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/lit/ - Literature

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10726315 No.10726315 [Reply] [Original]

>favorite book
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
>favorite drink
>favorite drug
>interesting habit you have

>> No.10726371

>favorite book
2666 or Don Quixote
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Lately it's been Fahey's The Dance of Death & Other Plantation Favorites, but I'll always have a soft spot for F#A#Infinity
>favorite drink
A nice nut brown or amber ale, an IPA if the mood strikes me. Otherwise a spicy black tea.
>favorite drug
Nicotine, mostly for frequency and dependency. My most valuable experience on a drug was while on DMT. I've also had some pretty crazy 2C-E trips. I used to smoke copious amounts of weed too, but now I get anxiety and would probably try killing myself if I took psychedelics. It's been 4 years since I touched any and I value the times that I did them well, but it should remain in that period of my life.
>interesting habit you have
There are interesting facts about me, but habits? I'm not sure.

>> No.10726481

>favorite book
the magic mountain
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
john fahey - fare forward voyagers or can - future days
>favorite drink

good to see another anon who likes fahey

>> No.10726485


>> No.10726494

Illuminations (why not? it's in the top 50)
the 3-part sonatas (purcell)
have never experienced 'road rage'. figure everyone falls asleep now and again.

>> No.10726515

>Invisible Cities / Cuttlefish Bones/ Inferno / Odissey
>Loveless / Shostakovich's Waltz No. 2 / Irrlich
>The only drugs I tried were weed and hashish
>I walk in circles for hours and hours, thinking.

>> No.10726522

Anna Karenina
The Emperor Concerto
Vinho verde
I get very annoyed by the words and expressions people use. e.g. I can't stand the way people use "super" as an intensifier.

>> No.10726541
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>favorite book (recently)
The Manuscript Found in Saragossa
>piece of music
The Girl With The Flaxen Hair
>favorite drink
>favorite drug
psilocybins, but it'll be a while before I do them again
>interesting habit
I sleep for about 2-3 hours every 4-5 hours

>> No.10726547

> The Broom of the System - David Foster Wallace
> The Joy of Motion - Animals as Leaders
> water (reeeee)
> coffee (reeeee)
> I write, I go on long walks, and I'm an assistant director for a theater troupe

>> No.10726567
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>> No.10726579

Portrait of the Artist
Tago Mago or Funeral Canticle
The Holy Mountain

kind of a stereotypical set but whatever

>> No.10726590


>> No.10726595
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> currently catch 22 but I'm still reading more so that might change
> my immortal by evanescence (don't judge)
> Coca Cola
> idk I don't do drugs
> snap my fingers when I'm thinking

>> No.10726600

>favorite book
The Book of Ebenezer Le Page (have I shilled it enough here? I swear I'm the only litizen who's read it)
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Coltrane's album Offering: Live at Temple University for strange emotional reasons
>favorite drink
Coffee probably
>favorite drug
Cigarettes even though I don't smoke anymore
>interesting habit you have
I'm obsessed with cutting my nails. The moment any white appears on the end I have to cut or nibble it off. Years of this habit have caused most of my nails (both hands and feet) to be partially in-grown.

+ for Fahey. My favourite by him has to be The Great San Bernadino Oil Slick, closely tied by Live in Tasmania

>> No.10726622

That's an old world sleeping habit, a pre-Industrial Revolution thing. I am either full of admiration or irrationally envious.

>> No.10726636

>favorite book
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Unknown Mortal Orchestra II
>favorite drink
Chocolate Milk
>favorite drug
>interesting habit you have
I clean my ears obsessively, knowing I'm actively damaging them.

>> No.10726646

>manuscript found at saragossa
>that sleeping pattern

I am 90% you live in Spain

>> No.10726652
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>Ruffians, Yakuza, Nationalists
>Kodaly - Duo for Violin and Cello, Op. 7
>pic related
>I haven't done any (not counting alcohol)
>I guess I spread my stuff out way too much at tables where I'm alone.

>> No.10726653
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Life and Fate
New Order - Power Corruption and Lies
coffee and tea. quit drinking beer but have a bourbon now and then.
THC, used to eat shrooms and drop acid regularly. Trying to detox after 4-5 years of partying.
put hot chili sauce on everything mostly for the metabolic effects but also because I like the taste

>> No.10726670

>favorite book
bros k

>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
currently i am obsessed with john maus lol
or jazz album - shostakovich

>favorite drink
lately yerba mate lmfao
alcoholic? manhattan or whiskey water

>favorite drug
most notable trips are acid/2c-i/ketamine
despite living in a weed legal state, i am mostly sober save for wine at dinner maybe

>interesting habit you have
i'm so sleepy i sleep so much and my response latency suffers

i got a sleep study done and everything is normal except i have four times the waking periods for a normal adult but no apnea

other than that i pride myself in being inconsistent and having no habits (i actually see a shrink for this)

fahey so good and the only reason i bought a guitar

>> No.10726694

The Vegetarian or The Sun Also Rises, I couldn't choose between these two.
Definitely the Gorillaz self-titled album. Although Miami Nights 1984 entire catalogue and Summer Nights by Esprit are contenders.
Coca-Cola as far as soft-drinks go and Hofbrau Hefeweisse for alcoholic drink.
Whenever I walk through a door or sometimes at random I pat my left-front pocket with my left hand then my front-right pocket and back-right pocket with my right hand, in that order.

>> No.10726695

I like Fahey, but I've never been a major fan.
What brands of whiskey/scotch do you guys like?
What is being on cocaine like?

>> No.10726699

tender is the night
Q: Are We Not Men?
the tendency to further my sad neet existence at a great cost to myself by never doing anything that could be considered productive

>> No.10726709

I think you and I would get along well.

Ive got Book of Ebenezer Le Page gathering dust on my shelf, I plan to read it before visiting Guernsey this summer.

>favorite book
2666 or Molloy
>favorite piece of music
Broken Social Scene - Feel Good Lost
>favorite drink
Black tea or a nice stout
>favorite drug
LSD but only use few and far between. Used to be a massive stoner, but have since stopped as it was making me anti-social and anxious. The only one that I use often is Tylenol nighttime because I can no longer fall asleep on my own will.
>interesting habit you have
Apart from the sleeping pills? If I get bored I have the tendency to take things apart in order to learn how each piece works, this summer I took apart my bike, my dad's car engine and my tv

>> No.10726724

>favourite book
Confessions of a mask
>Favourite piece of music
The man who sold the world, album
>Favourite drink
Still mineral water
>Favourite drug
Caffeine :DDDDDDDD
I buy books and never read them
Rate my tastes.

>> No.10726731

>yerba mate

You have my respect, sir.

>> No.10726735

>favorite book
>favorite piece of music
slayer show no mercy
>favorite drink
protein shake
>favorite drug
i'm not fucking degenerate scum
>interesting habit you have
write down the calories and protein of every food I eat in a note book

>> No.10726750
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Crime and Punishment
This is Fine by Winona Forever
Chocolate milk
I like to sing random melodies every now and then

>> No.10726758

So we all can talk about this anon's good taste in music but not his horrible taste in drinks?

>> No.10726759

>favorite book
Tristram Shandy
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
My favorite album recently has been Venomous Nightshade by the Bad News Botanists
>favorite drink
>favorite drug
>interesting habit you have
I can only write after spending at least an hour at the arcade down the road.

>> No.10726771

TMWSTW is Bowie's second best album, good taste anon. I would have picked Scary Monsters

>> No.10726780
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>The Canterbury Tales
>Kool Aid (Strawberry Lemonade)
>I can't write on a piece of notebook paper unless i've drawn a line along the perforated edge, the red vertical line on the left, a vertical line down the middle of the sheet, and a line along the first horizontal line on the paper using a black pen with a thicker stroke than the pen I will use to write with. (pic related)

>> No.10726790

normie please leave this board

>> No.10726798

Nice data collection thread
>favorite book
Hard to pick but silence was a recent favorite
>favorite piece of music
Underground dance music
>favorite drink
Johnnie walker
>favorite drug
Cocaine is pretty good.I don't really do drugs often
>interesting habit you have
I pick at my head and eat it in bed sometimes

>> No.10726799

Nothing wrong with Evanescence, she just gets a bad rep because of her fans when she first came out.

