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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 91 KB, 598x484, Dead white men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10658653 No.10658653 [Reply] [Original]

Can you please stop reading books by dead, white authors?

>> No.10658661

women were a mistake

>> No.10658662
File: 270 KB, 431x388, 1471491118456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a woman so this twitter curse does not affect me muahahahahhaaa

>> No.10658668

i don't know enough about their burial conditions to tell if their bones are blackened or bleached anon, and i'm not desecrating the graves of great authors just because you think that will help me hang out with the living. i don't think anything about this is a good plan to be honest OP. it might even be illegal. reconsider yourself and don't go at my shelves or shovels.

>> No.10658684

get out and consider posting on reddit instead

>> No.10658688

I unironically agree. Women should embrace their femininity, and blacks should embrace their blackness. The literary world would be better off for it.

>> No.10658700

because if we need one thing in literature it's more racism sob stories and rupi kaur vagina poetry

>> No.10658703

If you can bring them back to life I will.

>> No.10658716


Good thing I'm a man so I'm allowed to read whoever I want

>> No.10658725
File: 161 KB, 850x1202, penguinkun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>company has built a massive corporate conglomerate printing press solely through re-translating, re-printing, re-editing, and most importantly, copyrighting hundreds of "classics", the vast majority of which are written by dead white men
>tweets with a strong implication of supporting women and blacks
pretty fucking hilarious top-meme-tier advertisement move by the penguin boiz imho desu

>> No.10658732
File: 1.26 MB, 1070x879, 1502012151331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, why are women so stupid? What has to happen in your life to be this retarded? Is it really this bad for us that in order to be called real men by some idiots like Jordan Peterson that we have to introduce ours penises, tolerate and form a family with these beasts who think that everything is an attack to their sex and at the same time think of themselves as equal and in most cases superior to men? They're worse than those people who think that life is a competition and see everything as a way to prove how better they are in comparison to others, that's how I see women and it wouldn't be bad if they only compete with other women, but they now they also compete with men. Imagine MEN competing not only with other men but also with WOMEN, can you believe how utterly stupid our sex would look like?

>> No.10658734

Ban women please

>> No.10658735

stop trying to make me join gravedigging clubs, anon. buy your own shovel.

>> No.10658748

Women were one of the few things Evola was completely right about.

>> No.10658752

Why is she targeting other women for choosing to read books by dead white male authors? Does she not believe in their agentive capacity?

>> No.10658757

Women, when given full speech powers, are just ridiculous. Now all the muslim and antiquity norms for women make so much sense.

>> No.10658760

I've only ever really met one woman like this in real life and nobody liked her. It's really hard for me to believe these people actually exist.
There are plenty of good female authors and poets but I don't see why it has to be an either/or thing. You can see all sorts of differences in style and focuses between the sexes and it's quite nice to have that variety without bitching about the old greats.
People like this would probably want to rip Middlemarch out of a woman's hand and replace it with a recommendation of Rupi Kaur. In fact I'd love to see that tried as an experiment to spot the plebs.

>> No.10658764

wouldn't Penguin especially be part of the problem considering they own literally everything?

>> No.10658766


>What has to happen in your life to be this retarded?
They found feminism.

>> No.10658771
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>(usually dead, usually white)

>> No.10658772

>I've only ever really met one woman like this in real life and nobody liked her

Nobody like feminists(and their alies).
With a good reason.

>> No.10658773
File: 840 KB, 2205x2400, ada lovelace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh? There are a ton of good books by female authors, let's see what she recommends:
>contemporary, self-indulgent trash memoir-novel
>a scientific defense for vaccination (?!)
>a history of the "underground feminist abortion service"
>trash contemporary poetry from a "queer Cubanx-American poet and K-12 educator from the Bronx"
>a contemporary novel about a drug-addled slut (no really, that's a self-description!)
>a contemporary novel about lesbians who draw cartoons

Such wasted potential! If you want women to read books written by women, how about these:
>Near to the Wild Heart, Clarice Lispector — an erotic, batshit bildungsroman of a young girl with a daddy complex
>the poems of Anna Akhmatova — one of mother Russia's premier poets, a blaze of wit and longing
>Mathilda, Mary Shelley — yes, another book about father-daughter incest, brought to you by John Milton's greatest fan
>Kristin Lavransdatter — an erotic medieval epic written by a Nobel Prize winner (back when they meant something)
>The Pillow Book, Sei Shonagon — a 10th century courtier's diary desu senpai
Not to mention the fantastic, scalding fiction done by Flin-Flan and Carson McCullers, the precise insights of Em-Dash Dickinson, a whole history of religious mystics (Julian of Norwich, Teresa of Avila, etc.), the Imagists, female classicists, and so much more! For someone who champions diversity, that woman's list is dull, uninspired, lazy, and relatively homogenous.

>> No.10658777

They exist on Twitter, and only on Twitter.

>> No.10658782

There's a ton of great Catholic women writers.

>> No.10658783

>Clarice Lispector
>liking Clarice Lispector


>> No.10658785
File: 32 KB, 645x729, 6b7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is the English canon full of dead white people from England?

>> No.10658790


>> No.10658791

I'm a girl (reading a book by a dead white male at the moment) and I find her attitude extremely annoying condescending. Most other girls I know would agree. I have met people like her before and in real life they prefer to stay in their own bubble.

>> No.10658794

wow isn't it weird how all the books have to do with sex and feelings about sex?

>> No.10658800

it's basically catholic virgins and dykes are most of the good ones

>> No.10658802

that's all a women can know and understand

>> No.10658811

Her later work was well worn shit, but I found her debut captivating.

Both my list and hers are, in large part, about sex. The difference is, the authors on my list had a voice and a message. Hers is all about the Xanax-numbed Brooklynites who have yet to have the painful realization that someone other than their selves is real.

