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/lit/ - Literature

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10673487 No.10673487 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind

>> No.10674788

What other websites do you guys browse?

Nothing against this board but I just really want to leave 4chan. I'm not a racist, a sexist, or anything like that.

>> No.10674863

i'm debating if i should wack it, not that horny, but it is the weekend, always a nice time to get a nut off

>> No.10674870

Dont anon, youll lose motivation to do other things

>> No.10674873

I have a problem, I am a heavy drug user. Only now when I have kept two days sober (with all their minute asphyxiation) do I realize. A glimpse of lucidity? How do I know? Soon a variety of substances may have kidnapped thoughts and parole again. I feel as though I am preaching to myself from another world.

>> No.10674876


>> No.10674881

Am I bad guy for flirting with a girl who has a BF? She must like me. She looks at me with those eyes. Even girls I'm with when we talk see it, that stare.
All it would take is one letter, one poem, piece of prose. I know she likes my writing.

Fucked up thing is all I want is to just fuck and chuck her. And I know I'd fuck her better than her boyfriend now.

I'm not an asshole. It's everyone else who falls for stupid shit.

>> No.10674883

Is stealing morally wrong?
obviously detracting from the quality of life of a single person is immediately obvious...
but detracting from the bottom line of a large corporation is something else entirely. is it a form of rebellion if one does it intentionally?
when will we rise up and destroy capitalism?
how do I fight capitalism if I'm such as basic materialistic bitch?

>> No.10674884

IT's just a microcosm of society, loser. If you could see the thoughts of all the people in your life, you'd crack.

>> No.10674891

why do u want to destroy capitalism in the first place since it apparently produces so much shit that u can steal some and no one will even notice?

>> No.10674892

I have a bunch of old prescription Ritalin lying around from 2010 and older and I'm thinking about taking it again and getting a new -prescription. (I originally stopped taking it because I got into Alex Jones tier shit when I got out of high school and was anti big pharma.)

>> No.10674900

Read some Kant and Adam Smith.
Because he's not rich and he's envious. Most Marxist don't care for the poor, they just hate the rich.

>> No.10674901


I spent the last year abroad. Since turning 19, I've been to several dozen countries. Mostly I've traveled alone -- occasionally I've left to meet other friends overseas.

Now I'm back in my hometown, waiting to resume university courses in summer. I'm working full-time, writing several hours per week. Almost all of my friends have already graduated and moved on. I live by myself. There's nobody I have to talk to or see everyday.

I was looking forward to getting my own apartment, but I feel more isolated than ever.

I just want to graduate and move on with life. Do the Peace Corps, maybe get a master's in a third-world poo-hole full of people who act nice to me because I'm foreign.


Unironically Reddit.

I started going there about a year ago. I don't like the website's culture or layout much -- I've been on 4cahn for well over a decade -- but it's the only fast-paced board I can find.

I get where you're coming from, though. I'm awful at making new friends or relating to others, but 4chan is too repetitive and over-the-top for me. There gets to be a point where serious conversation without the constant interjection of memes and put-downs is appreciated.

>> No.10674903

You sound like some pseudo punk indie kid who admires crust punks.

You sound like a shitty idiot who never matured past the mental age of 16.

>> No.10674905

Dafuq. Sometimes fapping is a healthy anxiolytic.

>> No.10674916

because its killing the species, devalues human life, is causing dysgenic breeding, ruined art, makes everyday life insufferable, is accelerating the death of religion, is causing demographic crises, melts borders, spreads psychosis, depression and homosexuality, and is directly linked with the death of the biosphere. Capitalism is baded on fraud and coercion, no honest human can feel good about participating in it. The excess of goods are cheaply made nonsense, stealing cheap food, cheap trinkets to placate oneself temporarily is just a displacement activity, a cheap shot at the machine. Its not a contradiction, the people who defy Capital by not paying taxes, voting, participating in large consumer events would want to go a lot farther. The small pleasantry of having GMO bannanas and comcast wifi can be sacrificed for another system or for destroying techne altogether. There is absolutely no NEED for this level of civilization and even if we did NEED it we could organize it differently. things are spiraling out of control now and we have no choice but to begin an era of defiance, non-compliance and spite until the system chokes on its inefficiency or is forced to start killing people to survive.

>> No.10674927
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You sound incredibly deluded and mentally ill.

I'd hate to spend anywhere over a minute in your company.

>> No.10674932

How do you get used to Reddit? I find the UI extremely retarded

>> No.10674936

You get used to with time. What answer were you expecting?

>> No.10674943

something like "I agree Reddit is shit"

>> No.10674946


I just browse and post. Still don't like the UI, either -- it's a lot harder to find new content in Reddit threads, versus what everyone else has already upvoted.

In terms of quality, I think the slower, comparatively mature 4chan boards still beat out Reddit. /trv/ and /out/, for instance, are genuinely great resources for aspiring travelers and outdoorsmen. We've had people motorcycle across Africa on /trv/, live abroad for years, and hike Siberia -- you don't get the same kinds of intimate, regularly-updated threads on Reddit.

See: >>10674936

>> No.10674947

the proliferation of fags like this is why jordan peterson is thing, ur sick my friend, find help

>> No.10674952

Kleptomaniac here. I used to be very idealistic about snatching and shoplifting, obviously a defensive fit to shroud greed, self-indulgence, wretchedness. I even used to belong to a ''Thieves' Guild'' operating country-wise. Not worth it. The more you steal, the more you crave, the more likely to get in trouble you are. And why? For me it was a sense of intrepidity, emotionally alluring in an identity bereft of resources. It doesn't matter whom you steal from if your drive's vicious by nature. Keep that in mind.

>> No.10674958

>and he's envious
No, actually. I don't need a lot, and I don't begrudge people with a lot of money, but

actually, I don't feel like getting into a huge discussion, but
>1: everyone's basic need's should be met before the luxuries are distributed.
I honestly don't care who is rich or not, so long as everybody has a warm bed and enough food and healthcare. Rich people still get to be rich as fuck. poor people get to have basic amenities.
2. I actually forgot. I guess point 1 is the most important thing.
Capitalism is a lie perpetuated by the rich to undermine the free market and if you believe otherwise, you've been brainwashed.

Poor people shouldn't have to suffer to prove that they're poor. Give them some rich people tax dollars and fucking fine. There's literally no argument against this. If you're not a millionaire pissed about your distribution of your distribution of taxes, you've actually been brainwashed to think that a 900% difference in pay is actually fair, you stupid fuck.

This shouldn't be this hard.

>> No.10674973

>Unironically Reddit.

desu ive been thinking of joining for the tech related forums because u can't have a legit discussion of professional tier tech shit on /g/ is just memes and teen wannabes who don't know shit, but stackoverflow while extremely useful doesn't really allow you to "talk shop" without some specific goal to the thread, etc. so reddit is appealing in that sense...i just don't like reddit because it requires an account which means people will be "karma whoring" trying to build an e-name for themselves, plus people can go back and dig up every post you ever made to try and undermine you etc. which is bad, but i guess that's the trade off for not having the same old threads being repeated on a timer like 4chan, idk, oh one more reason i'm hesitant to join reddit i'm such an contratian asshole that i get banned from anyplace that has accounts to be banned maybe if i listen to this jordan peterson shit enough times i can get over my need to a little troll

>> No.10674976

>I want everyone to be happy :)

Get the fuck out of here you fucking idealist child. What the fuck? What do you have, some fucking savior complex? How bad did you fuck up to make this a staple of your hyperpersona?

>> No.10674981

You reason exactly like this stoner chick with dreads who I used to fuck. Goddamn was she ever dumb. Throated the cock like it was the antidote to death tho... fuck, nigga

>> No.10674982

Your argument is just muh feels. You gave no reasons why we should give poor people anything. Why should I give my money to NEETs like you?

To you it seems so simple. Consider the implications of giving the poor stuff for free. They don't starve in the western world.

>> No.10674983

>I honestly don't care who is rich or not, so long as everybody has a warm bed and enough food and healthcare.

we have that now u angsty turd, ever heard of WIC, Section 8, Medicaid and FAFSA? oh, of course not because you're a middle class little shit who never lived amongst the poor, kys

>> No.10674984

>/lit/ is unironically packed with redditors

shouldn't astound me by this point

>> No.10674987

It's not that I want a safe space or that I'm naive about how others think, it's just that 4chan has been really corrosive to my outlook on life and it's starting to reflect in my lifestyle as well. I'm only 20 and I feel like this place is destroying the little youth and positive energy I still have left. I don't want to come to this board more than once or twice a week frankly, but I just can't help it.

>> No.10674988
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So I should fuck the dumb thot and ruin her relationship?

lmao ok right on captain

>> No.10674990

Dude, people who watch CNN have a similar fearful and accusational outlook.
Things just fucking suck.

>> No.10675004

Start meditating.
Everytime you want to come here, just force yourself to do something else instead (even if it's something dumb like watching a TV show)
>Only 20
I'm 20 as well but this phrase made me reflect, I would never use the word "only" when referring to my age. Man I feel old inside.

>> No.10675008

I feel old as shit browsing this board. I know I shouldn't be neurotic about time, but damn it, this is awkward.

>> No.10675010

>>I want everyone to be happy :)
>people having their basic needs met = everybody being hippy dippy happy
get fucked. that's not even remotely what I was implying.

>Consider the implications of giving the poor stuff for free.
You first. We're talking about basic amenities. Nothing else. What are the downsides? There are none. It has been proven, over and over again that, for example, providing housing for the homeless is less cost effective than having homeless people around.

Everyone arguing "muh feelings" are fuckwits. The only thing preventing a superior social implementation is "muh feelings" about "meuh, I don wanna give muh tax dollas to poor people!"
Get the fuck over yourselves.

>> No.10675020

*unsheathes katana*

>> No.10675026

ten bucks says i'm older than u holmes

>> No.10675027
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>> No.10675038

I'm 22, and boy the life I've lived... I've made 80 year olds cry with my writing. Imagine that.

I feel ancient by now. Maybe I should quit smoking.

>> No.10675046

I am frustrated, as an artist, that the Marxists I agree with 70% of the time don't understand shit about art or the need for it in the case of individual self-realization.

>> No.10675047

i hit someones car and drove away and now i regret it

>> No.10675053

Social Darwinism is a form of masturbation.
Social Darwinist earn money by telling rich people what they want to ear, no matter if it's true or not, being mostly false.

>> No.10675083

i think dedication to a career is just as useful as having children when you want to give meaning to your life

>> No.10675112

No way, Jose. I am this board's elder, old enough to feel alienated from the twenty-year-olds who browse it. But thanks for the free shekels.

Anyway, where do people go once they've hit a certain age on the internet? I could never figure out. Wish there was a haven for veterans.

>> No.10675114

Someone online wrote that they spent their worst days lying in bed staring at the ceiling. With nothing to lose, today I gave it a shot, and spent more than seven hours sitting in bed waiting for a game to download. Roughly half of it was spent sleeping, a smaller chunk on meditating (which is surprisingly unpleasant while lying down), and about an hour and a half in various positions thinking. Contrary to what I expected, afterwards I felt even more empty than usual, and finally sat down to my new game only to get bored within 20 or so minutes. Guess it's back to 4chan then.

>> No.10675132

I wanna fuck the pink haired chick from Fortnite

>> No.10675137

lol fuck off

>> No.10675139

I don't know, gramps. I feel like middle-aged people just don't spend their free time online? I think there's like, taking of the kids to various practices, shopping trips with the wife, and getting Brews with the Bros?

>> No.10675140

don't. just don't. you can thank me later in life

>> No.10675148

Commies and neo-nazis are eternally frustrated manchildren who live in a dunning kruger induced hallucination

>> No.10675161

Yeah, well.

Some of us weren't so keen as to lead to any of those places.

>> No.10675171
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shit, bro... the realization of dying alone will sting.

Looks like you got meme'd hard.

>> No.10675215

I feel profoundly lost in the world. I don't know what exactly it is that I'm missing, just that I'm missing it. I'll spend tonight trying to drown this feeling in drink and media, just like I did last night, and the night before that, etc.

>books for this feel?

>> No.10675216

Heh. It does sting, my juvenile friend.

>> No.10675265

How old are you anon?

>> No.10675279

>dunning kruger

babby learned a new word

>> No.10675332

sam hyde taught him

>> No.10676413

just got back from drinking can't decide shud i eat food or puke

>> No.10676416

>Not sipping on a glass of wine, reading the Rayfield translation of Dead Souls, while your sick gf lays asleep a few metres away

>> No.10676422

i think im just gonna sip a coffee and play insurgency until i sober up

>> No.10676447

Yeah, I feel like I need a detox from this place. How do people here keep track of other sites/blogs/people they find interesting? RSS? Twitter? I feel like most people I know in real life use facebook but I don't have one and I don't want to get one. I want to find a better way to organize content I find interesting so I don't feel the need to come on here as much.

>> No.10676496

>being so weak-minded you let memes and shitposting get to you

i dont think it's the 4chan... it's the amount of time you spend online in general. hard truth, anon. you're wasting so much time.

>> No.10676507

I already know this, I do want to spend less time online overall. But I feel keeping track of stuff I find interesting is a positive thing. Also, I don't know anyone in real life who share many of my interests, and I've gotten some really good recs here.

>> No.10676522

I am this close to getting grafficly slapped.

>> No.10676527

You mean graphically?

>> No.10676538

What did he mean by this?

>> No.10677247

this. /pol/ has become an epidemic, the comminuty has changed and I feel like a good 50% of 4chan are /pol/tards and rednecks

>> No.10677551

What subreddits do you use? I use to read reddit a lot, but got really disenchanted a couple years ago when I started hating "reddit culture" and noticing how inane and repetitive most of the discussion is. I mean, 4chan's discussion is pretty horrible most of the time, but at least it's different. I still enjoyed some of the smaller or more niche subreddits, but those don't have much discussion at all. For example, /r/tea is almost entirely pictures of cups of tea, with comments saying how good the tea looks or asking where the OP purchased it. There's nothing wrong with this per se, but it could be condensed into a single thread.

Also, ever since the us election everything on reddit has been made political. On 4chan the random /pol/ positing has died down (though it's still fucking obnoxious), but on reddit the anti-Trump posting has become pervasive. It's so annoying to open a thread and have the top comment be "lololol just like donnie amiright??", completely off topic.

>> No.10677585

I wonder how much my privileged and relatively sheltered upbringing is responsible for how fucked up I am. I wish my parents had made me get a job the day I turned 14. And that they hadn't allowed me to play video games, fuck those wasted years.

>> No.10677605

absolutely. Since 2014 this place is slowly rotting away.

If anyone ever tells me again he likes how Houellebecq describes sex, I am going to punch that fucker in his smirky fucking face.