>> No.10726817

>favorite book

Can't even try. I'm terrible at picking favorites. I've recently read everything by Jhumpa Lahiri. She might not be intellectual enough for /lit/, but I've found her short stories very evocative and relatable.

>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)

"Romance" from Prokofiev's Lt. Kije Suite. I especially like the first half of this piece -- its melancholy but always lends me a sense of exploration.


>favorite drink

I'm not an alcohol snob. I'll drink $2 vodka as long as there's a mixer.

I lived in India for a couple years and have a soft spot for Old Monk, though.

>favorite drug

Don't indulge in drugs aside from cigarettes and alcohol. Experimented a bit but never had the urge to keep going. I still think about my mushroom trips and LSD experience from time to time, though.

>interesting habit you have

I'm a wh*teoid but use Hindi curses when I'm on the road. Screaming "teri bhen ki chut" through your windshield is much more fun than mumbling "fucker."

>> No.10726821

>favorite book
Brave New World probably, recently got into reading though so idk

>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Duster - Stratosphere

>favorite drink
Water or coffee but I hate caffeine and how coffee makes me shit so bad

>favorite drug
weed, only one I've done but I'm interested in trying LSD and shrooms

>interesting habit you have
I chew on my tongue and suck spit around in my mouth a lot, sometimes it makes noise and its kinda embarrassing

why the line down the middle?

>> No.10726843

>Pedro Paramo
>I don't really have an opinion on music, although I enjoy Quadrophenia
>Pina Colada
>I have a habit of cutting ties with people who love me unconditionally

>> No.10726849

>why the line down the middle?
Just a double column kind of guy.

>> No.10727179

Depends on my mood. Lolita?
also depends on my mood. Partying? Driving? Sitting in my room? A good drum beat that makes you want to fight.
Bourbon and Coke
Mescaline hcl
I collect drugs and do combat sports
am I young or just retarded

>> No.10727191

retarded, definitely

>> No.10727226

>Pedro Paramo
my nigger

>> No.10727301

>favorite book
The republic
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Larks tongues in aspic
>favorite drink
>favorite drug
LSD but regretfully i did weed more
>interesting habit you have
When i hear a word out of context i imagine they are talking about me

>> No.10727316

>favorite book
Abaddón el exterminador (The Angel of Darkness), by Ernesto Sabato
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Larks' Tongues In Aspic, King Crimson
>favorite drink
Plain water or café con leche
>favorite drug
Don't do any, but I suppose beer still counts.
>interesting habit you have
I'm not sure whether I have any.

>> No.10727320

>The Remains of the Day
>I don't use drugs, they upset my sleep
>I save all my fingernail clippings

>> No.10727331
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>favorite book
Siddhartha by Herman Hesse

>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
A Love Supreme by John Coltrane or Close to the Edge by Yes

>favorite drink

>favorite drug

>interesting habit you have
Not completely a "habit", but I get disgusted very easily, especially by irrational things. Like recyclables.

>> No.10727352

>Moondance (album) by Van Morrison
>Marijuana- did LSD once and had a great experience but have smoked weed way more
>I adopt social/political stances I don't believe in to confound people who annoy me in real life

>> No.10727362

You make half-interesting youtube videos

>> No.10727390

>either The Brothers Karamazov or The Makioka Sisters
>Stravinsky's Petrushka/Symphony of Psalms
>amphetamine but I've never done psychedelics/weed or anything
>I constantly move my fingers pretending to play whatever melody is in my head on a keyboard even though I haven't played piano in years

>> No.10727510

>favorite book
Leaves of Grass
>favorite piece of music
MACINTOSH PLUS - Floral Shoppe
>favorite drink
Arizona Green Tea /w Ginseng and Honey
>favorite drug
>interesting habit you have
I do not cut any of the hair on my body.

>> No.10727540

>favorite book
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Howlin Wolf's rocking chair album or Funhouse by the Stooges
>favorite drink
Jack & Coke
>favorite drug
>interesting habit you have
Hook up with a new chick a month. i manage this for most of the year but stop when i feel burned out. idk if thats a "habit"

>> No.10727552
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>To the White Sea
>Dead Meadow- Old Growth
>Low dose p. Cubensis
>I enjoy amateur gunsmithing

>> No.10727559

The Sun Also Rises
My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy by Kanye West
Mai Tai
I pick my nails and use them as little toothpicks

>> No.10727564

My nibba
>I pick my nails and use them as little toothpicks

>> No.10727571

hey brother

>> No.10727595

>Moby Dick
>the sound of wind in high places
>I like to do pushups

>> No.10727608

you sound so fascinatingly boring I sort of want to know more. tell me about yourself anon

>> No.10727612

-Rats in the walls
-only a lad by oingo boingo
-can't remember the name all I know is that it was a tranquilizer
- hard to say if i have an interesting habit.

>> No.10727614
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Cocaine combines the exhilaration of confirmed mutual sexual desire, the euphoria of repeated victories, the intensity of a near death experience, and the invulnerability of physically fit youth in its first stage, and then it levels out. The second stage is a subdued version of the first, but including a strong compulsion to take more cocaine to avert the diminishment of the first stage. The come down is often the inverse of the first stage, a form of conscious anhedonia typically coupled with a mixture guilt, paranoia, or whatever your particular brand of neuroses deliver.

The ratio of these stages weighs heavily towards the second and third stages with repeated use.

>> No.10727620

If I were cocaine and I read this post I would feel so bad about myself

>> No.10727624

just but the 3rd lisa game there

>> No.10727637

Most people who use it feel that the highs outweigh the lows. There is a limited amount of time where this is a sustainable perspective, but while one has it cocaine is invaluable.

>> No.10727671

I read Ted Kaczinski's manifesto once and took it too seriously, I have become obsessed with the spiritual naturalism of the kind I found in Moby Dick and it has become combined with a growing resentment of modernity. Currently working myself up to living self sufficiently and rehabilitating from internet related degeneracy

>> No.10727737

I don’t read. I don’t listen to music. I only drink water. I like heroin. I don’t have any habits.

>> No.10727747

I hate using /pol/ memes here anon but shouldn't an anprim such as yourself not be on the computer in the first place

>> No.10727758


>> No.10727770

1. Moby-Dick
2. In the Court of the Crimson King
3. Water
4. None
5. Learning languages... IDK??

>> No.10727782

ok I retract what I said I kind of like you

>> No.10727792

>Faust (Goethe)
>Goldberg Variations
>No clue

>> No.10727793

Why do you like the sun also rises?

>> No.10727814

The Sorrows of Young Werther
Kero Kero Bonito
I like to dance naked in my room in a wild fashion

>> No.10727816

>brothers karamazov
>tchaikovsky's 4th
>calling people cykas

>> No.10727825
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it's a little personal because it's the book that got me in to literature, but it just captures the essence of a time and generation perfectly, the prose is minimalist and beautiful, the vibe is tangible. it carries the whole lost-generation sadness thing so fucking well, all in the subtext. I mean just read the ending. nothing's ever left such an impression on me.

>> No.10727834
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>favorite book
The Sun Also Rises or The Descent of Man
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
pic related
>favorite drink
Gin and Tonic
>favorite drug
>interesting habit you have
My first meal of the day has to be considered a breakfast food or I get physically ill. I can eat waffles for dinner, but not the other way around or I'll feel like I have to vomit.

>> No.10727836
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>favorite book
Finnegans Wake
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
either No Now by Clarence Clarity or Debussy's String Quartet in g minor
>favorite drink
coffee with no sugar and a healthy dose of cream
>favorite drug
>interesting habit you have
writing new rhythms and drumbeats in my head and practicing them by rhythmically breathing through my nose and softly clicking my teeth together to emulate the snare/hi-hat and kick drum
I'll often end up learning how to play a complex/confusing beat with my face long before I can do it at an actual drumkit

>> No.10727837

I'd get addicted immediately

>> No.10727842

>favorite book
White Noise
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
A Hard Day's Night or Julius Caesar by Smog
>favorite drink
cuban espresso or gin
>favorite drug
cuban espresso or gin
>interesting habit you have
I listen to podcasts and if I have something to contribute to the conversation I pause it and talk out loud as if I were talking to the people on the show and once I resume and they continue to talk without acknowledging what I said I feel the crushing weight of how fucking alone I am and always will be.

