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/lit/ - Literature

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10710030 No.10710030 [Reply] [Original]

>Ulysses, the single most significant artwork of the 20th century, was first published in March 1918
>it is now almost March 2018
>there has not been a single notable literary achievement for the entirety of the 21st century thus far,
let alone one that can be mentioned in the same breath as Joyce's Ulysses
Is anybody else getting worried about the future of literature?

Where is our Ulysses? Where is our Personae? Where is our Buddenbrooks? Where is our Swann's Way? Where is our Metamorphosis?

All of these works had been published before the end of the second decade of the 20th century. It is not the end of the second decade of the 21st century and there is nothing, absolutely nothing that can compare.

I'm starting to panic. Why are critics STILL shoving this sullen Negroid middlebrow filth down our throats? Why are they STILL jerking off to glorified sitcoms like Cat Person and Johnathan Franzen? Why are they STILL jerking off to affirmative action magical realists like Junot Diaz and Toni Morrison? THEY GAVE THE MOST IMPORTANT PRIZE IN LITERATURE TO A POP STAR WHO LOOKED COOL IN SUNGLASSES WHEN THEY WERE TEENAGERS.

Is literature, the most enduring and beautiful human activity known to man, an ancient and holy art dating back to the 30th century BC, an art that has shaped the course of billions of lives and stands personally responsible for all of civilization's lesser accomplishments... dead?

Just like that?

>> No.10710051
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>Is literature, the most enduring and beautiful human activity known to man, an ancient and holy art dating back to the 30th century BC, an art that has shaped the course of billions of lives and stands personally responsible for all of civilization's lesser accomplishments

imho the most enduring and beautiful human activity known to man is doing math, but I'm not an avid reader and I don't want to distract from your crisis.

>> No.10710062

>>there has not been a single notable literary achievement for the entirety of the 21st century thus far

are you waiting for a fucking segment on the ellen show to find it or something?

>> No.10710071

>the most autistic art known to mankind is also the most "enduring and beautiful"
OP, the answer to your question is pretty fucking obvious. All art has become commodified. The value of a piece of art is determined by its appeal to the masses. The masses have shown that they LOVE shallow garbage. Therefore, the incentive to create great art has vanished. Art now bows before what the market wants. A 21st century Ulysses could not exist (at least, not in the 21st century that we yet know).

>> No.10710078

Honestly how are we going to write anything worth reading without a decent war? If you want good modern literature then pray for ww3.

>> No.10710081
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all the potential writers of these potential great works are too busy shitposting on /lit/ and jerking off to anime tiddies
lookin at you, OP
myself included as well

>> No.10710083

My Struggle maybe? It's similar somewhat to Proust.

>> No.10710100

This. Also, 2666 is already supplanting One Hundred Years of Solitude as *the* Latin American novel.

>> No.10710102

Is it THAT good?

>> No.10710145

Personally, I think so. I liked it better than 100 Years of Solitude. But that's beside the point. Regardless of how I feel, the critical consensus seems to be shaping up that way.

>> No.10710159

English lit is dead.

But not the rest of the world.

>> No.10710276

what was the ulysses of 1800-1818?

Didn't think so, fucking retarded thread

>> No.10710286

Bolaño seems to be HUGE outside of chile. Here we have a literary prize with his name but hes fairly unknown by the masses.

>> No.10710296

This, OP fell for the novel meme.

>> No.10710303

>Faust (Part One)
>Rob Roy
>Grimms' Fairy Tales
>William Tell
Are all achievements worthy of comparison to Ulysses. You Panglossian retard

>> No.10710308


>> No.10710323

Yeah, while the average person in the US hasn't heard of him, anyone with a passing interest in literature will at least know who he is. I wonder why he's less well known in his home country.

>> No.10710328


>> No.10710329

The vet clinic sent me a card with all their names on it saying "I'm so sorry for your loss". I cynically believe they do this so they can make more money.

>> No.10710338

Because it wasnt brainlet magical realism, like with isabel allende. She got a recognizable brand and sucked mad money from it. People still wont be able to tell what did Bolaño write.

>> No.10710345

Get into people like Pynchon and Perec I guess
All the middlebrow college kids here know him and hold him as if he was some sort of rockstar

>> No.10710358

>is the category of art i hilariously think is older than the enlightenment dead now that culture is dead and we live in eternal megalopolis

>> No.10710362

How's math doing right now

>> No.10710367

infrarealism, duh

>> No.10710374

Theory of numbers got debunked but everyone is acting like it didnt happen because who gives a fuck

>> No.10710383

Got a link?

>> No.10710397

>implying thomas mann isnt crap

>> No.10710399


I think it's because he didn't romanticize his country like Garcia Marquez and was pretty anti establishment. Bolaño wrote about the sheer brutality and the destroyed dreams of South America and that's something a lot of people don't want to read about, because they live it everyday.

