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10690844 No.10690844 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10690845

>when I saw the title
Top kek

>> No.10690846

well Das Kapital tore apart more than a wall

>> No.10690910

It built a wall actually

>> No.10690913

So did the Art of the Deal
oh wait

>> No.10690937

Booger Boy was a step down from Attack Of The Talking Toilets, Pilkey's opus in my opinion.

>> No.10690943

Drumpf on suicide watch, once the Mexicans learn how to read he's gonna get blown the FUCK out

>> No.10690964


>> No.10690991
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Fucking heats on in here

>> No.10691025


>> No.10691111

>everyone who's against communism is in favour of trump

>> No.10691127

100 million lives

>> No.10691135

all worthless bourgeoisie

>> No.10691147


>> No.10691281

>muh 100 gorillions

>> No.10692109

*100.000 billions lifes actualy

>> No.10692117

and people say modern art sucks

>> No.10692126

Pray tell ... how many deaths has African debt to Western nations caused? :)

>> No.10692131

thats the jews though

>> No.10692141

There's a billion more Africans today than there were before colonisation

>> No.10692143
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>communism is jews
>capitalism is also jews

>> No.10692150

but this isn't modern art

>> No.10692173

Learn to take the 3rd option.

>> No.10692205 [SPOILER] 
File: 120 KB, 324x404, 1518563535525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you are correct.

>> No.10692477

>dorian gray

>> No.10692716
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I'm not /pol/ but as far as I understand the way you would rationalize that is that Jews aren't actually communists or capitalists or whatever those are just tools that they use to enslave the goys
Hope I could help!

>> No.10693112

Yo sí sé leer, puto. :^)

>> No.10693171
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>> No.10693574

>t.a worthless bourgeiois
Have you met your production quotas yet, tovarisch?

>> No.10694240


>> No.10694285

>acting like communism and capitalism aren't both internationalist, materialist ideologies

>> No.10694297

People forget that Marxism evolved from Liberalism, and that it shares the same ideological roots as capitalist neo-liberalism

>> No.10694678

>shares the same ideological roots
which are?

>> No.10694736

Not that guy, but resistance to oppression from the monarchy/aristocracy. Marxism is a product of the Frühmärz, so is the German liberal movement. Note how Marxism aims to „free the workers“. That‘s a very liberal idea. In the end the ideologies went different ways with the left going for revolutions while the liberals (not in a current US politics sense) started rising in the system after the failed revolution of 1848.
That‘s just the German side though, I know too little about other countries movements at that time.

>> No.10694748

It generally does

>> No.10696317

unironically hope you get GULAGED.COM

>> No.10696375

noice fake news, mccarthy

>> No.10696408
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Lol they fucking fell for it.

>> No.10696473

Mexican doesn't count as a real language, kiddo.