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File: 309 KB, 1200x898, nassim-taleb-skin-in-the-game-book-prologue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10718651 No.10718651 [Reply] [Original]

He has a book releasing in a few days; that's the prologue.

There's a chapter on the same subject in Antifragile, and it's hard to refute it in the realms of finance and governance. Could make for an interesting book if he looks at how it relates to modern society ie. social media moralism and public campaigns etc., but if it's just Taleb attacking the financial/intellectual establishment with a sprinkling of Greco-Roman anecdotes it will probably get pretty old pretty fast.

>> No.10718718

What is it with retards and this word? There are about two dozen close synonyms that are often even more suitable in context, yet this one seems to be the absolute everlasting favorite of barely sentient /pol/yps and other cretins of all sorts. How come?

>> No.10718733

Love Taleb. Going to order this one.

>> No.10718811

I enjoy his stuff but he may have already blown his load on his medium posts.

I really think this is timely when it is being released at a time when old media companies are dying yet screaming that their "expertise" should be listened to.

>> No.10718812

Taleb just whines about haplogroups and "the Lebanese language" now

>> No.10718878

So poorly written
Of course, this will just fit into his criticism of "verbigiastic" thinkers.

>> No.10718883

Why does Taleb have a shitty name for everyone he doesn't like

>> No.10718977
File: 86 KB, 625x668, 746E59E8-AD75-4B0E-BA0D-7651FBDBF254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AF was great. Will still buy it.

>> No.10718984

He never did recover after getting BTFO by Sam Harris.

>> No.10720894

Taleb seems like a pseud.

>> No.10721644
File: 129 KB, 1200x900, CtH6kqNWAAAv2Y0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blown his load on his medium posts

If his stuff is great, and I believe it is, it will bear rereading.

>> No.10721874

God rippetoe looks like a corpse

>> No.10721884

>policy makers should stand to finnancially lose or gain from their policy making
No way that can go wrong.

>> No.10721901
File: 121 KB, 694x876, taleb not a negro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, i'm still only on page 100 or so of antifragile, i have to speedrun this book so I can stay up to date.

I wouldn't want to be a fragilista or something

>> No.10721907
File: 29 KB, 589x194, taleb haplo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link, literally nobody in the history of human existence has been BTFO by Ben Stiller.

he's actually autistic himself and hides it by insulting autistics.

>> No.10721988

"Never take advice from someone who gives advice for a living," says man who has written 5 books of advice.
Let's listen to the hedge fund manager and derivatives trader, what could go wrong?

>> No.10722014

t. someone who hasn't read his books, also he doesn't give advice for a living, he doesn't have to do anything for a living.

The advice he does give is mostly negative. he describes his 90/10 trade strategy in loose terms and advocates being extremely conservative with most of your money and extremely aggressive with a small portion of it.