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File: 32 KB, 272x400, Marcuse One Dimensional Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10751664 No.10751664 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think about this book?

Do you think it describes our society today?

I think he describes pretty accurately the one-dimensionality of thinking and of modern life, shutting down of political discourse, the authoritarianism of the university, the creation of false needs, new forms of repression and modes of control, a state of unfreedom in which there are certain standards in which to act, the zombiefication and reification of human beings

>> No.10751706

I clearly consists of three dimensions, so I don't know what that loony is on about

>> No.10751888

>the authoritarianism of the university,
...which he created and called for in Repressive Tolerance.


>> No.10752009
File: 26 KB, 249x478, bugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marcuse is the worst example of the Frankfurt shit. Marcuse like many pseudo-Marxists at that point in time seriously thougth keynesian economics had overcome the basic contradictions of political economy and we were just left to face the sociological issues raised by an "affluent society". This illusion made sense in the early 60s during the up phase of the post-war business cycle and that's why it appealed to elements of the new left but is absurd today.

You're really stretching things to claim Marcuse somehow created the institutionally authoritarian nature of universities.
Repressive Tolerance may just be triggering your naive faith in liberalism as some sort of bulwark against illiberalism, as if the second you stop moderating anything online it's not flooded with CP and 1488 memes.

>> No.10752155

>literally created the New Left and wrote about how having any other opinion other than his neo-marxist ones was literally fascism and that those views should be done away with
>spreads this throughout academia
>"hurr he totally didnt do that at all!"
Behold, the fruits of Marcuse

>> No.10752165

>This illusion made sense in the early 60s during the up phase of the post-war business cycle and that's why it appealed to elements of the new left but is absurd today.

t. an anon who hasn't yet learned that eloquence doesn't absolve you of having excruciatingly stupid opinions

>> No.10752170

try the redpill, Marcuse was a proponent of white genocide and encouraging women to fuck apes

>> No.10752209
File: 22 KB, 485x443, Grugcuse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marcuse is the worst part of the Frankfurt school, and the "cultural marxist" conspiracy theory would not exist if it weren't for Marcuse and his idea of "repressive tolerance". Everything wrong with the new Left found its vocation in Marcuse

>> No.10752237
File: 618 KB, 743x1769, cultural marxism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cultural marxism is just a right wing conspiracy theory!
Always with the strawmen

>> No.10752282

He's probably referring to the /pol/ conspiracy

>> No.10752317

the absolute irony of Leftists calling cultural marxism a conspiracy theory when it is literally just turning the Frankfurt school's method of critique back on itself

>> No.10752415

It isn't

>> No.10752422

[citation needed]

>> No.10752474

>Marcuse like many pseudo-Marxists at that point in time seriously thougth keynesian economics had overcome the basic contradictions of political economy and we were just left to face the sociological issues raised by an "affluent society".
Did you even read him? Marcuse does not submit to the economical doctrine of his time whatsoever, what he does is investigate in what way the capitalist system maintains itself through an ideological invasion of the inner life/the private sphere; the erection of the consumerist sphere.

Frankfurt schools purpose has always been to provide a critical reflection of life within the system itself.

>> No.10752485

He's a left wing Evola

>> No.10752515

>These background limitations of tolerance are normally prior to the explicit and judicial limitations as defined by the courts, custom, governments, etc. (for example, 'clear and present danger', threat to national security, heresy). Within the framework of such a social structure, tolerance can be safely practiced and proclaimed. It is of two kinds:

>the passive toleration of entrenched and established attitudes and ideas even if their damaging effect on man and nature is evident, and

>the active, official tolerance granted to the Right as well as to the Left, to movements of aggression as well as to movements of peace, to the party of hate as well as to that of humanity I call this non-partisan tolerance 'abstract' or 'pure' inasmuch as it refrains from taking sides--but in doing so it actually protects the already established machinery of discrimination.

>The tolerance which enlarged the range and content of freedom was always partisan--intolerant toward the protagonists of the repressive status quo. The issue was only the degree and extent of intolerance. In the firmly established liberal society of England and the United States, freedom of speech and assembly was granted even to the radical enemies of society, provided they did not make the transition from word to deed, from speech to action.

Could be used easily against SJW's, can't believe that Marcuse has been turned into such a boogieman

>> No.10752539

so hes a babbling retard?