>> No.10658813
File: 213 KB, 638x354, caed252a74d84e14341b08fe8cc51e4e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a girl

>> No.10658816

I almost punched my monitor, you're right tho; i have no way of coping with the truth about women, I can't in good conscience lie to myself about them but I know there's basically nothing there but vagina tingles and solipsistic self-narrativizing

>> No.10658817
File: 63 KB, 500x493, 1497412146633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> queer Cubanx-American poet and K-12 educator from the Bronx

imagine being such an unremarkable fuckhead that you have to wring everything you can out of everyday words to inflate your status like this

>> No.10658818

>no rachilde
>no colette
we can do better than that anon

>> No.10658822

Patrician taste desu

>> No.10658824

These are great posts, and this is coming from a Patriots fan.

>> No.10658828


>> No.10658835

Generally, autistic women or those with similar mental illnesses are not like that — but it's a whole 'nother can-of-worms.

I was going to put "The Other Woman" up but it's in my backlog desu. No idea who Rachilde is, though.

>> No.10658848

On the inside, I am a grill too
I am fucking hot I tell you.

These ideologues and their garbage of "uh, male whities" are the power-grabing cabal of poor taste pieces of shit. They don't know good female writters and neither matters to them, because the only literature they know is the XXI century YA and selfcentered garbage that book industry spill today.
Why do you think majority of writters of this are women? And them they tell others to read the garbage books they like, of course, after they use their ideological lens.(although there are good ya out there)

Dunno, I tryed her two times and I wanted to kms, maybe I will look her up one more time because your comment gave me the will to try again, op.

>> No.10658855

I mean, anon*

>> No.10658859

>No idea who Rachilde is, though.
She's a French hysteric who wrote a book called Monsieur Venus which is her reliving her mother abusing her father while also trying to blame a ghost writer who nobody had ever heard of, TP, and using the pseudonym of the Swedish ghost she used blame swearing on as a child, Rachilde, to publish without getting traced. She was traced.

>> No.10658874

What did you read by her? I think the thing that separates her debut from her later work is that she writes a lot of free association — when she was young, it felt organic; as she aged, it seemed rehearsed.

The absolute madwoman. Wikipedia has her in the same breath with Rimbaud and early Huysmans, so I'll slog her on the backlog too.

>> No.10658889

I don't know if you are from Brazil or not, and I only know the name in portuguese for sure, either way, I will post in both langues. I started with "A Hora da Estrela"(The Hour of the Star[i think, dunno with way it got translated into english]), and after that failed, I gave a time and failed again.
It felt realy forced the things she wrote. I read it in a early age, maybe thats why I didnt get it, but idk, I think I simply disliked it.
I think I also tryed another book of hers, but cant be sure of it because I dont realy remember the name or circunstance.

>> No.10658902

I speak English, but when I said her later work was shit, I specifically was thinking of "A Hora da Estrela." Through no fault of your own, you found the worst representation of her work. Treat that book like a nun — drop it like a bad habit. It gets better, anon.

>> No.10658917

And people will act surprised when young start goosestepping in some pro-white paramilitary organisation.

I can't wait.

>> No.10658931

>It's going to happen any day now, my fellow Aryans
Nobody cares about race except losers like you. Why don't you go back to >>>/pol/ where you belong?
t. white male, 18 yrs

>> No.10658942

can't wait till you get forcefed redpills kid

>> No.10658946
File: 13 KB, 214x320, 1516001162280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>18 years

I, too, was young.

>> No.10658962

Alright anon. I will look for more works from her.
I actualy read it because I was in middle school and we were studing her.
People said "A Hora da Estrela" was her best work, but when I read it, I was like "How people like this?" and ever since, I was unable to try her.
But will look foward after your words. Glad to know that someone who likes her actualy says to me I started by the wrong book.

>> No.10658983

Never gonna happen the way you want dude.

The problem is that sjw's are actualy making people go nazi. If people are saying far-right politics is because far-left politics is everyday fucking with the common person everyday more.
Dont think that it is impossible for these numbers grow even more, when people feel left by their govs and institucional (like is already happening in the West)they tend to find anyone who days will act for them.
Thats why we need to fuck with the progressives and their garbage.

>> No.10658984

>dude, redpills
You make me so glad I went through the mentally incapacitated phase before I reached adulthood.

>> No.10658990

>The problem is that sjw's are actualy making people go nazi. If people are saying far-right politics is because far-left politics is everyday fucking with the common person everyday more.
>Dont think that it is impossible for these numbers grow even more, when people feel left by their govs and institucional (like is already happening in the West)they tend to find anyone who days will act for them.
>Thats why we need to fuck with the progressives and their garbage.
Please, just go back to /pol/. You don't belong here.

>> No.10658998

>Anna Akhmatova
Sounds interesting. What translation should I read?

>> No.10659006

>You don't belong here.
/lit/ is multicultural, bigot.

>> No.10659011

YOU don't belong here

>> No.10659012

>Please, just go back to /pol/. You don't belong here
>implying I browse/pol/
>implying I said something that didnt already happened in history
Mah dude, you truly don't get it right?

>> No.10659013
File: 835 KB, 800x622, virginia woolf reverse trapping her way aboard a warship with the original durka durka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up this is a thread for catholic waifus and crazy lesbians

>> No.10659016

he means when biological differences in human neurology along sexed, racial and phyisognomic lines become widespread knowledge. as in when DeMore’s manifesto becomes common knowledge and the /pol/ crime stats+genetic determinism+.8 genetic influence by 22 for g+low conscientiousness and ADHD+female neuroticism and low genius density at the far end of the bell curve+mandatory intelligence tests for STEM which will be all jobs basically+markets and privatization taking over+the history of socio-biological development of the races are all well known you’re fucked, or your grasp on reality will get fucked
he doesn’t mean that he’s a mong midwit rw faggot who thinks redpills are like MOSSAD DID 9/11 hurr and Hidler wuz rite because he’s a fucking peon, but what i said is all true and you’re not going to like it when figures of authority make policy with that knowledge in mind nigger

>> No.10659017

let's hope so

>> No.10659021

uniforms are hot

>> No.10659029

>Hot dominant aryan men in Hugo Boss uniforms
Patrician taste friend

>> No.10659031

what percentage of 4chan users are LGBTQ, probably at least 33% right?

