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/lit/ - Literature

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10651204 No.10651204 [Reply] [Original]

Love of Fiction Edition
>last book that made you feel loved (because we all know you aren't getting it irl)
>your favourite sff romance
>which sff book made you realize that you are all alone and no one will ever love you?



NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:

Previous Threads:

>> No.10651214

First for recommend me some good books for furries.

>> No.10651227


How to Commit Suicide by You Really Should

>> No.10651229

Can't kill that which has no life.

>> No.10651236

Any good novels with a little girl protag?

>> No.10651274
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My question got lost in the end of last thread, so I'll copy here:
Thoughts on Michael Flynn's stuff? I'd personally recommend Spiral Arm quodrology (pic related) and Eifelheim. For Irish secret agents in space and medieval settings, respectively.

>> No.10651275

Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear
Webnovels are great.

>> No.10651372

Look for litrpg then look for catgirls in the tags.

Black Jewels Trilogy
Iron Dragon's Daughter

>> No.10651386 [DELETED] 


>> No.10651411
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This book has been dreadful so far. I don't want to know slice of life shit about war is hard, we are no longer friends, WE ARE A REPUBLIC NOW!!, malaria and a used up red's sister is giving up cunnies for blue shoes.
Even though I was one who used to shill the first three books, this one is shit. The hook that gripped me in book one (after the hand waving shit) is absent. I really want to drop this dreadful book.

Even with the cussing, this seems like a YA cash grab with all the dreams and feelings shit. Stay away.

>> No.10651414
File: 62 KB, 394x600, Lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought this so I can read The Shadow Over Innsmouth and join in with this:


Been meaning to read some Lovecraft for a while

>> No.10651419

>[Deleted] Anonymous 02/06/18(Tue)12:59:28 No.10651386
You were banned huh? Hope you learnt your lesson (and that you aren't ban dodging)

>> No.10651429

No wasn't b&, appchan x was playing up and the captcha was fucked

>> No.10651631

>using appchan
>not just using native 4chan extension
look at this fagget

>> No.10651648

>implying anyone even talks about Tower of the Elephant or Chessmen of Mars

>> No.10651659
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You can have this, but only if you don't tell anyone.

>> No.10651660

Sorry, dude, I thought Lysander fighting space pirates with Ionian waifu was pretty cool, and the red refugee stuff was easy enough to gloss over.

>> No.10651666

>I don't want Robinson Crusoe kind of survival
I would love some actually.

>> No.10651671

Is this the prequel to Black Panther

>> No.10651673

I don't know what that is.

>> No.10651682
File: 474 KB, 2400x1200, Jeff-VanderMeer-trilogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else read the Southern Reach Trilogy? I really loved Annihilation, I thought it was genuinely weird, compelling, and well-written. The others in the trilogy were not as good but still had interesting ideas and vignettes.

>> No.10651688

>I would love some actually.
With magic? Hell yes.
Normal survival? Heinlein does survival books. Farnham Freehold and Tunnel in the Sky

>> No.10651721

>With magic?
Don't know if I've read one, but would certainly give it a go.
>Heinlein does survival books. Farnham Freehold and Tunnel in the Sky
Tunnel is pretty good, yes. Still need to try Freehold.

>> No.10651756

Read some of the first one. I've been meaning to get into it since I've enjoyed the heavier focus on the setting than character names.

It comes across as more creepy somehow.

>> No.10651766
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Speaking of creepy stuff. Thoughts on this novel? I haven't read it but the way I heard about it put me off reading the book.

>> No.10651770

>the way I heard about it put me off reading the book.
How did you hear about it?

>> No.10651835

Are there any dream interpreters here?
>be dreaming
>there is a low cage
>two indian men lie feebly in the dirt inside cage
>extreme emaciation gives a look of skeletons with skin
>a third is already dead, but the body is missing
>shallow trench in cage awaits dead man
>it's time
>both men rock weakly back and forth until they have enough momentum to roll into the trench
>I might be one of them, it's unclear
>the corner of one's mouth twitches very slightly
>embrace death
>a dim radiance fills the area
>can now see that this is inside an inverted pyramid
>full of people barely less emaciated
>very unhealthy looking, but not emaciated guy on throne
>he's angry
>they aren't allowed to die
>the two men are thrust through a magic portal
>it's another world, and in the open air
>there's a little flesh under the skin now
>wake up
What does it mean /sffg/?

>> No.10651848

I think it means /x/ is that way.

>> No.10651934

Mountain's of Madness and Rats in the Walls are two of my favourites, and I think they're both in that collection

>> No.10652054

That one short story from Arts of Dark and Light. And Tales from the Veidt.

>> No.10652086

I just finshed An Echo of Things to Come by James Islington what should I read next?

>> No.10652107

was it good? is that series worth it?

>> No.10652116

No and no.

>> No.10652132

>We've finished Dungeon Deposed. It'll be going out to all the beta readers by the end of this week.

>After that, it's a trip down to the editor, and up for sale March 1st.

