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File: 772 KB, 1282x851, our_reactionary_leader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10672229 No.10672229 [Reply] [Original]

what did he mean by this?

>> No.10672239

I read it and I still don't know. It's word salad. No actual message other than "I, Slavoj, have many important thoughts."

>> No.10672246

>cultural philosopher
Worst possible world.

>> No.10672248

>but at what cost

nothing is more obnoxious than people harping on sexuality. Modern sexuality is human sexuality modernized. That's it. People have been all the "obscure" sexualities and genders forever, but now they have a name and a platform to express themselves. There is no downside.

>> No.10672250

>[Several sections of this article have been excerpted from previous publications by Slavoj Žižek.]
made me kek more than it should

yes, the it seemed to end out suddenly and without having said anything, i guess he is too out of touch to have anything interesting to add

>> No.10672252

the article isn't even about that, but nice try

>> No.10672255

Of course it fucking is, you lying sack of shit.

>> No.10672261
File: 60 KB, 381x540, french-author-michel-houellebecq-meeting-his-colleague-frederic-begbeder-b94aym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zizek revealing full powerlevel

This is going to be good

>> No.10672263


>> No.10672266

I've only read four texts by ZžžZ so far, but in every single one of them, he mentioned childfucking in the Church. What's the dealio?

>> No.10672268

actually I prefer a different pronoun.

>> No.10672270

he likes to copy/paste stuff

>> No.10672276

He's a raised Catholic and the child fucking was a big deal from which there's no going back

>> No.10672281

Aaaaand done.

>> No.10672292
File: 107 KB, 1280x623, 1505941463085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only humanists claim that using the word revolution is not utterly pathetic

also>caring about women lust

>> No.10672293

literally the first line in the next section
>While there is a strong element of truth in this line of argument, one should nonetheless also admit how problematic it is to anchor one’s political demands to status of victimhood.

>> No.10672297

what's XRP and why is it black?

>> No.10672320

Black is just the middle ground between red and green

>> No.10672331


>> No.10672332

Your point? That line doesn't invalidate or fix the problem that stems from basing your "analysis" of modern female sexuality on nothing but effectively hollow Marx babble.

It's just another instance of what I hate so much about shallow Marxist writers. To them, just dropping terms like "commodification" or "alienation" is tantamount to an actual in-depth analysis and explanation of causal social relations, when it in fact means nothing without context or further elaboration. *How* is modern female sexuality "commodified" in a way that's distinctly different from non/pre-capitalist societies?

>> No.10672335

I though that image was dildos

>> No.10672340

>That line doesn't invalidate or fix the problem

Motherfucker that line makes the same argument you just spent a post making.

>> No.10672351

>And so on and so forth, until perhaps one day the debate reaches things like incest-marriage, consensual murder and cannibalism.
whoa, easy there

>> No.10672359

Huh? No, it doesn't. My argument isn't "It's problematic to anchor your political demands to a status of victimhood", my position is that his baseline analysis of modern female sexuality (from which he argues) is without any substance, and my argument for this is that claiming modern female sexuality to be "commodified" is an effectively vacuous cliche that requires further elaboration in order to be meaningful.

Fix your brain.

>> No.10672368

>my position is that his baseline analysis of modern female sexuality (from which he argues) is without any substance

Oh where is that? In that one word that triggered you and caused you to project a strawman of his position?
Because as a Lacanian his idea of sexuality is not in the least bit Marxist you incoherent imbecile

>> No.10672376

Consensual murder sounds hot honestly, I'd support it, which proves his point I suppose.

>> No.10672383

Le slippery slope

>> No.10672386

>Le slippery slope

Dude we unironically have actual children going through hormone replacement therapy today.
Its not just a slippery slope we're in the actual process of sliding

>> No.10672388

>Oh where is that?
In that very paragraph. Learn to fucking read.

>Because as a Lacanian his idea of sexuality is not in the least bit Marxist you incoherent imbecile
Yeah, neato, champ. There is no distinction between Lacanian and Marxist concepts of "commodification". I'm assuming you're banking on people not knowing the confluence of ideas between Lacan and Marx. Probably because you're a disingenuous nigger.

>> No.10672391

has he defined what a "strong element of truth" is?

>> No.10672393

>There is no downside.


>> No.10672394

We went from gays to guys cutting off their genitals.

>> No.10672399

Turns out it's not a fallacy, and is quite real.

>> No.10672412

>not knowing the confluence of ideas between Lacan and Marx.