>> No.10659033

Dear god. Never read such bullshit before.

Found the triggered regressivos, kek.

>> No.10659037

Wrong board loser

>> No.10659039

Literally the only good female author in history was Virginia Woolf and she is both dead and white.

>> No.10659040

blind hatred is not a culture
why not
Ok, English is obviously your second language. /lit/ means literature and it is for discussing literature. /pol/ means Politically Incorrect and it is a board for discussing politics. You're discussing politics and so you should go to /pol/. Jesus.

>> No.10659042

I can sorta understand why some people might be bothered by the whole "White" thing.

But why are so many people stuck up on the "Dead" part?

Why the fuck does it matter if the author is dead or not? Literature is about works of art that can survive the single life of any one person.

>> No.10659046

not into blonds tho
>LGBTQ, probably at least 33% right?
yeah i'd say about a third of the times an average user's had sexual contact, they have been weird letters. but sometimes you're drunk you know?

>> No.10659050

It's not blind. It's very precise and reactionary. Looks like you have some growing up to do.

>> No.10659055

Whites are dying. (and that's a good thing)

Is the reason.

>> No.10659056

Keep ofended.
You sayign I am a /pol/tard dosent change the fact I am not, and the fact that I do support multiculturalism is enought to prove it.
I just dont support sjw's
Like yourself, it seens.

>> No.10659062

That's just your warped opinion and regardless of whether it is blind it is still not a culture.

>> No.10659065

dead people don't charge you as much for their books because they don't read them any more and they don't need to pay bills.

>> No.10659069

>Ok, English is obviously your second language. /lit/ means literature and it is for discussing literature. /pol/ means Politically Incorrect and it is a board for discussing politics. You're discussing politics and so you should go to /pol/. Jesus.

Okay anon, just because you asked nicely.
It's just that I like to reply people who are too fucking retard to call me /pol/tard or bigot.

>> No.10659072

nobody supports SJWs we just want to talk about how dykes and catholic chicks have sweet prose because they're used to chicks and god rejecting them just like dead white gay men

>> No.10659074

Run that through Google translate you fucking moron.

>> No.10659076

The implication is that they wrote for an audience of contemporaneous white men, so they're not going to be relevant for the non white and male readers of today. Not that I agree, just that's the justification.

>> No.10659088 [SPOILER] 
File: 724 KB, 750x1072, 1518068558038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come now, virgin anon, highsmith didn't get turned down by a lot of chicks or gay men. but then she was a sociopath who probably didn't believe in god, so maybe i'm just leaving the plot boost that gives you affect my memory of the comfiness of her prose. it could be the memory of her tits too now i'm looking in my authors folder

>> No.10659090
File: 33 KB, 500x334, 1517716112115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ara, ara...Okay... I will be honest, I went over the board. Sorry /lit/, will keep the topic of the board. My bad.
Lately I have been on edgy, my bad, my bad.

>> No.10659096

>Ara, ara...Okay... I will be honest, I went over the board. Sorry /lit/, will keep the topic of the board. My bad.
we'll forgive you if you post feet

>> No.10659099

D-does it need to be mine?
I-i am shy... Nyron~~

>> No.10659104

stop being such a girl and post your feet or a relevant author's feet. nice dub btw

>> No.10659105

Feels good being a white man who can pretty much read whatever I want and not be expected of much else. Is this the power of white privilege?

>> No.10659106

They're bothered by the dead part because it's a reminder that all good western authors throughout history are white males

>> No.10659107

you're going over the board again

>> No.10659108

you have no idea what's about to happen my nigger, tread lightly in the next few decades if you're ugly, psychotic, black, a woman or a brainlet/weakling of any kind. They're coming for you

>> No.10659114

read more you ignorant amerilard. it's all gay porn fart jokes and pony training that makes canon.

>> No.10659131
File: 829 KB, 1456x2592, IMG_20180208_034716021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay... But now you guys know that I am actualy a dog on the internet. Keep this a secret please, desu

Okay, now I stop overboarding.

>> No.10659142

I hate this species of pseud so much, even if you're joking, that aside, I still despise this way of trying to reduce /lit/ or phil to "inside jokes between us silly people xD"

>> No.10659146

What the fuck penguin.
you were legit

>> No.10659151

Here you go, you deserve it


>> No.10659157


>> No.10659178

I read her in Russian, so I'm not familiar with the translations. Let me get back to you on that.

>> No.10659183
File: 30 KB, 603x202, lob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% negative replies to that tweet, so much for your internet ghettos technocrats - but then I saw this and realized no, the end is still near

>> No.10659189

based peterson has succeeded where stormfagging has failed; actually redpilling women

>> No.10659190
File: 54 KB, 396x382, 2BEF14D6-A939-438A-AF2F-260A8B467922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10659203

they're actually regular themes in the greeks and there's comic references to them in pleb plays like pantomines into the 20th C. the people who read classics all throughout the development of the western canon aren't making these jokes because there not at the basis.

ffs, anyone who's read chaucer knows the miller's tale is the one with the butts. and yes, i modernized the spelling for you, and put in a "zee" for you, ameritardo
i think we've gone to deep. if anyone asks claim spousal privilege. adieu
you too buddy

seriously though, djuna barnes was the best prose stylist of the moderns and SJWs won't read her because the one compete book describes jews and lesbians accurately. she was right to keep the unexpurgated ryder from us once we censured it. best waifu, better than evelyn waugh

>> No.10659208

no 4chan has started telling me i'm not a robot i'm getting better, plus i think it's meant to be an alien not a robot.

