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File: 6 KB, 342x373, greener than.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10724290 No.10724290 [Reply] [Original]

Can we take a moment to dissect the incredibly unique literary properties the greater-than sign has evolved on this website? It's almost impossible for me to describe its uses in a way that'd make sense to someone who doesn't use this site. I think the only reason we understand its possible meanings is through gradual exposure, because it was certainly never spelled out to me.

>> No.10724301

>hes unironically emo attached to the meme arrow

>> No.10724310

it all starting with the
>implying implications
meme on /v/ all those years ago. Then it became
>still doing X

And the rest is history.

>> No.10724311

>quoting, implying, satirizing

>> No.10724312

We also use it to quote

>> No.10724316

>tfw no post-ironic greentext Nobel Prize winning novel

>> No.10724317

Ever seen fags meme arrowing on facebook? Looks so wrong.


>> No.10724321

It's not that unique, it's just a quote sign. E-mail still uses it, message boards use it, it was common on older Internet.

>> No.10724332

But I can't even fully put into words what the greentext is indicating in its ">implying" context. It feels it's actually serving two purposes: one tonal and one conceptually visual. I once brought the subject up in a thread and found that everyone who talked about it with me admitting to reading condescending greentexts in a very specific "tone." A sly, condescending, monotone one. It also seems to directly call to find the specific face Costanza is making in the bat photo, or the meme's precursor, pic related. The symbol is wholly defined by the amalgam of contexts it has been adjacent to, without any one person deciding on an official meaning

>> No.10724333

He's talking about the meaning the sign has been given thanks to the unique cultural context within which it exists for imageboard culture, and in that sense he is right in considering it pretty unique.

>> No.10724345

I already described its uses in another post. It's simply used for laying down your premises. Whether it's a quote, a modified quote used to ironize someone, the implications of what anon said or whatever else, it all boils down to laying the premises.

>> No.10724349

>the meme's precursor, pic related
>no pic

>> No.10724355

Nobody reads the quoted text in an email as someone putting an sceptic voice and reading it.

>> No.10724359
File: 169 KB, 333x429, 1390259519141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
Whoops, meant to add this

>> No.10724367

It does, but it clearly does more than that too. It isn't so simple

>> No.10724371

We had the "translated by bing!" meme in /p/. Which was like meme arrow but even more caustic, but you may possibly never heard of it before.

>> No.10724376
File: 213 KB, 450x551, 1518108866172.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the logical evolution of internet/forum lingo. Speech in this format was bound to turn on itself and transform into a deeply symbolic and self-aware meta-speech.

>> No.10724381

i feel like there’s more than a few things you could try to explain about this site to someone and most of it wouldn’t be fully understood

>> No.10724386

Its all games.

>> No.10724394

laying down the premises is just its purpose though. it isn't meant to be more than that but it always ends up being so if you take in account the creativity of anons and their personal relationship to the information they're endorsing/deriding through the meme arrow

>> No.10724414

So its established uses include:
>highlighting a specific section of a post to direct a response towards it
>a condescension so extreme, it implies that restating the position or claim alone is enough to discredit it
>listing items in an uncluttered way (like I'm doing now)
>putting emphasis on or calling attention to something noteworthy

But here are some examples of uses I can't neatly define:
">you will never hold her hand" or ">2008 was ten years ago" (representing a kind of voice of the conscience? or giving the cruelty of life a voice it uses to remind you of its nature?)
">be me" and the grammatical/narrative staples of greentexting

There is also an entire grammatical structure experienced posters all universally understand and adhere to when using greentext that again, is never explicitly stated

>> No.10724419

You must be a pretty bad meme arrower.

>> No.10724421

So what you're saying is lurk moar?

>> No.10724431

>">you will never hold her hand" or ">2008 was ten years ago" (representing a kind of voice of the conscience? or giving the cruelty of life a voice it uses to remind you of its nature?)
Is this a modern version of the greek chorus?

>> No.10724438

I find amazing the fact that we give it a tone of voice. No one told us how it should sound, but we all agree and understand its meaning, which is very precise too.

I was very stoned once and realized this site is, mostly, a comedy site and the meme arrow is one of the tools we use, reaction images are another.

>> No.10724440
File: 32 KB, 400x388, RIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every post is in essence one anon's personal tragedy

>> No.10724446

well i am pretty new to this site and almost never used meme arrows so i guess you're right :(

>> No.10724450

">Be me" is newfag cancer though. I remember when greentexting stories back in ~2008-10 used to be derided as a sign you're new (instead of just relating your story in a typical prose). Also, whatever happened to >mfw? It too was decried as a sign of decline of the greentext arrow, eventually incorporated into 4chan in general (thanks /sp/) and now it's barely used.

>> No.10724463

Those last two seem to be just 'that feel when' statements.

>> No.10724465

"Mfw" was lame shit, it refered to the image you were posting too, a very primitive form. Akin to these shit facebook memes where the caption says "me, all the time".

>> No.10724476


Shit comes and goes. I don't even remember all of the memes that I have used, all of the memes lost.

>> No.10724490

Not even the most classic reaction images? Like smug George Takei or Kornheiser's Why? Come on son. Not all images are meant to be remembered anyways, that's how internet memes work.

>> No.10724497

This is all thanks to hiro wordfiltering desu and senpai. It created a kind of ironic counter-push where everyone used desu excessively, and now it's died back down, but at the same time abbreviations in general have gone out of fashion.

>> No.10724501

Im very glad for that, t.bh, fa.m and all that trash is nigger speak.

>> No.10724504

Anyone heard of the greentext collection some autistic Fin published? (He even did it off a grant I believe.)
It’s on amazon, and on greentext.org for free. I thought it was quite nice.

>> No.10724505

>who are you replying to, anon

>> No.10724507

green text is literally just the participle, frequently with an implied subject

>> No.10724508

baka desu senpai

>> No.10724519

newfag here, what are the current word filters?

>> No.10724524

Cuck i think

>> No.10724526 [DELETED] 

let's see if that worked

>> No.10724529

I now actually use "desu" to mean "t b h". Like, I actually type out desu

>> No.10724532

if you post 'I am a huge faggot' it is replaced with 'real communism has never been tried' and vice versa

>> No.10724541

cuck but in all caps

>> No.10724570

comedy chevrons are my favorite

>> No.10724583

1984 is real /b/ros

>> No.10724602

I don't even know what you're trying to meme desu

>> No.10724615

newspeak i guess

>> No.10724674

Isn't it astounding? If you want to get really deep into it, I think this ties in with another very interesting phenomenon occurring in western society

Comedic talent is a specialized skill, and one that relatively few people have, or at least to any notable extent. In the past (this is a generalization I know, but I think it's somewhat accurate) humor was handled accordingly, with "wit" being regarded as a talent, and humor was understood to only be appropriate under some circumstances. Plenty of people weren't funny, but they knew that and everyone understood that humor is one of many desirable traits one can have, and is not essential.
However, the invention of social media has distorted humor's role in the public domain. Every individual is now expected to become a producer of content. Notice how Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and Youtube all have little or no technical differences between personal accounts (target audience are individuals known personally outside of social media) and public accounts (target audience are individuals who do not know you personally) and every private account can easily become a public content producer without changing "modes."
Accounts run by people with good senses of humor naturally rose in popularity, and their content became dispersed across the platforms. Overtime, this led to comedy and quality becoming equated in the mind of the general public, and emulating the humor became highly incentivized.
Everyone is now expected to be funny, and not being funny is considered a personal failure to meet a standard
This directly led to the leak of meme culture out of small communities where they were partially serving as indicators of group identity, into the mainstream. Memes, particularly the ones majorly popular now, are templates to be filled. We are outsourcing comedic talent to the producers of those templates, because conceptualizing a structure within a joke can be made is a big part of comedic talent. Some templates have even transcended meme status and become linguistic constants in the lives of many: "when _______" and "same" don't require any comedic talent at all to properly use, because they simply create an expectation of humor in reference to a subject. They have become tics. "Memes" in the formal sense of the word. A repeated mechanism that feigns comedic talent to influence social status.