>> No.10727928

>2. In the Court of the Crimson King
My number two album of all time. Nice.

1. Divine Comedy or Invisible Cities
2. Aladdin Sane or Bach Cello Suite No.1 in G
3. Scotch - Lagavulin 16 preferably
4. Painkillers from time to time
5. When I'm working on something, I talk it out with myself as an argument, and end up pacing around while doing it.

>> No.10727929
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The Recognitions
Bolero or Beach House's Bloom
Iced coffee and milk
I try to walk an even amount of steps in between each crack in the road/sidewalk

>> No.10727955

The bible I guess. I never read it though


coca cola but I only like it ironically



>> No.10728064

I genuinely wish we could hang out. You gotta join a book club or something, it's important to establish a few friendly relationships, even if it's just sitting down to talk about some Zadie Smith novel for an hour once a week. You'll be alright, man

>> No.10728083

Melancholy of Resistance
Zdravitsa - Prokofiev
I like to drink coffee.

>> No.10728097

>Pessoa's poetry
>Kodaly's Sonata for Solo Cello
>caffeine free pepsi
>i move my eyes rapidly under my eyelids when i listen to good music

>> No.10728106

>favorite book
Don't really have one, the best one this year was Satantango
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Don't have one, WTC1+2 is always nice though
>favorite drink
Wheat beer
>favorite drug
>interesting habit you have
Can't think of any...

>> No.10728124

Can't tell if memeing. If not. Nice.

>> No.10728138

>favorite book
Naked Lunch
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
In the wee hours
>favorite drink
Peppermint tea with salt
>favorite drug
No such thing
>interesting habit you have
I shit in my hand to investigate before I flush

>> No.10728144

>the face of another
>the jewel in the lotus
>caramel frappucino
>when i like a song i pace around in circles listening to it on repeat for about an hour

>> No.10728159

The way it was written and the subject matter combine to create a very real experience. I've been and done the same things as the characters in the novel. Not literally, I've never been to Spain even let alone a bullfight. But I've had those same trials. The closeness of my male friends bonding over mutual silence in nature. The want that comes over you as a young man in love with a woman you can't have for one reason or another. The endless party of young adulthood where you have obligations but they matter little because the last shreds of invincibility still remain in your soul left over from childhood. It's honest and true, every word. I think that any man who cannot connect with this novel on a deep level is no man at all.

>> No.10728165
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Book of Leviticus
Noise as a Language
Black & green tea blend
I procastinate more than the average human.

>> No.10728167


>> No.10728173

>>when i like a song i pace around in circles listening to it on repeat for about an hour
are you professor calculus ?

>> No.10728183

you really like to get wild don't you

>> No.10728687

>favorite book
clockwork Orange
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Ludwick Van's 5 simfiny
>favorite drink
>favorite drug
Cannabis and my ole milky wily moloko
>interesting habit you have
I don't hide my quirks

>> No.10728702


Somethin Else - Cannonball Adderley



I dont have any habits what are interesting.

>> No.10728715

dune as a kid, hard to say now, maybe tcol49
bowie - low
a specific kind of cherry cola that's no longer manufactured
don't trust myself enough to do drugs
despite having never set foot in any english-speaking country i think almost exclusively in english because of how much i read in it; when i'm thinking about what i'm going to say to someone it pops up in my head in english and i have to translate myself into my own native language in order to speak to people i know irl

>> No.10728722

I know its genre fic, but Lord of the Rings has a special cosy place in my heart
Diesel and Dust (Album) by Midnight Oil; OR Jupiter by Holst
breakfast juice my nigga
constant tapping and clicking, even in social situations I carry a ballpoint pen to comfort myself. Luckily there aren't many of those

>> No.10728730

> book
A world undone, Prime Obsession, Y the last man, Atlas Shrugged

> music
Souvlaki - slowdive, Funeral - Arcade Fire

> drink
Bib n Tucker - bourbon

> drug

> habit
I try to read about mesolithic south asian hominins and porto-dravidian language research

>> No.10728741

I wonder where youre from

>> No.10728761

Mans search for meaning.
Shostakovich quartet #8
>Milk tea
i wiggle my jaw to make my ears click and its obnoxious and i wanna stop

>> No.10728765

>I pause it and talk out loud as if I were talking to the people on the show
I do this except I don’t pause the podcast, I’ll just rudely talk over their ideas because I miss the feeling of conversation too much to be polite to digital people. It’s not too great having no friends.

>> No.10728768

papua new guinea, the rest of my tribe think i'm a weirdo but they can all идти нa хyй

>> No.10728784

>favorite book
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence by Dream Theater
>favorite drink
Belgian beer.
>favorite drug
>interesting habit you have
Ruining my own life.

>> No.10728804

>favorite book
Anna Karenina
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony)
Johannes Brahms - Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 77 - III. Allegro giocoso or Death Grips - Bottomless Pit
>favorite drink

>favorite drug
>interesting habit you have
I fold my paper receipts until they can't be folded anymore and throw them in a particular garbage can on the street. Like if I'm leaving a store, I take the receipt. Stand still briefly so I can fold it neatly without messing up the edges or something, I then proceed to walk on as per usual with the folded up receipt (or any piece of paper that i happen to do this with) in my hand usually or in my pocket, until I Finally come to the trash bin, and discard my little creation.

>> No.10728806
File: 186 KB, 368x696, 4813f86db22a95cf061f484c35838bc926a3786405d093298e1942ddb4b48567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I read Ted Kaczinski's manifesto once and took it too seriously,
This is a great first line, Ought to be a story. Has >>10727608 effect. Huge shenannigans potential, but potentially mysterious.

>> No.10728807

>favorite drink
Coffee, tea, gin. (forgot to add)

>> No.10728820

cocteu's les enfants terribles or brion gysin's the last museum
dean blunt
black coffee or a gin & tonic sometimes all of those things mixed or a red wine as cheap & as close to the taste of battery acid as i can go
lyrica or crack
i've had no job or semblance of routine for the last six years which at this point feels like a pretty extensive habit

>> No.10728823
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>favorite book
Sagarana - Guimarães Rosa
>favorite piece of music
Piano concerto No. 3 - Rachmaninoff
>favorite drink
>favorite drug
>interesting habit you have
Nothing, I spend all day studying to get into Medschool

>> No.10728841
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The Chronic
Dank Buds
Pic Related

>> No.10728868

Would friend
Would never friend
I do that too. Probably would chill with
Cool dude. Maybe a bit weird after getting to know too well

>> No.10728872

>favorite book
The Recognitions or JR
>favorite piece of music
Can't really decide, but Akina Nakamori - Fushigi will do
>favorite drink
>favorite drug
Don't have one any more
>interesting habit you have
Love to shit naked lads

>> No.10728876
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Book of the New Sun - Gene Wolfe

>piece of music
Atomos - A Winged Victory for the Sullen

Old fashioned (ideally with a Japanese whisky such as Hibiki)


Walking the city at weird hours to think and to see what is less often seen

>> No.10728877

>I hate all books
>changes all the time
>I dream when I sleep

>> No.10728900

>Favorite book
Besides the bible? I guess Anna Karenina

>Favorite piece of music.
Bruckner symphony no. 9 conducted by Bernstein

>Favorite drink
huckleberry limeade

>Favorite drug
I guess television, depending on your perspective.

>Interesting habit you have
Around 3 a.m. on any given night I can be found walking the backroads of my city.

>> No.10728915

>favorite book
The Stranger
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Beach House - Bloom
>favorite drink
Coke Zero
>favorite drug
>interesting habit you have

>> No.10728940
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>>favorite drink
>Coke Zero
>>favorite drug

>> No.10728949

do you have any friends whatsoever?

>> No.10728958 [DELETED] 

>favorite book
Ada, or Ardor - Vladimir Nabokov

>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Scriabin's 5th Piano Sonata

>favorite drink
Vietnamese iced coffee

>favorite drug

>interesting habit you have
I count my steps, and have to end any given series in a multiple of 4. For example, steps to the door from my computer? Gotta be 4 or 8. Steps to the kitchen? I try and make it 32, which isn't too difficult since the stairs is exactly 16. Except sidewalks -- each block I do 2 steps.

