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/lit/ - Literature

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10724537 No.10724537 [Reply] [Original]

Any books about a healthy adult relationship?

>> No.10724551


This is the smile of the happiest man on earth

>> No.10724658

>big schnozed Jew lawyer
>gook wife
>beta male dressed like a slob celebrating the collapse of his social/sexual relationship
I don't know what to say.

>> No.10724664

I bet he became MGTOW and spams online forums with women hate everyday.

>> No.10724676

>Baseball cap + T-Shirt = "dressed like a slob"
That's just casual wear.

>> No.10724680

*tips fedora and sieg heils simultaneously*

>> No.10724684

t. slob that wears baseball caps indoors.

>> No.10724690

If you are American you don't understand. American's have lower presentation of themselves even for things that would normally be deemed "important" such as meeting a Jewish lawyer to divorce your gook wife.

*tips baseball cap*

>> No.10724701

>lawyer is on 4chan

>> No.10724713

>Let's just wear a tuxedo and a cute bowtie to sign the papers that'll free me from this bitch who hates my guts
Average Eurofag. I bet /ourboy/ went to the big game immediately after this selfie.

>> No.10724718

>flexing at your divorce proceedings
great way to lose even more money

>> No.10724719


>> No.10724732

>having some decency and taking your hat off indoors is equivalent of flexing
How about you don't be a loser and don't get divorced in the first place?

>> No.10724734

the guy married a gook, he's obviously beta, this is self evident.

>> No.10724752

>the guy married a gook, he's obviously beta
White roastie mad as fuck that white men prefer Asian women.

>> No.10724753

why do man-children tend to marry Asians?

>> No.10724758

>getting married

not advisable.

>> No.10724760

Lmao, the bitter /Pol9k/ virgin loser shows himself by accusing everyone that laughs at him of being a woman. Who hurt you?

>> No.10724768

>not wearing six panel hats and graphic t shirts is "flexing"
Holy fuck, you know you can build a mature, fashionable, casual wardrobe for the exact same price, right? The only factor in how well you dress is taste, unless you're living in some pretty extreme circumstances

>> No.10724771

obviously not or else he wouldn't be getting divorced. Look at his face, he's not a catch.

>> No.10724773

Context aside, white women have objectively lost their value.

>> No.10724780

nigga who cares. a hat and tshirt are comfy. hes not going to a job interview, if anything thats probably the last time he sees those people.

>> No.10724797

you still cant explain why you would dress up to get divorced instead of wearing like... sweatpants. you know, most decent hard-working people buy functional clothes that they can change the oil or mow the lawn in and not worry about?

>> No.10724803

That's your opinion predicated on you being a weeb that never leaves his room.

>> No.10724804

Why have that shit in your wardrobe at all? Why not buy clothes that are just as comfy and easy to wear, but actually look nice? If you make a cohesive wardrobe, even your lazy outfits will be cohesive looking.

>> No.10724810

This, cardigan plus jeans with decent shoes is comfy and looks decent.

>> No.10724815

please return to /fa/, and enjoy your valueless existence as a trust-fund kid or employee in the so-called service economy

>> No.10724819

Thomas Hardy's The Mayor of Casterbridge depicts perhaps the healthiest relationship between woman and man in literature I can conjure to mind.

>> No.10724824
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>> No.10724826

>doesnt have a hat or tshirt

lol. theyre cheap and practical.

stop being so concerned about appearance my dude.

>> No.10724827
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It's predicated on going outside and opening my eyes.

>> No.10724831

lol I get compliments from women on my sweaters, nobody in America dresses like this (they are slobs), and it's a FACT (truth) that bugboys dress like OP's pic.

>> No.10724846

>posts tabloid as evidence

>> No.10724850

I'm angry now.

>> No.10724860

stop being so unconcerned about looking like a grown child


>> No.10724875

theres a world of difference between a sweater and a cardigan... but cardigan jeans and "dress shoes" (probably chukkas) is the r/mfa aka soyboy uniform. a v-neck sweater is just as bad. I have better clothes than you, sit down.

