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10687556 No.10687556 [Reply] [Original]


I learned about Sam Harris on this site. I'd never read any of his work.

Over the last year I've picked up 2 books by Chomsky, found them both extraordinary in their scholasticism, in their wealth of citations and in the assiduous prosecution of assertions filtered through rigorous modeling. This is to say, I've previously encountered Chomsky's work, and not Harris's, and found it wonderful. This might leave me biased.

However I have no fucking clue how anyone can take Sam Harris seriously after reading this email correspondence between the two. Harris is clearly outclassed from the outset, both misrepresenting and misunderstanding Chomsky. Had he perhaps read any work of Chomsky's with a modicum of comprehension he wouldn't've slammed into a brick fucking wall and mangled his face.

Read this shit. It's kind of fascinating to watch a dilettante sophist get eviscerated by attempting to even begin a dialogue with Chomsky.



>> No.10687566

Harris is too old a meme, that Peterson or whatever guy is the new (you)tube hotness.

>> No.10687578

Nobody takes Harris seriously. Lit is an Islamic board

>> No.10687597
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>Over the last year I've picked up 2 books by Chomsky, found them both extraordinary in their scholasticism

>> No.10687624

>Lit is an Islamic board

This desu. Shia, Sunni, Sufis, Wahabists get in my habibs, but Ahmadis, Jews, Christcucks, all the Kuffar, all OUT GET OUT ALLILILILILILILILIL

>> No.10687636
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I get that your post is a joke, but I don't see how anyone can take him seriously.

Not that Chomsky came out glowingly there, he looked like a bit of a stodgy prick, but I could at least empathize with a man who's spent his whole life working out these problems being angry at unrepentant misrepresentation by a banal apologist.

Harris just comes off as ignorant.

>> No.10687659

reminds me of a nightmare i had
is this a real place?

>> No.10687682


No, it's a rendering for a potential future library in Stockholm.


Apparently, and duh but it's news to me, there are thinkgroups devoted to this issue. I don't know if I can call them thinktanks, so it's thinkgroups.

>> No.10687723

didnt this happen like 5 years ago?

i still havent looked up who sam harris is and havent heard about him since

>> No.10687733
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>extraordinary in their scholasticism, in their wealth of citations and in the assiduous prosecution of assertions filtered through rigorous modeling.


>> No.10687756


Why don't you

eat a dick?

Okay. He uses good words from many other good word sayers, builds good thoughts he can defend good, builds good thought playgrounds for make good understanding of world. Chomsky is good school-man.

>> No.10687773
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chomsky is the centre left version of sam harris. like zizek, he appeals exclusively to psueds. he's only name dropped by undergrads seeking other undergrads approval and by those attempting to build the image of a "well-read" person. all opinions from such people go straight into the bin.

>> No.10687775

What about name dropping Lacan and Hegel?

>> No.10687778

I don't know what that other guy's problem is. I too also myself found Chomsky's inestimable corpus of texterinos to be quite rather indubitably thoroughgoing in its extraordinary limpidity and unremittingly unflagging in terms of the singular loquacity and utter lugubriousness of its pellucid perorations. Mayhap one day, when my warlock training is complete here at Hogwarts, you and I can enter into a secret wizard's fellowship and collaborate in writing like complete fucking faggots together.

>> No.10687790
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>> No.10687794

>Mayhap one day, when my warlock training is complete here at Hogwarts, you and I can enter into a secret wizard's fellowship and collaborate in writing like complete fucking faggots together.
top laff

>> No.10687797


>> No.10687804

What makes you not a pseud?

Not thinking you're a pseud in fact makes you a pseud.

>> No.10687812

what a weasel
chomsky puts a pin right in the abdomen of harris' m.o. in this passage:
>And I’ll also put aside your interesting feeling that you see no challenge when your accusations are refuted point by point, along with a demonstration that you are the one who refuses to address the “basic questions” that you charge me with ignoring, even after you have learned that I had dealt with them quite specifically before you wrote, and in fact for decades.
the entire exchange is Harris feigning (?) incredulity while attempting to tie Chomsky to a peg he, Chomsky, continuously tops from the ground. It's the same in everything I've seen of Harris' 'debates', when he is not cowed into a weirdly smirking silence by the stunning display of a simple fucking syllogism.

>> No.10687814

came here to post this. Word salad doesn't make you sound smart OP

>> No.10687828

>extraordinary in their scholasticism
kys brainlet

>> No.10687830

Personally i name drop Martin Buber and the last living beegee

>> No.10687842

fuckin kek

>> No.10687848
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>> No.10687851


You're on the book board you stupid fucking faggot there is literally nothing to talk about here that is on topic besides old memes

>> No.10687902
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I mean, Harris appeared to have pretended to have read at least one whole book by Chomsky, yet just about any of the reading I'd done in Chomsky directly refuted anything Harris stated. He refused to address the moral structure Chomsky explicitly laid for Harris, didn't seem to understand what he'd said until the PS, and then misrepresented it. It was hilarious, but fascinating, but sad. I'm surprised he has a following, but maybe Atheism is successful branding. On his site it looks like he mixes atheist belief with self-help shite.

Even his youtube citation was specious. He chose to back up his worst point, a point where he was building himself up by pointing to a prior dismissal of himself by Chomsky, with a document. It was ridiculous.

>> No.10687965

Chomsky's whole shindig here is refusing to attempt to make himself easy to understand in order to toot his own intellectual horn and getting angry and pissy at Harris for no decent reason.

I like chomsky but he's being an impractical obscurantist here with virtually no possible applicatio for the vague things he repeatedly says.

he speaks in half truths about politics over and over again and make allusions to things which would apparently refute Harris without just actually stating or citing them.

>> No.10687977

please be memeing

>> No.10688002
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I'll agree, although I think he reiterates points for Harris and gets frustrated that the fucker didn't decide to read any of Chomsky's considerable corpus before misrepresenting him and deciding he was worthy of having a conversation on his own terms about a trite issue Harris could've answered with a little research.

I'll agree that Chomsky could've more bluntly stated responses to Harris's hypothetical and to his moral hierarchy. After a while I started cringing that Chomsky continued to respond. I was glad when Harris "ended it", though neither seemed willing to let the other have the last word.

It was a bizarre pissing match. Chomsky could've behaved better but seemed justified in his responses. Harris just came off as a tit.

>> No.10688616

>Another claim that Chomsky is somehow dumb, with nothing to back it up

>> No.10688620
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langij in duh jeanz murka ebil

>> No.10688632

This is pointless, but explain to me what a syntactic island is.

>> No.10688661

probably the parts of speech that can stand most remote from any sort of respective words without losing their meaning
but I dont need to read up on this to know that le grammar is genetic is fucktarded