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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 49 KB, 576x356, ComoyA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1068854 No.1068854 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else on /lit/ smoke while reading?

>> No.1068858

Smokers are what is ruining society

>> No.1068860


>> No.1068867

High schoolers are what is ruining /lit/

>> No.1068871

I'm an important part of my board why would you say such a retarded thing

>> No.1068873

I'm in high school and I almost positive I'm more well-read than you.

>> No.1068874

Yeah. Cigarettes. Craven A's.

My two pipes actually look both like that.

>> No.1068875

What's up your ass?

OP: I would smoke while reading but I usually smoke outside and read inside. Not allowed to smoke in my apartment according to the lease and I don't like to stink the place up anyhow.

>> No.1068886

Who are you?

So you're arrogant as WELL as being a stupid high school.

>> No.1068887

Heh, I actually have the pipe on the top (well, different bowl size, but a Comoy's Black Coral). I'm smoking a pipe more because its cheaper than cigars (75 cents or so a bowl vs $4-10 a cigar).

I'm not spamming, violating any rules, or posting anything illegal.

I only smoke outside as well. You should give reading outside a try.

>> No.1068891

Smoking is bad for you.

>> No.1068892

It's called not being a dumbass.

Have you even read War and Peace? Didn't think so.

>> No.1068893

Who am I? You must be new.

>> No.1068894

That's a pretty nice one. Mine is a bit cheaper than that I think, but it's the same design.

>> No.1068898

K guys back to briarwood and blended burley

>> No.1068900

No. I've been here for a while. I don't pay attention to tripfags usually.

>> No.1068903

AND assuming.

>> No.1068904

So are a lot of things. Moderation is key.

I'm also not addicted. I often go weeks without smoking.

>> No.1068911

Same here. I often go hours without smoking.

>> No.1068919

Brb. Gonna go smoke my pipe. Thanks a lot OP.

>> No.1068922


>> No.1068926


>> No.1068929
File: 16 KB, 283x266, Peterson_Luxury_Blend_50g_pipe_tobacco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. Just got my pipe packed with Peterson's Luxury Blend. Pic related.

>> No.1068935
File: 66 KB, 701x497, putinfacepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I rest my case.
God pretentious children these day. It's pathetic really...

>> No.1068938

Shut the fuck up you dumb fucking illiterate child

>> No.1068942

I chew tobacco. I'm always afraid I'll get spit on the book though.

>> No.1068958

Damn hustla. I just smoked a pipe of Prince Albert cause my funds is low.

>> No.1069021
File: 20 KB, 187x300, irish-flake-001-187x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't tried Prince Albert yet. I'm on the fence about it. Worst case scenario I lose like $2.

Anyway, Luxury Blend was a dissapointment. The tobacco was way too moist. I gotta let it dry out.

Since I'm here, I might as well say that Irish Flake is my favorite pipe tobacco.

>> No.1069035

I smoke my pipe while I read sometimes.

A local tobacconist grows/makes his own stuff, which I smoke. I think it's some kind of honey flavor, but it's god-tier.

>> No.1069040

Stagolee, Designated Official Representative of /lit/, WHO ARE YOU?

>> No.1069043

He is a kid who just started sophomore English and is our neighborhood troll.

Just ignore him.

>> No.1069047

i haven't started my classes yet

>> No.1069048

someone obviously didn't get the joke..

>> No.1069049

What the fuck is up with all these retarded threads lately? Do you smoke while you're reading? Do you eat while you're reading? Do you drink tea while you're reading? Do you listen to music while you're reading?

Why don't you go and fuck yourself while you're reading?

>> No.1069056

What is wrong with these types of threads?

>> No.1069063
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>> No.1069100


I drink hot tea sometimes when I read.

>> No.1069141

I fuck myself when I read Joyce's love letters. Then I smoke my pipe and drink breakfast tea and Guinness while I read Ulysses.

>> No.1069170
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>> No.1069175

I lolled

>> No.1069415

Give me my favorite Briar and a nice Vanilla Cavendish. It just seems fitting when I'm reading some Hillaire Belloc or some G.K. Chesterton.