>> No.10677611

The only way I can write is by being outside and using my cellphone. My PC is full of distractions

>> No.10677619

Get a typewriter. Or use paper. Or if you're technically inclined install a minimal linux distro with focuswriter.

>> No.10677640
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>Get a typewriter
Don't do this

>> No.10677653

I don't see what the problem is, there's a difference between using one for distraction-free writing and lugging one into starbucks with you and posting on instagram about how you're living the #writerslife while sipping on your iced macchiato.

>> No.10677659

Have you read Deleuze?

>> No.10677674

Why not just turn off your internet and use the computer if you're considering using a typewriter at home? You're no more or less likely to be distracted.
Going to a caf and writing with a pen and paper works nicely.

>> No.10677692

Because >>10677611
said that he had to leave his computer completely to avoid being distracted. I don't have this problem myself.

>> No.10677793 [DELETED] 
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At 24 my verse is still deeply influenced by all the Kafka, Burroughs and Ballard I read in high school. I'm sick now of how idiosyncratic and cramped I've developed my style to be. I've received warm words from my micropublisher's community (Tao Lin/Miranda July analogs) but I suspect they don't have the first clue what my words are getting at. I don't even know what I'm getting at. My content is a fucking Reuters article cut up!

>> No.10677907

Managed to get a girl to be in love with me even though I'm an ugly virgin.

>> No.10678359


>> No.10678410

Yes, with a vagina

>> No.10678451

I'm looking for a novel where the protag struggles against God.

>> No.10678458


>> No.10678570

Moby Dick

>> No.10678586

Only ONE vagina? Pfuah!

>> No.10678641

I wish we had someone like Trump running Canada. Trudeau is a fucking disgrace. Fucking "peoplekind", that spineless virtue-signalling fucktard. I'll go to my grave PROUD that I voted and PROUD that it was not for him. Justin Trudeau, second female Prime Minister of Canada.

>> No.10678682

>wishes he had a senile, semi-illiterate old man running his country.
at least pick an intelligent person to represent your ideology

>> No.10678711

I wish heroin were free and didn't have any side effects

>> No.10678729

He's definitely not unintelligent, Dr. Jordan Peterson even talked about it once before and he's a clinical psychologist. Trump had been too successful for too long to assume he's not intelligent. I don't for a second believe that he's senile. He sees the problems arising in Europe from the massive immigration of Muslims, he doesn't want to see that happen to America. He's familiar with the problem of all the illegal immigrants coming from Mexico and wants to help America deal with this problem. Considering something like 80% of the women and girls who cross the border illegally get sexually assaulted or outright raped by fellow illegals or the coyotes that lead them to the border, I hope he's successful in dealing with that problem. Trump supports the 1st and 2nd Amendments whole-heartedly, meanwhile Trudeau is anti-gun and is actively pushing legislation that damages the freedom of expression as outlined in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

If Trump's next 3 years are as successful as his 1st, plus he gets work done on that blessed wall, then I will happily vote for him in 2020 if I should be lucky enough to be an American citizen at the time. I WILL be an American someday, I will be a card-carrying Republican, and I will carry every damn day of my life. I know what it's like to watch your freedoms and rights erode before your eyes, to wonder if you'll ever be arrested just for criticizing an ideology. Trump is strength. Trudeau is a God damned cuck. If you're an American then you have no idea how lucky you are to have President Trump. God bless him, and while it's unfortunate that he's overweight I'm glad that he doesn't drink or smoke. Chances are, he'll still be around 20 years from now, and if his next 3 years are like his 1st then he'll have a lot to be proud of.

>> No.10678750

Ironic, yes? It has to be. It has Peterson and amendments. It's ironic. It's ironic.

>> No.10678766

>He's definitely not unintelligent
Doesn't really matter how smart he is if he is senile.

>> No.10678774

I have work to do. She has work to do. We're both swamped with homework this weekend. But I can't focus.

I just want to hold her in my arms again. She's all I think about anymore. I can't focus on my work. I can't distract her because I know she needs to focus on hers. She makes me call into question almost every decision I make. Shes the last thing I think about before I fall asleep and the first thing I think about when I wake up.

I know she cares about me too, but not the way I do. I've lost myself since I started going out with her and I just want to find myself beside her.

>> No.10678776

It has to be, read the second paragraph again. There are people who think like that, but I don't think they're hanging around /lit/

>> No.10678780

mods are shit, the socialism vs. capitalism thread is still alive

>> No.10678781

Is there something contradictory in what I've written?

>> No.10678791

I can't connect with people and I'm really ashamed of myself. (That's not helping either)

>> No.10678799

No, but what you've written reads as satire.
Let me know if you need help understanding the implications of this.

>> No.10678830

>even if it's something dumb like watching a TV show

>> No.10678837

I feel like I've outrun the narrative of my own life

>> No.10678850

>I feel like a good 50% of 4chan are /pol/tards and rednecks
4chan traffic doubled during and since the 2016 election

>> No.10678856

/lit/ feels slower than before. Maybe it's because of the /his/ split which somewhat contains /pol/

>> No.10678887

I keep coming back to 4chan. The chaos and creativity here is just so rare. /lit/ specifically has been getting wrose though, I agree.

>> No.10678892

Sure, go for it, what are the implications of being perceived as satirical?

>> No.10678915

>he posted on 4chan

>> No.10678923

The odd thing is, people seem to think that just having Conservative values means you're /pol/. It pretty much runs along the same veins as CNN; unless you're far-left, you're basically an alt-right Nazi. Ben Shapiro is an Orthodox Jew (basically a Super-Jew) but he's Conservative thus a white supremacist. Milo Yiannopoulos is a sexually submissive gay man married to a black fellow but he's Conservative thus a white supremacist and a leader of the alt-right. Dr. Jordan Peterson speaks about how reprehensible the history of socialism is, which is considered a Conservative view on the matter even though he's basically non-political, but he's lumped in with the alt-right anyways.

>> No.10678932

I can't seem to work on my writing like it's a skill. There are small periods of inspiration where I write impatiently and naturally, without thinking and then it's gone. Planning just won't work

>> No.10678979

They hold an ironic distance from their beliefs. That just makes their ideas easier to swallow. I mean, everyone does this. It's really not different than any other comedian show like Colbert and the others.

>> No.10679095

I don't understand, please elaborate.

>> No.10679271

The issue with modern 4chan is that the egotism has gone completely out of control. People no longer just discuss things they like, but constantly reflect on what kind of person that makes them and the image it provides. This is rampant on every large blue board, from the "Does listening to indie make me effeminate?" threads on /mu/ to the stereotypes about CRPG fans on /v/ to self-indulgent ironic threads on /lit/. For the epitome of this, see starter packs.

When you actually care about a hobby, the meta side of it boring compared to hobby itself. Now, though, you've just got boards full of gossip, and it gets to the point that the actual fans are displaced. Go into any given thread about an artist on /mu/, and they'll be reposting the same old Captain Beefheart memes or rumors about how that guy from Coil had sex with a minor. It's not cool to care. The memes are fun when they indicate a shared passion, but now that's all gone. Every time I go to /mu/, it's incredibly frustrating because they like all the right things, but refuse to discuss them sincerely.

Of course, it's not as bad here, but it's far from perfect as well. People need to learn that it's good to give a shit. That's what makes you interesting - not this constant, narcissistic gazing in the mirror.

>> No.10679510
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Guess it's just one more day down the drain

>> No.10679527

I'm drawing the idea from Zizek. I'm not too good with words, so here are these: https://dramalit.wordpress.com/2017/02/21/the-problem-with-ironic-distance/

I think that Milo and Shapiro are especially doing this ironic distance thing. One is gay and the other one is Jewish, but they're nonetheless still supporting a side which holds a lot of antisemites and homophobes. I mean, why not choose some third side? By doing this, they're just sending a message "we're gay and Jewish so it's ok to hate on us". Conservative people are fine with their ideas, but they still don't like them because they are who they are. Just by reading comments by random people on videos of Shapiro, you can see that every third person is calling him a dirty kike. I'm comparing this to Colbert, because shows like his were supposed to be against all politics and propaganda, but ended up doing just that. They're making jokes all the time as if they don't have a political agenda, but they actually do. Comedians, and everyone who thinks that they're being subversive today, are just doing what everyone else is doing, but with a better lube.

>> No.10679538

For (you)

>> No.10679587

This next week is going to blow, and not in the kind of way where anything terrible will happen. The mostly likely thing to go wrong will be that I wake up slightly later than I wanted.

No next week will not be anything worth writing about because I will do the same thing I have done for the last few years of my life.
I will contribute nothing to society whilst I am off work for the next week. For me this is something very difficult to deal with. Feeling necessary and essential are the reasons I get up in the morning and manage to plow on with my career despite the countless roadblocks which my job has.

I just want to know that others feel this way, and is there anything I can do with my day to help relieve this melancholy?

>> No.10679595

It is not that I think that we are doomed, I just think that it is a long life and we require intellectual sti ulation wether we want it or not, and for politics and manipulation it is an equally long life so I don't understand why people bother. I can understand going on the nievity of a promise saying it will be just this once, but the one making the promise and the one taking the promise are still prone to emotional outbursts and boredom, and like I said befoer it is a long life.

Worst of all I can't understand the silence. It is like people desperately want the silence because being able to maintain it is a sort of machismo that people have decided is the only way for and aggressive release, which is a paradox.

I can't understand why people have children and then decide that it is other people's responsability to make sure that the world will be sacrificed for them, when the world should not care and they shouldn't really be held in any sort of responsbility with the wider world. I can't understand the growing belief that just having a child is duty enough to society to then sit around in cafes and bang on about how the workd owes everything, that isnt even getting started on people who feel they are owed children, or people who think they are owed anything.

But I also worry that we have increasing means of communication and all it has done is push people furnther away from communicating with each other.

>> No.10679624

>Yiannopoulos and Shapiro support a side with a lot of anti-semites and homophobes
>"We're gay and Jewish so it's ok to hate on us"
>Conservatives don't like them because they are who they are
It's rather impressive that though you can speak with such confidence, that you can be so very wrong. Firstly, Conservatives are not far-right so you won't find any anti-Semitism or homophobia there, at least no more than you might find with Liberals who are not far-left. Yiannopoulos and Shapiro have both stated that they're Conservative or at least hold Conservative beliefs, but it seems as though you're lumping Conservatism in with the alt-right. This is a very incorrect thing to do; it's like calling centre-left Liberals 'Communists' which is a far-left ideology. Nazism can also be easily said to be a far-left ideology since it's all about big-Government and gun control and identity politics all of which are things that postmodern leftist cultural Marxist ideologues subscribe to but I digress. If you want anti-Semitism then it would seem the alt-right is what you should be looking at, and while during the Trump presidency the definition and goals of that group were so widely unknown that many mere Conservatives like myself thought we were a part of them, figures like Richard Spencer have gotten more of a voice and thus many people who formerly supported the alt-right have thoroughly abandoned them.

Now there's something floating around called 'alt-light' which I'm still trying to figure out, but anyways the mainstream media and people on the far-left absolutely LOVE to pain ALL people who are right of centre-left classical Liberals (including centrists) as alt-right bigots. It's highly suggested to adopt this if perhaps you'd like to have this cultural war spiral into potential ideological civil war, which is REALLY not a good idea for leftists because Conservatives and those on the far-right tend to be better-off both physically and economically. The term 'soy boy' is often used for leftists, and well... I mean I've seen A LOT of footage of those fascist Antifa members and violently racist BLM members and of course then there's male feminists which are by far the worst of the lot so as best as I can tell the term seems to have been applied to the right political spectrum. Conservatives tend to be more proud of masculinity, tend to eat more meat, tend to work out more, and well people on the right likely have more sex in spite of the massive rash of sexual assault scandals with leftists which would go towards a more positive self-image, better self-esteem, better physical fitness, and so on and so forth but again I digress. It's VERY stupid for Antifa and BAMN and BLM to try and introduce political violence because if the right were to mobilize... there would be no question as to who would come out on top.

>> No.10679627

I plan on it. Can you give me quick rundown?
The stance that I have most problems with is the whole "problematic art is oppressive" shit.

>> No.10679635

I feel this way too. We're all forced to enjoy our lives to the maximum today and we feel guilty when we don't. We're also expected to be forever young and successful. These expectations are unrealistic and will drive you insane. There was a guy a few days ago who said that he just plays his banjo and that it's enough for him. That's the right attitude. Fuck these expectations. Find something that you love and do that. It might be reading, it might be playing the banjo... It doesn't matter as long as it's good enough for you.

>> No.10679660

I still find some leftist views very interesting.

>Gun ownership is bad!
Ok, what do you want to do about it?
>Take guns away from civilians, only the Police and Military should own guns!
But don't you constantly talk about Police being racist and regularly killing blacks... not only that, but the most powerful Military on the planet is under the control of who you propose is "literally Hitler" who wants to kill all the blacks even though blacks have less unemployment than ever before recorded?

The logic doesn't add up, though then again a lot of what the left tends to not really add up. I follow truth and facts, and the more I learn the more it seems to be founded on the right side of the political spectrum rather than the left side. I think this is why Fox News so regularly have discussions with leftists but CNN tends to invite only fellow leftists onto their show, and yes, I pay attention to both to see what both sides are saying but basically CNN is far-left and Fox is centre-right. For centre-left, I think Dave Rubin is a good one to look to, he's a gay fellow who called himself a classic Liberal however I think his quest for truth is likewise bringing him over towards the centre-right, I can see him becoming a Conservative. For far-right news... there's not really any popular means of getting that. Sargon of Akkad isn't with the alt-right in fact he debates AGAINST Richard Spencer. Maybe Richard Spencer has a channel online somewhere where you can hear what the far-right is saying? OH! No, I know; what's that KKK website, um... Daily Stormer? Can't remember the site but anyways there are indeed extremist far-right sites out there but they're not particularly popular. There might be some far-right threads on /pol/.

>> No.10679677

Everything you've just said goes very well with the idea of ironic distance. I'll be home in a few minutes and will try to write a bit more from my computer, but till then take a look at >>10678729 and think about why people thought that it was ironic.

>> No.10679751

The best I can come up with is that the people who think it's ironic have a pre-determined view of certain groups of people, so if those groups of people say things that don't go along with their twisted view (for instance the wish for Mexican women/girls to not try to cross the border due to a wall being in the way thus not getting into a situation where they stand an 80% chance of getting raped thus being safer) is seen as ironic. Such a thought makes Trump supporters seem to care about illegal immigrants, meanwhile popular opinion among leftists is that as far as Trump supporters are concerned all illegal immigrants should be basically tossed into gas chambers. This makes it look like they're either being ironic and/or are distancing themselves from Trump who 'actually wants to kill them all', which in and of itself is a disgusting misconception. Seems like a roundabout way of saying "REAL Trump supporters hate stuff, but there's some who try to utilize ironic distancing to maintain such views while also trying to not look QUITE as bigoted as they really are". Is that roughly what this new term means? I've never heard of this idea of 'ironic distance' before so this is a complete shot in the dark, but it seems like the kind of mental gymnastics that a cultural Marxist would try to utilize.

