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/lit/ - Literature

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10730880 No.10730880 [Reply] [Original]

Coming to you live from Penguin Books in Manhattan! My boss has informed me that we’ve got the latest Pynchon manuscript in the building. I pressed for details, and here’s what she gave me:
>Completed in the 90s but left dormant for decades
>Utterly impenetrable on a first read
>The protagonist works as an insurance salesman and it has something to do with an underground/renegade crypto-futurist sex cult.
She did not seem impressed. Due for release in Q1 2019.
I hope I don’t get fired.

>> No.10730894

I hope you get fired, but for shitposting on 4chan on company time.

>> No.10730899

>actually working for a gigantic corporation
Ok anon, how stoic of you.

>> No.10730905

>I hope I don’t get fired.
Just #MeeToo them and you'll be alright.

>> No.10730913

I have literally just sent a screenshot of this to penguin

>> No.10730921

Good. Because on second thought, I have no desire to work here. The corporate model even manages to destroy a job centering around literature.

>> No.10730924

>>Completed in the 90s but left dormant for decades
So basically they are pulling a Harper Lee? Gonna wring him for every penny before he croaks?

>> No.10730927

Interesting. There’s some rumor he’s been sitting on a manuscript since he first started writing. Maybe this is it (I doubt it)?

>> No.10730935

>he doesn't think Pynchon is already dead

>> No.10730938

Yep. I think this has been in the works for about a year now (as long as I’ve been employed/interning)

>> No.10730945

We had to sign an NDA, which is why I immediately posted this here.

>> No.10730947

I might as well post an excerpt then. Seems more of the meh 9/11 hooplah and early internet stuff.

"The day we were sold. A Monday from what my old Memory tells.
A searing through the September sky, as mouths stretched in mournful distortions and eyes sunk as they looked aloft to a Sun they could swear grew darker. Sordid rays were felt just before, under their skin, no more room for tearing tech, a New Age game at play. Dust flung up and reconfigured. Something left as those glass pillars fell, flying away to other regions where baleful, all-ensnaring falsehoods are left in the salt brine to not be sipped, and finial gland-like beings spiral and intertwine with greenery so lush like a caul... away from the brute afflictions tormenting those aligned still with the flesh, who now scream amidst the stalled taxis and eddying papers, the pungent scent of fuel stabbing through the chaos, and the tears in brooks down their faces obeying abhorrent forces to bend downward in agony over the souls caught in the first onslaught. Fear clenched the sinew near their hearts. The moment hung for a while; before the sheer confusion of trying to make sense of something no one would prepare for; ones not knowing whether to abandon their vehicles, step out and embrace another in solidarity, or to roar down avenues to the nearest exit of the city, seeing the nightmare dwindling behind. Another heat, another blunted hit at the aether... certain now intended for the world to gnash their teeth at, to stand silent, nearby screens, straining their ears for state-sanctioned words to nullify their fears of this contaminating the years ahead. Sirens pounded the concrete. Wide eyes marched on the streets whitewashed with dust. Faces sunk as they noticed tissues strewn across the pavement, red-staining and lucent in the early sun...
... and all the years spent teetering, my god, how they felt so quick to us; so we searched for a hierophant to guide us, to somewhere other than the regiment out there, even if it meant suspending disbelief. HTML pages listing cults, societies, emblems of Saturn, threes upon nines in rows. That was the beginning: The Entertainment Value. "

>> No.10730950

Do you have any real proof? Pic of building with a timestamp?

>> No.10730952

Not OP

>> No.10730954

Go away, Random House Shill.

>> No.10730965

you don’t get pynchon do you

>> No.10730966

Not without the probability of getting sued out of existence.

>> No.10730969

It's all Eco-lite with "Whoa Psychedelic Pottery"

What's to get?

>> No.10730977

yeah but the imagery and construction of the prose is interesting. It’s a bad parody is all

>> No.10730979

Rofl! Great post fellow 4chan user!

>> No.10730989

I didn't mean to imply you actually work for Penguin. You're a larping wagecuck at a do-nothing job somewhere, trying to make the afternoon pass faster by trolling /lit/.

You should feel ashamed, you have disappointed your parents.

>> No.10731012


lmao nigga whatchu mean like hard hats or some-uhn?

>> No.10731019

If you aren’t, you will be soon. Also my parents are wicked proud of me. Also kys

>> No.10731020

Pynchon is a mod here btw ;)

>> No.10731021

LOLXD so funny meme man

>> No.10731026

sent ;)

>> No.10731046

You shut your little, wet, pink whore mouth, slut.