>> No.10752574

He's tacitly rejecting the basic categories of Marxism while placing what's essentially an epiphenomenon to the centre of analysis. Marcuse doesn't seem to believe there's any fundamental reason capitalism cannot reproduce itself indefinitely outside of some sort of moral criticism.

Marcuse didn't, nor did the Frankfurt school, create the new left, he just jumped on the bandwagon once it was in motion, unlike Adorno.

>> No.10752576

*shrill 14/88 virgin manlet voice* YOU TAKE THAT BACK

>> No.10752589
File: 523 KB, 1672x1196, imgID134154083.jpg.gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Father of the New Left didnt create the new left
sure thing chief.

>> No.10752595


>> No.10752682
File: 32 KB, 800x792, flat,800x800,075,f.u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't that guy argue that sexual degeneracy would solve everything? and yet here we are

>> No.10752714

>unlike Adorno.
But Adorno did. He just didn't support the student movements.

>> No.10752723


>this is one of the greatest universities in america

lmao. America is cancer. That's what you get for being a nation of rootless plebs whose only gods are mammon and humbug. A society of dissatisfied customers.

>> No.10752729

>get infested with european autisim that is actively seeking to destroy the values and ideals that made America great
>blame it on America

>> No.10752737

french theory was just empty posturing to fuck young art girls, it was never supposed to be taken seriously you fucking mutts, you ruined it for everybody else

>> No.10752766


>blames a boogeyman for what is clearly an intrinsic failure of soulless consumer capitalism


>> No.10752774

how exactly does one proceed from 'soulless consumer capitalism' to 'import Somalis'. Like what mystical logic gets you from a to b there

>> No.10752784

cheaper workers and destruction of social cohesion to dismantle the welfare state

>> No.10752791

They just increase the size of the welfare state by voting Democrat

>> No.10752816


Literally all of queer theory, gender studies theory and social constructionism are american inventions. Sure, some of them are based on typically american misunderstandings of french thought, post-structuralism in particular, but not one philosopher in Europe took post-structuralism seriously. It was a joke.

Only the american mind, addled as it is by its rampant abuse of adderall, sugar, pornography, valium, SSRI's and somatropin-filled beef could take it seriously. And they did. And it became cancer. But don't blame anyone but yourselves. The great thing is though, that it will not spread to Europe, at least not to any significant degree. Too much blue blood in our veins for that filth.

>> No.10752828

>Literally all of queer theory, gender studies theory and social constructionism are american inventions.
This is all based on Critical Theory, which is all from european jews in the interwar period. It really is remarkable just how completely ignorant leftist are on their own retarded ideology

>> No.10752834

>The great thing is though, that it will not spread to Europe, at least not to any significant degree.
there are some retard leftists in Europe that try to copy/paste american racial dynamics to europe as if that made any sense. But yeah, it's not going anywhere and those people are basically just a meme that will swallow any shit that comes from america because it's trendy

>> No.10752837

>the authoritarianism of university
>says one of the single most important perpetrators of the shutting down of the Overton window for intellectuals

How very surreal

>> No.10752848

>This is all based on Critical Theory, which is all from european jews in the interwar period.
they are rootless mutts as soon as they put foot in america, sorry, critical theory was created as a conversation topic for coffee shops, only retard amerisharts could fall for a meme like that

>> No.10752859

>queer theory
Created by Judith Butler, influenced by Lacan and Foucault
>gender studies theory
Created by american feminists, based on other american feminists
>social constructionism
This can be traced back to Beauvoir

>b-but muh frangfart school
No. Back to /pol/.

>> No.10752872


Everything american is based on European thought. Your point is trivial. The offshoots of critical theory that you hate, namely queer theory, gender studies theory and social constructionism, are your own inventions.

You're like a teenager that is angry with and blaming his father for his own mistakes. Sure, we made you, but that does not mean that your perpetual fuck-ups aren't your own fault.

>> No.10752883

>No. Back to /pol/.
the sophistication of the cultural marxist knows no bounds

>> No.10752885

>>social constructionism
>This can be traced back to Beauvoir
You fucking pseud

>The offshoots of critical theory that you hate, namely queer theory, gender studies theory and social constructionism, are your own inventions.

Social constructionism is DEFINITELY not an American invention
All early queer theorist were influenced by Foucault, a French man

>> No.10752904

I had to be clear and coincise, otherwise you wouldn't have understood me.

