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/lit/ - Literature

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10759306 No.10759306 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss this gem

>> No.10759314

apparently she's scheduled to go on the daily shoah next month

>> No.10759319

praise lord Kek, white brothers- Deus vult!

>> No.10759320

Fuck so it's terrible?

>> No.10759328

ouch! just lost a tooth to my jerking knee after reading this, thanks a lot, asshole.

>> No.10759351

>non-male author
>click-bait title

do not want

>> No.10759352


>> No.10759365

Only somebody who has posted here for a while (for fun and not research) but actually is capable of leading a normal life could write the book she tried to write.

>> No.10759376 [DELETED] 

wow stop yelling, I haven't seen it posted in a while
it's in my queue

>> No.10759387

Kek if that ever happened, she's very far left
chapo trap house tier

>> No.10759395

She tries to lay out the authentic internet experience but she's too much of an outsider to do it. The only way a book like this could be accurate is if it is written in a Gonzo-style.

Also friendly reminder to sage.

>> No.10759397

but that's exactly the kind of person who would hate to write the book she tried to write
is this the elusive unwritable book?

>> No.10759410


>> No.10759426

315 reolies
I tried to start a D.H. Lawrence thread a while ago and got 12 replies, 2 of which were mine. This commie potato bimbo gets 315 replies. I hate this place.

>> No.10759434

>chapo mossad trust fund house is very far left

>> No.10759448
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were da real sentrists!

>> No.10759450

>A bunch of sneering, ironic, middle class brooklyn lefties are far left

Ok mate.

>> No.10759455

I was under the impression that far lefties weren't hip on the JQ

>> No.10759477
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>> No.10759478

Most leftists are anti-zionists because "muh poor palestinians living in an apartheid state"

>> No.10759520 [DELETED] 
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>from nine days ago in the archive
jeez I am honestly interested in hearing how frequently Dostoy threads are started here. Must be like every second for all of your sense of time

>> No.10759545

>Dostoevsky's entire bibliography and influence
>vs a 125 page meme book

>> No.10759566 [DELETED] 
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lol you tried to talk about a book that isn't on the top 100 or politically/ philosophically polarizing? On /LIT/? OF ALL PLACES?

>> No.10759572 [DELETED] 

shut it, jagoff you get my point

>> No.10759582

>talking about books
>on /lit/

>> No.10759699

Started reading it. Could not get through the godawful prose.

>> No.10759747

seems like it's written by a normie

>> No.10759754

so is he hanging upside down?
after taking a vasodilator?

>> No.10759759

we already did, several times, now fuck off

>> No.10759761

>the prose

>> No.10759783


>> No.10759810

>The link to Kantbot's article gets posted in every one of these threads
Quite the ruse you've got going there, my froggy little friend

>> No.10759832 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10759968

I read it (it's a short read, 2-3 hours max) and it was okay. She seems obsessed with Milo Yiannopoulos. She mentions him multiple times per chapter as if he was almost the mastermind of the alt-right movement. She condemns the more extreme versions of Tumblr leftism but is still heavily leftistly biased. In her efforts to explain to normies the intricacies of "chan culture", she fails and reveals herself as a normie who is just as clueless.

>> No.10760008

Does she ever say anything like "they're not actually racist it's just a scare tactic to keep normies at bay"

>> No.10760218


>> No.10760251

Probably not though because as excuses go that's a load of bollocks.

>> No.10760270

even half of 4chan doesn't understand that premise (see >>10760251)

>> No.10760290

well if half of 4chan is unironically 'racist' then "it's just le epic scare tactic haha we're actually good haha based black man" argument is kinda dismantled, no? at least every second here is unironically racist then

>> No.10760295

I was talking about you, not to you, I don't know why you think your hot take merits a response when the entire subject of the post was your lack of understanding

>> No.10760311
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abloo bloo hurt soygoy. you are such a brainlet you cant realize your mistake even after I literally pointed you into it, even after I literally forced your face into a puddle of piss and shit you made, like I would do to a dog.

>> No.10760340

No, few people are genuine all the time here. Also, a lot of the time people on 4chan are just contrarian, they like to keep a balance of viewpoints and accepted things, like an endless game of tug-of-war. /int/ created several anti-white memes to stave off the whiteness obsession and /pol/-lite aspects of the board. Now you have whites roleplaying as racist (against whites) Africans spamming 'wh*TOID BTFO'd'

>> No.10760352

>No, few people are genuine all the time here
t. knower

>> No.10760368

>4chan = altright
does it hurt when you wake up in the mornings and all those physical sensations rush over your paltry hanful of neurons at once?

