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/lit/ - Literature

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10674553 No.10674553 [Reply] [Original]

Okay ebook fags, check in.
Pirating books is PAINFULLY easy.
How do you deal?

Personally, my rule of thumb is; if an ebook is under $4, I'll buy it, but if it's over I'll pirate it. I don't know how I decided on $4, but I did.

With ebooks, storage, printing, shipping, material, ink, none of it is applicable. At worst, that's at least 70% of the price. There's no reason why it should cost more than $4.

In an ideal world, $1 for the publishing house and $3 for the author. (but obviously, this isn't the ideal world).

The best option is pirating a book and then paypaling the author directly. Do any of you know if authors have any paypal's open, or donation options on websites?

Because, honestly, I'm cheap as fuck, but I DO want to support authors that I enjoy, and want them to create more content.

So /lit/, how is it? Do you pirate remorselessly? (No judgement). Do you buy religiously? (No judgement) or have you found a work around?

>> No.10674583
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not so fast FBI man

>> No.10674605
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oh no

>> No.10674613

If I like it I buy the material book otherwise I pirate.

>> No.10674679

I think this is pretty standard, right?
You pirate a book, and if you like it, you buy it.
That's fair, right? But what's the rule?
It's easy to SAY that, but most people don't.
(even I'm guilty of this) I've only bought a book I've already read maybe once or twice.

>> No.10674702

I don't have an ereader and I like reading a book way more than reading from a screen, so I buy most my books anyway. I used to have a huge folder filled with ebooks on hundreds of ebooks and PDFs and never fully read them.

>> No.10674745

Well, I understand that, but that's not quite the issue here. Both analog and digital reading have their pros, analog focusing heavily on aesthetics and digital focusing on convenience.

Ebooks also help people who are depressed and have ADHD. I'm not a psychologist, or anything like that, but as someone with ADHD (and multiple psychological problems) I believe that it has something to do with the fact that on an ebook, you're only presented with a single page at a time. I know that when I bought my first ebook, I actually cried, because I could READ again.

(sorry, I'm kinda drunk, so I'm sort of swaffling)

My point was, I think, that different people have different needs, and whether you prefer digital or analog isn't actually a statement on your quality as a person.

I don't think that's what I was asking, either.

>> No.10674795

Well it just depends on how morally obligated you feel to buy it. Personally I believe in freedom of information but when you are capable to pay to support the author I feel you should do it (not in all cases necessarily). Classics where the author is died I don't mind pirating.

>> No.10674825

>How do you deal?
Moral fiber.

>> No.10674833

i would never pay for a book i didn’t want to read more than once. anyone who buys books that aren’t precious to them is a cum guzzling slave

>> No.10674837

>How do you deal?
I pirate the book and never waste any more of my brainpower considering the "moral issues."

It's all already my property anyway. I merely have yet to posses it.

>> No.10674846

>Classics where the author is died I don't mind pirating.
Oh, I totally agree.

The issue arises when the author is still alive.
I mean, there's hardly anything more obnoxious than some fuckwit going "oh, I don't support capitalist bullshit" because, yes, capitalism is stupid bullshit, but the author still deserves payment for providing services, right?

I'm a poor, cheap asshole, so obviously I pirate, but at the same time, I'm aware that I'm detracting from an author I like, which is... unideal.

Honestly, tumblr artists kind of set a precedent:
consume their product and THEN provide payment, but people are generally... kind of shit about paying afterwards.

Goddammit. Why is this such a fucked up system? Nobody wins! Why is this so hard?

>> No.10674855
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>It's all already my property anyway. I merely have yet to posses it.
holy shit. I am actually, unironically impressed by this. how did you come to believe such an alpha philosophy?

>> No.10674857

That's what I tend to do.

>> No.10674897

Things belong to whoever possesses them. If I have it, it's mine. When I take things from others, the things become my property.

I can take whatever I want, because nothing in this world is beyond my power. Some things may be temporarily denied me due to circumstance but through my labour I can overcome all obstacles be they other people or physical barriers.

Therefore everything in the world is already my property.

>> No.10675030

Anything? Fuck off, there is absolutely no chance you can get the ark of the covenant

>> No.10676653

If it's a book of value, I buy it. If it's not, i don't.