There is extremely little. I'm guessing you're a Memerson goober who just hears any vaguely Left wing or French words and starts going into an epileptic fit. Commodified is simply not a term Lacan favors nor Zizek in this context which is the point he made

>> No.10672413

brainlets, how is this even complicated

final paragraph:
>this "fight against discrimination" is an endless process endlessly postponing its final point, a society freed of all moral prejudices which, as Jean-Claude Michea put it, "would be on this very account a society condemned to see crimes everywhere."

morals systems have hard principals which bring you down on one side of the fence for most issues
as opposed to fighting discrimination and, as much as possible, trying to 'defend the individual' (without universal principles, this is the defense of very individual's principles) against all offense and oppression results in lose-lose issues: you can always be spun as an oppressor whichever side you're on, so crime is seen everywhere

>Let us take child sexuality: one can argue that its criminalization is an unwarranted discrimination, but one can also argue that children should be protected from sexual molestation by adults.
>the same people who advocate the legalization of soft drugs usually support the prohibition of smoking in public places
>we see associations of obese people which demand that all public campaigns against obesity and for healthy eating habits be stopped, since they hurt the self-esteem of obese persons. Meanwhile, the militants of "Veggie Pride" condemn the "specieism" of meat-eaters

>> No.10672426

he has to pretend to be left wing every few paragraphs to balance all the reactionary stuff he writes

it's weird he didn't "as a communist..." or "we communists..." anywhere in the text to make this clear

>> No.10672431

>being literally Triggered
So 4chan is tumblr now?

>How* is modern female sexuality "commodified" in a way that's distinctly different from non/pre-capitalist societies?
Read Walter Bejamin. Mass media and mass prosuction have revolutionized everything from art to academia. Approaches to sexuality can literally be manufactured and sold. Doris Day and Marilyn Monroa effectively defined and imposed what female sexuality was during the 50s.

>> No.10672436

nobody is saying he didn't identify a problem, just it didn't go anywhere from there. the point he made in the last paragraph is what he had been illustrating all along, yes, but he didn't move from that idea to anywhere, which is fine but annoying

>> No.10672442

Nice to see Michèa getting some attention

>> No.10672443

Why is he whining about "Political Correctness"? People who use that term are just tools of reactionaries.

>> No.10672451

>Doris Day and Marilyn Monroa effectively defined and imposed what female sexuality was during the 50s.

This is stupid logic. The only reason they functioned as a commodity was because there was a demand for women like that already

>> No.10672460
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>There is no downside.

>> No.10672464

Captalism is a black mirror
Wot if the commodification of goods and services but too much

>> No.10672472


Ohhhh nooo! People having fun, awwww this is terrible! Well lads, we had a good run, but its time to back to bashing queers again, a kid expressing himself is just going too far!

>> No.10672474

Demand doesnt define something as commodity. Theres always a demand for food that doesnt make it a commodity. Theres a demand for sex that doesnt make it a commodity. The economic system that defines what will be supplied and what not is what makes it so. There was a demand for Marilyn Monroe but the industries insistence in perpetuating that demand at the cost of haulting the supply of other approaches of female sexuality (more sophisticated and intelligent ones) warps approaches to it, validating the former and suppresing the latter.

>> No.10672476
File: 1.01 MB, 404x720, this is the future you chose.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10672481
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>> No.10672486

Can't we just have the good old homos back? Abolishing gender is kind of pushing it, mate.

>> No.10672493

The slippery slope is fucking real, you blind faggot. Right now the media are telling the world that it's perfectly normal to be a mentally unstable self-mutilating freak. A mere 20 years ago this kind of degeneracy was unthinkable.

>> No.10672494
File: 13 KB, 620x405, Burroughs and his beloved son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ohhhh nooo! People having fun, awwww this is terrible! Well lads, we had a good run, but its time to back to bashing queers again, a kid expressing himself is just going too far!

Heheh yes, listen to this wise post
Nothin to worry about hehe

>> No.10672500

>parading a child around in a late night club for the enjoyment of paedos is just people having fun

>> No.10672502
File: 78 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault (26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a kid expressing himself
memes aside, and i don't really have an opinion on all these gender novelties, but in that picture it's obviously the parents expressing themselves through the kid, not the kid expressing anything in himself

>> No.10672504

One always leads to the other, there is no mediating degeneracy and civilization one eventually has to cancel out the other

>> No.10672529


How fragile do you have to be that something like this would trigger you? Its just a kid having fun and being who he wants to be.


No-one is abolishing gender. Lactatia is a boy who enjoys drag.


He wasn't in a night club, he was at Ru Paul's Drag Race.