>> No.10752905


>> No.10752920

different posters imbecile, anyway queer theory = social constructionism. Pleb.

>> No.10752923

I wasn't criticizing your style but the content, or rather the lack thereof.

>> No.10752934

You clearly can't read then.

>> No.10752935

why are you posting on a literature board when you clearly don't read books?

>> No.10752936


>were influenced by Foucault

Of course your intellectual abominations were influenced by Europeans - that is trivial. That does not change the fact that the abominations were created by americans, are only prevalent in america, and will only be prevalent in america.

>> No.10752942

Wow great argument, my bad for not seeing its value at first

>> No.10752955

It's ok, no one is meant to talk about big brain things :)

>> No.10752960

No. Back to pol

>> No.10752963

Nice argument
>y-you don't read lol XD
Says the /pol/tard

>> No.10752979

>anyway queer theory = social constructionism.
social constructionism is european
queer theory is social constructionism according to (((You)))
therefore queer theory is european cancer

thanks for self-defeating your arguments, subhuman

>> No.10752983

no, it is nothing but pure ideology

>> No.10752987

again, none of that is supposed to be taken seriously, it's just meaningless talking points until you americans went autistic on it

>> No.10752999
File: 56 KB, 621x702, vO7lRZ7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you read you pleb? I've already said that queer theory was invented by Butler. The fact that she's influenced from Beauvoir (and other yuros) doesn't make it european you manchild. I was responding to the "it was derived from critical theory" claim, dumbass.

>> No.10753015

>literally just said "queer theory = social constructionism"
>hurrrrrr I didn't say that durr

are yuros literally retarded?

>> No.10753024

>it's just a prank bro!!

>> No.10753025
File: 52 KB, 791x800, flat,800x800,070,f.u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Queer theory = invented by butler (influenced by Beauvoir, Lacan, Foucault and other) = social constructivism
Why are you on literature board if you can't read?

>> No.10753030

It's probably Derrida's fault, desu.

>> No.10753036

>"queer theory is LITERALLY the same as social constructivism" t. retard
>"europeans have nothing to do with it tho!" t. very same retard

>> No.10753041

Queer theory is social contructivism applied to sex and gender.
You're making me run out of brainlet memes,

>> No.10753049

>Marcuse doesn't seem to believe there's any fundamental reason capitalism cannot reproduce itself indefinitely outside of some sort of moral criticism.
What an absolute brainlet

>> No.10753053

you guys absolutely never respond to the actual content of a post. It's like you're genetically incapable of honest conversation

>> No.10753060

>Honest conversation
Their brain runs on memes and mcdonalds

>> No.10753333

>Could be used easily against SJW's, can't believe that Marcuse has been turned into such a boogieman
He's just describing tolerance as its been applied in those passages, he's not saying those things are good. He goes on to say that the left shouldn't tolerate the right.

>> No.10753347

>Too much blue blood in our veins for that filth.
>lets in hordes of migrants who rape their women and are given slaps on the wrist, imprisons people who talk against it

>> No.10753668

Fuck these idpol zombies

>> No.10753687

if anything sexuality of biological men and women has been more repressed

these tranny lgbt feminazis aren't the liberation of sexuality

>> No.10753722

>Marcuse like many pseudo-Marxists at that point in time seriously thougth keynesian economics had overcome the basic contradictions of political economy
Yeah, this was my reaction to the book. For all its pessimism, in its treatment of the economy it reads like utopian science fiction.

Would be interesting to know whether Marcuse had a rethink after the post-war dream went to shit. I could see him being quite happy that the economy wasn't nearly as solved as he imagined, actually.

>> No.10753776

You're supporting white supremacy by not letting them get a take home test


IDPOL has to go!

>> No.10753799

deathnics too lazy to study for an exam lmfao

>> No.10753817


They block Asian and White students from going to class. Later, they deny it

starts at 44 seconds

>> No.10753825

the absolute state

>> No.10753835

wtf is wrong with americans?

>> No.10753844

Don't pretend like this liberal ideology isn't spreading to Europe kek

I took semesters in both continents are euro students are just as ideologically cucked if not more cucked (in america there are always outcast groups of every sort)

>> No.10753857


>> No.10753859

this is what the soyboy behind the posts looks like


>> No.10753880


>> No.10753888


>> No.10753897


"Fuck you whitey"

>> No.10753935


>> No.10753954

nice flip loser