>> No.10728964

>Broken Social Scene - Feel Good Lost

Fellow patrician, I acknowledge you. The best album from one of the best bands.

>> No.10728968
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>>10726315 (OP)
>favorite book
Ada, or Ardor - Vladimir Nabokov

>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Scriabin's 5th Piano Sonata

>favorite drink
Vietnamese iced coffee

>favorite drug

>interesting habit you have
I count my steps, and have to end any given series in a multiple of 4. For example, steps to the door from my computer? Gotta be 4 or 8. Steps to the kitchen? I try and make it 32, which isn't too difficult since the stairs is exactly 16. Except sidewalks -- each block I do 2 steps.

>> No.10728994

Der Einzige und sein Eigentum

Shostakovichs Quartet No 8



Sometimes I sit down and make chess compositions, like Nabokov did.

>> No.10729000

>Shostakovich quartet #8

gr8t taste buddy

>> No.10729043

>favorite book
I'm not sure. Down and out in London in Paris or Under the greenwood tree.
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Classical: Ralph Vaughan Williams - Five Variants of "Dives and Lazarus"
Non-classical: Arctic monkeys - a certain romance
>favorite drink
>favorite drug

>> No.10729048


normies out

>> No.10729055

Don Quixote
Rackimanoff no. 2
Scotty Karate, Dark Horse
weed but i never smoke
Stare at people's teeth while they talk, instead of their eyes

>> No.10729072

>Besides the bible?
No, not besides anything you insufferable idiot. Are you illiterate?

>> No.10729111

>The Count of Monte Cristo
because I’m a plotfag
>Stella by Kashiwa Daisuke
Kashiwa Daisuke does some dope fucking instrumental stuff. Stella is 35 minutes of pure perfection
>I can click my fingers in a way which sounds like a horse’s gallop which is an autistic thing I do when I’m bored I guess

>> No.10729119

>Being this much of a triggered fag.

>> No.10729125
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A lot of us seem to enjoy wandering around our respective cities.

Have we finally unlocked the secret to the /lit/erary lifestyle?

>> No.10729132

>muh hugbox

>> No.10729146

>favorite book
Cities of the Red Night
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Geogaddi by Boards of Canada
>favorite drink
Wheat beer
>favorite drug
MDMA, though I only do it a few times a year now. I have a minor addiction to cocaine
>interesting habit you have
I take stairs 2 steps of a time and walk fast at almost all times. I hate walking slow

>> No.10729160

>Don Quixote
>Rubber Soul
>When I spend more than 15 minutes walking somewhere I begin to walk with perfect posture, level my eyes with the horizon and glide along effortlessly, I've had people comment on the graceful way I walk and my posture ever since I was a teenager.

>> No.10729163
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favorite book

favorite music
>The Smiths and Morrissey

favorite drink
>coconut water

favorite drug

interesting habit you have
>sit on the toilet with my laptop on a stool playing the Netflix penguins documentary or Penguins of Madagascar
>open NHL 2011 for my iPad
>playing as the team The Penguins
>wearing my penguin t-shirt (it's like a tuxedo t-shirt but a penguin's body instead and my head where the penguin's head should be)
>i am almost in full penguin
>play a full 60 minute game of NHL 2011 on my iPad while sitting on my toilet even if i'm done shitting
>Legs are 100% numb by the end of the first 20-min period
>now I cannot feel my body from the waist down, all I can feel is my torso covered by my penguin t-shirt
>i am officially full penguin at this point. i am no longer human.
>after the 60+ minute game I am in a deep trance. I wipe up and stand up, usually gripping the side towel rack. feeling the blood flow back into my legs and reality setting in
>feel more human than ever before, mind is clear. more so than any form of proper meditation
>i do this before reading a few times a week

>> No.10729266

what in the fuck

>> No.10729277

this confirms that i am totally justified in my habit of treating drinkers of coconut water with disgust

>> No.10729281

Hey fuck you, man

>> No.10729290

>favorite book
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Album: A Silver Mt. Zion - Horses in The Sky
Piece: Beethoven's Kreutzer Sonata
>favorite drink
Dr. Pepper
>favorite drug
>interesting habit you have
I gaze into the sky a lot

>> No.10729295

sorry, morrissey just rubs me up the wrong way

>> No.10729396

>>Invisible Cities / Cuttlefish Bones/ Inferno
Way too Italian

>> No.10729407

NICE! Tho I'm partial to some of his work put out under his own name.

>> No.10729428

>Mike McCormack - Solar Bones
>Chopin - Mazurkas (Rem Urasin)
>Earl Grey tea
>LSD (but weed, frequency-wise). And always a soft spot for dissociatives.
>I spin a pen around my thumb when I'm thinking. Surely there must be something better to mention than this.. umm and I go to sleep at 3am after painting & getting high. And I love looking at the world around me, just getting intensely visually absorbed.

>> No.10729467
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The Hobbit
John Williams' The Long Goodbye / Angelo Badalamenti's Fire Walk With Me
Sleep deprivation
I think in English, despite it not being my native language and having never been in an English-speaking country.
Is that interesting? Probably not. I'm hard pressed to think of any interesting or even particularly distinct habits I have.

>> No.10729493

>I dream when I sleep
It must be beautiful. What is it like to be alive, God?

>> No.10729497

I would be his friend

>> No.10729498

>I think in English, despite it not being my native language
Fuck, I do this too, must be all the time I spend in this place. I also never swear in my native language, but do it constantly in English.

>> No.10729603

War and Peace
Arvo Part - Fratres
Expensive beer
Weed I guess
Masturbating 3-6 times a day solely to Instagram photos of girls I have or have not met and making up all sorts of scenarios in my mind to get myself going.

>> No.10729645

You're gay. Not necessarily in a bad way.

>> No.10729665

>I also never swear in my native language, but do it constantly in English
I swear in English much more often and casually, but save my native language, and Russian, for when I'm really angry, because the insults are so much stronger than anything English has to offer. It's an interesting phenomenon, how some languages have "weaker" insults than others.

>> No.10729669

thats probably really depressing and alienating

>> No.10729693

>Crime and Punishment
>maybe Det Som Engang Var
>homemade fence-ripper plum pálinka
>i use to lie in bed whole days just give myself in to depression

>> No.10729707

>favorite book
If I had to choose I'd pick pic related.
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Lately I've been listening a lot to this:
>favorite drink
Westbrook Mexican Cake Imperial Stout
>favorite drug
>interesting habit you have
Twice a year I spend a night drawing while on ketamine. It's basically a religious ritual for me.

>> No.10729708

>>favorite book
Crime and punishment
>>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Ok computer
>>favorite drink
>>favorite drug

>>interesting habit you have
i keep my wallet in my front pocket.

>> No.10729709

>no idea
>no drugs
>I am descending into despair and madness

>> No.10729722

>i keep my wallet in my front pocket
Same. I've never been pickpocketed in my life and I'd like to keep it that way

>> No.10729726
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>> No.10729735

I use a chain. It works.

>> No.10729863

>>favorite book
Probably The Last Wish by Sapkowski. It's what got me back into reading polish after a long time of forgetting the language.
>>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Chopin Ballade No.1 or f#a#
>>favorite drink
>>favorite drug
>>interesting habit you have
Trying to seem more intelligent than I really am.

>> No.10729921
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>Kafka on the Shore
>"Long Season" by Fishmans
>Semi-hedonistic striving towards knowledge
>I have to poop really bad on certain social occasions (Irritable colon + social anxiety)

>> No.10730007
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>Mason & Dixon
>Different Trains
>Old Fashioned
>I always know what direction I am facing (south currently)

>> No.10730108

I made this argument to my wife, who is Korean, that English insults are far better than those in Korean.

>> No.10730112

Not him, but I went through a period where I was hooking up with 2 and 3 girls a week that I would just meet in bars, at work, online, basically anywhere a girl was I'd talk to her and eventually hook up with her. I wouldn't say it was depressing but it's tough to say because I was in an extreme state of depression during the year or so that all of this took place, but definitely alienating.

