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/lit/ - Literature

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10755395 No.10755395 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else make a conscious effort to resist American cultural imperialism in their writing?

For example, one of the things I do is write muscle growth porn (that's not all I write, but it's a guilty pleasure) and the convention is to express measurements like height and weight in the imperial system because that's what the yanks use and most of the English-speaking internet is American, and so even non-Americans end up using imperial measurements because we have been trained by the American cultural output to intuitively attach a particular image to a weight of 400lbs whereas a weight of 180kg is meaningless.

I buck this trend, and use exclusively metric measurements (except for height and muscle size measurements, where inches make more sense).

It's just one of the things I do to cast off the shackles of the American lingual establishment.

In my broader writing I also reject all American slang or cultural references, and I ensure that all of my work where appropriate criticises not just American foreign policy and domestic politics but also the American people themselves, who let this happen. I want to make my audience understand that emulating American culture is a fast track to becoming American, which is truly a fate worse than death.

What about you, /lit/? How do you preserve linguistic sovereignty in your writing?

>> No.10755396

>Anyone else make a conscious effort to resist American cultural imperialism in their writing?

stopped reading right there, chuckled, but stopped reading

>> No.10755401

>one of the things I do is write muscle growth porn

gb2 reddit

>> No.10755402

>(except for height and muscle size measurements, where inches make more sense)

>> No.10755403

>For example, one of the things I do is write muscle growth porn
stopped reading there

>> No.10755407
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This thread is going places.

>> No.10755412
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An absolutely legendary post.

>> No.10755418

>For example, one of the things I do is write muscle growth porn
"chuckled, but stopped reading" sums it up, 9/10

>> No.10755423

Anyone else make a conscious effort to resist Jewish zionism in their writing?

For example, one of the things I do is write concentration camp BDSM porn (that's not all I write, but it's a guilty pleasure) and the convention is to refer to sex acts against the back drop of the alleged Nazi campaign of extermination (commonly referred to as the holocaust, but perhaps more accurately described as the holohoax) because of the Jews and their lies, and most of the English-speaking internet is Jewified, and so even redpills like me end up using the holocaust as the ultimate sexual shortcut to express the superior Aryan's domination of various subhuman ethnics because we have been trained by the Jews intuitively associate the holocaust with the supreme expression of the Nazi ideology, even though it never actually happened.

I buck this trend, and use exclusively historically accurate information and verified reports to paint the backdrop against which my characters engage in their BDSM acts.

It's just one of the things I do to cast off the shackles of the Jewish holohoax industry.

In my broader writing I also reject all Jewish-perpetuated degeneracy like rap or poetry, and I ensure that all of my work where appropriate criticises not just Israel's foreign policy and domestic politics but also the Jewish people themselves, who have made the destruction of the white race their mission. I want to make my audience understand that embracing Jews is a fast track to Roman-stlye collapse, which is truly a fate worse than death.

What about you, /lit/? How do you preserve Aryan superiority in your writing?

>> No.10755427

>I ensure that all of my work where appropriate criticises not just American foreign policy and domestic politics but also the American people themselves, who let this happen
...where in a muscle growth fapfic would it be appropriate to insert an authorial diatribe against American unilateralism in Iraq?

>> No.10755432

I'm not American but,
you haven't given any reason why the Imperial system is bad...
I mean, in many ways it's better than the metric such as the 'foot' measurement. A metric metre is a random measurement based on numbers that have no relevancy to human activity other than that they're simple to calculate. A foot, on the other hand, is something that you can measure very close to if you're of average body size. I think even the Russians had thumb measurements that the evils of metric subterfuge rubbed out.

>> No.10755437

>you haven't given any reason why the Imperial system is bad...
Because it's American, obviously.

>> No.10755508

Metric is objectively better if you're a classical liberal such as myself. To death with antiquated measurements based on a king's foot or hand. It's also simpler to use if you need very small or long measurements: 100 cm becomes m, etc.

>> No.10755526

9.5/10 because there must always be room left for improvement.

>> No.10755547
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erudite shitpoast friend

>> No.10755575

>What about you, /lit/? How do you preserve linguistic sovereignty in your writing?
stopped reading right there. chuckled, but stopped reading

>> No.10755581

>American cultural output to intuitively attach a particular image to a weight of 400lbs whereas a weight of 180kg is meaningless.
What. I'm Australian, I have no idea what 400lbs is in any sense, I couldn't even convert it to a unit that has meaning (to me). A weight of 180kg is certainly not meaningless. I can maybe see what you mean in fantasy writing, as imperial (not necessarily American, there are other units under the same names) appear more 'naturalistic', whereas metric/SI is more systematic and verbose. But generally you can avoid this wholly by saying things like: hands, leagues, thumbs, feet, etc. I don't mean 'feet' as American Imperial unit, I mean it as a loose reference for descriptive purposes, as with all the rest. Making reference to the world as a way of describing it in a semi-quantitative fashion. As for other writing, I have no idea what you mean. Non-Americans don't use it, unless a particular edition/publisher changes it (for an American audience). I don't think you should be specifically describing measurements at all. It's irrelevant, a sign of poor writing. You speak of resisting American cultural imperialism yet display that you have been subjugated by it. 'inches' do not make more 'sense', there is no objectivity in this. I prefer cm, m, and mm, because to me inches/feet are imprecise, brutish, and don't evoke anything in my mind's eye. 180 centimetres, 1.8 metres, these are much better to me. But as I said, for measurement in fiction writing, you should refer to world objects and never be so specific.