I read it and the parents appear to not really care what he chooses to do. Its just a kid who's a fan of Ru Paul, not the end of the world.

>> No.10672536

If anything the last 20 years showed us that the slippery slope is real

>> No.10672540
File: 1.17 MB, 1062x850, 1509318728267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my 9 year old son chose to be trans before even receiving formal sex ed


>> No.10672545
File: 1.95 MB, 640x480, W H I T E P E O P L E.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He wasn't in a night club, he was at Ru Paul's Drag Race.

u right heres the one at the night club :')

>> No.10672546

not literature

>> No.10672552

Its a problem when the kikes start fucking him in the ass and groom him to be a cockslave prostitute until his mental mileage runs out and he kills himself

>> No.10672555

The point is there's a slippery slope, individualism is out of control, and everyone invent and change their identity at will.

>> No.10672557

We in the Netherlands are getting closer to having consensual murder

>> No.10672563

>No-one is abolishing gender.

>> No.10672565

Nothing wrong or edgy here

>> No.10672567

>No-one is abolishing gender

There is a large contingent of people who will accuse you of being a Nazi for not actively desiring this

>> No.10672568

oh yurop

>> No.10672569

>No-one is abolishing gender.
>No-one is abolishing gender.
>No-one is abolishing gender.

>> No.10672571

Perfect post

>> No.10672576

>and this is why it is NOT ok

>> No.10672578

Albert Heringa, a man who help kill his mother (who asked for it) got off with no punishment.
After appealing it (the court condemned it but gave no punishment) he was found guilty.
We;re not there yet but it's coming

>> No.10672583

I dont see the problem
Just let the degenerates degenerate until they die

>> No.10672584


>I can't read

He's not trans, he's cisgender. He's just a fan of drag.


I don't know if he's a night club or not, the interview doesn't say, but given he says "I gonna walk the run way and vote", I think, and this is just speculation, but I think he's not a night club, he's at Dragcon. I mean, I don't know many clubs with run ways and voting. Besides, you have to 18 to enter night clubs in Canada.


Well its a good thing we want people to be encouraged to come forward about rape so rapists are more scared to do it isn't it?


There's not a slippery slope and that won't happen. You're assuming people are doing it to be frivolous, people don't just identify as things for fun. And everyone here seems to making a mistake, Lactatia isn't trans, he's a cis boy who enjoys drag.


Way to address my argument.


Yes, morons. Also, why the fuck would the LGBT+ community be trying to abolish gender when a large part of the causes is based on gender?


>German parents can register babies as third gender

Yes, adding genders is abolishing gender. What are you on?

>> No.10672587

if the schools teach degeneracy to my kids it is a problem, which they are doing.
I don't know who I hate more, these degenerates or the people who wave them away like they don't impact the culture
>Yes, adding genders is abolishing gender. What are you on?
Abolishing it, diluting it by adding more and more genders to it, same end result.
It's a sickness and anyone who does this to their child should be thrown into the ocean.

>> No.10672588

Who the fuck cares? Let them rot

>> No.10672591

>There's not a slippery slope
You haven't provided any convincing arguments for that.

>> No.10672592

>He's not trans, he's cisgender. He's just a fan of drag.
That image very clearly says:
>Avery Jackson of Kansas City is a TRANSGENDER 9-year-old
>HER mother
>students like HER

>> No.10672594

>if the schools teach degeneracy to my kids it is a problem, which they are doing.
>I don't know who I hate more, these degenerates or the people who wave them away like they don't impact the culture
Get them out of that school then, give your kids the culture you find correct yourself. Save a copy of the western cannon in your home, let everyone else perish, as they will

>> No.10672596

What a boring opinion

>> No.10672598

I can't, it's illegal to take your kids out of school in the netherlands.
They would take away my child if I did that.

>> No.10672602

Move away from that shitty country then

>> No.10672609


>Abolishing it, diluting it by adding more and more genders to it, same end result.

You're a deranged reactionary. I mean lets have it right, you don't actually have an opinion do you? You're a rabid dog who's only consistent point of view is "this triggers me so rather than go read up on it I'm going to spread hate on the internet". I see no reason to listen to anything you have to say or consider it.


Burden of proof is on you.


I was talking about Lactatia, not whoever that is. Although that's fine, transgender people should get the help they need.

>> No.10672613

Terrible reply, try again.
I'd rather not give it up without a fight

>> No.10672617

>You're a deranged reactionary.
Not him, but nice projection. I'm a marxist and you can fuck off.

