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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 52 KB, 357x500, nhk book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10744269 No.10744269 [Reply] [Original]

Have you read Welcome To The N.H.K. /lit/??.

>> No.10744273

>manga > novel > anime

>> No.10744281

Not only have I read it, I actually wrote it. But it's a weird book, very short. I can't figure out what I was thinking in writing it. Who would want to read about being welcomed somewhere? It's like writing a book called "Welcome to McDonald's." Okay, I'm welcomed. Now what? Where's my big mac? At least McDonald's gave me a big mac. What did NHK give me? That girl in the pic, I hope.

>> No.10744296


Tatsuhiko Takimoto why are you still a hikikomori??.

>> No.10744302


The novel is the most realistic.

>> No.10744308

Yeah, but the manga is funnier and the ending gives me some hope. At leas it used to.

>> No.10744328

I watched it, I really don’t want to slog through it again and feel bad about everything

>> No.10744334
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>> No.10744349

>tfw you find out about the authors current life
That made me more depressed than ever. I remember a couple years after the book got big the new edition has a little note at the end talking about how he was still a hikki and just living off the royalties from his book the whole time. Then I checked on him again and now he's really deep into some really weird spiritualistic cult. The book gave me hope and I figured if anyone coild find salvation and attain absolution it would be the author of Welcome to the NHK, but nope. The final message of hope kinda feels empty to me after seeing all the good it did the poor lad; I guess in the end there is no escape.

>> No.10744350

The novel is awful

>> No.10744353

I really like that shirt

>> No.10744359

T. Weeb

>> No.10744378

Watched half the anime and dropped it cause it was clear the rest of the series was just going to be the girl reviving the guy. That's pretty boring, unless someone else who's watched can tell me I'm wrong.

>> No.10744398
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I can confirm there is no escape from hikki life i tried to leave my room and escape the hikki life get outside and live a normal life i went off to college in the fall of 2012 but after a year of being there and not being able to handle it and stressing out i dropped out and fell right back into the hikki lifestyle and became a Neet as well and i still am to this day its been 10 years and i'm still living this life.

>> No.10744413
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Are you guys ducking stupid? Find people who share interests with you. Go to a book signing or club and chat with people, if you're scared just keep going until you see a familiar face and chat them up. It's not like they're going to stab you. He'll join an anime club in college or at the very least a fucking chat room

>> No.10744414

I hate auto correct

>> No.10744429


Already tried this kinda shit 3 different times in 2012 i tried college didn't work out dropped out became Neet in 2015 i tried job hunting again no place wanted to hire me because i have little to no work experience so i gave up around that same time i joined an activist group to start going outside more did not work out they were all assholes who made fun of me behind my back so now i've completely given up on trying and i'm done.

>> No.10744453


>> No.10744464

You don't drop out just because you didn't make friends them first semester, just talk to familiar people in class even. Conversations aren't nuclear physics

>> No.10744479

It doesn't come that easy to everyone. I've been in uni for 4 years and have yet to make a single friend. I'm sure that anon would have similar luck if he didn't drop out.

>> No.10744490



>> No.10744491

Do you actually engage in conversation or do you just sit around? If you just sit in the corner and never make a sound of course no one will talk to you.

>> No.10744496

>grammar and spelling is bad enough to seem to be written by a foreigner or at least someone who doesn't speak English as a first language

I can believe that you're Japanese just from this but can you prove you're actually Tatshiko?

I'm a big fan

>> No.10744501

it wasn't originally supposed to be funny or end have a hopeful ending. It was supposed to be about a loser going crazy and living a miserable life only to end with him still being a loser going crazy with a miserable life

>> No.10744506

>i have to find someone sitting around and talk to them because if i sit around they won't talk to me
Nice double standard kid it's time to grow up and ditch the fallacies

>> No.10744508

Yeah I usually talk to a couple people in classes where we're allowed to and end up making a couple of acquaintances every semester. No friends tho.

>> No.10744513

the girl actually ends up being a selfish piece of shit, even more in the novel than the anime. Anime makes her seem innocent but she's a shitty person in the novel

>> No.10744517

I've actually been looking to buy a physical copy so I can add to my collection. Anyone know where I can buy it for cheap?

>> No.10744519
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I read the novel and really felt connected to it, so many passages made me feel like I was reading my own thoughts back to myself. Read the epilogue, read up about what he did after the book and visited his website, and while much of his life is quite strange and rather bleak I still get some sort of hope out of the whole thing because his words still reached me from across the world, through a language barrier and helped me feel like less of a freak.
I wish him the best in whatever he's getting up to these days.

>> No.10744525

>Anyone know where I can buy it for cheap?


