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/lit/ - Literature

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10758700 No.10758700[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I fully realize how ridiculous the following will sound, but if I reach even one person who believes me, and who will autonomously join me in my hopeless investigation, it will be worth it.

My first problem is where to begin. I suppose I should say the bare minimum about myself. First off pardon me for any mistakes in English, I'm French though I haven't lived in France in what seems like ages. I guess I'm something of an 'eternal student'. I have a masters degree in philosophy and I was well underway in getting my masters in psychology through a shortened trajectory after my first master. But that didn't happen, as I got severely sidetracked. I have also technically been a doctorate student three times, never actually gone through with it and never for very long. I've been jumping from university to university you see, following my pathetic leads however small. After Paris I briefly travelled to Ireland, though that was a little trip in vain and I was soon back home. That same month I was off to Belgium (university in Louvain) then Germany (university in München) then Italy (Bologna). No professor would promote my doctorate if he knew what it actually entailed, in fact after the first disastrous attempt in France I've stopped being earnest about what I'm researching. I just make something up as an excuse for travelling to where I need to be. It's not quite as hard as you might imagine, and yes, it is quite exciting to tell the truth. I feel like an infiltrator on a secret mission. I'm not some strict academic out for truth for the sake of truth and I'm not above admitting that this is more than 50% for thrills, maybe it's even mostly that. Though I admit, I have become obsessed.

I guess I should get right to it. Vampires. There, I said it. That's the easy part. The more dificult part is providing enough details for at least one person on this site to believe me and take my hints, without compromising myself or any other academics who've supported me. I'm probably about at the max wordcount for a post, so I'll think about how I should continue. It might be a while, so keep this thread alive if you will.

>> No.10758732

I'm an /lit//x//his/fag and i'm dtf with this thread - hurry up and write your shit before i go to bed, I NEED THIS SHIT NOW!

>> No.10758751

I've watched enough Alex Jones to not dismiss this out of hand.

>> No.10758760
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>> No.10758779

While we wait for OP to come back, please answer my question:
What should i read to get into this topic? -Book recommendations on irl and fictional vampires.

>> No.10758808


It's not often that I speak of this explicitly, and the first time I do it publicly on the internet, so I'm very unsure about how to go about this. I need to be extremely careful, and yes, I understand that this makes it much more dificult to believe, but this is how it is.

But I understand the internet is a fleeting medium, and I myself also don't have much time, so in the spirit of 'hurry' I can quickly follow up with this: I should have been more clear about the fact that, when I use the word 'vampire', that this is simply the word I have been using myself since I first stumbled onto it. It seemed to me the most apt term for it, but by no means do I claim to fully understand what it is that I'm looking into. Not at all. But how would you call a man (so far no evidence for any female versions) that sustains himself on the lifeforce of other human beings? A man that can do things human beings shouldn't be capable of? Now I'm not saying there's people out there that live in castles or caves that can turn into bats and have fangs. (Though I guess I can't conclusively write those things off either). I'm saying that there have been learned men throughout the ages, philosophers and scientists, who have stumbled upon something sinister yet potent and seem to have taken advantage. I guess I'll say something about how I stumbled upon this next.

>> No.10758846
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go on

>> No.10758864

He's right that the elite are engage in occult rituals but vampire powers aren't real in any way

>> No.10758892


>> No.10758934

I’m in boys

>> No.10758938


Obviously I can't straight up throw around sources and names. If you're still reading you're not expecting an official paper with clear proofs and neat citations anyway. But what I will do is give enough hints so that you will be able to see it for yourself.

More importantly, the first real, tangible lead I had is a person who is still alive today, and though he's retired now he's still somewhat known and semi-working, and I can't compromise him. He was the reason for my very foolish, pointless trip to Ireland. Anyway, there's this philosopher, let's call him D, he's not super well known, though also not unknown. If you are a student of continental philosophy there's a chance you know of him, though his work isn't exactly accessible. One of those old-school continental types who pretty much use their own words and language... He's written quite a bit, amongst his writings is a trilogy. Anyway, in that trilogy are carefully layered clues about a specific linealogy in philosophy. I noticed this because I was already trying to find something, though I was in fact looking elsewhere and did not suspect to find something as I was studying him. Before I discovered this, I wasn't actually believing myself. I was just entertaining an interesting macabre idea. But when I was rereading this small text of his seemingly unrelated to the trilogy, it suddenly hit me like a truck. I reread the whole damn trilogy, which is not done quickly on a cozy afternoon believe me. And I stubbornly approached the author. And I succeeded, and though he kept dancing around the topic, he did set me on the path, in his way. Again, this is a man incapable of speaking in a straight way, it's always poetics and stories with him, that's why his work is rather challenging.

Since this is /lit/, I suspect or rather hope that at least one of you will take the effort to discover this for yourselves based on my hints, and maybe you'll get further than me. In fact as it stands I'm afraid you'll have to, because I have reason to believe I'm not going to be able to merrily continue to flirt with this topic. I've been way too careless of course, going to these big universities, speaking to professors no matter how few... Now, how to continue...

>> No.10758966

déja prouve moi que t'es bien du pays savoir si j'ai affaire à un schizo ou pas.

>> No.10758994

William Desmond?

>> No.10758996

il utilise l'ellipse comme un francais
le prof me rappelle un petit fulcanelli lol

>> No.10759005

Je ne pense pas qu'un test de ce genre peut être utile, il peut tout simplement utiliser un traducteur. De plus, même un français peut être schizo

>> No.10759015

I know the trilogy.


You seek the stone?

>> No.10759025


Your talking about agelessness, yes?

