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10714245 No.10714245 [Reply] [Original]

How can one have morals if he does not believe in God, ethics, or judgement for his actions?

>> No.10714248

Why do people do good things when no one's watching?

>> No.10714254

believing in god doesn't make you a "owner" of these traits either, this logic is flawed

>> No.10714263

the logic is flawed if you think in that fallacious way, assuming that all people who say they believe in God practice good ethics

>> No.10714269

moral relativism doesnt mean lack of morals. its just a philosophical version of build-a-bear

>> No.10714273

well I've never assumed anything so I'm safe

>> No.10714287

You can achievee an ideal of good based on concepts of reciprocity and collective well being without ever basing ethics on God. You should nonetheless define “God” for the purpose of clarity.

>> No.10714290

So they could tell people about it later

>> No.10714296

but no one says anything to anyone if they find someones wallet or watch and bring it to lost and found, majority of people are just not criminals so society can agree that returning the wallet is the only acceptable ethical action

>> No.10714341

How does God have morals or ethics?

>> No.10714349

>doing something for a reward/fear of punishment
Pick one

>> No.10714361

they dont

>> No.10714364

le historicism face xddd

>> No.10714368

Because he is like us.


>> No.10714373
File: 41 KB, 387x544, aquinas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder aquinas answered every pathetic atheist response in this thread in the Summa Theologica

>> No.10714377

you have to first go to the build-a-bear store before you can build a bear

>> No.10714380

The abrehamic God is a criminal, I don't see why you'd base your morals on him. Terrible choice, isn't it?

>> No.10714387

So, we, having God be like us, have morals and ethics?
And so, the answer to: "How can one have morals if he does not believe in God, ethics, or judgement for his actions?", is, "Cause we are."

>> No.10714388

Daily reminder Aquinas conveniently borrowed all his arguments from polytheists.

>> No.10714396

Morality stems from humans, not from God, and it isn't some abstract ahistorical set of laws, it's already present and always present in us.

>> No.10714397

Aristotle would've been a Christian if he wasn't born before Jesus

Aristotle is a saint

>> No.10714406

stop using words incorrectly

>> No.10714408


Who even does that?


Yes, most people do. As a matter of fact, we have a very specific psychological diagnosis for people who are incapable of doing good for its own sake. They are called psycho- and sociopaths. To get a diagnosis, you have to be outside of the norm. More people do good because of the internal voice than people who ignore or have no internal conscience.

>> No.10714410

Rather God having us be like him. Nice little mental gymnastic you did, there.

Let's see what else, the answer to that last question is "Because we were created by him"

>> No.10714416

stop using speech incorrectly.

>> No.10714418

But how does God have morals, ethics, or judgement for his actions?

>> No.10714438
File: 1.89 MB, 800x1027, 800px-Harrowing_of_hell_Christ_leads_Adam_by_the_hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should you care about what your conscience says if it's just evolutionary ape-brain programming holding back your big-brained redditor rationalism?

>> No.10714447

His will is perfect

>> No.10714459

But "will" comes after morals ethics and judgement.

>> No.10714470
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>this post

>> No.10714476

Socially blind. People absolutely talk about the events of their day to the people they know, no matter how mundane. Finding a wallet however is not really mundane, it's actually a novel surprise. Therefore people would return it for the event that it comes up in conversation and they have to look like a good person, whether the act of return was disingenuous or sincere, and if they don't return it then they'll go to whatever length to keep the story from coming to surface to avoid being chastised by their social circle, barring that their social circle is also amoral or teenagers: in which case it would actually be bragging rights.

>> No.10714479
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>> No.10714480

>Why should you care about what your conscience says if it's just evolutionary ape-brain programming holding back your big-brained redditor rationalism?
>why should
no reason
But you can try fighting your guilt, shame, conscience etc. We can talk about overcoming human nature, only psychos can. Yet, even they, instead fall into even lower states of nature.

>> No.10714481

That's incorrect, sweetie.

>> No.10714512
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it's another episode of dumb dumb atheists trying to derive ought from is. . .