>> No.10659255

sick reddit spacing dude

>> No.10659261

sick dubs but that's not reddit spacing which is why your waifu is an inferior forger to my qt lesbian well read modernist sweetheart.

>> No.10659270

>Eula Biss
Who the fuck names their child End User License Agreement?

>> No.10659272
File: 24 KB, 380x253, 1795CA37-A642-4BDD-A045-B1EE4A9775EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the person who wants you to stop reading Dostoevsky, Joyce, Wallace, Nietszche, Schopenhauer, etc. because theyre all dead white men

>> No.10659281

she doesn't look like a book or a rich deranged lesbian aesthete. is she a nun? why should we be interested?

>> No.10659283

Jesus, this bitch is hideous.

>> No.10659284

This woman is so fuckin retarded that she wrote "He's white" and had to assure that the man he is talking is a male. Holy shit.

>> No.10659285


>> No.10659288

Don't say mean things about nuns, anon. God might listen.

>> No.10659290

That is in fact redditspacing newfag

>> No.10659293

El monsturo...

>> No.10659294

> if something is written on Twitter, it is something important

Why doesn't a social section of a gaming forum from 2005 grab your attention?

>> No.10659295

>niggers are immortal

>> No.10659307

that's called not bothering to delete all the breaks from lazy quote>>10659114
>read more you ignorant amerilard. it's all gay porn fart jokes and pony training that makes canon.
chain hopping when drunk>>10659114

ffs it brings up robot verification if i don't delete some too

>> No.10659324

It's not. Reddit spacing is when you put a double space between single lines. Doesn't apply to paragraphs.

>> No.10659327

Every single time

>> No.10659329

la goblina...

>> No.10659336

He does that too

>> No.10659339
File: 10 KB, 255x255, 1516727907780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not reading books written by white men

>> No.10659343

gotta love those two sentence paragraphs you fucking dweeb

>> No.10659353


I saw him consorting with the reddit in the woodshed too, Sister Judith

>> No.10659365


you can punctuate every 3-7 words in hell. prepare the pressing stones

>> No.10659372

>>>10659353 (You)
>you can punctuate every 3-7 words in hell. prepare the pressing stones
(you) appeared one in three times and you don't AP style your numbers, what does this mean Sister John of Patmos?

>> No.10659405

You'll learn in time, I was like you once

>> No.10659411


>> No.10659458


Redditspacing is when you ALWAYS double space. Look at my post, look at that one empty line between your post number and the start of my post?

That's a requirement for redditspacing. If someone just uses a lot of very short paragraphs then that person is probably just phoneposting.

>> No.10659479

>Can you please

This is why women don't rule the world yet.
We all need to stop being so polite.

>> No.10659486

Can women and people of color start writing good books?

>> No.10659489

>>Can you please
>This is why women don't rule the world yet.
>We all need to stop being so polite.
>grill with redditspacing
I think you're late for the Castle Anthrax bit, Jim, you can drop the habit

>> No.10659491

>Reading contemporary fiction from anyone

>> No.10659496
File: 351 KB, 1000x894, dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Every fucking time.

>> No.10659498
File: 8 KB, 250x202, 1517036953624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10659515


I'm getting real tired of these peoples shit

>> No.10659517

The Pope didn't really go to Hell and Dante didn't really meet Virgil. I'm sorry anon, we've kept it from you this long, but the entire comedy is basically fanfiction. All three of them. We just couldn't afford to make you pleb enough to learn Latin instead and read Virgil at least, so we got you the knock off of the knock off of the knock off of the Greeks.

>> No.10659519

Of all the sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these...

>> No.10659545
File: 154 KB, 643x949, beatles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we save people like them?

>> No.10659548

nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga

>> No.10659565

I'm just connecting with my heritage as a soon to be old and dead white man. What could be wrong with that?

>> No.10659577

God, this is the worst type of feminist. How can you claim to be a feminist while implying that women are incapable of appreciating anything even remotely cerebral?

>> No.10659585

dim diolch,i don't like shitty love stories

>> No.10659587

You don't, you get rid of them.
This is evolution, some people are left behind.
Specialy people being this dumb.

>> No.10659635

now i know, /pol/ was right again!


>> No.10659641

It's actually surprising and positively refreshing how creative /pol/fags are. I hadn't laughed at a comedy show since Seinfeld and suddenly there was MDE: World Peace. It's a shame Sam went off the deep end in this climate. MDE troupe has genuine talent.

>> No.10659657

Just goes to show that culture wont die in the coming white ethnostate : )

>> No.10659668


>> No.10659906

>I'm a grill
post feminine penis

>> No.10659973

>redditfags think they are the gatekeepers of /lit/

>> No.10659984

La Creatura

>> No.10660013

Did pengiun books help out by making all their books by non white authors free?

>> No.10660063

What did he say?

>> No.10660072

Why would you make the assumption that if a person is reading a book by a dead white male author, then that's the only thing they read? It's pretty likely they actually do read books written by women as well, but you just happened to catch them at a time when they weren't.

>> No.10660073

God i hate white people.

>> No.10660076

Yeah, why do they SELL mostly books written by dead white authors?

>> No.10660083

Am I the only one who doesn't really give a shit who a book is written by? Like, I just picked up the current book I'm reading and discovered it was written by a japanese woman. I don't really care either, big fucking deal. I buy books based on the subject matter, or whether or not I heard they were good, not by who fucking wrote them.

>> No.10660089

That picture is from a Sam Hyde sketch. Get your ass back to /pol/, this is an enlightened board.

Also, OP sucks a big one.

>> No.10660096

>not wanting to write accurate meme porn about your favourite authors in greentext
i don't think you understand what we do here and we're going to have to take you japanese ex future wife back off you

>> No.10660109

Do not encourage him,.

