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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 23 KB, 1169x603, Lit btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10663579 No.10663579 [Reply] [Original]

where were you when /lit/ was succinctly btfo'd?

>> No.10663583

Go back to /r/eddit you fag

>> No.10663589

I was sleeping 19h ago

>> No.10663603

lol didn't get enough orange arrows so came here for attention so have a (You) and begone, thought thot

>> No.10663646

Haha logged in just to upvote this

>> No.10663657

Meanwhile Prince Alexander Kropotkin tells us “Poetry makes you better.''

Who would win, a famous Russian intellectual Noble, or a poster on Reddit by the pseudonym of 'bomb tombadil'

>> No.10663678

>I love to read, maybe a book a month or so [...]
>I love to listen to music, maybe an album a month or so [...]
>I love to draw, maybe a sketch a month or so [...]
>I love to cook, maybe a meal a month or so [...]
>I love to watch movies, maybe a movie a month or so [...]

Ah yes, I too "love" things I do once a month.

>> No.10663692


I love reading so much that I might finish a chapter per day

>> No.10663694


>> No.10663760

I agree with this redditor that fetishization of reading for reading's sake and trying to consume as many books as possible are stupid memes.

Having said that:
- The great books are underappreciated and not even widely taught anymore thanks to a combo of misguided grievance culture and the plebbing of higher ed (and I say this as a left-winger overall; why eg smart black folks are convinced that studying nothing but how oppressive politics are will help them secure their well-being or political power is beyond me). Reading hard classic books of various kinds, including lit, has been extremely good for me (and I was a STEM major). The only reason you don't end up as a pleb despite lack of mathematics talent is learning to think critically, communicate clearly and examine the human condition.
- Studies show that reading on paper is less fatiguing than reading a screen for extended periods.

For lots of books, there's nothing wrong with audiobooks, especially if you have a long commute or dyslexia or some shit.

So despite the dumb memes, I think /lit/'s culture is a net good.

>> No.10663788

Also I obv don't mean all academically talented black people (or any other minority group). But based on how non-constructive grievance culture that past a limited point will do nothing but debilitate them professionally and emotionally is shilled, you'd think the universities were a cerebral stealth wing of /pol/ playing 13-dimensional checkers.

>> No.10663803

5 chapters minimum and they all have to be Dostoevsky. you have 1 hour

>> No.10663826

We discus this topic all the time

Fuck off and literally lurk more

>> No.10663904

>fetishization of books is ridiculous
>username is a character created Tolkien

>> No.10663920
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>not some sacred object

Are you sure about that?

>> No.10663961

edit: wow this blew up my inbox

>> No.10663976

Note that his real problem is people clinging to the old forms (books) over the new forms (TV, movies, e-books, and audiobooks). His perspective is inherently liberal, seeking only the latest and greatest. While a conservative might hold to the old Bible, this sort believes in the output of modern columnists, thought leaders, and pop scientists with the same zeal.
His perspective isn't even necessarily wrong, but it is absolutely devoid of critical thought.

>> No.10664233
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>spend years studying western philosophy
>finish my phd, thesis on the intersection of aristotle's de anima, plotinus enneads and heideggerian ontology, but still feel my knowledge is only fragmentary
>no idea what the point of anything is, all those wasted years and for what?
>i'd studied the greeks, especially aristotle and plotinus for years, learned to read them in their original language
>studied everything from aquinas to kierkegaard
>still feel like I know nothing
>start drinking heavily, major downward spiral
>wife divorces me, takes the kids and leaves me in major debt
>about to kill myself with a pistol my dad passed on to me after he died (also suicide, he jumped off a building)
>notice tao te ching on my bookshelf
>i'd never read it before
>put the gun down and start reading
>it feels like the ground is shaking under my feet
>this is it, THIS IS IT
>I get heavily into eastern philosophy
>quit my demanding academic job and work as a night guard at a high end apartment building where i can read all night
>veer mainly into hinduism
>learn sanskrit and read classic hindu spiritual texts
>decide im ready to commit full time
>quit my job, pack a few clothes and essentials and fly over to india
>spend a 6 months traveling up and down the country looking for a guru
>one day sitting by a dirt road drinking mango lassi, old man approaches me speaking in hindi (i had learned that too, im good with languages)
>he has this glow about him, most enlightened looking person you could ever imagine
>straight up asks if i want to be his student, i say yes with no hesitation
>study and practice with him (shaivist advait vedanta) for two years very intensively
>little by little my old doubts and preoccupations creep in
>halfway through third year i am having panic attacks every other week, none of this is working, none of it means anything
>run off to delhi and use what little money i have left on prostitutes and alcohol, cry myself to sleep every night
>sitting in an internet cafe one day and open up my old twitter account
>see friend comment "that is some profound shit, thank you o wise one" on some dude named jaden smith's post
>look up jaden smith's account and read through his posts in a wild delirium
>the most profound wisdom i have ever encountered laid out in pithy aphorisms posted by an american teenage celeb
>all that time wasted chasing after wisdom
>i could have just opened up twitter