>> No.10714526

Read dostoevsky.
Karamazov brothers, and then, demons.

>> No.10714540
File: 33 KB, 870x455, 1518728388012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's another episode of dumb christfaggots don't understand that morality is not an a set of laws on a piece of paper but the expression of the collective zeitgeist understood historically
>talks in r*ddit lingo
>tells other to fuck off back to r*ddit

>> No.10714558

Please explain in more detail

>> No.10714565

>how can one have morals if he does not believe in ethics
...excuse me?

>> No.10714582
File: 485 KB, 1024x683, buildabear-workshop-celebrated-the-launch-of-its-new-store-format-at-picture-id486167292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So its more like a build-a-bear in an abandoned mall where there are still some relics. Workable but not ideal.

>> No.10714600

Isn't that just defining good by whatever the majority say it is?
That's like saying it's good to kill everyone over 60 because it will have a collective well being.

>> No.10714619

God makes the universe with a natural end that he has designed (at least according to Christian theology), hence following the rules that God has given helps to achieve the natural end.
Morals are the rules God has given that lead you to that natural end.

>> No.10714628

Couldn’t the same be achieved through divine commandement?

>> No.10714629

His biggest influence was Aristotle who was a monotheist.

>> No.10714647

That's all wrong since God as a creator deity doesn't exist. ;)

>> No.10714649

What could exactly?

>> No.10714656

if this were true than there would be no evil. relying on moral impulses we have no control over alone is a recipe for disaster, especially if you're dealing with people in the out-group.

>> No.10714663

A disproportioned and unjust rule of killing anyone who fits a certain condition. It happened during the Inquisition. I don’t see how basing one’s ethics on God provides more or less cohesion or reason to principles against a purely secular background.

>> No.10714696

>It happened during the inquisition.
I'm not seeing where it was commanded by God, but by people.
>Basing it on secular principles
God is unchanging according to most definitions
therefore morality would be unchanging. Can we say the same thing about humanity?

>> No.10714791

ok, paranoid bitch

>> No.10714796

Or rather morals ethics and judgment itself proceeds with God's will.

Perhaps God is unity, which is why all of these things are one and emanate from one source?

>> No.10714800
File: 870 KB, 1024x576, Nietzsche-600-1024x576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fear, insecurity and weakness.

>> No.10714802

Start with the Sophists

>> No.10714804

So they can feel good about themselves. Or because they're scared something bad might happen otherwise.

>> No.10714810

It's a pity that he is not allowed to get into heaven because he never knew Christ.

>> No.10714829

Some people are capable of believing in something greater than themselves.

>> No.10714918

This >>10714800

Morals are imitation virtues sold to the weak to comfort their lack of any genuine virtue. The strong person doesn't kill, or steal, or whatever, neither because anyone tells him not to, nor because he thinks it is "morally wrong," nor because he feels "guilt," nor any nonsense like that, but because he does not will to — or maybe he does fancy to in some occasions.

>> No.10715475

Cynical faggot. Some people have just veen hurt badly enough to want to spare other people from pain.

>> No.10716095

Most can't. Those who can, belief in God ensures a stronger dedication to doing good

>> No.10716118

>belief in God ensures a stronger dedication to doing good

this but ironically

>> No.10716145

lol no, he doesn't because its a waste of time and the weak are pitiful (grotesque but lamentable). Cruelty is done in proportion to its necessity and nothing else. His nature necessitates regular almost gratuitous cruelty but never errs into tyrannical psychopathy. Nietzsche did not advocate sadism at all.

>> No.10716306

Obviously it wasn't commanded by god, given that there is no god.

>> No.10716734
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Great rebuttal my friend. Have some good and some upvotes.

>> No.10716870
File: 204 KB, 800x494, alien_nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Religion keeps the morally worthless in check

>> No.10716871



>> No.10716874

deism =/= theism

why would it have been the christian god lmfao

>> No.10716892

Read Hegel and Fichte.

>> No.10716917

I didn't say that anon, I just said he believed in one God.
Someone else said he would have been a Christian.