>> No.10660140
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>(((Danielle Lazarin)))


>> No.10660147

Where you from, butt?

>> No.10660152
File: 29 KB, 642x255, fellowwhitepeople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so shitty, (((fellow white people)))?

>> No.10660168
File: 108 KB, 640x437, GeorgeSantayanaQuote1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not reading any dead author, white or not

>> No.10660177

Every single time.


>> No.10660179

White guilt month is really kicking into gear

>> No.10660182
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Maybe it's something in the water?

>> No.10660237

Never said that you are a girl here.

>> No.10660291

Why's she being mean to dead people? They're already dead, cut them some slack.

>> No.10660302

Athiest jews are subhuman.

>> No.10660325

This, so much this.

>> No.10660334
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>> No.10660351

If blacks wrote good books then I would. I don't know what the authors of my books look like, I care about the quality.

>a race baiting thread
>on MY 4chan?

>> No.10660359
File: 3.77 MB, 3000x5010, Propagand2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infographics aren't welcome on /lit/

>> No.10660365

>Am I the only one who doesn't really give a shit who a book is written by?

yes you're the only one

>> No.10660374

friendship ended with penguin. Now Oxford is my best friend

>> No.10660393

what if the dead white people just post-life transgenderedized themselves?

>> No.10660396

How does anyone see this and think to themselves: "Adolf Hitler got it wrong?"

Food for thought...

>> No.10660410

> What is empathy and understanding?

It certainly isn't only being able to relate to something because it's written by somebody the same gender, the same race as you and they also happen to be alive. Books don't become unrelatable when the author fucking dies. As a white guy, I read Wuthering Heights the other day and empathised with Young Catherine being a victim of manipulation and the housekeeper Ellen being powerless but just having to watch as everything unfolds. It's devastating. As a man, I didn't feel the book was inaccessible because, with empathy, most readers can relate to a well-told narrative.

Don't get me wrong, I understand the perspective of trying to open people up to new perspectives from female and black authors - I'm not against that - but to dismiss something written by a white dead guy because they're white and dead does boil my piss.

>> No.10660412
File: 37 KB, 1298x193, upload_2018-2-7_22-45-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we solve the Alt-Right reading problem?

>> No.10660429

I mean, I'm not surprised someone telling you to stop reading those writers happens to also have Downs syndrome

>> No.10660431
File: 1.96 MB, 275x339, 7mLLIZn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I don't buy from penguin, it's fucking unreal how a company can be openly racist.

>> No.10660433

>He perpetuated the alt-right "reading books" meme

Can you explain this post? I don't get it.

>> No.10660435

> interviewer: "tell us a little about yourself"
> Summer Brennan making a real effort to not be a shitty white person: "HANG NIGGERS oh haha i didnt mean to say that xD"

Come the fuck on

>> No.10660441

We now live in a world where the Neo-Nazi/White Suprematists/Ultras are better read than Leftists and this greatly upsets them.

>> No.10660449

>new perspectives from female and black authors

You know...females and black authors have been writing in pretty large numbers since the mid-1800s or so, many of them becoming very successful.

>> No.10660451

Fake tweet.

>> No.10660458

I seriously hope this thread is just full of /pol/ shills and not people who (are supposed to) have a brain, because its a fucking fake tweet. READ SHIT BEFORE YOU FLIP OUT.

>> No.10660464

Umm, no sweetie:


>> No.10660466

I didn't mean literally new perspectives as in recent or modern, I meant new perspectives for people who may not have known about them in the past.

>> No.10660486


Yes, if you look, you'll notice something odd. "Penguin retweeted", its not a tweet by them.

>> No.10660490

Did your script break or something?

>> No.10660491

But the argument the 'tards make is something like, "Women and black people haven't been historically represented in literature, never mind the fact that they actually have been heavily represented, and most of the best selling modern authors are women and minorities....so...WHITE DEAD AUTHORS ARE TO BLAME! STOP READING THEM!!!"

>> No.10660496
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>> No.10660504

Think I'll just pirate any books from now on and read them on my Kindle. Thanks Penguin.

>> No.10660514

Doesn't matter retard, they picked it out of the haystack and decided to spread it to their 300k followers. That doesn't happen on accident.

>> No.10660552


Yes, its completely random and certainly not because Danielle Lazarin is an author and Penguin Book's twitter often posts quotes by authors from a wide range of views to get the noggin joggin.

>> No.10660567

>implying /lit/ reads

>> No.10660568

Jesus Christ I don't even go to /pol/ and I thought the show was fine. Faggots like you are ruining 4chan.

>> No.10660586

Can you please stop making shit posts?

>> No.10660608
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>> No.10660637
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>> No.10660653

reading is for nazis

>> No.10660662
File: 40 KB, 414x506, disgruntled man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ - jews and sjws
Great thread you idiots.

Also, literally every response to the original tweet slam it and back it up with reasonable arguments while on 4chans supposedly smartest board most posts consist of
>muh women
>muh jews
>muh /pol/

>> No.10660672

Maybe discuss why twitter people and OP are assholes instead of griping.

Because they are.

There is literally nothing wrong with not reading outdated garbage by agents of western hegemonic structures.

Read living. Read young. Read colored and read female and read queered.

>> No.10660673

Jews are predominantly leftist because they're predominantly atheist and upper class.
You'll find that most orthodox jews are conservative.

>> No.10660687

I'm still not buying your book Shapiro.

>> No.10660808

sorry mate, too lazy of an attempt, you'll get it right next time.

>> No.10660859

Oh, so you're not supposed to read transgendered? Fucking transphobe, people like you need TO DIE.

>> No.10660861

Don't know what you're on about, dearie. I'm an established web developer and intellectual doling out free anonymous advice out of courtesy.

>> No.10660919

Women are subhuman

>> No.10660950

que cara tan horrible tiene esta asadita

No, because they wrote good things. Why should I put down a good book in favor of some other book simply because of the author's gender/skin color? That's stupid, racist, and discriminatory.

