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/lit/ - Literature

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10663570 No.10663570[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be you
>sitting around in the evening reading a "profound" book
>maybe it's a dead rich guy talking about the wonderfulness of life
>maybe it's a dead virgin male who was a weak bodied beta when he was alive
>you think the book is so profound
>maybe this is the book that changes your life
>maybe you won't forget this book after a few weeks
>you have an epiphany
>suddenly you remember the existence of picrelated and how they are fucking Chad right now and they see you as an ugly joke
>suddenly you realise that you live in 2018 and society really has changed- old history and philosophy has no chance of changing anything relating to your life
>you imagine yourself in social situations and cringe at how hour books give you no social skills
>you compare your consumption of books with their consumption of travel and experiences and see little difference

How do you cope? What lies do you tell yourself?

>> No.10663578

I'm an alcoholic

>> No.10663580

by reposting the same shit thread that got deleted a few hours ago

>> No.10663581

I shitpost on 4chan, duh

>> No.10663620

Don’t care because I am a Chad myself, but the hot, academic Chad that fucks the girl at the library you’ve been working up the courage to say hello to for the past 6 months

>> No.10663627
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>> No.10663631

I have an ugly gf

>> No.10663652

I literally don't care about shallow woman, so why should I judge them? I see them as another species than me.

I know I'll find a girl that shares similar standards as I, and that's well enough for me.

Sex is fun, having sex with attractive people is fun.

Literally don't care.

>> No.10663658

>How do you cope?

I don't have to because I have a gf and I'm not a resentful bitter incel like yourself

>"Uhhh my God, my hobbies and interests don't really matter because it won't make me drown in pussy, woe is me."

Tired of seeing this attitude on 4chan. Literally who gives a fuck.

>> No.10663664

After a certain point you just stop caring tobedesu

>> No.10663670

Don’t care; I’m gay; is the chad hot tho?

>> No.10663681

Seriously, but what so you expect?

Let's take a picture of this man, shall we?

>comes from middle class
>is bellow average to a little above average intellect
>no social life, stays inside, spends money on video games and other poor living habits
>socially inept, awkward or shy
>if ugly they blame the people who are counter to them IE, tall or rich
>has no motivation (or is motivated for the wrongs reasons) and never tries
>blame their situation on adhd or autism
>has a short temper, probably fights or never talks to their parents
>blames everything on others

>> No.10663696

>be a degenerate like me! Come on! It's fun!

>> No.10663705

I hope this thread never stops being posted
I want to see it everyday in the front page with 100+ replies everytime

>> No.10663711

Probably. This place irritates me the more I drift from the stage of development these people are in. I didn't notice it when I was 16 but now it's exasperating

>> No.10663720

Thought I was the only one. Seems like the whole board, the whole site even, is stuck in a state of arrested development.

>> No.10663728

Excuse me, but what's this pose named? I think they look sexy and ludicruous enough to start thinking of them as possible females with whom I can recreationally mate.

>> No.10663730

It's mostly ironic.

>> No.10663738

>woah im so fucking superior

>> No.10663750
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Imagine being this neotenic

>> No.10663752

Right? I came back, but I wanted to try to help people on here.

I was posting on /x/, but they literally attack you and try to pull the political spectrum card and end up into racism and religion.

It is ridiculous

>> No.10663758

Promiscuity is sinful and subhuman, and it ultimately leads to unhappiness and social collapse.

Nobody here will agree with me. The only right of which modern man is utterly convinced is the right to have unlimited sex without having to face the consequences of it.

>> No.10663769

this thread and everyone who is talking in this manner is an embarassment

>> No.10663776

Meh there's still so much you're doing wrong and could do better to get ahead of everyone but you won't listen because you're more interested in having your way because everyone is a little bitch baby fueled by rebellion except the top dogs

>> No.10663778

He has a point, though. Anons are neurotic, resentful and mostly don't know what the fuck they're talking about

>> No.10663779
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>> No.10663789
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So do straight folks really think like this??

>> No.10663797

what is this supposed to imply?

>> No.10663809
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>you compare your consumption of books with their consumption of travel and experiences and see little difference
> How do you cope? What lies do you tell yourself?
Comparing yourself to others and measuring your lifes success against their unenlightened psychosis is pretty fucking beta tbqh familia.

>> No.10663815

It's not that I don't disagree with you, it's just I see it slightly different.

I don't think it's necessarily a sin, but I do think it is a slippery slope.

It starts making you think sex is just another commodity, it makes you prize people for being degrading to their own virtues, it opens the gates to sinful habits( nothing to do with being gay or Bi.) Kinda like how weed is a 'gateway' drug.

But if you are to hold it your personal ideals and virtues in light, with the appreciation if it's inherent beauty it is okay.

>> No.10663837

Prove it

>> No.10663846

based 18 year olds

>> No.10663853
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>prove his ideas are better tham yours

You are a bainlet if you can't see why your response is fucking retarded.