>> No.10724687

>because conceptualizing a structure within a joke can be made
*within which

>> No.10724808 [DELETED] 

let's try this one more time

>> No.10724825 [DELETED] 

desu baka senpai
last try

>> No.10724855

Nice post. Yeah, comedy alongside with irony, which isnt a mode of communication anymore, but a mode of being in reality, an identity, it all became ways of being that you portray systematically, its the old persona or mask concept, but what once was decorum today is a means of engaging attention, like tour peers were potential customers -thats why mega corporative brands talk like any chump in the street in their social media, they have this persona too-, its all really freaky.

>> No.10724873

tldr: memes are memes

>> No.10724881

baka desu senpai was filtered by moot, it was the best parting gift we could have hoped for. Hiro's English is way too bad to make similar decisions. Let's just hope he'll never enable utf8 emoticons.

>> No.10724900
File: 86 KB, 669x773, FoDrv_E2ihw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10724913

sometimes a greentext is just a green text

>> No.10724920

This is why (partially besides being really boring) I never caught on social media. Its weird because I have made some great jokes and people generally laugh around me during conversations but in written text I lose every ounce of humor.

Meanwhile people on Reddit, Facebook or Twitter rake in the fame by their constant wit or irony, you can be someone people would like to know about.

Its made something of a mentally challenged class of internet users but humor challenged, I may as well be re-----.

>> No.10724974

I do use social media, but I think I've found the healthiest and least problematic way of using it. I just make meme-free content that I think people will. I won't force myself to post, I'll just do it once something funny or interesting comes to mind that I think people other than myself would enjoy hearing. Don't be passive aggressive, don't be unnecessarily open about your personal struggles and use it as a bitching platform, don't post for the sake of posting, don't say things you wouldn't say in real life, don't hide behind constant irony, don't try to maintain an image of yourself. Don't try to put all of you on display, that's how your confidence gets fucking destroyed on social media.
It's really not that hard, I'm sure more people will figure it out as we move forward

>> No.10724977

>I just make meme-free content that I think people will.
*will enjoy

>> No.10725005


>> No.10725243
File: 76 KB, 480x454, 1518729270267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading this thread has made me extremely conscious of using it

>> No.10725335
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 1512773011681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

〉greentext needs to be green to hear the greentext voice.

>> No.10725395

>pic related
What did he mean by this

>> No.10725403

It actually does

>> No.10725409

k this man is clearly actually insane, as a fellow insane person I recognize the signs

>> No.10725416

check the replies

>> No.10725424

Try posting this again without the Constanta image. You’re cheating.

>> No.10725449

I don't know that greentext is anything special. You can use it in place of @ if you were responding to an argument, or in place of speech marks if you were humiliating someone for holding a point of view. Probably only the pic related response to the greentext if you were making fun of someone is unique to 4chan desu.

>> No.10725454

I know you're new just from reading this post. Isn't it magical?


>> No.10725462

See >>10724414

>> No.10725533

〉posting Costanza is cheating.

>> No.10725582


>> No.10725584

No effect whatsoever.
>putting a dot at the end
Know how I know you're new?

>> No.10725658

>You can use it in place of @ if you were responding to an argument

>> No.10725675

this is how you avoid giving (You)s directly out of disgust for the crappy bait

>> No.10725702

In my head this sounds like a confused old man yelling with no tonal inflection, trying to fit in

>> No.10725712

Sorry it doesn’t work.

>> No.10725716


>> No.10725728

>nobody even mentions the use of meme arrows to tell greentext stories.

>> No.10725729
File: 402 KB, 861x825, 1484350472441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>putting a dot at the end
You are the first person I've ever seen call someone out on that. You're full of shit, oldfag LARPer.

>> No.10725745

>being this new
>putting a dot at the end of a greentext line

>> No.10725767

4chan discourse is generally really good.

>> No.10725821

>a dot

It's a full stop you morons

>> No.10725827

I do enjoy how 4chan, particularly slow boards, feels more democratic than other social media. While (You)s are a way of drawing attention to particular posts, there's no formal upvote or "like" system and so it feels more like an actual discussion or a shit-talking session with friends than it does "creating content".

>> No.10725841

How anglosaxonocentric of you.

The anonymity is a big part of it too.

>> No.10725845
File: 10 KB, 459x219, priceless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10725850

It's a dot, period, full stop.

>> No.10725851
File: 723 KB, 750x673, 784nw5v7y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Internat related

I made a meem

pls don't steal

>> No.10725860

Agreed, the anonymity is crucial. It means you can dip in and out of threads as you wish, you don't have a fixed identity to live up to or which follows you around. With every post you are reborn.

>> No.10725862

100% agreed, especially on /lit/. Great discourse even crops up in the shittier boards pretty regularly. I've had some surprisingly good conversations on /v/

>> No.10725863

I see nothing wrong with that picture

>> No.10725870
File: 35 KB, 484x497, 1513592301643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every post you are reborn
Or with every post you die

>> No.10725874
File: 106 KB, 554x439, 1506867304965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All from the same thread:
Check them yourself, but I believe none of them are quotes.

>> No.10725881

probs the same anon

>> No.10725892

That too! That's the trade off.

>> No.10725901

>implying you don't need to die to get reborn

>> No.10725905

You are both autists, but you are a bigger one, and wrong.

And it doesn't stop there. The anonymity doesn't just enable the writer of the post to be true to himself, but it makes the reader of a thread the ultimate judge, with all the theses laid out in front of him by an all-equal crowd of posters.

>> No.10725914

post some examples?

>> No.10725924

I personally like the communication codes attached to greenposting. It conveys irony very efficiently, whether it be by way of
or just saying stuff like
>phrase A
>phrase B
Pick one.

Or just overall quoting someone and just writing a stupid 'kek' or a moronic brainlet wojak.

>> No.10725935
File: 26 KB, 641x729, 1515874257982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still using the "pick one" meme

>> No.10725951
File: 251 KB, 947x722, DQaYwYQVQAAzxFa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using it

>> No.10725956
File: 110 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing bbs
>not knowing colossal cave adventure
>not knowing the rue forums
>not knowing the history of a [daily] utility, why it exists, where it came from

You're fucking retarded OP.
An utter faggot, too.
>and i'm saying that while posting pic related

>> No.10725975

What about >>10725924 's remark about
>phrase A
>phrase B
Pick one?

I can't put it into a neat category either.