>> No.10672621

>Burden of proof is on you.
The fact that within less than 20 years we've gone from "gays should be allowed to marry" to "it's perfectly okay to pump children full of hormones and encourage them to mutilate their genitals" is the ultimate proof that the slippery slope is real.

>> No.10672627

>nothing is more obnoxious than people harping on sexuality. now let me harp on about sexuality for a bit.

>> No.10672633

Fight for what? A country of idiots who are infesting themselves and their childs with the degeneracy you seem to dislike so much? You would risk your child's education for stupid bureaucracy?
You are the idiot defending the structures that allow the degenerates to exist.

>> No.10672634


>marxists can't be reactionary

Don't be stupid. Also, learn what projecting means.


Transgender people existed before homosexuality was even legalized. You don't have a clue what you're talking about mate.

>> No.10672635

who let neoliberals into my /lit/?

>> No.10672647

Fighting for the country my ancestors fought hard to realize.
Fleeing from this country and leaving it to the people who will transform it into something unrecognizable would haunt me.
I feel the general people getting tired of it, but there's also a fierce force trying to sway this country more and more towards what i don't want.
I'll give it 10/15 years, if the trend continues I'll have no option but leaving

>> No.10672657

No they didn't, you idiot.

>> No.10672658

lol just leave now and start a new country when the times come
Not even your country its on his own side

>> No.10672661

Leave to where?

>> No.10672663

Google it you fucking uncultured swine

>> No.10672669

Away from civilization

>> No.10672675

>Transgender people existed before homosexuality was even legalized.
No shit, Sherlock. My point is the media brainwashing the public into thinking transsexuality is normal is a particularly insidious form of degeneracy that was unthinkable 20 years ago. Before little Johnny has hit puberty his parents are pumping him full of hormones and are calling him Joy even though a child is totally incapable of fully grasping gender and sexuality. And before you accuse me of lying, go look up I Am Jazz.
This isn't me.
I can't believe you fell for such obvious bait. You're dumber than I thought.

>> No.10672678

Fleeing is for cowards.
If push comes to shove I'd rather cut out a slice of the netherlands where these people hellbent on changing everything to worse aren't welcome

>> No.10672679

can be said of any argument that predicts the future based on current events.

>> No.10672681

Aren't you embarrassed? Your posts are completely useless and untrue.

>> No.10672691

Sure but most of the time its correct. Thats why we pay attention to current events

>> No.10672696

Dying for abstractions is for idiots. This kind of retarded romatic thinking is what allows degeneracy to exist. You are giving cancer to yourself and your kids.

>> No.10672710

Who's talking about dying?
Do you ever fight for something or do you walk away like a spineless rat every time?

>> No.10672712

10/2/2018: The Day Slavoj Zizek Discovered And Recicled For His Audience Of Retards On The Internet What Clouscard And Pasolini Said 50 Years Ago

>> No.10672731

wow, never thought i'd be nostalgic about fags as a cultural institution

>> No.10672733

who's a neoliberal in here?

>> No.10672736

Either you're so dumb you completely misunderstood the point or you're so desperate you're trying to veer the discussion away from the slippery slope. Either way, you should give up and admit the slippery slope is real. The 21st century is irrefutable proof that it's real.

>> No.10672749


People who are against assisted suicide are people who just don't live in the real world.
People are going to kill themselves that's just how it is and don't expect it to change anytime soon.
If you're capable of accepting this then its not that hard to understand why assisted suicide is a positive thing.

>> No.10672760


This doesn't even dignify a response.


>the media brainwashing the public into thinking transsexuality is normal

No they aren't, and you know they aren't. You just can't find anything to whine so you're inventing something to whine about. They're pushing the idea that transgender people should be accepted, and the reason they're doing that is because medical science has decided that the best treatment for gender dysphoria is to transition.

>particularly insidious form of degeneracy

Oh shut up. You're a complete moron. Do you know what I call "degeneracy"? Idiots who want to go back to the dark ages because something offends for reasons they can't even explain.


You're just babbling. You don't what projection is, you don't know what a slippery slope is and you don't know what reactionaries are. Give me some evidence for this "slippery slope" or piss off.

>> No.10672777

Nice crypto fascism you got there.

No wonder Sniffzek is so popular on 4chan.

>> No.10672791

Why is it a positive thing to make suicide easier? It should be hard to discourage people who aren't really committed to it.