>> No.10724876

I value presenting myself well to others
I value being respected/respectable
I value showing others that I put in the thought
I enjoy being considered and treated as competent and attractive
>trust-fund kid
I probably spend the exact same amount on clothes that you do, other than a few durable boots that were a bit pricey
I didn't say anything about hats. I didn't say anything about shirts. Read my post closely. I concern myself with appearance as I dress myself and stop worrying about it the second I have my clothes on. Like an adult.
>cardigan plus jeans
This probably doesn't look as good as you think
The jeans would at least have to be black

>> No.10724882

>calling news you don't like tabloid

If this video doesn't give you cancer then you should probably sell your body to science.

>> No.10724886

>durable boots
so you bought redwings? please, do the world a favor and neck yourself.

>> No.10724896

I literally stole the clothes from a gay, so my style is on point also not "dress shoes" and chucks I assume you mean, don't have support. If you think you dress better than me why are you defending slobs? Silly American.

>> No.10724912

you seem rather desperate to appear like an adult, instead of acting like one

>> No.10724917

>but wemen are o-objectified

>> No.10724923

>wears a gay's uniform

it all makes sense now

>> No.10724924

>so you bought redwings
Oh fuck no
Danner Combat 503s for rain, snow, and walks in the forest, and a pair of Corcoran 985s

>> No.10724937

20,000 leagues under sea

>> No.10724941

You can't deny they dress well.

>> No.10724944

most white women are OBJECTIVELY ugly

>> No.10724945

>stole the clothes from a gay
>on point
>thinks chukkas are chucks
aids must have rotted your brain, faggot

lol... i wear designer.

>> No.10724953

>thinks I would wear cukkas if I don't know what they are
>trying to get me with the reddit shoes meme

>> No.10724956

yeah... they really dont, unless you think ill-fitting pastel prep from j crew is 'dressing well'

>> No.10724963

>yeah... they really dont
who's gay now dude, post like an adult or don't post at all.

>> No.10724978

>reformulates a maxim for children
>tells me to post like an adult

>> No.10724989

>lol... i wear designer.
What did he mean by this

>> No.10725116

>calls someone out for being /pol/ while saying any white man who marries an Asian women beta
wew lad

>> No.10725331

>I leave my house and I'm not a bitter virgin that has constructed convienient strawmans about white women, I swear!
>posts /pol9k/ meme images he keeps on his computer
That's how I know you're a loser with women. Men successful with women don't keep shit like that on their pc.

>> No.10725342

Only a beta white man would marry a gook and flush his genes down the toilet and make half gooklets

>> No.10725361

That's because most people are ugly. Stop fapping off to your cartoons you obese autist and go to Asia, the women there are far uglier and have the highest use of plastic surgery.

>> No.10725377

>I don't know what to say.

>> No.10725378

I don’t understand europeens hardon for clothing

>> No.10725380

fuck off /pol/, who the hell cares about "muh genes" anyway.

>> No.10725396

>I don't understand why people want to look presentable and respectable
Sounds about right. Fuck off retard

>> No.10725397

>who the hell cares about "muh genes"
every living organism

>> No.10725398

Average looking middle aged asian women are more attractive then "white" super models kek

>> No.10725408

>I bet he's never even seen VAGINA
Great argument and greater example of how white women have become garbage.

>> No.10725410

>I don't want my offspring to look like me
>I want to wash my unique heritage down the drain
You are a failed organism, or you're probably non-European, probably some american mutt.

>> No.10725411

>he doesn't care of the very alarming rate of dysgenics in the west
Imagine living as a pathetic human being like you.

>> No.10725418

>this is what soyboy bugmen believe
Is that why asian woman in asia try to look more white by having surgery and bleaching their skin with chemicals? Is what why asia is littered with European women on posters and advertisements?
r/asianmasuclinity is not here.

>> No.10725421

Good point.
Start by killing yourself.