>> No.10725977

What's the purpose of this post? It's probably the same guy, and even if it wasn't, why should I give a shit? Putting a dot at the end of a greentext line is wrong, and you'd understand this instinctively, if you weren't so new.

>> No.10725978

>greentexting hasn't evolved in its usage and meanings in any way at all since the arbitrary cut-off between its origins and modern use
You dumb. Just dumb, buster... Straight dumb.

>> No.10725986

Does it really matter if it's old or not? The fact you can instantly recognize it and understand the underlying connotation of calling someone a dumb idiot over two supposedly conflicting ideas is proof the 'pick one' use is legitimate.

>> No.10725992

That's easier, it's just a bulletpoint analog. The meaning wouldn't change at all if you used hyphens, numbers, or just paragraph breaks alone instead. The only difference is that the change in color further distinguishes the options from the command.

>> No.10726009

The more interesting topic is subvocalization of 4chan posts. The voice that reads posts in my head is still the voice of my teenage self, even though I'm 25 now, because that's how old I was when I first posted here.

>> No.10726010

I would argue anonymity is crucial, but it doesn't mean you don't have a fixed identity. Sure, you can say whatever you want, change opinions, outright lie and never get called out for it etc.. But I also think we have so many tools whose sole purpose is to mock others that we find ourselves becoming overly flippant. Just look at greentexting. Imagine my post contained nothing but:

>anonymity is crucial

That's more powerful than any reddit downvote can ever be.

>> No.10726017

I would say the mocking tone of voice would be lacking if the arrows were not present.

Funny, I don't do this, but I can see why you would. I wish I remembered my old voice.

>> No.10726029
File: 420 KB, 497x287, 1508053273585.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>citing evidence means ur an autist...........

>> No.10726038

Your mind is so deep with the reaction image mindset that if I as much say something like brainlet.jpg you can conjure up something in your mind's eye.

>> No.10726069

I have no idea whose voice it is I'm subvocalizing in.

>> No.10726074

>I would say the mocking tone of voice would be lacking if the arrows were not present.
When I read posts like that, the condescending tone is always in the "pick one" line, which is never in greentext unless the post author doesn't understand how it works yet. The greentexted options given in the posts are always read in a straight-forward and list-like tone in my head.

>> No.10726096

>being unable to summarize the function of greentext

It's still just quoting. But you are quoting the essence of something rather than the actual words.

Another use case are enumerations, though you could just us a minus or a number, but using greentext is easier and faster.

>> No.10726097

my buddy who did computer programming back before there was a 4chan taught me that using > on a fresh line was the proper computer-guy way to format quotes, so I think that particular usage pre-dates us. But it couldn't have been too widespread, I think it was just in tech.

>> No.10726106

It's also normally used for e-mail, that's probably why we have it in the first place.

>> No.10726121

You actually hear a voice with identifiable qualities? I subvocalize too, but it's more like I'm conceptualizing the aural "shape" on the words and the tonal flow I'm projecting onto the sentences. Kind of like the audio equivalent of the "he can only see us if we move" trope. I'm listening to how the sentences are "moving," but not what they actually sound like.

>> No.10726128
File: 218 KB, 600x579, 1454969699862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascinating fucking thread

>> No.10726148

>It's still just quoting. But you are quoting the essence of something rather than the actual words.
That can be called paraphrasing, abstraction, distillation, synecdoche, or allegory, and none of them fully describe the function greentexting serves
Did you actually think this thought was complete or insightful enough to share?

>> No.10726162

>synecdoche, or allegory
Don't use words you don't understand.

>and none of them fully describe the function greentexting serves
Yes, but quoting the essence of something does describe it.

>> No.10726164

Kind of related, I find it utterly amazing how this, a piece of shit site full of autism could completely influence the mainstream internet and even real life with the meme culture.
I also find it utterly amazing how internet memes evolved into, what I believe, is the most vanguardist and forward thinking kind of art produced today. Even “cutting edge” MOMA kind of installation art is leagues behind memes in regards to the implications in the philosophy of art refers.

>> No.10726165


>> No.10726169


>> No.10726173

it was OK, but it was missing some of my favorites. But "
>Be Me"
was a pretty good title tbqfwy

>> No.10726176

I've always found greentext a very interactive medium, despite the text being full determined by the author. You can choose what voice to read it in, the connotation of what is said, even whether it is actually "said" like the "> .jpg" memes. This is why I dislike youtube videos of greentexts, that interactive ability is taken away from the reader.

>> No.10726178


>> No.10726197

eh, it's really not done. maybe the future holds fullstops at the end of greentxts, but i did, would, and do doubt it

>> No.10726205

seconding this, plz post

>> No.10726211

Arvo Pärt is great

>> No.10726214

It's great to be able to slip away from a debate you're losing without anyone knowing who you are. Or so I've heard.

>> No.10726231

>losing debates
>thinks he is anonymous when he uses stupid phrases like "slipping away"

>> No.10726235

I was stretching to make the list longer but both synecdoche(see: not metonymy) and allegory can be considered ways to "quote" the essence of something, whether it's in the interest of brevity or reframing the issue at hand. If someone posted an uninformed rant about gun control and used a term like "cop killer bullets" or "assault rifle" somewhere in it, simply replying with ">cop killer bullets" is a way of indicating how uninformed the argument was by focusing on a small component of it. It doesn't hold up as a damning formal argument, but it's effectively synecdoche with an additional tone of condescension.

>> No.10726247

It was the first time I've used the phrase in my life. What now, SMART ALECK?

>> No.10726250

At this point it's ludicrous to claim greentexting is mere quoting.

>> No.10726259

Call it the "reddot" or something.

>> No.10726265

It's just a quote and that technique is not specific to greentext or even image boards.

You could just post
"cop killer bullets"
instead of
>cop killer bullets
and it would be functionally identical. The latter is just the preferred style on image boards.

And it's not a synecdoche. Please google what a synecdoche is.

>> No.10726270

What I find amazing is that it's only a few autists who produce most of the memes. It's like in the real world where a handful of fashion companies with maybe less than 100 designers manage to dictate fashion trends for literal billions of people. It's scary.

>> No.10726281
File: 35 KB, 502x727, Implying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tonal inflection is really how newfags use Greentext. Greentext is not to give a certain tone to a sentence, that's just an emergent effect. Its purpose is to quote a sentence, a word, an idea or an action. Using Greentext, or the Quotation Mark as it is called, just as a way of formating the visuals or the tone of your post is poor form.

>> No.10726283

Back in '05 or '06 I used to read
>be me
as being a sort of imperative. Like
>be me
>walk every day to school
>refuse to take the bus because the other kids don't want to sit by my side
>starts raining
>take the bus or else get soaked
>all seats are taken
And all of this is the author ordering you to "be" and "take the bus" or "walk every day to school". Only later did I realize how it was supposed to be read.

>> No.10726288

This is so incorrect it hurts. What does an anon quote when he posts something like
>book has no shitty characters
accompanied by a triumphant.jpg or feelsgood.tiff reaction image?

>> No.10726296

While we're on the subject of unearthing shared yet until-now-unarticulated browsing habits/quirks...
>constantly anxious that I'll gain some notoriety at some point in my life and someone will spend weeks meticulously piecing together filenames, patterns of speech, post formats, subject matters, and stated tastes across archives of multiple boards and many years of posting to eventually curate a massive history of posts tied directly to me, unearthing nearly everything I've said for the past 7 years

I even change my filenames from time to time to break off potential threads. I don't even have anything big to hide, especially considering that I always take this possibility into account when writing my posts. The thought of being exposed to the world as someone who has used 4chan nearly every day for seven years is enough to keep me anxious.

