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10706391 No.10706391[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How many pages to you read everyday

>> No.10706403


>> No.10706433


I have to mentally unread him in order to remove my preconceptions of what he's saying in order to misunderstand him less.

>> No.10706689
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>> No.10706743
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Half Hour Hegel Chads WW@

>> No.10706760

my goal is one book a week, so depending on the length 30-80

>> No.10706772

I try to read 30 pages a day. Sometimes I feel inspired and read 50

>> No.10706909

100-300 a day.

>> No.10706920

Tru patracian

>> No.10706945

I do eat pate most days.

>> No.10706987

like,, maybe 5, or 6 right now. my dude

>> No.10707088


>> No.10707210


>> No.10707242

I can get to 90 but at the moment I read about the lenght of a short story a day so 10-15 pages.

>> No.10707259

I don't "read" any of my pages? what are you implying? they merely assist me in adorning my armor and mounting my noble stead before I have a go at the jousting match. please restate the question, OP

>> No.10707387

I try 10 but usually only hit 7.
Kill me.

>> No.10707403
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Depends if I'm commuting, I can easily get through 40 pages or so if I'm taking the bus places. If not, I'm usually going to game, browse and fap all day. My absolute limit used to be around 50 pages for Molloy, when I was forcing myself to read more. I think I can do better now if I tried - especially since the voice in that novel is so odd.

>> No.10707407
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Here's an advice.
Stop masturbating and browse the internet for not more then a hour a day.
All just for a week and see if it gets better.

>> No.10707429

No one needs this advice except for NEETs and those brainlets in Uni, who probably shouldn't even be there. I don't read as much in my holidays because I want to do all the low-effort fun I don't have for the rest of the year.

>> No.10707454

Don't even try to assume you are any better.

>> No.10707460
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ebin, my friend

>> No.10707498


>> No.10707619

I don't like reading though, how can I read more

>> No.10707637


rarely a whole novel in one day

>> No.10707640

I really doubt you have no interest in the largest, oldest information storage we have. Do you like a certain period in history? Do you like a certain kind of movie? There will always be books to reflect these interests. Just go after your interests first, no need to try and read a "canon" or "top 100 list" to show your pseud points.

I think people can be more inclined to listen to stories rather than read them as well. This is how we told stories for most of our existence desu. Get some free audiobooks and listen to them while you clean, work out, etc. Soon, you'll want to go back and read it for yourself if it hooks you.

>> No.10707813

Depends on the book. Right now I am reading 100 years of solitude at 2-3 chapters a week. So on average about 12 pages a day.

>> No.10707824

how does someone with an interest in literature read this slowly? i don't have the patience or long term attention span. if a book is taking long to finish even if im not enjoying it i will spend an entire night reading it through before i do anything else. it's very ocd, i can't leave a book 'on the go' for long periods of time

>> No.10707829

Whatever your interests are there are books about it . Just look for them

>> No.10707833

Autism. Reading carefully is a sign of appreciation sometimes. Speed reading is an absolute meme made by "high verbal IQ" Jews.

>> No.10707845

Yeah, I'm trying to soak up as much as possible. Not only do I read one chapter every other day or so, I spend that time not reading just going through everything that happened in that one chapter. Holy shit, Garcia Marques is brilliant af desu senpai.

>> No.10707964

11 pages of the Introduction to the Old Testament (Norton KJV)
4 pages of the introduction to Genesis
16 pages of Genesis
This took me a little over 4 hours

>> No.10707973

Usually 10 at a minimum, sometimes up around 100 if I'm really in the groove. Also depends on the content, like how dense or complex it is

>> No.10708969

but what if you don't have any interests?

>> No.10708991

I met this comp sci fag who literally has no interests in anything at a party. Most boring person I've ever met. He wanted to drop out of his degree because he only started it for money, and said he can't even game anymore. Sounds like early schizophrenia or depression - but I'm no expert. If you're perpetually bored, you're either an edgy existentialist person - in which case, you can read Camus or some dumb shit like that. If you're legitimately ill, go see a psych.

