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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 791 KB, 2561x2561, portrait-of-Steven-Pinker-by-David-Blank-20141[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10755749 No.10755749 [Reply] [Original]

>destroys your tabula rasa delusions
>puts behaviorists worldwide on suicide watch
>writes Bill Gates new favorite book
>it's another best seller
>exposes Nietzsche as the edgelord he was
>triggers both /leftypol/ commies, progressives, the alt-right and many /lit/izens with ease

Is there anything this silver-haired madman can't do?

>> No.10755763

The guy is rumoured to take 150 bluepills a day.

>> No.10755769

>le "end of history" philosopher

>> No.10755773

Fuk yu mama

>> No.10755775

You forgot
>is a complete fraud totally without academic or scientific rigor
>is a pop intellectual in the likes of black science man

>> No.10755776

how will academics ever recover?

>> No.10755779
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>> No.10755780

>academic or scientific rigor
>social sciences
that was never a requirement for the field though, don't change the rules now that you are losing

>> No.10755781

>is a complete fraud totally without academic or scientific rigor
Is that how he got to the very top of MIT's Neuroscience department and then on to a professorship at Harvard? lmao

>> No.10755789

He doesn't trigger the alt-right. He's /OurJew/ who openly says we're right and holds most of our views on race &
sex realism (except when they step on his tribes toes, but to be expected.)

>> No.10755794

Unironically yes, American colleges are nothing more than an exercise in confirmation bias.

>> No.10755820


>> No.10755821


what the FUCK is his problem?

>> No.10755823

he /pol/ now?

>> No.10755828

I um, can't stop, um, cringing, uhh...um.
*smacks lips*

>> No.10755829
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>alt right
>highly literate
>highly intelligent

>> No.10755834

American universities are the greatest in the world. That's why people from everywhere apply to them.

>> No.10755835

what is he even known for? 'language is innate'?. Chomsky already beat him to it. Pinker is just an academic eunuch, offering nothing much but expecting recognition because 'harvard lmao'.

>> No.10755841

>what most people desire is a good indication of the worth of things
untermensch as FUCK

>> No.10755845
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he didn't do much except actually looking at a few numbers, which apparently it's an outstanding accomplishment in the field of the social sciences, not sure why

>> No.10755849
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>American universities are the greatest in the world.

>> No.10755850

wtf I love pseuds now

>> No.10755851

universities are a place to dumb yourself down

>> No.10755852


>> No.10755880


>> No.10755886

791 KB

>> No.10755888

>American universities are the greatest in the world. That's why people from everywhere apply to them.
foreigners these days literally come to our schools to ruin them

>> No.10755892

literally a daycare for retarded adults, and the worst part is that it's not even the fault of the kids, kids have always been retarded, but you are supposed to mold them into something useful

>> No.10755958

The salt in pinker threads is something else

>> No.10755961

>If I could go back in time, I might confront him [Nietzsche] as follows: “I am a superman: hard, cold, terrible, without feelings and without conscience. As you recommend, I will achieve heroic glory by exterminating some chattering dwarves. Starting with you, Shorty. And I might do a few things to that Nazi sister of yours, too. Unless, that is, you can think of a reason why I should not." - Steven Pinker

>> No.10755962

>y-your just mad LOLE

>> No.10755970

Anyone else sympathising with the behaviourists lately? I don't strictly believe in physicalism, but what they have to say about environments is important to consider imo.

>> No.10755981


>Is there anything this silver-haired madman can't do?


>> No.10755982
File: 103 KB, 1645x438, pinker on neet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would kill u in fight

t. pinker

>> No.10755988

How can employer see berkley on someones resume and not throw it right into the trash

>> No.10755992


This is hands down the single most embarrassing thing I've ever seen written.

>> No.10756058

It's one of the most prestigious colleges in the world you know.

>> No.10756087

>triggers the alt-right

He is alt-right

>> No.10756089
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>> No.10756102
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>> No.10756110

1.62 MB

>> No.10756127

Imagine being an adult man and writing this and thinking "yes, this is good enough to be published for everyone to read".

>> No.10756139

>Hello my name is -
Into the trash it goes

>> No.10756162

>tfw no redpilled qt3.14
one of the few virtuous women left in the world, she's like a fucking leprechaun

>> No.10756225

isn't she an ex-cam whore from one of those spring break videos?