>> No.10726304

> you're not

>> No.10726307

That's just another situation where not using '>' would change nothing to the meaning of the post. Hence, poor form.

>> No.10726308

Curb that ego no one cares or will care about you

>> No.10726312

>situation where not using '>' would change nothing to the meaning of the post

The > makes it clear that it is someone else saying it and not his own opinion.

>> No.10726314

>using the reddot
meme image discarded

>> No.10726324
File: 381 KB, 1080x1080, 1518538157280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So what is a single '>' at the beginning of the post followed by nothing in its line (like this post)?

>> No.10726325

Thanks helpful lizard overlord, you always alleviate my concerns

>> No.10726335
File: 77 KB, 1000x840, implying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. You seemed to talk about those situations where an anon uses '>' to talk at the first person.

That image is from 2009.

>> No.10726345

Either the OP or the thread above are so stupid that it requires no further summary to mock it. The author just wants you to step back for a second and look at it from an outside perspective. Or the act of greentexting itself is getting ridiculed, for example if it is overused or misused or the author of the post just thinks the concept of greentext itself is stupid. Or maybe the author just accidentally pressed on the Post button before finishing his post.

>> No.10726347


>> No.10726353 [DELETED] 

No but when there is actual text in the post it's just on the next lines, and the > is alone, exactly like this >>10726324

>> No.10726364

Probably just fucked up his post then

>> No.10726374


>> No.10726392
File: 166 KB, 277x294, alfs3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like greentexting specifically for lists. But I get it. Greentexting lives in that same region as using all caps or correct punctuation and grammar in texts. The simple visual change connotes the posters voice is changing in a way, being more or less serious, tying to be wry, etc. People that use it frequently are doing so, because it is the syntax jargon that suggests you belong to this urine soaked hell hole.

>> No.10726410

So there's also an identity thing going on. This would explain why so many autists greentext outside 4chan on websites like YouTube or Facememe.

>> No.10726411

what do I care what year it's from? 2009 was practically yesterday, anyway

>> No.10726417
File: 33 KB, 281x355, julius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and it would be functionally identical.
I don't think it would though. Putting it in quotes is colder and indicates being baffled, plus it feels like more of a comment intended other readers, not the author of the post being replied to. Putting it in greentext more pointedly (no pun intended) mocks the author to his face and calls to mind the unconsciously assembled amalgam of reaction images we've all seen used next to ">___" posts over and over and over again; the "trace" of the greather-than symbol as a signifier. Seriously, if you saw that ">cop killer bullets" on its own, would it not call to mind the shared characteristics of Costanza's smirk, the concerned Spongebob fish holding his drink and craning his neck forward, Julius' forlorn and hopeless stare through his sunken eyes?

I genuinely believe that reaction images have become integral not only to the context of some signifiers, but to what is signified as well. Costanza's face is part of the definition of ">implying". You can not fully understand what is being indicated by the phrase until you've seen that image, and likewise you can not avoid seeing or "feeling" the face when you read the phrase once you've learned what it indicates.

>> No.10726424

I don't know, you seemed to imply a dot was reddit or something.

>> No.10726437
File: 27 KB, 600x600, 0e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Costanza's face is part of the definition of ">implying"
I thoroughly disagree. Constanza has fallen out of fashion in the last years and there are many new fags who have seen it being used by can't really make the association between the image and the >implying meme. I'd wager that to them, the Constanza face is just one among many images that convey the same type of smirk.

Pic related, it's as effective as any Constanza.jpg.

>> No.10726446

Putting a dot after a greentext is a sign of being a newcomer or that you just made a mistake. A few years ago the first word after a > would always be uncapitalized, and if you did
>Be me
You'd be ridiculed. I don't know how things stand nowadays.

>> No.10726447
File: 644 KB, 2722x2260, woman_laughing_with_a_book_in_hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shiggydiggy isn't Joycean

>> No.10726462

right, but the difference is the fashion houses and the designers they employ are highly selected professionals who are expected to make the next trends over and over. But another the interesting thing about memes is that nobody who has ever set out to make the next big meme ever succeeded, and nobody who was lucky enough to have one of his memes catch on has ever duplicated the experience (well, most likely.) also, the creators are not selected through any professional process (or any process whatsoever) and are probably complete losers.
it sounds like I'm being negative but actually I'm positive on the meme makers and skeptical of the fashion guys et al.

>> No.10726467

Part of what makes greentext so unique is just how versatile it is. Most of these uses can be covered individually by quotes, italics, or bullet points, but the ability to do them all with just one symbol is what makes greentext such a powerful communication tool. But just like highly versatile words (like "fuck") it still carries it's own meaning when not used in any of these other contexts.

>> No.10726478

This is really interesting and I think you've helped solve a part of the question. A lone ">" carries the meaning of a greentext in its purest form: absolute condescension and disregard. Additionally, the lack of any content after it indicates such a transcendent apathy and disdain for the OP or the post being responded to that no argument or comment is even given. "On every possible level I find you and/or your post worthless, and I will not even grant you the courtesy of pointing out why. My disdain for you is such that I'd rather look like a fool without an argument than exchange even a single word with you."

>> No.10726491

>is just how versatile it is
And yet nearly impossible to use correctly on the first try without being exposed to a thorough sampling of how it is used

>> No.10726492

I like this interpretation. That's how I feel about the lone > too.

>> No.10726493
File: 2 KB, 112x125, anyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fashion is the meme made marketable. Imagine if you had to buy pepes or wojacks and they would be a sort of status symbol.

>> No.10726518

No, you are completely wrong. You are interpreting memes by a traditional cultural paradigm.
I said memes where vanguardist because it shatters the classic art model in a way similar to what Duchamp did. A meme is not a work made by an artist. A meme starts just as a picture, a joke, a phrase, etc. but it only becomes realized as a meme when it becomes adopted by the community. This completely changes the essence of the object, it becomes democratized, a collective force. The work of art is not the individual picture; the work of art is the string of reposts and changes the meme suffers on the course of its life.
The quality of a meme is determined by its ability to evolve. When a meme is unable to mutate it stagnates and dies very quickly, but when it has great mutation potential, like pepe and wojak, it survives and becomes something much greater than a joke, or a phrase, it becomes a collective voice.
All art its essentially memes, but internet memes are special in the way it encapsulates perfectly the actual zeitgeist: they are anonymous, ephemeral, disposable, self referential, develop extremely quickly, etc. They perfectly embody the acceleration of culture.
> less than 100 designers manage to dictate fashion trends for literal billions of people
No, that’s exactly the old model of producing culture. Memes destroy that paradigm.

>> No.10726551

>who are you quoting
Fuck those guys.

>> No.10726565

costanza connotes "I seriously hope you guys don't do this" which is a little more nuanced than merely

>> No.10726570
File: 430 KB, 964x912, 1515059507030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine if you had to buy pepes or wojacks and they would be a sort of status symbol.
>mfw half of my salary would have to go for meme expenses

>> No.10726587

I mean.
Sometimes when writing a comment somewhere, I get stuck, cause the only way I know how to write X thing is with greentext.
How do I "quote" someone in a condescending way without them? Or a stacked list?
It's so convenient.