>> No.10731062

Anon, up against all, I see you there:
Straining eyes and tear ducts, collecting more
To add to your database of horrors;
The innumerable maladies all
Across this scant globe that seethe on your screen,
That lock away the child from so long
Ago in the opaque memories of
Being three feet tall, having a whole day
To bask in the sweet innocence that was.
Sadly, now you smell like penis. Yucky!

>> No.10731094

Tom go to bed or imma post that pic I took of you onto Reddit

>> No.10731108

At least post a new picture for your larp OP

>> No.10731110

Hahaha no I'm not. I wish I was, believe you me, but this isn't a perfect world, now is it?

>> No.10731113

Suck a lemon.

>> No.10731117

Give me some new Salinger or DFW and I’ll be impressed.

>> No.10731122
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>> No.10731132


>> No.10731133

good poem Mr. Pynchon

>> No.10731164

but its for people w mental disabilities...
i was disappoint after reading

>> No.10731182

I said Tom, not Thom, Tom.

>> No.10731222

Your mother has a sweet set of Buzgumas!

>> No.10731231

So are Against the Day and Bleeding Edge worth reading? His only recent stuff I've read are inherent vice and m&d, the former being thoroughly enjoyable and the latter being one of the best books I've ever read.

>> No.10731236

Hey guys,

Thomas Pynchon's brother here, Rhombus Pynchon (our parents were weird, borderline abusive. Why do you think Tom's so weird and into numbers?) and Tom asked you all to please stop talking about him on these internet pages.



>> No.10731239

what a shitshow /lit/ has become

>> No.10731241

M&D is his pinnacle achievement, followed closely by vineland, which itself is tailed very nearly by Inherent Vice. The rest are whacky Pomo tomes without substance.

>> No.10731248

Fake. Everybody knows Rhombone only speaks in obscure Brady Bunch quotes

>> No.10731251

Fuck off, Rhombus.

>> No.10731259

Is Vineland really that good? All I know is that Harold Bloom hated it

>> No.10731261

That's late capitalism for you, baby.

>> No.10731266

>Completed in the 90s but left dormant for decades

I was promised a new work that contained the can-of-snakes pasta.

>> No.10731273

I'm still waiting for Pynchon to write a proper western or turn of the century piece

>> No.10731291

The third Pynchon brother here, Pompous Pynchon. I am actually the ghost writer for all our dear, but sadly retarded, brother Thomas' 'novels'. In fact, I wrote them all as a joke! It was in fact me who asked Rhombus to ask you to stop talking about our brother, but only because Tom wont stop flailing his arms and drooling in excitement that people on /lit/ are talking about him (he spends most of his day on 4chan). Thank you.

>> No.10731292

And now anon felt something akin to a sea change... a certain betrayal of trust, from years ago he found this sanctum of shitposts sans normies... but how he's grown, and the sinew that safely cradled him began to scrap his skin. He was pushed back out into the world again, alone and lost, as he always was since too soon he was taught to confront the day with indifference; too soon he saw the languid faces of those beside him bend in sorrow, turn away to walls to bestow their tears, and furrow their brows in confusion at a morning's first sheet of sunlight. It seemed to him only a density of days, an opaque clump of time folding over itself until the sky's colour changed, and some new post-tertiary structure made—regimentation, the breaking of hours like horses, feeding a necrosis sweeping through nations, thrusting upon all the mortal fears learned in the brutality of the ascent; chastising the few lofty hopes of communal strength, and shaming all to teem with suspicion at fellow faces. Licentious trickery forcing hands to reach for vice and fold to strike those beside whose timidness is read in the way they walk, and each blow re-aligning their bent deference of their own will toward a master they would never meet, never see; as its pure essence embedded itself within the blood, to travel in the crimson brooks like a viral invader, to afflict hazy appropriations of fear and lack of love to keep them bowing to a festering wound of wealth.

>> No.10731296

This Master? The Chad of course.

Timid Virgins make me sick.

>> No.10731312

Not that guy but Vineland is a pretty good book imo. It's a very convoluted plot and takes itself somewhat seriously (more then all of his other novels)

Worth a read if you're into Pynchon

>> No.10731317
File: 23 KB, 500x333, ah3xo2lSc6JW5wTgvWYpAB1s7qs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realise it was called the Golden Fang because all private eye novels are about a detective who is trying to find the truth, but Inherent Vice is about Doc Sportello trying to find the tooth.

