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10756368 No.10756368 [Reply] [Original]

>girl has moby dick quote as her instagram profile
>tell her moby dick is my favorits book
>she says shes never read it

>> No.10756372

was it some variant of call me ishmael

>> No.10756408
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Read pic related.

>> No.10756414

why do you keep pushing him

>> No.10756438
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Do what needs to be done, OP. Pic related.

>> No.10756442

Because he's right

>> No.10756493
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>meet a girl in church (inb4 fedoralords, no need for that, please)
>something about her enthrals me the moment I see her, even before we had really talked
>she studies sports pedagogy and health education; I'm /fit/
>she likes reading the classics of Western fiction; I'm /lit/
>we both want to serve God, and unlike pretty much every girl (or so it seems), she's not interested in moving abroad
>additionally, she's very interesting in hearing more about my writing
>she seems just like the kind of girl I've been looking for
>a few days ago I ask her if she's be available Friday or Saturday, so that we might go for a coffee
>"I'll think about it."

Am I wrong to assume that this is just an euphemism for "I can't think of a polite way to refuse right now, so I'll say that I'll think about it"? I actually saw her today, but we didn't talk. However, if she wanted, she could've very easily come to me, because we were both alone and not doing anything other than exiting the church.

Feels bad, man. Getting rejected by a woman is the ultimate form of rejection, because what it basically means is: "I don't want to get to know you better, because even now the possibility of pairing with you is impossible. If I can help it, your genes will not survive to the next generation. You are not good enough for me." Of course going out for coffee doesn't mean that you're going to get married and have children, but not going means that even the thought of that is unthinkable to her.

>> No.10756500

>names ishmael, call me

>> No.10756506

You're fucked breh

>> No.10756510

Ask her again.

>> No.10756532

Just wait. If she concludes that she would like to date you then great. If she is religious it is something she won't take lightly (nor should you, question your motives) Do not sperg out and ask her again. Go about your own life pursuing your interests.

>> No.10756541

she's getting her pussy ruined by an obese fedora wearing r/atheism mod
after that they binge-watch some rick & morty and talk about there's no need to read anymore, it's an obsolete practice

>> No.10756545

Actually a good one, thanks

>> No.10756572
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>grll says she likes alan watts
>cool she might be interesting
>she just puts his lectures as background sound when doing stuff

>> No.10756574
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Calmly explain to her that marrying you is God's own will and Jesus will hate her if she doesn't at least agree to have coffee with you. Then give her a smack on the bum and moonwalk out of the church.

>> No.10756599

I haven't had this feel and I hope I never do.

>> No.10756604

Kys you subhuman zombies

>> No.10756802

No problem

>> No.10756871

>If I can help it, your genes will not survive to the next generation.
That's not what she's saying, anon. It's more like:
>My mission as the incumbent keeper of the genetic heritage created by God, crafted by Nature and Time, and embedded in the sacred vessel of my body is to safeguard my dowry. The scrutinous spirit of countless generations of valiant men and steadfast women guides and informs my every interaction with valid males of reproductive age. In the quivering balance in which arduous lust and stone-cold caution dance their timeless tango, your oafish countenance and sheepish bearing have pushed decisively on the latter platter before my mind could even scramble to rationalise the decision. I am designed this way and it is good that it should be so. Good day.
Good day, anon.

>> No.10756887

> “And how do you do my sweet lady?”
> *rubs stashe*

>> No.10756904

you fuckin tist, be patient. if she says she'll think about it, she will.
you're being exactly what she doesn't want, an obsessive fag who believes he's entitled to immediate response, as though she's your dog. you're also showing by being patient that you're her dog.
look. you're fucked. you're stupid and obscene and you can't write in english very well. just stop for a second, and ignore the sense that similarities in interest are what are necessary for building a long term relationship. people don't need to both love literature and listen to the same music or whatever to have a deep and meaningful relationship. that comes when the language of values not only can be communicated well, but are syncronized. your values and ethics are wherein a relationship lies.

look. you're suffering from infatuation. my best advice is to forget it ever happened. if she ends up communicating with you in the future, see how it pans out, but devote your mind to god, my friend, stray not into the path of perversion and obsession with carnality and earthly companionship. God's will shall come to fruition despite your resistance and support.