>> No.10726592

me too

>> No.10726597

>nobody who has ever set out to make the next big meme ever succeeded
Not true. The Bane meme, undoubtedly pretty big, was spammed until it caught on. In fact, its forced, repetitive nature is one of its main characteristics. It was repeated until it became funny. There are probably other examples.

>> No.10726598

Is this the voice of the divine I hear? I almost can't describe it.

>> No.10726602

The lone > is simply a wordless >implying

>> No.10726607

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10726614

>"Wow people are calling me out on my strawman bullshit, fuck those guys."
See how annoying that shit is? Dumb brainlet.

>> No.10726624

>pretty big
For sure.
You are right.

>> No.10726639

>I thoroughly disagree. Constanza has fallen out of fashion in the last years
I started using 4chan right as the >implying meme took off, so I've seen it through its entire lifetime so far. In those early years, everybody included the Costanza picture with almost every use of ">implying," as well as "i seriously hope you guys don't do this." The meme was little more than just that, a meme, comprised of an image and some associated phrases. Over time, "i seriously hope you guys don't do this" became "ishygddt," and then "shiggy diggy." >implying then began to incorporate the tonal meaning of "ishygddt" into its own, rendering it obsolete. After absorbing "ishygddt," >implying finally seeped into the standard lexicon of the website, almost losing its function as a meme and taking on new life as a specialized method of hostile communication. It has seeped so far into our culture that the greater-than symbol alone has adopted the tonal and grammatical function of the entire phrase, and this is universally understood. The Costanza pictures clearly didn't survive this transformation very well. Why? Not because they fell out of favor, but because the emotion and facial expression conveyed in the image merged with ">implying" as well, and became just as redundant as "ishygddt." We watched the ">" swallow an entire meme with multiple parts and strain them into a single compounded meaning, one that is more visceral and felt then directly defined. The sentiment behind Costanza's face and that feeling of furrowing your brow and craning your head forward in condescension has survived in an almost archetypal form and now crouches in the murky waters "under the bar" of > as a signifier.

>> No.10726645

this entire thread is too meta for me, too self-aware

>> No.10726657
File: 42 KB, 600x600, 1461075638494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Powerful tools are often difficult to learn.

>> No.10726678


>> No.10726684

Can someone compile the best posts in this thread into a big screenshot? It's rare to see such interesting analyses of our site

>> No.10726713

huh. I seem to recall someone posting in /lit/'s board-creation sticky
>can we imply things here?
but "I seriously hope you guys don't do this" didn't happen until at least a year later, and it was written out at first, then abbreviated to ishygddt, and THEN costanza was added to it.

>> No.10726720
File: 76 KB, 500x418, memes then.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when memeology will become a legit field of study in your lifetime

>> No.10726723
File: 99 KB, 720x960, 1517087543836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before post-modernism, there used to be a signifier and signified: the former pointed toward the later.

But post-modernism is characterized by a blurring of that simple linguistic tie. The signifier does not points toward a signified anymore, but toward another signifier - which would be a sign in the sens of Barthes (see Mythologies, they are pretty fun to read).

For example, when you see a man wearing a perfecto jacket, you are not seeing a biker anymore, but a man wearing a metonymy of biker culture, which is a stand-in for a rebellious attitude.

What used to be a sign denoting a belonging is now a commodity that denotes a sign. The sign has become a meta-sign, since it refers to another sign. It does not refer to reality anymore, and reality has now become, to quote Baudrillard, "hyperreality."

>> No.10726730

That's an enormous amount of work for a thread this large. We have an archive, why don't we just use it?

>> No.10726737

>Ever seen fags meme arrowing on facebook?
No. I don't use Facebook, because Facebook is shit.

>> No.10726738

I may be screwing up the beginning of the timeline, but the important part is that by a certain point, all three components of the meme were active at once and became compounded from then on. It may have been too hasty to claim that ">implying" absorbed the meaning of "ishygddt." I originally wrote the point that all of the tonal character of the former can be attributed to Costanza's facial expression, and added ishygddt to the picture once I remembered that it existed.

>> No.10726745

I may make one, once the thread's done.

There aren't that many good posts. I just scrolled through it. Only 10-15 are really worth putting in an image, if that. There are only a few somewhat long posts that contain actual insights or interesting history.

>> No.10726767

> the "trace" of the greather-than symbol as a signifier

I just got through reading the English preface and first few chapters of Of Grammatology. I mean I actually did and I'm not sarcastically mocking you.

>> No.10726777

Go back to Heaven, David.

>> No.10726787

my point is that you're telling your personal take, but >implying was already entrenched before costanza, which was the pic that caught on specifically to correlate to ishygddt and therefore they are distinct. maybe in your head they overlap but your head is not 4chan because costanza=/=implying in my head

>> No.10726788

A bit unrelated, but I like how in meme culture we often use proper names to denote a whole nationality or personality. Think of names like Miguelito, Tyrone and Chad. I think there's something pretty interesting about these names.

>> No.10726795
File: 312 KB, 1280x960, 1409334582106 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt finnish gf
>tfw will never hold finnish qt
>tfw will never call her my sweet perkele
>tfw will never sing her to sleep as she fights her persistant seasonal affective depression

>> No.10726810
File: 122 KB, 801x798, 1423178948416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10726816

You're correct, >implying preceded Costanza. In fact, in its infancy it was associated with another image. This one>>10724359

The face displays such a similar emotion/reaction to Costanza's that I didn't think it was worth it pointing it out, though. I probably should have

>> No.10726818
File: 52 KB, 552x496, 1450566265930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10726828
File: 98 KB, 696x854, 1514779787611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10726831

t. Alberto Barbosa

>> No.10726834

t. brainlet

>> No.10726841

kek that's a good example too. And now to think of it, the
meme is also very interesting, as it requires a lot of exposure to it until you start getting what it means.

>> No.10726851
File: 249 KB, 384x406, 1515858522672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- No cute Finnish girlfriend.
- Will never hold Finnish cutie.
- Will never call her my sweet perkele.
- Will never sing her to sleep as she fights her persistent seasonal affective depression.
It's just not the same.

>> No.10726859

It's actually an abbreviated Mongolian word that means "regards". Not that much to it.

>> No.10726876

t. is very easy to understand once you know that it's essentially a way of signing off a letter. You just need to also realize that people who respond to posts with something like "t. virgin" without greentexting it are actually fucking the meme up and calling themselves virgins

t. has nowhere near the amount of complexity > does

>> No.10726887

That's not how it's used though.

>> No.10726888

But it only works on imageboards. Even if you used "regards", it wouldn't have the same effect on other people. I didn't want to imply t. was more complex than >. It's just another tool in the shitposting box we all seem to carry around in this website.

>> No.10726889

>people who respond to posts with something like "t. virgin" without greentexting it are actually fucking the meme up and calling themselves virgins
No, that's just the way it evolved. It doesn't require greentexting. You're just attaching it to the post you're responding to, no meme arrow necessary because it's already contained within the meme, as long as no other text precedes it.

>> No.10726897

Yeah, I don't think t. Needs to be preceded by an arrow.