>> No.10709005

Lately I've been in a slump. I can read for hours at a time if the book is really good or easy. I finished Stoner in a couple days. But an essay by Adorno can take me a week.

>> No.10709009

anon maybe you are schizoid or something

>> No.10709019

What if you're a pleb who was in awe in his first reading of moby dick that he stayed awake and sat outside watching the stars in the freezing cold and who was also blown away by the philosophising and beauty of malicks early films especially the thin red line?

>> No.10709028

don't worry anon sounds like you're still more interesting than like 90% of people

>> No.10709044
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>mfw I have friends like this that I've tried to help

>> No.10709046

you sound like a cool guy

>> No.10709370

What if [validate me]

>> No.10709412

Until I've had enough. There's a limit to what I can absorb, same with webz and TV, but once I stop enjoying, I'm done. I've read a book in a day, but not really got what I would have had I taken my time. I've gone back to those books, read them carefully, and got what I should have the first time.

Read like you write. Slowly. Carefully. Don't miss things.

>> No.10709431

I've noticed I waste a lot of time here, or on YouTube, or fapping, etc. so I've tried to redirect that time to reading or practicing drums. Lately i've been averaging probably 50+ a day. Feels good tbqh.

>> No.10709630

Not the guy you replied to.
I've looked into it, now i don't want to be one of those self-diagnosing faggots, but a lot of the things hit the nail on the head, including the malnourishment after birth. Do you happen to know any thing other than a psych that could fix this?

>> No.10710056
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>measures books by pages

>> No.10710809

You read Oblomov in that case.

>> No.10710823

everyone masturbates. its abnormal not to do it, the internet is the bigger issue of the two.

>> No.10710858

>Asshole Fever

idk but that shit made me laugh ok i'm going to bed

>> No.10710878

1k-1600 pp/day depending on the content. Get on my level.

>> No.10710888

Start a timer every time you start looking for porn and stop when you are done.
Also I bet you are sleepy and unmotivated after every relapse.

>> No.10711044

I agree with masturbation being normal, but today it is almost always coupled with pornography. When such is the case it's very easy to get wrapped up in a rabbit-hole, jumping from video to video, or thread to thread, etc. Time melts away in self-indulgence and before you know it you've spent over an hour of your short life on one fleeting, unfulfilling orgasm. If you must masturbate, don't look at porn.

>> No.10711156

It varies a lot. It can go none at all to 300 pages in a single day. I take about four hours to read 100 pages. The only books which made me spend more than 10 hours reading were D. Quijote, Infinite Jest (I wanted to see what it was all about), and Exortação aos Crocodilos.

My favorite ones tend to be shorter, though. Mainly poetry, which I read slowly and with care, often translating some passages as I read...

>> No.10711323

>When such is the case it's very easy to get wrapped up in a rabbit-hole, jumping from video to video, or thread to thread, etc
I've done this till 5am most nights as neet
I've noticed if I read for 2 weeks without coming here theres a delay in how efficiently I check the catalog/run eyes down threads
Is this my attention span adapting to reading a book instead or just my brain shrinking from not being exposed to the intesting varied topics here? doesn't feel like my attention span has increased

>> No.10711334

Why would you want thread more if you don't like to?

>> No.10711435

What the other replies said are solid. Follow your interests first and branch from there if you want.
If you don't enjoy reading then you should just put your time towards other things.

>> No.10711543

anything between 20~60

depending on the book, I can get to 100 though

>> No.10712232

about a hundred maybe 150 the best days

>> No.10712979

Kek, my roommate is like this, but he switched out of comp sci because he realized he didn't like programming
I think he's doing his best to major in video games

>> No.10712995

Probably averaging 10 right now. Yeah I'm not so proud of it.

>> No.10713009

You can definitely reduce masturbation to a negligible amount and it's "normal" in being common but goes against nature.

>> No.10713071

Not enough

>> No.10713084

I don't read. Reading is for nerds. But I watch a film per day.

>> No.10713109


>> No.10713115

All comp sci fags are like that though.

t. comp sci fag