>> No.10725430
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t. mutt

>> No.10725437

jesus christ kill me now >>10724827

>> No.10725443

What are you exactly doing with your genes, anon?

>> No.10725446

I'm a white European. You're probably some virgin german or pole with autism.

>> No.10725451

absolutely based

>> No.10725455

The woman destroyed by Simone de Beauvoir.
The last man by Maurice Blanchot.

>> No.10725456

That's not how it works anon.

>> No.10725458

>it's another /pol/ invades /lit/ chapter
Why do they do it? Why isn't there another place similar to /lit/ but without the constant annoyance that is /pol/? Why is the 4g network I'm on banned from reporting so I can at least do my part to have this cancer removed?

>> No.10725461
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Thanks for the (you)s
I am a pure white scot, and couldn't care less if white civilization is completely destroyed and not a single white baby is born ever again.
Why the hell should I care if my genetic line is completely destroyed out, fuck my ancestors.

>> No.10725468

you have a mental disorder my man. people like you will obviously be bred out by natural selection

>> No.10725473

White man please wake up.

>> No.10725476

>i have no argument
>y-you're mentally ill

>> No.10725484

no it is iliterally a mental disorder to not want to have offspring

it is by definition the bigest failure an organism can have

>> No.10725486

I see you're an alt-right outcast. For you any Ken Follet or Paulo Coelho novel will do.

>> No.10725502

Priests are mentally ill according to you. You probably call yourself a defender of western civilization.
>by definition
You don't understand biology nor philosophy. Go back to /poleddit/ and bring your braindead teenage materialistic scientism with you.

>> No.10725503
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monks are mentally ill then?

>> No.10725506

do you guys seriously not understand how evolution works?

>> No.10725522

I remember being 15 years old.
Get to sleep, it's 10:10 pm, school day tomorrow.

>> No.10725528

I understand that a species survives by having offspring. What I want you to tell me is, why should I care if my species survives?

>> No.10725538

every single thing in the genome, literally every attribute that every organism has, exists for one reason- because those attributes allowed its ancestors to reproduce

Not reproducing is quite literally the only objective metric of failure that exists in biology.

>> No.10725542

You're ascribing value to a fact on the basis that it's a fact. You have the same brainlet tier interpretation of darwinism as every other teenage brainlet on r*ddit. Go back.

>> No.10725545

It's not covered in the DSM-V, so no, officially it's not a mental disorder.
>You don't want to have offspring because you have a mental disorder.
>You have a mental disorder because you don't want to have offspring.
Ok my dear, you've played enough with your big brothers, now it's time to go back to /pol/.

>> No.10725551

Your parents failed you.
Let me guess, you're raised by a single mother. Admit it.

>> No.10725552

i said nothing about value- you are being overly sensitive.

I said it's a mental disorder, which by any sane definition it is. If everyone behaved that way the species would go extinct ina single generation

>> No.10725553

phenotype != genotype

>> No.10725557

>It's not covered in the DSM-V, so no, officially it's not a mental disorder.
You can't be serious here. So homosexuality was once a mental disorder but then the fabric of reality changed and it became not one?

Or, now get this anon, or maybe the DSM is arbitrary bulshit

>> No.10725567

phenotype is the result of genotype

>> No.10725571

He made the first mistake by getting married.

>> No.10725576
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You haven't provided a single reason why transmitting your genes is a good thing that doesn't rely on circular logic or appeal to feelings.
I'll ask you again: are priests mentally ill? Do you think you're a defender of western civilization?

>> No.10725578

>Not reproducing is quite literally the only objective metric of failure that exists in biology.
Oh no! I've failed my biological objective to reproduce what will I do now!?
I still don't know why I should care.

>> No.10725583

>good thing
Because I said nothing about that. I said mental disorder, and yes priests have a mental disorder, more like a few of them

Obviously Im not a defender of western civilization, what the fuck are you even talking about

>> No.10725590

I hate my dad and myself, so why would I want to pass my shitty jeans.