>> No.10660953

begone incel

>> No.10660992

>mfw women writers can't compete in the market so they cry discrimination to drive their book sales
Absolutely horrendous.

>> No.10661001

I actually agree with this. Late Beatles are not cerebral (>>10659577), they're just stupid. The worst thing that happened to music was Bob Dylan convincing John Lennon that pop music could do more than "Please, Please Me." He was wrong. It can't. Music ends with the Shirelles who were not only women, but black. But notice how we talk about them - "oh, man, Phil Spector! He's so great!" Music criticism convinced me that the feminist/identity politics position is not entirely without merit. We're not talking about Shakespeare. We're talking about fucking pop music. And yet you see all the same canon-shilling and ridiculous claims about universals and art.

Punk was a better answer.

>> No.10661008

>Punk was a better answer.

punk was just the first to use the n.w.a. "shock the parents" marketing plan, it's not special or particularly good

>> No.10661016

>just a marketing plan
>not special or particularly good
point thoroughly missed

>> No.10661019

>but notice how we talk about them - "oh, man, Phil Spector! He's so great!" Music criticism convinced me that the feminist/identity politics position is not entirely without merit.

Good strawman bait, I'm replying. Phil Spector is and has always been a piece of shit. He invented the wall of sound -- big fucking deal. The Shirelles and Ronettes and Marvelettes and Supremes and so on were the arists. They sold their look and their voice, they did the hard work performing and appearing. Anyone who cheers for Phil Spector like he's some kind of genius is a fucking moron and can be safely disregarded.

>> No.10661118

Why do women do that?
All best novels were made by men, there is no woman Joyce, no woman Proust.
Why can't they accept men superiority on literature?
Insecurity or what?

>> No.10661312

What the duck do you even say when you interrupt someone’s reading to suggest them a different book simply because of the gender of the author?

>> No.10662894

The funny thing is that one must go to reddit to know wtf reddit spacing is in the first place. Another funny thing is that every bitched about "reddit spacing" until very recently, leading me to believe anyone that bitches about it (since it doesn't really matter at all) is a newfag and probably came here from reddit.

>> No.10662909

>Can you please stop reading books by dead, white authors?
Are you suggesting we reanimate Hitler?

>> No.10662919

Well, that makes sense.

>> No.10663593

Nah, that's all I'm going to read until this SJW bullshit stops.

>> No.10663604

I'd love for that person to try that with me so then I can explain why the book she has suggested is utter shit.

>> No.10663614

>be incoming freshman at uni thinking about studying English
>talking to white guy advisor about authors I'm interested in
>starts telling me about black authors and saying they're even MORE what I would be interested in
Was an odd experience

>> No.10663642

>yet to have the painful realization that someone other than their selves is real


Nice to see I'm not the only one annoyed by how self-absorbed most 'feminists' and female 'writers' are. Feels like it sometimes.

>> No.10663656

>they tell others to read the garbage books they like

AKA written by their friends or MFA classmates

>> No.10663672

Yeah, most of us thought we knew it all when we were 18. We were WOKE. Then after a few decades of life experience we realize that crazy old grandpa was right after all.

>> No.10663680

Maybe /r/books is more your speed.

>> No.10663734

La puta del infierno...

>> No.10663761


This bullshit is what actually makes me marginally sympathetic to those always barking on about (((THEM))) when I used to be the last person to imagine doing so. I know not all Jewish people are like that, or even benefit the way some claim they do, but holy fuck, these clowns are why Nazis wanted to deport the lot of them. Wish they'd realize it before it's too late :( They're really, really stupid in their virtue signaling.

>> No.10663786

The religious ones and Sephardic/Mizrahi ones are cool. It's the ones who use their ethnic specialness (while also claiming to be white) as a weapon to under mine non-Jewish whites that are utter cunts. Real Jewish people need to separate themselves from them more. I finally understand what those passages in Revelation refer to.

>> No.10663801

One of my favorite childhood writers was Alexandre Dumas. I was about 30 when I learned he was black/half-black. I have read plenty of good black authors. However most SJW mongs ignore their works.

>> No.10663832


Here's a real life version


>> No.10663849

>choice of reading material is based on identity politics

Choose one.

>> No.10664030

>During the visit to Dreadnought, the visitors repeatedly showed amazement or appreciation by exclaiming "Bunga Bunga!".[8] In 1915 during the First World War, HMS Dreadnought rammed and sank a German submarine—the only battleship ever to do so. Among the telegrams of congratulation was one that read "BUNGA BUNGA".[9]

shitposting is a human treasure

>> No.10664394

Makura no Soshi but no Genji Monogatari?

>> No.10664411

>reading for plot
>not lists of happy things

>> No.10664414
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>> No.10664438
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>penguin books

>> No.10664471

i'm interested enough in this to continue this shit thread.
i saw it on /lit/ first because two anons had the same style in a short period. it's not strictly reddit related, because some devices make phoneposters have the same spacing, and those two anons had just got the same device/update. it doubles the break after quoting a postnumber but doesn't interest extra breaks after that i think.
it's around that point that redditspacing where it has all the extra breaks throughout was taking off, so part of what made the redditmeme orthography seem more popular was not just reddit but also phone posters/some other devices.
you can learn a lot about reddit by just lurking here, but normally the people who want to keep the two completely separate are worried they might be popular on the other. i don't think reddit's going to steal our memes or waifus, and even if they did, my waifu knows i have maintained a shrine much longer and better and am willing to become full yurei if otaku is not enough. reddit will never give here that and they're probably phoneposters anyway.

