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/lit/ - Literature

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10731882 No.10731882 [Reply] [Original]

How did he manage to be a junky and an intellectual at the same time?

>> No.10731885

pity for humans

>> No.10731902
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Same for this lad

>> No.10731935

>Have high IQ

It isn't hard to figure out.

>> No.10732031

Sorry I'm low iq

>> No.10732064

Many artists are degenerates. For example, just look at James Joyce

>> No.10732074

He wasn't

>> No.10732140
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>> No.10732177
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He was a pothead, not a junky. Smoking weed has been known to increase consciousness and provide access to alternate forms of creativity. Many mystics consider a mairjuana high a form of death in and of itself, Toke up, watch your IQ inflate

>> No.10732185

piss off junkie

>> No.10732211

mystics don't need drugs for their experiences, that's like one of the basic things that makes them mystics in the first place.

>> No.10732218

biting this hard

>> No.10732232

Some things just work for some people. You must decide what will work for you and go to it. I've been through a psychedelics and pot phase and realized it was just holding me from my pursuits. Try whatever you like, but afterall you must always question yourself if it's being a fruitful pleasure or merely an excuse.

>> No.10732233

On the contrary, frequent habitual marijuana use has been shown to decrease IQ, especially if done so from adolescence, the earlier the worse. However, smoking every once in a while once you're an adult probably won't have that much effect on IQ.

Also, marijuana smokers have typically been shown to fare worse on tests involving creative thinking than non-marijuana smokers.

>> No.10732253

I have yet to meet a single intellectual that doesn’t liberally use mind altering substances like alcohol, weed or lsd.

>> No.10732293

more like how can you manage be an intellectual and not a junky

>> No.10732295

He was a pothead and an alcoholic. And that was only until his late 20s. He did go to AA meetings long after that though.

>> No.10732312

Why are there so many contradictory "facts" about marijuana?

>> No.10732326

>those nikes

>> No.10732328

>Implying DFW was a junkie
>implying DFW was an intellectual

>> No.10732350


>> No.10732356
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I think you're both right. Too much marijuana use can really fuck you up and make you a lazy piece of shit who indulges themselves in escapism all day, however, I think it has a ton of medicinal uses (no it doesn't cure cancer, but it really helps with aches and pains, sleep, etc.) and when used in moderation it can really help get one out of a creative rut, at least in my experience. I do think most people should probably stay away because it's habit forming (despite what the memes say) and because they're too retarded to handle it responsibly and not abuse it. Then again who am I to be the gatekeeper. I think marijuana's place as a relaxant that can make one complacent has scary implications as techno-capitalism has effectively conquered us, it becomes a means of facilitating totally losing oneself in technological media stimulation, as one moves between video games, junk food, netflix and reddit, not questioning your basic assumptions but instead reinforcing them and wasting years of your life. But people do that without weed too. I guess it's no worse than alcohol, so as long as people can drink the pain away why not let them smoke it. We're fucked anyway.

>> No.10732400

The dose makes the poison (or the medicine). Use the plant/ chemical in a respectful and responsible way and you can benefit greatly.

>> No.10732428

I started smoking weed when I was 12 and it fucked up my math abilities. I was a sort of minor prodigy in math, and while I still did well in math all throughout school afterward, I never regained the lucid, quick feeling I had before I started smoking.

I remember the very first time I ever got really high, going to school the next Monday, and everything having slowed down a lot when I was doing my math problems, like moving through water or something. I couldn't hold as many 'bits of information' at once, keep track of them and relate them to each other.

>> No.10732478

Same happened to me at 16. At this point I don't remember how to do basic arithmetic. Last year I had to relearn a lot of HS math and I stopped smoking weed, I did pretty good, but still, now I don't remember any of it.

>> No.10732486

Weed "hangovers" like you described are not a direct result of cannabis use, but are a symptom of melatonin imbalances that can be caused by cannabis use. Weed increases melatonin production by around 4000% soon after consumption. The cognitive slowness you described is the result of perceived fatigue by your body creating from chemical imbalances that can be solved through supplementation.

>> No.10732527 [DELETED] 

>brain is in a more critical, malleable state during adolescence and childhood
>therefore smoking earlier is worse
>the more frequently and the greater quantity you do of something harmful the worse effect it will have
>if you do small quantities or infrequently do something harmful you may not have much ultimate negative impacts on you at all
What's so contradictory about these facts, you fucking idiot?

>> No.10733938

Why can't artists be virtuous and responsible and care for themselves and their bodies and not behave like degenerates? I only read literature written by those who always go to bed on time.

>> No.10733945

Because that's the society we live in and image of the ideal artist we're pushed. Many of the great, dead artists had set work schedules and lived normal lives.

>> No.10733952

Whenever I smoke weed I can't understand kant. So I don't smoke weed.

>> No.10734061

I didn't know Joe Rogan browsed /lit/

>> No.10734109

This is a pretty shallow response

The honest answer is because that all artistic creation can be compartmentalised into either approximation of the divine of approximation of absolute becoming, we live in an essentially Anglo-Protestant world that only knows the latter as its highest ideal

>> No.10734116


Lord Wan of Sung wanted to have some pictures painted. The crowd of court clerks all gathered in his presence, received their drawing panels, and took their places in line, licking their brushes, mixing their inks, so many of them that there were more outside the room than inside it. There was one clerk who arrived late, sauntering in without the slightest haste. When he received his drawing panel, he did not look for a place in line, but went straight to his own quarters. The ruler sent someone to see what he was doing, and it was found that he had taken off his robes, stretched out his legs, and was sitting there naked. "Very good," said the ruler. "This is a true artist!"

>> No.10734128

As far as I am aware DFW didnt do heroin

Delete this thread

>> No.10734157
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You've all been conditioned, through marketing and advertising, to hold these false beliefs, unfortunately. It's been happening since like 1920:

>Huxley wrote that he thought it strange that when Hilaire Belloc and G. K. Chesterton wrote the praises of alcohol they were still considered good Christians, while anyone who suggested other routes to self-transcendence was accused of being a drug addict and perverter of mankind

Let's be honest, all opinions about heroin, marijuana, alcohol and cigarettes are based on culture and religion. You can't factually reason for one but not the others and be consistent. You might try some bullshit argument like "b-b-but junkies!" -- no, it's perfectly okay to take heroin once in a while, if everyone who's ever done heroin turned into an addict then everyone over the age of 60 would be a junkie by now. You might also try some other bullshit argument like "b-b-but DUDE WEED is harmless" -- no, again, it has triggered several mental illnesses in more than one person. There is nothing you can say that everyone will unanimously agree with.

I'm not saying any of this is good or bad, you're free to do whatever the fuck you, but just know that your opinion is either the product of the marketing teams at alcohol companies ("grug like whiskey, whiskey manly, smack bad") or an opposition to them ("fuck the pharma companies man, smoke weed every day").

DFW had a short bout of alcoholism, and did some psychedelics as a kid. The fact that people see drugs as the predominant aspect of his life proves the hypersensitivity to drug use, which is great for the alcohol and tobacco industry.

>> No.10734226

I think we'll end it here.

>> No.10734230

>t. Haven't read IJ

>> No.10734236

reading IJ has nothing to do with assuming David did heroin.
Maybe he tried it for reserach purposes but, regularly? Youre not only wrong but delusional. The addiction stuff truly is a metaphor.

>> No.10735197

This honestly. Smoked everyday for so long then slowly realized it simply isnt enjoyable for me, i can see how it is for some people but all i ever felt about it was a waste of time

>> No.10736574

kys degenerates

>> No.10736725

What supplements would you recommend?