>> No.10730128
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>favorite book
For now,it's either C&P or The Magus by J. Fowles.Very different books,i know.God damn,The Magus had me thinking i was trapped in a sanatorium and all i could do is try all the doors along a never ending hallway.There's nothing i could say about C&P that someone else has already said better.
>favorite piece of music
TOM WAITS.This guy's personality is titanic,he's a must listen.My two favorite albums are Bone Machine and Frank's Wild Years.
>favorite drink
I go on and off with coffee,but i have a weakness for wine and beer.
>favorite drug
Nicotine is the only drug i do regularly,so i guess it would be this.I've tried weed and liked it,right now i am looking for LSD.
I spin around in one place while listening to music,it makes me think clearer and i articulate my thoughts much better while doing it.

>> No.10730129

>The Manuscript Found in Saragossa
>"Interesting title"
>Check Wikipedia
>Interesting book.

>> No.10730170

>snorts coke while blasting beethoven

>> No.10730198

> The Man Without Qualities
> Emahoy Tsegue-Maryam Guebrou (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2PJHhaRv8k))
> light green tea with fresh lemon
> opioids and psychedelics
> i dance alone to music like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiHQ5hKMJpw

>> No.10730252

s/t is better desu

>> No.10730267

Too inconvenient & doesn't fit my style

>> No.10730294

>favorite book
Petersburg by Andrei Bely
>favorite piece of music
Low by David Bowie or Ecdysis by Horrendous
>favorite drink
Heineken, Guinness, or a nice earl grey
>favorite drug
idk probably caffeine
>interesting habit
I travel to the UK every 6 months or so

>> No.10730297

I don't do youtube videos.

>> No.10730302

At least you picked the best Slayer album

>> No.10730310

>Vinho verde
Super patrício

>> No.10730323

>favorite book
The Violent Bear it Away
>favorite piece of music
Mosquito song, by QOTSA
>favorite drink
Old Parr
>favorite drug
>interesting habit

>> No.10730344

>I think in English
How does this happen? Did you notice the switch from the one language to another? Was it gradual? I can’t see how this is possible.

>> No.10730352

>I travel to the UK every 6 months or so
What for? Where do you usually live?

>> No.10730364
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> whatever i need to be stimulated
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GiD6XBsc2M
> water, wine and pussy
> lsd, air, love
> not in need to humiliate women for sexual satisfaction

>> No.10730370

excellent taste

>> No.10730371

>favorite book
Quixote or Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>favorite piece of music
Bitches Brew, Davis
>favorite drink
Seltzer or Coffee
>favorite drug
Caffeine I guess
>interesting habit you have
I begin writing short stories and then half way through I just make indecernble words with extremely chaotic and sloppy handwriting. It’s an oddly fun thing to do.

>> No.10730375

I’m reading it soon bc of your shilling for it, so job well done

>> No.10730399

I don't critically listen to music
I eat the same thing for breakfast lunch and dinner everyday

>> No.10730414

What's impossible about it? Are you monolingual?

>> No.10730438

what do you eat?

>> No.10730468

Not saying its impossible just that I can see how it works. English is my second language.

>> No.10730491

>I am descending into despair and madness
You, me and everybody else, buddy, that's not interesting.

>> No.10730611

For me the reason for it may be that I read and watch everything I can in English so for example if I watch a movie I will not translate every sentence to Hungarian in myself or think about it but simply "switch" to English - understand and think in the language. It's way smoother like that opposed to if I were to hear English words and think in my native tongue. This kind of made me very comfortable to use both languages to think, without paying any attention to which one I use even when there is no reason to use English. I guess you have to be quite fluent aswell.

>> No.10730656 [DELETED] 
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>Favourite book

>Favourite piece of music
Blue Oyster Cult - Don't Fear The Reaper

>Favourite drink
Milk, semi-skimmed

>Favourite drug
Alcohol, White Russian specifically

>Interesting habit
Dislocate my wrists and then put them back in for no real reason

>> No.10730663
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>Favourite book

>Favourite piece of music
Blue Oyster Cult - Don't Fear The Reaper

>Favourite drink
Milk, semi-skimmed

>Favourite drug
Alcohol, White Russian specifically

>Interesting habit
Every month or so I'll spend a night in a hotel in the city for no real reason

>> No.10730715

The Sickness Unto Death alleviated a lot of my anxiety as a teenager. I still think it's beautiful. These things are so hard to choose though. The last book I truly enjoyed was Stoner and Leaves of Grass. I'm not the best read man in a room, but I sometimes feel as if I develop a very personal relationship with the occasional writer, as if he was thrust up to talk to me and calm me into friendship.
Been listening to Popul Vuh and some Xiu Xiu recently. I think over my entire life though, I've always loved The Clash.
Whiskey, normally a Jameson or Bushmills. Otherwise, shitty, instant coffee, normally for the smell and the rush.
Good Morrocan Hasish, crystallized ectasy, ketamine, acid/shrooms. I don't actually take drugs too often, apart form THC.
>interesting habit you have
I will run a tap and not wash my hands if I know people might be listening. It gives me a strange satisfaction. I lucid dream a lot now. I'm trying to summon up famous characters using a phone to talk with them. Did you know a dream has a certain rendering point? If you fly too fast, your brain can't create enough detail and will wake you up. Characters in my dreams also seem to refute being told their fictional, and will slip into a form of fairly advanced philosophical idealism if questioned.

>> No.10730729

That’s pretty interesting

>> No.10730730

>The Sound and the Fury
>Ambulance Blues by Neil Young
>Rye with a splash of pepsi, lots of ice
Interesting habit
>I think I have a mild form of tourettes. I constantly have to close my right eye really hard and/or shake me head to "even out" the sensations on the left and right sides of my body. If something cold or wet happens to touch one of my hands, I have to touch my other hand to the same thing to even it out. Also, I'm obsessed with the number nine and whenever I notice my steps or my fingers tapping on a surface, I have to tap it in sets of three a total of nine times and then stop for a while or else it feels uneven.

>> No.10730744


>I always know what direction I am facing

Same here, except when I was a kid, all of my directions were 90 degrees off so I've spent the last 15 years retraining my brain to correct its instincts. When I was a kid my grandparents lived an hour due east of the city, but it always felt like we were traveling north so my entire sense of direction was calibrated to my grandparents living north of us. Whenever I think about the direction I'm facing, I say I'm facing "fake south" when I'm facing west, "fake west" when I'm facing north, etc.

>> No.10730781

i like that idealism in lucid dreams, i have heard about it once from another person. i had some lucid dreams, but they come up very rarely. please satisfy my curiosity and tell me one very strange thing you experienced while being lucid

>> No.10730837

>favorite book
>favorite piece of music
North Korean military marches
>favorite drink
vodka or green tea
>favorite drug
>interesting habit you have
I go for 20 km long walks with my dog

>> No.10730848

Minnesota, moving over and getting married over there

>> No.10730875

what kind of dog do you have?
i have a lab and he sleeps for hours after 6km

>> No.10731001

I thought this was going to be a lead up to a joke about walking out of the bathroom like a penguin because your legs were asleep.

God damn you to hell

>> No.10731105

Of course.

I had a dream not too long ago where I was walking around a summer-garden with a good friend of mine. He's a smallish and handsome Indian fellow, and was talking quickly with that good voice of his which poured like thick syrup. I remember so clearly enjoying his company that that I felt guilty, as if I was betraying the actual person, so I turnedand said, "I mean no offence, but I want you to know that this is simply a dream."

He just turned and thought it over for a while, stroking his beard as he returned, "Is it so different when you're not dreaming?" and picked up a flower. I took it from him and felt that indescribable reality of an imagined petal. He continued, twining the hairs of his black beard. "And am I so different in five hours? Am I not equally in your mind then?" He laughed and dropped the flower. "I could say the same thing to you, couldn't I? Yet there's no change either way."

I had no conscious answer to give him back. For the rest of the dream, I was with my friend. I think the conversation deepened, but I cannot remember it, apart from the vague idea of a sea coming along the beach, and the symbolism being lost on me.

I told him about it later that day and he just laughed in exactly the same way. I'm sure it wasn't him, but I liked him immensely more for putting such a thought into my mind, or rather, for providing it's face.