>> No.10760461
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>boo boo bloo reality is only real when i feel comfortable

>> No.10760482

I bet you suck ass at poker

>> No.10760495

She said it used to be "for the lulz" but is not the case anymore.

>> No.10760539

nice projections I won poker tournaments what did you do? walk bob dylan on stage? pathetic manlet.

>> No.10760632
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I wish Angela Nagle would be my gf

>> No.10760645

>No, few people are genuine all the time here. Also, a lot of the time people on 4chan are just contrarian,
And how the fuck did you come up with that nonsense? A fucking strawpoll? Irony is beyond impossible to tell post 2016

>> No.10760670
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>> No.10760695

A number of factors, culminating in it being obvious. /lit/ is like this too.

>> No.10760773

>And how the fuck did you come up with that nonsense?
The contrarianism and hatred of the popular is pretty fucking self-evident.
If Peterson had been memed pre-2016 he would have become 4chan's favorite new reaction image.
A potential early 2015 meme:
>everything is meaningless
>he hasn't read maps of meaning

>> No.10760858

The subject of the book is primarily dealing with white males, specifically in America. Boards like /int/ are populated by users from outside both America where the concept of "whiteness" is nonexistent, obviously they're not going to be representative of the people Nagle is trying to talk about. The Amerimutt meme and le 56% face were made by Europeans, la creatura is Mexican. The "alt-right" is never going to be popular in Europe or Mexico because it's an American "movement", so why even factor those people into it? I mean fuck, the very fact that all of these non-Americans had to come up with anti-white American memes in the first place is a testament to the fact that the American userbase is way past the "nigger as a generic non-racist insult" oldfaggotry.

>> No.10761049

It's surprisingly well researched, if not a bit poorly written, with the semi-frequent usage of "misogyny" and "sexism".

>> No.10761056

it was ghostwritten by a male.

>> No.10761064

t. buttblasted wh*toid

>> No.10761065


>> No.10761070

yeah quite clearly, he had to sprinkle stuff that would make it seem as if it was produced by a roastie, which it wasn't
it's quite evident if you read it with that idea in mind.

>> No.10761080

t. Anon incels don’t have mommy issues and project their entitled autistic anger on women

>> No.10761085

What did he mean by this?

>> No.10761105

How is it that this site remains perplexing to large swathes of the populace? Even full-fledged research onto the politics of this site seem off the mark.

>> No.10761117

It's objectively wrong in several paces, and shows a lack of rigor in research.

>> No.10761125

How so?

>> No.10761127

speaking as someone within the academy, scientific convention makes it difficult to study a bunch of anonymous shit posters.

Trolls trolling trolls, the whole site is just 2 people etc.

4chan could help if they wanted but in all likelihood they won't

>> No.10761233
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>> No.10761250

Why would they want to help? I'm glad you normies still don't get it and I hope you never do.

>> No.10761642

Oh wow so it is more muh feels over reals. Lets ignore the rise of phoneposting, the upsurge of posts since 2016 and /pol/faggotry effectively becoming the public face of 4chan. All these three factors leads to an Eternal Summer on 4chan where newfags don't know what is ironic and what isn't anymore.

>> No.10761659

>speaking about a book more than once
you guys are really the worst

>> No.10761665
File: 54 KB, 671x660, laozilaotzu-56afcaa25f9b58b7d01d19c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the far left that can be spoken of is not the true far left

>> No.10761673

there's no need to be upset

>> No.10761675

>a country that had 2 Red Scare ever having a far left afterwards

>> No.10761677

chinks are scared of nothing

>> No.10761689

I am upset at my inability to leave this place as it gets progressively worse. Oh god send help please

>> No.10762101

I conceded that there's little incentive for 4chan to give me any data.

My point wasn't so much that it's hard to understand, but that it's difficult to facilitate an understanding of it to certain audiences given the methodology available. In that respect it's not something special about 4chan at all - just the internet being new.

>> No.10762184

I fucking hate this image. Stop posting it.

>> No.10762206
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>its a "rich western leftist freak out over rich western leftist because it makes them realize just what a complete farce they are" episode

>> No.10762230

There's nothing to discuss here /pol/. It's cheap garbage. Now fuck off.