>> No.10679763

Someone could tell me why the fuck the girls who gave me their numbers won't respond me? Is it a normal thing? I was just blocked on whatsapp by a girl that gave me her number a few days ago... It's the third time this happens

>> No.10679860

Do women know that they are basically walking consequence-free methamphetamines?

I am not saying I think that they should give me anything because of it. It's not their fault that they are walking consequence-free methamphetamines who could bestow transcendent joy on me at any time they wanted, just for a goof, by putting their mons pubis on my face or squishing their boob or letting me touch almost literally any part of them whatsoever. They didn't ask for that. I'm not saying I'm somehow entitled to mons pubis access, and I fully understand that if they they were giving it up to me, they'd have to be giving it up to everyone else too. I get it.

But do they at least acknowledge it? I feel like it would help the endless psychotic torture of being right next to a walking consequence-free unlimited reservoir of methamphetamines if I didn't have to lie and say that I don't desperately want to get on my knees and beg her like a fiending junkie to let me put my face between her asscheeks for just ten seconds. It would help a lot if they would put their hand on my shoulder once in a while and say, "I'm sorry that my pussy is so great. I didn't ask for this. It's unfair. I hope we can still be friends." And maybe once in a while I could admit, "I like being your friend, and I don't want to dehumanize or objectify you, but I also want you to sit on my face for nine hours so badly that I'd bite off my own fingers just to have it."

I also think it would help if they didn't go around everywhere wearing eyepatches for clothing and having all their clothing be perfectly taut against every single curve on their body so I can see the whole unfathomable fluid dynamics calculation of their amazing great sexy attractive fat jiggling everywhere I go. I would enjoy not being completely saturated in and exposed to the drug I'm hopelessly addicted to, but can't have, all day every day, no matter where I go and no matter what I do. I am going to go masturbate in the shower.

>> No.10679888

I don't feel at all prepared for my exams this week, yet for some strange reason I'm not even stressed out about it. Either I've admitted defeat or I'm seriously trying to delude myself into thinking I'll get a complete grip on the material during the 2 or so study session I'll have tomorrow.
I'm also constantly thinking about this friend I'll be seeing sometime during the week. I might have feelings for her, but I'm not sure, and I want to tell her.

>> No.10680044
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>> No.10680076

Shit, you wrote a lot. All your points could be debated for hours...

First off, I'd like to say that I'm from Europe and that I find the American political theatre a bit perverse because of the two party system. I'm throwing Milo and Shapiro in the same bag with anyone who voted for Trump and not just the alt-right. After all, they all voted for the same president and will get the same results from him. I'd also like to say that even though I am some kind of a leftist, I think that Hilary would be just as bad of a choice as Trump. She supported the degenerate kind of feminism because she thought it was popular. Trump was perverse because people are sick of PC culture. They were both promoting mostly everything other than constructive policies.

Now when it comes to soyboys and such, I have to disagree. This is the part where you really can't throw everyone in the same bag. I mean, would you really say Milo, Sphiro and Peterson (yeah I know that he's a Canadian) are manly conservatives? The only thing that I'd agree with here is that they would win because it's more likely that they own guns.


I can't say if gun ownership is bad or not for your country. Switzerland has more guns per capita than America and they're fine. My country allows guns but with heavy regulation. The magazine and the gun have to be in separate rooms and in safes etc. Our police almost don't use guns at all, but they do carry. With all of that being said, I'll repeat that I have no idea if it's good or bad to have guns in your country. I find it to be almost more of a cultural thing than than anything else.

Are you the same guy? Anyway, I don't see why killing unemployed black people is somehow alright now. Wasn't your point that not all conservatives are racist? If their unemployment is the only problem, wouldn't creating more jobs be a better focus than just saying that it's fine that police are killing them?

CNN and FOX and basically Democrats and Republicans. I wouldn't put them anywhere on the political spectre since they just exist to attract the masses.

Sargon of Akkad... Ahh...I don't know what to tell you here. Please find a better source of "truth and facts".

You mentioning a meme like cultural marxism is what makes everyone think that you're ironic. I once heard Paul Joseph Watson say something about society which is basically an idea of Adorno. They both agree that the media is brainwashing us. Also, taking CNN, FOX, and Sargon seriously makes people think that you're just making fun of conservatives. It just makes every conservative look like Alex Jones and it's hard for anyone to take you seriously. Even now, I'm not sure if you're making all these posts as jokes just to make me feel even more disgusted with the state of american politics or if you're sincere.

I'll continue in another post and actually try explaining ironic distance instead of just responding.

>> No.10680147

Let me explain the idea of ironic distance with something that isn't ironic, but genuine belief.

Imagine two people. An atheist and a muslim from ISIS. I won't ask you which one is more likely to blow something up because I think we both know what all of us would answer. Now, there is a bit of a contradiction here. A person who doesn't believe in God is probably unguided and might have difficulties knowing where they stand with ethics and morals. A religious person, on the other hand, probably knows very well what the rules are. Why are religious people then more likely to do atrocities? The answer is God of course. The point is that if you're doing it for something greater than yourself, you can sleep more easily. It doesn't matter that you're killing peopel because you're doing it for something greater. An atheist would more likely have a harder time not seeing everyone as just people like him (unless he's a militant fedora which I'd say is a belief on its own).

So the point here is that you need something from the outside to justify what you're doing. The same thing is created by ironically distancing yourself from what you're doing. An average American is past the "I'm doing it for God" and needs something else. This is where irony comes in. You joke about something, but you don't take it seriously. By thinking that you're not serious, you just continue doing it. You just give more and more ground and thing that you're fine until you're suddenly deep in some ideology. This is exactly what these comedians and "fact spreaders" are doing. Comedians lube you up with endearing jokes and the fact guys feed you cherry picked facts.

I think it's best to just look at both sides as full of shit and not engage in any way. (inb4 hurr durr you're a centrist)

All in all, pls no bully. I'm not a cultural marxist. I'm a sensitive Jewish trans soyboy and I dislike being outside of my safe space and being anonymously bullied on the internet is equal to rape for me.

>> No.10680203

I don't agree with you 100% but I'd like to thank you for trying to have an actual discussion instead of falling back to memes and insults at the first sign of disagreement.

>> No.10680228

Well, if you don't work there then even under Communist theory, the labor is stolen from the workers of that company, not you. So they would be reclaiming something taken from them if they stole from the company, but you would not be.

Now, I think insofar as capitalism is a crappy system and this action contributes to its downfall you may be morally in the right. But the action of stealing a lil bit from them isn't really hurting them, they probably have insurance. Indeed, you hurt yourself (the chance of getting caught) far more than you hurt them at all. So it's probably not morally good to steal from them.

You also violate the law by stealing. even if Capitalism is an unjust system and this helps demolish it, if we do so while also destroying the rule of law then any sort of revolution will end in guillotines (metaphorical) and tyranny. certainly something to consider.

>> No.10680238

Hmm what to do while waiting for a response?

Good luck on the exams. Make a mini exam for yourself or find old exams if you can. Can't help you to figure out if you like a girl or not. That you have to figure out on your own. I found that not overthinking it works best. If you plan on dating her, it might be better to tell her that you definitely like her than to discuss with her whether you like her or not. It'll make you look a lot more confident.

Ah, there's my response.
Np man. We're all struggling to live in a better world whatever that might be.

>> No.10680243

> Capitalism is a lie perpetuated by the rich to undermine the free market

i'm confused

>> No.10680266

Lately my mind keeps returning to questions of morality and ethics. Do moral properties really exist in the universe?

Without god, is morality just based in our opinions?

Utilitarianism, virtue ethics and Kantian ethics are all really elegant systems put together by very smart people but I doubt they can really be justified from the ground up. Anything I should check out with regards to these questions?

>> No.10680271

I'm Canadian, not American. Regardless of Milo/Shapiro/Peterson, I still stand by the view that people on the right are generally in better physical and economic shape than people on the left. The economic bit can actually be demonstrated by the fact that Republicans provide most money given to charities meanwhile... well... leftists are the ones asking for money and handouts. Republicans believe in working to earn what you want, and Republicans are basically those on the right while Democrats are those on the left.

Canada has some of the best gun laws outside of America, we have semi-autos pretty easily available and it's not too difficult to get at least the non-restricted licence which allows for rifles with a barrel length over 18.5" (I guess around 450mm) whether it be manually-operated or semi-automatic. Oh, and I thoroughly believe that things would have been VERY bad under Hillary while my views of Trump's changes in America from a Canadian perspective, comparing him to Trudeau, as far as I'm concerned Trump is doing a FANTASTIC job and I hope to become an American someday. Dealing with miles will be a pain since I only really know kilometers but I'll do what I have to, and I'll enjoy carrying a side-arm daily, not because of a feeling that I'd have to but because I would be doing so NOW in Canada if I legally could; I WANT to, and America would give me that freedom.

All three replies are the same guy, yes, and cultural Marxism is most certainly not a meme. Marxism is ultimately based in economics; Proletariat (working class) vs Bourgeoisie (generally business-owners and/or employers), and in order to obtain an economic utopia you need to take from the Bourgeois who supposedly stolen their wealth so as to give it to the Proletariat. Cultural Marxism utilizes the same concept, but on a social level instead of an economic one. There is the oppressor (whites, specifically white males) and the oppressed (non-whites, LGBT, disabled people, etc.). In order to get a social utopia you need to remove the 'privileges' from the oppressor which also includes the wealth of the wealthiest 1% to distribute it thus there's still that foundation of economic Marxism albeit hidden under the mountain of the far-left hatred of whites.

I don't care about what people think of me, if they want to make fun of me, accuse me of irony, or what have you. Truth and facts are what matters, and as a Canadian in Trudeau's Canada looking south at Trump's America, ESPECIALLY after that beloved State of the Union speech, I sincerely desire to be there right now. I will earn my way someday, once I got the money. I will not go down there in search of welfare like so many of the illegals and undeserving immigrants who just want to be a leech on American taxpayers. Paid to do nothing. You can't have open borders AND easy access to welfare, that just doesn't work, and the southern border of America prior to Trump was essentially open. Trump wants to fix that.

>> No.10680278

>Ah, there's my response.
Just so you know, that wasn't me. I had written the posts below and am about to check that second post of yours.

Those four were all me.

>> No.10680345

You can't really look at a Muslim in ISIS and say "religious people are more likely to do atrocities", because that's like looking at some black gangsta on the streets of Detroit and saying "why are American people all so violent, unintelligent, and useless to society?" You're taking the worst possible example (in this case, extremist Islam, or the Islamic religion in general if you like) and conflating that with others. Trudeau did this exact thing in one of his public speeches; when someone asked what he's going to do to keep present and the next generation safe while actual ISIS fighters are being brought into Canada, he immediately goes on about how Canada had brought in Vietnamese in the 70s, Greeks, and all sorts of other types of immigrants from other parts of the world. I mean, no, you can't take previous examples of successful immigration to allow the immigration of extremists, but I digress and will continue reading.

You should specify Allah rather than God. In Islam they try to say that the Christian God and Allah are supposed to be the same being but I reject that entirely; the Christian God is not telling Muslims to kill Christians and atheists. As for atheists, I could easily point to Stalin and Mao who collectively killed something like 90,000,000 in the matter of, what, 50 years maybe? Probably less. All in the name of leftist ideology, the very same ideology that modern people on the far-left support. Peterson spoke of it in his famous Channel 4 interview with Cathy Newman. I don't really understand why you're talking about Gods causing violence and 'not being serious' and comedians. I'm being quite serious, thoroughly unironic, and it doesn't matter if people think otherwise.

I do look at both sides, but I don't find both sides to be full of shit and therefore I refuse not to get engaged. I've lately been actually learning of Christian values and unironically carry a small copy of the New Testament in my jacket pocket whenever I leave the house. I read it when I'm waiting for something with nothing else to do in the meantime. Peterson was I think the first to inspire me onto a life of honesty and truth, but the Bible only further gives me inspiration. I have open dialogue with people about pretty much anything, it's ok to agree to disagree, and I no longer feel shame for ever uttering "I don't know". In the long run, it's FAR better than trying to bullshit my way into trying to look like I know what I'm talking about.

Again, this is me.

>> No.10680375

New anon here.

Cultural Marxism is a meme in that nobody identifies as that and it's a silly thing that doesn't really have any historical continuity with the only people that ever could be considered "cultural marxists" in any way, the Frankfurt School.

Those guys had an actual intellectual heritage from Marx and analyzed how culture worked in that whole framework. They didn't really have a focus on racial identity politics or what you've described. Indeed, many right wingers find much to agree with the theory of the "culture industry" proposed by Adorno.

From Wikipedia:
"wherein they proposed that popular culture is akin to a factory producing standardized cultural goods—films, radio programmes, magazines, etc.—that are used to manipulate mass society into passivity.[1] Consumption of the easy pleasures of popular culture, made available by the mass communications media, renders people docile and content, no matter how difficult their economic circumstances."

There's a lot more depth to it but that's the gist.

Now, you're not entirely wrong to say there is a group of people who say relatively radical stuff with regards to identity politics but they don't have much to do with Marx or take much intellectual heritage from him at all. Much of the people who focus on racial identity politics barely mention capitalism at all, and act like all we need is equal representation in the one percent. Check out the article for the Frankfurt School on Wikipedia, they explain in more depth how the whole 'cultural marxism' thing as applied to modern day identity politics leftists was completely invented.

>> No.10680387

Thanks anon, our teacher put up a mock exam already.

>I found that not overthinking it works best.
Perhaps. I think the fact alone that I'm wondering if I have feelings for her means that there is some kind of emotion that goes beyond friendship.

>If you plan on dating her
I don't think I want to, at least not before I become certain of whatever it is I'm feeling. A big reason why I'm so unsure is because I have no idea if I could see myself in a long-term relationship with her.

>> No.10680389
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>> No.10680471

Thinking that they are better off is your opinion and I can't do anything but disagree. I'll assume you think poor people are poor because they're dumber and lazy. Take a look at what Peterson says about smart individuals. They don't do anything because nothing presents them with a challenge and they just end up doing nothing. Difference between the poor and the rich and why they are that way isn't as clear cut as you might think.

>Republicans believe in working to earn what you want
Hehe this sounds almost leftist. This is an alright thing to want, but there's a problem when people can't earn anything and when the difference between rich and poor is insane. Do rich people really work that much harder than a guy at McDonald's to earn in a day what he'll earn in a year?

I can't disagree with gun stuff. Hell, I'd probably own one if I could, but I'm not passionate enough about it to really care.