I'm desperate to have a similar conversation with God. At times of real stress, I have the most cripplingly psychological nightmares.

>> No.10731210

My lucid dreams border on nightmare and prophecy. Ever since i was small my lucid dreams become real. Whether it takes days,months, or even years. They will come true.
As a child you don't really care but as i got older they became more frightening the more i thought on them. It was simple stuff in the beginning what school i was gonna to. When i would get my first kiss. My favorite dream was knowing googles stock prices would rise. Of course that didn't matter because my parents wouldn't buy it and i was ten.
But as i grew older the dream began to lose their innocence. They grew colder more focused on the far future. Until they became nightmares of what awaits the human race. Part of me wishes they weren't my lucid dreams but regular dreams however i am unable to tell the difference when i wake up.
One particular dream has haunted me ever since i had it.
In my dreams a voice calls to me to visit places i've never seen. It tells me this is future man desires. It asks if i too desire to know what the future holds. The question is moot i always want to know what the future holds. He gently takes my hand and brings me to land i've never been but instinctively know is Jerusalem.

>> No.10731242

I don't really think lucid dreams have particularly psychic properties but what you have seems like a case of a certain subconsious obsession (certainty, future, knowledge etc) that's interacting with your brain's analytical abilities to make fairly accurate predictions. I know for a fact that there's a great deal of knowledge you can plumb from a dream (I once found out my actual pin from entering it into an ATM in a dream) but I wouldn't take them as an absolute prophecy, just a haunting possibility.

If we go to straight to Hell though, I'm sure it'll be by the gates of Jerusalem.

>> No.10731297

In this land i see a man. One look and you know he is the president a man of stature and power. I hear his plans and i witness what comes next. I see ICBM's fly and strike the holy lands of the Abrahamic Religions.
Jerusalem, Rome.Mecca, Istanbul.Damascus, Baghdad, and Kent.
But thats not what terrifies me, not the loss of lives, the starvation, the cancer, or the nuclear winter to come.
That Man saw me, in my dreams he saw me. Then he opened his mouth and talked to me i don't remember what we talked about and a part of me doesn't wish to remember. Because what he said made me feel pity for that monster. All those people he killed and still he made me feel pity.
Now whenever i go to sleep i try not to have lucid dreams and when i do. I always stay or return home. I don't want to know what the far far future holds.

>> No.10731304

thank you for sharing, it sounds wonderful joyous. I got goosebumps reading it. i will try to have more lucid dreams in my future.

>> No.10731329
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>Le Grand Cahier
>Pictures at an Exhibition by Mussorgsky
>Weihenstephaner Hefe

>> No.10731331

>favorite book
Animal Farm
>favorite album
Dinosaur Jr. - You're Living All Over Me
>favorite drink
I could ramble about this and throw out a ton of answers but instead I'm just going to say Irish tea with milk and sugar.
>favorite drug
I've never tried any drugs.
>interesting habit you have
I don't know.

>> No.10731360

Thats what i believed as kid, deja vu, lucky coincidence but when all of them start coming true even the terrible ones it leaves me to doubt that its all a simple dream.
Did you not understand the moral of the dream, don't go looking for shit you're not meant to know. If you keep looking all you'll find is a nightmare waiting to devour you.

>> No.10731500

i understood it very differently. your friend in the dream and outside of the dream and your reconciliation with the two sides of consciousness

>> No.10731528

sorry thought you were replying to my dream.

>> No.10731611

>favorite book
Not sure if I have a singular one desu. Beyond Good and Evil and Being and Time are two that I really like and that have affected me the most. For fiction, I guess I'll say that Chilean literature is my favorite
>favorite piece of music
Splendor and Misery and The Money Store
>favorite drink
Chocolate milk. Scoff all you want but it's fucking tasty and it's not like I drink it everyday
>favorite drug
>interesting habit
I use vim

>> No.10731613

>favorite book
Book of the New Sun, particularly Sword of the Lictor
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
This tends to change, but for now I'll say mesh cinereal by Autechre
>favorite drink
An IPA called "Doggie Style"
>favorite drug
>interesting habit you have
I sometimes enjoy zoning out for long periods of time, not really doing anything or thinking about things.

>> No.10731625

>I use vim

>> No.10731641

I like blended, i.e. sweet and rough. Cutty Sark.

>> No.10731642

>favorite book
Of Human Bondage
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
soundcloud punk-pop/emo-rap
>favorite drink
Cinnamon spice black tea
>favorite drug
>interesting habit you have
I like hopping on my motorcycle and going out to empty places/outdated malls and reading a book.

>> No.10731698

Pale Fire
Wilco's Yankee Hotel Foxtrot or Tame Imapala's Currents (inb4 pleb/normie)
Don't drink
I dissociate a lot

>> No.10731722

Not a pleb choice, freindo

>> No.10731751

>Favourite book
The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky

>Favourite piece of music
Elgar's Cello Concerto in E Minor (played by Yo Yo Ma ideally)

>Favourite drink
Hard to say, probably a citrus IPA or an aged scotch, but I enjoy lots of different drinks

>Favourite drug
Of those I've taken, psilocybin. I'd like to try a few more psychedelics though

>Interesting habit you have
Drink 10 mugs of green tea per day and typically have 10-15 pieces of fruit and veg per day

>> No.10731812
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You're pretty fruity, anon

>> No.10731826
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the very hungry caterpillar
dataplex by Ryoji Ikeda
capri sun roarin waters
>favorite drug
>interesting habit
showing people my hyperextended arm

>> No.10731844

>tame impala
extremely pleb, sorry

>> No.10731858

My favourite movie, a man of taste I see

>> No.10731894

>The Fountainhead
>Anything Romantic/Neo-Romantic. Mahler's my favorite composer, but Pyotr Tchaikovsky's 4th symphony is my favorite symphony. My favorite song is "White Queen (As it began)" by Queen.
>Weed, but I've never used it, or any illegal substance for that matter.
>I like to write, among other things.

>> No.10731909

>favorite book
charlie and chocolate factory
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
>favorite drink
whiskey with cola and lemon
>favorite drug
diazepam + pregablin + alcohol
>interesting habit you have
i masturbate at least 4 times a day

>> No.10731918

>Amerika by Kafka
>Erik Satie: Gnossienne nº 5
>red wine

>> No.10731949

>favorite book
Infinite Jest
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Una Mattina
>favorite drink
>favorite drug
>interesting habit you have
Dont really have any

>> No.10731973

>baiting this hard

>> No.10731989

Blood Meridian
>music (album or symphony and so on)
Highway 61 Revisited
Drugs are mainstream
>interesting habit you have
I can spend months without socializing with anybody

>> No.10732142


Gravity's Rainbow


Banana milkshakes


Eating bananas with the skins on.

>> No.10732172

>Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche
>Sunbather by Deafheaven
>Dr. Pepper
>Don't do drugs
>I'm a practicing nudist

>> No.10732176
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>> No.10732186

>>favorite book
Moby Dick, maybe Brave New World.
>>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
That's a toughie, the Is there Anybody Out There version of The Wall, or Roger Water's recent The Wall tour would be my go to choices, but more often than not I'd hear the entire Ring Cycle by Wagner.
>>favorite drink
>>favorite drug
Don't have one really
>>interesting habit you have
Even though I'm passionate about maths, I can't help but lead all my conversations into arts.

>> No.10732212


>> No.10732230
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>Favorite book

Crime and Punishment, but For Whom the Bell Tolls/ The Sun Also Rises are up there. If I'm talking to someone who isn't /lit/, I go with the latter.

>Favorite piece of music

Right now? This:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxoqm05c7yA

>Favorite drink

An IPA, or a mediocre red. Preferably Spanish, but the preference is an association to The Sun Also Rises, so I understand that it is banal and arbitrary.

>Favorite drug

See above.

>Interesting habit that you have

Besides /lit/, I have spent years devoted to the study of Eastern and Western rope bondage.

I am 22 years old, and am likely in the top 3 under 30 skillwise in the greater Philadelphia area. I would say that 13 months ago I would have been #1 on that list. I am otherwise heavily involved in the BDSM community. My specialties include Orgasm control, seduction, rope bondage. I occasionally top for impact play, but in all honesty I'm average in that facet.