>> No.10756229

>typical leftist tactics
>having absolutely NO argument NO reason and NO substance but HATE any disagreement
>slander and defame, ad hominem after ad hominem

>> No.10756234

can you speak without buzzwords, i can't understand you

>> No.10756238

>lusty negro attitudes

>> No.10756416

render unto buzzwords what is buzzwords' you gay faggot

>> No.10756714

2 in the Pinker, 1 in the Stinker

>> No.10756728

t. wikipedia scholar / debt-ridden undergrad

>> No.10757388

/our kike/

>> No.10757416

>implying you're not just assmad you couldnt get into a top uni

>> No.10757421

>shut up white people you take up so much space listen to me

>> No.10757459

>the balding soyboy to his left who can't stop SEETHING

>> No.10757468

Why is Pinker allowed to say shit like this without getting ostracized?

>> No.10757484
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>The claim about the muslims can be refuted by the fact that outside intervention is the reason they are in the situation they're in, and bigotry that they face in society

>> No.10757490

the Left talking about race is just unendingly hilarious

>> No.10757498
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>Gee I wonder how this Jew stock full of good connections and a predisposition to conformed anti-conformism prose has gotten so far in his life!

>> No.10757507

wtf... what book did he write this in ?

>> No.10757509

that's Brendan O'Neill, some meme ex-communist that now supports reactionary values like freedom of speech and fighting against social engineering for some reason

>> No.10757514

le science man magic

>> No.10757525


>> No.10757546
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pinker writes like a facebook pseud, giving a bunch of cancerous "evidence" without ever providing a single argument.

>nazis liked him
>fascists liked him
>hitler liked him
>le epic "but how do you know the relativity of truth isn't relative" big thinccc
>therefore nietzsche is repellant and incoherent
jesus fucking christ

>> No.10757564

>O'Neill and others associated with the Revolutionary Communist Party, Living Marxism and Spiked—including Frank Furedi, Mick Hume and Claire Fox—are often seen by commenters such as Nick Cohen[8] as having shifted from a far left position to an extreme stance on the libertarian right. Although O'Neill still insists that he is part of the left,[9] critics such as George Monbiot have suggested that this is typical as a ploy adopted by those associated with the RCP to split and discredit consensus upon the left[10] and to cause impediments for such movements as environmentalism and the reduction of carbon emissions.[11]

Sounds like a top fellow, seems like I shitposted too soon.

>> No.10757605


>wh-who, swallow the red pill as the saying goes, the i-illusion fro-from the matrix

I think I snapped something from the cringe.

>> No.10757607


... Yes.

>> No.10757616


Such was true in decades gone past but is no longer the case. Today American universities are running on the fumes of their past reputation and prestige, but such is rapidly deteriorating. Their prestige is on the decline and their decline accelerates with every case of highly publicized SJW insanity.

>> No.10757626


Is being a talentless hack how you get to the top position of american institutes of """""higher learning"""""? The answer to your question is yes.

>> No.10757999

Doesn't this guy consistently get blown the fuck out by Taleb?

>> No.10758603


>> No.10758741
File: 47 KB, 641x427, 215150-steven-pinker[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's beyond politics.
>insert new meme where pinker (with his face of reversed smugness) hovers above other "intellectuals" like Jesus

>> No.10758768

That last point is actually fair enough. From tanky to green to feminist to christian to reactionary to alt-right to nazi, he has managed to trigger most of the political spectrum.

>> No.10758769

>Peven Sinker

>> No.10758935
File: 109 KB, 776x600, The Superman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a superman, cold and terrible. Look upon your work, Nietzsche, and despair!

>> No.10758965
File: 78 KB, 640x640, 1517542508058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal ad hominem attacks from a professional published philosopher

>> No.10759018

>fighting against social engineering
you mean "values I disagree with", that's all "social engineering" boils down to

>> No.10759051

Kek wtf I love Pinker now

>> No.10759176

>We can quantitatively prove that there is such a thing as progress
Refute him without coming off as a massive edgelord who would rather throw all reason overboard rather than admit to being wrong.

>> No.10759381

I don't get your point, if there's progress that means change mustn't happen? Or only change that you and him like must happen? What?