Marxism is socio-economic. Those can't really be devided. Instead of arguing whether cultural marxism exists or not, I'd just like to point out the similarity between the American left and right.
Left says: oppressor (whites, specifically white males) and the oppressed (non-whites, LGBT, disabled people, etc.)
Right says: oppressor (non-whites, LGBT, disabled people, etc.) and the oppressed (whites, specifically white males)
Or you could call them feminazis vs fascists.I see them as same shit with a different brand.

>illegals and undeserving immigrants who just want to be a leech on American taxpayers
Ah yes, the immigrants. Stealing our jobs and being unemployed at the same time.

> You can't have open borders AND easy access to welfare, that just doesn't work
I have to agree with this. Immigration should be regulated, but I also think that having welfare isn't bad. I couldn't imagine living in America only because they don't have healthcare. As I said before, the difference in wealth between the richest and poorest Americans is insane.

Kk got it

I know that commies did shit too. I'm drawing a parallel between ideology and religion here, so they're guilty of having a God figure too which was, in their case, The People and their messiah Stalin/Mao. Christians did shit too in the past. What Christianity is today is very different from the past where there were crusades and witch burning.

I really don't get tankies who support 20th century Communism. It obviously didn't work and the left needs a new idea.

New Testament is pretty great desu. I like Jesus as a figure very much. He basically accepts everyone, shares and is overall just a great guy.

> I have open dialogue with people about pretty much anything, it's ok to agree to disagree, and I no longer feel shame for ever uttering "I don't know". In the long run, it's FAR better than trying to bullshit my way into trying to look like I know what I'm talking about.
I respect that and agree 100%

>> No.10680480

Other guy here, not the original person you were talking with.

You seem to be conflating the modern far-left with Stalinism and Maoism. Who exactly do you take to be the modern far-left?

You mentioned how Peterson spoke of it. I don't know a whole bunch about his beliefs about the far-left, but I do remember that he really emphasized the post-modern left and all that.

The post-modern left rejected the modernist ideologies of Stalinism and Maoism. Marxism as seen in Stalinism and Maoism is extremely confident in itself and certain. Post-Modernism rejected all that. So surely you and Mr. Peterson can't be talking about the same far-left?

>> No.10680509

No one is born prepared for a relationship. It's best to do a leap of faith even if it might hurt later on. A nice thing about love is that it feels so good that you're willing to go through with it even if it means that you'll suffer later.

>> No.10680539

Cultural Marxism is a concept that isn't spoken of much. Beyond Peterson I don't see much of anyone talking about it, but it makes sense. The identity politics of today which A LOT of people adhere to due to so much of mainstream media is in essence cultural Marxism, and Marxist ideals are dangerously attractive. "I fight for the lower-class. I fight for the poor. I fight for the oppressed." It gives a sense of righteousness, a sense of virtue, a sense of moral superiority but also perhaps more dangerously a sense of utter lack in morals and righteousness and virtue in the opposition. They're not only WRONG for not agreeing with you, but they're EVIL. So many avenues to demonize those with opposing views that violence becomes an easy thing to consider doing, and thus you get "punch a Nazi" meanwhile the definition of Nazi is so broad that over half of America is within that group. You get that bikelock teacher, you get mouldylocks, you get that trans thing at Peterson's freedom of expression rally in Toronto, you get that girl with a "make bitcoin great again" hat being peppersprayed, you get Lauren Southern getting a bottle of unknown liquid poured on her from out of sight, you get Gavin McInnis being peppersprayed, and so on and so forth. You get political violence. Cultural Marxism seems VERY real to me, and it is a threat to the west.

What is that excerpt from Wikipedia pertaining to? As far as 'difficult economic circumstances' are concerned, even many people of the lower class in the west live like kings compared to anywhere else. I know what it's like to live on welfare, and guess what... I had electric lights, I had electric heating whenever I wanted, I had refrigeration to preserve my food, I had modern appliances with which to cook/prepare that food, there were hospitals if I got sick and Police if I were in physical danger, Fire Department if a fire broke out, public transit to get around at an affordable cost, full grocery stores from which to purchase goods, and so on and so forth. I was not in want of anything, much less struggling for survival, and yet I was receiving FAR less money than full-time minimum-wage. As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter HOW big the gap is between the poor and the rich. As long as the poor aren't dying in the streets, the system is a success. Carry on. Keep working hard, keep saving and investing money, keep learning, don't be a victim, and someday you will likely ascend into the middle class where most many of the luxuries you could ever want await you, and who knows, if you contribute enough to society (which dictates who earns money in a free capitalist economy) then you could even end up in the upper class where you have LOTS of money to donate to he poor. Even if I only ever get to the middle class, I will ABSOLUTELY end up donating a lot of money to charities. I already know of one that I hope to donate at least $10,000 to eventually, probably not all at once but over time.

>> No.10680561


Poor people are dying in the streets though. Just not in numbers large enough for people to care about. I fucking saw at least two dead homeless people in Seattle, one of them outside of a goddamned Target.

>> No.10680569

I feel lost. I'm 27 and a NEET and whilst I have no real desire to get another job I do feel the desire to make some money in our shitty capitalist society. Thought about starting my own thing but that'd have to wait until spring. I would like to go to college but don't want to go into debt and experience the shitty American college debacle again after dropping out before I got too deep into shit.

I hate this country but can't leave it either. It's getting to me feeling like I'm stuck.

>> No.10680584

Identity politics, in essence, is cultural Marxism. As for capitalism, it could be said that it's not a perfect system, but it's the best system that we've come up with thus far. It's also the system that has brought record numbers of people out of poverty. The UN had a goal to take a certain amount of people out of poverty by 2015, it was a goal chosen around the year 2000, and they met that goal by 2013. More people have been brought out of poverty in the last 18 years than potentially at any such span of time ever before in history, it's staggering. Venezuela is a great example to look to, yeah they had a gap between the poor and the rich, sure. They don't now. Now almost EVERYONE is worse-off than the poor was before socialism was brought to the national level. I'd rather the rich be at level 100 and the poor be at level 10, rather than EVERYONE being at level 1 where people are actively starving to death. Besides, it's not like the rich got there for no reason. They've contributed a lot to society, and continue to do so while rich. Trump paid over $30,000,000 in taxes in 2006 if memory serves, 25% of his income. His tax cuts have let many business owners keep more of their money than they have under Obama, and a lot of that money is going towards new jobs and pay raises, thus why the average income of Americans is increase and unemployment in America is decreasing. The next thing I'm watching him for is the debt. If he can take a chunk out of that, well, the left will still say he did a rotten job but history will remember the legendary Presidency of Donald J Trump in the face of the most opposition that any President had ever had to face.

>> No.10680610

fredric jameson came up with it

>> No.10680693

Peterson says that IQ is a major indicator in long-term prosperity. I'd like to see the clip you're referring to where he says "They don't do anything because nothing presents them with a challenge"; I've seen... I don't even know how many hours of footage of his lectures and speeches, and I can't recall anything like that. The rich have worked hard; they tend to be intelligent while those who make gains through creativity (like artists) tend to be higher in openness while those who end up running businesses tend to be high in conscientiousness but low in agreeableness. Most people who get rich by winning the lottery typically end up poor or dead because they're incapable of making the right decisions to maintain or grow wealth

I see, you think the difference between rich and poor is insane, that it's a problem. I'm going to have to leave the matter there until you specify why you think it's a problem. It sounds quite Marxist, which is dangerous. As far as I'm concerned if there's people dying in the street, then yeah, it's a problem, but in the west people aren't dying in the street unless they perhaps got blown up by a goat-fucking Muslim terrorist.

As a Conservative, I have to reject your view that we see oppressed and oppressor with the same definitions but with reversed positions. In America, Asian Americans have a higher average income than white Americans. Fucking good for them, and studies show why they're outperforming their pale counterparts. They tend to stay married after having gotten married, they tend to try harder in education resulting in better grades, and even when you consider differences in population they tend to cause less crime than just about any other race in America. That is equal opportunity at work.

ILLEGAL immigrants are being leeches whether they work or remain unemployed. As for LEGAL immigrants, it should be like prior to roughly 1968, meaning the only people being let in should have their own money, they should be educated, and skilled. If they fail to make it in the free capitalist economy of America, they go back home. That's my view on the matter. Build the wall and only let in the best of the best from other nations. Immigrants should out-perform local Americans, which is how it used to be. Back then, diversity truly was strength, which is a stark contrast to right now 50 years later.

Otherwise, sounds like we're still able to have civil discourse in spite of somewhat differing views. This is how it should be, freedom of speech at work in all its glory, but it's presently being attacked by Trudeau here in Canada and groups like Antifa/BAMN crop up to try to force silence because free speech is useless to them. They can't win debates because they follow ideology instead of facts and facts will win every time. "I can't win with words, so let's try to win by silencing them with incoherent shouting or outright beatings." Like 'brown-shirts', but instead 'black-masks'. Both leftist.

>> No.10680727

lmao ur both fags desu

>> No.10680734


I'll be responding to both of you with regards to cultural Marxism. Both of you are not wrong with regards that identity politics is a movement that exists currently.

I dislike the use of the term cultural Marxism because that was a term used by academics to describe a group of German academics, the Frankfurt School, and their anti-capitalist critique of culture that borrowed certain concepts from Marxism.

Modern identity politics isn't linked to them at all really and certainly doesn't bear a historical relation to it. It's often used by conspiracy theorists to link the Frankfurt School to current leftist groups and tie them up into some big thing. When you use 'cultural Marxism' to describe modern far-leftists you are intentionally or unintentionally implying a link between the cultural Marxists back then and the 'cultural marxists' of today. I don't know if you guys are alt-right or conspiratorial but you might be suspected of endorsing some of these ideas when you use that phrase.

The influential parts of the identity politics movement today haven't really been traditionally anti-capitalist. They've been more about making sure the top 1 % is diverse enough and that sort of thing. You'll note many major media corporations are heartily in favor publicly of identity politics, showing that it really bears little relation to the original 'cultural marxists' who vehemently criticized the culture industry that most of these companies partake in.

I guess it bothers me so much, because the mainstream media people claim spreads cultural Marxism is literally the exact thing that the original and actual cultural Marxists criticized so much. So just be aware of what the term 'cultural marxism' really means i guess and of the connotations and historical inaccuracy you're spreading by using it.

>> No.10680761

I see the modern far-left as pretty much anyone partaking in identity politics as the mainstream leftist media portrays it. All those who hate whites just for being white, which is a racist and extreme view to have. In that group is BAMN, Antifa, 3rd wave feminists who also hate men, and BLM which is a racist group that has even harassed white 'allies' within the group. Also anyone who supposed socialism on a national scale, anyone who supports Communism. I personally view Nazism as a toxic leftist ideology because socialism is in the name and they want big government just like the left but most people view them as being right-wing so I accept that you likely see that group differently than myself. As for centre-left, otherwise known as classical Liberals, they're ok. That's people who are still pro-capitalist, pro-freedom, against violence, pro-free speech, and so on and so forth, but might also have views like being anti-gun, pro-abortion, universal healthcare (which is technically a form of socialism but it's clear that it can be implemented without descending into utter socialist chaos, even if the outcome can be economically detrimental), and so on and so forth. I'm fine with the centre-left folks. I might very much dislike the anti-gun ones and think them ignorant on the matter, but still, that's an aspect of leftism that I can more reasonably deal with than blatant racism/sexism/violence/free speech suppressing. In fact I think I'd even say that true classical Liberals would be PRO-gun even if they themselves don't want to own one. It seems to me that libertarians are essentially classical Liberals, but those on the far-left have pushed the political spectrum so far that classical Liberals are BASICALLY centrist or even JUST tipping past the point into the very left-most area of the ring wing.

Post-modern left rejected Stalin and Mao, yes, but merely replaced it with cultural Marxism. Instead of classical/economic Marxism of Proletariat/Bourgeoisie it's societal/cultural Marxism with oppressed/oppressor. Both are evil, and Dr. Peterson had indeed spoken about it before. The transition from economic Marxism to cultural Marxism. Same principal, but on a societal level, a racial level, a gender level, a sexual orientation level.

>> No.10680833

> if you contribute enough to society (which dictates who earns money in a free capitalist economy)

I'm not sure about that. There are plenty of contributions which don't earn money in our society. Mothers contribute a lot to society by raising children and doing housework, but they don't earn any money.

I think teachers contribute to society a more than a lot of financial workers do but there is a vast pay disparity there. One group contributed to crashing our economy with their risky trading practices and the other teaches children.

>> No.10680848

Well if they were illegal immigrants then I don't care. Illegals shouldn't be in America to begin with. If they were local individuals or legal immigrants, well the legal immigrants who can't make it on their own should be sent back to their home nation while there should be homeless shelters for the locals. Socialism in VERY tight moderation, I think, is sadly necessary. TRUE capitalism, I mean unfettered and left alone as-is, in theory would leave anyone who is unemployed to die of starvation. Only those who worked would eat, and with an economy like the one we've had since 2008 that obviously isn't acceptable. While I do think that homeless shelters and even welfare is a necessity, I primarily have those who are basically so physically handicapped or mentally handicapped that they can't work in mind. For those who are both able-bodied and able-minded, they should be under pressure to work. Provide programs to help them with resumes, with interviews, how to conduct themselves on the jobsite, and so on and so forth. Welfare should be temporary unless physical,mental circumstances make it permanent. Even if there's literally NO jobs available out there for the moment, people quit, people get fired, openings crop up eventually and then those who WERE unemployed can get a chance at employment. Illegal immigration hurts the US economy in two major ways; it decreases the average income not just because they'll work for less than minimum wage but also because it sends ripples along low-paying jobs where there are more people available to work them but fewer openings left resulting in the supply/demand of workers being offset. Why pay someone more than X-dollars per hour when they can easily be replaced if they refuse to work more without a raise?

History tells us how things go when you start redistributing money. Mass-suffering. The 20th century alone had a hundred million deaths from attempts at socialism/communism, and now in the 21st century we have Venezuela as a reminder. It doesn't work. In the end we have to accept that there will ALWAYS be poor people. People who either can't work, or essentially refuse to work and would rather be homeless than have to work 40 hours a week. People who want to get on welfare and do everything possible to stay on it without aspiring to utilize the capitalist system to get ahead. Here in Canada I'm living off of just $13,000 a year, roughly, and I'm reasonably comfortable. That's less than full-time minimum wage, but I'm working hard and doing my best to get ahead. Yes, I am poor, some might even try and tell me that I'm living in poverty, but I WANT those rich up there. Those rich are the ones that most contribute to our civilization. They develop the technology, they open the factories that employ so many people, they make your cell phones and TVs and put your favourite shows on air, movies on the big screen, coffee in your pot, well-perserved food in your fridge and cupboards. They provide.