But what do I know? I'm a pasty gringo

>> No.10710406
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>> No.10710422

*whips self*
I'm sorry for offering my opinion
*whips self harder*
I'm sorry for being white
*draws blood*
Latin American literature is good

>> No.10710452

Yes, but most people here dont give a fuck about his edgy """anti-establishment""" posture, aside from commie college kids who think they are hot shit because they drink cheap beer and smoke weed.
2666 is great but the guy is really overrated. He would be embarresed if he could see the amount of corny shit that publishers push to sell his image, but he wanted to leave money for his family so I guess he succeded.

>> No.10710467
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>> No.10710570
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Same with music. There isn't a decent composer born after 1950

>> No.10710588

Implying canonical composers wouldn't have loved to explore all the new things electronics makes possible in music
Good music is still being made.

>> No.10710590
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>> No.10710601

Damn..... pretty much this tbqh desu senpai famalam

>> No.10710605

>Implying canonical composers wouldn't have loved to explore all the new things electronics makes possible in music
>Good music is still being made.

>> No.10710634

How much contemporary fiction do you actually read? How much of your knowledge of contemporary fiction comes from mainstream sources? How much of what you have read was published by a big 5 publisher?
Consider the publication histories of the works you mentioned. Buddenbrooks didn't gain success until a second edition was publised two years later. Swann's Way had to be self-published, and Ulysses was first printed by Sylvia Beach, and that was just 1000 copies.
I'll also ask this; of the contemporary work you're reading, how much of it was independently or even self-published to little initial hype outside the community the writer belongs to?

>> No.10710642


>> No.10710643

It's basically a lesser In Search of Lost Time, a lengthy and readable rumination on a life that adds little to nothing to what Proust set forth with his own work.

>> No.10710644


uuh we have infinite jest brainlet

>> No.10710659
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t. pseuds who can't into experimental music

>> No.10710672

>the point of music is to be an experiment

John Cage fan detected

>> No.10710678

Not really, but if you're the type to judge art by how innovative it is or how it uses new ideas, that's where you go. There's obviously way more to music than that but for anyone saying music died with the classical composers, this is a way to break out of that mindset.

>> No.10710682

I would've unironically posted a dub album but you've got to cater to your audience

>> No.10710687

This is very simplistic. Not bad but the thread wasn't about how literally every book after Ulysses sucks, just that nothing else has come close. I would say the Ulysses of classical is Schoenberg's Piano Concerto.


>> No.10710707

good post

>> No.10710710
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What the absolute fuck is this?

>> No.10710721

The goals for art have changed. I personally don't think Ulysses is the be-all-end-all of literature, but to say nothing has come close misses the point. Why would anyone be trying to achieve the same goals as James Joyce a hundred years later? Same goes for music.

>> No.10710734

I'm not saying they should be the same but since Cage and Babbitt, musical academia has been pursuing goals that are worthless. Personally I think there should be some serious investigation of microtonality within a "tonal" idiom.


>> No.10710739

Did you understand Ulysses just by reading it straight through once?

>> No.10710740

a 100 year dry spell isn't that long in the grand scheme of things. compare around 500-400 BC to 600-700 AD, for example. we might be at a low point compared to the recent past but that doesn't mean things won't pick up again

>> No.10710749

>the latin american novel
>these fags don't even know about Big P and Huge A.
man, do some research, those two books are trash compared to these edifices. I doubt you'll ever find them, however.

>> No.10710766

Want to name some names instead of just posturing?

>> No.10710773
File: 11 KB, 430x474, 1516464679223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there has not been a single notable literary achievement for the entirety of the 21st century thus far,
*kertwangs your path*

>> No.10710784

Get on the Dan wagon

http://www.cosmoetica.com/American Imperium.htm

>> No.10710787

Nah, i'll let you suffer because you can't look past the typical bullshit alone. I earned these magnificent works of latin literature. I assure you, that I am not merely posturing, but basking in their glory. I can safely say that Big P alone makes 100 years look like a pamphlet even Borges wouldn't wipe his ass with.

>> No.10710811

There's been tons of great literature since Ulysses, you just have an huge boner for modernism so you can't recognize it.

>> No.10710825

FW > Ulysses

>> No.10710830
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*blocks your path*

>> No.10710833

>I assure you that I'm not merely posturing
posturing confirmed

>> No.10710838
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>implying you even understood FW

>> No.10710839

>Ulysses, the single most significant artwork of the 20th century
[citation needed]

>> No.10710848

I'm posturing, sure, but only my power to discover literature you can't. For god's sake, why would I share this literature with a pleb like yourself? The reward is not only the pursuit, but the acquisition of magnificent literature! Go look for better latin lit, it's out there. I bet I could find it without knowing their names within a few hours.

>> No.10710855

Literature is dead.

>> No.10710860

Bro, I can assure you this faggot is full of shit or he is talking about some brazilians nobody else in the continent gives a fuck about, and in which case

>uma delicia

>> No.10710863

Doesn't matter, there'll still be plenty for you to read before you die.

>> No.10710870

Tell us 5 books you’ve read from the 2010s.