>> No.10664249
File: 26 KB, 632x756, QLH6CrO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who prefer their entertainment in the forms of TV or movies

>> No.10664277


What is this 2010? Stop with the greentext shit and learn how to write.

>> No.10664286

You forgot the part where you fuck a rich escort for ten years and she dies and leaves her brat son to you.

>> No.10664301

you have to go back

>> No.10664309

Television and film will not reach the level of literature. This person is coping with their banality.

>> No.10664372

go back

>> No.10664373

Quality post

>> No.10664454
File: 9 KB, 224x225, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree. There's definitely a "book culture" that is a "culture' only in the modern capitalist sense, which is to say a group that makes highly visible displays of their consumption of a certain good and claims that their identity is derived from that good.

The difference between this and, say, the Marvel Fandom, is that literature aspires to be worthy of this kind of treatment. People of great intelligence devote the meat of their lives to making things worthy of this kind of devotion. The people of this group who succeed are the ones who write the great books, which are rightly regarded as somewhat sanctified. Churchgoers aren't a "culture" in this sense. There are groups of people devoted to a kind of study of reality that expresses itself not through mathematics and sciences but through philosophy and the arts.

The issue is that a lot of people who are "book people" are not devoted to this sort of book, or even interested in it in the slightest, but instead to the kind that is turned out for much less honorable and productive ends. At its worst, this book "culture" consumes things that are made by cynical technicians, at best by people who are passionate about a disposable kind of fun. The best of these writers are no more or less admirable than great chefs - worthy, sure, of some admiration, but devotion to the point of identity? We find that ridiculous just as we find foodies ridiculous. We sense that at the core there is a hollow.

They also seem to devote themselves intensely to things peripheral to the actual good itself, even if that good is of that lesser kind. There's discussions of covers, ereaders, etc, that can't help but suggest that it is the person glorying in the sort of person who would read, just like an eminent statesman might delight in talking about what the chambers are like.

>> No.10664544

screen capped.

Thank you very much.

>> No.10664660

Guy you replied to here.

Very good stuff. A beautiful distillation of thoughts I've had.

Don't get me wrong: things besides books do occasionally reach great highs, but I had yet to see any media worthy of the same cultural fixation, for reasons you've done real justice to.

>> No.10664669

since this blew up i decided to start a whole new thread about it

>> No.10664678

wow it wasn't even funny

>> No.10664687

Correct about ebooks and wrong about audiobooks.

>> No.10664694
File: 263 KB, 429x549, 1511044322241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you go to the library to check out Notes, but just sit there and read it through

>> No.10664698

im sorry, anon

>> No.10664769

The simulacrum is true

>> No.10664793

he's right. it's not us fetishizing books though. it's faggots doing book hauls to post on YouTube or instagram... or people who need to track their "progress" on good reads

>> No.10664881 [DELETED] 


You absolute pleb. For you sake, I hope ignorance is, indeed, bliss.

>> No.10664891


You absolute pleb. For your sake, I hope ignorance is indeed bliss.