>> No.10756906


>Getting rejected by a woman is the ultimate form of rejection

Getting rejected by your parents is probably worse - because you are their genetic stake in the future and they STILL don't want to know :( That's pretty bad.

But I agree, getting rejected by a woman cuts to the bone, of course it does (and getting rejected by a man is just as bad for a woman; they just don't experience it as often, haha.)

It's no surprise that every culture develops such astoundingly intricate and delicate rituals around the whole process of mate selection. The fear of rejection is so awful that people need to hide behind as much circumspection as possible.

Impossible to give you any advice without knowing you, the girl, and the situation. "I'll think about it" might mean any of:-

a) "I would rather die than splice genes with you, but I don't want to hurt your feelings."

b) "I am not sure how serious you are. I'll put you off in a not-too-unpleasant way and see if you pursue me further."

c) "I'm not sure how I feel. I need to think about it."


>> No.10756914
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She sent me a message on Facebook, politely declining. She said that she feels like she wouldn't be the right one for me, i.e. I am not the right one for her. We can in her mind still hangout and get to know each other, but I don't know about that. I'm not bitter or angry, but still it feels pretty bad, and I don't know if I can keep on going like everything's the same as before. I imagine it's pretty awkward being the guy who she knows has a crush on her, if we do keep in contact.

I wrote her back a message, which was pretty good and profound in my mind, and now I'll wait for the reply. I said that I don't know whether or not we are right for each other, because I really don't, and that's why I found it a good idea to go for a coffee, so that we might maybe find out. I said that from what I know at this point, she seems pretty fitting for me, and I really mean it.

But anyway, at least this girl had the decency to give me an honest answer. The last one just said "I don't know", and that was it. Thanks for the (You)s, btw.

>> No.10756920

Give her the D

>> No.10756932
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I'll repeat my advice which is to remind she is defying God's will and Jesus is getting increasingly angry now.

>> No.10757348

>If I can help it, your genes will not survive to the next generation.
This is basically what my mother was supposed to say.

>> No.10757391

Women only read YA fiction.

>> No.10757396

all women are the same. they care about looks. they want to be able to brag to their girlfriends about you. they want to feel proud when you walk next to them. i am sorry my man but she just thought you were not pretty enough for her. women only want to know someone better if he is pretty enough for them.

>> No.10757400
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>having an Instagram account

>> No.10757401

Roll, kek

>> No.10757406

She wants the BBC.

>> No.10757425 [DELETED] 

"your genes will not survive to the next generation" you autists should stop talking about that

>> No.10757438

>ou autists should stop talking about that
yeah because they might start actually understanding things like human nature, which is 'debunked' hate thought

>> No.10757453

If you're too stupid to understand the original sentence here is a more simple sentence for our less intelligent readers
>you are not worthy of having children to me

>> No.10757479

This desu. Nothing gets a good Christian lass confessing their sins than a big ol' MAMBA! JESUS! JUST LOOK AT THAT THANG! ZOWEE MAMA, HAIL MARY!!!

>> No.10757495

I'd ask her again next week if she hasnt said anything like have a convo but let her know your offer still stands. a lot of devout church girls kinda repress themselves because they (rightfully) believe that 99% of guys are gonna try and fuck them.

>> No.10757496

Girls like the dick.
Get over it.

>> No.10757666

You fucked up with your reply. All you need to say was "okay"

>> No.10757696


>> No.10757711

What would that have achieved, Lucifer? We're not going to date, fine, but that's no reason to act all butthurt.