>> No.10680877

>implying there is any moral difference between a legal and illegal immigrant when the immigration system is as broken as it is

>> No.10680883

You know anyone can do that, right? Those people aren't special or better nor are they more productive. The force of capital is due to generations and generations of economic exploitation.

You just kinda come off as a bootlicker.

>> No.10680897

He says it near the end.

I simply think it's indecent to have people on the streets if a society is doing so well. And people do die just like >>10680561 said. Just Google it. It's not an insane number but it does happen.

I know no one mentions asian people. They're lucky to be somewhat excluded from the shitshow. I don't agree that it's not similar. Just as you say in the end, you see them as taking away your freedom of speech. They see you as taking away their freedom of diversity or whatever. It's the same formula with different things in it. Allow me to compare the communist formula to the nazi one. They just replaced Proletariat with Germans and Bourgeoisie with Jews. Everyone uses this formula because it works well when you need people to join you. It's easier to get things moving when people are focused on catching some figure that doesn't necesarrily exist rather than focused on what the government is actually doing. I mean, you seem to be afraid of Marxism, possibly feminism or however you'll call it, but that's exactly your figure of opressor in the formula.

When it comes to violence, I think violence is fine. There was always violence in politics and I don't think change is possible without it. Some things just can't be debated and require violence to be resolved. I don't think America is at that point though and a beating here and there is really no different than people fighting over football in Europe.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to sleep. Gn

>> No.10680926


Americans are a plague.

>> No.10680937
File: 413 KB, 576x566, 9d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we were on /pol/ I would call you a classcuck.

But seriously, so many are rich because of inheritance, something they literally had nothing to do with. Sheer chance.

Poor fucks in China make your phones and TV, not the rich.

>> No.10680948

Mothers do get paid if they make the right decisions in life. They choose a good man, hard-working and responsible. They marry him, support him, love him, and are thankful for him being able to go out there in the cold, hard world to work so that she can stay home with the kids. The housework she does is completed with tools he bought. The roof she's under is paid for by him. Her clothes, her jewelry, the vacuum cleaner, the food, everything in her comfortable and SAFE life is provided by her hard-working man. That, or she ditched the father of her children to steal from his wallet with child support and perhaps also steal tax-payer money on welfare. Widows are different, or women who had a baby with a man who literally beats her thus she had to leave. Those make up only a small amount of single mothers though, and the biggest victim to the scourge of single mothers is the children who are statistically FAR more likely than average to end up as murderers, rapists, drug abusers, repeat arsonists, or dead via suicide.

Anyways, I was talking about the workforce obviously. Those who contribute to society by joining the workforce get paid, and those who contribute more get more money. I've worked at McDonalds before and a few other fast food places. Pretty low-skill jobs, you don't need a high IQ and also all you're doing is providing pass-produced, low-cost food that is freshly cooked quickly to meet a large demand. Then there are people who bought the land to build the building or simply bought the building itself, hired the people who work in it, bought the actual food and tools, pay the electric bill, the water bill, and so on and so forth. They give people wages, wages that provide a good living for single people who aren't parents. People who can work hard and in time climb the ranks to perhaps even own their own businesses someday. Then above them are those who actually run the restaurant chains. The people who own the brand, who come up with new food ideas, who pay for the advertising, who expand to other countries and create the stir that sends people TO those restaurants that are making those managers money who send a cut to the owner of the franchise and those managers hire people beneath them. That's just the restaurant industry, and you can see how those who contribute more to society (by providing jobs and goods) earn more money, and rightfully so.

WAAAY at the bottom though, and this is most important, follow me on this. WAAAAY at the bottom of these chains of events, who is there? The consumer. The person who takes money out of their wallet and hands it to the cashier. That money was not taken by force. It wasn't "eat here or die", in fact typically there's MANY other establishments to choose from but they WILLINGLY chose that one. They're getting a service they want, one that they considered worthy of their hard-earned money.

>> No.10680996

Rich really don't contribute. You might think every rich person is Gates or Musk, but they're just inbread white guys that had the fortune for generations.

>> No.10681052

>his examples of people who contribute to society are Elon Musk and Bill Gates
do you realize you're a walking talking commercial?

>> No.10681070

The immigration system indeed needs to be fixed, because yes, right now, there isn't much difference between illegal and legal immigrants in many cases. The illegals must be sent out, and the legals who were not born in America and are not working should be send back home, meaning their nation of origin. When I move to America, I will do so with my own money and if I find I cannot afford to stay, then I will leave of my own accord.

I'm not American, not yet.

He wasn't saying that all hyper-intelligent people are useless, but simply that they exist. I just watched the entire video... again... because I had watched that one before. I just didn't come away with it with the view that he just said all intelligent people are arrogant and lazy, similarly I didn't say that all intelligent people are wealthy. I said that intelligence/IQ is a good indicator for long-term success, which is true, but 'good indicator' doesn't equate to 'always leads to'.

Ah, rich from inheritance. Yes, that does happen, and that's very lucky. Not everyone is born equally. There are short people who will never get a chance to play in professional basketball, tall people who will never get to be a professional horse jockey, unintelligent people who will never be the next Bill Gates, and artists who are both successful and born rich but will never understand how it feels to grow up poor thus will probably never be able to extend their artistic talents into such aspects due to ignorance. Also, just like people who BECOME rich can also become poor (like people winning the lottery but ending up poor again or just dead from over-consumption of their substance of choice), those who are born into wealth and are left to utilize it in the inheritance can become poor from being careless with it or the company that made it.

'Poor fucks in China' wouldn't be making phones and TVs if not for the wealthy individuals who had invented them and shipped the jobs off to to said 'poor fucks in China'. Thanks to Trump's tax plan though, more factories are coming to America from overseas, more jobs coming back to America when for years jobs did nothing but leave the nation. There are iPhones because of Steve Jobs who got wealthy by earning it. There are PCs because of Bill Gates who got wealthy by earning it. We grew up with the Muppets thanks to Jim Henson who got wealthy by earning it. Jim Carry was born poor but became wealthy by entertaining us, making our lives richer, and we (or our parents) willingly gave money for that entertainment and it brought joy in our lives for a moment, perhaps even joy that we needed to find the will to continue living. That wasn't my case, but it's the case for some I'm sure. I'm certain you've helped make people rich in your own small way, and each dollar you spend is giving thanks to the rich for making your life better.

>> No.10681137

I'm enjoying all the discussion that's going on, but I'm also getting tired. I'll try to stick around a bit longer but I'm going to go to bed soon.

I write books, and the growing industry of self-publishing is another avenue of capitalism that's a good example. So, should I be just handed money for typing stuff up in a file and sending it to Kindle? Fuck no, if my work is shit then I shouldn't be paid a damn thing. I should fail, and I should be forced to find some other means of income. That, or I damn well need to improve until my work actually catches people's attention. Someone buys it, enjoys it immensely, leaves a 5-star review and tells friends about it. They read it and tell others about it. Others come, have heard enough to want to buy it, reads it, those who rate it largely vote 5-stars, and thus the work that I had written has had a positive influence on enough people's lives that word spreads and I make good money from it because I CONTRIBUTED to society. I didn't make food, or blankets, or houses, or electrical appliances, but still the genre of entertainment that I worked in was done in a way that it improved peoples lives at least a little bit, at least enough to where they found the money to be worth it and told friends and family about it.

That is an example of how those who contribute to society will be rewarded. Having mentioned McDonald's, I had seen the movie The Founder before which detailed the beginnings of the world-renown franchise. The people who started the first McDonald's didn't get particularly wealthy, and why? Poor decisions, not enough vision, likely brought on by low IQ and personal limitations. Under them, if it weren't for that guy who's name I can't remember, McDonald's would have died with them. A GREAT little HIGHLY-convenient and truly revolutionary restaurant idea that did well locally and maybe even would have inspired some people to use their ideas after their deaths but ultimately it would have taken longer for such a concept to come to fruition. Instead, the person with the right drive and determination managed to get a hold of some influence with the idea, and he started expanding. So many restaurants, so many jobs, so many people getting delicious food far more conveniently than take-out joints had done before them, and it's an example of how people can even refine EXISTING ideas to improve society and make money from it. There were take-out joints before McDonald's, but they weren't as good, and nowadays there wouldn't be Wendy's or A&W or Subway or any other highly-organized and procedural fast-food establishments if not for the first fast-food success; McDonald's. I've been there, there's a lot to learn and it's very fast-paced. Proper training is needed on all levels for a fast-food restaurant to operate smoothly with minimal wait for the consumer.

>> No.10681195

No I don't you moron. They're the ones who built something without being overly privileged.

You're quite dense too. No one thinks all smart people are poor. How'd you get to that conclusion? And you're right that those people would not be exploited in China if there were no rich people from America to sustain it. You say that you're a Christian, but the only religion you follow is obviously money and anyone with it. Money doesn't make a person good you doofos. There are fucking suicide nets on Chinese factories because the only thing that is important is that they work like mindless machines. If China were not so degenerate and didn't sell their people into de facto slavery, they would be middle class workers like people in a "communist" country should be. We'll see how much your beautiful American made iPhones will cost once they're not produced for a dollar in China. Being rich is not the same as being short. The whole point is that anyone can be rich and that there's no reason why there's no reason why people should be living on the streets.

>> No.10681240

I'm also a moron.
Being rich is not the same as height.*
The whole point is that anyone can be rich and that there's no reason why people should be living on the streets.*

>> No.10681243
File: 3.80 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20180211_195905950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's about competition as viewed in ecology and evolution.
I feel like it is assumed that "competition" is real competition. I think it is superficial competition, everything is trying to live and inevitably it will lead to see striving at the loss of others. I think that this competition isn't really so much competition, I think the concept of mutual aid isn't really understood even by kropotkin. I want to have better terminology and empirical investigation into what picture related is talking about.
It's very abstract but it got down the just of what I am thinking about.
Right now I am thinking of ways to research this.

>> No.10681265

>No I don't you moron. They're the ones who built something without being overly privileged.
They didn't build shit, they bought and sold what others made and called it a brand.

>> No.10681280

Exploited in China? Those people make money from making those phones, you know. Likely FAR less than western minimum wages but still it's money, money that they are happy to make in exchange for making cheap products, so I reject the idea that they're being exploited. China has probably THE fastest-growing economy in the world (or at least I recall they were before Trump, we'll see if that continues as he improves the US economy) and as that economy grows they'll get more jobs and those jobs will get higher wages. They're benefiting from making those phones. If there were no rich people in America then we'd be living like people in Africa or, if you prefer, Venezuela where they had once been doing reasonably well under capitalism but is now suffering and literally starving under socialism.

I am a capitalist, that does not mean I worship rich people, but I am grateful for them for providing us with so much. It was rich people who designed the iPhone, who could only design it because of rich people who developed the technology beforehand to actually be able to physically make it, and you should be thankful for those hard-working Chinese who are happy to make it because if it were made elsewhere then those phones would be FAR more expensive than they are.

Wait, middle class workers... in a 'communist' country? You lost me, and also I again reject that the Chinese are slaves, in fact to my knowledge there's several thousand more people in China driving vehicles every month thanks to all the jobs coming from the west. I say again, their economy is growing rapidly, and I'll also mention that I am not yet American but I do plan to become one someday. I also happen to not have an iPhone or any smartphone. Just a cheap flip phone, it does what I need it to do, which isn't much.

Wait, do you mean 'anyone can be rich' or 'everyone should be rich'? Well, as far as 'rich' is concerned that can mean a lot of things. There's millions if not over a billion people in the world who would consider themselves rich just to have clean running water, electric lighting, a flushing toilet, and enough food to have three hearty and clean meals a day. By world standards, even people on welfare on rich. By western standards, we're doing so well that a household without a vehicle is basically poverty... first-world problems. Anyways, if you think that EVERYONE should be rich, that's not going to happen. Even Christ knew that there would always be poor people, and who knows, I might be poor my whole life. I might never get to be an American, which would be very sad, but I'll work my hardest to earn it. All the same even if I don't, I'll still be grateful of the rich for providing so much for me. It is thanks to the rich that we live so well in the west. Without the rich, we would be suffering terribly, as seen in the Soviet Union, Maoist China, today's Venezuela, and so on. Over a hundred million dead... was that not enough?

>> No.10681289

Musk was able to code since he was a kid. He made money by creating zip2 and PayPal before getting into rich shit in which he's today.

>> No.10681295

>The whole point is that anyone can be rich and that there's no reason why people should be living on the streets.*
Why's that? Plenty of people refuse to work. Do you mean we should round them and get rid of them or something?

>> No.10681304

>Early history[edit]
>PayPal was established in December 1998 as Confinity,[13] a company that developed security software for handheld devices[14] founded by Max Levchin, Peter Thiel, Luke Nosek and Ken Howery.[13][15] PayPal was developed and launched as a money transfer service at Confinity in 1999, funded by John Malloy from BlueRun Ventures.[16][17]
Musk had nothing to do with the actual creation of Paypal.

>> No.10681321

Musk bought paypal for one thing. For another don't conflate success with competence or anything like that, many people became rich in the dot com boom, lots of them with terrible ideas and platforms. It was some of the most reckless and insane investing periods known to man, free to look it up, people were throwing hundreds of millions at anything computer related.

>> No.10681323

What is a Communist middle-class?

>> No.10681368


You're not a capitalist. You're a capitalist supporting cuck.

>> No.10681377

China says that it is communist but it's just capitalism with a dictatorship. By middle class I mean everyone equal like people in a "communist" country should be. Saying that someone is rich by having running water is absurd when there's a person who has enough money to build an entire city. Please prove to me that the rich are helping society. Give me an example that isn't Musk or Gates or any of these popular cunts. Your Christ argument for capitalism just shows how far gone into ideology you are.

No. That's a capitalist solution. I don't know what should be done with them, but what is currently happening should change and it shouldn't be capitalism or communism.

>hurr durr
What about zip2?

But he was sucessful and competent, wasn't he? This is why I distinguish him from guys who inherited everything.

>> No.10681433

Oh no, I assure you, I am thoroughly a capitalist. Proudly so, even though I am quite poor at the moment at least by western standards. By world standards, I am rich, and I don't take that for granted. I'm grateful of the advances western society that I have been born into that so takes care of me.

I have already made my case in the paragraphs and paragraphs and paragraphs I have written about. The rich provide technology, the rich provide jobs, the rich provide goods and services, the rich keeps on the lights and keeps our houses warm. The rich not only puts shows and movies on TV but it's even the rich who ACT in them even sometimes getting injured or even killed in the process. It's the rich who design buildings and in the west it's often the middle-class that actually builds them, people making tens of thousands of dollars a year or even over a hundred thousand a year if they're journeymen. They keep the water running, they keep supermarkets open while hiring lower-class people to stock the shelves and even they make enough money to be comfortable and they also have the opportunity to improve. Work at one location for over a year and make sure it's on good terms so that you can get a letter of reference in the end, that alone can REALLY help you to get a better-paying job, or you can stay in the same company and they'll eventually give you a higher-ranking job once you've gotten enough expertise and knowledge. Then you will might get into a position to hire people, to pay them wages, to train them or hire others to train them, to give them skills and make their way up in life.