>> No.10744529

>$61.21 aud after shipping

>> No.10744539

i watched it. this belongs in anime tho

>> No.10744542


Try Ebay

>> No.10744552
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>> No.10744563

for you >>10744542

>> No.10744602


I don't live in Australia so i have no idea how much that is.

>> No.10744809



>> No.10745032


>> No.10745050

Read the manga and watched the anime. It's ok.

>> No.10745125

I absolutely love the anime. I'm rewatching it every year

>> No.10745224

>I absolutely love the anime. I'm rewatching it every year


>> No.10745495


College is shit for making friends. I've said it before on these boards but it's 10x easier to make friends in a shitty part-time job than it is in college where everybody sees you as part of a networking experience above all.

Or maybe I'm cynical and jaded IDK.

>> No.10745656

Would you be interested in an interview? I'm doing a research project on hikkis atm

>> No.10745788

I rewatch mad men every fall usually. read the idiot too.

>> No.10746792

It's a fantastic book, better than almost all the rest of the trash that gets published

>> No.10746831

been watching eva every year since I was 14

>> No.10746862

This just isn't true. It's rather light for sure, but the handling of plot, pacing and the concise articulation of a certain mindset and lifestyle (i.e. Hiki) is spot-on, and best of all lacks the pretension which would otherwise leave the reader assuming the author is a 50-year-old successful writer LARPing to reach a young audience. It reads, like a lot of books in which the author invests a great deal of frustrated energy at a certain time early in their lives, as a desperate letter to a friend (the reader) which he can choose to reject or relate to. Personally I related to it a lot, and even the wacky scenes (e.g. the weird cult conference thing where he's wearing platform shoes) is funny and at the very least easy to comprehend. Best of all is that the author didn't settle for the "pixie girl rescues undeserving NEET" ideal but instead provides nuance by showing she is fucked up too and looking for company. In that sense it's a great modern love story. I also understand that the author wrote it in like a week for a competition, and I think that intensity is evident in the storytelling.

Free link: https://7chan.org/lit/src/Tatsuhiko_Takimoto_-_Welcome_to_the_NHK_novel.pdf

t. Tatusuhiko

>> No.10746876

The epilogues are funny as hell. The fact there are two of them, each expressing a sincere belief that things will soon turn around, but ending up with him admitting he's still NEET is hilarious. I think he's one of these writers who produce something fantastic in their extreme youth then never follow it up because they've already spilled all their spaghetti, so to speak.

>> No.10746879

Just lurk /r9k/

>> No.10746889
File: 34 KB, 576x251, hiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this doesn't make you smile, the book won't work for you.

I imagine Confederacy... readers will like it.

>> No.10746938

I started learning japanese pretty much to read this book in its original language. Part of the reason I wanted to read it in japanese was because the english version was something like $25 and the japanese version was only $5.

Now that I write it out I think I might be retarded.

>> No.10746968

I met a girl I irl I used to play an MMO with last summer.
I told her I was a depressed neet and she gave me a copy of this book. Still haven't read it. Good anime though.

>> No.10746973
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You should try going to church. I 'd given up on society and was resigned to committing suicide after my parents died, but now by the glory of God I'm turning my life around.

>> No.10746984

You are retarded, but at least you'll be dumb in two languages.

>> No.10747078

Not many genuine hikikomoris on /r9k/ anymore. Hikkichan shut down not long ago so Wizchan would probably be the best bet now.

Genuine hikikomoris that absolutely never leave their room are exceedingly rare in the West though. Even I leave my room to go to the psychiatrist and to eat. The japanese government's definition is people who haven't left their homes or interacted with others for at least six months

>> No.10747087

Wizchan sucks. I lurk there when I'm at work and it's too slow, with too many normies.

Also that's probably true. I wonder why Japan is so unique in that sense. Perhaps it's because their standards of masculinity and expectations for young men are so intense (i.e. working 80 hours as a salaryman).

The Saito Tamaki book is pretty interesting.

>> No.10747127

Wizchan has too many normies? The Christfags are annoying, but if you're a virgin past 30 then it's almost impossible to be a normie.

I think Japan is unique because of the way their familial relationships work. They won't just kick out their children the way BBS (baby boomer scum) will in the West. The Tamaki Saito book sucked imo. Tamaki Saito, Hiroki Azuma, and all these "intellectuals" who try to explain otaku trends and subcultures suck. It reminds me of Takashi Murakami's atrocious artwork.

>> No.10747159

I mean, Wizchan has the potential to be a great forum (I browse /dep/ only) but there are too many edgelords (shitting on every post) or normies (screaming about having no friends). Also there are way too many threads, with many repeats which divides the userbase.

