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/lit/ - Literature

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10674681 No.10674681 [Reply] [Original]

If I'm writing a novel about a racist /pol/ack in the first person, is it acceptable to write racist things and use the word "nigger"?
I can't really get the point across without these things but I don't want to get lynched or have my book banned just because people don't understand it or don't want to think about racism

>> No.10674686

Are you a white person?

>> No.10674688

Ca you fuck off with all these shitty bait threads already

>> No.10674690
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Not bait

>> No.10674691

Show us an excerpt of it, so we know you aren't just here to talk about 'muh niggers'

>> No.10674711

>because I don't want to get lynched

>> No.10674716

are you niggeranon

>> No.10674717

I don't want anyone to steal it.
Could I release it under a pseudonym like Demar Jenkins or something?

>> No.10674729

Read some Flannery O'Connor. Southern Gothic and general Southern lit is my favorite. Idk if that's why, but I use the word "nigger" often without worrying about it. If it's in the right context, you'll get away with it. Anyone that cares about literature should understand sometimes stories "go there" and give you a pass.

>> No.10674730

Well, I think you can't use 'nigger'.
Lovecraft used, but he was racist.
McCarthy uses the word in spanish 'negro',
it's the same thing in portuguese.
Can you tell me more about your book?
Is only this character that is racist?

>> No.10674739

someone post that niggernovel excerpt

>> No.10674740

No. I can't write about women or people of color because I'm "privileged" and "Don't understand their struggle"
But if I don't have them in my book it won't be diverse enough. So I'm just going to write what I know.
A racist, xenophobic, woman hating young white man with insecurities who projects them in his daily life. Kinda like Kai from AHS Cult but without the cult shit and more in-depth on his psyche.
I just don't think it would be realistic to pretend that the character wouldn't say and think racist things

>> No.10674743

go back

>> No.10674746

It would be the main character in 1st person. It wouldn't be me saying nigger, it would be the character.

>> No.10674756

Are you retarded? Why would anyone from /pol/ want to write a book on the folly of racism?

>> No.10674759

does the character say nigger? does he think nigger?

then write nigger

>> No.10674763
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This is a book I wrote. 3rd in the series that is now 5 novels long. There are racial things being said since the 2nd when a black lesbian character is introduced and promptly attempts to kill the protagonist (who is naturally a white male), but in pic related he gets fed up with the racist bullshit she keeps throwing at him and tells her something along the lines of "why don't you suck my dick, you nigger dyke." It's the first racist thing he says in the series, and though she's been calling him 'white boy' and even 'cracker for quite a while it still hits her like a ton of bricks that he actually said such.

White whatever you fucking want. Who fucking cares. In the 4th book I wrote in a couple Muslim characters and use them to critique Muslim 'culture' as well as some problems that seem to be inherent with parts of the middle east and those who come from those parts. I'm proudly white, a proud Christian, and damn right I'm proud to be male. Deal with it. Leftists want identity politics... except when it's based on inconvenient truths.

>> No.10674767

I'm tired, been a busy day, pardon the grammatical errors.

>Write whatever you fucking want.

>> No.10674771

Thank you. I think just because a word hurts people's feelings doesn't mean we should pretend it doesn't exist.
How would you write a novel about a plantation owner? Do you expect him to call his slaves "people of color"?>>10674743

>> No.10674772

This thread is just about discussing the word 'nigger', OP hasn't written a single word and was never going to do so

>> No.10674778

It's about whether the word has a valid place in modern literature.

>> No.10674783

Oh okay, now I got it.
I don't see it as a problem, but let's say that you become famous with this book, this book will be a controversy, because you used this word.
But let's go back a little. If you send this book to your publisher, I think they can see a problem, and they will probably ask to you substitute this word with something else. We don't live in that time when American Psycho was published, our society is more sensible now. Politically Correct I guess.

>> No.10674797

Then stop making up shit

>> No.10674826

Blacks back during slave times were called niggers. It's plain fact. Also I'm not an American so I'd say "people of colour" if I were going to be an autistic leftist. If I were to write about a plantation situation back in the early 1800s, there would likely be copious amounts of depraved sexual use of at least one of the slaves since I seem to very much enjoy writing erotica, and I'd also somehow include aspects of how the Irish were treated worse than black slaves. I'd have to do a lot of research though to try and be as historically accurate as possible. I think a scene with a duel would be fun as well, perhaps some old flintlock pistols handed down through the generations with a reference to the 'newfangled cap and ball' technology that has been developing. Oh yeah, and also the whole 'black slave owners' bit, which was a thing. Let's not forget how slaves got sold to whites to begin with; kidnapped and sold BY African blacks.