Also, above statement also proves that you are indeed retarded, as it's rhetoric is true.

Proves how he is also correct, but virtues of being smarter, and having smarter virtues.

>> No.10663862

Im 22, and I've been here since 2011.
4chan was my only outlet for my depression was I was in highschool, and All I did was lurk and read.

I'm literally writing a fucking novel about the people of 4chan, and the internet and the affect is has on society. (It's a utopian novel btw)

>> No.10663873

gib plot summary lmao

>> No.10663876

Ideas can be argued for, Anon. Perhaps "convince me" would've been better suited

>> No.10663884

does the intonation of your voice rise at the end of your words anon? do you inflet with an upward swing? does your voice drone/crackle when you say long vowels? do you say literally, um, err, and like to seperate thoughts while speaking? just curious you all seem very mature and like you’ve mastered the english language already

>> No.10663886

He also laid out a sentiment that he conveyed as fact. If you do that, you better have the ability to prove it. Besides which, he also needs to define what he means by "sinful" and "subhuman"

>> No.10663889
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I'm 36, I've been married twice and I mostly agree with /r9k/ on all things related to the WQ

Stop flaunting your newfound "maturity" like it's absolute truth, you goddamn adolescent

>> No.10663911

Fuck me I just wrote it out. And accidently deleted it.

>> No.10663915
File: 28 KB, 480x336, 13574C8B-06AB-4103-8D26-040FFDBFE9D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn’t we already tell you you’re a fucking idiot in the last thread?

>> No.10663922

>I'm 36
>I've been married twice
you're in no position to lecture other guys on anything related to women

>> No.10663924
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It's happening

>> No.10663936


self assessment
>>comes from middle class
lower class childhood middle class adolescence
>is bellow average to a little above average intellect
>no social life, stays inside, spends money on video games and other poor living habits
crippled, cant socialize through sports anymore - small circle of scattered friends spend time one on one usually - stay inside - video games: less and less since I moved out
>>socially inept, awkward or shy
awkward sure, have trouble talking to the first person I meet on a given day, by the end of the day im flying high
>if ugly they blame the people who are counter to them IE, tall or rich
was told im an 8/10 once (not that I am, its just not an issue)
>never tries
only dead people dont try
>blame their situation on adhd or autism
>has a short temper
repressed anger, i avoid drink/drugs because of it
>blames everything on others
blame it on chance, both good and bad , but same thing really

how my lookin' anons?

>> No.10663937

>be me
>reading tropic of cancer
>random girl i picked up at a concert sucking my dick

>> No.10663943

>The people of 4chan
Please end your life.

>> No.10663944

Okay attempt 2.

It's a utopian novel about how the internet is artificially seperating people.
Think of how facebook, 4chan, reddit, youtube, are creating an artifical divide i humanity.
This is going to be represented back in real society in the comming future.

AI in my book will be this;
Artificial intelligence co-devoloped by Humans and the internet. As more and more people use the internet it's going to create a heavier and heavier divide. (Think of the different boards on 4chan, and how they are different across the political spectrum, and how it is also in reddit)
Humanity will co-develope and seperate it self by virtue of the internet, people will find each other in society and group up, countries will change.

AI will be 'programming humanity' as we program AI.
This will be another Golden age, and I can already prove how this is the current trend for the future of humanity.

>> No.10663949

Fuck off you faggot I’ve been here since 2008

>> No.10663956
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>try hard kids pretend to be above this place
>literally can't stop lurking and posting here
You're all posturing frauds. inb4 you post again in reply to this. Fuckin fake cunts.

>> No.10663959

I was providing an explanation for what they were describing, not calling them redditards.
reading comprehension, faggot

>> No.10663964

Sure. But by being short with a response and 'stoic' you create a bad atmosphere for discusion.

>removing the identity behind 'anonymous', sorry but the goverment knows you're not, it's stupid to remove that aspect of humanity in these types of discusions.

>> No.10663968

I genuinely don’t understand what you mean by this.

>> No.10663977

>But by being short with a response and 'stoic' you create a bad atmosphere for discusion.
People who don't back up what they say create a bad atmosphere for discussion. I had nothing more to ask of him, and my request was simple: Convey to me what convinced you of your claims

>> No.10663982


>> No.10663985

Im not that dude Im this dude, I disagreed and move on, by voicing my opinion.


>> No.10663990
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> read books near pretty girls
> no on asking me what I’m reading
I’ll never get a girlfriend at this rate guys

>> No.10663996

>not just telling them what you’re reading uninvited

>> No.10664001

>grieving over the loss of a whore
>one you never even had
the epitome of pathetic

>> No.10664009

hnnnng I'd fuck the shit out of these two broads' asses, especially the blonde with the nice squished tit

>> No.10664011
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itp: young newfag gets heated over an obvious ruse thread

>> No.10664025


>> No.10664042

>Imagine being this evolved and attractive and sexually fit