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File: 68 KB, 600x409, TheHitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10724987 No.10724987 [Reply] [Original]

Let's face it, the serious intellectual 'Counter-Jihad' movement died with this man.

>> No.10725035
File: 50 KB, 640x360, psy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice specs

>> No.10725043

Nothing alike, you tard.

>> No.10725071

Who, Jim Jones?

>> No.10725147

You might hate George Carlin.
But the little sanity the left had died with him, all of this identitarianism began upon hos death.

>> No.10725165

lol no

>> No.10725197
File: 34 KB, 375x281, sam harris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot about me already?

>> No.10725347

Why was he so honest bros?

>> No.10725365

>George Carlin
>anything but angry trash
his shtick was pure political.

>> No.10725391

Incels have no sense of fashion, hence their status as incels.

>> No.10725523
File: 43 KB, 444x287, 1471304839469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never quite been able to fathom his "anti-theist" position. Surely even atheists have to admit that it would be a nice thing for the Christian God to exist, right? An entity that forgives all your sins and gives you eternal life after you die?

>> No.10725570

he was just an entertaining fattie who watched too many james bond films. real counter jihad has to come from muslims themselves.

>> No.10725758

There was nothing particularly intellectual about; just a lot of posturing and bullying, backed-up by pretentious kiddies of minuscule reading, who liked to trade in heavily edited, snappy "debate" videos, with titles like 'stupid christian gets the Hitchslap.'

>> No.10725771

>christian god
If we are talking about Yahweh then no humans are better off if he didn't exist.

>> No.10725792

>Serious intellectual

>> No.10725799

No. I don't like to be "anti" stuff since that seems mean, but even if god did exist I think it would be disappointing and somewhat bleak. It would say a sad thing about the human condition

>> No.10725803

Why the fuck would you think we're talking about the Jewish conception of God from the phrase "Christian God?"

>> No.10725812

Honestly I think no afterlife is better than the majority of people being tortured forever.

>> No.10725815

There is no christian god you dumbfuck. Christianity was literally made by jews.

>> No.10725829

Right, so there's no differentiation between God in the Old and New Testament? You're a fucking clown

>> No.10726049

The left really loved this guy, clapped at all of his liberal wake-up call speeches. Yet they've turned out they way they have after these kinds of guys passed away.....interesting and sad.

>> No.10726090

>eternal paradise and a creator
>but the bad people
atheists cucked as christians are

>> No.10726120

I was going to write a reply to this tard you replied to but you have said what needs to be said - nice

>> No.10726184
File: 46 KB, 700x605, 7IE6Vjtm65m6T88FSwENZCWt8Nn3vQL1qHt0uZtpDC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hitchens was a brainlet when it came to islam, just like harris and dawkins.

None of them understand imperialism or how the US, UK and France have deliberately destabilized the region.

Protip: If you bomb america repeatedly for decades you get a wasteland of christian jihadis in KKK robes. People become extreme when you politically agitate them and the easiest way to do that is to rally around culture. Doesn't matter whether there's metaphysics involved, though that helps create the fearlessness and provide justification.

>> No.10726192

Oh look, you don't understand Christianity. Antitheist retards need to wear a fucking muzzle to keep their stupid mouths closed.

>> No.10726199

Oh look, a retarded alt-right retard.
Carlin was a liberal cocksuck.

>> No.10726208

Christians don't even agree on what the afterlife is like.

>> No.10726218

>majority of people being tortured forever
they deserve it tho

>> No.10726223
File: 36 KB, 470x618, American_Hijab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Counter-Jihad died when the Jews that promoted it noticed that it wasn't actually that hard to turn Muslims into progressive true believers and that their real enemy were still conservative white Christians.

>> No.10726249

It's pretty sad seeing supposed lefties shitting on Carlin. He was one of the last great pop intellectuals of the left. I guess he wasn't radical enough for you.

>> No.10726256

>turn Muslims into progressive true believers
You're deluded if you think Muslims will still support the progressive agenda when they become the majority.

>> No.10726276
File: 56 KB, 608x648, 1505803727667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remain somewhat skeptical that anyone actually thinks this. Or, if they do, I am convinced they are all teens and twentysomethings, for whom the prospect of death does not yet loom quite as large as it eventually will.

>> No.10726289

Carlin was a grown up high schooler

>> No.10726298

islam was politically violent, expansionist and murderous long before america even existed you moron.

>> No.10726310

You're a dumbass if you think muslims, at least first and maybe second generation are anything but conservative at heart. I am good friends with a Lebanese lady I work with and she hates trannies, social media, Western governments, multiculturalism, etc as much as I do if not perhaps more given the fact I can only be somewhat little outspoken so I cannot actually probe her personal politics in full.

>> No.10726316

there has been no political force in history as destructive expansionist and violent as western liberal modernity. I look outside and gaze upon the wreckage and think, hey maybe the Jihadis were on to something.

>> No.10726326

wtf I love muslamic immigration now

>> No.10726338

So what if he's different? He is still Yahweh. Still the jewish god.

>> No.10726344

He was a sophist. You can't read his work and analyze his arguments because there rarely are any. It's just rhetoric which was entertaining in its own right but you have to be a fool to think there's anything substantive.

>> No.10726391
File: 43 KB, 562x418, picsayyid-qutb-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayyid Qutb>>>>>>>>>>>>Spiritual Trotskite Hitchenstein

>> No.10726727

Christian/secular conservatism and Muslim conservatism can't coexist though.

>> No.10727959

He wasn't left. He was liberal scum. No hon, he wasn't an intellectual. He was a dumb-as-bricks reactionary and he's burning in hell for his atheism and his arrogance.

>> No.10728211

Most American Muslims are genuine liberal progressives. Most European Muslims are not though.

>> No.10728214

>secular conservatism


>> No.10728222

Hell is just death, eternal hellfire shit was made up by the church to scare peasants.

>> No.10728234

Death is not something you live through.
By being so scared of death in your lifetime, you pay a toll twice that you only have to pay once.

Being scared of death has nothing to do with age, simply with how mystified you are about it.

>> No.10728242

its more to do with not wanting to die a painful death or be annihilated