>> No.10759407

Those comments lol

>> No.10759419

try to refute a single thing he said
protip: you can't

>> No.10759805

you forget the fecal negro

>> No.10759818

Back to plebbit, please.
Two joke degree mills, oh wow.
Clearly not, since you couldn't argue me into a pretty JC's skirt.
Nope, it was never true.

>> No.10759826

Reason doesn't exist. Stop invoking Platonist spooks.

>> No.10759853 [DELETED] 

A Jewish Zionist who uses White Nationalists like the good goys they are.

>> No.10759881

Well, if you look at the stats, its sorta true,from early 20th century compared to now:
-crime drops
-realgdp rises
-lifespan rises
-technology develops
-less wars
-less deaths
etc etc. logically, hyperbolic ofc, "brave new world" perfection of pleasure efficiency etc.

>> No.10759899

Because the real world is not comprised of know nothing cucks who post on r/badphilosophy

>> No.10759905

as a high school dropout who tries to educate himself most of the time, your post hurt my fee fees

>> No.10759925

while economically on paper we have improved, compared to say 60s, we haven't, still the average person can buy " a car", "a house", etc.

Progress is REALLLY REAALLYL slow

>> No.10759929

the problem with this is that the same can probably be said for any comparison between year A and year B where A>B, even if the improvements are miniscule
that doesn't mean these systems were good and it doesn't mean they should've been kept just because things were better

>> No.10759938


>> No.10759962

we have discovered happiness, says Pinker, and blinks thereby

>> No.10759981
File: 78 KB, 1272x697, Thinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Quite easy to spot who are the leftists/commies that are triggered by him and easily attempt ad hominem attacks. It really makes you think huh.

>inb4 hurr durr citations don't matter
>inb4 hurr durr degree mills
>inb4 [insert some quote here from his book without the proper context]

>> No.10760024

I feel ill

>> No.10760029

t. Macaco

>> No.10760039
File: 121 KB, 694x876, taleb not a negro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fragilista status: SHATTERED

>> No.10760044

>he thinks unis that let niggers and spics in for free have a high standard.

When people brag to me about them going to a "prestigious" school i just laugh in their face

>> No.10760048

he literally looks whiter int he picture than in real life, what is the problem? what african features did he draw? taleb is retarded.

>> No.10760052

As compared to you that works a minimum wage job part time while going to a vocational school because 'academia is filled with ponies' and you don't need a proper degree to start your writing career?

Sounds about right. Just don't blame capitalism for your problems, though.

>> No.10760059

>We can quantitatively prove that there is such a thing as progress

forward or onward movement toward a destination.

what destination are we progressing towards?

>> No.10760080

how about you just start writing and putting out good shit? if its good people will notice if its trash then sorry

>> No.10760081

linguistics and cognitive science, sure, but his political books are pure brainlet-tier

>> No.10760106
File: 68 KB, 644x573, dumb idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I let the definitions on google searches tell me how to think

>> No.10760125
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>wat r wurdz?

>> No.10760155
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>I see no problem in pointing out one usage of a word and trying to apply it to all contexts, words can't have multiple meanings

>> No.10760194

fuck, you got me

>> No.10760805

he's the best

>> No.10760970

>Is there anything this silver-haired madman can't do?
lay off the perm

>> No.10761063

>btfo by Talebn
>btfo by Gray
>the Nietzsche quote proves him to be an utter brainlet
>"durr fuggen gommies attagin muh daddy Stevie"
the absolute state of Pinker shills

>> No.10761262

>literally who

>> No.10761282


>> No.10761293

t. pleb
John Gray

How did this become a meme? Can someone explain?

>> No.10761297

Most of the statistics he touts start in the 1940s, he pretty much begins at the most historically convenient historical era to use for comparison. Of course he's still right about most of these improvements, but if you looked at stats from say 1750-present (or even 1850-present) then the "progress" he talks about is nowhere near as straightforward.

>> No.10761308

I think it's an [s4s] meme. Neither reason nor meaning penetrate that place.

