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/lit/ - Literature

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10723140 No.10723140 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10723145

Communists are subhuman and should be hanged

>> No.10723154

Communists are human and should be hanged

>> No.10723160

Communists are transhuman and should be hung

>> No.10723163

The circus had come in and the town square was all tightropes and seesaws. We came in with our visors tucked low, a bottle of gin in our coat pockets. We used our clout to get past the guards, and the verve of the night reached a crescendo when we got the amazonian woman to take her top off. I looked sideways at her and laughed, taking a swig off of the bottle and continuing down into the square, deeper and deeper into the absurdity of the bells and strange expressionless faces of the carnival crowds. I realize now that my life in the face of this night is symbolic of all that I have done wrong. I confused style with substance, prestige with success, and tolerance with respect.

>> No.10723175

should i major in economics or philosophy... can't decide. double major would also be an option but idk if i'm conscientious enough for that

>> No.10723176

I'm ugly as fuck and there is nothing I can do about it.

>> No.10723177

Communists are human and hung.

>> No.10723190


>> No.10723206
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My life recently has been completely empty. It feels like sitting on a bench on the side of a canal and my life is just floating past as I sit and watch. I used to find such beauty in everything but every time the sun goes down is now just another sunset, and everytime I go out is just another way of wasting time. I've even started hanging out with this beautiful girl and she's very into me, but each time we kiss it just feels like lips touching and each time we say goodbye it just feels like another couple hours have gone by and nothing has changed. I probably wouldn't feel any pain if I was beaten up by a bunch of tough guys because I feel so void that even the ability to feel pain has worn off. I have no reason to be sad. I'm not sad. I'd probably be just as happy if something sad happened, though.

>> No.10723216

anonymous blogposting is the modern day notes from the underground, I only wish that blogposters would give us juicier details and show some more verbose self-hatred

>> No.10723219
File: 374 KB, 1326x857, facebook waste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god these memes are fucking unfunny
i cant wait to kill all facebook shits

>> No.10723317

What do the spirits tell you?

>> No.10723355

It's called getting older mate. As a stud in the UK I could have any slag I laid eyes on. Diminishing returns is what it is. I can only get satisfaction from working on something that I love.

>> No.10723359

They do not speak in but a whisper amongst themselves, of ancient wisdom from the roots of the Absolute and the branches of reality.

>> No.10723360

I want to hang with communists so I can hang them

>> No.10723368

>as a stud in the UK I could have any slag I laid eyes on
I swear British people intentionally caricature themselves.

>> No.10723371

How do you know they have great wisdom if you cant hear then?

>> No.10723393

Communists are hung (large penis)

>> No.10723403

Vans hat, breadloaf Was, he's a out 100 pounds overweight with a 'like me, don't hurt me' permanent grin. Years of being bullied have pushed him into the common here where he has protection with a group of equally insecure children. Forever escaping from the unsurity of the world into the purity of video games, beer and porn. What thought them to this point was that day in 5th grade when Tommy called him tubby and everyone laughed because instead of standing up for himself he looked around for teacher. This scar of 'the other' as a predator has taken full mental form forcing oneself into a perpetual state of cowardice. And here I go again teasing his shoes, maybe he'll stand up to me this time.

>> No.10723407
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Holy SHIT. I am so fucking depressed and neurotic, I don't know what to do.

My fucking dad is completely out of it- he's fucking dying and I hate myself but I just want him to die already so I don't have to watch him turn from someone I used to love and respect into this sad, regretful creature. I feel so bad even thinking that, but I can't- I can't help him. He lives in the us and I live in europe. I don't have any money. I'm too fucking depressed to work, so I only have enough money to support myself. I can't afford to send him money or visit him, and I hate myself for not having a job and... I had a flashback about a really bad time in my childhood a couple hours ago, so now I'm really fucking sad and fucked up and I just want to cry and kill myself.

I want to write something ironic and funny, but I can't even bring myself to do that. I'm sorry.

I try to be nice on /lit/, at least sometimes, but even if I just earnestly answer to posts, I just get called a soyboy cuck faggot because I don't fill any meme requirements that some fat fuckin' neckbeard decided was "alpha" that fucking minute. Like, how can there be so many fuckwits on this godforsaken shithole board that are so unaware about- literally anything? IT'S DRIVING ME CRAZY. It's like that guy I once saw on a documentary once.
"Who are you gonna vote?"
"Republican! I've voted republican for 50 years!"
"They're gonna give us (farmers) money!"
"Have they ever given you money before?"
"Well, no... but... they will!"

Except it's about EVERYTHING!
"Oh, there are so many books about gays and woman and racism and whatever! It's pandering! Disgusting!"
"Do you think it's because those are current topics, and that's what people want to read about? Do you think it's because there's a much larger platform for those kinds of people to express themselves?"

I once got into an argument, see, because I said, "Basic morals are evolutionary: if you're nice to people, they're less likely to murder you and more likely to help you" which, I think makes sense, especially if you live in social groups. And then all I got was smug shitheads going "oh, but why should I help people? HUUUH? Check mate!" And then I got called a cuck. Like, how are you supposed to respond to that? That is a physical inability to comprehend basic logic.

Or, people against gun control? That's a different topic all together, but that's fury inducing. There is NO reason against gun control, it's been IRREFUTABLY PROVEN TO WORK and people STILL don't get it? There were 29 school shootings in america! MY BROTHER LIVES THERE! What if one day? Someone calls me and tells me they're very, very sorry, but your brother is dead because the NRA has their dick in everybody's ear? Fuck you! Look at the fucking statistics! Guess which one's the US!


>> No.10723408


>> No.10723419

Youre a soyboy cuck faggot. For real

>> No.10723424

Gay and weak

>> No.10723425


>> No.10723451

seeing as everyone is so fucking pathetic whats the point in even trying to do write something good? what if one of those freaks actually likes it? what would that say about me?

>> No.10723457

Go for econ bro. Philosophy is hard as fuck.

>> No.10723583

I now realize that nihilism, cyniscim and depression are like AIDS: Once you catch them, you never stop having them, you just have temporary periods of reprieve.

>> No.10723596

sometimes i want to become a bouncing betty and bounce horizontally into the dams if you know what i mean :^)

>> No.10723628
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H-heh heh, t-that's not t-t-true (desperately flips through Bible)

>> No.10723656

>giving a fuck about a neckbeard's definition
nigga get a grip
please be wrong

>> No.10723660
File: 55 KB, 288x432, IMG_1131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's the only argument for traditional morals it's pretty depressing desu, it implies that actually caring for anyone plays no real role into it and that it all just boils down to playing along for the sake of self-preservation.

>> No.10723694

>You mention playing video games as a rewards and I immediately wonder: how much of your problem is the fact that video games made you get used to fast and easy rewards? How much did you desensitize your innate reward system by video games? I'm probably going to get down voted for this remark but I encourage every gamer feeling the urge to down vote to take a critical look at themselves before doing so, be honest, my interest in this is also honest. In the digital world nowadays many things are optimized for fast rewards, real life is not.

gamers btfo

>> No.10723698

>>giving a fuck about a neckbeard's definition
>nigga get a grip
I mean, I don't usually, but sometimes I have a bad day.

Well, yes. Everything boils down to self preservation, but that doesn't invalidate the fact that it's a good thing. I mean, sex feels good so we have motivation to propagate the species, but it still feels good. It's just an argument to undermine edgy shitheads trying to justify being an asshole.

>> No.10723699

Vladasovich, stood poised on the cast iron staircase, a sentence trailing off in his head that he thought was going somewhere, a thread he continued to follow despite only finding blank space, only finding loose yarn, and a clarity of vision overtook him as he saw over the distant towers at the even more distant hills in the horizon and a deep contentment washed over him, yes, a deep warmth of home and childhood, and mother by the brook in the morning where the smell of burning pine was resonant and the soft earth below, oh heaven in the hills, he sighed. Mother was dead now. He was here to collect the things in her flat. Her ashes sit in a coffee container on the nightstand. Vladisovich assures himself that he will not be overcome with a torrent of emotion, because Vladisovich is stoic, because Vladisovich does not weep, because Vladisovich is a man now, and not a boy.

