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/lit/ - Literature

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10739776 No.10739776 [Reply] [Original]

So, my gf has given me a copy of this because it's her favourite book and she's excited about the upcoming movie. She asks me everyday if I've started it and she's starting to get upset that it's been a week and I haven't opened it. Is it really as bad as the /lit/ memes claim?

>> No.10739777

jesus, just read it in like one day and figure out.

>> No.10739780

Between TV, college (engineering so you can imagine) and vidya, it's hard to get the time to read books especially ones that people say are shit.

>> No.10739791

Throw your video games and TV out the window and learn2read m8. If a trash book like that takes you more than a day, you are doing life wrong.

>> No.10739796

You'll love it.

>> No.10739798

If you don't want to touch it, just read the wikipedia summary and lie to your GF
Or break up with her since she she reads brainlet books.

>> No.10739800

Read the book as a matter of principle, then tell your gf your likely conclusion, i.e. that it sucks, and if need be break up with her. Good luck.

>> No.10739806

Why are you even on /lit/ if you don't read. go to /v/.

But the book is piss-poor if you read frequently, but someone who doesn't read much (and loves vidya), it might be up your street a little more genuinely.

The movie looks fun, Spielberg does that spectacle-based action caper fun well.

>> No.10739821

>The movie looks fun
have you seen the trailer?
It's gonna be 99% pondering to "nerdy" and "geek" audiences

>> No.10739825

Time to grow up anon.

>> No.10739872

I wish someone had just told me the truth right up front, as soon as I was old enough to understand it. I wish someone had just said: “Here’s the deal, Wade. You’re something called a ‘human being.’ That’s a really smart kind of animal. Like every other animal on this planet, we’re descended from a single-celled organism that lived millions of years ago. This happened by a process called evolution, and you’ll learn more about it But trust me, that’s really how we all got here. There’s proof of it everywhere, buried in the rocks. That story you heard? About how we were all created by a super-powerful dude named God who lives up in the sky? Total bullshit. The whole God thing is actually an ancient fairy tale that people have been telling one another for thousands of years. We made it all up. Like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. “Oh, and by the way … there’s no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny. Also bullshit. Sorry, kid Deal with it.

>> No.10739876

I would argue that masturbation is the human animal's most important adaptation. The very cornerstone of our technological civilization. Our hands evolved to grip tools, all right—including our own. You see, thinkers, inventors, and scientists are usually geeks, and geeks have a harder time getting laid than anyone. Without the built-in sexual release valve provided by masturbation, it's doubtful that early humans would have ever mastered the secrets of fire or discovered the wheel. And you can bet that Galileo, Newton, and Einstein never would have made their discoveries if they hadn't first been able to clear their heads by slapping the salami (or "knocking a few protons off the old hydrogen atom"). The same goes for Marie Curie. Before she discovered radium, you can be certain she first discovered the little man in the canoe.

>> No.10739886
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are these actually in the book

>> No.10739887


>> No.10739888

>my gf
nice try

>> No.10739898
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>> No.10739916

congrats on trips anon

>> No.10740116

That's the book though

>> No.10740219

I've seen fanfiction written better than this shit.

>> No.10740262

Oh yeah? Deal with it, kiddo

>> No.10740267

did newton the autistic celibate virgin really jerk off?

>> No.10740657



>> No.10740669

Literally the book

>> No.10740670

>She asks me everyday if I've started it and she's starting to get upset that it's been a week and I haven't opened it.
She is an irredeemable pseud who will never share your /lit/ tastes. Dump her.

>> No.10740681

I thought you were satirizing and had a good laugh.

>> No.10740691
File: 111 KB, 544x2000, modern poetry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give her this poem by the same author to read and ask if she still likes him

>> No.10740710

It's Twilight but for nerds. Quick and simple wish fulfilment novel for unabashed consumerists. It's written to make you feel smart without requiring you to be smart, and in that sense it's a fantastic book, which is good, because that's the only thing it has going for it.

>> No.10740718

>I gave Art3mis a courtly bow and stretched out my hand.
>Art3mis: "So I'm supposed to believe you're one of those mythical guys who only cares about a woman's personality, and not care about the package it comes in?"
>"I'm a really nice guy, once you get to know me. I swear."

>> No.10740721

Roses are red
Violets are blue
No woman in her right mind would ever fuck you

>> No.10740729
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I have it on good authority that it's absolutely terrible and no desire to read it. So well done, OP, yes well done, well done....


If my gf bought it for me and it was her favourite book too, I would at least try to read it through. You're doing the wrong thing, love is about compromise, 10000 points to Gryffindor.

>> No.10740733

Holy shit, really?

>> No.10740740
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>> No.10740751

Harpy Podler is right, OP.

The virgin poem
The Chad ode

>> No.10740762

Idk what kind of porn he watches, but the kind I look at has normal, slim female proportions

>> No.10740791

>Heh... There is no, God. Deal with it, kid.

>> No.10740794

I fucking hate this book more than I hate anything else, I would beat the shit out of Ernest Cline if I could just to calm myself down a little

>> No.10740855

I don't feel this kind of hatred but I would stand guard at the entrance to the alley while you beat the shit out of Ernest Cline just for the memes

>> No.10740891

This fucking retard doesn't know about amateur porn
I'm jerkin it to realistic qts all day long Ernie

>> No.10740904

Nah, he surely does know about amateur porn, he's writing those poems to win praise from the ladies.

>> No.10740929

Thanks anon

>> No.10740960

At worst it's a simple book with weak writing that's fun because of the escapism. There's no reason to get so worked up over it. They're right though, you can knock that thing out in a day.