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10701984 No.10701984 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about RETRIBUTION and peoole getting exactly what they deserve?

>> No.10701991

Bible, Divine Comedy

>> No.10701999

la creatura..

>> No.10702001
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>> No.10702011

He killed dozens.

>> No.10702020

Hes a fucking hero. Those kids made fun of him and he taught them a harsh lesson. I guarantee none of those kids at that school will be doing any bullying any time soon.

>> No.10702026

No. That mentally ill freak couldn't handle the banter, and resorted to using a gun. He is a coward.

>> No.10702031

I know a couple high school teachers and they told me bullying is almost nonexistent these days. I guess every school is different but I kind of question bullying scenarios

>> No.10702034

Good bait

>> No.10702036

>He is a coward.
He'd be more of a coward if he did nothing at all and just let it continue to happen

>> No.10702039

Kind of hard to bully when you're dead.

>> No.10702043

And he'd be less of a coward if he faced his bullies with fists instead of a fucking AR. Needless to say, I have no respect for him whatsoever.

>> No.10702044

I was a bully in school. Graduated 2008. Some kid told his friend he wanted to kill me and i got the screenshots of it from Facebook and slept on them until i graduated and decided to give him a nice parting gift by taking that shit to the police LMAO

>> No.10702058

>g-gun c-control w-won't d-do a-anyth-thing!
How does it feel knowing that the NRA has their dick so far up America's ass that everybody has just given up caring about mass shootings?

>> No.10702068

You are aware that anti-gun groups spend WAY more money on lobbyists than the NRA ever has, right?

>> No.10702097

I was never explicitly bullied as in getting beat up or whatevr but I was just excluded and nobody talked to me/sat by myself at lunch. honestly I wish somebody did beat me up cause I was a major pussy and now I'm 24 and suicidal and never had a gf. Moral of the story is that bullying is a good thing and I wish I was bullied more.
Also OP, read My Twisted World.

>> No.10702106

nothing wrong with what he did
nothing wrong with what you did

also blood meridian is a funny book (unironically)

>> No.10702303

stockholm syndrome: the post

>> No.10702315

>I was never explicitly bullied as in getting beat up or whatevr but I was just excluded and nobody talked to me/sat by myself at lunch. honestly I wish somebody did beat me up cause I was a major pussy and now I'm 24 and suicidal and never had a gf. Moral of the story is that bullying is a good thing and I wish I was bullied more.

>grow up in anti-bullying era
>jocks in "Tough guys wear pink" shirts exclude you for being insensitive
>alienation is effectively the same but the institution is no longer on your side

>> No.10702357

kys faggot
shut the fuck up you fucking retard

>> No.10702365
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The Odyssey.

>> No.10702374

>shut the fuck up you fucking retard
bullying is a good thing for a certain set of kids whose parents never taught them to fight. the absolute weaklings are rarely bullied anyways because they never offer any response

>> No.10702375

Now, what I want to know is how is he going to explain himself. Most school shootings just end with a suicide but this one might have an interview

>> No.10702379

>honestly I wish somebody did beat me up cause I was a major pussy and now I'm 24 and suicidal and never had a gf. Moral of the story is that bullying is a good thing and I wish I was bullied more.
Anon, that's retarded.

>> No.10702384

Teachers don't know shit and aren't around during every second of the day.

>> No.10702403

>the absolute weaklings are rarely bullied anyways because they never offer any response
completely the opposite

>> No.10702421

there is a social hierarchy and competition in highschool, those who don't play the game are left alone, it's the weak competitors who get the worst of it.

>> No.10702426

really good tbqh, im tired of reactionary bullshit every time a handful of people die

>> No.10702449

>the absolute weaklings are rarely bullied anyways because they never offer any response
I can confirm this. When people made fun of me I would usually just agree with them because I hated myself even more than the people criticizing me.

>> No.10702460


The Gulag Archipelago

>> No.10702465

Kind of this
People have had guns since forever, it's modernity that is destroying us

>> No.10702469

>When people made fun of me I would usually just agree with them
Yeah I did this too and then they did it even more

>> No.10702486

>kill 17 people in cold blood
>get arrested
>exactly what he deserved
I mean I'm not advocating cruel punishment but if this nigga doesn't have any regret then he certainly didn't get what he deserved.

>> No.10702487

only works if you're able to legitimately not give a fuck, or if you're a good actor and can fake it.

>> No.10702494


Gun culture is America is pretty bad due to retardation and capitalism. Weaponry is a tool, not a collectible card game.

>> No.10702499

>thinking teachers are in touch with their stuents

>> No.10702514

mainstream gun culture doesn't involve running out and shooting schoolkids though

mainstream gun culture is trashy is all

>> No.10702515


>> No.10702525

>Be american
>Get shot

>> No.10702533


I guess you're right. Americans are the real problem.

>> No.10702542
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>Be American

>> No.10702557

Oh, in that case >>>/r9k/ is that way.

>> No.10702559
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If you can handle the really slow pace that is

>> No.10702678

Autists especially ones with single parents should only allowed to be homeschooled (or euthanised)

>> No.10702686

I don't know, I stopped being autistic eventually

>> No.10702714

Someone hasn't read Ecclesiastes

>> No.10702715

Dios mio..

>> No.10702728

[citation needed]

>> No.10702972
File: 350 KB, 750x600, Bible b version..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thay tacked that jewish dude up for messin' wit money changers in dat temple