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10665816 No.10665816 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /b/ros
What book has the best break down of the trinity?

>> No.10665818


>> No.10665820

Not a book

>> No.10666745

Augustine on the trinity, but read Augustine's Sermon 52 first as it functions as a summary of his whole trinitarian thought.
Also the relevant sections of Barth I guess.

>> No.10666860

lmao dude they ARE all the same thing because their not REEAAALLLLL

>> No.10668558

Doesnt he only do it from a christian stand point?

>> No.10668635

What purpose does an anal pedant like you serve?

>> No.10668659

I understand the trinity intuitively, and it's really cool to see where else it shows up.

>> No.10668665

The Quran, you fucking polytheist

>> No.10668677

Im not a polytheist.
I have my own God, and belief system that I have created.

>> No.10668709

Firstly, not sure how your comment applies when we were talking about the Catechism not being a book.
>I understand the trinity intuitively
really? C'mon man... Don't let hubris get the best of you lol
Even the Church can't pinpoint the mystery of mysteries

CCC 234
"The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery of God in himself."
And you say you understand it intuitively, not through intense study and contemplation.
Cmon bruv

>> No.10668714

You don't understand the Trinity.
Focus on the historical development of the doctrine. I find that the best way to study the Trinity is through a negative approach, looking at the various heresies that arose and how each opposes the orthodox conception of the Trinity. Read about the councils, the creeds, and how they opposed Arianism, Monophysitism, Modalism, Adoptionism, Tritheism, and all the rest. Know the common analogies for the Trinity- water/ice/steam, father/son/husband, three-leaf clover, etc., and be able to explain which heresy each is implicitly endorsing. Familiarize yourself briefly with the debate over the Filioque.
And watch this video, because it's funny.

>> No.10668746
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I don't care if you believe me or not.
But I understand the form of the trinity and how it the aspects are all related to each other.

I'm not looking for just the trinity as God, Son, Spirit, but the other forms it also presents its self as.

>> No.10669293

If the Trinity is so hard to understand, then why isn't it ever directly discussed in the Bible? You would think some newfag church would write to Paul for help understanding it. Instead everybody seems to understand it implicitly. Maybe it's more intuitive than y'all are making it out to be.

>> No.10669315
File: 157 KB, 500x376, 1349469396425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10669316

Hegel's philosophy of religion
at lest if you aren't obsessively trad religious

>> No.10669350

>unironically people actually look like this in the current year

>> No.10669388


people don't choose their face anon

>> No.10669442

not the Bible HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Caths BTFO'd into 3018

>> No.10669504

The Trinity is a relational entity, explained by an Aristotelian conception of substance. God is a single perfect substance, but his perfection necessitates a relation of love within the one substance. John tells us that God is Love. This is to be taken literally - if God was only the Father, how could he be equated with love? The person of the Father loves the person of the Son who loves the person of the Holy Spirit etc. From this proceeds the love of creation as well.

t. not a Christian but I read some scholastics, if you accept the basic propositions then the Trinity is not a big deal