>> No.10725592

you would care if you didn't have a mental disorder, I dont know how much more clear I can make this

>> No.10725605
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>yes priests have a mental disorder
>some of the greatest thinkers of Europe were all crazy

>> No.10725618

There is a known correlation between insanity and genius, but that's really besides the point. They could be unrelated and it would have no bearing on this discussion

>> No.10725627

You saying that it is a mental disorder has to imply that you consider it a good thing since
1- You used the category of failure, which implies a system of morality
2- You're defining it as a mental disorder despite the fact that it isn't a mental disorder, as >>10725545 pointed out. And no, the fact that our scientific understanding of phenomena changes doesn't mean it is "arbitrary", or else it would mean that physics and chemistry are arbitrary.

>> No.10725634

I think the only relevant one for /lit/ is Crime and Punishment. This is the healthiest relationship you faggots are ever going to get.

>> No.10725644

>A mental disorder, also called a mental illness[2] or psychiatric disorder, is a behavioral or mental pattern that causes significant distress or impairment of personal functioning.
You seem to not understand what makes a mental disorder a mental disorder. Their is a reason no one but you thinks not wanting children is a mental disorder. you special fucking snowflake.


>> No.10725647

You got the DSM part right. You didn't get the irony.

Your definition of mental disorder is: wathever that doesn't follow the evolutionist discourse i vaguely learned at secondary school (which is absolute truth, my teacher said) is a mental disorder.
Thats why i posted the tautology in green text. You can't explain it further than that. Actually mental disorder is explained from not wanting to reproduce and not viceversa.
The survival of the species is not a purpose of the organisms, organisms don't have a purpose further than the contingent purposes they acquire in their interactions with other things and appart from those purposes you assign them. If a organism can't sustain life more it dies or rather, it changes it's state and configuration.

>> No.10725648

1. Failure is unrelated to morality, evolution has nothing to do with morality
2. the DSM is arbitrary, it is based on the society it belongs to, and comparing it to physics is just pathetic

Why don't you address the argument instead of appealing to authority? How can something which literally ends your lineage, which removes the possiblity that future organisms will be like you, not be a mental disorder? It is a)a mental characteristic, and b)directly against the entire purpose of your organism.(dont sperg out abuot the word 'purpose' here)

>> No.10725652

I gurantee you that something like 90% of the people on earth think not wanting children is crazy.

Again appeal to popularity, you guys suck

>> No.10725661

>impairment of personal functioning.
Our entire basic funciton is reproduction
You aren't even responding to what I said. Everything an organism does is predicated on reproduciton, everything. Not wanting to reproduce is the most serious defect it can have

>> No.10725663

being "directly against the entire purpose of your organism" doesn’t classify something as a mental disorder. Also I challenge you to find A SINGLE ARTICLE claiming that not reproducing is a mental disorder.

>> No.10725669

>"Not reproducing is quite literally the only objective metric of failure that exists in biology."
>Someone on /lit/ is making this awful argument

>> No.10725685

That's the basic theory of evolution by natural selection you're calling 'this awful argument'
Because the humanities have been stubbornly refusing to admit that Darwin ever existed for the past century and a half. The entire academy is poltiicized to hell and has a screeching fit everytime the word 'sociobiology' is uttered within 100m of a campus

>> No.10725696

They have good genetics. It's just that 8 out of 10 women in the US are overweight. 4 of those 8 are morbidly obese.

>> No.10725698

I guess niggers that have 50 children are the peak of humanity according to your ignorant views

>> No.10725700

>I gurantee you that something like 90% of the people on earth think not wanting children is crazy.
I gurantee you that something like 90% of the people on earth are fucking giraffes, see I can also make claims with no evidence.

>> No.10725701

I think you didn't understand what i just wrote. Read again, this time carefully and thoughtfully, and try to answer again later.
> Everything an organism does is predicated on reproduciton
So when i'm painting a picture i'm actually reproducing or aiming at reproduction, when i do drugs i'm reproducing or aiming at reproduction, when i read philosophy i'm reproducing or aiming at reproducing. I'm not reproducing or aiming at reproducing even when i'm masturbating m8.

