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/lit/ - Literature

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10682433 No.10682433 [Reply] [Original]

>Repeats shit Nietzsche and Jung said
Wow what a genius

>> No.10682446
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>Repeats shit Socrates said
Wow what a genius

>> No.10682450

Is there a word for the pathological need to discredit things that other people praise

>> No.10682452

Well he fooled Nick that's for sure. Fuck off, Nick.

>> No.10682460

What is this referring to? Did he interact with Nick Land?

>> No.10682464
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>Repeats shit Machiavelli and Plato said
Wow what a genius

>> No.10682469

Nah man, you know Nick right? He's this faggot who looks like this rat kid. Total fag. Dresses like a mall goth. FAggot.


>> No.10682471

he's a good self-help author and i support his attempts to get kiddies to put away their video games and rare pepes but in that hour long discussion with paglia he looks like the second rate intellectual he is

>> No.10682482

>sells Nietzsche and Jung's ideas to audiences of the 21st century
wow what a genius

>> No.10682506

>Repeats shit Nietzsche and Jung said
No he fucking didn't

>> No.10682509

Cosmo Kramer?

>> No.10682531

He quotes Jung all the time retard

>> No.10682544


>> No.10682548

Not a Peterson fanboy by any means but... it bears repeating.

>> No.10682549

That was a good discussion though. I don't even care for Peterson, nor have I read any of his books, but that was enjoyable.

>> No.10682554


If you're Canadian he's a fucking hero, keep that in mind. A light of free speech in the darkness of a stagnant PC culture.

>> No.10682582

Just as Nietzsche and Jung built on others' ideas. Such is the nature of civilization

>> No.10682588

And completely misunderstands his psychoanalysis, dumbass

>> No.10682592

You Buckos never cared about free speech; you just want something to justify your hate of trannies.

>> No.10682593
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>Repeats shit scriptwriter wore
Wow what a genius

>> No.10682594

I never said he understood it

>> No.10682596

Really Nick? Here now too? You're just so predictable! Stop DMing girls on Instagram, you creep!
Such a small Pecker!

>> No.10682599
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>> No.10682601


Can you articulate how? He has 10s of thousands of hours of lecture experience on the subject and he's generally considered an expert. Where are the gaps in his knowledge/understanding?

>> No.10682607


I don't get your tryhard reference, sorry.

>> No.10682611

>Nick detected

>> No.10682613


Can't we have both?

>> No.10682624

Fuck off, Nick! You're no good!

>> No.10682678

Not him but Peterson seems much more Campbellian than Jungian. Jung constantly emphasised the subconscious's ability to help a person grow or provide wisdom. The purpose of myth was to facilitate this. Three elements where Peterson does not seem to talk much that fall into this category (although I have not seen much of the man): dream interpretation, the shadow, and the anima/animus.

Peterson seems to see myth as a set of guide lines, instructions, which is much more in-line with Campbell's thinking.

This is more of a classification than criticism. The one crititism I have is that Peterson when discussing psychology does not emphasis quality enough. For instance he discusses that introverts do this or that. Well for Jung introvertion had a quality scale: a scale of not HOW intrevert you are but how developed that part of you is. A low quality introvert is one who is hindered by it such as the loser who struggles to make basic conversation. A high quality introvert is aided by it such as Nietzsche or Heraclitus who used it to perform amazing feats of self-analysis. This error of not emphasizing quality enough is present in his general advice. He speaks about things as though they were universial when most often he is talking about psychology that only applies to average or below average psyches.

>> No.10682684

>Whoa I don't like this person
>Instead of saging/reporting/ignoring threads related to X person I better make more shitpost wars about it

Just suck his cock already you numale cuckie

>> No.10682686

Why does /leftypol/ hate him so particularly? Because he cites Solzhenitsyn?

>> No.10682695


>> No.10682696
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The real answer is that he hasn't read or engaged with Rene Girard. Just like all of you.
Shame on you.

>> No.10682699

But but, millennials hate him and here's why.

>> No.10682700

Quantity is not quality.
>he's generally considered an expert.
For fuck sake, by who? Some morons on the internet? Myers-Briggs has a better claim to that than Peterson

He constantly uses jung's psychoanalysis for his self help shit when it is far more reteroactive and individualistic. It doesn't map out the path to individualation but informs it instead. Indeed Jung helped his patients by interpreting their dreams with them to direct them to improve themselves. But Peterson weaponizes or commodifies this process for his own end.

Also using jungian psychoanaylsis to prop up Christianity is like using Marxism to prop up capitalism. I never witnessed such irony in my life

>> No.10682702


and that's a good thing

>> No.10682704

>commodifies this process for his own end.

nigga's got to make a living. He gave it all away for free for like 20 years.

>> No.10682875

I'm pretty sure you're replying to a schizophrenic.