In rope, I specialize in suspensions and partial suspensions. I work well with bondage. The term for what I do would be shibari. I do not do kinbaku or ichinawa-kai. I'm relatively nice with my rope, and prefer the aspect of control I get from tying. I also consider it an artistic pursuit.

Pic mostly unrelated. Took it myself on the way to an underground party, Hush if I remember right.

>> No.10732239


>favorite book

>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)


>favorite drink

is mdma counts?

>favorite drug

its like choose between pap and mom

>interesting habit you have

write poems

>> No.10732244

>The Magic Mountain by Mann (in the original German ofc)
>Black Market by Weather Report
>Macallan 12
>I have periods (48-72 hours each) of extreme productivity (hundreds of pages of writing, weeks of homework, etc.) followed by periods of catatonic laziness. I think I may be bipolar.

>> No.10732245


Hopefully not in English.

>> No.10732261

>favorite book
Dom Quijote so far.
>favorite piece of music
Coração Selvagem, from Belchior.
>favorite drink
Black coffe.
>favorite drug
>interesting habit you have
I like to rewatch Le Révelateur at least once a month before going to sleep.

>> No.10732274

Actually that happens to me often, at times I think in english, or in spanish but I can't control this at will, I'm not a native english speaker but there's been moements when I know just the word, but it's in English, and I can't for the life for me find it's perfect spanish synonym.

>> No.10732282

>favorite book
The Idiot - I read this at a time that was perfect for me to have been reading it in my life and due to the strong emotional attachment towards it I prefer this over Dostoevsky's other works.

>favorite piece of music
this is a loaded question for me, as I do not have one that ranks above a bunch of others but, Disintegration by The Cure, especially since I just finished listening to it 10 minutes ago for the millionth time.

>favorite drink
A nice scotch or whiskey

>favorite drug
Psilocybin mushrooms, after having done mdma a few times I realized I got similar results from psilocybin mushrooms without the terrible hangover and better visuals and promptly stopped using mdma. Still need to try LSD.

>interesting habit you have
I have an inner monologue that is so loud in my head sometimes that I feel like I am talking out loud in a normal voice when no one is around but clearly I am not.

>> No.10732299

I tend not to take mandy for the visuals more for the social aspect. Highly Recommend lsd but it's worth having a sober friend in the area just to make sure you're alright on your first time.

>> No.10732348


That is not a habit. That is schizophrenia.

>> No.10732379


Soooo hyermasculinity?

>Russian meme and Heminway
>High % beer
>Sexual prowess

Very performative.

>> No.10732427

I have thought and worried about that in the past and it seems highly unlikely. I don't have delusions, hallucinations, or strange mood swings and my inner monologue is really me just parsing my thoughts for when I can write them down later. The people who really know me have never noticed or said anything about me that would be cause for alarm either. I do suffer from depression though but who doesn't?

That's the plan, to have someone not on the drug to supervise the trip.

>> No.10732609

>tfw no (you)s
>tfw so boring you don't even get called out for being boring

>> No.10732632

Let's talk over mai tais, waitress top it off

>> No.10732647
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>favourite book
War and Peace
>favourite piece of music
Schubert's 9th Symphony
>favourite drink
>favourite drug

>> No.10732694
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>Brave New World, before that it was the first few books in the Dark Tower series
>Probably something by Primus, Tool, SOAD, or Kid Cudi
>Whiskey and water or coke
>Psilocybin, LSD, or xanax bars
>not really interesting, but after i bite my nails i take the shard, put it between different teeth and stab my gums

>> No.10732703

>Favorite Album: Blonde by Frank Ocean. All time favorite album ever

>> No.10732723
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>Les Miserables or Count of Monte Cristo
>A cruel Angel's thesis
>collecting anime mug mugs

>> No.10732732

Are you black?

>> No.10732750
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Nah i'm white. Why?

>> No.10732753
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The Ego and His Own
Robert Johnson - Complete Recordings, or Beethoven's 1st
Black Tea

Glad to see all the love for Fahey

>> No.10732916
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>favorite book
Dante's Inferno
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Scenes From an Italian Restaurant
>favorite drink
A nice glass of ginger ale
>favorite drug
Self harm
>interesting habit you have
I make custom Reichskriegsflagges in my spare time. Pic related.

>> No.10732967

>>favorite book
Hitchiker's Guide to The Galaxy. Pretty entry level. (Any recommendations?)
>>favorite piece of music
Ecophony Gaia
>>favorite drink
Peach iced tea
>>favorite drug
Cola :^)
>>interesting habit you have
I pick my inner ear with toothpick, thread-tip needles and pen ink chamber ends.

>> No.10732969

multiples of 4 is the patrician way to do things

>> No.10733398

>>favorite book
Tale of Genji
>>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
>>favorite drink
>>favorite drug
>>interesting habit you have
I dry fast from time to time just to test myself

>> No.10733505


>> No.10733647

>favorite book
The Brothers karamazov
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Any vaporwave
>favorite drink
>favorite drug
Don't do drugs i'm boring
>interesting habit you have
I hit myself in the fucking head.

>> No.10733665

The Book of Disquiet

Chair beside a window - Jandek

red wine


I travel to other cities to smoke weed on local cemeteries

>> No.10733672
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interesting habit: i take off all my clothes when I take a dump

>> No.10733714

I believe you are referring to segmented sleeping, which is not quite the same thing.

>> No.10733728

Cutty Sark Prohibition is so sweet I half suspected they may have added sugar, but that's not what most blended scotch tastes like. Check out Shackleton for a balanced one.

>> No.10733946

>favorite book
because they had a big impact on me when i was a kid, Voyage of the Dawn Treader or Lord of the Flies. The book which had the most extreme impact on me recently was Sickness Unto Death.
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Chico Buarque - Per un Pugno de Samba
Beethoven's 9th
When i was a teenager, Radiohead's Amnesiac
>favorite drink
>favorite drug
>interesting habit you have
I really love masturbating in inappropriate places. Now this usually just means at a friend's house in the bathroom or in bed, but when i was younger i did it on the train, at the back of class, and in national parks. Pissing is also good.

>> No.10733958

Roald Dahl's collection of short stories
Anything that sounds good (why do you faggots point to specifics when we're all wired to enjoy the same music?)
Kenya bold
Caffeine is the only non-prescribed drug I have had
>>10733946 but from trees and while walking at night

>> No.10733960



Beethoven's Grosse Fugue
Harold Pinter - Family Voices
" - No Man's Land
Edward Albee - The Zoo Story
" Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolfe

>> No.10733962

> in the middle of the road at night while walking

my man

>> No.10733969

>in cold blood
>going down on girls all the time before shagging them

>> No.10733989

>favorite book
The Lord of the Rings
>favorite piece of music
Some Paul Simon album, probably
None. Sugar, I guess
>Interesting habit
I slip into a southern accent without realizing it. Not even a southerner.

>> No.10734000

What is that, OP? An image for ants?
Don't have one.
Don't have one, but Vivaldi is best.
Degenerate garbage.
>interesting habit
A stupid question. I habitually frequent awful sites such as this one.

>> No.10734014

>>favorite book
Don Quixote or Anna Karenina
>>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
The Doors- The Doors.
>>favorite drink
>>favorite drug
LSD, or weed.
>>interesting habit you have
I really like going to junk shops and tips and repurposing things into furniture or just collecting random things to use in sculptures.

>> No.10734163

I also have a lab but she's used to it

>> No.10734206
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The Odyssey, Paradise Lost is a close second
One of Saviour Machine's first four, I guess their first if I had to choose one, though its a hard choice. Also great for reading the bible to
Beer, specifically the locally brewed stuff because Molson and Budweiser are pisswater
Haven't done much, so weed I guess, though even then it doesn't do much for me outside of edibles. I'm down with psychedelics on a conceptual level, but don't actually have any friends to do them with
>Interesting Habit
My Type I diabetic ass thought it would be a good idea to give myself my daily insulin injection at 1 AM, since I don't go to bed any earlier than that, but now I literally cannot go to bed before that no matter what since I need that shot to live. On a related note, my sleep cycle is completely fucked, to the point where if left to my own devices, I'll regularly go a solid week or two without seeing the sun on the holiday break between semesters. I can actually gradually change the time I take my injection, but I won't since my sleep schedule is so fucked that there's no point.