>> No.1069421

this is not a pipe

>> No.1069455 [DELETED] 

I bet your pardon?

>> No.1069454

I'm all about McClelland tobacco, here.

>> No.1069460

Have you ever had Frog Morton? Its made my McCelland. I've wanted to try some for quite awhile.

>> No.1069463




>> No.1069468

I hope that isn't a drug store tobacco, you gotta find a reliable tobacconist.


The Vanilla Cavendish and the Satisfaction blends are fantastic.

>> No.1069474
File: 19 KB, 400x303, gibson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Op, I'd like to take my cancer with a side of early onset.


>> No.1069485


Dude, no.

They're a somewhat small grower: I don't even think they have an official website. My favorites are their brown–labelled aged Virginias, but I get a tin of their Christmas Cheer each year, too. It's always different, but always good (the raisin–y notes of the 2009 were a little too sweet for me, but it's aged well; I blend it to cut that down).


Yeah, my tobacconist back home had me try it when I was visiting over Christmas. It's actually a quite strong Latakia flavor, so if you only like lighter Latakia blends, it may not be your thing. I mean, the reviews which talk about it being a cavendish–type treatment of Latakia are not wholly off, but it's still stronger than most Latakia blends you get in the US. It's not really my thing, but I wouldn't deny a bowl, either.

>> No.1069496

once and i burned a page with ash

>> No.1069500

Do you have a link for em? I'm always on the hunt for a new blend.

>> No.1069504

>>1069485 cont'd

Oh, and if you want something less–latakia–y, the Frog Morton on the Town is supposed to be really good, but I haven't tried it.

>> No.1069509



Last I checked, these guys usually had the best prices for McClelland online. Even if they aren't the best price, customer service is pretty good.

>> No.1069530
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>> No.1069580

I had a phil prof who would punctuate every lecture with some sort of stick that in your pipe and smoke it type statement.

The best: "Stick that in your epistemological pipe and smoke it!"

I have since dedicated one of my pipes to being my epistemological one.

>> No.1069603


>I'm smoking a pipe more because its cheaper than cigars
>It's the low-cost way to look like a douche

>> No.1069606

Roll-your-own master race, report in

>> No.1069611


Higher initial investment.

You look like a douche if you are a hipster in tweed smoking a pipe.

You look like a man if you are a giant with a giant beard.

>> No.1069620
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I often go fuck myself while reading.... thought everyone did.

>> No.1069660
File: 192 KB, 1280x960, Carlos-Toraño-Signature-Collection-Churchill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op back.

Anyone of you guys into cigars? I prefer cigars, but they're just so expensive. That being said, I probably have over 200 in my humidor and coolerdor.

My favorite is the Carlos Torano Signature. If you haven't heard of them, they're a boutique brand. Not tiny, but nowhere near as large as Rocky Patel or CAO.

>> No.1069666

Ayn Rand told me that smoking is a symbol of man's triumph over fire and that claims that it causes lung cancer are part of a liberal conspiracy

No, seriously.

>> No.1069903

I used to smoke whilst reading (hand-rolled cutter's choice. Cue chorus of pitying sighs from across the UK.) but I found it to be a hassle, at best. It just wasn't relaxing.

I'd get ash on the book, and I wouldn't have the free hand to turn the page, and..well, it wasn't as pleasant an experience as I thought it would be.

I'd try a pipe, if it's easier with one. But I could never tamp the damned things properly.

>> No.1069920
File: 1.01 MB, 800x527, 1281196955458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Cutter's Choice
Stoner tobacco. Golden Virginia, dude.

True, smoking and reading don't mix. It's just not comfortable, even if you smoke indoors or read outdoors.

>> No.1069926


It's the cheapest tobacco I can find.

>> No.1069930


Sir come on now, don't ruin your pipe.

>> No.1069933


Oh, no..this is for hand-rolling cigarettes.
The couple of times i've tried a pipe, it's been some kind of poncy vanilla blend.

>> No.1069938

excellent picture.

would you share more?

>> No.1069958
File: 79 KB, 433x600, Dre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Haven't got any more in that vein, but you may appreciate this

>> No.1069966
File: 196 KB, 576x576, 1270796795142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you may appreciate this, as well.