>> No.10725703

>the peak of humanity
value-laden statements I dont care to respond to

>> No.10725711

>anon shills post the same threads on all the biggest boards over and over every day and no one noticed except random /pol/ and /tv/ niggers

>> No.10725714

>they have good genetics
Not all white people have good genetics you retard

>> No.10725715

Yes everything you do has to be directed towards reproduction, most of it is extremely indirect.

>> No.10725735

But what if i don't want to reproduce or die without actually reproducing? Let me guess, i'm mentally ill.
Are we debating with an internet 4chan trollxDxD or with a 15 years old kid that should already have been banned long ago?.

>> No.10725738

i legitimately wanted the answer to the question, and that pic was the most relevant one i had. take off the tinfoil hat
t. op

>> No.10725740

How is swearing to live as a virgin and joining a monastery, masturbating, or having an abortion directed towards reproduction?

>> No.10725741

>Failure is unrelated to morality
Wrong. Failure implies an ought.
>the DSM is arbitrary
Wrong again.
>it is based on the society it belongs to
Then you have no power to claim what is or isn't mental disorder as well.
>Why don't you address the argument
I am addressing your argument by proving your premises wrong.
>directly against the entire purpose of your organism
A single purpose for all humans doesn't exist. is != ought. phenotype != genotype.
You're the one appealing to authority btw, more specifically the authority of "muh dick".

>> No.10725744

do you honestly not understand evolution, Im being serious here did you even take high school biology?

Your behaviors couldn't have evolved if they werent behaviors that led to reproduction, that's literally the entire point of the theory

>> No.10725752

A single purpose for all organisms exists, reproduction. This applies to humans too, even if you dont like it.

I said nothing about 'ought', that's philosophy and unrelated

>> No.10725760

it's not, ie. it's a dead end, Ie a defect, ie. a disorder

Good god you're all fucking dense

>> No.10725777

White skin itself is already above average genetics according to globalized beauty standards.

>> No.10725778

When you used "purpose" (>>10725648) you brought philosophy into it.

>> No.10725786

This. So much.
Wathever you're was meant to be the way it is. evolution already determined it for you. People who have cancer at 15 were made this way because The Almighty Lord Evolution liketh it this way. They're actually apt for reproduction.
Nono, they're mentally or physically ill because they can't reproduce. heh. sorry. yeah, ill.

>> No.10725787

i speciifcally put in a parenthesis there just for people like you. the 'purpose' of the organism is reproduction, because all its attributes are based on reproduciton, because by definition its ancestors having had those attributes led to reproduction

>> No.10725790

You're right, I should have been more informed on your personal brand of psychology.

>> No.10725795

>A single purpose for all organisms exists, reproduction
>natalists actually believe this
"Organisms" are just physical matter just like everything else in this reality. There is no purpose inherent to matter except to be as it is. Even that is debatable.

>> No.10725809

are you just incapble of understanding statements that don't follow some kind of humanist morality?

>> No.10725814

sexual selection does not account for actual fitness or robustness of genetics at all, if you weren’t a posture pseud you’d know this. there are many species with fabulpus aesthetic ornaments that lower their fitness and if we weren’t going to kill them all already they’d go instinct anyway. Blue eyes and white skin are borderline meaningless phenos beyond being sensible adaptations to low sunlight climes and there’s probably a correlation between blue eyes and visual acuity

>> No.10725817

My dude you're really fucking stupid.
>A single purpose for all organisms exists
>I said nothing about 'ought'
How can you not see the contradiction? Embarrassing.
>That's philosophy
You ARE doing philosophy you stupid fucking brainlet. You're taking a fact (organisms reproduce) and elevating it as a moral statement (organisms should reproduce). There's also the fact that you're doing this with humans, which are constantly able to control their lowest impulses. You also don't fucking understand how population genetics work: Take Newton, he was a virgin yet he helped evolutionary his kind more than everyone else in his time.
Your entire argument is "not wanting kids is mental illness bcuz I said so".