>> No.10762257

I didn't realize how lucrative the soyboy market was. Damn.

>> No.10762266

Examples pls?

>> No.10762276

scuttlebutt is that they are supported by some left wingers in positions of power because they see it as a desperate attempt to get kids into communism and what not by being "hip and cool", trying to beat the alt-right at their own game.

>> No.10762299

is it working? haven't heard anybody talk about that podcast that wasn't indirectly to make fun of it. I guess it may be known in coastal cities? but not so much on the internet overall? not sure

>> No.10762316

No it's not. It just attracts losers.

>> No.10762319

I dont think. Like you said, no one knows who they are, and on top of that, they are really dumb and have nothing interesting to say. And even worst than that, they arent funny, so it has no redeeming qualities at all. The only people who would like it are already convinced left wingers who basically just want a friend simulator. They dont have any sort of online presence like Sam Hyde for example.

>> No.10762344

any decent leftists in the internet? the only one i know is Mark Blyth but he isn't that left, just a bit soc dem, Richard D. Wolff is ok but too spooked and speaks as if he were talking to a retard (which may be accurate)

>> No.10762378

It's because this place is stream of conscioussness in its purest form. I've Written several posts crying about retarded /pol/-posters in one thread just to stroll along to the next to say I've never read a good book written by a nigger and that whiny libtards need to stop shilling subhuman trash.

Both of those positions are genuine and I hold them sincerely. Sometimes I get extremely frustrated about insensitive racists who are willfully ignorant about the suffering of others and other times I'm in complete agreement for a minute. If I get the opportunity to anonymously voice these shit opinions in a way that provokes a reaction out of others without any fear of repercussions I gladly do it. If there are no stakes I'll just post the first thing that comes to mind, whatever it is.

Now add irony, trolling and a thousand other posters to the mix and you'll get something ineffable. It's meant to be experienced, not explained. Human beings are more multidimensional and unpredictable than academia wants to admit.

>> No.10762397

Her main sources are the 4chan wiki and knowyourmeme. A lot of the book is spent recapping events of online harassment which fit her narrative (clear perpetrator/victim relationship, with the victim either too young to engage in politics or on the political center or left), while leaving out events that would be counterexamples to her thesis (she cites only one example of "le ebbin anonymoose army" doing something for the public good, and proceeds to hand-wave it away by saying it was an excuse to harass Scientologists). It's effectively a lie by omission.

>> No.10762416

how retarded are you? the point of the book is not to make /b/ look good or bad, it's to argue against transgression as necessarily liberating

>> No.10762567

There is nothing to transgress or liberate on /b/ or elsewhere on this site. What trangression? What liberation? It's like the white kids hearing about some community of natives occasionally seen consuming opiates for their leisure, rushing to meet them, only to be disappointed when they find out they aren't interested in dedicating their existence to be part of some hippie movement protesting America or something. Why would you write a book to argue against nothing when your job description isn't 'Emanuele Severino'?
You too might be looking for something that isn't there, i.e. consider the idea that leftists may not understand the internet as well as they think they do.

>> No.10762578

>i.e. consider the idea that leftists may not understand the internet as well as they think they do.
but that's the point of the book, that leftists saw the internet and transgression as liberation, with the arab sprint, and how they saw anonymous from outside, and all that shit, but it actually works in a very different way. Seems like you agree with the book.

>> No.10762587

Jimmy Dore I guess but ultimately you need to read some motherfucking theory

>> No.10762589
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>tfw you can no longer suggest k-punk

>> No.10762627

>The only people who would like it are already convinced left wingers who basically just want a friend simulator.
I think pirating anime might be a cheaper alternative.
>with the arab sprint
But I would never interpret the so-called "Arab" Spring as transgression, but rather as Nobel Prize for Peace laureate (because they didn't have one for war, as Gino Strada would put it) Barack Hussein Obama finalizing his metamorphosis into George W. Bush Jr. in order to destroy Libya and set as many more countries in North Africa and the Middle East on fire as humanly possible. The method involving direct intervention and multiple armed groups fighting Gaddafi and his allies, and analogues, so that the #1 obstacle towards a loss of national unity and towards the rise of religious extremists would be removed. Battered, weakened and divided countries would allow him to reshape the geopolitical and strategic map in the favor of US and a select few allies in the Mediterranean, and a permanent humanitarian emergency with migrants all over the place for the others, cue the origin I like to call the Trans-Mediterranean Slave Trade, complete with concentration camps, price tags, whips and of course sexual abuse on both sides of the migrant's journey.