>> No.10723704

>read through soy drenched whinge
>link the the nytimes

yup checks out lol

>> No.10723710

is this a creative writing assignment to take on the persona of the most smarmy liberal or are you actually for real?

>> No.10723712

Go back.

>> No.10723723

go back to hacker news? gladly. oh, did u think i was from reddit? stop projecting ur innermost soys.

>> No.10723739

That's the problem. Videogames have a clear and consistent reward system, real does not. I could spend years of my life working on a paper proving my scientific hypothesis only for it to be debunked in a couple or months, or I could pick up a sport and perform better than professionals who played for years. There is no consistent proportional effort=proportional reward system irl, so I stopped putting effort because at least that is consistent no effort=no reward. Its speaks volumes that such a massive number of people would prefer a fictional world to the real one. Real life needs to step up its game

>> No.10723747
File: 17 KB, 280x275, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but you got so buttmad that you use reddit-insults to disclaim you're from reddit.

>> No.10723748

videos games don't always give u a reward tho, what about those fags who spend 12 hours a day grinding bosses in WoW hoping to get that 5% drop piece of gear, yeah i guess if it drops 5% and you do it 20 times u statistically guaranteed to get it, but that's not much worse than life, also skill games like shooter have the same pareto distribution power law whatever shit where the top 1% of people are like 1000 times better than you which is the same as pro-sports

>> No.10723750

how do we fix this boys? i don't even want to know how many potential great minds of tomorrow we've already lost to video games

>> No.10723763

The whole question is pretty stupid. Since the question is redirecting blame onto the new generations instead of the real issue: baby boomers.
>baby boomers get buttmad their kids aren't winning anything
>force establishment to give "participation prizes"
>kids don't fucking want them.
>imposter syndrome is rises exponentially.
>If you don't go to collage, you'll have failed at life
>kids become completely neurotic
>put themselves into horrific debt to go to collage because everyone said they had to
>we can't find jobs
>we don't want all this debt
>Baby boomers: look at all these spoiled little babies! It's because of participation prizes!
Who the fuck gives a shit about video games? We're all fucked.

>> No.10723767

because MMOs are glorified skinner boxes designed to keep you hooked. Overtime you level up you get a little dopamine rush, but the experience required for the next level increases in order to get you addicted like a rat that pushes a button that delivers a food pellet at random. real life is like that except that humans are capable of awareness so they realize how the system works

>> No.10723782

Believe me your dialect sounds just as ridiculous to us

>> No.10723790

>If you don't go to collage, you'll have failed at life

if you don't go to college u might not have failed at life, but u will probably know how to spell college at least, god i hope this was a troll

>> No.10723796

loot boxes are gambling ban them xd

>> No.10723799

Holy shit this question is so relevant to my life rn. I went for maths w/ econ. 6 months in I'm bored as shit thinking to change to maths w/ philosophy. My only background with philosophy is lurking /lit/ and reading some nietzsche and the stoics tho so idk. Would love some advice on this.

>> No.10723826

I want to stop drinking, I want to go back to church, I want to start a family.

I want western society as a whole to take responsibility for their mistakes and acknowledge their regrets, but I can't even do that with mine.

I want to read more non-fiction too, desu

>> No.10723838
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Yeah, you have to go back.
What were the mistakes of western society?

>> No.10723841

I used to feel this way. The way I see it the lack of a correlation between effort and achievement is a result of not clarifying what "achievement" is in a given game. By game I mean any work related activity. Even production of hamburgers in a McDonald's is a "game." You can fix it by clearly defining the parameters of the game in your head, and having a concrete idea of achievement. It's good to set the bar low at first and simply work your way up. For instance, when I first started writing, "success," was getting 1,000 words on a page. Now "success" to me is getting published. However it is important to note that I don't get a dopamine rush from being published, but from overcoming obstacles within the writing itself, making the work a perpetually renewable game as obstacles are bound to arise. Also stop playing video games, they're a waste of energy.

>> No.10723844

>Apple Music "My New Music Mix" updates
>it's 95% rap

why? i don't listen to that much rap and when i do it's old boombap shit not lil uzi vert homosexual stuff, step ur algorithms up apple

>> No.10723846

It's my grandmas birthday and I'm late. She's like 90. I didn't even buy a present yet. I really don't want to go. Somebody kill me please.

>> No.10723854

put google analytics on your blog/app/whatever and get obsessed with pumping ur stats, just don't spam ok

>> No.10723856
File: 224 KB, 607x585, 1516960061133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant seperate hella from master and margherita from pic related. Too cowardly for suicide but this is fine too.

>> No.10723861

Mere shitposting is no longer enough. I must create the Confederacy of Dunces of the 21st century.

>> No.10723896

>real life is like that except that humans are capable of awareness so they realize how the system works
ex wow addict here. everyone who plays wow realizes this too. that realization doesn't help from enjoying it. hell, it might make it even more fun because then you know how to abuse it for maximum pleasure. and i think the "glorified skinner box" term doesn't quite cut it, i think a big part of it is the community and society-like feeling with status symbols such as mounts, gear, "respected"/well-known guilds etc, which just add to that feeling of accomplishment and superiority.

i think the difference is though that you have to set the "goals" for yourself, and most of them are not objectively encouraged in any way. if you write 1000 words, nothing happens. if you get max level on video games you get a loud DING, an achievement, your guildies congratulate you, you've got loads of new possibilities etc etc. also the video game reward is somewhat guaranteed, whereas in life it's always a gamble and there's many factors involved you can't control

>> No.10723910

>if you write 1000 words, nothing happens.

well looking at it from a broad perspective when u level up in a video game nothing _really_ happens either

>> No.10723913

obviously, but i wasn't looking at it from a broad perspective. looking from the perspective you're experiencing actively the dopamine and feeling of accomplishment is not comparable.

>> No.10724196

Honestly, what kind of Dostoevsky tier writer would choose /lit/ as outlet for his ramblings over privately collecting them in notes? Whenever you try to post some real shit on here - emphasis on the try, don't pretend you're expecting top tier writing - people just sperg out at you, pointing out "autism" (I'm putting quotations around its ironic usage here, keep up) when it's actually just a random guy getting passionate for a minute. /lit/ gets intimidated by a post that gets into "autistic detail" on one single thought because they subconsciously realize they're too embarrassed of their trains of thought to present them in their raw form themselves. People on here are more concerned with not giving their readers an angle of attack than with presenting their ideas in an interesting way.

>> No.10724399

why is it wrong that I want to fuck beautiful women? Everytime I post about being sex obsessed and sexually frustrated, everyone tells me bro it's not worth it just do something else like, ignore your urges dude

It's fucking infuriating because either those people have a smaller lilbido then me, or they had better sex then me so they got over it, or they simply accepted their own inferiority and stopped trying

>> No.10724482

It's not wrong in itself, but it's wrong to value it over important shit. If you can't get yourself to care less about sex then start caring more about you should be doing.

>> No.10724484

I feel you man. There's so much ironic and sincere /pol/shit on this board it's incredible. Ever since they started their ebin crusade to "red-pill" the "liberal" boards this site went to absolute shit.

I suggest leaving this site, and just come every so often to find some decent threads. Hopefully they will get bored in a year or so.

I'm sorry about your situation btw. Just try not to kill yourself. Try asking your friends (if you have) for money, or beg some random people (I'm not kidding) to gather enough money to visit your dad.

>> No.10724498

You sound like a whiny cunt who reads what he wants from things that are actually completely different. Nobody is telling you not to have sex, but so many people on here think sex is going to be the life-changing experience that will solve all of their problems and fill that 'hole' they feel inside of them. There's nothing wrong with a good fuck, but like a 5-star meal or a good movie it's not going to magically change your life and fix all of the existential problems you've wrapped your mind up in. The only people who think women will fix their problems are people who don't have a lot of experience with women.

>> No.10724512

they want gf’s because their brains have low oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine. if they had gf they would have higher resting amounts of it and would be more functional humans. very few of them think its going to make everything better, but it will allow them to feel human, worthy, awake.

>> No.10724525

You seem to miss the point that sex (yeah, great, super, really like it) is good when it comes along. It's like shitting, taking a shit is good when it's because you've eaten and digested it. When you start inserting fudge into your anus to just go shitting afterwards means you have a obsession or a lucrative video deal.