>> No.10710872

not even close, well geographically, i suppose.
let's be honest, you guys can't do simple research, so clearly you'll never find anything worth reading. I suppose it's just a matter of research. I'm pretty damn satisfied.

The fact that they're so little known fills me with joy. It's like I have a secret you guys will never know of. I'll give you 3 guesses of what Big P is.

>> No.10710880

Oh dude, I hope you know that anything north of colombia is irrelevant and not considered part of the latin american artistic circle. It's just indian shit and pity-yankees.

>> No.10710887

You're pretty desperate to dismantle the possibility that I am reading something superior to the typical latin american works people shuttle out onto the social media stage. Do some research. I'm starting to feel sorry for you.

>> No.10710894

No, man. I commend you for doing so. I always shill here latin american authors. I'm just reminding you that anything north of colombia is indio trash.

>> No.10710895

I have zero idea about American literature, but I've heard of a few writers who look interesting, including some guy who wrote a novel about the internet age. Haven't read. Pynchon and other greats have kept publishing too. Some translations of Homer appeared, and many of the tragedians.

In my language, valter hugo mãe wrote some good stuff, and so did Milton Hatoum; Érico Nogueira is on the way to become a master; Bruno Tolentino published a marvelous book (O Mundo Como Ideia) and one which I am not properly qualified to judge (A Imitação do Amanhecer); Cláudio Neves is a pretty fine poet; Paulo Henriques Britto continues publishing; Trajano Vieira and Haroldo de Campos wrote great translations of the Greek classics etc. Oh, and there's always the great Lobo Antunes, a genius. Antunes mentions a lot of Portuguese poets in his interviews, and once said Portugal has some fifteen or so fine poets currently writing, but their works are very hard to get here in Brazil, since they aren't really published here, so I haven't read them, and neither have I read other Portuguese writers who are also becoming famous, such as Gonçalo M. Tavares etc.

The Portuguese language has certainly been healthier, but this isn't the end of the world either. Just consider that in the 90's Gerardo Mello Mourão published a great poem (of which I've read only parts - it's expensive... But his other long poems are masterpieces), Cunha Mello wrote Yakala, and Tolentino published his first books. It was also a good decade for Nelson Ascher (Algo de Sol, Poesia Alheia), Haroldo de Campos (who wrote some long poems) and others. Probably our best decade since the 50's? In Portugal, both Saramago and Lobo Antunes wrote masterpieces.

>> No.10710897
File: 127 KB, 590x1000, russell-brand-arriving-at-the-proud-archivist-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe it took me this long to realize you're the Brandposter

>> No.10710903

Actually one of them is from mexico, you might be surprised. But doubt not the pedigree of the other, no finer locale in the Latin Americas could it call home.

>> No.10710909

no idea who the fuck that is, but i'm now curious, have any posts from this person?

>> No.10710911

>rating a mexican

Lol. I pity you.

>> No.10710917

You're missing out dearly.
The other you would have no qualms with my suggesting, I don't devote any credence to your judgement, however, as you don't even know Big P. Let alone Huge A.

>> No.10710921
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Lol don't act like you don't know. Everyone knows there's no substance behind what you say.

>> No.10710933
File: 33 KB, 385x500, 装甲悪鬼村正.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>there has not been a single notable literary achievement for the entirety of the 21st century thus far,

You're forgetting 奈良原一鉄's 装甲悪鬼村正.

>> No.10710940

Are unfamiliar with the great E?

Let us just say the man Ezra Pound called the greatest poet to appear after the war thought the great E was better than Tolstoy.

>> No.10710944

I genuinely have no idea who you're referring to. I'm sure you're very certain about your considerations, however, I am no such entity.
I'm actually a mulatto that occasionally comes through and rants about how the ghetto was, or that Constance Garnett was the greatest translator to ever live, and who invariably gets into some argument about Tolstoy being a slave rapist. I have no idea who this Russel Brand poster is, but I just wanted you to know so you didn't get too confident in your ability to read people online and either embarrass yourself or get a generally incorrect impression. You're just wrong.

>> No.10710952

Anyway, Big P is not an author's name, but rather a novel. Same with Huge A.

>> No.10710964

You might want to consider posting in a way that keeps people from believing you're one of the dullest trolls on the board, then.

>> No.10710971

I don't really care. I never post the same way, I change repeatedly, in fact, I couldn't hold the same prose if I wanted, which is why I write short stories. Anyway, it's not my fault that your reading comprehension leads you to believe that I'm someone I'm not. It's your fault, as I am obviously not them, which is evidenced by the fact that I know who I am, and despite the anonymity of this place, I am quite certain who I am not, well enough to establish your inadequacy to distinguish one person from another by their writing, for my personal purposes, at the very least.

>> No.10711178

Do you really think that if you lived in 1918 you would have heard of Ulysses when it came out and everyone would have immediately recognized it as a masterpiece?
How many contemporary books do you read every year, anyway?

>> No.10711375

Pynchon is writing it right now
finis coronat opus

>> No.10711380

You're pathetic.