>> No.10676673

Is borrowing from a library the same as pirating?

>> No.10676719

no? only if buying second hand is pirating.

>> No.10676724

>author is alive but has no physical copies for sale

>> No.10676858


>> No.10676899

Are there any downsides to using a Kindle with pirated books? I think I'd like the integrated dictionary and wikipedia lookup - does that work the same? Is the formatting good? How easy is it to pirate? Ideally I'd like to be independent of Amazon.

>> No.10676908

Yeah they work the same for pirated ones

>> No.10676918

Kindle still the best option?

>> No.10676931

f I wish to support the author, usually in hopes of more future publications, I buy it. Christopher Tolkien is one such example.

I just downloaded a collection of Shakespeare though. Several in fact. None are up to par, I will seek more. Piracy is an excellent way to gauge quality too.

>> No.10676937

Idk, I only have kindle, works fine for me desu
Pdfs looks like shit though, but I guess that goes for every ereader

>> No.10676949

Can't you convert them? Why don't you pirate another format?

>> No.10676951

converting pdfs is hit or miss. sometimes it works. most of the time it doesn't.

>> No.10676953

Conversion from pdf is a shit show, spelling and formatting errors galore
Sometimes there's just no epubs/mobis

>> No.10676979

If author dead, I pirate.
If author not dead, I pirate, read, then buy.

>> No.10676990

>So /lit/, how is it? Do you pirate remorselessly?

i wouldn't say without remorse. i am still looking for a copy of Eco's "Foucault's Pendulum" that doesn't have hundreds of shitty OCR errors that any competent editor could have fixed except they didn't fucking bother, figuring that word's spell checker was good enough.

i bought the kindle version, but i haven't read it yet. still pondering the six versions i found on libgen.

>> No.10676995
File: 264 KB, 1128x627, PIRATE-cover-rgb.tif_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i buy the book if i personally like the author and they're still alive.

pic related.

>> No.10676998

"Pirate Utopia", by Bruno Argento (Bruce Sterling)

>> No.10677019

Just buy the physical book.

>> No.10677233

>author is dead, work is public domain
Pirate unless it's cheap (maybe <$5 sort of similar to you, although my basis being on account of convenience)
>author is alive
Purchase on ereader only if it's substantially cheaper than physical. I'm not going to pay $16 for the text file when the physical binding is only $20, for example, or a used copy (if that's what you're into, I'm not) is actually cheaper.

>> No.10677963


I remember having the same problem, and while I haven't read it yet, I either did something with this or spent long enough searching to find something that I was happy with. Let me know if it's any good?

>> No.10678079

EPUB is the most beautiful thing in the world.

My ipad has unlocked unreal powerlevels and opened a world to me that I didn't know existed.

>> No.10678489

>My ipad
get yourself a kindle

>> No.10680157

Pirating is not stealing; It's just conveniently taking what is brought to your level. By actual criminals.
>No judgement
Sigh...I would have enjoyed to see lawfags on this board.

>> No.10680196

There's no reason to feel guilty for pirating any form of media in an era where everything can be mass produced with ease

>> No.10680272


>> No.10680440

I pirate nearly all media I consume and feel no remorse for doing so.
If I like a book enough to want it on my shelf or want a copy to annotate (annotating on ereaders is pain), and it's for sale at HPB, I'll buy it.

>> No.10681986


5.7MB? is that the version that has animated gifs of the author or something?


page 1:

"I knew—but anyone could have sensed it in the magic of that serene breathing—that the period was governed by the square root of the length of the wire and by it, that number which..."

"it" should be "pi".

>> No.10682030

i prefer to pirate the old classics or popular reads i can finish really quickly. i don't mind buying books and selling/donating them after but i can't really cope with the idea of spending $10-20 for something that i demolish in under an hour.

>> No.10682312

Pdfs look great on kobo

>> No.10682349

I am extremely guilty of this as well, but I’ve come to realize that translators (specifically of Classics) should get paid for their effort too, even if they didn’t author the book. A lot of work is put into translating (for instance) a hundred poems, compiling a complete vocabulary list, giving background knowledge, etc. I’m in a class on Catullus right now and I’m very appreciative of the quality of the translations (in the bilingual edition) but also the compiling, background info, notes on translating.