I mean, if you ever had sex in a relationship: kissing, dating, fondling around and 'loving' just doing 'boring' stuff you quickly understand why prostitution, even tough you really like sex, is shamefull.
Sex is good, like taking a pee after 4 beers, but if you want to go pee without drinking anything: You have an obsession.

>Just try to jerk only on sunday morning and not to porn, to realize within a month, that there is so much more to enjoy that just the sex.

>> No.10724534

Come to my home, I will consume you

>> No.10724550

Philosophy if you want to live in a trailer and teach community college

>> No.10724560


>I try to be nice on /lit/, at least sometimes, but even if I just earnestly answer to posts, I just get called a soyboy cuck faggot because I don't fill any meme requirements that some fat fuckin' neckbeard decided was "alpha" that fucking minute.

This is funny.

>> No.10724564

Take philosophy as a minor if you can't double major; it's a great background for critical thinking and analysis, while Economics will actually get you a job.
Everyone says that, but I think they're just awestruck at the size and scope of philosophy. I'm a brainlet and even I was able to graduate with philosophy as my major.
It all really depends on what you want out of university. Do you want a fun four years thinking about the nature of the universe, or do want to buckle down, intern and work out the ass, so you have a career that isn't in food service once you graduate? Philosophy can do both but not without focus.

There's nothing stopping any of you from taking philosophy as a minor, or even going to a CC to get a few preliminaries under your belt.

>> No.10724720

i think i'll take a semester of economics to see how hard it is, then either double major or minor in phil. the minors at my uni are really small though, only like 15 ects

>> No.10724724

Take a writing course as well, maybe two if you have the funds and the time. It will help you write better papers, trust me.

>> No.10724818

i accidentally used meme arrows when texting with this qt now she's confused what do i do anons

>> No.10724832

The evolutionary / sociological agent in moral behavior promotes kindness, which is a part of the moral body, but it does compose it entirely. Its a logical mishap to say that, because we have social incentives to be kind that therefore morality is based in that relativistic structure. The question of virtue, transcendentalism, and justice remain, arguably, inadequately explained by social and evolutionary reasoning alone.

Hope that's a good white pill, anon.

>> No.10724928
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My fucking biscuit just broke and fell into my tea. This is the second day in a row this has happened.

explain it to her (not 4chan, just the textual meaning). With luck you'll have a qt gf that uses meme arrows

>> No.10725138


>> No.10725163
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>> No.10725188

I always thought I was wasting my potential but now I realize I had no potential to waste.

>> No.10725198


>> No.10725313

I hate using the word redpilled but I 'm really angry that now that I've seen some shit I can't go back and just be joyful and young and just do dumb shit. I really envy my friend that I dno't talk to anymore who has no money, no job and is still in UNI (I dropped out) but he lives with his girl and they're in love and don't give a fuck about anything

I want that but now that I'm bitter I will never fall in love like this again. Seriously what is the point of living in a hellhole of responsibilities and misery

>> No.10725524

that's called growing up and being mature, not "redpilled"

>> No.10725539
File: 34 KB, 300x287, buy my mixtape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently listened to Coolio's hit single "Gangsta's Paradise". While listening to the single, I interpreted that the eponymous paradise Coolio describes is entirely ironic. But I couldn't help but wonder if a gangsta's paradise does exist and what would it look like? Is it watched over by dead gangsta rappers like Tupac or Biggie that act as Gangsta Gods? Is there a Gangsta's Hell? If so, what actions and morals should a man have to ascend or descend to gangsta heaven or hell after death?

>> No.10725559

this was a major philosophical debate among rappers during the 90s, look into tupac's inquiries "if heaven got a ghetto" for further reading

>> No.10725565

Economics because philosophy isn't developed through a fucking university course but through experiences in your life

>> No.10725580

Wrong. That's the defeatist inside you desperately begging you not to feel bad about your failures "because it's not your fault you are that way."
You could be doing good shit right the fuck now, and I hope you feel like shit for not doing so, on top of realizing that this "personality" of yours stopping you from taking action is an excuse that could be wiped out by some chance encounter or random incident literally any day. Now whether you go out looking for that magical moment is up to you, but know that regarding your laziness not to do so the exact same principle applies, except one meta step outwards.
Now there's an easy method to (eventually) escape that cycle anyways, and that's by putting your everything into doing whatever you feel like doing. When your procrastinate, procrastinate with passion and progress will be inevitable.

>> No.10725593

You realize him and his girl are the useful idiots, yea? It might be miserable for you but it's less miserable than the endgame useful idiots will allow to proliferate right under their noses.

>> No.10725600


>> No.10725629

>I wake up in the mornin' and I ask myself
>Is life worth livin'? Should I blast myself?
>I'm tired of being poor and, even worse, I'm black

still the best to ever do it

>> No.10725665

Honestly the sadest thing I have read on this board. The best thing I ever did for myself is sell all my video games and consoles. I used the money to pay for 5 years of gym membership, nice clothes and books.

>> No.10725694
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I feel like I should be more mature than I am currently. I'm smart enough to get into a very good college but I haven't had a job once in my life. I still enjoy things that I shouldn't as a college student and I just feel like 2 different people live inside of me, not like dr.jackle and mr.hyde but a responsible adult who reads in his free time and wants a future and a neet teenager who plays video games, drinks garbage and just wants to get laid

>> No.10725737

Fucking this, I don't think video games are inherently bad (though they're a waste of time), but they're *highly* addictive, especially if you're depressed or lonely. There was a thread over on lebbit the other day about that some regulatory body was adding video game addiction as a diagnosable mental illness and the comments were *filled* with people denying that it was real, saying that video games are harmless, that it's normal to revolve your life around league of legends, etc. It was really sad to read.

>> No.10725746


Mispacing a letter is far better than an internally inconsistent post... just throwing that out there.

>> No.10725759

i see similar stuff in every nytimes article that talks about banning prescription opioids, you get a dozens nutters on there like "no no no! u can't take away my pills! i NEED them for my PAIN!" its like yeah u might have a problem ok

>> No.10725776

the problem is 4chan is also highly addictive

>> No.10725779

If you're going into college now, understand its a trans-formative experience. I was still very immature when I was 18 and just starting, and I even had a job. Also, learn to enjoy times when you can lack maturity, as long as that doesn't involve becoming a total drop out.

>> No.10725800

Video games are addictive in the same way weed is addictive, some people get hooked on the recreational and irresponsible aspects. You've got to be able to limit your time wasting time.

>> No.10725808


Any form of entertainement can be addictive wether it is videogames, movies or books.

Hermits and socially inept individuals aren't new.

However, can video games be more potent? Quite possibly.

>> No.10725811


Tfw you find something unironically interesting in a /lit/ post that got de-railed.

Thanks random friends.

>> No.10725825


You don't have to abandon one to get the other.

You have to be organized.

>> No.10725833

I can believe this, though I personally spend far less time here than I used to spend on other social media sites. Especially on /lit/ where the discussion is so slow it can be hours between posts on page 1 threads.

>> No.10725848

I know that's what I'm saying, I don't want to be a mature adult, I want to be a happy young man. Doesnt exactly help that I'm a poorfag working class and my life in general is in ruin

They have been together like 4 years now, I really don't understand it and it makes me insanely jealous. I know it's incredibly childish to wish bad for others but at least if they broke up or had some serious shit in their life it would validate me a bit

>> No.10725849
File: 210 KB, 1200x1851, 1_HuptPn19vkjGo6BTZeUNtQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

video games are engineered to be addictive, i mean sure the latest james patterson is written to be a "page turner" but vide game designers put a lot more thought into how to make it addictive

>> No.10725853

tfw balding at 25

>> No.10725866

>Implying community college instructors don't make a decent salary.

>> No.10725872

elitism is good as long as its not attached to hierarchical structures of domination, most people are dumb, including higher iq people, and they deserve to be treated with respectful disdain

>> No.10725880


I'd like to think that its more addictive because of its interactive nature. Alos, the social aspect is totally excluded when that topic is discussed. Videogames has allowed be to keep contact with friends that now work in different cities.

Thanks for the mention of this book, i'll look into it.

>> No.10725882


Yeah, a problem called 'chronic pain'.