>> No.10711388


>> No.10711422

rather good progress wise, but the culture is getting shitty in many different ways

>> No.10711449

>Latin American literature is good
a true fact.

>> No.10711457

Find the rising star T. European. I'll be back in three hours to see your work.
Pity clue: He calls his lovers Lolita, but I only know that because I did my research :^)

>> No.10711464

Those who would have written great literature are in different mediums now such as video games.

>> No.10711469

How new are you? IJ is 20th century.

>> No.10711477

Lincoln in the Bardo
What Happened

>> No.10711485
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*blocks your path*

>> No.10711488

>makes 100 years look like a pamphlet even Borges wouldn't wipe his ass with.
not hard desu

>> No.10711507
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The Pale King

>> No.10711519
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Finnegan's Wake contains the recipe for Eternal Life. If only you could read it.

>> No.10711523

does anyone else the world is coming to an end??????

>> No.10711535

What corny shit are they exactly pushing? And do you mean in the US ?

>> No.10711542

>he hasn’t read A Brief History of Seven KIllings, Narrow Road to the Deep North, or The Sellout
Missing out friendo

>> No.10711556

The era of the white men is over.

>> No.10711558

>Good music is still being made.

>> No.10711563

All these excuses for modern 'art' and modern and 'culture', failing to realise the obvious.

>> No.10711566

No, he's Latin-American. It's really a pity that you don't know this author, because that quote I mentioned is actually true. I am not inventing anything...

If big P is Pedro Páramo, you are inflating its (indeed great) importance.

>> No.10711575

it's chugging along

>> No.10711601

Well, you also couldn't read it.

>> No.10711603

Will you fucking faggots quit tripping over knowing who Machado de Assis is?

>> No.10711605

>The mourners at his wake become rowdy, and spill whiskey over Finnegan's corpse, causing him to come back to life and join in the celebrations. Whiskey causes both Finnegan's fall and his resurrection—whiskey is derived from the Irish phrase uisce beatha (pronounced [ˈiʃkʲə ˈbʲahə]), meaning "water of life".

>> No.10711614


>> No.10711652

No it's actually what Joyce was *wink wink nudge nudging* at.

>> No.10711657

I know but he thought it's the original one so I supposed you put it to bait him

>> No.10711662

fucking retard
I mean the more famous one, yours was the "original"

>> No.10711669

What is this, the fucking three stooges of /lit/?

Just read the fucking book.

>> No.10711676

Fuck all of you. I hope you all skin your knees.

>> No.10711681


>> No.10711922

Unironically this. Holy shit what a masterpiece, literally settled the question of "What does it mean to be just?"

>> No.10711959

I don't mean his primary selling point is anti-establishment, but he was anti-literary establishment.

I don't know any college kids who like Bolano, or ever heard of him, most just skim Chomsky and youtube videos.

>> No.10711975

Books don't mean the same since the emergence of movies. It is like hiding horses when the car has been invented. If you figure out a more efficient way to ride a horse, it will still be less efficient than buying a car.
Movies are more efficient in simmulating the world, exploring possible meanings for existence and effectively building our world.
Our Ulysses: 2001, Citizen Kane, Vertigo.

>> No.10711995

Movies don't mean the same since the emergence of visual novels. It is like hiding horses when the car has been invented. If you figure out a more efficient way to ride a horse, it will still be less efficient than buying a car.
visual novels are more efficient in simmulating the world, exploring possible meanings for existence and effectively building our world.
Our 2001: YU-NO, SubaHibi, Muramasa

>> No.10711998

Ulysses was shit, James Joyce is a degenerate, and OP sucks cock.

>> No.10712002
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>> No.10712006

Joyce is shit lol

>> No.10712016

We made some very slight progress in proving the Riemann hypothesis by proving Newman's conjecture. There haven't been too many really massive discoveries or innovations recently, that I'm aware of. We're mostly working on "filling out" our knowledge of existing fields, if that makes sense.

>> No.10712149

>there has not been a single notable literary achievement for the entirety of the 21st century thus far, let alone one that can be mentioned in the same breath as Joyce's Ulysses

What are you counting as a literary achievement and how hard are you looking for them in contemporary literature?

>> No.10712156

do you have a bachelor in math? cause i dont know anyone with any knowledge of math that thinks like this

>> No.10712163

He obviously hasn’t looked at all and probably has no intention to, he just wants to whine about the amazon top selling list

>> No.10712206


Harry Potter is the most sold book series of all time though

>> No.10712333

>comparable to Ulysses

I'm mean, come on. I agree it's formal magic but it's hardly as unique, influential and ground breaking as ollysez. If it weren't a two minute read it wouldn't be so oft spouted

>> No.10712340

>taking the influence as a criterion for determining what book is better
daily reminder that harry potter is more influential than mason and dixon

>> No.10712363
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I was gonna read this but you're already wrong in naming Ulysses the most significant ARTWORK. It's the most significant book, but NOTHING since the Renassaince can beat the genius of Duchamp.

>> No.10712369

>Paulo Henriques Britto
my translation hero. Are his novels good?