>> No.10664902

The irony

>> No.10664917

Lmao at you lefty and your constant need to clarify Just can't not worry about someone thinking bad about ya, can ya you fag

>> No.10664929

>fetishization of books is ridiculous
>on reddit
>where people care so fucking much about meeting their reading goals they will half-ass just about any type of reading
>and still think they're superior for being """such good readers"""

>> No.10665002

>reading your greentext story
>jaden smith
>fuck anon fooled me again
>need to reply to this pseud
>end up just reading jaden smiths twitter for 20 minutes

>> No.10665376
File: 50 KB, 1200x675, 1495096618167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also I obv don't mean all academically talented black people (or any other minority group).
c-can't have these internet strangers thinking I'm r-racist or something *shudders*

>> No.10665380

Jaden smith is woke af lol

>> No.10665386
File: 119 KB, 2048x1362, Are You Serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A book is a tool to get information, not some sacred object.

mfw there are dozens of books which actually are sacred objects

>> No.10665852
File: 78 KB, 640x640, 1517542508058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what went wrong?

>> No.10665927

>Studies show that reading on paper is less fatiguing than reading a screen for extended periods.

e-ink included?

>> No.10665938
File: 37 KB, 600x600, 1517944718870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw more people died over books than over anything else

>> No.10665949

You could say that about anything, not just books. That person sounds like an insecure brainlet and should read more books.

>> No.10666126

I actually agreed with him until the final sentence.

>> No.10666131

lol, that's a good point

>> No.10666163
File: 642 KB, 963x927, jason_green_meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literary lifestyle is great. When i realized that i can't identify with normies anymore at all i felt utterly lost, until I've watched Mikle Leigh's Naked and felt a deep connection with Johny and realized that his lifestyle/kind of personality is what I was looking for. Might sound cringy but if you don't fit in any of the gym rat/gamer/normie categories there is not much besides books.

>> No.10666268

>A book is a tool to get information

Stopped reading after that.

>> No.10666352


>> No.10666624

Created an account just so that I could upboat dis

edit #2: thanks for popping my golden cherry kind stranger
edit #3: wow 69 ascending shafts we did it reddit

>> No.10666648

>redditor has no spiritual or aesthetic life
what's new

>> No.10666650

>smart black folks
uhhh leftypol??

>> No.10666668
File: 93 KB, 645x729, 1517466569153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>audio books are superior in every way
>books are tools to get information
>using reddit

>> No.10666774

that's a bit disingenuous isn't it? you can listen to an album while driving or hiking up everest, a real piece of art can take a month or more to complete, you can listen to an album, sketch out a doodle and watch a movie all while cooking, and a film lasts what, an hour and a half to two hours, and most people now a days can't even do that without fucking about on their phones. a book is different cause it requires your complete concentration, you can't fuck around while reading cause you'll have no retention, it's like alphabet soup in your brain. and lets say you're an average reader, 30 pages an hour and you get two uninterrupted hours a day between work and school and personal responsibility, that's 420 pages a week, and say your median book length is 400 pages, that's only four books a week, better than one sure, but nothing to brag about. now how about you don't get two solid hours a day, maybe you get one, maybe you don't even get to read seven days a week, and on top of that you don't read 30 an hour, but maybe 20 or 15. now all of a sudden one book a month doens't look so bad. then take into account reading something off the scale in length and density like jest or cristo, that shit all adds up and trying to compare it to nonequivalent bullshit is just a disservice to the medium.

>> No.10666784


What point is he even trying to make? Are all redditors this fucking stupid?

>> No.10667259

>reddit opinion matters
Yeah, nah yah cunt.

>> No.10667389

>They do not make you intellectually superior to people who prefer their entertainment in the forms of TV or movies
Well that just depends on what you read. This guys criticism is actually true against pseud reddit booktubers, but not really targeted at your average /lit/izen

>> No.10667408

>Implying /lit/ actually reads

>> No.10667421

This is the same type of dude who would write "Crash! Mom got a dog", so I'm not taking his opinion for shit

>> No.10667438

A heartfelt and genuine post of pure autism.

>> No.10667473
File: 1.95 MB, 237x240, 1517504190405.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting screenshots of redditors and their appalling trash beliefs is easy (You)s. That being said, go back.