>> No.10725883

>community college instructors
>decent salary

dohoho my sides are on fire!

>> No.10725888
File: 13 KB, 480x360, nenenebomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the flu some kind of meme right now? i stayed home sick on the couch and whenever i tell someone this they ask if i "caught the flu"?

so i've been watching red letter media on the couch, sleeping, and reading Generation X all day. feeling semi-halucinatory.

>> No.10725900

It's flu season dumbass. That means it's one of the most common diseases during this period, even if we're in the tail end of it.

>> No.10725916

but being a useful idiot and being in young passionate love is literally the pinnacle of life dude. How can I live with this thought? and I cant have it

>> No.10725923

what if memes were like, the flu? right proper crazy innit?

>> No.10725928

spoil their good fortune. Seduce and fuck your friend's gf.

>> No.10725944

I thought about it but I live in a different country now and there's a good chance I will never see them again. If I did see them again, then I'd do it though

>> No.10725947

ahh man i wish i was this young and angsty again, it really gives one a feeling of being alive

>> No.10725953

flu vaccines also spread influenza

>> No.10725960

I'm done trying to make friends. I moved 2 hours from where I had lived for 14 years in hopes of making a fresh start, but the people here are as awful as the people I just moved away from. At this point I have accepted that I'm gonna be a hermit for the rest of my life.

>> No.10725961

do you have the gfs number ? send her a dickpic, same result

>> No.10725972

kek. Now I'll think about this, might do it

if I send her a dick pic then the chance of me fucking her if I eventually do meet up with them increases, I think

>> No.10725974

I want to finally tell dad that that I had decided to leave Islam for Buddhism, and have been visiting temples and attending dharma sermon for the last two years. I hope my family won't send someone to harm me for being a murtad.

>> No.10725979


>2 hours away
Wow it's like being in another country

>> No.10725985

it'll throw a wrench in their relationship if he finds it on her phone

>> No.10725990


>> No.10725998

I don't though. Could send on facebook

>> No.10726013
File: 13 KB, 271x277, do it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and post results

>> No.10726043

lol it would be funny if your dad gets all ur uncles together one night and then stones u to death

>> No.10726111


>> No.10726155

>I just want him to die already
>I feel so bad even thinking that

I went through this too, it's heart wrenching
Keep going anon

>> No.10726381

>I want that but now that I'm bitter I will never fall in love like this again
lmao. how short-minded can you be? although I can't blame you. I do the same shit every time.

think about it: I doubt you only loved a single girl in your entire life. what happens with the feelings for the old girl when you love another one? they go away completely. you forget. that's what's gonna happen this time as well. in time you'll get better.

if you want to love again, you simply have to do what it takes: learn to forget and love. I know it sounds clicheic, but that's the truth. the more bitter and hateful you get, the more you're harming yourself.

100% of those who use this term are losers. it's a fact, just saying.

>You realize him and his girl are the useful idiots, yea
lmao, you have to be kidding me. keep lying to yourself, maybe one day you'll believe it.

>> No.10726452

How the fuck do I improve my writing style?

>> No.10726635

I don't know why Unknown Pleasures became the hipster meme album, Closer is so much better.

>But if you could just see the beauty,
>These things I could never describe,
>These pleasures a wayward distraction,
>This is my one lucky prize.

>> No.10726638

Stop it and let me out. This is stupid.

>> No.10726665
File: 1.15 MB, 1131x1629, 1517860831841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote a 25k word essay on Batman v Superman and a 13k word essay on Big Hero 6.
I also write light-hearted, cheesy romance fiction.
When I was younger, my dad used to shave me, cut my nails, trim my pubes, pop pimples on my face and back, would smell my penis to make sure it smelled nice, would do the same for my armpits, would sometimes shower with me, and mocked the size of my penis several times. This went on until I was around 16 and he would also beat me if I ever denied him.

>> No.10726675
File: 360 KB, 608x1119, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck, did you call the police on your dad?

>> No.10726681

jesus man
what do you think about that now?

>> No.10726688

read authors from different time periods and different schools
read and write poetry
read non-fiction
have something interesting to say

>> No.10726693

You're a small guy, son.

>> No.10726703
File: 52 KB, 500x500, KAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit bro! white people!

>> No.10726718
File: 365 KB, 500x275, x6dHN1x.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The happiest days of my life were, for the people I shared them with, completely normal and unnotable.

>> No.10726827
File: 957 KB, 500x418, just think about it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't do this to me anon

>> No.10726896

I saw Ben's eye beginning to swell from where I hit him earlier.
We took a break from walking and joined a growing crowd on the hot Summer sidewalk. Smoke drifted towards 4th Ave and the sound of breaking glass echoed down the block. I offered Ben a cigarette and we watched with the rest of the rubberneckers as the NYFD busted out more windows, trying to stop the old building on 6th and Broadway from burning down.

>> No.10726914

What's the difference between working class and lower-middle class in America?

>> No.10726917


>> No.10726926

Whether you get dirty on the job.

>> No.10726934

lower-middle class are investors or lower management fallen on hard times, who also still have a chance at something. working class either has a semi or unskilled job or doesn't depending on how wall street feels that year

>> No.10726950

girls only want guys with long butt cracks
thats why woman prefer tall men...

>> No.10726952

almost correct

>> No.10726971

hey, at least you're having happy days, and not just sitting in your house all day. it's progress.

continue like that until you're going to have days that all of your friends will remember for life.

>> No.10726975

Sorry anons, I just got really emotional thinking that it's almost March and the highlight of my year was going to see Three Billboards with some old friends.

>> No.10727101

econ and maths/compsci

for economic prediction modeling analysis

>> No.10727130

ah bob's burgers I remember it now
push her into a lake!

>> No.10727132

>yfw years have been so grim that your last good memory is from 2015

>> No.10727315

I need to pee real bad. I'm not joking.

>> No.10727344

>your last good memory is from 2015

that was the last time i got laid, boy how time flies, but i have to admit i haven't tried to get laid since then

>> No.10727354

My last good memory is from earlier today when a long-time friend and I made a cozy campfire in a snowy forest and grilled some cheese sausages (sausages with cheese in them) after he'd given me free driving lessons.

>> No.10727409

Sounds comfy as fuck anon

>> No.10727428

the last time i got laid was January 2014 and I too have not made a serious effort to have fuck, have actively sabotaged chances going so far as to ignore women asking me to come hangout at night at their apt and drink with them, all for fear of sullying myself for a monogamous relationship that never materialized
you sound like you're mentally stunted or underage b& but that does sound enjoyable

>> No.10727440

It was, but we still had to spend time gathering firewood of various size in the snow.
>all for fear of sullying myself for a monogamous relationship that never materialized
>you, other guy, you sound mentally stunted

>> No.10727450

losing my mom is worse than i ever imagined

>> No.10727462

>all for fear of sullying myself for a monogamous relationship that never materialized
how do you think monogamous relationships start? do you think they literally materialize?

>you, other guy, you sound mentally stunted
lmao fuck

>> No.10727468 [DELETED] 

yeah that's gotta suck, my mom is the one person i can say any kind of pretentious bullshit to and she'll pretend its insightful, without her blowing smoke up my ass every once in a while my whole ego will deflate

>> No.10727476


>> No.10727489
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>> No.10727497

even though I'm grown, it feels like I'm missing out on so much... just hanging out with my mom. she read constantly and always took the time to read what I recommend, even if she didn't "get" it. I wish I'd been kinder to her about her taste in books. I never even read her favorite.

>> No.10727509

moving steadily closer towards qt christian hegelian girl, pretty soon I'm gonna giver her my massive ring

>> No.10727520

Try experiencing mortal terror

>> No.10727544

How do I copy your success?

>> No.10727548

I had a burst of inspiration for a short story but when I sat down and started writing it all fell apart before I even got to 2000 words. This always happens to me, I start out strong and the words just flow out of me into nice comfy prose. Then I lose it and I can't even write anything that sounds good, let alone stylistically matches the inspired section. I've NEVER finished anything outside of poetry. The closest I've come is novella I was writing over Christmas which I finished half of.

>> No.10727561

As we move on to our "chains" which shackle our perception of historical figures, we will be able to judge them more clearly. For example. a person in the 16th century might think a 11th century king is good, simply because he was a self-professed Christian. He is bound by his bias and perceptions.