Without the rich there'd be no vehicles, without the rich there'd be no fuel or electricity. I could go on and on and on. Look at pretty much anything, even the computer or smartphone you use now to access the internet which is in and of itself yet ANOTHER thing that can be rooted to the rich. It is not the poor who create technology, or if a poor person comes up with good technology then if they're smart about it then they can quickly become rich and would deserve to do so. Every single dollar you spend is saying "I appreciate this establishment and support it along with the rich that owns it." Whether you like it or not. If you don't want to support the rich who own supermarkets, get out there and hunt/fish/forage. If you don't want to support the rich who keeps your electricity running, use animal fat to make candles and build a fire place to light fires in to keep warm and cut down trees to keep that fire going. If you don't want to suppose the rich who run factories that produce canned goods, then... well to bottle meat you'd need Mason jars which is made in factories owned by more rich people... ah! Go to an ocean, get sea water, boil it and sun it until it's refined to sea salt, and use that to make salt fish and salt beef and salt pork so that you won't starve during winter months. And so on and so forth.

>> No.10681481

In order to not support any rich people whatsoever, you basically need to leave civilized society. Live as a hermit. Skin the animals you hunt and refine it into leather; Native Americans utilized a method of tanning moose hide by using the moose's brain. Can't remember the process entirely. I know how to salt a hide for preservation but I don't yet fully know how to tan leather but anyways you'd have to do that to make clothes and blankets. You'd have to make your own home either with tools you fashion yourself or make a teepee out of leather like the Natives did. Another option is to find a cave.

Hell, let's stick with the Chinese thing for a second. Let's say they DO work as just slaves and make no money and are subsequently NOT buying thousands of vehicles a month as I had mentioned. The products made by their slave labour must be shipped, and the person who owns that shipping fleet is likely rich, but let's assume that they too are Chinese and thus merely a slave. The person who purchased the product of this slave labour as well as the shipping of the slave labour got all this stuff for free! Whether it be clothing, footwear, soap, cutlery, dishes, furniture, or whatever else you might own that was made in China, the person who got it shipped in bulk so as to provide it to you has DEFINITELY made money from your purchases so even if it all came from Chinese 'slave labour', it still had to get to a capitalist who purchased it at 'slave labour' prices and then paid people to distribute it to various different stores at various different parts of the country. The people who owned those stores paid people to stock the shelves, and the money spent on that good was essentially distributed to ALL those people. From the shelf stocker to the store owner to the truck driver who drove it to the guy who had it imported and well I guess nothing went to the Chinese since they're all slaves but every single purchase you make STILL ultimately has some of that money go to the rich.

You might not like it, but they deserve your money, because it's ultimately you who choose where to spend it. If not for those rich people, you would have not gotten that thing you wanted, whether it be a burger or a cup of coffee or a shirt or what have you.

>> No.10681493

How do I come up with conflicts in my stories?

Like, I can write heroes, and I can write villains, but very often they basically have nothing to do with each other and any conflict I can rope them together with feels forced.

>> No.10681500

Start with a conflict in mind and write characters to take part in it.

>> No.10681504

Try starting with something simpler then, maybe you're being too grand. Try writing about something familiar but at the same time something you're interested in, before jumping to more complicated things.

>> No.10681514

Reminder: Jordan B Peterson claimed to have a 150 IQ, but isn't so good at maths and stuff

>> No.10681523

>Let's say they DO work as just slaves and make no money and are subsequently a slave
I didn't say everyone is a slave. Why are you taking everything so literally? There are classes in China right now even though according to their ideology there shouldn't be. The richer ones are buying cars while poor ones are working in factories. The fact that you're defending anything a capitalist would do just so that you can have your iPhone terrifies me. Why not just have a state who would do that? Why is a rich person needed?

>> No.10681539

I'm smarter and a better writer than you all. This can be proven.

>> No.10681548

Anyone have his tweet claiming Gödel's incompleteness theorems proved that god exists? Gave me a chuckle

>> No.10681564

This thread is basically a /lit/ random containment thread.

>> No.10681566

Alright, I think this is it. If after reading this, then if >>10681377 still thinks that the rich aren't helping society then we'll just have to agree to disagree. I go into pretty darn good detail to show how every single purchase in some way results in money going to the rich while much of it is indirectly going to various workers in the process. Is there a way that the rich can be removed from the equation? I don't think so. Companies are hierarchies, just like so many things both in human life as well as in animal life. Dr. Peterson mentions how lobsters are a common ancestor from 350,000,000 years ago before there were even trees but they also have a similar 'hierarchy' quality of the brain designed to make the owner of said brain feel certain things based on their perceived position on the hierarchy. This is why anti-depressants work on lobsters. Hierarchies are not a 'patriarchal' or 'capitalist' thing, they are fundamental to how our brains operate and also fundamental to how companies work. When you make a purchase, that money sort of 'trickles up' the hierarchy until right at the top, the richest people get a cut of that money, just like the person you're handing the money to behind the register, the person in the shop who stocked the shelf or cooked the food or whatever, the person who brought that product to the store, and it goes on and on.

Someone once tried to make a burger. I'm not talking about going to a grocery store for the patties and buns, I mean MAKE a burger. Buy a cow, grow wheat, and I think that burger had cheese so first the cow had to be milked and that milk had to be processed. All in all, after this experiment, it cost something like $18,000 to make a single burger. It is thanks to developments and investments by the rich and also the capitalist structure itself that we can go a restaurant or store to buy one for less than $5, and how do you ideally earn that $5 that you spend? You must contribute to society. Find a job, and what is a job? It's an agreement you make with an employer to perform specific tasks for them in exchange for that money, and in order for the employer to have gotten so much excess money to hire you they needed to work hard to the point that they developed the knowledge and expertise to run a small business, or maybe they're a franchisee who pays a cut to the franchise owner without whom they wouldn't have to knowledge/tools/rights necessary to partake in said franchise.

Capitalism truly is beautiful, it provides such incredible opportunity for those who have the drive and determination to take advantage of it.

>> No.10681588

Sometimes it's OK, it's nice to have a "general chat" thread. Other times though it devolves into two or three people arguing with each other as is happening now.

>> No.10681590

Your satire was spot on. Thank you.

>> No.10681598

I don't own an iPhone, I don't think you know what the lives of the Chinese are like, I don't think you know anything of what capitalism is or how it does so much good for the west (which is the greatest civilization in the history of humanity), and as for why is a rich person needed? I don't want to starve to death, that's why. The rich person deserved it, whether you like it or not, that's why. I don't want to live in a country that ends up like Venezuela, that's why. A HUNDRED MILLION SOULS EXTINGUISHED IN THE 20TH CENTURY! THAT'S WHY! If you don't like the rich, move to the woods or move to Venezuela. China utilizes capitalism and is rapidly improving its economy with it. People dying in the streets in the west is so fucking rare as to be negligible. In all likelihood it's not from starvation or cold, but rather from substance abuse or violence of some sort. If millions are STARVING to death, then capitalism has failed just like socialism has and we need a new system, I'm with you. For now, in capitalist western nations, we have fucking obesity. People are eating too much and/or people are living too lazily due to how easy we have it here, and because why? Capitalism. God bless capitalism, and God bless the rich.

>> No.10681605

It was not satire. I was being entirely honest, serious, and to the best of my knowledge also entirely factual.

>> No.10681627

I'm quite enjoying it to be honest, too bad I need to go to bed, I have to get up early tomorrow morning. Hopefully I'll be able to get a job soon so as to contribute to society and make money. I'll continue to write and pursue a career in such but as is the case with capitalism you need to contribute in order to make money and it's no contribution to distribute absolute drivel written on scraps of paper. I must prove myself. In order to succeed in capitalism you must provide something the consumers want. The consumers decide the market, the consumers decide who gets rich. If nobody wanted iPods or iPhones, nobody would know about Steve jobs, he'd be just some tech geek tinkerer with big ideas and an empty bank account meanwhile people would have cell phones that they wouldn't like as much as their non-existent iPhones.

>> No.10681631

I'm so much smarter and talented. Oh my god.

>> No.10681656
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Sometimes I imagine myself as a clown inside a rubber box. I laugh and dance and sing, only the walls can hear me do all that, but it's a comforting feeling sometimes. It's like it glistens at the edges of the box, and light from outside is folded into itself when it comes in, changing colors and made stunningly beautiful. I can see that beauty, and I can hold it in my hands, but I can't see the source. It tightens around me. My clowning isn't heard by anybody, just the sad droning of some dumb specimen, my humor and wit never come to reach any ears, just the noises they make. I dream about killing people sometimes and feeling their skin. I want to feel their blood and skin. It's not a fetish, I just like smooth skin, and when it rubs up against rubber it squeaks and bristles like it's made of rubber too. Maybe it's a good thing nobody hears me in here, because it's something only I should experience. They'd get skinned by my wit. I'd have to rub them up against the walls and cover the walls with skin and then the light wouldn't come in anymore and I'd be trapped in darkness. Why would I want that? Why would anyone want that? Maybe I'll content myself with being a clown in a box, alone, without a soul to hear me. As long as they hear the sound of my voice, but not my words, it's all for the better.

>> No.10681667

I'm not. I'm sorry that you don't see at how many points in the capitalist system people are getting exploited and that you mask it by saying that it's fine because there are relatively cheap things that Americans can consume. I beg of you to at least read some critiques of capitalism since we're all just idiots with delusions of grandeur and it's better to read about it than to argue here like morons that we are.

>> No.10682416

seconding this

>> No.10682614

Anamanaguchi is a great band.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EP1mczaq3zo is seriously inspiring me to write some post-cyberpunk.

>> No.10682620

Tfw no one posts in my threads or replies to me unless i bait

>> No.10682632

No one really likes Nick.
Girl acquired Nick.
Girl now has dumb friends who are friends with Nick.
Girl does not know Nick is still talking to ex, among other girls online.
Nick drinks too much. Cause her to drink too much now too, after drinking too much before.
Too much redness and facial bloating.
Nick is immature. Nick has no dad. Nick does bad.

>> No.10682634

fuck off fag no one cares

>> No.10682640
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i've found it instructive to just brainstorm plots. let's start.

- someone has a debt they can't pay
- someone loves someone BUT there is a problem
- someone is sick and needs a cure

and so on. if you get sick then try to think about the plots to the movies and books you enjoy and think about them in more generic terms until you get what the idea of a "problem" means.

also this is cliche but thinking of stories as having beginnings, middles, and end is helpful to me.

>> No.10682645

nick.... cmon man, cmon

>> No.10682971

I never hear about Richard Dawkins anymore. We're living in a meme world and he created the term, but he seems irrelevant. I should google him just to get his opinion on Donald Trump.

>> No.10682983

When you steal from a corporation they may indeed claim the losses upon insurance, but this will cause their insurance costs to rise and companies will raise prices to keep their profit margins. If you steal a necessity (food, water, utilities, ect.) you are in effect stealing from everyone in your society.

>> No.10682989

Filter American politics boards, or just ignore them. Personally I scroll /r/all, and i try to avoid long comment chains, or have a flash of disdain and move on.

>> No.10682992

I havent read it yet but this made me laugh. Are you ssying thst the whale is god? Or is there some metaphor that I'm missing?

>> No.10682995

Start a new story without killing yourself.

>> No.10683088

For that, you will need to define 'exploit'. If you're going to rely on the Chinese thing then as far as I'm concerned it's the Chinese who exploit their own people. Their economy is growing very quickly thanks to their utilization of capitalism but I think if they adopted a more pure version of it then they'd advance FAR more rapidly and their people would get better wages, but yes, things would be more expensive over here. Also if the Chinese didn't produce things at such low wages then we would have them built here in the west which would ultimately work out better for us.

Let's assume for the moment that capitalism is deeply flawed and injust... what possible alternative is there? From what I can see there's Communism/socialism in which all people receive standard wages but I don't want heart surgeons making the same as burger flippers. Also there would be less heart surgeons because that takes years and years and years of education while to flip burgers you don't even need to have average IQ. Then there's fascism, which is allowing the Government to decide what is being produced, how much, and well it's obvious that fascism is not a road that we should go down.

What else is there? Under Capitalism, it's clear that people can succeed. People live well in the west, even the poor, and there's MANY cases of poor people becoming rich just like there's many cases of rich people becoming poor. Asian Americans make more on average than white Americans because they work so hard. Equal opportunity is FAR more important than equal outcome, because there will ALWAYS be poor people, ALWAYS be lazy people, ALWAYS be unintelligent people, and that's just the way it is. I believe the hard-working, the productive, and the intelligent people who do their best to contribute to society should be rewarded for it, and yes, I still throughly believe that the vast majority of the rich contribute heavily to society. The rich who do not, who sit back and don't try to keep the source of their wealth fine-tuned and up-to-date, they're doomed to lose it, either them or their children. Riches can be gained, but riches can also be lost. The people in the 1% change all the time with people climbing into it and people dropping out of it.

>> No.10683151

I'm 19 years old and I think I'm settling into a worldview. I've been flip flopping for 5 years but now I'm stabilising. Obviously the next 10 years will contain plenty of flip flopping but I think I've literally ran out of things to believe in. I've been all over the political compass, I've been all over the religious compass, and now I'm at a place where they're both lining up. Everything is more stable, I feel more certain and I'm slowly applying the ideas to my life. The only problem is that the place I've landed is obscure. There are some people who believe 90% of what I believe, but nobody actually shares my worldview. And there is no author that represents those 90% people. As typically adolescent as it sounds, do I have to be that author? And does anyone else here have obscure beliefs?

>> No.10683159

>Am I bad guy for flirting with a girl who has a BF?
Yes, you already knew that

>> No.10683199

Why is it you struggle with writing 2-4 pages for an assignment, but later in life write easily 100+ pages for your novel .

>> No.10683212

You actually want to write your novel, unlike your assignment.

>> No.10683216

Read Culture of Critique.