>> No.10664496

>no woman Joyce, no woman Proust.
Anon, those are some bad examples and you should read a bit more about the belle epoque and start of modernism. Winning at literature is about not being normie, and there's no gender rule on being normie except women tend to it more. Being male doesn't save you from being normie though, and the greats of literature aren't defined by being male so much as being pervs and there's plenty of female perverts willing to start "salons" where they discuss poetry to pervert the youth. Most of the greats, including the Greeks, knew this, which is why the Greeks had a separate class of whores who were there to talk philosophy because their wives were all normies (except Xanthippe and Hipparchia who were noble bitches and knew what's up)

>> No.10664726

That's just your average female reader.

>> No.10664738

>"Woman claims that other women too stupid to know what they want to read."

>> No.10664756

y i k e s

>> No.10664762

>when dante rossetti buried all his poems with lizzy
>when he reconsidered and dug her back up to get them
never forget you owe them to the muse not the vessels she inhabits

>> No.10664809
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>> No.10664815

So uh is lit pol now or what

>> No.10664834
File: 177 KB, 1200x807, reani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp, looks like I have to bring them back then

>> No.10664939

Wow, maybe you should stick to fucking animals if you can't compete.

Lots of MGTOW are furries or hentai addicts. Go your own way pal.

>> No.10664951

Wouldn't help much. If you brought even a genius like Kant back he would probably spend all his writing polemics about how the filthy Russians must be driven from Konigsberg

>> No.10664952

>what are you, sexist?

>> No.10664960

Just looked up the one remotely intriguing title, No Map of the Earth Includes Stars. Four Goodreads ratings. Four. How is that so with this stellar prose: “I go stand far outside, separating my darker-than-white but lighter-than-Black skin from the inside place, to separate the violence of this skin into a thing I can hold and be responsible for alone.”

>> No.10664962

as long as he doesn't cunnilingus my beta GF and talks to me now and again he'd better than 95% of my real friends
fuck you, steve

>> No.10664967

no, now feminism is even making the normies cringe.

>> No.10664968

every time i see someone in public reading some shitty ya fantasy novel i fantasize about successfully convincing them to read something better instead.

>> No.10664971

Oh and one of those is Lazarin. Let me bet: the author in question is a friend of hers.

>> No.10664981

lol, me too

>> No.10664999

I always find it hilarious when people who say women are shallow and stupid and focused on trivial things can only talk about a women's attractiveness when they see here. Somehow all the actual legitimate arguments you have go away and the only thing to say is that she's ugly.

Hilarious irony.

>> No.10665003

there is also nothing wrong with not reading living, young, colored, female and queered because none of those is an exclusive mark of a good author.

I'll read whatever looks interesting or entertaining, and continue to not worry about superficial bullshit or waste my time with drivel.

>> No.10665008

>dead, white authors?
Silly OPkun; the Irish are not only not white, they're impossible to kill and probably know your relatives better than you.

>> No.10665012

Everyone in the thread should be ashamed of themselves. A woman is trying to get people to read something else than the books that Hitler and Churchill read (look how that turned out) and you go bananas. A board that was previously a welcoming space for non-white non-male bodies is now a toxic sewer. I can't tell it apart from a pewdiepie comment section.

>> No.10665020

pewdiepie likes books and apparently reading is for fascists now.

>> No.10665027

The Reddit store called. They're running out of you.

>> No.10665031

Stalin turned out fine, and he read Tolstoy who communicated with Gandhi to encourage him to bring about world peace in the heavenly grace of humanitarian christian anarchy, and wrote poems as an oppressed Georgian in his youth. You're right about Churchill though. He read H Rider Haggard and that's digusting genre fiction, so no wonder he called Gandhi evil. Let's all get naked for world peace, we owe it to central Asia.

>> No.10665033

Those aren't "alt-right books." Those are high school reading curriculum. : /

>> No.10665037

>The Reddit store called. They're running out of you.
>redditing back at reddit
I see you're a postmodernist

>> No.10665040

I can't tell if this is serious or not. I hope not. That would be so embarrassing.

This is even worse.
>Stalin turned out fine.
Gulag yourself communist cunt.

>> No.10665146

underrated show

>> No.10665162

>>Stalin turned out fine.
>Gulag yourself communist cunt.
I'm not recommending his politics, I'm recommending his literary tastes which he kept separate from his politics. That's why there were artists gulags for Bulgakov to write about and why we have Bulgakov and Pasternak even if nobody in the USSR was allowed read him.
It's the famous seditious joke "I haven't read Pasternak but I denounce him" and similar literary critiques which Stalin allowed that brought him down. Stop putting your politics before your poetics or you'll wind up worse than Stalin's politics or Aristotle's Ethics. Do you want to be cursed with Rand's prose?

>> No.10665172

>christian anarchy,
>Gulag yourself communist cunt.
He's memeing for laffs, but JFC anon, you're easily triggered and I don't think you made it past the first clause.

>> No.10665270

This doesn't seem like what you meant when you see the context. Someone said, look how Stalin turned out. You said he turned out fine so.
Apologies for the mean words friend. I don't want you to actually send yourself to a gulag! :) I was just joking too!

>> No.10665274

>You said he turned out fine so.
He did in literary terms. He gave up writing poems when his wife died. He also told a friend at the funeral that "all the love in me has died with her" and in a poetic perspective, one can see the entire violence of the stalinist regime as a confessional poem to his wife's necessity to him. It's very Georgian. They are an emotional bunch.

>> No.10665291

>Apologies for the mean words friend. I don't want you to actually send yourself to a gulag! :) I was just joking too!
Comrade Stalin? I am so pleased to hear your jokes again! HAHA!

>> No.10665311

>Killing millions because your wife died.

Could it be that he was the most important literary mind of all time?

>> No.10665320

>some blue-haired arts students are making fat autistic children fascist
Wew, this is probably the worst analysis I've seen of the alt-right. It's nearly always to do with economic factors (the fascist right will tend to sprout in working class people due to the outsourcing of jobs, migrant workers coming in, etc.) I bet you're just a centrist who thinks "attacking the far right and far left" entails writing a witty retort in the section of a newspaper no one other than your milquetoast class reads.