>> No.10712384

Sullen Negroid middlebrow filth was mentioned in the OP though

>> No.10712426

When you don't look at influence as a whole but just its influence on the upper tiers of literature then yeah, it's a pretty good criterion.

>> No.10712457

Don't be mean, the Germans don't have much good lit. Let them pretend he's good its only fair.

>> No.10712477

What a strange post
Too niche to be bait yet too retarded to be genuine
Did you get some bad news just now and needed a place to be salty?

>> No.10712479

t. buttblasted kraut

>> No.10712494


Art has become substandard because every medium of our culture has been oversaturated and commoditized.

>> No.10712517

>mfw literally need to add this meta sentence to stop your fingers from sperging all over me with some variation of "nice meme authors, too bad theyre overrated and as all brainlets know an overrated author cant be good"
Don't reply to me.

>> No.10712522

this, but unironically.

>> No.10712552

Those works arent that special, you are just too invested in the "greats" meme.

>> No.10712614

Kafka was Czech

>> No.10712619

Kafka was Czech

>> No.10712646

So what? Do Freud's and Wittgenstein's books not count as German literature because they were Austrian?

>not the same thing
It literally is, considering the place Kafka was born in was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

>> No.10712685

But they specifically said “the Germans.” An equivalent of this conversation would be:
A: The Brits don’t have very good lit
B: That’s not true what about Melville
A: He was American
B: Yeah but it’s all English lit!

Please... forgive me Hans....

>> No.10712735

>the place Kafka was born in was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire

so... he's pretty clearly not German.

>> No.10712759

I wasn't being ironic, I genuinely believe Duchamp, Joyce and John Cage pretty much solved western art

>> No.10712760


You forgot My Diary desu

>> No.10712763

What exactly was the problem?

>> No.10712768

oh, good. I agree about Fountain. what's the connection between Duchamp and Joyce? or Cage for that matter. I'm only really familiar with Duchamp.

>> No.10712799

>The incentive to create great art has vanished
If you actually believe this you are retarded to an unreasonable level

>> No.10712818

No reason to create good art when the world will end in 40 years

>> No.10712830


>> No.10712838

Get ready for McElroy's Water Book lad

>> No.10712846

that's called terminal depression and only you have it.

well, some others do, but healthy people do not.

>> No.10712849
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>> No.10712904

Sorry but no. Permafrost, rising sea levels, exponential rise of plastic dumps in the oceans, the endangerment of the Gulf Stream, eventual water conflicts in Africa, inevitable and enormous populations of homeless flood victims that have lost their coastlines, collapse of oil-based industry and production, the growing economic bubbles of the world’s largest economies etc. The world is in absolutely dire straits, those who ignore that fact are just kidding themselves.

>> No.10712905

ITT: non latin americans not understanding latin american writers

>> No.10712910

Bolaño is HUGE in latin america (can't speak specifically about Chile, but he is huge in Colombia and mexico for example).

>> No.10712947

There is plenty of great and challenging music being made. "classical" style of composition has fallen off a bit sure but even so Arvo Part has been making some of the most beautiful music ever since the 70's

>> No.10712955

I'll be honest with you and tell you I don't really know about literary theory enough to tie Joyce and Duchamp / Cage, but the easy way to tie the three of them is that the three of them took their mediums to their logical conclusion.

Duchamp and Cage's relation comes from both men pushing forward the notion that what separates art from crafts or chamber music from popular / folk music is mostly their aura / position. I suggest you reading The Transubstantiation of the Common Place and The End of Art by Arthur Danto.
What is art, what is music, what is the function of art, music and literature, blah blah blah
I'm high and don't want to dwell on that, these things are basic aesthetic theory and I'm kinda sick of repeating myself every week in here.

>> No.10712980

How are visual novels superior to cinema? Virtual reality will eventually overcome cinema, but not yet.

>> No.10712981

So by “solved” you mean reiterated the basic questions of aesthetic thought in a 20th Century context? What a load of inflated nonsense lmao.

>> No.10712985

>the three of them took their mediums to their logical conclusion.

I can see this with Duchamp and what little I know of Cage, but could you expand a bit on how Joyce found the logical conclusion to literature?

>> No.10712996

Ulysses is utter garbage and literature deserved to go bankrupt because it recognised hacks like Joyce and Eliot over true genius like Pessoa

>> No.10712999

As I've said, I'm high and not into literary theory enough, but if you take literature as a representation of human life through text and also consider the self-referential character of the "literary tradition", what Joyce did between Ulysses and FW was an attempt to translate both the inner and outer life of humans while also trying to resume a bunch of questions raised by authors toward history in a single book.
Tbh, I think Mallarmé's Book, had it be written, would be a better example than Ulysses or FW, but it was never concluded so we'll never know.
Not really, Duchamp and Cage ANSWERED those questions, we only kept on going and calling those things art or music because A) we couldn't get rid of them and B) it would be too troublesome to change the name of both fields.

>> No.10713019
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Sorry, please mention a human.