I didn't so much like the sociological aspect of the Tamaki book, but I enjoyed hearing first hand from the hiki he interviewed. In fact, such sociological works reinforce the fact that novels really are useful and worth writing, if only to provide more subjective first-hand accounts of social phenomenons.

>> No.10747186

>They won't just kick out their children the way BBS (baby boomer scum) will in the West
I think that's an entirely American thing.

>> No.10747211

Yeah, I'd much rather read a book entirely on first-hand account of hikki's without the psychological speculation

I wouldn't say entirely, I bet it happens in Western Europe too but America is definitely the place where the protestant work ethic/whatever you want to call it took root the firmest.

>> No.10747232

It's not funny. It's not supposed to be either.

>> No.10747249

God hates me.

>> No.10747574

Any literature you'd recommend on the Hikikomori?

>> No.10747620

>grammar and spelling is bad enough to seem to be written by a foreigner

What are you on about?

>> No.10747932

>Would you be interested in an interview? I'm doing a research project on hikkis atm

Try /r9k/ Wizardchan or Eight Chan lots of them on there.

>> No.10747935

>HHuuurrrderrpp ho to church

Fuck off.

>> No.10747951
File: 26 KB, 560x351, hikikomori Italy 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Genuine hikikomoris that absolutely never leave their room are exceedingly rare in the West though.

The phenomenon is different from country to country Google hikikomori Italia

>> No.10748258

who /wants to make a hikikomori imageboard/ with me

I need something to do now that anime sucks and I've read nearly all the books on my list

>> No.10748357

>who /wants to make a hikikomori imageboard/ with me

There already is one.

>> No.10748391

I don't see it.

>> No.10748419

>lurk there at work
You're part of the problem.

>> No.10748423

The official hikikomori board is /jp/

>> No.10748448

>The official hikikomori board is /jp/

No its Eight Chans /hikki/

>> No.10748450

I meant on 4chan, sorry.

>> No.10748469
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Read pic related.

>> No.10748576
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hontoni arigato, Tatusuhiko-san

>> No.10748583

i have it but not read it. read the manga, and watched the anime. its ok.

>> No.10748592

fuck i bought it when it was cheap. shit

>> No.10748656

You can find it on libgen.

>> No.10748670

No but I saw the anime and it upset me because he had a cute girl try to rescue him. NEET life isn't like that.

>> No.10748697


You could go outside and have a productive social life you know NEET does not mean one who isolates one self it just means you don't wanna work not all Neets are hikikomori spend your time as a Neet wisely.

>> No.10748798

You could train martial arts everyday and become an alpha NEET.

>> No.10749511

there would not be a story otherwise

>> No.10749562

no your totally right

>> No.10749610


while this is true. I like to think that this story is supposed to represent the girl itself desu, because we experience everything from the protagonist POV to whom I can relate a lot too.

>> No.10749651

>tfw cute girl tried to rescue me from neet life, but I couldn't be rescued due to debilitating illness
Thanks World!

>> No.10749685

There are already a bagillion anime boards dude.



>> No.10749878

Depends on the college imo. I'm in a commuter college so 99% of people take their classes and bounce cause it's atleast an hour or more to get back home. If you live in dorms then I feel like it'd be pretty easy to make friends with whoever is on your floor just out of necessity. And if you score a decent roommate then you could probably slowly weasel your way into their circles.

>> No.10749918

This is about a novel you absolute fucking dork

>> No.10749928

Light novels barely count

>> No.10750033

It's a novella. There are no illustrations.

>> No.10750139

What is this post saying?

>> No.10750174

just admit it you were wrong. it's a novel and you mistakenly thought it was the anime. now shut your stupid face

>> No.10750398


This thread is about the book not the anime.

>> No.10750443

For me it's always been about the novel. I loved it so much I even scanned it ages ago to share it with some weeb friends. Every couple of years I go to a McDonalds in the busiest part of town, order a coffee and just sit there reading it all the way through. Watching young students or business types passing by, homeless old people wasting their hours away, always wondering which shoes I'd eventually fill.

The first time I was discouraged by the epilogue, like everyone else. The second time, I had more """life experience""" and realized it was perfectly normal for depressive types. Just like Taro or Tatsuhiko, I would get there periods of apathy and utter cowardice. Not only that, I somehow managed to fake my way into getting a few achievements (college, dating, a job), just like the MC who, by some miracle, got laid. I'm not a wizard but I feel like one, because I'm such a big fraud. Eventually, the MC pulled through, which used to bring me hope. But Now I've a NEET and semi hikki for the last 3 years and I'm not sure any more. This shit was cute 5 years ago, but I'm on my 30s now.

Even worse, I re-read the novel last year and googled Tatsuhiko's website. Learning he had joined some sort of cult was truly disheartening, because I'd never sink so low.

