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/lit/ - Literature

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10690941 No.10690941 [Reply] [Original]

Just bought it. What am I in for?

>> No.10690957

Dense prose, thick as molasses, comedy, gay love, mocking philosophy, obsession, loss, rage, contempt, religion, and one of the greatest ensembles of letters and spaces to pass from human brain to paper.

>> No.10690980

About half of it is the best novel ever written

>> No.10690983

the best book ever written

>> No.10690988

>t. faggot that didn't squeeze his sperm properly, nor enjoyed the cetology chapter

>> No.10690994

Honestly one of the best books ever. Prime yourself by reading Paradise Lost and some Shakespeare first, though.

>> No.10690995
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Try-Works best chapter. fite me.

>> No.10691035

The Symphony is the best chapter.

>> No.10691040

an overpriced novel. copies of moby dick are practically fat of the land. why would you pay for one?

>> No.10691362

You are in for a ride.

>> No.10691375

Imagine if Hugo wrote a novel about marine biology

>> No.10691387

kys for asking dumb fucking questions

>> No.10691427

You forgot capitalism

>> No.10691445

Nah there a not much of that in there

>> No.10691446

A whale of a good time...

>> No.10691455

you're going to get pleb filtered like half the brainlets on /lit/

>> No.10691465
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Brainlet here. What purpose did that chapter serve? What was I supposed to appreciate about it?

>> No.10691487

Where do I find a pdf ?

>> No.10691573

There was no message behind it; it was just flavor.

>> No.10691590

Herman thinks whales are cool

>> No.10691601

But I don't think whales are cool I just want my adventure story. Guess I'm just a pleb

>> No.10691604

show's over brainlet, get lost

>> No.10691608

>But I don't think whales are cool
Then why the fuck are you reading a novel about whaling?

>> No.10691634


>> No.10691663
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>think an animal is cool
>reading books specifically depicting murdering that animal in lurid detail

>> No.10691704

It's like someone who "doesn't like" gays reading a novel about the gay porn industry.

>> No.10691865

For the adventure, and the narrative is pretty cool so far.

>> No.10692016

>crew goes out on sea for economic reasons (except Ahab and Ishmael)
>gold doubloon
>all the nasty shit they have to do on board because of money

I think also the whale somehow represented capitalism and Ahabs vain tries to "defeat" it. And I'm not even a commie or anything.

>> No.10692047

you sound like a fucking commie
I don't think capitalism was really examined at all and only related to the soft anti-modernism in it. It's dirty to relate this to Moby Dick

>> No.10692722

The chapter was mocking the belief that the world's mysteries can ever be wholly understood empirically, or at all

>> No.10692759
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Did you get to the part where Moby Dick kills Ahab by wrapping a rope around his neck and popping it off like a champagne cork?

>> No.10693163

Everything BUT whales!

>> No.10693209

shut the fuck up commie faggot

>> No.10693291

whales are fish if you disagree you don't understand moby dick and should get the fuck off my board

>> No.10693303


>> No.10693350

you will leave it on your shelf unread for months and eventually just pretend you've read it.

>> No.10693391
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>I'm not a commie
Thats what a Commie would say