>> No.10683229

I fear one day, if given the opportunity, I will slip my collar, and given in to beast living in my mind. I feel like I have it under control now, but there is no telling when it is just me and a boy alone together. I don't want to have that shame on me. I don't want my family to ostracize me. I want to be normal, and be able to just have normal thoughts. I wish I had never stumbled upon shotacon. I wish I had remained pure. would have still been a Christian, I still would believe in hope for myself. Here and now the guilt permeates throughout every day of my life. I just want to loved and touched my someone, Is that too much to ask? of course it is, because I was never wanted and never will be. The only man who said he loved me was a liar and a scumbag, and not to mention the fact that women are completely out of the realm of possibility. boys, children, are the only pure thing in this world

>> No.10683256

i was pondering this today actually. and i came to the conclusion that it is indeed sometimes ok.

the thing to consider is the very basic moral principle of life that 'you dont do to others what you wouldnt want done to you'

but then i thought about how i steal from people who have wealth. and if i consider it, if i was wealthy, would i mind a poor kid stealing from me? no. no i wouldnt. if i have enough im fine.

the rich guy im stealing from probably minds but thats because he's a greedy selfish asshole. so thats his problem. and im stealing without guilt.

also i steal books from barnes and noble and sometimes steal food from the grocery store and i dont find any moral problem with it.

>> No.10683262
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Why can't I force myself out of my state of human garbage. All I need to do is to work, and I don't even mind working, it feels good to look back on hours spend doing something you know is positive for you... But I can never get into it. It's as if I were terribly afraid of accepting my responsibilities.

>> No.10683332

would'nt it be that you don't give you the right to be happy? Everybody deserves a wife and children, everybody deserves happiness. I don't know you but odds are you're not a bad person too. So what stopping you? Have you been bullied in high school ?

>> No.10683349

despite being in a relationship for 3 years now I can't stop thinking about this other girl. I've known for nearly a decade now and ever since we moved apart I can't stop thinking about her.

I think I missed out lads :(

>> No.10683359

Have you ever tried your absolute hardest and ended up with failure multiple times?
If it's that, you're afraid of it happening again, so you half ass everything, even life.

>> No.10683447
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All of that is true. I've never really considered these things and attributed everything to my lack of discipline but there's more to it, it seems. I've never given my absolute hardest, and often met failure even after trying hard. As a consequence of these repeated failures, I developed a weird, frustrating vision of unreachable excellence and started to feel as if I didn't deserve the happiness somehow associated with it.
And now, the fact that I really want to try doing something that makes me happy contradicts this retarded mindset.
I am grateful, based /lit/. Thank you.

>> No.10683456

It won't ever stop.

>> No.10683486
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Who knows. At least I managed to put into words what has been troubling me for way too long, now. It feels liberating, in a way.
I'll stop the blogposting here. Thank you anons.

>> No.10683511

>tfw long term relationship
>thinking of breaking up
>dependent on partner atm since mental break forced me from life
>can't move out
>no one else to go to
>feel miserable and trapped, like i'm missing out on life

what the fuck do i do?

>> No.10683521

Are there any other real literary fourms where the main discussion is actually literature?

I can't stand the community on reddit and anything else I find seems to be dead,

>> No.10683525

Why couldn't you be that author? You're at the perfect spot to start writing anon. Just do it, and later you will be able to look back on what you did an be grateful.

>> No.10683533

>Everybody deserves a wife and children
>everybody deserves happiness
Not true

>> No.10683667

A common interpretation is that the whale is god or truth or purpose or whatever and hunting it is Ahab's rebellion against his human station.

>> No.10683682

Thanks man, I have started writing and I want to do more. My language skills are pretty good so I think I have some potential.

>> No.10683739

The book barn has some really good threads

>> No.10683860

I want to write for fun and my porn blog but I have to write bullshit for uni ahhhhhhhhh. I don't care about the Dutch masters anymore.

>> No.10683905
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>> No.10683912
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Fuck everyone, you're right. This cannot continue

>> No.10684303
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kill yourself for sure my man

>> No.10684329
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I can't wait to arrest people like you

>> No.10684363

He's not memeing. Man's relationship/struggle with God or the Truth is generally considered one of the main themes of the book.

>> No.10684383


>> No.10684448

I have a similar problem, to a lesser extent. I think you might just have trouble starting things, and once you get going you'll enjoy them. Just try powering through the first few days or weeks of something and I think you'll find it becomes no trouble at all.

>> No.10684494

That's only because it takes the brain 2-3 weeks to make it a habit.

>> No.10684554

>Unironically Reddit.
I lurk /r/worldnews/ and /r/news/. I don't have an account and I hate how phony the users are. Self censorship is rampant because everyone's worried about lowering their Goddamn karma and damaging their internet reputation or whatever. I would get my news somewhere else but I don't know of a better website.

>> No.10684981
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>unfathomable fluid dynamics calculation of their amazing great sexy attractive fat jiggling everywhere
A+ for effort. Having a waifu or even just an affinity for 2D can be helpful in times like these.

>> No.10685160

I'm really bothered by the student culture in modern american universities. I'm not talking about shit like being disrespectful in lecture, that's obnoxious but isn't a problem per se. I'm talking about how many don't take university seriously. The treat it like high school 2.0, instead of trying to grow intellectually they just try to pass their classes so they can get a diploma and be done with it all. They don't try to understand things, they just memorize them. I've had people shocked that I studied for exams by trying to really get at what the material means instead of rote memorizing test banks. They're not curious. They don't talk to their professors. They glibly repeat phrases like "C's get degrees!". A lot of the time they're only there in the first place because it's what everyone whose not going right into a trade or profession is expected to do. It's profoundly anti-intellectual and I hate it. It's not like they're even rebelling against anything, I'd be OK with that! Instead it's just boring and dull and lifeless. Intellectually dead.

There are obviously problems with the universities themselves, but you can't ignore that the students are an issue too. It seems to be an issue in some majors more than others, I'm fortunate to not encounter it as much in my field, especially as I start taking advanced classes. But it still infuriates me that at the end of the day I'll get the same degree as the person that didn't really learn anything.

>> No.10685215



>> No.10685280

I've been trying really hard to write poems lately, with a sort of new approach. Rather than relying on a magical outpouring of spontaneity plus a little tweaking, I'm relying on a tiny seed of inspiration plus hours and hours of experimentation and tinkering. I feel like inspiration is like 70% a meme; musical composers don't just magically shit out a perfect score in 10 minutes. Why should it be different with poets? I've realized I'll never write anything worth reading if I don't take technique seriously (and most don't). I've been writing sonnets only, and I'm just going to keep writing them until they become fairly comfortable. The hardest thing about iambic pentameter is varying your feet so that the rhythm doesn't get grating. I've been reading Shakespeare with special attention to the technical problems I want to tackle in the poems I'm working on, and it's been super helpful. For the first time maybe ever I feel like my craft is actually improving.

>> No.10685470

I think the big issue here is that most people don't belong in university at all. People feel like they should go to college just to get 'something' to get a decent paid desk job, not something they are really interested in. In many areas trades are seen as less desirable and less valuable. There's also requirements where a biochemistry major has to take sociology and art history even if it's not of interest or applicable to their work, or designed to have some application to their work. What I've also seen is a rush to get through college as quickly as possible from the school itself. I was encouraged to take 15-17 credit hours a semester, even when I voiced my concern that I would not be able to fully dedicate myself to each class with that number of hours. What is one more year of university where I truly understand my work, to four years of just scraping by?
Also, because of the push for everyone to go to uni, they have become far too large, there is no personal relationship with professors when you are one in 500 and have to schedule a single office hours appointment a month in advance.

TLDR: most people should not be in university because most office jobs should not require bachelor's degrees and students who are in university should be encouraged to take their time.

>> No.10685495
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>> No.10685508

I didn't listen to your advice and I've been taking it the last 2 days now. The main thing I've noticed is that I'm less lethargic and my appetite is gone, I might stick with it for a while just to lose some weight because I was 211lbs two days ago and I'm already down to 208lbs

>> No.10685559

delet this

>> No.10685783

I looked through some old documents this morning. It put me in a strange and melancholy mood that is more pleasure than pain.
Nothing is predetermined in my life. My parents both settled for each other. I came out and here I am. I used to think I had some inborn ability for writing, that something in my DNA predisposed me for it, but now I know it's will and only will. I started out totally naive, believing I could be famous as a writer. This was when I was in 3rd grade. Although I still write, I do not call myself a writer. I write because it is what I now. I take pleasure from the sweet spot I occupy when I'm in the middle of a page, writing up a storm, but I am also aware of the depths of my own ignorance, of my own banality and intellectual sin. I am deeply ashamed of things I have written. I have a problem with the truth. I always have. I tend to exaggerate. I tend to conflate friendship with romance, which is a hideously embarrassing thing once you realize it. We all have problems. Mine cut deep and I know exactly what to do to get out of it, but I simply cannot work up the nerve to do it, because I am tired of life, I am tired of terrible food, I am tired of America and her abundance of entertainment and slop and the long flat landscapes of North Texas. I know that if I go to the center of something great and powerful, if I go as an aid worker to save lives in the Rohyinga crisis I will feel no better, if I achieve material success I will drift back into an bored nagging stream of days. I know that if I get out of bed and do something with myself the dopamine blast would be negligible. I am afraid of drifting but that is all I know.

>> No.10685784

There is nothing wrong in posting here based on wikipedia articles. I will keep doing it.

>> No.10685890

Is it racist to swipe left on literally every black woman on tinder? Why do I feel so bad about this? and don't pull any J Peterson shit on me guys I need the truth.

>> No.10685919

Well anon, that depends. Are you doing it because you're just not attracted to black women? Very few would consider that racist. If you're doing it because you don't like black people then it's racist.

t. reasonably leftist person

>> No.10685921

I do the same thing man, there's nothing wrong with it. It's your own sexual preferences and you should not feel ashamed of them unless you are a homosexual.

>> No.10685939

The way I use tinder is I just swipe right on literally every girl without looking at the picture or bio and then I check to see if any of them swiped right on me and then decide whether to actually message them or not. I only get black girls and over weight severely autistic girls and I never send them messages because I'm not into that shit.

>> No.10685945

I'm attracted to black women. I guess that I'm intimidated by them. They're loud in public. They say things that make me blush, like talking about getting shit on their tongues when they eat ass, and they laugh about, they laugh and cackle and I can't take it when, at parties, they yell at me in a dark crowded room telling me to give them their space but I literally can't because there's so many people packed into one tiny apartment so I tell them to fuck off and they have a bitch fit, so I get my friends together and we leave, but several black guys at the door stop us, so we bolt and they chase and they chase but they can never catch us and when they do my friend pulls out a knife that scares them off because we are educated college students not savages. Not that black people are savages. It is simply an aesthetic difference between me and them. It is hard to exactly explain it. Have you seen Superfly? That movie is disgusting to me. While black people are not disgusting to me, I would like to say that their culture is repulsive. The word "boujee," just makes me want to cringe. "Baby daddy" is a phenomenon that scares the shit out of me for the future of society.

>> No.10685947
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I'm so lonely but I can't stand other people. I don't know which is worse. I hate the way other people sound and smell, they repulse me. I feel like an alien. Online friendships just aren't the same, and I know I would hate those people if I ever met them in person.

>> No.10685954


>> No.10685966

Yeah I did this for a while until I matched with a Jewish qt english major at my school. We dated for a month and a half. but it quickly fell apart as she was incredibly mentally unstable, would cry if she embarrassed herself in front of me, had a terribly low opinion of herself, and was crushed when I was late to her dumb play. Anyways, this experience taught me to be patient. Be patient and it will pay off. You only have to sink one. Remember that. And you better be careful if you want to move forward if you sink one because a relationship is an investment for the future..

>> No.10685989

I like emotionally unstable girls, also I live in a rural ass area so most of the profiles are bots anyway so there is no point in reading the copy pasted bios and fake pictures

>> No.10685994

You can't appreciate other people because you can't appreciate yourself. I know this from experience. Anything you hate about another person is a direct result of personal flaws that you have been repressing. Start by being more forgiving to yourself and you will learn how to forgive others for their shortcomings. Friendships are really low maintenance. All you need is a shared activity and to not be a dick. Look people in the eye and relax. That's all there is to it dude. Online relationships aren't shit. You will get nothing out of them I promise you. It will only make you more lonely as you will yearn and yearn and only get pixels and text.

>> No.10686000
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That last part but unironically american black culture is without a doubt the most degenerative influence in western history and the fact it gets marketed and sold oooooh STATE STEP IN! this is why i like the PRC and have communist sympathy all their states turn out shitty yes-- but theyre safe from the amoral free market capitalist culture machine

>> No.10686010
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....but she sounds sweet anon maybe i want someone who crys and feels bad about everything thats a deep connection you know they can trust me

>> No.10686015

I fucking hate memes.

>> No.10686022

Do not ask WHY
If you dont want to DIE
Do like your TOLD
If you want to get OLD

>> No.10686033

Dude trust me, don't. They use their emotionally instability to get what they want, like a child feigning illness to get out of school. They don't do it intentionally (although some do), but rather it's mostly just a result from behavioral conditioning from coddling parents. I thought I did too until I actually dated one. Their lives are fucked up and I feel seriously bad for them. They will drift from guy to guy seeking attention never knowing what it's like to have a stable foundation of love and contentment. Don't get me wrong sex with them is amazing but never expect them to stick around. This girl literally told me that she seriously thought about spending the rest of her life with me, and after I told her not to think those thoughts, to take it slow, to take it as it came, she broke down crying and the only thing that I could do was immediately concede and tell her that I wanted to marry her. Literally the next day she told me she wanted a break. I agreed and told her that I thought it was a good idea, she got incredibly mad at me for how quick I was at agreeing. I caved (pussy makes a man weak), and continued to date her for a few more weeks. Things went really well until she said randomly that she wanted us to stop seeing each other. This hurt me because of how fucking unexpected it was. In short I told her the way she did it was cruel and that I didn't want to see her again. She texted me a few weeks ago talking about how she broke up with me because she was planning to kill herself and that it failed, so she wanted to get back together, but I had to put my foot down and say no.

>> No.10686046

She was really sweet. Had short hair and massive double d's. I'm a pretty emotionally supportive guy but there was no way I could help her, absolutely no way. She didn't want help, she wanted to play the game she had played since she was a child, to be a victim and to be coddled. I wasn't going to do that shit.

>> No.10686071

ohhhh well you guys werent meant for eachother .. maybe its the seperation of internet i mean ive never met her but i know those kind of thoughts she had- but you dont say them! maybe she thought she trusted you maybe she was--ughhh i dont know its 2pm here i fucking hate it the noise the light the sky just fuck off i have a feeling if a met a girl like that shed leave as soon as she actually knew me and that she couldnt TRY to lament and bend me around all she wants is someone stable to bitch at thats all

>> No.10686077

You write like a chick.

>> No.10686080

Can somebody recommend me good books that are max. 300 pages long?
Genre is not important.

