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10736554 No.10736554 [Reply] [Original]

So I just wanted to ask if all the feminazi bullshit in this series ever stops, I enjoy it mostly and have no intention to stop, but I'm getting pretty sick and tired of all the "women are the true rulers" bullshit.
>Matt is best boy.

>wheel of time

>> No.10736618


>> No.10736627

Don't know

>> No.10737173
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The taint on Saidin has put men at a disadvantage to women, so naturally women would become more dominant especially with the white tower having great influence on most nations. Have you noticed that the only nations that distrust Aes Sedai have male rulers (Highlords of Tear and the king of Amadicia) besides Cairhein and a few borderlands nations. i dont think the author was pushing an agenda he was just writing interactions that would be realistic in the world he created.

>> No.10738055

i got to about book 3 or 4, it only got worse i could not tell the girls apart after about book 2, they where all assholes at that point. manly the one with the pony tail

>> No.10738513

There's somewhat of power shift later on in the novels following certain actions by our boy D, however most girls remain cunts till the end. Don't read the last novels because Sanderson is mostly pure trash.

>> No.10739734

this book is pure shit, its a superficial ripoff of the lord of the rings

i don't even remember all the specifics, but it directly steals plot elements, i tried reading it 14 years ago or so

start at some comfy place
go to big inn
pursued by elite shadow warriors
go into underground labyrinth

im sure theres a lot more obvious ripoffs, but that is all i can remember after trying to forget this pile of shit for 14 years

>> No.10739745

nah you got it wrong it's a ripoff of dune

>> No.10740022

>>10737173 makes a good point, the world in WoT innately disadvantages men in a way that the actual world does not. Also, Jordan's portrayal of the female-led governments isn't as an unalloyed good.

On another level, Jordan was a rather nebbish man married to a harridan who pretty much constituted his entire adult contact with women, and the female characters reflect this.

>> No.10740325

The Wheel of Time was co-written by Robert Jordan's wife, and the two of them had an infamously BDSM-oriented relationship.

All of America got rused into reading old people erotica. If you don't realize this by the point where Mat spends AN ENTIRE BOOK as an old woman's sex slave, there's no hope for you.

Punchline: all the reviewers praised Jordan for his "strong female characters" back when the books were hot