>> No.10761311
File: 9 KB, 443x64, want to read.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More generally, agonistic liberalism could be used to describe any kind of liberalism which claims that its own value commitments do not form a complete vision of politics and society, and that one instead needs to look for what Berlin calls an "uneasy equilibrium" between competing values.
Ah, another book on the pile

>> No.10761313


>> No.10761330

kys /leftypol/

>> No.10761688

north korea is not a communist country

criticising capitalism does not make you some kind of soviet-sympathising communist, or necessarily any kind of communist

attempting to deconstruct the very social social and political discourses that produce gender and therefore observable, testable gender differences means you think there are no observable, testable gender differences.

there's a wee start for you

>> No.10761801

>Is there anything this silver-haired madman can't do?
Form a cogent argument.

>> No.10761804


>> No.10761837

>attempting to deconstruct the very social social and political discourses that produce gender and therefore observable, testable gender differences means you think there are no observable, testable gender differences.
you should read Blank Slate, might be a good start bucko

>> No.10761866

the point is not whether or not i believe the theory that gender is a social construct, the point is that pinker totally misrepresents in that clip the theory he wants to attack. On that basis, why would i think his book is anything but a sham?

>> No.10761869

jewish DNA

>> No.10762020

that Brendan guy doesn't like the government, you are free to social engineer as much as you want in your house

>> No.10762025
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>> No.10762041

That "most obviously" at the beginning of the paragraph, is where I may quit reading right?

>> No.10762044

good god, is that in a book he published?
what is wrong with this world...

>> No.10762070

lol, fat tiger


>> No.10762085

>citations are high therefore criticising hilariously shitty writing is VERBOTEN

look at mr. tenure committee over here

>> No.10762097


>> No.10762135

His decline in violence thesis got utterly BTFO by Taleb:


>> No.10762141

That's only if you're a complete brainlet and don't understand sampling biases and fat tails, see >>10762135

>> No.10762349
File: 323 KB, 807x451, axl rose old.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't he wearing his gay lil bandana?

>> No.10763107


>> No.10763240
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>> No.10763242

holy shit he even mentioned the forbidden crime statistics and didn't correlate them to white male oppression, lefties absolutely enflamed

>> No.10763506

He's an even more Jewish version of Jordan Peterson but his views on human nature are 100% correct

>> No.10763539

>human nature
lmao, just stop posting and go back into the ocean, dude.

>> No.10763545

Human nature doesn't exist.

>> No.10763548

why are lefties so absolutely posterior-eroded by the fact that humans share certain innate attributes

>> No.10763552

None of those are good things.

>> No.10763553

>postmodernists thinking they're so courageous because they can deny basic truths

>> No.10763565

Oh look, a ASS sucker. Go back to plebbit, please.
Nietzsche is cited by millions and is discretely cited by millions more. Pinker is an irrelevant pop academic who will be forgotten a decade or two after he dies. Meanwhile, scholarship on Nietzsche is still climbing

>> No.10763569

Truth doesn't exist. I'm not a post-modernist. Try again, plebbitor.

>> No.10763616

social engineering is their hobby

>> No.10764386

populist writer, that writes to please. slays pussy from every tribe and makes bank.

will /lit/ ever admit they want to be him?

>> No.10764460
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she has great tit that she hides most of the time, very frustrating

also, Pinker was on the Joe Rogan podcast. Is this channel just exploding right now?

>> No.10764790

no it didn't

>> No.10764886

>Pinker is an irrelevant pop academic who will be forgotten a decade or two after he dies.

And you're a random shitposter that hasn't submitted any peer reviewed papers and will never be known while working a part time job for minimum wage to support your 'writing career' hoping that you'll make it big.

>> No.10764895

Redpill me on this guy's takes on Hegel?
I have a "very short introduction" and I groaned when I saw who wrote it.

>> No.10764903

pinker didn't write the very short introduction to hegel u sad brainlet

>> No.10764910

Sorry, it was Singer. Similar name.
Well, I can sleep easy.

Is anything this Pinker guy wrote worth reading?

>> No.10764914

he wrote a good allegory called Steven Pinker and the Seven Dwarves about him beating up antisemitic manlets

>> No.10764922

Peter Singer wrote that. Still somewhat groanworthy, but the Hegel book is okay as a descriptive introduction.

>> No.10764935


>> No.10764979

His arguments against freud are pathethic

>> No.10765013

freud is pathetic and nobody but undergrads takes psychoanalysis seriously

>> No.10765045


>> No.10765063


>> No.10765083

One branch of modern clinical psychology is derived from Psychoanalysis. Please stop jewposting your ignorance all over the boards. Stupid plebeian.