>> No.10750501

The success and popularity of the book drove him back into hikkimori ways, he writes about it a reprints foreward iirc.

First Ive heard of a cult though

>> No.10750536

>He mentioned in an interview in 2013 that he’s into meditation, fortune-telling, tarot, the works. On the front page of his website, it plainly states that its purpose is “to create a new reality, to transcend 2D and achieve 5D.”
I remember his website used to be full of shit about light and its healing properties.

>> No.10750560

I watched the anime a decade ago, but I don't remember much about it. I thought of it a few days ago, though, and remembered the ending where he's working some shit job directing traffic in the rain or whatever it was. I used to be a shut-in and didn't have a job until my late twenties. Now I work an awful job in a steel factory. Everything is still terrible and I'm depressed and alone, but I have that one (bad) thing, I guess. My current situation reminded me of that scene at the end.

>> No.10750584

THAT'S THE FUCKING POINT YOU DUMB FUCK! You can't wait for a cute girl to suddenly turn up at your door and make your whole life better. Misaki doesn't make Satou's life any better, it's Yamazaki who helps Satou out when he needs it, and when he leaves Satou pushes Misaki away from him and secludes himself further. And even if a girl did come to your house and try to change your ways, what kind of girl would she be? A nice girl with a crush on you? Who admires you for your struggle? Or maybe, she's an even bigger mental case than yourself and is using you to prop herself up, because in her eyes, you are so pathetic and desperate that you'd believe she loves you and wants to change you, even when there's no reason for her to do so.
Misaki isn't "trying to rescue him", she's trying to manipulate him into falling in love with her, so she can feel better about herself.

>> No.10750588

I'd be fine with a girl like that, honestly.

>> No.10750593
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>Every couple of years I go to a McDonalds in the busiest part of town, order a coffee and just sit there reading it all the way through.
I don't think I could even read the whole thing in a single siting like that, especially not in public. Then again, maybe it would be easier than reading it at home, since I wouldn't be compulsively checking 4chan every twenty minutes.

>> No.10750602

I'd be nervous that the manager would eventually kick me out if I didn't order something occasionally.

>> No.10750617

Satou chooses that at the end as well, so if you want to be like Satou, then that's your choice.
I just don't like when NEETs say NHK is unrealistic, because of Misaki, when that's the whole point

>> No.10750648

>so if you want to be like Satou, then that's your choice.
No it isn't, because I can't even get that. The situation is still unrealistic and unobtainable.

>> No.10750677

Obviously, I didn't mean live his exact life you mong, I meant if you want to have his character, copy his behaviours, make choices based on what he WOULD do.
>The situation is still unrealistic and unobtainable.
Did you read my previous posts at all? Yes, it is unrealistic. Yes, it is unobtainable. If you want to stop living this way, then no-one is gonna go out of their way to help you. As much as you probably hear this already, YOU have to help YOURSELF. That's what NHK says, just not directly. It doesn't say that a cute stable girl will magically turn up and whisk you away from your tragic life, YOU need to WORK to FIX YOURSELF.

>> No.10750697

I think if you are an "abnormal" person then you really can't fix it. You can make some steps forward, find work, support yourself, etc. But you can't ever really have a normal life because you're permanently stunted.

>> No.10750698

Not him. But this is just "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" tier. Contact someone that can help you instead.

>> No.10750702

Both of you focus too much on the individual imho.

>> No.10750715

I think it's true, though. Say you get a job, you won't be able to interact normally with your coworkers. You'll always be kind of aloof and left out. Likewise you won't be able to interact with a woman normally. You missed part of your development and you can't get it back.

>> No.10750725

If you contact someone that can help you, then that's still you doing something to help yourself
True, time only goes forward and all that. But a better life is always attainable and shouldn't be ignored because it isn't ideal

>> No.10750864
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>I just don't like when NEETs say NHK is unrealistic, because of Misaki, when that's the whole point
If someone cannot immerse themselves in a story because it did not match their own experiences, they have every right to say so. Do not attempt to silence them by shouting them down, simply because you believe they "missed the point". Communicate your reasoning with civility.

>> No.10751968

I can't really enjoy japanese novels because so much is lost in translation.

>> No.10752145

here's an quality epub for ya bubs, it's OOP anyway and pdfs are gay


>> No.10752171

Never ever used an e-reader, and might as well ask here.
What reads .epub? Do you have to circumvent native ereader systems to use a file randomly downloaded like that, like DRM or such?

>> No.10752342

There's no DRM, it's already been stripped.
EPUB is supported natively (no conversion needed) by Kobo and Sony devices among others.
You can easily convert EPUB to AZW using Calibre and read it using Kindle, but Kindle doesn't have native EPUB support.