>> No.10713034

This seems to be a problem of perception. What do you mean by masses? In America only literate people have heard of him, few of those have read him. I am speaking as a grad of a top college.

>> No.10713038

>this guy is huge in places where people cant read

>> No.10713044

>fairy tales
>william tell

>> No.10713055

nice bait friendo congrats

>> No.10713060

I wasn't being ironic to begin with.

>> No.10713321

Well, Ulysses wasn't considered "a significant achievement" when it was published. I think the 22t centure faggots will know what the 21st century most significant literary achievement is. Probably after the authors death.

>> No.10713324

Most people here can speak spanish / portuguese and a very rudimentary english, which is already much more than your standard amerimutt, not to mention people who live near frontiers / indigenous peoples and are fluent in 4 or 5 languages.

>> No.10713389

This is what happens when the economically illiterate read one news article and try to talk about it. Defer to actual experts and voluntarily give up your franchise.

>unironic /pol/posting
Pls actually go to Latin America, most of it is very nice. A lot of good writers come from there.

>> No.10713433

>economically illiterate
This is seriously what you took from that comment? What kind of reply are you actually trying to make here?

>> No.10713451

>tfw literati of the future will put Rupi in the canon for her achievements in integrating more women into the art of writing
>tfw literati of the future agree that craftsmanship was an ideology and cancer on the act of writing which should merely be about rewriting one's own memories in as objective prose as possible

>> No.10713464

No one with knowledge of math beyond basic geometry and algebra thinks that

>> No.10713510

Yes it was lol
He got support from Hemingway, Scott Fitzgerald, HG Wells, Ezra Pound, etc
Within a decade of publication, it was considered the most fashionable work written in English. Young people all over the workd were reading it, it was being analyzed in literary circles, and every prodigy and every pseud had a copy of it

>> No.10713527

OK then. It got published 1918. Which means before that there also wasn't any big literary achievement, just like in this 21st century.

>> No.10713541

Literature has been dead in the West since the 1970s at least

>> No.10713578

Sobre o Milton Hatoum, eu li um conto dele. Você conhece o clube de assinaturas de livro da TAG? Um deles foi uma coletânea de contos clássicos e contos inéditos espelhados nesses contos. 10 contos clássicos, 10 espelhados. O conto que o Hatoum escreveu, espelhado na Teoria do Medalhão do Machado de Assis foi um dos piores que eu li, era só uma "crítica social foda". As outras coisas que ele escreveu são realmente boas? Vi o romance "Dois Irmãos" numa livraria e quase comprei, mas pensando no gosto ruim que o conto deixou, resolvi comprar outra coisa. Vale a pena tentar de novo com esse autor?

>> No.10713616

wrong. but you tried.

>> No.10713697

I really just don't fucking care

There are enough old books to the point that I will never in all my life finish reading everything worth reading written in the languages I know, I completely fine with the fact that they gave up on writing even more

>> No.10713710

I am
looks like I skipped over a word there haha :)

>> No.10713713

>le Jew meme jejejejeje


>> No.10713719



>> No.10713722

Point is that its publication did not occur at a time when nothing great had been written for 60 years.

>> No.10713725

Be more careful next time ;)

>> No.10713732 [DELETED] 

>being this reddit

>> No.10713743

Please.... forgive me.....


>> No.10713745


>> No.10713775

>being this /pol/

>> No.10713854

Thanks for the advice friendo, but I'm not so sure if I'll actually take it lol
I like living fast and loose as far as my posts on /lit/ are concerned haha

>> No.10713941

You can never be too /pol/ nowadays.

>> No.10713948
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Ulysses is schizophrenic crap

>> No.10713959

According to my calculations you can go right ahead and kiss my ASS

>> No.10713960

>most of it is very nice.

>> No.10713967

Well if you write off Schoenberg's serialism as a Jewish plot to destroy music then you've gone too far. Its not even plausible.


>> No.10713974

Ulysses was published in February, 1922.

>> No.10714067

>It was first serialised in parts in the American journal The Little Review from March 1918 to December 1920 and then published in its entirety in Paris by Sylvia Beach on 2 February 1922, Joyce's 40th birthday.
Literally the second sentence on the Wikipedia entry

>> No.10714071

>almost exactly 4 years to start and finish my masterpiece
h-here i go!

>> No.10714075

>Where is our Ulysses?

>> No.10714162

fuck off

>> No.10714324

why are you posting an algebraist doing either category theory or linear algebra?

>> No.10714331

nevermind i didn't bother to read your post before replying
by the way you're wrong and there is plenty to appreciate in life outside of math
t. mathfag, phd

>> No.10714338

look up Homotopy Type Theory and get ready to have your anus blasted
this is as recent as 2013

>> No.10714409

Last I checked they were still working on their book, is it readable yet?

>> No.10714452

>Ulysses, the single most significant artwork of the 20th century,

>> No.10714473

oh did you write something more significant while we weren't looking?

>> No.10714640

A Confederacy of Dunces not a blip on your radar OP?