The smart man of today can break from this notion, and see the historical man on his base level, and judge him accordingly for what he deserve.

ultimately we are searching for history's ubermenchs, and model ourselves on him

>> No.10727574

I don't think the current trend of measuring all historical figures against the specific morals of the day is any freer of bias than what came before.

>> No.10727587
File: 95 KB, 830x355, hiroshima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe how much fun I had today hunting a mouse. It was engaging on a visceral level. Primeval man must have had it better than us. I wish I were some manner of woodwose.

>> No.10727631
File: 60 KB, 294x475, about-a-boy-book-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It didn't rain nearly as much as they said it would today which is disappointing. We were supposed to be receiving a dumping due to Cyclone Gita after it had finished with Tonga. Frankly, I wouldn't have cared if every Tongan and his family was killed and sharks pulled from the ocean if we had at least a little more rain today.

>> No.10727692


aww shit bitcoin just got fucking REAL

>> No.10727721


Wow, thanks Dr. Peterson!

>> No.10727778

i think im gonna convert to /fit/, this board is just angsty kids mad about everything, /fit/ is so more mentally healthy, just ppl talking about their jobs, the healthy meals they cook and eat, the straight women they are attracted to etc. the only downside i can see is there are a lot of insecure short guys but its better than the people using the weakest sjw ideology to justify their sloth and failure

>> No.10727841

>attracted to straight women

>> No.10727855 [DELETED] 

ya u rite, i'm over it, it was all insecure manlets and betas who can't get laid, besides i don't lift to look pretty, i just do in case i get pinched by the po i can be top lobster in the cell block u feel me

>> No.10727877

ya u rite, it was just a bunch of soyboys larping as alphas, nevermind

>> No.10727896

i'm not sure i feel anything right now

>> No.10727905

Do you feel the unsurety of your feeling?

>> No.10728172


>> No.10728187

>Mentally healthy
All they do is talk about soyboys. Soyboys soyboys soyboys. Does this haircut make you a soyboy /fit/? Having a beard? They're so damn insecure about not looking like a literal internet meme it's depressing.
Not to mention the political threads, they're almost worst than /pol/.

>> No.10728193

some of the dudes on there seemed liek they had their shit together, but like half the threads were manlets crying or like awkward dudes trying to get laid

also, i didn't see one kettlebell thread and that's the only gear i got right now, so if /fit/ is anti-kettle then theres no point fuckin wittem, every mma gym i been to in nyc is all kettlebelled up, so maybe theyre just random deplorables behind the times, idk

>> No.10728210

>I just want him to die already so I don't have to watch him turn from someone I used to love and respect into this sad, regretful creature.
One day you'll realize literally everyone goes through this.

>> No.10728217

i can't believe pitchfork gave that new us girls album a bnm, every fucking song is derivative as fuck, i mean its enjoyable enough to listen to but there gonna get sued by about 20 people for ripping off melodies

>> No.10728219

could you be less of a newfag

>> No.10728224

need a friend eh

>> No.10728225

oh no im a "newfag" on a board for short guys to cry about being little, i'm probably stronger than u

>> No.10728229

buddy's got a case of the soy

>> No.10728233

fuck dude you are literally me

>> No.10728251

t. dumb brute
bad omens hanging off of every word
dedicating oneself to something takes maturity, the other person doesn't even know how to drive and types like an autistic 16 year old
its complicated, but no i'm not autistic. I'm fully aware of how to do this, as I have done it before. But, it just wasn't to be so now I've embraced transient bachelorhood

also look how easily offended you are

>> No.10728252

I'm lonely. I feel it's the beginning of another episode of depression. My family keep suggesting my need of accepting god in my life, but my fedora-tipper mind believes that such is an easy way out. Recently read ted's manifesto. Why is there so much pain in the world? Can humanity and nature exist in harmony again?
Somehow, my parents think I'm having an existential crisis due to my lack of beliefs, and that like st. augustine I will find meaning through the scripture, when in reality all I desire is to get laid.

>> No.10728259

I feel I need to read more about integralism to truly call myself an integralist, but thus far it certainly seems appealing.

>> No.10728265

i think all the nutrition threads could be good for me cuz i eat a lot of processed shit, but idk if its worth sifting thro all the insecure dude threads, it kinda feels like a gay hot-or-not "hey bros dude u dudes think im hot yet?" its like oh god

>> No.10728294
File: 58 KB, 800x450, distorteddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck am I reading
You sound like you come from the youtube comment section

>> No.10728297

It is the easy way out, don't listen to them. I'm sure some Catholic faggots will get triggered and start screeching about how hard it is to be truly faithful, but I can't even count the number of times I've been tempted to give in to a faith just because it would provide me a prefabricated system of guiding principles to defend, elaborate, and with which to content myself. The hardest thing is to methodically and skeptically think through every idea in a system to see if it's really useful to you.

>> No.10728302

i like christianity and specifically catholicism in theory, but whenever i start to actually get into the details of the irl church im like "nope"

>> No.10728379

>anyone who makes fun of me is offended

>> No.10728392

Making connections with others will help you more than trying to force yourself to accept a ready-made ideology. Easier said than done, I know. Have you ever been to a therapist? Or tried meditating?
FWIW I do think humanity and nature can coexist, and that we'll be closer to nature in the future than we are today.

>> No.10728397

I agree. It's one of the reasons I started reading the greeks. I want to form my own set of beliefs through years of study, and hopefully I will have a solid foundation to defend them through difficulties.
I plan to read the bible, though

>> No.10728404

It's not a matter of it being "useful," or "easy," it's a matter of it being true. One does not become a Christian for utility.

>> No.10728409

>any religion
>unironically "true"

dude, please

>> No.10728415
File: 138 KB, 647x499, 114231039112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, if that's your attitude, Christianity isn't for you. Go be a pretend Buddhist and meditate when you feel like it.

>> No.10728420
File: 25 KB, 300x400, {CE188B58-1297-46BD-B2E7-D3D9DAC3F44B}Img400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>James Baldwin - The Fire Next Time (unabridged)
>99 cents

today's audible daily deal certified dank af

>> No.10728427

yeah but marxism is "true" too, but they can't both be true, who's really true and who's lying?

>> No.10728449

Communists are the big other and can't be hanged.

>> No.10728585

Why do we try when we can't make a difference ? When we are younger we are told we could do great things, why run? Because you could be an Olympic athlete someday. Why study? because you could when a noble prize someday. As we grow older and when we face reality, why do some of us continue to do some of these things? I've been playing chess for 20 years now. What makes me still play when I languish in the bottom end of the ratings in a tier 3 chess website online?
Ive been playing music, or atleast trying to, for close to six years, what is it that makes me try to understand time signatures after having no sense of rhythm for so long?
Is my death going to be just as inconsequential as the impact of most of my hobbies?

>> No.10728595

Check out the median mid-career earnings of philosophy grads against the same for STEM grads. Basically if you've got a good degree from a decent uni you won't be working in food service unless you give up.
Reading that stuff probably won't give you a taste of what philosophy's like nowadays. Read some more recent stuff (Rawls on justice is a good starter) and you'll have a clearer idea of what most of it's like.

>> No.10728651

There are many joys in life and one of them is allowing a prostitute who you payed quite a bit of money to come to your glamorous apartment viewing the awe-inspiring masterpiece that which is Manhattan itself from the window. Well, with the prostitute I make her put on some high heel shoes before presenting my hairy pale cock n balls then bark the very order at her that will make her step on my genitals like she was putting out a lit cigarette butt on the ground causing blood to gush out of my pale cock on to the now crimson coloured sheet.

>> No.10728720
File: 519 KB, 820x1139, 02e6144a9d1f6be4ad84e08624000fe2025c66e3bb375f8520c8ad50a0ffbffe9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Ever since they started their ebin crusade to "red-pill" the "liberal" boards this site went to absolute shit.
/pol/lacks are everywhere and have been everywhere - and all over - since the sites inception. You're a newfag. KYS

>economics or philosophy
The question is "have I the dosh and wherewithal to get doctorate in either." So no. Neither. Pick something where those two can be applied to a more delimited area of intellectual interest.