>> No.10725823

light skin is a class thing, people who toil in the fields turn brown, people who stay inside in a mansion under an umbrella stay pale

>> No.10725847

humans are animals.

our behavior evolved because it led to reproduction. behavior that doesn't lead to reproduction is therefore contrary to the norm of our behavior, and a defect

This is not philosophy. This is purely science, it says nothing about morality, nothing about metaphysics, it is just an observation on how organisms work, which applies to humans as well

You guys are acting like religious zealots

You're comment on Newton is beyond retarded, 'he helped his evolutionary kind' means nothing, it is about individual genes

Last time I ever try to talk about evolution among humanists, jesus christ

>> No.10725861

>aesthetics is all about sexual selection

>> No.10725875

my third grade teacher pushed the same shit. being tan has absolutely fuck all to do with your genetics

>> No.10725941

I'm not a humanist lmfao. You're the one who's proposing a brainlet tier scientism.
>individual genes
Are you implying that races don't exist? Lmao. I'll break it down for you since you seem to be pretty dense.
Take a family of five people, 3 brothers and 2 sisters. Let's assume they all have the same genes, besides the obvious XX / XY distinction (note that this thought experiment still applies even if they're very similiar and not all the same). The first two brothers marry the sisters and have babies, the third brother can't marry and he devotes his life to studying. The children get sick and they will die if they don't get cured, their parents don't know a cure, but luckily their uncle has developed one and so the children may continue living. He has therefore helped spreading his genetic line (note again: this can be applied to any in-group)
According to your framework the third brother is mentally ill, because the sane course of action would have been killing one of his brothers and raping his wife so she could produce offspring.

Stop reading Sam Harris and start reading an actual book like something by Hume.

>> No.10725945

>qualities determined by nothing but nature interacting with itself, completely void of ethics, seeing what came out on top, and repeating are somehow meaningful
>implying nature has a purpose
>implying unintentional design bestows purpose
>implying that homo sapiens' long gestational period and incredibly long developmental process that can't occur without parental action doesn't imply purposes like child rearing, resource management, nutrition, and being/having a husband around to protect the vulnerable wife and child by your logic

>> No.10725955

Ah obviously the 5 retards are the only human existing on Earth, forgot to specify that.

>> No.10725968




>> No.10725973

Not an argument. Talking about things like "purpose" implies philosophy.

>> No.10725988

Philosophy is inseparable from science. Science is just the new name for natural philosophy.

>> No.10726004

Probably did a prenupital agreement

>> No.10726007

He was too dumb to buy Redwings and spent 500 dollar on 6 month boots instead of 200 on 6 year boots.

>> No.10726015

it means the other guy is a poorfag who has no room to talk shit on other peoples clothes. i'll wear my shit out then flip it on grailed. you'll get zero dollars back off your shit and look bad every day.

>> No.10726023
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When did you realize all women are whores even that quiet innocent girl who sits in the back of your uni class and barely says a word is most definitely a whore.

>> No.10726037

i dont respect women so it doesnt really bother me. regrettably i need a bitch to carry my children, but ill handle her.

>> No.10726042

Lol i bet you even buy the pointy toe shit.

>> No.10726046

Stating a subject's purpose is inherently a philosophical claim. The only reason we say things like "a bucket's purpose is to hold things" is because we've established as a society a philosophy in which the creator of an object is the one who can declare its purpose. That's why you wouldn't pick up a rock and say "the purpose of this rock is to drive nails" unless you believed in an omnipotent god with an objective morality. In turn, you can't just say "a human's purpose is to reproduce" without either implying that there is a creator, or that a parent is able to determine the purpose of their child, which sounds like a horrible belief to me.