>> No.10714831
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5 books off the top of my head that are better than ulysses, that have been put out afterwards:
The Recognitions
Infinite Jest
Omensetter's Luck

>> No.10714921

hold my beer

>> No.10714986

>tfw unironically creative enough to produce a great work
>studying Economics instead of literature because I'm not retarded

>> No.10715000

Unless you know somebody economics is a pretty worthless degree too. And if you know somebody anyways, just major in whatever

>> No.10715523
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>Where is our Ulysses?
right here

>> No.10715540

>no lolita
really, /lit/?

>> No.10715916

Easy, Pinchonito

>> No.10716104

Infinite jest

>> No.10716199
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>> No.10716547

Serial publication doesn't mean shit. A chapter in some paper now and then doesn't really count as proper publishing.
If you knew anything about Modernism you'd know that 1922 is always cited as the publication date of the novel and as the most important year for Modernism, both because of Ulysses and The Waste Land which was also published in 1922. Fun fact: Joyce wanted it published on his birthday in February and they did it.

>> No.10716610

>the single most significant artwork of the 20th century
my fucking kek

>> No.10716662


>> No.10717297

Fat Jew controlled Boomers and faggot soyboys don't deserve to be remembered, therefore they have no great literature.

>> No.10717318

Reminder that a couple hundred years from now this period will be viewed as a dark age that succeeded a century of war

>> No.10717715

>Is literature, the most enduring and beautiful human activity known to man, an ancient and holy art dating back to the 30th century BC, an art that has shaped the course of billions of lives and stands personally responsible for all of civilization's lesser accomplishments... dead

In short, yes. Go forward another 100 years and literature won't even exist.

>> No.10717809

>tfw born right before the total artistic collapse of humanity

>> No.10717814

If you aren't stockpiling worthwhile literature and ammunition you are a fucking idiot

>> No.10718348

I think if you could create a great work of art, you wouldn't have any choice in whether you create it. You would just go and make it, putting everything else secondary. You don't have the dedication because you don't have the innate driving talent. You're not smart for not "choosing" to make a great work of art, you're just another mediocrity

>> No.10718467
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>IUTeich being proofread as we speak
>There haven't been too many really massive discoveries or innovations recently

>> No.10718572

I'm only 19 but am gifted at composing, perhaps you shall hear of me in the future

>> No.10718578

IUT isn't a massive discovery, it's basically useless outside of proving the abc conjecture. And no one can even understand it because Mochizuki is a fucking hack.

>> No.10718582

Because we live in a time of decadence and self indulgence.

>> No.10718586

>implying ((((schoneberg))) wasn't what led to the fall of classical music

>> No.10718592

whats your soundcloud ma nigguh

>> No.10718606

I'm not comfortable in publishing anything yet, I have a talent for composition but I need to work more on the technical aspects and require more training

>> No.10718609

link me your mixtape bro
ill donate on bandcamp

>> No.10718666

fat chance, however in 10-20 years if you hear about a composer from Ireland(Dublin) who would have been 19 now, you shall know that that was me

>> No.10718673

>Irish rap music
yeah i don't think so

>> No.10718676
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>basically useless outside of proving the abc conjecture
>t. heard it from other high-school homework beggars on /sci/
IUT is currently expected to yield good progress in a number of fields as it is understood better and incorporated into current toolset, you parroting pseud faggot.

>> No.10718686

Lit's dead soon to be video game or 3d AI masterpieces

>> No.10718688

>implying people want to sit through monologues in a vidya game

stop being autistic, the lot of you...

>> No.10718698

I don't read /sci/, my opinion on IUT comes from reading comments by people like Tao and Schulze. I don't see how that's "parroting" any more than what you're doing, neither of us actually understand the material (this is where you post another brainlet meme with >he doesn't understand IUT).

>> No.10718715

Its academic music (alot of influences but mainly classical)

>> No.10718901

ITT: high-schoolers out high-schooling high-schoolers

>> No.10718927

*shoves you into the locker*
hand over your lunch money or i'll lift you up by your tidey whites til your nuts implode library-boy

>> No.10718937


>> No.10720287

don't quote, but Colombia's literacy rate > US's

>> No.10720368

Thanks anon. I enjoyed your link.

>> No.10720757

If P is for Piglia, then I agree with you.

>> No.10720773

Why is this retarded thread still up?

>> No.10720780

meu deus que plebeu do caralho

>> No.10720786

you because you morons keep bumping it
FUCK why can't I leave threads before they die?

>> No.10721422

>doesn’t listen to Arvo Pärt.

>> No.10721450

>listens to minimalism unironically
music for braindead people who can't handle actual classical

>> No.10721492

I listen and perform plenty of classical mate. Studied at a top conservatory. Boiling Pärt down to minimalism is just a poor description of his style. Minimalism is very difficult to define on a musical level. Listen to “Adam’s Lament” and tell me that is minimalist...