>> No.10682885
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>Can you articulate how? He has 10s of thousands of hours of lecture experience on the subject and he's generally considered an expert.
jesus fucking christ the absolute state of this shitheap board

>> No.10682891

Smells like the brandposter to me, it's the same "everyone obviously knows" style troll

>> No.10682893

Peterson made a great point re: C-16 though: if radical constructionism is built into the law, what's to stop far right groups from flat-out claiming "trans people are just making it up in their head"? Discarding the biological components at play, or contradicting them, doesn't serve the people it's trying to help at all.

>> No.10682899


you add nothing

>> No.10682904

Simply because he exposes how shitty PC left wing politics have become, especially in Canada.
... Except they don't. A large chunk of his audience are teenagers and young adults looking for guidance, and for that matter I don't think the advices he gives them are half bad.

>> No.10682915

yeh he isn't an intellectual heavyweight but he does have a public platform as a Professor and should be commended for standing up for freedom of speech when so few will, even if its in the context of bizarre, seemingly irrelevant references to Nee Chee and Jung.

>> No.10682917

check out his discussion with David Benatar if you really feel like a laugh

>> No.10682919
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Why is he so based?

>> No.10682947


he tells the truth

>> No.10682956

>A lecturer lectures people about stuff.


>> No.10682962

>a psychologist thinks he is educated in the field of biology, philosophy and all other sciences

>> No.10682987

analytics pls go

>> No.10682998

they're connected, but not the same, continentals and analytics both concede this point

>> No.10683001

Science never influences philosophy, but philosophy does influence science

>> No.10683006

Of course he bloody well is, bucko.

>> No.10683208

That's what is actually happening and "radical constructionism isn't built into the law" wathever that means.
We have a biological centainty, safewarded by biological and medical insitutions, there are only two sexes: male and female. These two sexes MUST have an harmony between body and mind, and must be given from birth.
Surprisingly we find "males" or "females" performing, feeling and thinking like the opposite so this biological dichotomy is betrayed. They're sick, they have a psychopatology they say. What the fuck does it matter if far right groups say that they're biologically sick and need treatment or that they're making it up in their heads and they need treatment?

>> No.10683239

>Science never influences philosophy

>> No.10683251

>cybernetics is giving birth to a whole new doctrine of philosophical thought.
I could give you hundreds of examples, but this one case is evident enough for you to see how wrong your cliche is.

>> No.10683265

What philosophical thought?

>> No.10683269

The ethics of waifuism

>> No.10683273

The funniest thing of all is more or less no one of his followers read his magnum opus: "Maps of meaning" and they never will.

>> No.10683278

Have you, and is it any good? If it's just watered down Jungian psychology I don't see the point since I've already read Jung.

>> No.10683294

Agency replaces old identity, boundaries between the self and the other and all other dichotomies are being materially broken, a further critique of reason centered on the subject, a "new" conceptualisation of the human and non-human . etc.

>> No.10683404
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and especially >>10682891
still waiting for an answer. dismissing something as trolling doesn't count - particularly when it's not. face facts, fools, peterson got thoroughly destroyed. it's embarrassing that this board even talks about it and more embarrassing that >>10682433 failed to point out peterson's biggest and most trenchant critic.

>> No.10683478

I did. Well, I watched his lectures based on in and read the parts of the book that the lecture doesn't cover.

>> No.10683491

/lit/ isn't going to stop being filled with youtube-tier retards who obsess over this or that e-celeb "philosopher". Get used to it.

>> No.10683669

>Three elements where Peterson does not seem to talk much that fall into this category (although I have not seen much of the man): dream interpretation, the shadow, and the anima/animus.
I've heard him talk about all three.

>> No.10683683
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they can at least be obsessed with the right e-celeb "philosopher" (who is an actual philosopher, unlike stupid peterson who is just jim jones reincarnated as a boring canadian man)

>> No.10683701

Who's that "right" e-celeb "philosopher"?

>> No.10683748

This is the most Reddit shit I've ever seen.

>> No.10683942
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Peterson is getting a large amount of young people to read classic literature as well as take personal responsibility. I fail to see how either one of these is somehow bad, yet 4chan and reddit seem to hate the guy.

>> No.10683964

Some points were off but as a Peterson fan who's reading Jung it rings true

>> No.10683969

>>Three elements where Peterson does not seem to talk much that fall into this category (although I have not seen much of the man): dream interpretation, the shadow, and the anima/animus.
Idiot, he talk about those all the time

>> No.10683971

Why is taking personal responsibility good?

>> No.10684025
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>> No.10684029

It's a terminal case of Rick and Morty fandom. His worst fans are the most vocal, and they suffer from a really bad case of Duning-kruger

From then it was only a matter of time until the contrarians found an obsessive hatred of him and made three hate-threads for every one praising him

>> No.10684057

Because he is wrong. Him saving you /r9k/posters doesn't change that

>> No.10684071
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he says start with jung, which is objectively wrong. reading the right books is as important as reading 'classic literature'

>> No.10684102

This thread was moved to >>>/his/4128320