret Easton Ellis does a decent job at making Imperial Bedrooms have a unique voice compared to its prequel, and the same is especially true for Glamorama w/r/t Rules of Attraction.

To change medium for a second, Star Wars (1977) is a nice film, telling a concise story with a near-definite end (we do not see Vader die, but it can be assumed the Rebels have won their little war). Empire Strikes Back is shit wholly because its entire premise relies not just on being a sequel to Star Wars, but also that it exists equally to set up Return of the Jedi. ESB may be technically the better film, but it probably cannot truly be enjoyed separately from SW and RotJ, and thus suffers in the eyes of the true aesthete. Okay, I'm exaggerating a bit, but the point is the whole idea of a sequel is more for marketability than for individualized aesthetic value

Also, take all of the above with a grain of salt. I've read and enjoyed Yen Press's questionable translations of the No Game No Life novels, and Shiro is my waifu, so I can't really shit on light novels too hard. Hell, I read SAO vol. 1 "ironically" and had quite a bit of fun.

>> No.10776709

I'm so easily influenced by things I read.

I'm reading A Brief History of Seven Killings at the moment and the Jamaican setting/Bob Marley focus makes me really want to listen to reggae and dance hall.

Reading Cormac McCarthy I have to listen to dry western sounding stuff like late-Swans and Earth.

When I read James Joyce I need riverdance music

>> No.10776713

read them sometime dude, they're pretty good

>> No.10776722
File: 104 KB, 224x266, smug mike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything longer than 400 pages and it sits eternally in my reading backlog. Nobody got time for that.

>> No.10776727

t b h i thought he was the same guy too but alas no. both are pretty good though.

>> No.10777048

> wants to be edgy booktuber-core

Actually maybe don't do a Youtube channel then, you'll just embarrass yourself

>> No.10778739

I can't stand Tolstoy. Very boring and his philosophy, which he shoves down his reader's throat in every other book, is stupid.

I can't stand descriptions of nature, people's appearances and exterior action.

I got obsessed about writing a novel (or a short story or basically anything) to the point where I think about everything I do, feel and think in terms of how it would come across in a novel and it ruins my life.

>> No.10778770

I always skip the introduction of every book i read.

>> No.10778911

Who's your favourite writer?

>> No.10779142

Thomas Bernhard and William Faulkner when he uses a first person narrator.

>> No.10779151

>I can't stand descriptions of nature, people's appearances and exterior action.
this is autism tbqh

>> No.10779161

I haven't read a book in ages and I can't even remember 4 of the last 5 books I've read

>> No.10779205

What's wrong with e-readers? I don't own one but it seems like less work.

>> No.10779396

I don't like a lot of Western European philosophy and will avoid it whenever possible

Non fiction is superior to fiction

Nothing wrong with reading memoirs

I don't like Anglo literature in the 17-18th centuries

I cannot stand Gogol and regretting reading him

>> No.10779693

Those anons probably just prefer the experience of a real book with real pages to turn.

In my opinion e-readers with specialized displays are great, but reading on a phone or tablet or other "normal computer screen" device is a much worse experience.

>> No.10781289


>> No.10781294

Those posters are pseuds

>> No.10781308

>being racist is bad

Fuck off cunt

>> No.10781326

A redditor in this thread seems triggered by the word nigger. Nigger.

>> No.10782066
File: 24 KB, 493x166, nah fam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, anon, people just calling out a faggot when they see one. it's not even the use of the word "nigger" (wow so edgy), it's the hypocritical thought of trying to summarise a whole race of people yet he still tries to justify it when whitey steals.

>> No.10782117

> I can't stand descriptions of nature, people's appearances and exterior action

I suppose you don't like Yukio Mishima.

>> No.10782149

I once read a light novel (Spice & Wolf).

>> No.10782155
File: 13 KB, 256x256, sucy 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> those "fuck me" eyes

>> No.10782190

Fucking love aunt Agatha.

Huh, guess that is my confession then,

>> No.10782201


>> No.10782202

Magic Mountain bored me to tears.

>> No.10782210

I'll give you a pass because it's S&W.

>> No.10782223

Oh fuck, I have the same issue! Autistic you say?

>> No.10782226

Being rude is also bad.

>> No.10782445
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> When I read James Joyce I need riverdance music

>> No.10782493

It is a pretty dull book desu