>Basically if you've got a good degree from a decent uni you won't be working in food service unless you give up.
This. Gen X tenures are going to linger longer than Ruth Bader Ginsberg will to the Supreme Court.

>auspicious dubs
>qwik maphs/phil
If you like teaching, could be good with some more STEM options besides. If you can do physics, even better. Check out Quine:


>> No.10728800

Socialism is taking over Canada. I feel fear, and because I don't know Polish I want to move to America. To vote for Trump in 2020 would be an honour.

>> No.10729109
File: 1.26 MB, 1276x1074, Screen Shot 2018-02-20 at 7.55.44 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol Canada is SuccDem. Calm down, faggot. I do feel bad that you have that dumb lib Trudeau though.

>> No.10729133

It's my spring break next week and I don't know what to do. I'm going back to visit my family, but realistically I'll get sick of them after a day or so. My literal three friends are all either too busy for me to visit them or are traveling themselves. The qt that lives near my hometown I tried to hit up still hasn't responded (though it also doesn't say she's actually read it, so maybe there's a sliver of hope there). I don't want to end up sitting around alone all day reading, that's what I do every day. Maybe I'll go and hermit it up in the mountains for a few days instead.

>> No.10729208

My favorite threads on any board are when anons talk about themselves, why they are on the board and what they like about it’s related topic. I think it’s interesting to read about why people like things or dislike things.

>> No.10729212


>> No.10729215

Why do you type like you’re 12

>> No.10729228

>I'm ashamed of the things I've been put through
>I'm ashamed of the person I am

>> No.10729269

>since the sites inception. You're a newfag. KYS
spoken like a true newfriend

how's your first year on the internet?

>> No.10729280

I never got that, I thought humankind was the 'gender-neutral' or just another word for mankind kind of word.

>> No.10729318

When you type in lower case only it's usually due to a subconscious urge to come off as someone that doesn't *really* care, letting you preserve the escape route of "implying i care enough to bother coming up with a good argument" for when you get blown the fuck out by a bigger man; implicitly, of course. Just compare how rarely you see people raising a new point while talking in lower case only to how often people mock another poster's point in lower case only.
Mocking some post with a five word lower case only reply is a sign of insecurity. This includes ironic replies.

>> No.10729523

Yeah I mean it's just such a telling event. It's the perfect moment illustrating Dem/SocDem concerns with discourse and wording over anything else.
>Interrupting a woman asking you (a man in a position of considerable power) a question in order to correct her language because it was "perpetuating patriarchy" or some shit like that.


Most western world leaders and politicians have the same brain parasites as #Resist idiots who don't have the capacity to understand intersectionality so they just tweet shit about how they want all whites to die.

>> No.10729748

>The question is "have I the dosh and wherewithal to get doctorate in either." So no. Neither

How do you know he has neither?

>> No.10729813
File: 279 KB, 1686x973, litWurm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should stop falling for the media meme of 'social' media. It's just a marketing term to sell you ads. Marketing is the downfall of western society.
I mean, I can see your first point about Trudeau and his interruption, I was and am still more surprised over the use of peoplekind over humankind.

But then the whole, all of a sudden, jump to twitter hashtags and the whining about that...
Maybe you do, maybe you don't, but seeing, realizing and reflecting on why complaining about twitter is a symptom of the problem might help you being a pillar of your direct community {But let us not kid ourselves too much, as we are here, on /lit/}.

>> No.10729835

>complaining about twitter
I'm not complaining about Twitter necessarily. I'm talking about that *type* of person. My grandma is that kind of person, but doesn't know how Twitter works. I just mean DNC libs.

>being a pillar of your direct community
I mean I volunteer, but I'm def no pillar.

>> No.10729875

I hate people who lie about their credentials. Why is writing so full of that sort of shit?

>> No.10729923
File: 3.86 MB, 4032x3024, 20171017_182851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sat writing his self proclaimed blashpemous lab report. The still of the night was calming to him and the lack of sleep in the wee hours prodcuced a strange sense of clarity. Now in the dawn, the same insomnia he had welcomed before instead brought a sharp pang in his head. He was irritable, and the scent of unlcean sweat from the indian man across from him did not help. It was here he had his epiphany. Here when he finally broke.

>> No.10730022

Got a gf lads

>> No.10730545

>Want to learn a little about Hinduism and its culture
>Most of their texts are 50,000+ verses long
>Want to find out about Jainism
>40 300+ pages long books are the essential readings
>Ferdousi looks interesting, let's read his book
>lol m8, good luck reading the longest epic ever written by a single man
Are Asians autistic? No wonder why all of mainland Asia is such a degenerate shithole when their main classics are shit no one has the time to sit down and read.

>> No.10730561

because writing is "good" or not based on where u went to school and what douchebag professor "mentored" u, for example everyone knows the reason pynchon is so good is because he studied at cornell while nabokov was a professor there, amirite

>> No.10730569

>he thinks 4chan isn't social media designed to sell ads

>> No.10730581

I hope there's no blood on the toilet paper when I wipe.

>> No.10730585

>Damn. Niggas want to stick me for my paper.
>Damn. Niggas want to stick me for my paper.
>Damn. Niggas want to stick me for my paper.
>Damn. Niggas want to stick me for my paper.

>> No.10730589
File: 85 KB, 899x898, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't

>> No.10730595

this makes me sort of glad that a lot of weird shit's happened in my life

>> No.10730610

Peter Hook said himself he prefers it and he actually listens to it for pleasure rather than to reminisce

>> No.10730633

I see. Though *that type* of person are situated on 'all' sides or better said: everywhere.
Please show me where and how I said that.
>But yeah, not social, marketeers would call it anon media (and suggest to link it up to facebook so ads, shills and psyops can get a better picture without having to call the nsa in for help).

>> No.10730648
File: 10 KB, 645x773, 0ba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the first warm day in months and I'm really enjoying it. Last night I was ready to throw myself off a bridge (no suitable bridge nearby though), but today I've been content just wandering around feeling the sun and the breeze and looking at all the signs of spring. I love the way the snow melts, forming little rivers that flow into muddy lakes. I'm actually happy to be alive, and not because of a girl or a material success but because I'm enjoying being. Were the Cynics right?

Is this how normies feel all the time?

>> No.10730673

>>But yeah, not social, marketeers would call it anon media (and suggest to link it up to facebook so ads, shills and psyops can get a better picture without having to call the nsa in for help).

you do realize those captchas you fill out every time you post are provided by google who then uses it to link them to your various google accounts like gmail, blogspot, youtube, etc.

>> No.10730679

i hate that im so affected by the weather, i always get more productive when the weather is good, maybe this is why san francisco is so hyper-entrepreneurial because the weather is always perfect, but idk

>> No.10730695

>he has a google account

>> No.10730701

>doesn't use gmail

still using your mom's aol account?

>> No.10730711

I swear, when wintertime comes around I get more depressed than the previous time the wintertime came around.

I fucking detest snowy cold wet rainy windy fucking cock weather this place can burn in hell

It's funny how I seem to get more and more happy when summertime comes around though. It's like my mood is oscillating and it just keeps growing in amplitude as time goes on.

Thanks for reading this blog post

>> No.10730771

I have my own email server under my own domain or use my uni account if what I'm doing is affiliated. You're not applying to jobs using a gmail account, right anon?

>> No.10730793
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 1518395308963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, not today.

>> No.10730843

>>10730695 said

Oh wow, like there are people who know about computers, networks, servers and stuff.
Some newb-tips:
>Don't stay logged in ever, anywhere
>Configure browser to delete temp files when closing/closing a tab
>block ads
>block scripts (only allow them when needed, like posting)
These are things everyone can do.
Facebook, as you can google up yourself quite easily, takes shill posting on walls to the next level, even the fb(you)s are timed to maximize you shill viewing time. A /pol/-thread about buying gold is less shill than 20 wall posts (don't even know if it's technically a wall post, timeline post?) on fb.

>> No.10730857

>setting up an email server for hackers to mine crypto on

how nice of u

>> No.10730863

this is almost completely off-topic but i just had to point and laugh at this guy:

>In university I was obsessed with Haskell and being clever and writing code that was an unholy stack of lambda functions and fancy constructs like monads and monad lifting. I used the typical intellectual supremacy argument inherent to many fields of study where you reason that something isn't used in industry because industry people are stupid and cannot possibly grasp all these advanced abstract concepts.