Disregarding our equally retarded spiels about measurement. I can grasp and appreciate your desire to avoid global homogeneity of degenerate Americanism. Good work, OP. I personally chauvinistically adhere to British and Australian ways of doing things. Even if I have lost them, I revert. A world in which the majority of differences between peoples is only found in trite manufactured politics, would and will be a terrible place. Already capitalism (spearheaded by the USA and its 'culture') has killed the uniqueness of human groups. On one hand humanity becomes a further unified entity, on the other we lose our potential and diversity. We'll be stuck in narrow lines of thought forevermore, no originality ad greatness afforded by alien cultures and thus mentalities, interacting.

>> No.10755759

>American Imperialism
>Not all Imperialism than general
Piss off Tankie, dont sully DIO with your counter revolutionary stink

>> No.10755893

>counter revolutionary

>> No.10756370

Holy Diver is a fucking awesome album, and Dio hated Trump. WTF is that graphic about?

>> No.10756422

Yes, OP.

By writing on walls, with paint. Sometimes I hit plate glass windows with a homemade marker full of glass etching cream. I can irreparably destroy a 60,000 dollar starbucks store front in ten seconds flat.

In situations like these I never "tag", but rather I write a little fuck you to starbucks, or 'brooklyn' industries clothing, or the Amazon lockers. I'm petty like that.

>> No.10756880

Post your muscle growth fap fics anon

>> No.10756929
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>emulating American culture is a fast track to becoming American, which is truly a fate worse than death.
I honestly agree.

>> No.10756966
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If you're reading and writing creatively, you're not going to become "American." Don't sweat it.

>> No.10756974

I embrace it completely, though not entirely unironically

>> No.10756987

If this is unironic, it must be the most autistic post that I have ever read on /lit/

>> No.10757056

Quality post, OP

>> No.10757807
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Holy Diver was a fucking amazing album. Saved. Thanks, OP

>> No.10757820

Ronnie James Dio was fucking dead before the 2016 election. What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.10757990

Trump has been a well-known public asshole since the 1980s, anon. Everybody is familiar with him, and older sane artists and other folks hated him as a money-grubbing tycoon long long before he decided to run for President.

>> No.10758260

>For example, one of the things I do is write muscle growth porn

>> No.10759694
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>Anyone else make a conscious effort to resist American cultural imperialism in their writing?
I make conscious efforts to write against many things, but I won't get out of my way to attack one of the few countrys that deserve respect (they have problems, lots of them, but the US isen't as bad as people paint it). I also wouden't use a lot of symbolism, I usualy write some political intrigue in scenarios like that, making the characters act like one group or another. Or just plain write rip-off the countrys political and social realities.
>What about you, /lit/? How do you preserve linguistic sovereignty in your writing?
I couden't give less of a fuck about my langue. English is a much better langue than mine, so I use it as I see fit.

Since I am aiming for the world-state, if I write anything to make propaganda of my political beliefs, I usualy aim for that, and regionalistic movements often are the antagonist (tho I make sure that both groups have a fair share of discusting characters, 'cause I ain't going for straw man fallacy)

>> No.10759721
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>one of the things I do is write muscle growth porn
But that measuring system is shit anyway

I wish the quality captions thread from /d/ and /aco/ would come back desu

>> No.10760821

>one of the few countrys that deserve respect
>United States of America
Pick one.

They are barbaric despoilers in gaudy costumes. Nothing more. Britain has had a far greater net positive effect on the world and they didn't have to lie about what they were doing in the process to win people's respect.

>> No.10761907

I suck the Dick of UK, but the US also need some love from time to time. Specialy in times where retards ignore the fact that a non-american world will turn into a chinese one. And if this happen, forget your freedoms, new slave.

>> No.10761988

>Anyone else make a conscious effort to resist American cultural imperialism in their writing?
>What about you, /lit/? How do you preserve linguistic sovereignty in your writing?

I have no language to preserve or to defend since my native tongue is of a sub-human language, as long as it elevates my experience then i'll take it, everything is much better than being kept in a sub-human linguistic cage that has no relevance.

>> No.10762457
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>Since I am aiming for the world-state

>> No.10762489

What language do you speak?

>> No.10762528

source on the literal semen demon OP picture? he’s really sexy... does he have like an instagram

>> No.10763025

Read the thread nerd.

Oh, right.

>> No.10763068

I speak Indonesian with Malay dialect since i used to live in Borneo and a bit of Javanese since my mother speaks the language. But i moved to Holland in 2014 to work as an expat and i speak Dutch, English and German. Learned my way formally through language courses so it's pretty stiff until now, not native level but okay enough to hold a normal and proper conversation with people. English is still my choice of language since my Mom forced me to attend language course since i was little.

>> No.10764402
File: 378 KB, 1425x1425, dio decade_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His name is Murray. Here's his story.

>> No.10764905

I hate the US but given a choice I'll choose the yanks over China every time

>> No.10766042

>thinking your choice makes a difference
Both the US and China are equally autocratic, corrupt, and unilateral when it comes to dealing with their subjects.

You just don't realise it because the US is better at force-feeding you their "free world" spiel because their companies have infiltrated your society so completely that you consume US media and mistake it for you own.

>leader of the free world
>we dictate how much you will spend on defence

>> No.10766062

many nato nations dont even spend the minimum 2% of gdp on military.

the usa is pretty damn benevolent, especially towards europe.

>> No.10766316

Dude the only thing non americans measure in inches is dicks

>> No.10766329

>more people understand imperial on the English speaking internet than metric
How can you be sure?

>> No.10766334

Regardless of whether it's true or not, I have seen good, true, and honest muscle growth porn writers from countries that use metric writing in Imperial units.

The fact that they felt the need to do this, regardless of whether or not there is empirical data to support their decision, is all the evidence I need of the yankee jackboot on the throat of the West.

>> No.10766339

>bases measurements on body parts
>its actually a good system bro