>> No.10674841

Even if it's used tactfully you think it'll be a problem?

>> No.10674912


>> No.10674939

If you use in this way, I think that people and maybe the critics would understand.
"Oh he used this word, but I understand the subject or the meaning of why he used such a word."
I think that if you use carefully, it won't be a problem, it could cause some controversy as I said, but not a problem at all.

>> No.10674963

How about you write the book under a pseudonym.

>> No.10674996

That's a good idea. Just to see the reception.

>> No.10675055

This is obviously a troll thread, mostly indicated by this:

>hurr i can't give an example because people will steal my genius paragraph derp da durr

But in the spirit of the topic, it depends on your target audience.

If you daydream about a book being discussed in 21st century classrooms, then no, don't use the word "nigger" because idiots can't tell the difference between realistic depiction/ intellectual discourse and actual bigotry.

For an adult audience, though, you'd want to protray your character as realistically as possible. And a hate-filled KKK initiate is going to be pretty unconvincing if he's always complaining about "those danged African-Americans" and "get off my porch, you awful person of color!"

Frankly, if I was going to write a book with a /pol/ character, I'd have fun with it and have him make up all kinds of crazy new insulting terms. Sure, the character's a racist, but who says he has to be a boring, unoriginal racist that leans on two or three worn-out slurs? But just like OP, I have no actual intention of writing such a book.

>> No.10675063

The word "nigger" is like a semicolon. I like to use it at least once per story just to show I know how to do it right.

>> No.10675091
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>> No.10675106


>> No.10675115
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>wants to publish novel that will definitively btfo the paranoid psyche of the alt-right
>can't because political correctness won't let him

>> No.10675122

looks like she paid the toll

>> No.10675127

Well, that's how the world is nowadays.

>> No.10675131

If it were a realistic book about a modern racist, the character would use /pol/ lingo like dindu, gibs, wewuz etc.

>> No.10675147


>> No.10675150

>falling for the bait

>> No.10675184


>> No.10675208

it doesn't make the irony that I pointed out any less true. If someone wanted to write an accurate novel critiquing the "altright" from a first person psychological they wouldn't be able to because of the dominance of "left wing" political correctness

>> No.10675225

If you have the stomach to write the word "nigger" then, you can't write a racist character. It's as simple as that.

>> No.10675226

This is all the fault of the Liberals and the ACLU. Fuck the ACLU, the American Cival Liberties Union, key word American. Seems they got all riled up b/c/ the American POTUS said America to many times in the American SOTU address. The world has trully gone madd! If we went back 30 some years 50% (at least) ppl'd be instatutionalized

>> No.10675227

do you mean if you don't* have the stomach?

>> No.10675228

not really, you're just weak

>> No.10675237

i remember back when all the good books used to say nigger

>> No.10675238
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> If we went back 30 some years 50% (at least) ppl'd be instatutionalized
something something you should check out Foucualt

>> No.10675243

what are you even trying to say? do you know anything about the publishing industry?

>> No.10675275


>> No.10675284

There's a lot of outlets for talented writers. You're blaming the game because you're weak. Anyone who writes well can find a place to publish his work.

>> No.10675298

lol all those pictures of Kevin Smith

>> No.10675326

I don't think so. I no longer get my news from these mainstream media liars.
I'm sure this Foucualt outlet at best would bring out that inner optimism in me that I tend to keep walled off & hidden from the world. I operate via youtube, only. Personally, Am I Honest? Sure, you have my honest &completely unbiased word on that. Besides, honesty is a curiosity and curiously right now I'm honestly against that.

>> No.10675331

it's not even my book you faggot. Sounds like a bitter writer projecting to me. It's not a controversial idea that most publishers won't publish a work with "nigger" in it in current year. Not that it matters much anyway, might as well self-publish for all the money you would have made.

>> No.10675342
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>> No.10675356

>It's not a controversial idea that most publishers won't publish a work with "nigger" in it in current year.
If it's in a good book, they absolutely will.

>> No.10675388
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>publishers publish what's good
alright neck yourself right now you current year faggot

>> No.10675496

Some do, some don't. Most do both. If the work is good, someone will take it.