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10688255 No.10688255 [Reply] [Original]

Is there 'raw talent for writing?

Or does practice really make perfect?

>> No.10688268

i wasn't good for the first 3 years, i'll tell you that much

>> No.10688276

There’s now raw talent, it’s either practice or experience. Most great authors served so you could do that, but back then the enemy wore uniforms so it was more civil as civil as war could get

>> No.10688292

What's experience? Does reading vast amounts of books count?

Do you ever write words for the sake of the prose and flow? Without any plot or structure?

I've been doing this occasionally but im not sure if it's beneficial

>> No.10688304

I write poetry mostly, I'm just now starting out with short stories.

>> No.10688305
File: 164 KB, 1240x786, thisisyourhome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Source: NYT - 'Can You Make Yourself Smarter?'

>> No.10688318

Yeah kinda, but you should be going for first hand experience too. Like if you’re making a book about hobos, you should dress up like a hobo and live the hobo life for a week or something

>> No.10688321

he's just lying all the greatest authors wer

>> No.10688327


Same actually.
That's true, but I want to write about the Gods, and God without comming across as a loon.

>> No.10688329

Were what

>> No.10688338

well then, big thing is to make sure you have the sonnet form down. it'll help you with everything you write. this is coming from a dude who doesn't really like sonnets that much (but writes them a decent bit)

>> No.10688347

Both you chickenshit little limpdick

>> No.10688350

I typically write stoned desu, and most of my stuff comes out with a decent flow.

I have no formal training on meter, prose or rhyme.

>> No.10688352

nice, authoritative you really slapped that faggot around right from the first

>> No.10688367

>Bobby "Fisher"

>> No.10688372


well learn it, i write free verse mostly, but i did a sonnet a day for a month and it the difference was fucking huge.

>> No.10688377

Thanks will do.

>> No.10688378

Talk to some men of the cloth from different religions then guy, read so mythology and religious texts

>> No.10688379

"Amadeus W. Mozart"? That must be a joke.

>> No.10688387

me on the right

>> No.10688388

>1 in 30,000
Wew, these "genii" aren't even that special.

>> No.10688392

hope you do, it'll be hard to make sense of meter at first, but it'll irreparably make you more sensitive to rhythm. and a successful volta teaches more about tone than anything i've ran into. just don't put too much pressure into them to be much more than servicable unless you find a passion for it. it's easy to lose tens of hours fiddling with one.

>> No.10688398

How does one even test Mozart for IQ? Did he have to turn rhombuses in his spare time? It seems like a socialised ideal anyway tbqh desu

>> No.10688403

Where are these stats from? How many people are actually taking iq tests and where is the standardized iq test that all these phd grads are taking?

>> No.10688420

GRE scores are probably translatable into IQ scores. Can't answer those other questions tho

>> No.10688426

these are made up stats for retards by retards

140 IQ's aren't 10% of the human (or American) population, that's absolutely fucking absurd

>> No.10688439

I do and thank you

>> No.10689861

>Don't know algebra 2 because shitty teachers
I hope not

>> No.10689875

>IQ of people before IQ testing existed

>> No.10689877


>> No.10689893

It says 143+ is 1%.

>> No.10690367

This graph implies there are no people with an IQ lower than 100

>> No.10690389

As is the case with every other pursuit, talent is the most important requisite.

>> No.10690408

Not science.

>> No.10690410

>IQ as a measurement of writing talent, or talent at all


>> No.10690439

>Pic of Beethoven

>> No.10690904

>+121 college graduates
>ten precent graduate college

>> No.10690915

IQ is a myth. STEMspergs are not intelligent.

>> No.10691272

But over 20% have an IQ over 115.