>> No.10726904

Good post

>> No.10726912
File: 26 KB, 407x405, Advice_dog_system_32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is scary to think how in a few years memes changed from a kind of child like earnestness and became so self aware, jaded and post-ironic. Not only in 4chan, “normie” memes are also developing in a similar way.
Makes me wonder how memes in 10 years will be. As they are so context sensitive, would we be able to understand a meme from the future if we saw it today?

>> No.10726922

I’ve actually been thinking of writing an entire report on it. For college entrance

>> No.10726927

I genuinely think nobody would get this dog meme unless they were around 4chan in the mid 2000s. Hell, I can't even remember its name despite having used it so many times back then.

>> No.10726933

t. virgin

>> No.10726945

>that feel when when

>> No.10726961

A commonly repeated mistake shouldn't be allowed to wrest control of the meme
Replace "t." with "yours,..." as in

It makes no sense to respond to a poster you want to accuse of being a virgin by just saying "yours, virgin." A greentext indicates that buried within their post is an inadvertent admission that they are a virgin, and you are merely distilling it

>> No.10726973

I started lurking in 2012 and I'm perfectly aware of that meme

>> No.10726974

t. newfag

>> No.10726982

>t. imbecile

>> No.10726984
File: 285 KB, 416x353, alfsvoid3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think we would be able to understand all of the memes, but enough would structurally would still be recognizable. Memes are their own language, they convey more complex and abstract thoughts and common usage shapes and forms them further on, like how water polishes stones. SO in the future, it could be terrifying, entire human exchanges that once required vocalization could be reduced to flashing a few images to each other. After I see "frowny face cheeseburger logo" I will nod and we'll head off for lunch. It's all going to be pictographs, some funky regression. Unless something mercifully intervenes but I am having a hard time conceptualizing what sweeping change humanity would choose to adapt as opposed to the path of least resistance.

>> No.10726988

It's a shorthand for greentexting the entire post verbatim with no changes. Most mocking greentexts will either snip:
>followed by nothing
to call attention to the shitty part of the post, or they will paraphrase:
>durr I'm retarded
so as to put words into the authors mouth. A single meme arrow:
Carries with it the implication that the entire post belongs in that green font - there is no difference between quoting all of it, and quoting none of it. Rather than take up extra screen space, the replyer signals the disdain of a sideways chevron without focusing it on a specific part of the post, thereby setting the entire replyee's post awash in derision and scorn.

>> No.10726989

The beauty of 4chan, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.10726991

It plays with anonymity, simulating that the original poster posted again, signing the quoted post.

>> No.10726997

That makes a lot of sense but now I'm not sure if that was just retroactively articulated to justify the mistake

>> No.10726998

who are you quoting

>> No.10727008

It wasn't a mistake, it's the original intention.

>> No.10727026

I doubt it. I've never used the t. Meme with arrows and assumed it was clear I was acting as if the poster itself was signing its post.

>> No.10727034
File: 13 KB, 176x137, 1516891789908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the equivalent of > when you want to express disdain for something that is not a direct quote but an implication of a quote, while not using a chan? The only things I can think of are italics or "/italics/" if only plain text is allowed, and a sarcasm mark at the end of the line "/s". It's like translating something to another language.

>> No.10727035
File: 24 KB, 479x527, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10727056

By reading this thread I feel I've recognized a difference between what we call "greentexting" and "meme arrows". Greentexting is when we use meme arrows to tell a story. Am I right? I also experience a different voice when reading white text hidden in the spoiler thingy

Also, >>10724674 underrated post; here's your (You).

>> No.10727059

Lel what a pathetic person you must be, Anon.

>> No.10727079

t. newfag and imbecile

>> No.10727088

I too change the tone when I read text with spoiler, it becomes more hushed and surprised.

>> No.10727092

The spoilered voice is like a whispered secret.

>> No.10727095

It doesn't change tonally for me (unless it's contextually clear that it's supposed to indicate a whisper), but it always includes a slight dramatic pause before the spoilered content, which does change the feel of the sentence

>> No.10727100

Shit, niggas. How the fuck can we have the same subvocal experience when we've probably never met and never actually heard any 4chan text out loud?

>> No.10727105
File: 41 KB, 421x463, U.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10727108

the collective subconscious, akasha are real

>> No.10727109

That pause is what I meant when I said it sounded more "surprised". Good articulation.

>> No.10727120

Now that's just fake, because I'm the anon who called that person pathetic. I guess I'm just being trolled.

>> No.10727124

*unconscious, buddy

>> No.10727142

t. Brainlet

>> No.10727146
File: 260 KB, 1028x1513, 1499359003980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. retard

>> No.10727153

tahnk you

>> No.10727163

>capitalizing the word
t. phoneposter

>> No.10727176

>to reading condescending greentexts in a very specific "tone." A sly, condescending, monotone one.
Fuck this is accurate. We need a linguistic study on this.

>> No.10727210
File: 8 KB, 235x214, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone else found this thread absolutely As the analysis progresses the absurdity of this site because more and more clear

>>a condescension so extreme, it implies that restating the position or claim alone is enough to discredit it

Seeing this action I do countless times a day put into words sent me into a fit of choking laughter. What the fuck is this place, lmao.

>> No.10727223

I don’t hear voices or intonations in my head when I read, be it a dialogue in a book or a shitpost. I get the connotations and inflections perfectly, but I perceive it all as a disemboweled, featureless text.
I’m autistic?

>> No.10727224

t. Juntti

>> No.10727227

>sign language

>> No.10727240
File: 565 KB, 600x610, plsnomore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright faggots explain to me the meme contained in this post


>> No.10727241

I posted a question thread once and some other anon came in and started acting like he was the OP, and everything continued as normal. It was surreal.

>> No.10727247
File: 31 KB, 470x470, 1518986377450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies who lift living in London.

>> No.10727250

t. knower

>> No.10727257

you were cucked

>> No.10727260

>tahnk you
I read this in Arnold's voice

>> No.10727263

I like it when someone enters an argument I'm losing, or don't want to continue, and proceeds to dominate it as if he were me.

>> No.10727266

yes, this

>> No.10727270

Yeah but this abridgment of language is a step towards a greater complexity in communication. As you need less signs to convey a message, you are able to express greater meaning on the same time. If language were becoming more simplistic, then you would actually need more signifiers to convey the same message. Brevity is not simplicity.

You can see this in action also with memes as I said. Modern memes contain much more complex messages than primordial memes. This is exemplified in the layers of irony meem. Primitive meems had only one layer. Future meem will contain infinite irony.

>> No.10727283

But a meme is very much purpose built, whilst alphabetic language is pretty much recursive in Chomsky's way. If all you know is a bunch of memes (such as image macros or .gifs) you may lose a lot of this recursivity unless you can draw or some shit.

>> No.10727284 [DELETED] 

artist sauce?
filename and artist's name aint dun shut

>> No.10727295

I never said we would talk in memes though, if that is what you are implying.

