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10686502 No.10686502 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good books that are about dating women? I don't mean pickup game or anything like that, but actual experiences and stories. Can be either fiction or non-fiction, but I prefer to read non-fiction

>> No.10686510
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>> No.10686521

Jack the Ripper's Autobiography will help you get women.

>> No.10686539

Carol, or The Price of Salt

>> No.10686551

it's amazing how she was more attractive when she didn't know she was on camera

>> No.10686561


Vladimir Nabokov Lolita on how you'll never have back all the adolescent sex you've missed and how even in case you did women are painfully cruel anyway and we enchanted hunters are doomed to unhappiness

>> No.10686563

>Me in the back

>> No.10686580

Seducer's diary - Kieerkegard. It's a masterpiece niggu

>> No.10686584

is this as good as the movie? May give it a read.

>> No.10686605

The film is excellent. The book could still be made into a BBC series for all the details left out of the US version.

>> No.10686628

Nobody asked you, smelly middle aged dyke

>> No.10686638
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>> No.10686648

The Game is legitimately a good book

>> No.10686669

just be yourself

>> No.10686673

Be careful with this advice OP. If you read too much Kierkegaard you'll find yourself squarely in the religious phase and have to ignore the advances of all the women throwing themselves at you because "Although Christianity was the first to categorize the sensual in the realm of spirit, it's significance is precisely that it is to be excluded."

>> No.10686677
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I think you mean just B.E yourself.

>> No.10686727
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Oh anon, don't worry. I am myself in the religious non sex phase already. I have read the bible until Job and have a broken heart (by the love of the time being) along with a growing disinterest about women in general until i get a job and better looking. That means a long time. So no worrys

>> No.10686736

Worst advice I've ever been given. I've been myself my whole life and haven't gotten anywhere.

>> No.10686747

When people tell you to be yourself, they're assuming you're not a pussy. If you're a pussy, you should pretend to be who you want to be, and then one day you won't be pretending anymore.

>> No.10686788

Scoring, a memoir by Dan Greenburg. It's set in the late 1960s, but not that much has changed since then.

>> No.10686791


>> No.10686793

Bukowski: Women

>> No.10686807


Aziz Ansari’s Modern Romance is actually really good. Not even joking.

>> No.10686816

How do you differentiate between a genuine disinterest in sex, or at least in most women, and an inability to get action?

>> No.10686830

I'm assuming attractiveness plays a big role

>> No.10686839

Right. Well we know that interpersonal power is "unconscious libidinal investment." Women, are of course, attracted to power (so are men). If you walk into a room, and people seem to be 'pulled in towards you', this is some degree of sexual attraction - charisma, if you will. Now, think about how much power the preacher has over the congregation. Imagine if it descended into an orgy (like Jim Jones). This is why the truly Christian shuns sensuality, and it is, at least how I understand it, exactly what Kierkegaard meant by "indirect communication".

>> No.10686856

You yourself can unless you really deluded, technically one could have a genuine disinterest in sex and still be unable to get action even if they wanted to.
I don't think other people are going to believe you unless you are really attractive.

>> No.10686864

What the hell are you talking about

>> No.10686867

It actually is

>> No.10686894

The Mass Psychology of Fascism, Capitalism and Schizophrenia, Kierkegaard, subjective experience. What do you want me to elaborate further on, exactly?

>> No.10686941

>disinterest in women
> unable to get action even If they wanted
Nigger what?
If you do not want then it is obvious you're not getting action, unless you are a female in the wrong time and place.
In the other hand, being disinterest bout women happens to be really sexy because you are actually being cool by investing time into yourself, aka building a better more appealing and powerful character.
Also one doesn't have to be a supermodel to get any women. Even being slightly overweight is not a big deal If you are a decent human being. The average Joe is just so stupid and mean that is really not that hard to be the person most people love

>> No.10687068

what if i avoid women because i don´t know what to talk with them, they´re always talking about their social lives which i don´t have any

>> No.10687156

>a book about dating women
that's as contraproductive as a book on comedy or "how to be funny"

Some people are funny by nature, they see connections where some see none and find a way to combine them humorously.