>Eventually I realized that Haskell code is slow to write, hard to reason about efficiency, lazy evaluation sucks for most things, and most importantly Haskell is hard to read by others. Going on Hoogle to look up some package and seeing some abandoned doctoral thesis used by nobody where the only documentation is types becomes exhausting after a while.

>Go is now my favorite language.


>> No.10730879

fuck off you faggot cs monkey

>> No.10730902

Woow, did you hacker uncle tell you all these words last Christmas after he was done drinking and wailing about his whale wife being a fucksock for the whole town?
It's pretty dope to hobby in, it's something that got me my job (Oh you know haskell!?) I might as well have lied because it never came/comes up.

>> No.10730903

Multiculturalism only works with an authoritarian government to repress open conflict and identity politics (see Singapore for example).

Liberalism only works in an homogeneous society and even then only when that society is gifted with above average intelligence and the right cultural background (Germanic countries before immigration for example).

Given that globalism is not going away, this naturally means the end of liberalism. What replaces liberalism will be the defining factor of this century if technology doesn't kill us all first.

>> No.10730928

its just bants m8 calm down

>> No.10730962

i blame my parents for a lot of bad things in my life but they are my parents and they love me so i cant do anything about it

>> No.10730982

What's a good language to learn to impress employers now?

>> No.10730985
File: 281 KB, 1200x1442, Mediocre_a6cc4c_6493474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of enjoyment

Your life is an ephemeral blip on the radar of existence. Few people will be blessed by the whims of occurrence to be the next breakthrough scientist or a revolutionary musician who becomes instilled in history.

But this does not have to stop you from enjoying the things you do. Even in your small time on this earth, futile action against the ever encroaching darkness is still something to be commended.

Learn to do the things you enjoy for the love of it, not greatness, and you'll be surprised

>> No.10731051

Usually just as always, do your assessment good, only list stuff you know well enough to work with. Be honest if you don't know shit or if you're not sure about somethings ask for some clarification.

Else it's like listing English as a language but when you have to use it you speak like lovecraft stories, well, yeah, not so impressed.

>First job interview, should have been about java
>They ask if I know HTML
>Oh wow, we are also looking for those
>Uhh, okay
>Turns out it's some shitfest of a php project
>Yeah I know some php, but not like this
>Okay mate, here you have the java stuff
>It's a clusterfuck of a javascript file for the php shitfest
>Asked around on the first day, turns out nobody knows what is going on except they get money
So you can always land some job in something governmental, though they might be cleaning that shit up by now.

>> No.10731081
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I'm sick of this absolute equality and these shitty liberals that advocate government providing literally everything as "justice"

As if Biology and Physiology has nothing to do with how one lives their life.

>> No.10731192

My chinkphone is heating up like hell.

>> No.10731290
File: 20 KB, 400x400, Sasuke can see you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite character archetype is the angsty teen/edgy rival in any form of media.
Angsty boys, I love em, I fucking love em. Dumb as a box of rocks. So unintentionally hilarious and relatable

>> No.10731337

/tv/ is probably the worst board for discussing it's actual topic
the fact that they have threads all the time about comic movies, regardless of whether they're shitting on them or not, is quite grim. it's like if /mu/ constantly made threads about justin bieber or something
wish they talked about ingmar bergman and tarkovsky more 2bh

>> No.10731345

Agreed brother. I'm only spending time here because I was banned a few days ago

>> No.10731491
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>biological normativity
>the human heart has volition

>> No.10731519


>> No.10731534
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>> No.10731583

What exactly is your problem with the text? I don't see them claiming anywhere that "the human heart has volition".

>> No.10731584

>Though *that type* of person are situated on 'all' sides or better said: everywhere.
Left Liberals are on all sides? What?

>> No.10731587

Pynchposters make me insecure with their well-written shitposts.

>> No.10731601

Is it implicit for normatives to be based on volition? Or am I understanding this wrong?

>> No.10731619

I don't know what you're studying but I've never encountered it used like that. A normative is just an "ought-to" judgement.

>> No.10731645

not looking forward to this feel. u can do it anon

>> No.10731655

douglas coupland already wrote all the books i wanted to write

>> No.10731665

From the textbook for an Ethics class, chapter on Feminism.

What I thought is that what one 'should' do is what one ought to do with regard to personal judgment, or ones opinion. This opinion, regardless of bias via 'heteronomy' etc. (everything is biased) is ultimately a conscious decision, not something descriptive like the biological function of a heart's beating

The textbook is trying to synthesis in this case social norms with biological norms, or trying to draw a parallel as far as I can tell, without accounting for the decision-making process involved with critical thinking, on which social normatives can be applied

Throughout the entire chapter the guy is trying to unite female and male for the sake of equality on the basis of human nature or Humanism, yet he doesn't try to define what these are

>> No.10731839

If you take the left-liberal ideas away and planted 'good ideas' they would still be *that type*.
>Non-native english typer
How they act and/or come to conclusions would still be retarded and though they might spout shit you like, you still know they are retarded...
Like teaching a child to say: "e=mc^2" doesn't mean they get it.

>> No.10731888

This is a great post both ironically and meta-sincerely.

>> No.10732056

The flu is an irl meme.

>> No.10732066

>Like teaching a child to say: "e=mc^2" doesn't mean they get it.
teach the kid to say "e=mc^2bar" at least, man. if you're going to train the monkey, train it right.

>> No.10732088

any qt /lit/ girl want to be my fuckslut????

>> No.10732119

Do you care if she's a girl(male)?

>> No.10732215
File: 48 KB, 1024x752, space wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wake up on Monday with the deep notion:
Someday I must do it
It never leaves me, no matter where I go
Or to whom I meet, this old rotten adage:
Someday I must do it

I think to myself that I never will
I have left it too late
It has all passed me by
Like so many of the other things
but in my heart of hearts
and in those quiet moments of relection, it persists:
Someday I must do it.

No, I will never do it.
I am too frightened of myself
of the others
the cheering crowds that want me dead
I'll prove them wrong

>> No.10732238

yo i HATE bitch ass project managers that don't know that java and javascript are completely and utterly different, if u see that shit head for the fucking hills cuz its gonna be a shitfest

>> No.10732247

rxAnything, Kotlin, Swift

>> No.10732258

/lit/ should pool their neetbux and start an artists commune. We could grow vegetables and shit, have a giant comfy library.

Pretty good desu. The transition from "Someday I must do it" to "No, I will never do it" seems a but abrupt though.

>> No.10732268

somebody on here must have a big ass trust fund, set it up bro, rent us a big ass loft in like newark and we'll start the new literary movement

>> No.10732402

I'm unironically for this.
Unless you all are insufferable assholes in real life (which seems pretty likely).

>> No.10732425
File: 211 KB, 1368x912, bisbee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bisbee, Arizona.

>> No.10732453


America is too cucked for communism and I hate it.

>> No.10732493

I imagine the typical /lit/ poster is pretty mellow in real life, or at least I am.

>> No.10732707

Ever notice how communists still use proprietary software?

>> No.10732715

>/lit/ should pool their neetbux and start an artists commune. We could grow vegetables and shit, have a giant comfy library.
Can we still slaughter animals?

>> No.10732730
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Yeah, I'm a dickhead

>> No.10732809

Fuck no.

>> No.10732820

Not sure how it took me this long, but tonight I realized that anxiety can exist without any direct cause as another symptom of mental illness. When in public, I feel a constant, unending sense of discomfort that can be heightened but never brought back down to normal. Even during the months I meditate and feel relatively well, it's still there. It's like my well-being for any given day is based on chance, yet 95% of the spots are complete shit.

>> No.10732826

That actually looks pretty fucking comfy anon. Do you have connections there?

>> No.10732833

Two things. Anxiety is the mental illness, not a symptom. Meditation does not work for anxiety. You just temporarily relax. Find a more long-term solution, like medication.

>> No.10732861

I've never had a panic attack, though. It's just this constant tension in my stomach that cannot be released. And it came on at the exact time as my other symptoms of depression, so I don't think it's separate. I am looking for medication though.