>> No.10665326

it's only one poem, if you judge people that way you wind up thinking
are good

>> No.10665352

like she actually gets politics on that divide

>> No.10665356

so all the lists of white writers by white people on here is propaganda?

>> No.10665377

>He invented the wall of sound -- big fucking deal.
It also speaks to a pretty big irony for the whole rock/pop rock scene. For all its vaunt for naturalism and rejection of modern music for being too studio. Almost every rock advancement was "lets add this production technique to the same blues riffs as before".

>> No.10665409

i think we can all agree jazz is the superior artform any way

>> No.10665518

>Can you please stop reading books ONLY by dead, white authors?
Of course, doing otherwise would be extremely shameful.

>> No.10665526

>. Hers is all about the Xanax-numbed Brooklynites who have yet to have the painful realization that someone other than their selves is real.
This is where you're wrong, they have no idea that they themselves are real. They live in a state of cognitive dissonance just to associate and identify through a collective.

>> No.10665528

From The Blushful Mystery:
>The theater is no place for painful speculation; it is a place for diverting representation. Its best and truest plays are not such over-strained shockers as "le Mariage d'Olympe" and "Damaged Goods," but such penetrating and excellent comedies as "Much Ado About Nothing" and "Taming of the Shrew." In "Much Ado" we have an accurate and unforgettable picture of the way in which the normal male of the human species is brought to the alter--that is, by the way of appealing to his hollow vanity, the way of capitalizing his native and ineradicable asininity. And in "The Taming of the Shrew" we have a picture of the way in which the average woman, having so snared him, is purged of her resultant vainglory and bombast, and thus reduced to decent discipline and decorum, that the marriage may go on in solid tranquility
Note that Mencken is being ironic here in this last line. I feel the need to make this explicit as I know many of you fall deep on the spectrum and will fail to register such a subtle conceit. He continues:
>The whole drama of sex, in real life, as well as on the the stage, revolves around these two enterprises. One-half of it consists of pitting the native intelligence of women against the native sentimentality of men, and the other half consists of bringing women into a reasonable order, that their superiority may not be too horribly obvious. To the first division belong the dramas of courtship, and a good many of those of marital conflict. In each of case the conflict is not between imperishable verities but between mere vanities and pretensions. This is the essence of the comic: the unmasking of fraud, its destruction by worse fraud.

>> No.10666030

>taking it

>> No.10666433


How does it feel to be this low on the dominance hierarchy?

>> No.10666633

That's completely different from what the tweet is saying.

>> No.10666637

What is the problem with dead people? Instead of their genre, sex or wathever.

>> No.10666671

I'm a brazillian and not really aware of Clarice's work (I've read some short works and excerpts for a class but that's about it) but most brazilian writers have a tendency to become caricatures of themselves later in life.
If you want to read one who didn't (coincidentally, also a woman), read Hilda Hilst.

>> No.10666692

Ever read How the Beatles Destroyed Rock'n'roll, my dude? You have a very similar view to that of the writer.

>> No.10666698

*blocks your path*

>> No.10666822

Oh yeah? Well the idiot store called and said they're running out of YOU!

>> No.10666893

Holy shit yu rddt fag

>> No.10666900

Why are they tweeting this? Do they know that Penguin Classics is 95% dead, white male authors?

>> No.10666903


You can't debate and humiliate a dead person with your goodthink

>> No.10666938


>> No.10666967

don't try to fit in, you don't. girl.

>> No.10666981

shakespeare was the pop icon of his time

>> No.10666986

>Penguin Classics is 95% dead, white male authors

They aim to change this.
History is being rewritten.
The true classics were written by women all along!

>> No.10666987

>shakespeare was the pop icon of his time
I bet the Devil created an entire new circle of hell once you guys started appearing

>> No.10667230


C.S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"

> Only the learned read old books and we have now so dealt with the learned that they are of all men the least likely to acquire wisdom by doing so. We have done this by inculcating the Historical Point of View. The Historical Point of View, put briefly, means that when a learned man is presented with any statement in an ancient author, the one question he never asks is whether it is true. He asks who influenced the ancient writer, and how far the statement is consistent with what he said in other books, and what phase in the writer’s development, or in the general history of thought, it illustrates, and how it affected later writers, and how often it has been misunderstood (specially by the learned man’s own colleagues) and what the general course of criticism on it has been for the last ten years, and what is the ‘present state of the question’. To regard the ancient writer as a possible source of knowledge - to anticipate that what he said could possibly modify your thoughts or your behavior - this would be rejected as unutterably simple-minded. And since we cannot deceive the whole human race all the time, it is most important thus to cut every generation off from all others; for where learning makes a free commerce between the ages there is always the danger that the characteristic errors of one may be corrected by the characteristic truths of another.

>> No.10667264


I always knew feminists were demons

>> No.10667299

Lewis was a pseud

>> No.10667607

Who cares? You're their best seller.

>> No.10667834


>"... the one question he never asks is whether it is true."

>"To regard the ancient writer as a possible source of knowledge - to anticipate that what he said could possibly modify your thoughts or your behavior - this would be rejected as unutterably simple-minded."

>> No.10668282


Oh yeah? Well, my wife's son slept with your step-daughter's mother!

>> No.10668328

Who cares, women are a meme anyway.

>> No.10668715

shut, the fuck up, bro. there's plenty of white men for you to read if you want that. there's plenty of good women and black writers too. at this point you're just making excuses not to read, big surprise coming from a channer

>> No.10668721

>he doesn't believe in meme magic
this is why you know tfw no tinkerbell gf

>> No.10668733

imagine being you. so threatened by your own mediocrity that you have to validate your feelings by projecting them onto a socially constructed us-vs-them pissing contest. get off the internet for a while kid

>> No.10669894

get out