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File: 64 KB, 316x475, dmt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10755655 No.10755655[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tell me where I can get some fucking DMT RIGHT NOW.

>> No.10755671

You can extract it yourself FAGGOT don’t be a PUSSY look it up.

>> No.10755673


>> No.10756017

Unironically online. you can find many sources that are not illegal to have ordered by mail, but maybe start with MNO-DMT pills that have same efect just weaker and last for hours instead of mimutes.
In "the idiot" I am certain myshkin had a DMT experience when running around st petersburg in the beginning of part 2. It describes the state exaclty and his comparison as to how muhammed must have felt like this as well when he received the words of God is too perfect as well.
>you dont need to inhale or intake dmt, btw. It is in your body already and simply, breathing, meditayion can arouse it and walking on natures floor in certain jungles, forest can allow your feet to imbibe dmt from plants.
You think I am man enough to be a hackerman and use torr?

>> No.10756039
File: 74 KB, 674x674, 1490711324145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>materialists clinging to their fantasy of transcendence through drugs

>> No.10756049

I once saw a CP onion link in /b/ like 9 years ago. Had no idea what tor was, it just looked like a funky link so I clicked it. Nothing ever happened.

>> No.10756081
File: 108 KB, 400x381, 1491779134658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing ever happened.
and you have been on 4chan for 9 years....

>> No.10756140

That's right, nothing happened. I browsed 4chan before I clicked that link, and I kept browsing 4chan after I clicked that link. Nothing happened. Why do you feel the need to self-flagellate over viewing this website? Do you have some emotional issues that need tending?

>> No.10756148

have you done drugs like these though?

>> No.10756163

>nothing happened
do you mean you didnt turn into a pedophile or the link "didn't work"?
I am genuinely confused right now

>> No.10756182

It's not a drug

>> No.10756190

I mean the FBI or Chris Hansen or whatever that dude is worried about didn't show up banging on my front door. Browsing some random onion link isn't really a big deal, they tend to only give a shit about distributor-type individuals. Being paranoid over an onion link is akin to being paranoid over having a CP thumbnail stored in your cache because you browsed the frontpage near to the same time that someone posted it. It's basically irrelevant. You can click it or don't but it's not like the world is going to end if you do. Even if it's some Silkroad-esque thing it's not like the DEA is going to try and hunt you down.

>> No.10756203

my diary desu

>> No.10756218

>they tend to only give a shit about distributor-type individuals.
yeah. this. Plus I was not really being serious when faining being scared og an onion link kiddo.
lmao this was a waste of a back and forth.

>> No.10756379

The whole point of onion routing is that it's very difficult to trace anyone who uses it
The NSA can do it but even for them it's a hassle which is the reason people use for in the first place

>> No.10756428

It is a psychoactive substance. You might as well just get drunk. Just as "profound".

>> No.10756550

>t. has probably never even smoked da ganja
how retarded are you

>> No.10756567

I have experimented with most drugs, smoked DMT several times, mescaline, 2ci, LSD, methamphetamine, opiates, opiods, research chemicals, mdma etc etc. I have actually been a terrible drug addict throughout my life, so i say from a deeply reflected upon experience that these drug effects were not profound nor transcendent. And not even kidding, enough alcohol will cause you to hallucinate.

>> No.10756582

Welp either your brain never functioned properly or you messed yourself up beforehand so hard that all the "spiritual" ego death and what not drugs had 0 effect on you.
You should probably off yourself.

>> No.10756615

No. I just have a more attenuated appreciation for the psyche not "Dood my ego totally died let me post about it on facebook". Real cessation of egotism has to be arrived at through work and lived experience over time. Drugs are not a short cut they are for fun.

>> No.10756741
File: 58 KB, 478x540, 445407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to sleep
>start dreaming
>brain releases DMT

>> No.10756960

raise your kundalini and you won't need it.

>> No.10757815

woah how little you know, it's not comparable to any other experience you'll ever have, sober or intoxicated