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/lit/ - Literature

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10737036 No.10737036[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is 4chan the most insecure, narcissistic, and neurotic place on the internet? Every board is about expressing your consumption patterns or some other traits in order to demonstrate superioty or virtue. Take /lit/ for example. There are countless threads tailored to doing exactly this, such as the handwriting threads, recent purchases, recently read, critique threads, etc. The same pattern holds true for all the other boards, it's just in a form related to the topic of that board.

I refuse to believe people are like this in real life. I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact most users here are young, teens or early 20s, and still haven't formed true personalities.

>> No.10737045

>Is 4chan the most insecure, narcissistic, and neurotic place on the internet?
obviously, and its spreading.

>> No.10737048
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>Is 4chan the most insecure, narcissistic, and neurotic place on the internet? Every board is about expressing your consumption patterns or some other traits in order to demonstrate superioty or virtue.

Just go to reddit, preferably the meta-subreddits or the "bad"-subreddits like badphilosophy. It's filled with smug idiots who fill the emptiness of their lives by feeling superior to others

>> No.10737072

Wh-who is this absolute beauty?

>> No.10737080

Here is a tip: using that many adjectives in a row makes you sound like a child. "He was a mean ugly stupid jerk" "he was a racist homophobic bigot".

>> No.10737081

I'm pretty sure social media that is not anonymous is more insecure, narcissistic and neurotic because people have to there tend to put on a facade of their lives to impress other people. They literally measure their own happiness in how many "like" their content, whereas most shitposters on 4chan measure success by how many times they trigger people and get called a faggot.

>> No.10737082

This, those sort of places are hell. Even the ones that are fairly open minded or institute rules requiring justifications regarding posters' smugness as a prerequisite (e.g. /r/badeconomics) still have le epic narwhal reddit mods that ban sexism and the cheeto alt reich.

>> No.10737088

Most people don't act like they do on 4chan in real life. For me 4chan is something of escapism, it's like my chance to act like a retard, say dumb shit, without it damaging my actual persona and career and life.

>> No.10737103
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I'm just here for the horrible greentexts
They're somewhat cathartic

>> No.10737115

Here is a tip, there is nothing wrong with using 3 adjectives that refer to different things.

>> No.10737127
File: 1.52 MB, 4311x3025, Donald Trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10737129

I think the anonymous aspect makes it worse in many regards, it brings out the darker side of people because there are no repercussions.

>> No.10737133

>Tronald Drump tard
Opinion discarded.

>> No.10737137

We simply wear our nastiness on our sleeves instead of letting it fester under the surface like everyone else does

>> No.10737140


>> No.10737141

Here’s something to think about: Which is the real you, the 4chan guy or the ‘real world’ persona?

>> No.10737147

4chan lets me exercise the impulses society is too safe to allow now

>> No.10737153

Actually, I don't like trump from a 'right wing' position.

>> No.10737156

Well every green text I write is entirely made up, and usually involves shitting my pants or being a closet homosexual. Obviously that is not the real me.

>> No.10737158

of course, cocksucker.

I'm smarter than you.

>> No.10737162

>Obviously that is not the real me.
It's okay, faggots are welcomed here.

>> No.10737163

your a shill then who hates whiteness and masculinity. real right wingers love trump. Built the wall!

>> No.10737171

And someone else is smarter than you.

>> No.10737178
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It seems like the IQ of this board drops daily

>> No.10737180

You're either trolling or genuinely dumb.
Trump is a narcissistic clown and doesn't care about anyone else but himself. He does not care about whiteness. By the way, 'whiteness' is some bullshit invented by American mutts like yourself because of your lack of genuine ethnic identity. Dumb mutt.

>> No.10737184

Think you should go back to leftypol, son. This place is for real men

>> No.10737188

Did you read your Carl Marks today? Comrade?

>> No.10737192

Jokes are hard to understand over anonymous cartoon forums, there's a reason why most jokes occur in real life, since body language, facial expressions, tone of voice, phrasing, etc. are necessary for a good joke.

>> No.10737203

No, but I read the bible and Dostoevsky, truly great staples of the left.

>> No.10737207

pol is the most honest place on the internet

>> No.10737214

Literally who?

>> No.10737217

Neuroticism and paranoia =/ honesty.
It can, but not necessarily.

>> No.10737219

I really hope you've realized the irony you failed to understand earlier, and are parrying with more irony, because if this is a sincere response you must be the most insufferable pseud on the planet

>> No.10737226

The shit ive seen on facebook makes this shithole look sane sometimes

>> No.10737241

>still has Facebook.
Me and my gf deleted our Facebook's like 3 years ago and haven't gone back since.

>> No.10737248

>critique and shelf threads are nothing like in real life
obviously you don't use much social media, anon.
but yea, nearly everybody is here is a normie and it's fucking sad, what can i say? if anybody knows a better place than this shit hollow of the ""dank webs"" i'll go with deepest pleasure
anyways, you see, it's also this mentality that revolves around the principle of anonimity: that people are expected to become the opposite of how are they in real life, namely tryharding assholes who sperg at the slightest bit of disquietude. and the saddest thing of them all is that it's encouraged. people are fucking encouraged to behave like that here and they do it under the pretense of "venting off" or whatever bullshit excuse
it's just like...mother of god...i fucking hate this place, i just wanna go on [s4s] to discuss /lit/ with some nice guys if that is even possible
our personalities are always in formation, no matter how old we are. you can't not be influenced and if you stagnate you will get fed up with the ennui and seek to become-, and this is especially true when you hate yourself, like most of the anons here do.

>> No.10737254

Saying things that get you ostracized by all of society can be nothing but honesty or contrarianism, and they're mostly not just being contrarians.

>> No.10737269

Honesty implies truthfulness. /pol/ is pure ideology.

>> No.10737274

>honesty implies truthfulness

>> No.10737282

honesty implies you really believe what you're saying. pol really believe the things they're saying, most notably about race

>> No.10737286

>Is 4chan the most insecure, narcissistic, and neurotic place on the internet? Every board is about expressing your consumption patterns or some other traits in order to demonstrate superioty or virtue.
The whole internet is like this.

>> No.10737291

If you think this behavior is unique to 4chan you really have been here too long. 4chan has these elements in place because like any social interaction people feel a sense of identity here. What's different about 4chan is I can still call you a faggot for posting bullshit like this and there's really nothing you can do to stop me and nothing you can do to prevent your seeing this apart from not returning to the thread. If you think it's bad on 4chan, how do you think places like Tumblr, Facebook, or Twitter are?

The beauty of 4chan is that anyone can come in and post anything they want without fear of repercussions either within the community or without. The idea of a hugbox on 4chan is illusionary.