>> No.10732871

>Find a more long-term solution, like living in the woods.
Medication is bullshit, I tried two different kinds and tapering off would send me into my old state of mind. DFW tried meds too. Anxiety is a result of living in an unhealthy environment, like congested cities or dysfunctional families.

>> No.10732877

>. Anxiety is a result of living in an unhealthy environment, like congested cities or dysfunctional families.
I agree with this. You can convert anxiety into rage if you prefer that though.

>> No.10732883

On what clinical basis can you make that claim?

>> No.10732888

I used to go to a psychologist when I was a teenager because my parents thought I was autistic or had bipolarity. That shit pisses me off to this day, but I'm also aware that they did it because they thought it best.
I have been thinking about making an appointment, though.

What books do you recommend for a person that does not know anything about meditation but breathing exercises?

>> No.10732894

I have never been comfortable with people—the same insecurities and imperfections that endear them to me philosophically distance me in practice; speaking to them never feels quite honest. I'm afraid I will always be a fraud, socially. The freedom to withdraw so completely has probably damaged my mental state. I don't know if I'm brave enough to change, now.

>> No.10732914

You seem to be conflating normal anxiety with the illness type. Many people can't step outside without being set on edge, and it's not directed at any perceived threat, but simply lingers like a disease. Irritability exists in the same way. You might think "Well, just don't be anxious/irritable then", but in those states there is no getting around it, you'll just have to be patient and wait until it's over. I'm not trying to be a cunt by saying this, but unless you've been in one of these states before, you can't relate to what we're getting at.

>> No.10732925

>Meditation does not work for anxiety. You just temporarily relax.
Generalization effects from meditation and other relaxation techniques over the long term are a thing. There is literally no drawback to doing these things.

>> No.10732931

I can never tell if people actively try to shit post, or are legitimately peddling opinions, then get caught, and backtrack to "I was merely pretending to be retarded."

>> No.10732932


>> No.10732934

hello doug

>> No.10732938

Personal experience. Durkheim and Erving Goffman would write about the thought that mental disorder is in part 'social construct', though Foucault adapted them in Madness & Civilization

I trust my own over clinical trials for the likes of zolpidem or zaleplon, they aren't conclusive, causality/translational medicine is never certain and so on

>> No.10732945

>Personal experience
Into the trash it goes. Just another brainlet who has a grudge against "the system".

>> No.10732957

Mental illness is real, but it is probably caused by our shitty capitalist system, and giving people meds is just addressing the symptoms. At least that's what my commie books are telling me.

>> No.10732962

Yeah I can't say there's much hope for American healthcare!

>> No.10732966

Oh, you're one of those goblins. Explains the stupidity.

>> No.10732977
File: 34 KB, 450x600, diogenes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have social anxiety because I've been too much of a hermit. . I used to go months without leaving my house, very comfy but maddening in the long run. I'm trying to harden myself with exposure now.

I forced myself to go out and walk around for a bit longer each day until that became manageable and then started buying some groceries everyday and it's slowly starting to work although I have panic attacks waiting in line.

Hope to get back to not giving a fuck levels someday.

>> No.10732978

>oh I get you now
Blanket reactive statements

>> No.10732989

Yes, I do get you now. You're an Amerimutt, so I don't blame you for being upset about your country. You're basically a Jewish guinea pig at this point.

>> No.10732998
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lol you got me

>> No.10733003

This illness only exists in modern nations though so the lad has a point.

The mental illness epidemic is likely a result of our society making people live in ways that are not suited for human beings.

>> No.10733005
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>you will never live in a socialist utopia

>> No.10733014

No one ever will, because socialism does not create a utopia. Nationalism with the abolition of profit creates a utopia, or as close as possible to one. The problem with America is that you're only 56% white. My country is well over 90% white, and over 90% of us share the same ethnicity. That is why we are happy.

>> No.10733018


Read notes from underground

>> No.10733030

Have many times. What are you referring to. A literary reference doesn't work without context.

>> No.10733066

I don't really want to go through that. Idk how you come away with idea of a perfect society after reading that multiple times, unless you're using 'utopia' as a different definition.

>> No.10733072

>This illness only exists in modern nations
No, I don't think so. Even in the West, a huge amount of people misunderstand mental illness and many don't believe it exists at all. For those in developing nations who have it, it's even harder because there is no public conception of mental health, and the first person they speak to will likely discourage them so that they keep it to themselves.

I doubt I'll convince you or anyone else in this thread, but clinical depression is real, and has almost nothing to do with the state of our society. For me, it's anxiety, digestive issues, complete apathy, lack of pleasure, little energy, few goals, few desires, indifference to praise/criticism, etc.. While the average person may experience many of these due to a kind of disenchantment with our age, they will not feel them all at once, and not in a pervasive and constant manner. My perception of life down to the most basic level has shifted since the onset of this disease, and if I were to live in some log cabin in the Yukon these problems wouldn't go away.

Though maybe it's pointless to try and explain it, since healthy people have no real point of comparison here, and have to rely on blind faith that any of the above experiences are possible. I sound rational, don't I? If I could write some novel after all this that really conveys it, I just might.

>> No.10733092

>healthy people have no real point of comparison here
What's your experience with anxiety then? This seems reasonable, I don't remember what I felt when I attempted suicide a few years back, and I can't conceptualize attempting it now. The lack of emotion definitely made it hard to think critically, or make decisions based off what little I could think about. I think feelings are nigh-impossible to know over a long period of time.

I got a scholarship to undergo wilderness therapy and I came out of it completely different. Maybe it wasn't the natural aspect as much as the sense of community, especially since I had to get along with a bunch of other pathologized assholes since the alternative was making the situation way worse than it already was.

>> No.10733098

>What's your experience with anxiety then
Nvm I can't read

>> No.10733101

Because reading something doesn't mean you agree with it.

>> No.10733126

I wish I had a reason for being such a failure. That I got molested or was a orphan or something. Here I am nearing my 30s in my understand and accommodating mother's house wondering how to join a cult so people can easier explain what was my life. I hope they accept me.

>> No.10733135

i hadn't been horny for months, oh sure i fapped it to traps n shit a couple times a week to let some nut off, but i wasn't actually interested in having sex with any chicks, i thought maybe i'd turned a corner to senility and my horny days where past, but it turns out it was just the winter, today it was like 65 degrees out and i was walking home from work behind this chick in high heel boots and tight ass black pants and i was just damn i need to fuck, and i'm not horny, its not like i have a boner and i can just wack it and do something else, its like that fundamental need to fuck, i need to move somewhere thats its freezing all year round man, i hate this hell

>> No.10733140

yeah i have the same thing, like whenever i read about black guys with no dad im like they're so lucky at least they have an excuse

>> No.10733148

They also have a genetic handicap.

>> No.10733196

>They also have a postmodern attitude
heh, nothin personnel kid

>> No.10733211

No, I said genetic handicap. Not postmodern attitude.

>> No.10733218

>muh constructs

>> No.10733299

someone make a new mind thread this one hit bump limit

>> No.10733368


>> No.10734047

I think I first heard the concept of 'social democracy' the other day, or rather, I heard the term and not the concept itself. I've looked it up. It seems to me that modern social democracy is fundamentally capitalism but with welfare and often socialized healthcare. Critics say that social democracy abandoned socialism in the 1930s, and social democracy has been declining in popularity throughout the 2010s. It's very strange to call it social democracy without even mentioning capitalism because that's what's at its core. Without that capitalist core, I guess it'd be like a peach without a pit. It'd just be this weak mass of soft flesh with no hope of a future since it cannot provide a tree, it wouldn't have any real firmness resulting in destruction and rot. Or, in short, without the fundamental capitalism, people would die and starve on a massive level as seen in Venezuela.

>> No.10734050

There will never BE a socialist utopia.

>> No.10734616

unfortunately hung can only be used to describe the hanging of inanimate objects. Hanged is the correct word.

>> No.10734623

The human condition is one of unhappiness. This comes from attempting to find meaning in a meaningless world.
The only way to feel happy is to incorrectly find meaning in something.

But that's really hard if you've been a nihilist from a very young age.

>> No.10734760

> Unclean

Pick a better word. Made him sound like a religious heathen. Outright just call him a smelly Indian. Much more confident and concise.