>> No.10672801

>They're pushing the idea that transgender people should be accepted, and the reason they're doing that is because medical science has decided that the best treatment for gender dysphoria is to transition.
I repeat, children who haven't even hit puberty yet are being pumped full of hormones and are encouraged to mutilate themselves when they hit 18. If you don't see anything wrong with this then you're beyond hope. I shouldn't have to explain the fact that children are easily influenced creatures who aren't capable of fully grasping any of this shit. Go look up David Reimer.
>Oh shut up. You're a complete moron. Do you know what I call "degeneracy"? Idiots who want to go back to the dark ages because something offends for reasons they can't even explain.
Now I'm starting to think you're baiting.

>> No.10672818


>I repeat, children who haven't even hit puberty yet are being pumped full of hormones and are encouraged to mutilate themselves when they hit 18

Well yeah. I mean, you're phrasing it crudely on purpose, but the fact is they don't just do this willy nilly, its a treatment for gender dysphoria prescribed by a medical professional. Jazz isn't even taking hormones, she's taking hormone *blockers* to delay her puberty until she can transition. The reason you think its bad is because you're a paranoid sadboy arguing with something that only exists in his head.

>> No.10672833

>gender dysphoria
munchausen by proxy

>> No.10672838
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>they don't just do this willy nilly, its a treatment (...) prescribed by a medical professional

my god. pure ideology

>> No.10672853
File: 77 KB, 850x400, quote-if-i-were-to-see-the-case-of-a-boy-aged-ten-or-eleven-who-s-intensely-erotically-attracted-john-money-72-20-47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For one last time I'm going to say that children are easily influenced creatures who aren't capable of fully grasping any of this shit. A lot of these kids are going to be suicidal messes when they grow up and that anguish will because you and other idiots listened to a pedophile conman who falsified his research.

>> No.10672855
File: 536 KB, 640x480, 1463608457180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but the fact is they don't just do this willy nilly, its a treatment for gender dysphoria prescribed by a medical professional.

>> No.10672865

gee whiz do you think maybe they have something to gain from selling hormone blockers and expensive plastic surgery?

>> No.10672881

>Jazz isn't even taking hormones, she's taking hormone *blockers* to delay her puberty until she can transition.
You talk as is if that's a huge difference. Hormones, hormone blockers, it's all shit that shouldn't be pumped into a child just because he said "mommy, I'm a girl!"

>> No.10672884

The greatest victory the left ever achieved was the "slippery slope is a fallacy" meme.

>> No.10672887

>Give me some evidence for this "slippery slope" or piss off.
The world we live in is irrefutable proof that the slippery slope is real but you've been so thoroughly brainwashed by the media you think transsexuality is a beautiful thing that should be encouraged.
>The reason you think its bad is because you're a paranoid sadboy arguing with something that only exists in his head.
Top kek

>> No.10672890

But anon... they LOOK WEIRD.

>> No.10672891


This is ridiculous though.
Suicide is already so easy.
If you can get access to a rope, knife, gun, common over the counter drugs, the list goes on... you can commit suicide any old time you please and of course many people have done just that.
Anybody who truly wants to die shouldn't have much trouble doing it at all.
If anything assisted suicide would no doubt be harder to gain access to as it would be a much more involved process

>> No.10672892


>a group of the population has a 50% suicide rate because they want attention

I'm sure you'll find some other excuse to carry on being hateful. I mean, you need something to hate to distract yourself from how shit your life is.


Strange how you're willing to accept any medicine that helps you, but then as soon as it proves something you don't like (for no reason other than being irrational) its "pure ideology".


>For one last time I'm going to say that children are easily influenced creatures who aren't capable of fully grasping any of this shit

And I'm going to say that its not something that's done just for the fun of it, real medical professionals who spent years learning about this shit diagnose them and keep checking on them through the process.

> A lot of these kids are going to be suicidal messes when they grow up

They already fucking were! This is why medicine has determined that transitioning is the most effective treatment, because they noticed a segment of the population had a fucking 50% suicide rate and thought "oh, that's odd", researched it, and came to the conclusion transitioning was an effective treatment!


Alright then you midwit idiot, next time you get ill, don't go to the fucking doctor, go to Alex Jones.


Gee whiz isn't it odd that almost every first world country offer treatment for transitioning but have free healthcare systems? Bit strange innit?


Yeah it is a huge difference. You got it wrong.

And give me one good reason why I should listen to you, a crypto fascist who's ultimate ideology is just "fuck everyone I personally don't like" over the NHS?

>> No.10672896
File: 130 KB, 341x326, 1516328202576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>medical professional

Doctors are the biggest profiteers in today's world, they don't care for "professionalism".

