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File: 15 KB, 200x300, schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10745423 No.10745423 [Reply] [Original]

>Advocates total celibacy, asceticism, not desiring, anti-consumerism, not fearing death, compassion and treating all beings as equal.
>Uses opium, drinks wine, sleeps with a gun under his pillow in fear of burglars, isn't vegetarian, eats at restaurant everyday of his life, strives for admiration and fame, there are accounts of ill-temperament and ill-treatment of people.
Bro do as I say, not as I do lol.

>> No.10745438

Philosophy is what people use as a coping mechanism when they can't make peace with reality.

>> No.10745440

His own will was was asceticism and he had to rebel against his own will, in order to achieve The Will.

>> No.10745444

Reality, in this case, includes wondering what reality is.

>> No.10745487

No. The Will is the same for everyone and everything. He said that by means of asceticism you reduce the Will and reduce suffering. If he was naturally ascetic (which he wasn't.) why would he want to increase suffering?. Also read about his life. Everyone agrees he didn't practice what he preached too much, only in cases were it was convenient like not marrying, even though there are multiple accounts of him trying to get young girls.

>> No.10745502

Virgin Nietzsche vs Chad Schopenhauer when?

>> No.10745513
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>> No.10745519

>Bro do as I say, not as I do
He said what the best way of living was, it looks like it required strong self discipline and maybe he didn't have enough.

>> No.10745546

I think he did give pretty good reasons why to live like the ascetic, but it just adds some in-authenticity to his work if he didn't live the way he told other people to live. If he was so smart to write The World as Will and Representation which I do think is a genius piece of work, how come he didn't have the discipline to live the "right" way.

>> No.10745575

The more Schopenhauer threads i see the more i want to read what he's all about. Is there a good work to start with that's short enough to sneak into my reading list?

>> No.10745579
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Kierkegaard had his number

>> No.10745584

Try reading Hegel, hate it, burn his books. That's all you need to know about Schoppy

>> No.10745585
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Fucking hell

>> No.10745590
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REEEEEE Third time's a charm

>> No.10745596

>in-authenticity to his work if he didn't live the way
It doesn't have to, he might have tried his best and accomplished subtle benefits we're not aware of. Even if it's not a miraculous conversion story like Augustine or whatever.

>> No.10746706

I think "wisdom of life" (can be found online) is a good place to start.

>> No.10746747

Must the sculpter of a beautiful statue also be beautiful?

>> No.10746758

I expect the man giving me sculpting advice to be a fucking sculptor.

>> No.10746764

Wtf I want to read Kierkegaard now

>> No.10746786

K was ourguy desu

>> No.10746790

Kierkegaard generally tried to live what he preached which is admirable

>> No.10746833

theyre both virgins

>> No.10746866

do it

>> No.10746924

Schopenhauer had sex, lots of conquests, he became pessimistic and stopped being sexual as he got older. Nietzsche probably visited a prostitute which is almost definitely where he got syphilis from, it would be ironic if his losing his virginity was the end of him

>> No.10747105

The only philosopher, who lived by it, is Diogenes

>> No.10747145

>Schopenhauer had sex, lots of conquests, he became pessimistic and stopped being sexual as he got older.

Is there any evidence of this account that didn't come from Schopenhauer?

>> No.10747166

I appreciate him for his essays still but he's probably the worst, most ineffectual philosopher of recent centuries.

>> No.10747220
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Just because you can see the peak doesn't mean you will reach it.

Rest in peace fallen heroes.

>> No.10747227

He'd be an emo redditor if he were alive today.

>> No.10747230
File: 67 KB, 1000x563, 1495487310603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are you going to make the Ligotti sour-grapes thread again? God, normie rhetoric is pathetic.

>> No.10747239

Got em

>> No.10747243

What an "effectual" philosopher?

>> No.10747256

>ctrl f: "Tu Quoque"
>0 results

This is simple stuff guys. No need to make a meal out of it.

>> No.10747275

Thank you for the neck pain.

>> No.10747293

Kierkegaard is so good, I've never found a single fault with him

>> No.10747329

No one is saying his ideas are invalid.
The thread was a observation that he largely didn't live the way he told others to live in his magnum opus and essays.

>> No.10747345
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Who cares?

>> No.10747356

A man is judged by his actions, not his ideas.

>> No.10747359

It's a little strange. It would add something to it if he was like "Look, this is how it's done." Lead by example. I think he might have thought that he would never get this well known and that people wouldn't dig into his personal life. He only got popular later in life.

>> No.10747363

Maybe, but you need ideas to rationalise your shitty life. Look at normies. A lot of them believe in karma or horoscopes in order to make some sense of their shitty lives. You don't literally have to do what you think is right, you just have to hold it in your mind in order to feel better about yourself.

>> No.10747368

ideas are actions

>> No.10747373

>you just have to hold it in your mind in order to feel better about yourself.
Sorry anon, you aren't going to make it

>> No.10747379


>> No.10747384

And down is up?

>> No.10747411

By "not making it" you mean I won't be paralysed by constantly feeling guilty about things I'm not doing without ever improving? Take your rules too seriously and you'll quickly be disappointed. Keep them loose and you might be able to cope with your shitty life. It's what the masses do to stay asleep because that's what works. Any form of rationalising is basically just telling yourself pretty stories so that you can sleep better at night. And even if you have stories that drive you to suicide, they're driving you to suicide because it's the least painful option.

>> No.10747427

Lol ok Arthur

>> No.10747910


Too bad kiggy was just a worse version of Schopenhauer with no discernable writing talent

>> No.10747918
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>kiggy was just a worse version of Schopenhauer

>> No.10747936

Philosophers are certainly judged by their ideas if you are judging them in the capacity of their being a philosopher.

>> No.10748007

>isn't a vegan soyboy
>drinks the drink of the elite
>owns a gun instead of being a cucked pussy
>worked hard for money and fame

literally nothing wrong with these

>> No.10748016
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>kiggy was just a worse version of Schopenhauer


>> No.10748049

No you have a dualist understanding of reality based on essences and bodies. ideas are an activity in the nervous system and require activity to propagate as well. All things are actions, and in a relative space up can indeed be down

>> No.10749256

begone schopicuck