>> No.10731335

Anyone else here Thomas Pynchon? We should have a listserv exclusively for Toms.

>> No.10731338
File: 433 KB, 699x720, MemeMadMan1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i post my excerpts on here since i know no one would steal them since they wouldn't be able to recreate my dank style

damn it feels good 2 be a gangster

>> No.10731344

I've been Tom-posting now for over a year.

>> No.10731357

Get off your pompous high horse, Pomp, you pimply nerd.

>> No.10731401

Pynchposting always seems to bring out the best in /lit/.

>> No.10731419

Its breddy good actually, I dont understand how everyone regards it as Pynchon-lite, its denser than Against the Day.

>> No.10731535

what about pynchon is so appealing to you redditors? is it the wacky sense of humor?

>> No.10731542

Fuck off, newfag!

>> No.10731543

Pick one.

I dare you to type “Thomas Pynchon” into Reddit’s shitty search box. All you’ll find is 1,000 “literally why do people read this, literary circlejerk” threads

>> No.10731569

Great Pynchon name 2bh

>> No.10731570

you sound like a redditor

>> No.10731614

Reddit you say?! Well, anon, I was there just
The other day! What I saw was a true
Hoot, a real gas, for someone posted a
Photo of themselves eating a skunk's ass!
A Family of Seven, a roadkill jive, Pepe's
Was in the oven, roasted like swine!
Inbred boys, inbred girls, living in an
Inbred world!

>> No.10731629

this thread is all me btw ;)

>> No.10731657

>>The protagonist works as an insurance salesman and it has something to do with an underground/renegade crypto-futurist sex cult.


>> No.10731838


>> No.10731876

Improbable, but he probably visit the board.

If you read this, you are awesome man.

>> No.10731984

hey thanks man :)

>> No.10732005

Why so long? 1 fucking year of editing?

>> No.10732059

o fuck

>> No.10732113

>Rhom here, thanks man
not falling for it

>> No.10732131
File: 50 KB, 163x170, 1387487159765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howdy fellas, this is Piccadilly Pynchon "reporting in" (haha!). I'm the fourth Pynchon brother. I like watching anime my favourite is Spirited Away.

>> No.10732150

Who here listens to /pynchoncore/ ??

Tom wrote the liner notes for this album.

>> No.10732154


Are you a qt grill??????

>> No.10732180


this person is gay

>> No.10732184
File: 14 KB, 388x404, Sent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and all me btw ;)

>> No.10732248

I dont know if OP is basing his post on this but Pynchon was paid an advance in either the 90's or early 2000's for a novel he was working on about an american insurance adjuster traveling to Japan in the wake of a Godzilla like kaiju attack. He obviously never finished it.

>> No.10732250

someone post the pasta

>> No.10732265

I almost spit out drool on the shitter because of this

>> No.10732271

I want you to slobber all over my impotent dick.

>> No.10732273
File: 59 KB, 570x591, SloprockFinialFrank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks bb ;)

>> No.10732277

this is not me btw! I would never write anything lewd like this.

penis works fine btw ;)

>> No.10732288


>> No.10732290
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>> No.10732319

kevin i swear to god

>> No.10732329

shut up biiiiitch

>> No.10732940

shut the fuck up

>> No.10732956

All me btw ;)

>> No.10732983

Is Bleeding Edge any good or is it really just like Ready Player One in just chucking pop culture at you like as if you don't know what pop culture is

>> No.10732990

It's good. Just read it, homo.

>> No.10732996

no it wasnt
liar! baka!

r u a qt grill btw?

>> No.10732999

Dude it's night time in Manhattan

>> No.10733016

dude quit goofin' man you can see the timestamp my dude c'mon ahah that's crazy

>> No.10733019

don't ever reply to my posts ever again

>> No.10733034

i'm gonna write you into my novel, you little fucker

>> No.10733054

might as well kill me

>> No.10733081
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>> No.10733109

damn bro that was authentic as fuck

>> No.10733116 [DELETED] 

wait is kevin pynthon's sone or what

>> No.10733178


i could be writing my novel rn
but i'll shitpost instead

>> No.10733235

does anyone have a screencap of the time /lit/ thought pynchon actually posted and there were a bunch of threads about it

it was a post of some insanely in-depth / specific critique of his work that got people going