>> No.10727303

same, sometimes I feel bad though when I just want to shitpost, and I'm on the same side as an anon who's been making well considered points, and everybody confuses the two of us and calls anon an idiot

>> No.10727314
File: 22 KB, 316x349, alfsvoid8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only follow you. As memes become more complex and let us say actually subvert language, and along with emoticons become the universal language. That would suggest the meme itself would also be surpassed at some stage down the line, too, right? It will never reach the infinite because that is actually impossible. It'll be kind of like the bizarre dream language of Borges' Funes, knowing not the word dog but the idea of the way light hits the dog at a certain angle at a certain time of day. I'm still anxious

>> No.10727321

No, in fact many readers consider that ideal because subvocalizing measurably slows down your reading pace. I've heard that most people stop subvocalizing once they read enough but I don't know how true that is

>> No.10727338

Pepe and Wojack is unironically the most important meme of the 21st century and people will write books about it's psychological meaning.

>> No.10727345

pepe and wojack is better art than Jonathan Franzen

>> No.10727349

In the future when we upload our minds to the internet and become assimilated by the AI into a virtual reality we will probably communicate by throwing qualia at each other, leaving symbolic language obsolete.

>> No.10727350

What literary properties? It just makes text green. All other value has been assigned to it by memes. 4chan took something you used to quote stuff in emails and bastardized it into some unholy abomination of a feature. I think it should be removed desu. It was useless from the start anyway because you could already put things in quotes. Why would anyone even need to make text green? It's a useless feature. Like I said, it should be removed because all it does is encourage shit posting. People can find other ways to do everything that arrows can do but better. Quotes are better for quotes. Dashes are better for lists. It's so obvious I can't see how anyone else could not have thought of it. It's only the memes that keep arrows used for literally everything. We should also get rid of spoiler text and images to while we're at it to. because they are never used for their intended purpose and just encourage more shitposting. I would say we should get rid of images too but they are sometimes useful. I find it so surreal how you guys are so in love with the very things that are killing 4chan. You love all your stupid memes like greentext and reaction images that let you put as little effort as possible into your post. I bet 4chan was alot better back when it had no images. A least then you actually would need to put effort into arguing with someone instead of just posting a stupid feels guy.

>> No.10727355

Its an amazing place.

>> No.10727370

>I bet 4chan was alot better back when it had no images.
>gr8 b8

>> No.10727376

The condescending tone of the meme arrow is understood not mattering if youre japanese, russian or spaniard. Whats with that? Are we all close to an unified theory of language?

>> No.10727380


>> No.10727391


>> No.10727407

Oh guys and if meme arrow intonation fucks your shit up, just remember that hivemind exists and i find it frankly jarring and when it happens i doubt right there of free will, uniqueness and even the existence of the soul, at least for a couple of seconds.

>> No.10727415

(You) are correct sort of

>> No.10727429

People also hivemind irl. Im pretty positive close telepathy and long distance telepathy via virtual enaction as the internet is real as fuck.

>> No.10727434

You can understand any symbol if you know its cultural context. Oldfag-ness its more important than your mother tongue for understanding 4chan meems.
In that way everyone in the world could communicate if they shared a common culture (tip: globalization). Also you could not communicate at all with people with a completely alien culture, even if you shared the same language.

>> No.10727448

>close telepathy
Ever since I started making solid eye contact with people again a few weeks ago I get this feel a lot. It's like emotional states can jump between people through their eyes and I somehow never noticed. If someone is nervous around me and I make eye contact it instantly makes me nervous as well.

>> No.10727453

That isn't true because you are assuming stagnation.

>> No.10727458


>> No.10727464


>> No.10727474

That’s called imitation and empathy, not telepathy your fucking autismos.

>> No.10727491

I know that in principle but eye contact is fucking new and weird to me m8

>> No.10727584

So are you saying it is like the gay lisp, ebonics and other forms of code switching?

I wonder what other forms of culture exist in 4chan? Is there 4chan specific religion, poetry, music, painting and other kinds of art?

>> No.10727592

normies aren't allowed to express disdain. Only snark and hollow, vapid, soy infused "excitement"

>> No.10727636

>But a meme is very much purpose built, whilst alphabetic language is pretty much recursive in Chomsky's way.

What would actually enable a recursive language to arise out of a series of signs used within a culture is something I'm very much interested in understanding. It's possible for this to occur for sign languages, so there's nothing necessarily ruling out that some kind of meme language with its own implicitly generalizable grammar might be possible if it develops enough.

>> No.10727652

Well, if we assume that boards are representative of the site's taste in the interests they each cover, then sure. Every board has its essentials.
Joyce is probably the most universally respected author from /lit/'s Big Three.
The least contested band on the /mu/core list is probably My Bloody Valentine or Swans, they seem to get the least amount of genuine hate.
I think /o/ likes AE86s but don't quote me on that
/g/ loves gentoo and thinkpads
/fa/ generally likes Rick Owens and Raf Simons
Deus Ex, Dark Souls, Metal Gear Solid 3, and STALKER covers /v/'s favorites
I don't think /tv/ can agree on anything ever but Paul Thomas Anderson comes to mind as a director I very rarely see hated there

>> No.10727701

There's tons of hate for PT Anderson in /tv/.
On the other hand, something like Excalibur comes to mind as almost universally loved (albeit seldom discussed).

>> No.10727705

If you’re referring to the use of greentext in that post, I would say it it’s just a visual stylization to draw attention to the post, similar to a post like this:


>> No.10727760

4chan literature would be greentext stories. They have genres (horror, humor, absurdist, trolling), tropes (skinwalkers, walk the dinosaur, etc.), and they have common language/structures (mfw, tfw, ??? Profit, file extension suffixes, etc.).

There is certainly a style and an art attributable to the best greentexts. Whether this art is really comparable to “real” art forms or “real” literature is debatable, but 4chan-based literary/storytelling culture is undeniable.

>> No.10727765

All languages are fundamentally memetic, as with all culture. Every conceptualization is a meme.
4chan memes are facetious in nature though, so a language made of them, if possible, would exist in some kind of quantum state, were meaning is undefined. You could say that to understand an ironic message you interpret the contrary to the apparent meaning, but there is the thing with the undefined number of layers of irony, where each layer flips the apparent meaning and adds additional nuances. Honest communication allows irony to anchor in reality. Difficult to say if any real convention of meaning could rise from a purely ironic language, it would probably be like speaking in cryptography.

>> No.10727773

>There is certainly a style and an art attributable to the best greentexts.
theres trickery too in how we archive those "best " moments. its always a screencap with a fuckload of replies. the replies serve as a seal of quality, like stars in a movie cover. and thats only a meter for capability for making someone react, and it seems its all it mattes.

>> No.10728070


>> No.10728088

Enough meme eros, dubs and you have to go to sleep right now

>> No.10728096
File: 211 KB, 1834x1366, doubleagent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10728147

i-it's only 10:38 pm here, anon

>> No.10728148

>east coast niggers think they can tell what's what and to whom and when and where
eat shit atlanticist

>> No.10728245

The voice I read in sounds to me like 'my' voice, but doesn't sound anything like what actually comes out of my mouth.

>> No.10728319

You're legitimately autistic. Not even memeing.

>> No.10728614


>> No.10728647

>subvocalizing instead of speedreading
never gonna make it

>> No.10728655

do, but not for school

also i should be hyperdetailed, documenting all the uses and deviations from standard use, each of course accompanied by an example screenshot and warosu link

it'l be de vulgari eloquentia of it's day1!£!”””