>> No.10721499

And my favorite composers are classical and baroque era, but Pärt really is special. One of the few alive today who has carried the torch forward of his craft

>> No.10721545

desu I've never listened to Part, I'm just shitting on minimalism because I heard a forty minute Glass symphony live a few days ago and it was by far the worst piece of classical I have ever heard, I'm still angry about it

>> No.10721551

>handle actual classical
it's a passive activity dude
also Handel>>

>> No.10722052

>Negroid middlebrow filth

The Help?

>> No.10722069


Voevodsky was a genius. Shame he passed.

>> No.10722085

>Adam’s Lament”
>In an interview in Toronto in the 1980's, Pärt shared his personal definition of minimalism as the process by which his music is reduced to the number One. In his view, that One is the Divine Creator. In Adam's Lament (2009) he sees the Biblical Adam as a unifying symbol. Pärt said, "Our ancestor Adam foresaw the human tragedy that was to come and experienced it as his own guilty responsibility, the result of his sinful act. He suffered all the cataclysms of humanity into the depths of depression, inconsolable in his agony." Adam's Lament is based on a Russian text by the ascetic monk and poet, St. Silouan of Athos (1866--1938). Pärt's fascination with Silouan is such that his setting of this text is faithful to its every nuance. The music reflects a range of devotional writing that's by turns dramatic, passionate, humble and submissive.

Quite interesting actually

>> No.10722097

Omeros is the achievement these past 100 years

>> No.10722129

Glass is the low end of minimalism, listen to Julius Eastman or John Fahey. Dare I say Reich? Music for a Large Ensemble is much better than Music for 18 Musicians

>> No.10722130
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>He doesn't understand IUT

>> No.10722143
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>> No.10722152

He's very well-known in Mexico and Spain, countries where he spent the most defining years of his life. He even called Mexico "my literary homeland by excellence" in an interview.

>> No.10722183

>I can safely say that Big P alone makes 100 years look like a pamphlet even Borges wouldn't wipe his ass with.

kek, name the books, anon.

>> No.10722198

The only LatAm traditions worth reading is the Argentinian one and the Mexican one. The rest is shit.

>> No.10722219

This makes sense. Storytellers are going to other mediums. Newer mediums.

>> No.10722240

Do your own research, anon. It's mine, anyway. I don't want to share.

>> No.10722282

>Big P and Huge A
>Latin American novels yet not from Brazil
>One is from a country near Brazil, though.
>The other novel is Mexican.
>Big P is a little more famous than Huge A.
>But both are little-known

c'mon, anon, share this info with a latin american. I have no clue, even though I've done some research.

The titles of the novels are in Spanish or English?

>> No.10722295

both english and spanish. all the help i'll give you. You'll just have to find them for yourself, m'fraid. You may even know of them, but Huge A I doubt. I'm sorry, anon. I'm just not going to give you anything. I'm too selfish and greedy.

>> No.10722297
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It's right here you fucking moron

>> No.10722306

Which one is the Mexican one? Big P or Huge A? At least give me that, anon.

>> No.10722315

Big P is the mexican one. It begins with a man's name.

>> No.10722329

>tfw pynchon suddenly joins the thread

>> No.10722373

youre gay as fuck just give the title to your shitty beaner book so we can laugh at you fucking retard

>> No.10722376

>Mexican novel
>Begins with a man's name
>Begins with P?

Are you sure it isn't Pedro Páramo? It covers all those, but it is well-known, so I guess it's not that?

>> No.10722380

fuck off, amerifag.

>> No.10722394

Out of LatAm, I only care about Argentine and Mexican lit. So, if Huge A isn't from Argentina, then I don't care about it.

>> No.10722403
File: 401 KB, 640x480, books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should read more. check out cormac mccarthy and karl ove knausgaard.

>jerking off to affirmative action magical realists like Junot Diaz
junot diaz is an asshole on twitter but the dude can write

this one you can be mad about, yeah

>> No.10722405

muhhh secret book tehehehe

grow the fuck up you fucking child

>> No.10722410

It probably is, but he's in too deep to tell you even if you guessed correctly

>> No.10722413

It *begins* with a man's name. So it's a long title, then? More than 2 words?

>> No.10722431

nope, not that one.
Huge A is indeed from Argentina.

>> No.10722432
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Duchamp plays and wins.

>> No.10722450

>Huge A is indeed from Argentina.
Adan Buenosayres?

>> No.10722457

That's Huge A.

>> No.10722461

I did it! No idea about Big P, though. Adan Buenosayres is on my radar now.

>> No.10723282

JM coetzee

>> No.10724000

Glass is shit mate I totally agree with you on that. Although I got to say some of Reich’s minimalism I find pleasing and I think genuinely artistic. I think art music isn’t doomed yet

>> No.10724062
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>> No.10724273

just tell us the other book for christ's sake.

>> No.10724705

Nadie en Juárez (y apuesto que ni en Tijuana o Nuevo Laredo) habla bien cuatro o cinco lenguajes. Si acaso algún que otro indio que hable su lengua más aparte el español y el inglés, pero se me hace muy cabrón porque la gran mayoría siente desdén por las lenguas indígenas.