>> No.10726056

>regrettably i need a bitch to carry my children
Not for long. Synthetic wombs with genetically modified eggs and your sperm will change everything.

>> No.10726065

>online forums
Forums are dead since 2010 and their place on the internet was take over the big brother's social networks and pentagram.

>> No.10726079

You say that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.10726081

Why do american males dress like children?

>> No.10726086

you wish i had bad taste. the face of the matter is i am more intelligent, more beautiful, and more human than you.

>> No.10726095

Indeed, STD and orphanage are a good thing.

>> No.10726104

Few people actually want children, they just want to fuck and most children are born as an accident.

If human reproduction depended on people actually wanting to reproduce, instead of being too dumb to stop it from happening, most of the world would have the same fertility rate as white Europeans and East Asians.

>> No.10726108 [DELETED] 

i always feel like those pointy two dress shoes are for guys with small dicks who want to give the appearance of big feet, also they suck for walking up stairs cuz u always bash the next step cuz suddenly u got clown feet

>> No.10726115

>mfw dating a 21 year old virgin
>she's also slightly autistic and not that pretty

You can't have your cake and eat it too

>> No.10726139


seems to me it's a lot more like ur a couple friends hanging out

>> No.10726157

The *fact* of the matter is you ain't got no Redwings. And buying pointy toe 500 dollar designer boots makes you look like a prancing tit.

>> No.10726175
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>> No.10726196
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>> No.10726388

it is known that asian women mostly prefer white men. with this in mind, beta white men have added confidence around them that they would not have around a white woman. white men can pull an asian woman more attractive relative to her own WAY easier than a white woman with the same level of attractiveness relative to her own.
also, asians are generally more petite and girly looking. man-children are more attracted to this type, the type that looks like a 16 year old school girl rather than a normal woman. they just are (aka why there are so many weebs on 4chan).
this comes from someone who likes both white and asian women. but i shudder whenever i'm walking down the street and see a 30 year old skinnyfat-balding-poor-postured white guy holding hands with a young petite asian who is probably 25 but barely looks legal.

>> No.10726488

I'm with this guy.

Slovenly rice-cookers turning into sad versions of their 21 year old selves, in their 40's, are a nasty part of our society.

>> No.10726521

It's a suburban thing. They're usually a little more 56%-y.

Due to suburbia and minorities, Americans just sort of sit in their houses, because no trust or community and unsociable society, then drive 20 miles in their cars, because minorities made public transit dangerous and uncomfortable, and you have to live 50 miles away from everything to get away from them, then walk the parking lot, their only exercise, to the entrance of Sam's club, where their valet scooter is waiting.

>> No.10727885

>peak performance

>> No.10727982
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We resent all forms of standards and expectations, due to our national philosophy of ultra-libertarianism. Every time we get a look, a frown, a sigh, a condescending Yuropoor making a meme on 4chan, we get a national boner and begin applauding uncontrollably.

We love it.

>> No.10727984

I laughed heartily

>> No.10727987

>Why do american males dress like children?

this guy claims to not be hispanic in the other thread, face it faggot, ur from honduras or some shit, ranting about catholicism, wearing dadclothes, etc.

>> No.10727999

>all this /fa/ggotry

i bet you dorks read conspicuously in bars

>> No.10728011

Careful my friend, you don't want the guy who types with 'u' and 'ur' to think you're a spic!

>> No.10728029

ur rite datd b bad

>> No.10728080
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>wanting to have offspring

>> No.10728090

thank you for removing yourself from the gene pool

>> No.10728155

Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules For Life

>> No.10728221
File: 28 KB, 337x517, omfgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> <The Current Year>
>"Upon A Pale Horse" is 27 years old
>9/11 happened 16+ years ago
>TV dramas about black criminals who got away with murder are currently en vogue
>we have a literal trust fund babby reality TV star in the white house
>and yet
>some people S T I L L want to have children
>some people S T I L L think there is hope for the future of mankind
this is the truest manifestation of horror

>> No.10728400

Holy projection, Batman!