>> No.10672902

>free healthcare
golly gee so these nice corporations are just giving away these hormone blockers for free?
Wow, they sure are a bunch of nice people!

>> No.10672903


You don't have any do you?

>brainwashed by the media

No, I was brainwashed by the NHS, the same people who "brainwashed" me into knowing that vaccines don't cause autism and that Alex Jones is a literal snake oil salesmen.

>> No.10672906
File: 153 KB, 480x476, 1513105802093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10672910

>If anything assisted suicide would no doubt be harder to gain access to as it would be a much more involved process
Exactly so it would be more directed towards people who aren't that committed to suicide since those are the types of people that don't want to have the agency of killing themselves.

>> No.10672911

>If you're capable of accepting this then its not that hard to understand why assisted suicide is a positive thing.
this is your brain on leftism

>> No.10672912

>Strange how you're willing to accept any medicine that helps you, but then as soon as it proves something you don't like (for no reason other than being irrational) its "pure ideology".

I have nothing wrong with medicine of any kind
your faith in the medical profession is troubling

>> No.10672913

you should be gassed

>> No.10672914


No, they're the biggest profiteers in *the US*. Not everyone lives in the US you know.


Yeah, they are nice people.

>get proved wrong
>shift the goalposts

>> No.10672921


I think we've wittled this conversation down to its nub now. I don't think you lot have got anything left to say other than "I think this for irrational reasons and you can't change my mind".

>> No.10672922

No, the government pays for those ''medicine'' you absolute retard.
Those corporations still make money from peddling their ''medicine'' to children
You're retarded

>> No.10672934


What the fuck are you on about? I'm saying that even countries with free, universal healthcare such as the UK and practically all of Europe offer treatments for transgender people. Where's their profit motive? They're losing money, not gaining it.

>> No.10672937

>the media brainwashing the public into thinking transsexuality is normal

There are concerted efforts within certain educational institutions and media outlets to normalise transgenderism. What would have previously been seen as a perverted and laughable lifestyle 10 years ago is now been taking quite seriously. It might not be "brainwashing" from all levels of society, but there are definitely interested groups pushing this.

I am not convinced the high suicide rate for transgender people is a cause of society and culture rather than the lifestyle itself. I am not convinced being trans will be fulfilling for most people. I am not convinced that there exists a brain that could be "born the wrong gender"

>> No.10672944

You're aware that these corporations can pay medical professionals for prescribing their medicine right?
It's like I'm arguing with a 12 year old

>> No.10672955
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>he thinks gender psychologists are in the same universe as medicine

>> No.10672957

Just because the NHS offers free hormone blockers doesn't mean that taking them is a good idea.

>> No.10672975

>"effective treatment"
>tranny suicide rates are still huge

>> No.10672988

The pharmaceutical companies in Britain are private you brainlet

>> No.10672992


No there aren't. Again, you're arguing with a strawman. They're trying to educate people about transgenderism and explaining that its OK to be transgender.

>What would have previously been seen as a perverted and laughable lifestyle 10 years ago is now been taking quite seriously

So? Good. Its means we're becoming less ignorant.

>but there are definitely interested groups pushing this.

Yes, people with a heart and an open mind who are interesting in helping others. Whereas the interest for reactionaries is their own perverted sense of sadism where they get off on bullying and abusing other people.

>I am not convinced the high suicide rate for transgender people is a cause of society and culture rather than the lifestyle itself

Its caused by gender dysphoria, and the suicide rate is also influenced by people like you who bully them into committing suicide.

>I am not convinced being trans will be fulfilling for most people

Well its not up to you to decide, its up the trans people and the medical community.


What the fuck are you actually on about? I'm talking about UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS. These are corporations, they're run by the government. Is that clear enough for you?


No it doesn't, the wealth of evidence that it treats gender dysphoria is.


This isn't even an argument. You know, funnily enough trans suicide rates started falling through the 90's and continue to fall. Around the same time people started accepting them. Funny that innit?

>> No.10673004


Yes, but the healthcare isn't, so why the fuck would the government have incentives to waste their own money? I shouldn't even really be having this argument anyway, its conspiracy wank. Go pop some Brainleforce pills and drink some onion juice sadboy.

>> No.10673005

You don't even know how your own country works you cretin

>> No.10673007

oh and those corporations don't have any reason to sell more right?
You're fucking retarded, I'm out of here, you have fun spending your afternoon arguing with 10 people, nigger

>> No.10673011

you think it's a big charity racket? anywhere this falls under free healthcare they're taking from the government's pocket

of course the companies are going to push this stuff, one day they're making Zyklon B and agent orange the next day they have the socially progressive cureall and because the users don't have to pay a dime they're easily swayed by the propaganda and suddenly you've got bigpharma siphoning another big channel from the govt.

think it through. it's a product like anything else and the young are the most vulnerable

>> No.10673017

>so why the fuck would the government have incentives to waste their own money?