>> No.10734220

Either Blood Meridian or Urth of the New Sun

Either Tom Waits' Sins of the Father or Goblin's Suspiria

Havana Black, easy on the ice

Not much of a fan anymore. Ciggied I guess.

I take notes of conversations people have on buses, trams, etc and then use them when I write

>> No.10734382

How can The Broom of the System be somebody's favorite book? That's sad

>> No.10734418

Whats your native language?

>> No.10734434

>favorite book
Iron Kingdom
>favorite piece of music
Appetite for Destruction (album)
Rocket Queen (song)
>favorite drink
>favorite drug
Whatever the hell is in my inhaler
>interesting habit you have
Always fold towels in the way I see them folded (if visiting someone)
My life is boring

>> No.10735716

>Urth of the New Sun
Over Book of the New Sun? Why?

>> No.10735845

Henrik Ibsen's Peer Gynt
The aria "Ich folge dir gleichfalls" from Bach's St. John's Passion
Wheat beer
d-delete this question

>> No.10735861

The Old Man and the Sea
Jamiroquai - Rock Dust Light Star
Black Coffee
I refuse to wait in lines and will leave a business or restaurant if they have one.

>> No.10735867

>favorite book
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Bedrich Smetana Die Moldau
>favorite drink
>favorite drug
lol not degenerate, thank you.
>interesting habit you have
I pray every day

>> No.10735897

>>favorite book
Doktor Faustus
>>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Beethoven's 7th
>>favorite drink
>>favorite drug
>>interesting habit you have
I have loud arguments about philosophy and art with myself in different languages (typically in Swedish or French -- the whole habit begun as a way to practice these two) while I'm alone

>> No.10735899

You seem like a lot of fun at parties

>> No.10735972

>>favorite book
Infinite Jest
>>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Feelies - Crazy Rhythms
>Classical Piece
Liszt - Transcendental Etude no.4
>>favorite drink
Rum and Coke
>>favorite drug

>> No.10736046

Kashiwa Daisuke's Stella

I haven't insulted/badmouthed/mocked anybody in 4 years

>> No.10736234

Under the Volcano
In the Court of the Crimson King - King Crimson
Stolichnaya Vodka
I haven't been able to kept a 24hr diurnal sleep schedule for almost 10 years.

>> No.10736288


Our Need for Consolation is Insatiable or Les Fleurs du Mal
Alfred Schnittke - Choir Concerto
Rhum-orange-banana cocktail forgot how it was called
caffeine i guess
huuuuh idk


>I pick my nails and use them as little toothpicks
>When I'm working on something, I talk it out with myself as an argument, and end up pacing around while doing it.

i do these sometimes

I count my steps, and have to end any given series in a multiple of 4. For example, steps to the door from my computer? Gotta be 4 or 8. Steps to the kitchen? I try and make it 32, which isn't too difficult since the stairs is exactly 16. Except sidewalks -- each block I do 2 steps
I usually try to estimate for how much seconds or steps i have to hold on when in a boring/ unpleasant situation

>> No.10736295

>I haven't been able to kept a 24hr diurnal sleep schedule for almost 10 years.
How do you manage life with this ?
I'm going the same path

>> No.10736316
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>How do you manage life with this ?
not very well

>> No.10736381


> Infinite Jest
> Vampire Weekend (self-titled)
> An Old Fashioned (Rye not Bourbon)
> Cocaine
>I have no interesting habits, I don't think.

>> No.10736417

you really shouldnt do this to yourself it’s really bad for you

>> No.10736473
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Roger Kahn - Boys of Summer /Dickens - David Copperfield
Los Campesinos debut album
Coke Zero/ Cider
Don't do it.
I masturbate more than 6 times a day. Don't even interested in sex.

>> No.10736590

I don't do it because I like it you fucking trog

>> No.10736604

woah man that sucks
do you have a job ?

>> No.10736633

>the girl with the flaxen hair
mein neger. Heifetz is the best recording

>> No.10736652

>favorite book
butcher's crossing
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
braid - the age of octeen
>favorite drink
>favorite drug
>interesting habit you have
dwelling on past mistakes while continuing to make the same mistakes in the present

>> No.10736855

>favorite book
Kafka on the Shore
>favorite piece of music
Andrew Bird - Armchair Apocrypha
Very fond memories attached to this album
>favorite drink
Vodka with cranberry juice and ginger ale
>favorite drug
Used to be oxy, clean for 4 years
>interesting habit you have
Competition shooting helped me kick my drug habit, now I spend what used to be drug money on guns. Currently own 27 firearms.

>> No.10736883

I will look into that, thanks friendo

>> No.10736924

How are you

>> No.10737070

>How It Is by Beckett
>I don't listen to music anymore

>> No.10737099

>favorite book
Mycelium Running - Paul Stamets
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Hi Ho Let's Go by the romones
>favorite drink
Red Sea (red wine and seltzer water)
>favorite drug
>interesting habit you have
i pick my dog up by his hind legs and swing him around every morning and night, he loves it except for when he gets dizzy and throws up

>> No.10737225

>favorite book
The Book of the New Sun
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
I don't know, maybe Madvillainy. I'm not good at picking favorites.
>favorite drink
>favorite drug
Either LSD or amphetamines
>interesting habit you have
I read a lot about religion despite not being religious myself.

>> No.10737689
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>favorite book
Naked Lunch
>favorite piece of Music
Bachs Art of Fugue (Leonhardt version is the best)
>favorite drink
Гoгoль-мoгoль with rum, earl Grey hot
>favorite drunk
>interesting habit you have
I sometimes spend weeks on doing nothing creative, and then have weekends of absolute creativity

>> No.10738718

>favorite book
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>favorite piece of music
Mozart: Serenade No. 10
>favorite drink
black tea
>favorite drug
pretty much anything hallucinatory
>interesting habit
I wait three seconds before answering my boss in conversations. I can tell it pisses him off but he really doesn't do anything about it.

>> No.10738836


>> No.10738877

>Finnegans Wake
>Fanisk - Insularum
>i dunno

>> No.10738948

>favorite book
Way of kings - Brandon Sanderson
>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Special herbs vol 1-10 - mf doom
>favorite drink
Water, Mexican beer, green tea
>favorite drug
>interesting habit you have
I paint on shoes and clothing

>> No.10738950

We would be good friends

>> No.10738978

Tago Mango
Not really a drinker
Don't really do drugs anymore, probably pure lab made MDMA. Very unlikely I'll ever do it again in my life, though
Compulsively engaging in communications with females interested in me without giving any rational thought towards their viability as a partner

>> No.10739079
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Thanks anon, I bet you're a pretty cool guy

>> No.10739116

>favorite book
Crime and Punishment

>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Handel's stuff and Radiohead's Amnesiac

>favorite drink
milk tea/coffee

>interesting habit you have
i can write for about an hour, before reading/watching series/procrastinating for about 2 to 3 hours. and i love cycling.

>> No.10739366

depressing and alienating is an understatement. it is, but it is no different than a hobby. a distraction. like hunting, its about the thrill of the chase and the natural high. "the prey, once caught, loses its allure"

i agree with you but this behavior gets shot down so quickly by most people, its ridiculous. their reaction is always one of fake pity about 'how lonely it must be' to justify typical relationships.

>> No.10739378

how old are you?

not interested in sex because youve had it and prefer porn or virgin?

>> No.10739436


Do it, don’t like it. Prefer porn.

>> No.10739437

>favorite book
The Box Man by Kôbô Abe

>favorite piece of music (album or symphony and so on)
Current 93 - Imperium

>favorite drink
Green tea (preferably iced, but hot is good too)

>favorite drug
Alcohol (I only have a light drink or so every couple of weeks though)

>interesting habit you have
I balance my intake of books, movies, music, games, etc. with a spreadsheet on my computer so I get a good wide intake of different hobbies.

>> No.10739444

You're spot on imo

>> No.10739451


He explained it in the post, anon

>> No.10739482

>I shit in my hand to investigate before I flush
that is not interesting

>> No.10740593