>> No.10757713

How to get a qt christian gf? There's this girl driving me insane at uni but I'm a filthy unbaptized pagan, the only part I enjoyed in the bible was the ecclesiastes

>> No.10757734
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She alread rejected you. Failing to take a hint and telling her you disagree with her evaluation of the situation achieved nothin either, besides the fact you've forced her to type out an even more obvious "I'M NOT INTERESTED" message

>> No.10757735

Brutal but [mostly] true. Also true for guys. If this guy had been super attractive, she would've jumped on your dick and also most likely thought you were a lot more intelligent and deep than you are or already may be. It doesn't matter how intelligent and deep you already are, if you're attractive, a girl will think you're 10 times more intelligent and deep.

>> No.10757737 [DELETED] 

Be good lucky and not autistic
They're all whores just the same as any Stacey

>> No.10757750

Be good looking and not autistic
They're all whores just the same as any Stacey

>> No.10757756

Men and women are willing to ignore almost all character flaws in each other if the other person is hot.

>> No.10757771

Its like im really in /r9k/

>> No.10757776

go to church.

>> No.10757780
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you never left

>> No.10757834

I'm moderately attractive and she thinks I'm popular. The christian thing just adds a layer of difficulty. Also I know it's a comfy thought, but all women are not whores really
I work on sundays :'((

>> No.10757841

Probably not even whole lectures, most likely just Alan Watts soundbites in chill music

>> No.10758216

Damn me but all things are queer

>> No.10758232

Become one of those seventh day people

>> No.10759124

What do I start with of his?

>> No.10759465

>Sister has tattoo that says “and in this moment we were infinite”
>tell her I enjoyed perks of being a wallflower in high school
>says she hasn’t read it

>> No.10759586

Have you come out yet?

>> No.10759592

hey man dont worry about it she can have other shit on her plate. Try not to think about it and continue to interact and be normal with her. In like a week or two ask her while at church or wherever you talk to her at and casually invite her to breakfast or something. If she rejects so be it it wasnt meant to be. and dont get so hung up on being rejected. Rejection is a part of life and literally everyone has been rejected by someone they care about

>> No.10759622

>seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you
It's cool that you initiated, but back off and continue to do your own thing. She'll chase you and it'll be obvious if she likes you. If not, you'll find someone else. And remember, you're looking for a partner, not someone to validate your existence.

>> No.10759645

>we both want to serve god
>try to hook up with a girl you met at church
Well played, friendo

>> No.10760291

i love this

>> No.10760316

Try being more handsome.

>> No.10760388

Bingo. Give up anon, Christ

>> No.10761397

I wasn't aware that asking someone for a coffee was a sin. I don't know what the definition of hooking up is, but my goal was to get to know her better, not to have premarital sex with her pussy.

I have given up, I'm not going to chase her anymore.

>> No.10761443
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>> No.10761456

took a while to just say the thing

>> No.10761530

Virgins like reading what other virgins thought about women, it's an attempt to intellectualize their inceldom

>> No.10761546

She might be kinda sheltered or shy and wasn't really prepared to make a decision on the spur of the moment. Just keep being friendly without putting any pressure on her for a while. If you guys wind up developing a rapport, ask again.

>> No.10761696

She might like you as husband material, but not to fuck around with. (I'm going to assume you both are relatively young.) She wants to fuck a lot of guys first, but if you're still available after all those dicks, I'd bet she'd be willing to live happily ever after with you.

>> No.10761840

She's a born again Christian and overall a wholesome girl, not some slut. You are wrong.

>> No.10761916

best post itt

>> No.10762228

> >girl has moby dick
If girl has any dick, he is a boy.

t. ESL-kun

>> No.10762236

This thread is still up? Jesus

>> No.10762584

Did you ask her by text? If you ask this kind of questions in person you can tell what she truly means by her body language. If she was smiling or giggling and looking at you when she said "I'll think about it" chances are she will end up saying yes. If she was cold or distant or maybe even giving you a half smile to be polite she will probably turn you down

>> No.10762598

I asked her in person. Also, read >>10756914