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10716225 No.10716225 [Reply] [Original]

has there ever been a more gross misreading of holy scripture?

>> No.10716230


yeah like thousands probably

>> No.10716232

Yes, Luther is the greater misreader. But, phew... James Martin scares me a lot. We need to pray for him, so that he is not lead into the temptation of heresy.

>> No.10716236

James Martin is notoriously heterodox in the most banal, social media friendly ways. I've never looked up commentary on this story but I had a vague assumption that maybe Jesus was testing her or some shit. That could be my 21st dogmatic Catholic biased misreading though... perhaps G-d really did change his mind........

>> No.10716238


>The story that begins the bible, the first one that we learn in Sunday school, the founding story of man and woman upheld for thousands of years by Judeo-Christian religion, is actually the story of the first sexual assault of a woman. The woman’s name is Eve. And the perpetrator? God.

>I want you to think about this. Here is a young, beautiful, intelligent, naked woman living in a state of Grace. She’s hungry, so she does the most natural thing in the world and eats a piece of fruit. For following her instincts, trusting herself, and nourishing her body, she is punished. Her punishment? She will never again feel safe in her nakedness. She will never again love her body. She will never again know her body as a place of sacred sovereignty.

>This God, this man-made figurehead of the patriarchy, is not my God. He is a fiction, a man-made myth, but yet one so powerful that it’s poisoned and limited our notion of what GOD, the truly divine, is and can be, especially for women. It’s time for the one truly loving, compassionate God — the God who wants nothing more than to see Eve to rise and resume her place as “the Mother of All Living Things" — to make herself seen, known, and available to all of us. The God I believe in is all loving. God is a Divine source of life and healing, not shame and abandonment.

>I know that at this very moment in time, Eve is with us and she is awed and proud that we are finally finding our voices, one at time, and then hundreds, and thousands at a time. She, who was lost to us so long ago, is actually here with us now, marching in the streets, testifying, raising her voice, at last. Just listen…Eve, our blessed mother, is saying, “#Metoo.”

>> No.10716241

yaasss queeeenn

>> No.10716245


imagine taking responsibility for yourself

>> No.10716246
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> Her punishment? She will never again feel safe in her nakedness. She will never again love her body. She will never again know her body as a place of sacred sovereignty.
>sacred sovereignty of her body
>The God I believe in is all loving. God is a Divine source of life and healing, not shame and abandonment.

>> No.10716253
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>> No.10716255

>She’s hungry, so she does the most natural thing in the world and eats a piece of fruit. For following her instincts, trusting herself, and nourishing her body, she is punished.
Hahaha this isn't even close to what happens
It's so far from what actually happens in the Bible I'm having trouble seeing how you'd think this lmao this fucking idiot

>> No.10716256

>Just listen…Eve, our blessed mother, is saying, “#Metoo.”
At this moment i began unironically clapping and knitting a pussy hat

>> No.10716267

The Catholic rabbit hole on Twitter goes deep
People have a field day every time JM tweets some dummy shit

>> No.10716287

you're pretty much right, it was challenging her commitment/faith and she rose to the occasion. It also helped to express the egalitarianism of Jesus's message by allowing a foreign woman to triumph over Jewish tradition.
t. proddie

>> No.10716292

i hope you all understand that you’re not going to like what happens when you die having “given” your soul to the Spirit-Dove

>> No.10716295


christians don't need to do that u mong

>> No.10716313

citation needed

>> No.10716323

>post trying to drive division in the catholic church uses the term G-d
oyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy veeeeyyyyyyyy we've made a terrible mistake, shut it down right now!

>> No.10716380
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There was other food in the garden, she didn't need to eat that one in particular, therefore that it was a natural thing is not an excuse

>> No.10716509

He rewards her for knowing her place and admitting that gentiles are dogs compared to Jews.

26 The woman was a Greek, a Syrophenician by nation; and she besought him that he would cast forth the devil out of her daughter.

27 But Jesus said unto her, Let the children first be filled: for it is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it unto the dogs.

28 And she answered and said unto him, Yes, Lord: yet the dogs under the table eat of the children's crumbs.

29 And he said unto her, For this saying go thy way; the devil is gone out of thy daughter.

>> No.10716527


pretty much this.