Be yourself
>"but people dont like me"
Well, damn...

>> No.10687180

95% of all literature

>> No.10687214

Was basically gonna post somthing like this. You either got it or you dont op. Life experience helps and thats more than reading a book about someone else experiencing life.

>> No.10687223

OP here - thanks for these recommendations!

Well If you bothered to read the OP you would know I wasn't looking for a book on pickup game. Just looking for some good stories of m/f romance and relationships senpai

>> No.10687236

Practice. Recognize patterns, same with everything in life. The Most books are going to do it help explain the way they think, without preparing you for actual interacting. Worst thing they'll do is make you resentful and depressed about the whole thing, so I wouldn't bother.

>> No.10687372

Then you need to lurk more, newfriend.
Also don't worry too much about that. Women care mostly about being listened and feeling understood. So you don't need to speak sometimes. In my experience, the true pantie dropper is not being an asshole, being genuinely sad or genuinely Chad, and above everything having a fine ass physical language.
>Lurk whatever youre interested, live and love without fear, thats key in Kieerkegard's seducer's diary, but in an ironic way.
>Experience everything to the fullest, and you'll make your way to enlightment.
>don't suck anyone's dick. Only yours If you master charismatic irony
>don't fall in the game of others, talk about what you want to talk. But be sensitive about what others feel (the social stuff and their shit)
>become Chad
(these are not in a particular order)

>> No.10687386


>> No.10687417

>Men are interested in power
WRONG. Men are interested in potential.

>> No.10687420

>tfw im aleady doing/understand this

>> No.10687471

Then you are just experiencing the possibility or the feeling of REAL love with someone in reality or in your mind. If youre doing this and not getting what you want either you don't know what you want, don't work yourself to that enough, or you just think that you are doing all that. Or you can be inconsistente about it too.
Remember that when you are genuinely invested in someone you are either a Chad or a complete virgin.
If this is not your case you might aswell be just depressed. In wich case, welcome. Embrace it, think about something else and do things while you find the real problem and then the solution for it when those nights come. Just take the absurd pill and the egoist pill and you'll be fine If you have good ethics

>> No.10687486
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>embrace depression
>lol absurdism or lol egoism
Don't listen to this trickster.

>> No.10687494

I agree with you. Men associate with other powerful men in order to get things done, but that doesn't show what I said to be wrong. Just watch footage of Hitler, or the Pope, or even Trump, and as they walk, the men around them seem to be 'pulled along' just the same. You can observe this even within your own group of friends, who walks in their chosen direction and who follows along, almost without thinking about it, or also, how your eyes focus their attention on certain people in a group conversation completely subconsciously.

>> No.10687499

You can't "become" Chad, Chad is born and it's entirely based on genetically determined physical appearance.

>> No.10687515

Why is that exactly? If you are too pussy to feel sad, too pussy to live everything you can and too afraid of yourself to do what you actually want to do. Then why live? You might end your misery already

>> No.10687526

>implying being a Chad is all about looks

>> No.10687530

Depression and sadness aren't the same thing, living life to the "fullest" is bullshit 30 year old single woman tell to themselves to feel better about their poor life choices, and nothing I've said is mutually exclusive with doing what you want to do. 0/10 retard-tier

>> No.10687558

>depression and sadness not the same
You get the depression meme, smart ass. Also depression is probably not what you think as seeing your words. Lurk.
>muh prejudge bout not being a virgin faggot
If you don't understand something but want to win an argument anyway then you ridiculize with a substanceless statement. Actually read Werther, fagget.
>what you replied doesn't contradict what i said.
>what i said
And what is that? You said essentially nothing, and i cant read your mind yet

>> No.10687596

Oh you were talking about that. I was talking about what Men want in love. The actual heterosexual love for Men. That is wanting a cute christian girlfriend, a degenerate crazy whore, etc.
Men are in love with what they can get eventually, and not what they get now.
Faggots of course feel attracted to the biggest dick right now like you said, but Men, Men are just in love with their own. And thats a real struggle

>> No.10687607

Is this even English?