Now if there ever was a sentiment used to appeal to young people involved into this whole terrible fucking idea, and cause them to destroy everything that was sufficiently fragile in their proximity, before I'd point the finger towards transgression, I would make a case against hope. People out there were hoping something similar to a democracy, not tribal warfare, would somehow appear out of dozens of armed groups fighting one another.

>> No.10762645
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Is there any book that actually expounds how internet-based movements *work*? The only one I can think that approximates that is The Revolt of the Public, and it's written by and old boomer to boot. Thinkers like Manuel Castells and Michael Hardt and are completely clueless as to what's going on beneath the surface of things.

>> No.10762658
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it's not really about internet movements but against transgression i've heard that Guido Preparata's "The Ideology of Tyranny: Bataille, Foucault, and the Postmodern Corruption of Political Dissent" does a better job than Kill All Normies.

But haven't read it yet, so i can't tell

>> No.10762676

Nice, and by a fellow pastanigger nonetheless

>> No.10762709
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Guess who else took that perv as an inspiration. I keep coming back to the thought that Land's thoughts and his "thirst for annihilation" are pretty much the logical conclusion of the New Left's manic search for freedom and authenticity, which inevitably ends in a war against pretty much everything that might constrain you, eventually encompassing the whole damn world.

>> No.10762735

It doesn't answer your question directly, but the best thing I've read on why do internet communities continue to refuse to join your stupid movement, and hate your guts forever, and ignore everything you have to say unless it agrees with them, and only become more attached to their beliefs you don't share, is Debunking in a World of Tribes:

As the abstract puts it:
>Recently a simple military exercise on the Internet was perceived as the beginning of a new civil war in the US. Social media aggregate people around common interests eliciting a collective framing of narratives and worldviews. However, the wide availability of user-provided content and the direct path between producers and consumers of information often foster confusion about causations, encouraging mistrust, rumors, and even conspiracy thinking. In order to contrast such a trend attempts to \textit{debunk} are often undertaken. Here, we examine the effectiveness of debunking through a quantitative analysis of 54 million users over a time span of five years (Jan 2010, Dec 2014). In particular, we compare how users interact with proven (scientific) and unsubstantiated (conspiracy-like) information on Facebook in the US. Our findings confirm the existence of echo chambers where users interact primarily with either conspiracy-like or scientific pages. Both groups interact similarly with the information within their echo chamber. We examine 47,780 debunking posts and find that attempts at debunking are largely ineffective. For one, only a small fraction of usual consumers of unsubstantiated information interact with the posts. Furthermore, we show that those few are often the most committed conspiracy users and rather than internalizing debunking information, they often react to it negatively. Indeed, after interacting with debunking posts, users retain, or even increase, their engagement within the conspiracy echo chamber.

>> No.10762744

>come back to /lit/ after four months
>I find out this is the new trend / meme
Worse and worse, my dudes, every day.

>> No.10762755

>Neo-gnostic mythology
Is this another christfag bringing up the gnostic boogeyman again?

>> No.10762764

This isn't the "new trend/meme" you stupid faggot. These threads are falseflags created by Kantbot so that he can shill his article.

>> No.10762777

Nobody thinks the alt-right or communism is hip or cool retard. If you ever left your room and didn't base all of your observations on other retards on the internet, you would understand that.

>> No.10762804

D.H. Lawrence is dull, this is about the hot new politics shieeet boy

>> No.10762907

I'll write it

>> No.10762910

no and no

>> No.10762918

post epub in a week, i'll wait

>> No.10763254

Jesus Christ $100,000 a month for this shit?? Funny how everyone loses their mind at Peterson getting $60,000 but this gets a pass

>> No.10763290

Yes it's pathetic really.

>> No.10763620


>> No.10764419

The argument against transgression only really happens in the very last chapter, everything up until then is the construction of a narrative. Nagle argues that transgression for transgression's sake underlies the """culture""" of /b/ and /pol/, and that argument motivates her critique. If we find that /b/ and /pol/ actually have moral codes (spoken or unspoken), and aren't merely a bunch of edgelords lashing out at society, then Nagle's arguments (both about chan culture and respectability politics) turn out to be wrong. And there's a lot of evidence that supports the thesis that chan culture is very rule-based.