>> No.10686082

>She must like me
>And I know I'd fuck her better than her boyfriend now
>I'm not an asshole

You may be in delusional if you think any of these statements are true

>> No.10686105

My Twisted World by Elliot Rodger

>> No.10686157

oh and i guess thats a bad thing well forgive me would you? youve already placed yourself above me to throw DOWN judgements vague ones as well

>> No.10686216 [DELETED] 

Dante was true. The conclusion became the commencement. An eternity of suffering for a lifetime of sin. I say to thee listener, repent! Drop to thy knees at this very moment and beg for His forgiveness. Do not rise until your stomach churns and your skin turns raw. Forget the sinful frivolities of this world and imagine for one second the consequences of each sin. If only Man knew of the sufferings which await, the Kingdom of Heaven would reach Earth this very minute. I was a soldier, drunken with victor and power. I repented till my tongue grew raw, yet was met with howls and laughter by Them.

>> No.10686291

it could be a good thing actually if you want to be a writer.

>> No.10686555

Why are people scared of the truth? Are we doomed in society to just be closeted by fear and ignorance, hoping tha tfantasy will pull us through and that faults that are opening now will be closed in a few generations if we just ignore them and keep going?

Why do people think that to intimidate a whole lot of peoplpe to cover up a murder is good? Why are we so keen to stagnate and force nothing as great changes?

Will we ever really progress as society? Or will we continue to send our childrenninto a darker furpture, only insisting that we hav e someone to blame for the wrongs?

Why are we dominated by such shallow shit? And why do we expect other to fix everything.

I think we are doomed seriously.

>> No.10686999

Interesting pic, got a chuckle, but it's not a strong enough jaw.

>> No.10687022

>but I don't know of a better website.
Well, you could take a look at some popular news outlets. Unless you are a nutjob who thinks that the media is out to get you. Here are some good ones if you are.


>> No.10687119

>those sites

>> No.10687147

jesus fucking christ

>> No.10687175


Germany has free university for abroad students, and most of it's in English as far as I know, in case you ever want to go back

>> No.10687273

>Unless you are a nutjob who thinks that the media is out to get you.
I admit to being a bit distrustful of mainstream media. Vote manipulation by bot accounts is a real thing on reddit so it's not like I've actually taken steps to avoid being influenced by media bias.
>Here are some good ones if you are.
I'm curious, how do you know about these websites? Did you look them up just for me, or do you use them yourself? If you do, then was referring to yourself as a "nutjob" self depreciation? Forgive me for being skeptical, but some other posters seem to think that you are not being entirely sincere.

>> No.10687333

>I'm curious, how do you know about these websites?
I had a philosophy professor that believed in some conspiracies. Those were some news outlets I remember him talking about.
>Did you look them up just for me
I gave them to you just incase you'd want them.
>If you do, then was referring to yourself as a "nutjob" self depreciation?
Personally I'll use any reputable news outlet. That, however, doesn't mean I'll believe everything I see.

>> No.10687521

>I had a philosophy professor that believed in some conspiracies. Those were some news outlets I remember him talking about.
Alright, sorry for questioning you like that, and thank you for the websites, I may use them if I ever become super paranoid of mainstream news sources. Thanks again.

>> No.10687696
File: 81 KB, 564x570, 1493669028926-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In an equal world, there is no god. There can't be. Absence of God is hell. This is apparent, but denial is equal in value. Apathy or not, equal. To dig or to be dragged, equal. A retarded negro or the smartest man, equal. Or soon to be; death to good things!
Off with the head of the king, images of God! Beast or man, equal. Machine or man, equal. Wrong or right, equal. Work or not, equal.
Represent quality at your own peril. It's the alien of our world; showing the equality of xenophilia!

>> No.10687705

Someone was shot in the head in the main Street next to the place I'm staying in. Carnival mess.

>> No.10687833

that happened to me before, well it happened right outside the place i was working, luckily they cleaned up any blood or brain bits before monday, it was definitely a lil spooky but as long as u don't do black stuff like try to rip ppl off for drug money you'll be ok

>> No.10687864

my posts get ignored a lot. do yours?

>> No.10687877
File: 64 KB, 614x450, 1517428367928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They walked through the steep, cobbled walkway made of leaves and rock until they hit sand. Soggy, cold sand. They wet their feet and joke. It had been a long day of hiking and resting and complaining and joking and laughing and pausing to hold their map open with two hands pointed groundward, in the direction of the sun. Mao considered jumping in the water, and considered what hell he’d have to pay if he shoved Weidong with down with him. The water level rose around their waists. They knew what was happening. Pantlegs soaked, they stode back onto the beach, kicking their knees high, almost tapping their hanging chins, racing the tide up shore. A long, hollowed-out log of driftwood, drenched to the core, lay at Mao’s feet. He picked it up and then, noticing its weight, quickly let one end go. It dragged in the sand behind him. ‘M’ he carved in the sand in front of his feet. The wash came and washed it clear. ‘A’ he wrote next and the water took it. ‘O’ he wrote and again the water came. He called to his Weidong to join him. Look it, he said. He stepped forward and wrote ‘M’. Look, it changes.

>> No.10687950
File: 36 KB, 197x203, seriously though.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I know if I'm a piece of shit human being or not? Or a human others want to be around?

I feel like I'm alienating my friends. It's not something I with intent, but I feel me and my friends dont hang out nearly as much as we should be doing and I feel there's a growing divide between us. Why do I feel this way? Well, for the last couple of years I've noticed that fewer and fewer people ask me out for a beer or if I want to hang out, and whenever we do something in together it's usually (not always) I who instigate it.

My phone is silent most of the week. The only ones who calls me anymore are phone salesmen and my messenger inbox consists mainly of people asking me if I can fill in a shift for them at work.

I was never the popular person that was the first and obvious person you'd invite to a party, I would always come 5-6th in that list, but I cant connect any of the dots to why it seems to me that people straight up wants to avoid me. Maybe it's all in my head, maybe it's just that we're getting older (mid 20's) and people dont have the time, maybe I'm a pain to be around, maybe I'm just a boring person to be around and people rather prefer wasting their precious time with others than me.

>> No.10687963

you write long ass posts using proper punctuation and paragraphs and shit, reeks of self-importance and effort

>my messenger inbox consists mainly of people asking me if I can fill in a shift for them at work.

hey at least u gettin hours, fuck bitches

>> No.10688070

Cindy, one of the characters I created in the world in my head, died in a car accident with her child. John, the husband, has been grieving over her death at shriekwoods park.

>> No.10688086

Sounds like you're a little bitch who should stay off the internet

>> No.10688089

they aren't even that far off from mainstream. they're just openly biased instead of pretending to be unbiased like more central mainstream sites

>> No.10688093

what subreddits do you guys browse?

>> No.10688102

my gaming pc just died, i ain't even mad

maybe i'll buy a nintendo switch or sth if i get some cash to blow

>> No.10688106

Even on /lit/ I feel we underestimate the massive influence Joyce has had. People like Doblin who wrote Berlin Alexanderplatz have supposedly changed their writing mid-draft after reading Ulysses

>> No.10688111

i thought ulysses was gonna be like some early beta version of gravity's rainbow with an irish theme, but instead it was boring

>> No.10688112
File: 47 KB, 500x352, 1515353057400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lay off the soy products

>> No.10688163
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, ableubleubleu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They belong to completely different literary movements separated by half a decade fairly bait-y anon. Someone like Kafka is no Pynchon, Nabokov himself would be a closer comparison. But it's precisely the reason why the so-called "meme trilogy" works so well, possibly one of the greatest strokes of brilliance that this board had, without needing translations for any three of the works at that, as it captures with what the modern man will term with impunity "the modern man" of their respective eras.

>> No.10688172

yeah but magic mountain is dank, why ulysses gotta be so weak

>> No.10688517

It's funny how the current trend in advertising is to show some complete non-sequitur retarded joke to catch your attention and then just have the actual product as a footnote, kind of like Family Guy. This stuff used to bug me but it's better just to laugh.

>> No.10689817


>> No.10690137

I've finally reached a point where I've lost every single thing I care about. My romances are dead, my friends have left, my studies have lost their appeal, my hobbies are bored, I'm indifferent to politics, and I don't have any grand plans. This is good, I'm lost in a void now but I'm finally free to take my own path, to do what I desire not what I have been told to. I just need to figure out where to go.

>> No.10691020

I always thought 4/lit/ is 8/leftypol/ in disguise

>> No.10691628

that would explain Zizek worship and lefty stirner autism

>> No.10691701

Life is but a constant contradiction.
Planning desires, dreaming of victories.
But letting no action take place and surrender to it's niceties.

>> No.10691753
File: 170 KB, 956x837, 1518407489411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know she's in love with my friend. He likes her, but not that way. I know they've fucked at least once, but they might have a few times. She flirts with everyone, but I don't care. It's literally the only positive female attention I've ever recieved. We've been friends for too long. She's the only girl that I've ever clicked with. I think about her too much.
I wish I never went to the party where the girl asked us if we were dating
"No" we both laughed
"You should, you would be cute together"
Never wanted to die more than in that moment.

Valentine's Day tomorrow. Wonder if I'll have the courage to finally do it this year. Prospects only getting worse. Thinking of future fills me with dread.

>> No.10691781

>because its killing the species
>devalues human life
Objectively wrong.
>is causing dysgenic breeding
>ruined art
>makes everyday life insufferable
>is accelerating the death of religion,
>is causing demographic crises
In your head.
>melts borders
Ain't nuffin wrong with that.
>spreads psychosis, depression
This is true but it is mostly due to America aka the Devil.
>is directly linked with the death of the biosphere
True but what can you do if people are retards who keep voting for dumb oligarchal politicians? It's not like the solutions aren't there.
>Capitalism is baded on fraud and coercion
>no honest human can feel good about participating in it.
>The excess of goods are cheaply made nonsense
He said, while posting on 4chan with his computer
>stealing cheap food, cheap trinkets to placate oneself temporarily is just a displacement activity
Wtf does this even mean?
>The small pleasantry of having GMO bannanas and comcast
Ah nevermind, you're american.

>> No.10691857

He was the CEO of X.com, which later merged with Paypal. Both companies were established a street away from each other and they later merged for the love of god stop being a fucking brainlet.

>> No.10692041

kill yourselves.

>> No.10692152
File: 106 KB, 500x500, 1513314733734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, now reply to everyone who said they had a girlfriend.

>> No.10692515

I got a beer from the bar and started walking over to the main area and saw this baby sitting in a high chair, and for whatever reason I just imagined pouring my entire beer on this babbling baby's head from behind. The mother let it loose when I sat down, now it's jumping around in front of me making noises as I type. I don't hate children, but this just feels surreal for some reason.

>> No.10692545

truth be told, I'm on the same page with you but all the other communities on the web are just as cancerous and even more than this place

>> No.10692591

It has gotten to the point where I habe been convinced that I don't exist. That every part of me is purely at the generosity of others. I have no thoughts of my own, nor any actions of my own. I am just a blight on society and provide nothing to anybody. As the saying goes and goes 'I am just fucking everything up'. But I can't see the point, nor the reason. I can see the 'evidence' but that is just people working as a hinderance, not as a collaboration. And in the end I just think that people are just waiting, and have nothing better to do because they are bored, that is all I can really put it down to. I can't look at people as being evil, as even a necessary evil is just an excuse when you think about it. But as evidence goes I appear to be the odd one out. Anything I do or say is immediatly contradicted and then suddenly repeated back to me as the thing that needs to be done. I am just sad because as someone said 'such is life' I just wish someone would do something about the war crimes and murder that seem to be passing by as a necessity in this world. Power is nothing to be faught over especially if the fighting is just based on fantasy promises of something greater in the future as long as debts are made now.

Alll I tried to say was that people shouldn't be sold out, that doing so would just make things more shit, but nobody listened they just ran towards doing so and have just heightened the trend. And if thst doesn't work they dive into the madness of the homeless and insane to back themselves up. Shitty non consteuctive tactics, but all apparently the woke and enlightened are doing to postpone or usher in a 'war' somewhere else, like good little piggies. I just really don't see it getting any better.

I can easily be pictured as the bitter looser, but I am just sad and fed up. Game of thrones is tired. Living in a society where there are fewer jobs and fewer prospects for personal development are going to only create a larger group of the disgruntled idle, people in the west seem to tjink thst inherited property, tallent, government jobs, and boutique industry are going to save the day, but in the end it is all jist about power, and that shitstorm of a competitoon isn't going amywhwre any time soon.

In othwrwords humanity is fucked long live humanity.

>> No.10692592

does anyone care about poetry?

>> No.10692635



>> No.10692640

im thinking a lot lately about how ive always wanted a baby like since i was 16 but now im not so sure. i think about how hard it will be the first year and how they cry all the time, and i worry id regret ever having it. i worry i wouldnt love it as much as i think, or be as good with kids as ive always thought id be.

and i worry id end up being a really bad mother, because i think i would make the same mistakes as my parents. and then i think about the way a child grows up and stops needing you so much and i think i would feel that as such a rift in my soul. and what if i resented them for what they did to my body? what if my husband stopped being attracted to me? i think that happens a lot.

mostly i just worry id be a shit mother, and i really dont want that. i have a lot of fear about it especially at this stage of my life, and i dont know how to tell my boyfriend who i will probably marry (knock on wood). i feel selfish but sometimes i just want it to be the two of us for the rest of our lives.

and then theres the problem of bringing a child into a world thats rapidly self destructing. would that be irresponsible? i dont think i want babies anymore.

>> No.10693188

>im thinking a lot lately about how ive always wanted a baby like since i was 16 but now im not so sure. i think about how hard it will be the first year and how they cry all the time,
a year goes by quick lad
>and i worry id regret ever having it.
>i worry i wouldnt love it as much as i think, or be as good with kids as ive always thought id be.
instinct takes over. you will love your kid

>and i worry id end up being a really bad mother,
see above
>because i think i would make the same mistakes as my parents.
then avoid doing so
>and then i think about the way a child grows up and stops needing you so much and i think i would feel that as such a rift in my soul.
than have many
>and what if i resented them for what they did to my body?
don't be a materialist pleb then
>what if my husband stopped being attracted to me? i think that happens a lot.
that's gonna happen anyway. alotta guys find preggo chicks hot anyway

>mostly i just worry id be a shit mother, and i really dont want that.
again, really doubtful. the fact that you care to question this shows enough thoughtfulness on your part that you'll do fine
>i have a lot of fear about it especially at this stage of my life,
how old are you?
>and i dont know how to tell my boyfriend who i will probably marry (knock on wood).
tell him what? that you want kids, or that your afraid to have them? the first of those two should have been an early conversation. the other one you shouldn't bottle up
>i feel selfish but sometimes i just want it to be the two of us for the rest of our lives.
you'll regret doing that later in life

>and then theres the problem of bringing a child into a world thats rapidly self destructing.
be the change you wanna see in the world. be wholesome & shit
>would that be irresponsible?
>i dont think i want babies anymore.
you clearly do

>> No.10693452