>> No.10687615

Hahahah this.

>> No.10687630
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Its Black Panther, White Boy

>> No.10687638

me on the left

>> No.10687656

>asking this shit on 4chan of all places

>> No.10687694

Everyone knows 4chin is the Mecca. meaning it is a place where faggots can talk about faggotry in peace

>> No.10687707

schopenhauer: on women

>> No.10687714

OP, read The Kreutzer Sonata.

>> No.10687761

Ask the Dust by John Fante, which is also about being a pretentious young writer and hilarious and sad with plenty of meanness and spaghetti dropping.

Basically /lit/ the novel.

>> No.10687770

t. r*dditor

>> No.10687858

did anyone ever write a book about how black guys can still have a family and kids and shit despite multiple felonies and no education? i don't think i have any felonies, maybe an open warrant or to in another state that makes me noided as shit, and a mostly worthless undergrad degree from a barely top 50, none of this failure at life really bothered me until i reached that age that settling down and having kids sounds good, but like how can u do this in such a shit situation? unless u make 100k and/or have a phd/md/jd tier edu no one gonna wanna have kids with u, but some how proletarians blacks and hispanics have tons of kids and huge families, what can people of european descent learn from them?

>> No.10687876

Thats why they're niggers

>> No.10687921

>Having felonies
>not having a piece of paper
WEW. You don't actually think raping the blind mistress and not being legitimated by a bunch of old faggots is an adecuate way to measure worth, do you anon?
Law is for sheeps. Degrees are just materialized status.
I see what you mean tho. Most people are stupid so there's no need at pointing flags. You look like a dumb faggot, btw.
First learn how to stop feeling like other people have something you don't or miss.
After that you may succesfully discover why you got a worthless degree.
Spoiler: you never thought by yourself

>> No.10687929

edgy post bro, et me know when u move out of your moms basement

>> No.10687955

I think by then you would be
> dead
> being cucked by those niggers you love so much
> crying in the floor mumbling "why am i a failure" "where are you mommy i need you" "geez! Life is so unfair!" "good people are always mistreated"
> sucking your boss feet while your coworkers fuck your white ass
By any chance are you one of those Nu-male Germans?
If yes you make feel a less sorry about not being born in my Motherland.

>> No.10687975

yeah that sounds edgy now but someday you'll be 30

>> No.10687979

The film and the book are shit, what the fuck?

>> No.10688001
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>High Fidelity

>> No.10688066

I will be rich, boy. Because I'm rich already. Mark my words so i can buy you a whore later

>> No.10689196

just buy a romance novel and swap the names and genders

>> No.10689593
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>> No.10689629
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>Phrase not found


>> No.10689644

So you're telling me because there are better looking guys out there being more confident won't help me?

>> No.10689701

imagine landing a cutie like this

>> No.10690523

Does anyone have experience meeting up with women on CL? I think this girl sent me someone else's nude. And then in her post she said she was 28, but now she's 23. But she's really responsive and her roommate is out of town. Am I going to get robbed? diseased? wut do?

>> No.10690547

Don't be a retarded faggot. You don't need these syphilitic sows. Don't disgrace yourself, you won't feel any better.

>> No.10690548


Not my diary.

>> No.10690704

Please, read Dale Carnegie's book, inclusive on dating. It works. People are that simple. Don't be a snob. It actually helps
things like 1 - never criticize 2 - pay attention sicerely 3 - say her name a lot of times 3 - compliment sincerely 4 - Make the person feel important 5 - make the person talk about what she likes (this is the best one)- all excelent advoces

>> No.10690711

the trickster of seville - tirso de molina

>> No.10690746

John Mccain?

>> No.10690863

>and have to ignore the advances of all the women throwing themselves at you
Buddy where the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.10690880

I came here to post this

>> No.10691004

Can someone Tdlr what this book is like?

>> No.10691012

Norwegian Wood. Its really stylized and kinda weird but I like it. I think. I couldn't stop thinking about it at the very least.

>> No.10692359

My Twisted World by Eliot Rodger.