>> No.10673035


Evidently you don't either. Again, why the fuck would the government waste their own money? Go on, tell me.


Doesn't matter, the point why would the government waste their own money purchasing them?


You know what, I'm done. There is literally no getting through to you, and this isn't even about trans people, its about you fishing for absolutely any reason to hate people to distract yourself from your own pathetic life.

This is why we punch you and bounce bikelocks off your skulls, because you're too far gone to reason with. You'll come up with any conspiracy wank or leap of imagination possible. I've just realized I am literally arguing with zombies. I'm not wasting my time anymore.

>> No.10673044

You're blindly believing a bunch of money hungry gender psychologist hacks. Reminder the very foundation of sex reassignment therapy is built on lies that were made up by a money hungry pedophile.

>> No.10673052

>Evidently you don't either. Again, why the fuck would the government waste their own money? Go on, tell me.
Your government and shadow government make promises to waste other people's money every election it should be obvious to figure out for yourself why they do this

>> No.10673054

>what mean
rt.com: west bad, putin save world
if you read it, you are a sucker
if you discuss it, you are a sucker with a high opinion of yourself

>> No.10673059
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it's all genetics guys, calm down

>> No.10673066

The tranny lover is the biggest example of pure ideology I've ever seen on this board.

>> No.10673079

>They're trying to educate people about transgenderism and explaining that its OK to be transgender.
Yes that is what I mean by concerted efforts in certain educational institutions (gender psychology primarily) and media outlets. They are normalising transgenderism i.e "explaining that its OK to be transgender."

>we're becoming less ignorant.
Less ignorant of what? That people sometimes fantasize about being the opposite gender? I think there are have always been boys who would like to dress as girls sometimes and vice versa.

>Yes, people with a heart and an open mind who are interesting in helping others. Whereas the interest for reactionaries is their own perverted sense of sadism where they get off on bullying and abusing other people.
I believe that convincing children that there is something fundamentally wrong with them at birth is equally as sadistic.

>> No.10673082

isn't he just baiting? i'm surprised how many lines he adds to the bait, but it could still be an autist baiting

>> No.10673084

kill me pete

>> No.10673094

I wish I could find his books in english on PDF.

>> No.10673112

>You know what, I'm done. There is literally no getting through to you, and this isn't even about trans people, its about you fishing for absolutely any reason to hate people to distract yourself from your own pathetic life.

>This is why we punch you and bounce bikelocks off your skulls, because you're too far gone to reason with. You'll come up with any conspiracy wank or leap of imagination possible. I've just realized I am literally arguing with zombies. I'm not wasting my time anymore.

This is you jumping to conclusions about anyone who disagrees with you. This is called brainwashing. You shut down as soon as someone tries to challenge your argument.

You're right it's not about trans people, it's about opportunism and irresponsibility in the pharmaceutical industry, it's about exploiting govt. funds to line the pockets of pill pushers, and it's about programming you to associate unwelcome truths with hate speech and conspiracy theory.

>> No.10673115


Fuck off cryto-fascist /pol/ raiding cunt. And fuck Zizek for giving credence to people like you.

>> No.10673116

>if you don't like it you can just GET OUT

>> No.10673119

Go on. I'm interested. I used to be left leaning until 2010-ish. I don't want to be alt-right or Nrx.

>> No.10673135

>people like you who get off on bullying and abusing
I love how you keep resorting to baseless accusations and petty insults. Either you're a tranny or you've fully swallowed the "EVERYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH THE PROGRESSIVE CAUSE IS NAZI MONSTER," propaganda.
>This is why we punch you and bounce bikelocks off your skulls
And now you're justifying violence against those who disagree with you. Beautiful! You keep accusing everyone in this thread of being violent and hateful but you seem to be the most violent and hateful person in this thread. You embody the smugness and hypocrisy of the modern progressive movement.

>> No.10673146

Even more pure ideology. I love it.

>> No.10673168
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call me a crypto-fascist one more time faggot

>> No.10673170


I don't see what difference it makes if you kill yourself or get someone else to do it.
It's not as if allowing someone else to kill you no longer makes it a decision you've made
Its really an absolutely binary state either you want to live or you want to die.
The results will bear out all the commitment that there can possibly be.