>> No.10716537

What's that old joke about the Jesuits and the Dominicans, again?

>> No.10716637

Yes, the message is that Jews have primacy in Jesus' ministry, but there's the broader point that gentiles will be saved by faith in Jesus.

>> No.10716671

saved by faith in him as opposed to their own creed you mean
your post is basically a lie

>> No.10716678
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>but there's the broader point that gentiles will be saved by faith in Jesus.
Rendered as gentiles acknowledging themselves as dogs before their betters who in contrast wield actual power and god's favor. Yes...very inclusionist.

>> No.10716687
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How is this allowed? Jesuits were a mistake.

>> No.10716707

I'm not sure what you're saying

No, it's not particularly inclusive. In fact that makes me think it's a very early tradition since it's so different to the message of Paul or the later Church.

>> No.10716715

just read the bible that shit is fucking evil

>> No.10716780

SJ means he's a Jesuit, right? What does OP mean?
No, what's the joke? Wait, is the OP guy a Dominican? Is there a feud or something? Aren't they all Catholics?
What Spirit-Dove? You mean the Holy Ghost? Is it evil now or something?
Please excuse my general confusion.

>> No.10717130

False shepherds

>> No.10717157

Can someone lay the orthodox reading of the passage out for me?
I understood it as following: Jesus came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets, which were given to the house of Jacob. It was at this point not yet the phase where he would turn to gentiles, however, impressed by this woman's faith, he decided to reward her. Am I off the mark?

>> No.10717164

> but there's the broader point that gentiles will be saved by faith in Jesus.
So by not being gentiles?

>> No.10717550

yes everyone should act like animals despite the creator of the universe (including you) telling you to fuck off from that tree

>> No.10717606

I think Jesus just became more heterodox as things went on. Probably at first he unironically didn't think too much about gentiles.

>> No.10717625
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>implying there was something like orthodox Judaism to be heterodox against
>in 1st century Palestine
neck yourself

>> No.10718242
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This is one hell of a cherry on top.

>> No.10718279

> For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. (Timothy 4:3-4)

>> No.10718308

And what interpretation is 'the truth'?

>> No.10718360

Why did he put that tree there?
Just to be a dick?

>> No.10718373

The Society of Jesus (S.J. – from Latin: Societas Iesu) is a scholarly religious congregation of the Catholic Church which originated in sixteenth-century Spain.

The Order of Preachers (Latin: Ordo Praedicatorum, postnominal abbreviation O.P.), also known as the Dominican Order, is a mendicant Catholic religious order founded by the Spanish priest Dominic of Caleruega in France.

>> No.10718626

To enable choosing

>> No.10719068

still angry about the mis-translation of "thou shalt not suffer a well-poisoner to live" as "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live".

a lot of women got burned over that one.

>> No.10719074

>>The God I believe in is all loving. God is a Divine source of life and healing, not shame and abandonment.

of course. just, you know, don't make fun of his bald prophets, or he'll send the bears to tear your children apart.

>> No.10719092

The snake WAS his dick.

>> No.10719103

Why did he forbid them from choosing for knowledge?

>> No.10719118

Uh, you got a source for that?

>> No.10719165
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>Just listen…Eve, our blessed mother, is saying, “#Metoo.”

>> No.10719240

What do you mean? If it wouldn't have been translated as witch then they would have just burned the "well-poisoners".

>> No.10719372

I mean, you could also read it as a test of humility in general, that she shows she loves her daughter more than she cares about being belittled. She still has faith that he will heal her daughter and does not let her pride get in the way of that. Potentially similar to Abraham and Isaac in that regard.

>> No.10719576

Why does Shapiro write like an annoying teenage girl?

Ive only ever heard him speak, and I thought he was pretty articulate, if not honest, but this article is almost as bad as the one he's making fun of.

>> No.10719591

laughing my ass off, thank you for greentexting that out of an otherwise unbearably mundane speech

>> No.10719636

Is this satire?

>> No.10719653

>female rabbi
No, it's typical jewish mind disease