>> No.10728662

on my imageboard?<

>> No.10728699

>meme free content that people will enjoy

like what? one guy on my friends list writes manifestos on politics once every couple months, i cringe every time i read it

>> No.10728721

>this thread

>> No.10728731

pepe sure. but even in history wojak is seconday, forgotten

>> No.10728743

wojack is more important to the soul of mankind, but because of the political impact of pepe during the election he’ll remain secondary

>> No.10728752

interesting thread, i was just wondering about this yesterday when i posted in the what's on your mind thread about me accidentally using meme arrows

>> No.10728755

>that mole

>> No.10728769

Pepe is going down the way of trollface, give it a couple of years that you'll consider it cringe-inducing

>> No.10728775

No. Even before the pepe outbreak on tumblr he was more prominent and >the< 4ch icon. Wojak had one or two well-known images (just the plain wojak, and tearing wojak) and occasionally showed up in pictures with pepe, who himself had dozen of popular forms. Only recently have we seen real development of wojak via the brainlet meme.

>> No.10728780
File: 2 KB, 126x101, spoilertag NOGAMES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's onto us.

>> No.10728787

can i get a bloody example of this PLEASE

>> No.10728883

That picture is fucking hilarious. Is it "real"?

>> No.10729078

Not that guy and I’ve never heard of that meme, but it sounds like when someone said something you thought was stupid or disagreed with, you would reply with
>translated by bing!
to draw attention to the stupidity of the post or maybe even the poor grammar/typos. That’s just my conjecture, though.

>> No.10729235

t. brainlet who can't recognize the linguistic wonders of greentexting

>> No.10729239

You can also easily manipulate your fingers and hands to form new shapes and stuff. Unless we see some kind of "modular" meme without text we won't have such recursive property with a meme language.

>> No.10729240

Wait, did the addition of replies basically turn 4chan into Reddit? I remember the olden days and unless you had some sort of extension (and most people didn't), you were as blind as other people.

>> No.10729272

4chan is still very different from reddit because of the anonymity and lack of any point system. The only "reward" you get from a post is (you)'s, which doesn't seem so bad because this is a discussion board after all.

>> No.10729321

I think posting here was generally more fun - and less accessible, also part of the appeal - back when there were fewer "features". No visible replies on posts, no quick reply window, no (You)s, and so on. Well, maybe (You)s are a good feature. I really don't know. Gotten too used to it.
autonoko was a major mistake. As was removing the text boards - fuck you, moot.

>> No.10729347

Why was autonoko a mistake?

>> No.10729460

Because it removes another obstacle for new users, to which there are major drawbacks even if you don't care about sekrit klubs(which I do, I think they're fun).

>> No.10729477

> I am using technically primitive (because of the sheer number of clients) means of social communication that are specifically kept as walled gardens by their private owners and beneficiaries, and that's why the low quality compressed screenshot (thankfully, not inside a Word document) is about the only mean of introducing external content; please pity me and craft the thing, for I am neither proficient in using image editors, and hamstrung by my carry-able computing device anyway

>> No.10729507

What's the point of having a period calendar on your fridge and not filling it?

— Used hyphen instead of dash.

>> No.10729531

means they are losing

>> No.10729536

It did not require anything when spurdo was the current thing. Of course, nu-homos see it differently.

>> No.10729550

>t. unironic globalist

>> No.10729554

You are a faggot.

>> No.10729576

> give it a couple of years
With that bit of the mind flip, I am now in the timeskip.

c. shows me the boat, is it also a vehicle?

>> No.10729601

I miss the days of spurdo and wholesome gondola threads

>> No.10729610

I've been in this damn place since I was 12 years old and I remember being absolutely terrified to post anything for fear of saying something stupid or formatting it wrong. 4chan was such an impenetrable, alien place that it was hard to even understand what was being expressed, let alone join in.

>> No.10729614

Clickable post numbers, not “Yous”, changed the imageboards. When you had to do some work to reply to a specific post, it was only occasionally used, and it was assumed that the reader is smart enough to see your reply from the proper aspect in an ongoing discussion.

I think it would be a great normalfag repellent if reinstated.

>> No.10729637

Is this what Wittgenstein calls a "language game"?

>> No.10729653


also i was terrified of accidentally posting some personal information

>> No.10729690

You are using the meme wrong

>> No.10729713

Yeah. And it was great. I doubt it's quite nearly as intimidating for new posters now, underage or not. "Lurk more" is gradually losing its meaning.

>> No.10729733

Know your meme its the true cancer killing forchin

>> No.10729776
File: 185 KB, 640x2721, 1517876033620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. Instead we have fags from pic related (name of the place keeps getting spam filtered) telling people that've spent half their lives here to go back to r*ddit.
Maybe 10 years ago.

>> No.10729805

Holy shit. I'm struggling to believe that image is real.

>> No.10729973
File: 224 KB, 675x697, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10730002

>trying this hard

>> No.10730026

t. nofunallowed.png

>> No.10730039
File: 146 KB, 617x604, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10730046

Do you actually see line gaps on your (You)s, or are you just a careless memer with no dedication to the craft?

>> No.10730212

but I use the dark thme and it's yellow for me lol

>> No.10730290

or maybe like a call-and-response? the only thing anyone knows about manchester is their football culture, so I assume it's a football chant thing

>> No.10730309
File: 189 KB, 1578x1806, Lemmy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10730378

oh damn this post. I've been reading (and writing)
>be me
as an imperative. As in the reader should imagine themselves in my place in the story I'm telling. I can see how one would instead read it as "be me: _____" where blank implies some loser qualities that deserve the reader's pity, or the perhaps opposite depending on the connotation of the associated pic.

Fascinating thread OP.

>> No.10730389

What was this post and why did it cause such an uproar

>> No.10730398

Someone made a post on /mu/ about Lenny from Motorhead being sick and someone made that reply a few moments before his death was announced

>> No.10730402

OP got no digits at all and made a claim about Lemmy, who was ill. Lemmy died that day. 4chan gave anon shit and rightfully so, for memeing Lemmy into death.

>> No.10730407

but I wonder if in truth the meme magic did not occur, or rather was fabricated, after the fact.

>> No.10730410


>> No.10730419

im the "translated by bing!" anon, anyone wants me to explain what it is about? saw some interest.

>> No.10730420

yes, anon is a scapegoat

>> No.10730444

fails because it's clear there was intent of originality. the best memes are natural, and we forgot they had manmakers

>> No.10730455

yes, and please post some damned examples you tease

>> No.10730466

nothing can ever be the same

>> No.10730514

>Wow its like im literally a fucking useless no hands pampered shit who cant even hit the search bar! Its like i think stuff doesnt get archived and i want everything to be done for me! What a lazy fool i am!
Translated by Bing!

>> No.10730516

nope. the thread was the usual /mu/ "who's next to go?" thread. someone said Lemmy. this poster said he'll be fine. his health was not even in the news. while the thread was still live, Lemmy's death was announced in the press. the poster's timestamp pre-dated any death announcement. This was all meticulously documented in the thread.

>> No.10730608

well meme'd

>> No.10730613

The meme itself is actually pretty shit, though. Simply greentexting that achieves the same effect, no need for le snarky little line. It actually takes something away.

>> No.10730622

okay now a small tract on it's origins and development, if you please

it's pretty different though, for just a greentext it's got way to many clauses