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/lit/ - Literature

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10715186 No.10715186[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

the holy and the unholy
the beauty and the beast
the intellectual and the pseud
who would win?

>inb4 peterson fag

>> No.10715193

We know Pynchon loves Norm, and now we know Norm loves Peterson, so it only makes sense for Pynchon to love Peterson as well. This put /lit/ in quite a dilemma.

>> No.10715203

>"I was totally into you before everyone else, honest m8"

Fuck off Norm you literal pseud.

>> No.10715204

you stole this from the /tv/ catalogue
lazy desu. go do a lap.

>> No.10715210

>We know Pynchon loves Norm

how do you know that?

>> No.10715212

i love my cat my cat loves cat food i love cat food

>> No.10715223

Damn, I'm really confused right now.

>> No.10715224

i´m bored

>> No.10715230

They don't. Fags perpetuate a misunderstanding of one of his tweets because they're obsessed with Pynchon.

>> No.10715231

Norm tweeted about being invited to meet one of the greatest living writers, someone responded that it has to be either McCarthy or Pynchon, and Norm confirmed this.
There is absolutely no chance it was McCarthy.

>> No.10715235

attention whore. not just for chicks anymore

>> No.10715244

he never was into chicks.....


>> No.10715254

You're thinking of McCarthy.

>> No.10715255

Why is that when you enjoy someone's creative work you have to decide that they are only patrician in every aspect of their tastes?

Norm talks all the time about how he is addicted to YouTube and says he spends way more time on it than he should. I know he's easy to like but don't forget he's just a normal person as well, so what if he enjoys Peterson, I'm sure everyone of your literary idols enjoyed pulpy shit in one form or another.

>> No.10715259

fake news

>> No.10715261

this isn't a real tweet is it?

>> No.10715262

he just shills whatever canadian happens to be in the news, when that obscure granny won the literature nobel he was all over twitter claiming to be a big fan

>> No.10715265
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>> No.10715267

At this point I honestly wonder if Norm is trying to further endear himself to 4chan which he probably knows has become a major demographic for him.

>> No.10715272

Did he delete this tweet?
If so i hope someone in the replies gave norm some info on how much of a hack jordan is

>> No.10715280

It's not real lol.

>> No.10715284
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>i hope someone in the replies gave norm some info on how much of a hack jordan is

imagine being this pathetic

>> No.10715294

>The most replied to and quick moving threads on a literature board are consistently ones about a hack comedian or a self help guru.

OP is providing the market exactly what it demanded. Thank you, OP.

>> No.10715299

It was McCarthy. He all but confirmed it in the reddit ama. He said whoever it was was one of the only two loving authors who were among the greats. He said in the same ama Alice Munroe and McCarthy were the two greatest living authors. He had previously said it was either Pynchon or McCarthy. Do the math.

>> No.10715305

idols of the marketplace

>> No.10715306

get cummed on


>> No.10715313

i was bored...you know, nothing special

>> No.10715315
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>> No.10715326

This. McCarthy and Norm would get along. Their sensibilities align. James Franco adapted one of his books and on the phone with McCarthy he asked why he had written the book. McCarthy reportedly sighed and said "Oh I don't know, James. Probably for some dumbass reason."

That's an answer Norm might give even though like McCarthy he's an ambitious and self important pseud. Though admittedly not without talent.

>> No.10715340

Norm posts here btw

>> No.10715342

any proof of that?

>> No.10715343


>> No.10715345

Absolutely. Are there any specific posts that are suspected to be Norm in particular?

>> No.10715346

sounds too much like “Where do you get your ideas from?”