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10685755 No.10685755 [Reply] [Original]

is she right about anything?

>> No.10685781


>> No.10685916

Literally everything

>> No.10685953

making money i guess

>> No.10685955


>> No.10685971

Diversity is a codeword for white genocide.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white.

>> No.10685978

"Diversity" is the liberal code-word for cheap labor.

Wake up sleepyheads.

>> No.10686003

Don't forget more credit driven consumerism and information for marketers

>> No.10686012

She's taken BBC in her personal life so no.

>> No.10686019

But she's a neocon so it's okay

>> No.10686029
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>> No.10686037

It's not that they hate white people it's that white people arent as easy to market to and are less likely to vote left wing

>> No.10686040
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>> No.10686058


It doesn't even matter. The so-called left and right parties do their bidding.

>> No.10686070


All Americans should be sterilised.

>> No.10686292

are you retarded?

>> No.10686327

The alt-right doesn't.

>> No.10686328

And voters to keep them in office in perpetuity.

>> No.10686353

she's one of the few cuckservative pundits who actually owned up and admitted they were 100% wrong about bush and the iraq war

so yes, she's right about something

>> No.10686366
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Left-liberals are soc-dems
Right-liberals are free marketeers
It doesn't matter what the fascists economics are, they're just jihadists for the faith of capitalism.
We seesaw back and forth through that old capitalist log

>> No.10686442

She's pretty much right about pretty much everything. She has a few blind spots (I think she has a bit of a weird fundamentalist-Christian attitude to evolution) but most of the time she does her research well and then thinks clearly.
Also she is very funny and quick on her feet in debate.

>> No.10686489

Wrong board
But whatever mods don't care

>> No.10686524

>go to echo chamber to ask if she is right

>> No.10686532

she writes books

>> No.10686548

She's a political pundit who caters to stupid people that can't think for themselves.

>> No.10686687

ah you tradcons use genocide as liberally as neolibs use "revolutionary". Its lost all its meaning now

>> No.10686846

She was right about the Donald

>> No.10686853

/pol/ would just say that she is controlled opposition and a jew

>> No.10687999

only reasonable post in the thread

>> No.10688005

Are you sure? She's a fucking skeleton.

>> No.10688375
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