>> No.10673185

>They're pushing the idea that transgender people should be accepted, and the reason they're doing that is because medical science has decided that the best treatment for gender dysphoria is to transition.

Maybe the best treatment IS to transition. However, that doesn't mean it's neccessarily a good thing for society to accept them. Think about it, if a large enough group of people have decided that they don't want these freaks around then isn't that reason enough to make it hard on them for transitioning? Some may say why not let these people try and be happy? I say that humans don't exist to simply "be happy"

>> No.10673193

>I don't see what difference it makes if you kill yourself or get someone else to do it.
There isn't so why do you need to give someone else that agency if these people were going to kill themselves anyway? There's no point risking people who wouldn't otherwise kill themselves if that option wasn't available to them.

>> No.10673230

I guess you can also buy some guns and gun down everyone who's morals trigger your autism.

>> No.10673232

>that "norm!" at the end
thanks for this

>> No.10673238

What in the-? Was that supposed to be related to what I said?

>> No.10673259
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>> No.10673274


I think it's safe to say that most suicidal people would rather not die some crude undignified death shooting themselves in the head or overdosing while all alone in their home if they didn't have to.
In a way its a bit cruel to everyone that they aren't even given that choice.
Death affects the living the most after all.

>> No.10673304

Suicidal guy here. This.

If i obliterated my skull with a shotgun or hung myself from a belt then it would be pretty fucking horrific for my family. Mainly because I'm so young and supposedly have potential. If I could go to a suicide clinic and discuss it with my family then I'd at least have a chance at a peaceful, less destructive death.

>> No.10673331

>it would be pretty fucking horrific for my family.
But you'd be dead and wouldn't even be consciously aware of what your family feels anymore. The world as you experience it will be over. Why should you care what other people feel once you're gone?

>> No.10673376

always makes me lol how reactionaries go on about "b-but muh children" as if they bitter and resentful asses will ever have kids themselves :')

>> No.10673385

Assuming that what I believe about the universe is true, then me not observing their pain doesn't mean they won't feel it.

>> No.10673397

yeah but if youre dead it literally doesnt matter

i dont want you to kill yourself btw

>> No.10673429

Interesting times. Wonder how these ideas will be received outside of the West in the next 5, 10, 20 years. I'd have thought they'd be rejected but with the emergence of a global internet culture that seems unlikely.

I dunno, it's a commentary piece. I don;t think anyone has a solution for this, and even if he tried to posited one he'd be attacked for it.

What do you read?

Not that guy but that's obviously not true. Things still have meaning even if you';re not present.

Re. assisted suicide, it's a tricky subject but I'd understand if someone with full body paralysis wanted to end it.

>> No.10673456
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>Interesting times. Wonder how these ideas will be received outside of the West in the next 5, 10, 20 years.
the chinese have a word for white leftists

>> No.10673498

oh the most retarded culture on earth has a word for something

>> No.10673555

You have to admit it's a pretty accurate description, though

>> No.10673572

It's funny to see how sometimes Europeans will just take american racial theories and shoehorn them into their countries when it makes no sense at all.

i think the progressive coalition has no future in the medium term and at some point it will have to decide what happens with islam

>> No.10673725

Not an argument. :^)

>> No.10673738

but christians are the only westerners actually having kids

>> No.10674180

>>10672229 >>10672383
Lol so many people in this thread clearly dont understand the article nor Zizek in general. I think the article wasn't actually written by Zizek as such but rather RT simply putting together different quotes to make it seem like he supports their agenda.

Zizek is essentially a non-sjw leftist. For example, he supports LGBT-struggles but he hates concepts like "non-binary" and claims like "there is an unlimited number of genders" because he believes that A) these claims are pseudoscientific and B) it diminishes the support for actual LGBT struggles (he e.g. said that people claiming to be male some days and female other days are simply creating prejudice about actual trans people).

He talks about "liberal communists" in his work Violence, which are people like Bill Gates who own a shitton of money and donate some of this money to the poor. In the book he makes an analysis of the hypocrisy of such people, as they do much more harm than good. In the book he also talks about "the Other" and how we can e.g. end up discriminating against "the Other" out of hypocritical respect (by e.g. refraining from engaging with minorities due to a fear of being perceived as intolerant by them). I don't really see how these ideas are related to the main topic in the article, which is why I think it's "fabricated".

Zizek's point is that SJWs keep pushing for "equality" and they keep talking about how oppressed they are, because their movements have no clearly defined end goal. The goal of leftist movements is therefore to attempt to create clear defined goals to avoid an endless slippery slope.