>> No.10765299

>jewish racist

>> No.10765632

He wrote a book, after the 20th century, about how the world is getting less violent.

>> No.10766438

Project harder, please

>> No.10766591
File: 46 KB, 754x361, steven_pinker_2_by_rose_lincoln_harvard_university-feat[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Life before the Enlightenment was darkened by starvation, plagues, superstitions, maternal and infant mortality, marauding knight-warlords, sadistic torture-executions, slavery, witch hunts, and genocidal crusades, conquests, and wars of religion. Good riddance.
>The Enlightenment is working: for two and a half centuries, people have used knowledge to enhance human flourishing. Scientists have exposed the workings of matter, life, and mind. Inventors have harnessed the laws of nature to defy entropy, and entrepreneurs have made their innovations affordable. Lawmakers have made people better off by discouraging acts that are individually beneficial but collectively harmful. Diplomats have done the same with nations. Scholars have perpetuated the treasury of knowledge and augmented the power of reason. Artists have expanded the circle of sympathy. Activists have pressured the powerful to overturn repressive measures, and their fellow citizens to change repressive norms. All these efforts have been channeled into institutions that have allowed us to circumvent the flaws of human nature and empower our better angels.

Have you praised Reason today?

>> No.10766599

I unironically agree with him

>> No.10766790

Taleb is funny, but his argument in your link does not stand up statistical scrutiny

>> No.10767260

*tips fedora*

>> No.10767306

that's because you don't see that it's all just an edifice built on sand and the pain that our will endure as it all slowly sinks will cause us to curse our ancestors for dooming us to that fate

>> No.10767326

*our descendants

>> No.10767342


>> No.10767352
File: 80 KB, 500x434, india-has-a-new-caste-for-native-english-spe-akers-30745793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what channel? and who has great bob?

>> No.10767363

yes, he invented sitting down and talking to people, i'm not impressed

>> No.10767368

except the catholic church invented that

>> No.10767375

I'd like to defile her with my penis if you catch my meaning

>> No.10767381

I've never read Pinker and I've never watched his lectures, so it's possible I'm responding to an argument that he isn't making. But:
The frequent argument that "things are getting better - look at how little starvation there is now" seems always to ignore that virtually all progress in this area belongs to China. India does have a growing middle class, but it also has a growing population and hence a growing poorer class. I think there are a few reasons this isn't pointed out is:
1) China remains nominally Marxist and throws a real wrench in the "atrocities carried out in the name of Marx!" argument
2) China flagrantly ignored essentially all of the West's advice about how to how to alleviate poverty. Where Africa and SE Asia followed the advice of the World Bank and the WTO and liberalized - to tragic results - China shut it's doors.
3) Where in the West, one can imagine a sort of capitalist heaven without horrible exploitation (out of sight out of mind), in China that's not nearly so doable. Sweatshops are alive and well in China and if horrendous labor conditions are on the decline in China, that's only because it's going to poorer countries.

Another good answer to Pinker is: what would it even look like to think "irrationally" ? If Kant taught us anything, it is that it's literally impossible for anyone to think illogically.

Psychologists like Peterson and "neuroscientists" like Pinker should leave social policy and philosophy to smarter people.

>> No.10767402

I bought and read Blank Slate shortly after its paperback release. I was about 20 at the time.

At first, I loved it. Those first few chapters were great. In them, he traces widely-held notions to their philosophical underpinnings and shows just how detached they are from contemporary scientific though. It was a heady mixture and gave me a lot to think about as a young man.

In the later chapters though, he starts talking about "neuroplasticity" out of nowhere. This term means something like the ability of the brain to adapt to severe trauma or damage through adaptive rerouting. Again and again with the "neuroplasticity". You could tell it was something he felt strongly about, and it relates to the underlying theme of the book, but he went on and on about it in a very annoying way. I get. The brain is not blank, but rein it in a little. Stop saying "neuroplasticity" and do something about your unseemly frothing mouth.

>> No.10767724

>-less deaths
African birthrates through the roof
The real doombringer at least for europe is of course ignored by leftists progs like Pinker

>> No.10767770

/ourjew/ confirmed