>> No.10692429

read some of his poetry, or watch him on youtube... his personality has everything you need to know in it.

>> No.10692435

Is that for real? Sounds intriguing.

>> No.10693164

Are you asking if that's what Lolita is about? It's not.

>> No.10693236
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>> No.10693257
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Wow her reaction to being filmed makes me want to punch a wall or some shit. WTF goes on in someone's mind while doing this

>> No.10693275

why did all the adults lie to me when i was a kid?
why did they act like the only difference between boys and girls was the penor/vagoo divergence?

am i just retarded for literally not noticing sexual difference until my mid twenties?

>> No.10693278

it's the primitive response apparent in all soy girl types. Notice the wide open mouth and bared teeth. It's exactly what chimpanzees do when acting submissive. read a fucking science book

>> No.10693320

>virgins detected

>> No.10693325

t. soyla

>> No.10693326

>t. kekistani

>> No.10693664

me on the left eating alone happy valentines day

>> No.10693728
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It HURTS. Why is it so hard to get a girlfriend. I can make friends with people but when I have the intention of dating the person I start overthinking things like marrying each other and raising a family and I shut down from pure autism. Why can’t they just ask me out huh?

>> No.10693739

Whats her race?

>> No.10693786

Here take some advice for a literal ladie's man


>> No.10693849


>> No.10693871

looks mixed to me

>> No.10693883

Unironically a damn fine post.

>> No.10693887

What do you think? Also, got a name?

I love her mix. Would die for a girl like her tbqh.

>> No.10693914
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you know, I really thought >>>/r9k/ was supposed to be some kind of containment board yet everyday at least half a dozen of threads like this or books to get girls or some sloppy off topic shit gets 20+ replies. I've got so many hidden threads a fresh reload gives me maybe 1 or two legit threads. I'm butthurt

>> No.10693926

t. lanky brainlet who wants a lanky gf like him, but doesn't realize this bitch will end up being bigger than he is when fully grown because she is literally in the process of growing up

Life. Owned.

>> No.10693933

how old is she?

>> No.10693952

She's so beautiful. I need her name!

>> No.10694077


>> No.10694789

No, I'm saying women won't fuck you because you have a head like a dropped pie.

>> No.10694816

Check out My Twisted World, it's full of insights.

>> No.10694830

i have so many chances with cute girls but i always freak out when we get lewd and nude and i cant get it up ;_;

jesus christ i want a qt gf so bad

>> No.10694838

Same here. I blame leftists

>> No.10695080

Maybe try with men

>> No.10695548

You need to harness your freaky side

youre about to do dirty things to a woman

For me, the prospect of inserting my penile gland in their warm mouth makes me instantly rock hard

also if you cant get it up you can always just do intense foreplay

>> No.10695783
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Stop fetishizing WOC

>> No.10695852

the GOAT at female psychology

>> No.10697187

La luz extinguida

>> No.10697190
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>Get timestamped pics
>Meet at a public place first
>Don't send her nudes
>Don't be stupid

>> No.10697195

he is a beta male not a homosexual, his body is not prepared for intense phenomena like sexual intercourse, it shrinks back from reality into itself

basically just a subhuman

>> No.10697344

Fuck i thought it was some exotic hungarian with dark features

>> No.10697398

Reading this book put me in awe of those with the gift of gab. Even if it's polished with the sheen of hindsight, that you could convince women to both pay you to save sex with them, then give you money to have others fuck them, is absolutely incredible. I can't even convince women to have a conversation with me, yet Slim is out here getting bitches to hump their asses off for him.

>> No.10697654

I dont even feel atracted to women like that anymore
The only women I like at this point are pornstars or cute conservative girls. Everything else repulses me. And no, I'm not technically a virgin.

>> No.10697678

Fuck off chad

>> No.10697703

The only time I almost had sex it was with a friend who is pretty much a 6/10, but I couldnt sustain the erection, but I did actually penetrate her at some point. I had alcohol in my body so I blame that and being my first time for my dick bitching out. I have not gotten the chance to try it a second time, this was 3 years ago.
Shut up!