>> No.10764446

Because these people don't pretend that their opinion on everything is backed by some theory. Dumbass entertainers earning a lot of money is nothing new unless you are admitting Peterson is one himself

>> No.10764521
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This but unironically
Citations Needed is the true leftcast

>> No.10764538
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Peterson = 1 person

Chapo = many people

But yes, CTH is paid too much to be leftist mouthpiece radio, I agree. They basically bougie now

>> No.10766183

>these people don't pretend that their opinion on everything is backed by some theory
So the difference is that they pretend it is backed by facts?

>> No.10766508

she's going to get raped

>> No.10766601

Meme book I don't see why anyone would read it.
Heard her talk about her book to know if it was worth reading it's not.
Focused on american politics wich i don't give two fucks about. She's full of herself even though she's doing 10 year old level analysis. Who even cares about this subject anyway except cavedwellers faggot who have accomplished so little in their life that they need a book that pretends the shitposts they've done had any affect on the political scene.
It's so minor and forgetable, will become cringe masterpiece if we consider it hasn't already reached that level.

>> No.10766642

TRS have become David Duke

a tool for the media to smear right wingers. I wouldn't be surprised if they started getting funded by more intelligent left wingers.

if your answer to every question starts with "well when we have the white ethnostate..." it's time to hang it up.

>> No.10766644

everything about you screams "teenager who thinks he's smarter than he is"

humble yourself

screenshot your post and read it in a year or two

>> No.10766660

Zero Books - where you go to publish crap that can't get published anywhere else. A clueless book, written by a clueless person, indicating how clueless they are.
>in b4 did ya read it? unfortunately, yes.

>> No.10766816

No the difference is that they don't pretend they know everything. Shit on these idiots all you want, at least they don't contaminate other past intellectuals via associations.

>> No.10766883

>everything about you screams "teenager who thinks he's smarter than he is"
>humble yourself
Defending this piece of trash is unacceptable.

>> No.10767133

how does transgression forbid having any rules? there's plenty of unspoken rules in punk culture, or in high art culture, they are still transgressive endeavors

>> No.10767143
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the book is a very shallow introduction to the internet culture wars and it doesn't pretend to be anything else

there's no need to be upset because it mentions your secrit internet club and doesn't get all the meaningless internal dynamics correctly

>> No.10767158

I wasn't critiquing the book. her analysis is a solid 7/10 btw

>> No.10767189

The lion's share of this must come from a few large donors. Hard to believe they're that big

>> No.10767674

I havent laughed this hard in a while, thanks.

>> No.10768458

bait or low iq

>> No.10768625
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It's because most of those 20k people are paying the $5/month for the premium episodes, which is every other episode.

I'm one of them

>> No.10769231

So why haven't one of you written the definitive 4chan book?

>> No.10769568

Transgression, at least as Nagle defines it, is the rejection of all rules. She specifically argues that punk is transgressive because as soon as rules (i.e. a lib-left consensus) for the movement were established, the Nazi punk movement emerged to reject said rules, which foreshadowed a general fragmentation of that sphere of counter-culture. In the last chapter of KAN, she argues that transgressive movements are bad, because they lead to amoral lashing out and counterproductive sectarianism.

Basically, Nagle can't distinguish between people who disagree with a developed consensus and agents of chaos. She doesn't indicate an understanding that rules can evolve, or go unspoken, or be interpreted in different ways by different people. All she sees is big, bad 4chan, destroyer of worlds.

>> No.10769600


CTH are liberals.

t. unironic communist

>> No.10769601

It's called Hypersphere, tagline: it's a a big fucking place

>> No.10769615

Hi, I'm Douglas Lain, publisher at zero books and host of the podcast Zero Squared. Would you like to come on the show, contact me at zerobooks.com or tweet at @zerobooks

>> No.10769745

stop being gay and just listen to cum town

>> No.10769979
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>far left

>> No.10770027
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Made it a bit more accurate for you

>> No.10770092


>> No.10771259

how retarded are you

>> No.10771632
File: 76 KB, 235x237, 1472253348138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when I didn't recognize obvious trolling
That's what happens to you when you try to stop hanging out on this shit stain of a Website.