>> No.10759029

Schizo ou pas, je n'ai pas encore de doutes sur mon pays d'origine ;). Et evidemment >>10759005 cet anon a raison

I wasn't trying to be dramatic, it's just all a bit overwhelming. You don't think I constantly doubt myself? That I don't wonder from time to time if I've just gone mad and should just go home? I've spent every bit of my energy on this for the last few years. Anyway, what I was trying to say was, you can achieve more by following 'paper trails' than by confronting people who may or may not know something. I was just trying to say, don't do what do. Better a more boring, but more effective path than a fun adventure that has to end abruply, right? I'm now confident that my clues were quite effective, so start there and consider doing the opposite of me: go backwards in time. Read those who - as far as we know - no longer pose a thread and who can't resist against you probing into their affairs.

>> No.10759121

I'll humour you: yes and no. That's what I was thinking when I came up with the name vampire for it. And I do think that's what they themeselves were often going for. But now I understand it a bit better, mostly thanks to D's hints. From what I could tell, it seems appropriet to to speak of 'failed attempts' at agelessness, at least that is one perspective. In truth it is, while smaller in quantity, much larger in quality, I guess you could say. A different kind of agelessness. If you think about it, agelessness is a plebian, unthoughtful desire to crave.

Anyway, when you find yourself in the same starting block I was in through my hints, some little cool things do fit in on the superficial level, which might be a motivator for people on /lit/. Things like Schopenhauers irratic position towards Hegel, and poor Nietzsche's extinction. That's a fun aspect of it, it's an undercurrent that weaves together and quite possibly fills in some historic blind spots. But this is usually quite speculative.

>> No.10759134

>I've spent every bit of my energy on this for the last few years.
lol fucking why
it will never be of any use to you lad, unless you wish to larp as agrippa or fulcanelli
Maybe you could become a medievalist

The most interesting theory I've ever read of this sort of thing came form Yeats' mind. His belief was a sort of idealism in which certain signs and alchemical notions functtion as windows into the spiritual realm. Maybe you could write something like that.

>> No.10759141

Can you throw an unquestionable lead - a plebian like me needs some food to grow into a true patrician.

>> No.10759154

C'est bon je te crois, on est jamais certain surtout quand le sujet est aussi délicat. Peut être que l'on devrait se voir sur la capitale.

>> No.10759199
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does this have anything to do with it?

>> No.10759264

Jeg kan også bare snakke mit eget modersmål hahaha hvor er det sjovt og hyggeligt

>> No.10759267


I don't know whether you mean a lead for that startblock source or about the contents of this 'vampiricy' as I still call it.

Both are problematic: As soon as I explicitly typed those words I knew I wouldn't be able to explicitly confirm his name along with it in my own posts, which would feel like throwing him to the wolves. I consider D a friend, though he might not grant me the same honor, and I've become very paranoid over the last half year as I've been promised in italy to have me stopped by force. I played it off as if I was joking and entertaining a fantasy and didn't actually believe myself, but I don't think it worked at this point.
As for the contents, anything I say is pointless because it sounds unbelievable, especially anonymously online. That's why I give hints as to a good starting point, the simple fact is the same truck that hit me will have to hit you, and then you'll have to start digging. This is why I chose /lit/, as you might guess the source and have the aptitude to do the digging. I will say that people who have responded with names have been on a very good track surprisingly fast and effectively. Look, agelessness is a lie as far as I know at this point, because it is a contractiction, it's an opposition in one concept. And if you think about it, an ageless man would be something quite sterile and impotent, just a rock that happens to not erode as fast but nevertheless does not contribute beyond what it already was contributing as a rock. Ultimately, it doesn't make much différence if you die and a statue is made in your image, or if you keep living as long as that statue would. You'll still be yourself. An ageless man wouldn't meaningfully cause any evolution or change. It's of no consequence to reality, it would only be of consequence from very mundane and personal perspective that just wants to keep being.

>> No.10759290


Haha, my heart skipped a beat for a second when I glossed over it but no, it doesn't.

>> No.10759311

>it would only be of consequence from very mundane and personal perspective that just wants to keep being.

a pretty common perspective. most people are afraid of death, and if you asked them what they were afraid of losing, the answer would, for the most part, simply be their own personal being.
who really identifies with some kind of transcendental ideal which exists through, but ultimately independently of them these days?

>> No.10759331

Cool, i've saved this thread (like many others properly have) and when i've reached some level of philosophical wokeness i'll maybe look more into it.

>> No.10759355

possession? >>10759121

>> No.10759363

email me????

>> No.10759382
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So it's more like this type of vampire?

>> No.10759417

Nothing you've said so far is hard to come by, except your own personal details. Why would you let us know of your French origin or the incident in Italy?

This whole thing is a larp tbqh

>> No.10759464
File: 343 KB, 800x1117, CorneliusAgrippa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But of magic I wrote whilst I was very young three large books, which I called Of Occult Philosophy, in which what was then through the curiosity of my youth erroneous, I now being more advised, am willing to have retracted, by this recantation; I formerly spent much time and costs in these vanities. At last I grew so wise as to be able to dissuade others from this destruction. For whosoever do not in the truth, nor in the power of God, but in the deceits of devils, according to the operation of wicked spirits presume to divine and prophesy, and practising through magical vanities, exorcisms, incantions and other demoniacal works and deceits of idolatry, boasting of delusions, and phantasms, presently ceasing, brag that they can do miracles, I say all these shall with Jannes, and Jambres, and Simon Magus, be destinated to the torments of eternal fire

>> No.10759491

It's the jews, right?