>No idea on the narrator yet, i'm going to put it up to ACX and hold an audition call.

>We shall see. :)

What I want to know is when is Super Sales audiobook coming out.

>> No.10652133
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is horror welcome or is that too normie for you autists?

>> No.10652144
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aw, that sucks

>> No.10652154
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>> No.10652199

Apparently Super Sales author is doing a collab with some Blaise person this is what I found on amazon https://www.amazon.com/Blaise-Corvin/e/B01LYK8VG5/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_4?qid=1517962464&sr=1-4
Did anyone read anything of his?

>> No.10652277
File: 68 KB, 800x444, double landing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's some ridiculously optimistic space race stuff I can read without reading Baxter? Same mood as Red Thunder but more realistic.

>> No.10652285
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Guys this is going to sound like an incredibly gay question but is there are big Sci-Fi/Fantasy community on the twittersphere?

>> No.10652349

>Two Indian men
>Too weak to poo


>> No.10652485

Haven't read it yet, and not quite space race exactly, but the author's good. Firestar by Michael Flynn, it's a whole series about near-future space exploration.

>> No.10652573

How have you not read every single one that exists by now

>> No.10652594

Here I suppose.

Though the main problems would probably be the sparsity of works (They haven't run a book of the month article in almost a year now), and finding the ones that are actual fiction and not fanfic about the author's bisexual wolf cyborg having tea on a steampunk airship with Kaiser Wilhelm.

I think I got January Dancer from the library ages ago and thought it was interesting. How's the rest of the series hold up?

>> No.10652661

I dreamt I read a new novel by Christopher paolini where he attempted to like deconstruct the fantasy genre or something by writing it like it was a videogame

>> No.10652665

>tfw everyone in sffg is a loveless, kissless virgin and can't answer the OP

>> No.10652677

Enjoying foundation so far desu

>> No.10652685

Pretty good. The writing stays just as good, but more scifi elements. January Dancer is still my favorite, but that's basically because of Hugh's introductory chapter.

>> No.10652696

>Don't know if I've read one, but would certainly give it a go.
Daniel Black is magical Robinson Crusoe and magical engineering.

>> No.10652731

thats all the fucking litrpg garbage books

>> No.10652743

They are actually fun (some) and not all garbage.

>> No.10652745

it really depends on the book i for example like pseudo-litrpgs or litrpgs where there arent many stats actually involved.
theres plenty of good ones around. just avoid the "popular" ones.

>> No.10652773
File: 171 KB, 500x734, monthly reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love of fiction edition
More like Lovecraft fiction huehue

Read online: www.hplovecraft.com/writings/texts/fiction/soi.aspx
E-book: https://archive.org/details/TheCompleteWorksOfHPLovecraft_201412 (including like 30 additional stories)
Audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFZrqYn5f_0 [Embed]

>> No.10652801

Yes, they complain about white characters, Trump, and re-tweet anything with black characters exclusively.

>> No.10652815

Just finished Book of the New Sun today. Is it worth reading anymore scifi anymore? Will there be anything that even comes close?

>> No.10652843
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Was thinking of reading it myself. How long did it take to get through? Will I be sad when it's over?

>> No.10652851

Prelude to Space

>> No.10652861

>the online reader

>> No.10652979

Horror should be part of this thread and I don't know why it isn't. Especially since all three genres used to be interwoven with one another.

>> No.10652986

So it's like the rest of twitter.

>> No.10653020

It's welcomed you faggot. Just post what you want, or what you want to know.

>> No.10653070
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Is this book good?

>> No.10653110

Looks like a heavy metal album cover. It's probably shit

>> No.10653113
File: 44 KB, 304x499, 51ValH3C8HL._SX302_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was assigned reading in college and i really enjoyed it, anyone have recommendations for similar stuff? cuchulainn is one of the most interesting characters i've read, at least in this iteration. (maeve is hot as fuck)

>mythology but also based on oral history
>gods, curses, and druids are all real and magic exists
>ravens and death and the glory of combat
>enchanted weapons and skilled fighters
>occasional fucking

are the SOIIF books along those lines?

>> No.10653269

We just don't want to change the name.

>> No.10653311


Sounds like the sound of a man with a lisp makes when he has a middling orgasm

>> No.10653444

It is part of the general newfag. We recommend that shit all the time. We just don't think it deserves it's own heading.

>> No.10653447

>judging a book by it's cover
>still thinks that this meme works

>> No.10653462
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>> No.10653500

If you really liked horror you'd talk about it all the time so anon wouldn't have to contribute original thought.

>> No.10653511


is it true that I shouldn't read Urth of the New Sun because it retroactively ruins BotNS

>> No.10653690

i should probably start this sometime

>> No.10653696

im almost finished and its taken me the better part of 2 months. you could probably do it in one month though, im kind of slow.

>> No.10653709

No, it's my favorite one. The ending is absolutely harrowing

>> No.10653762

Webnovels are novels too

>> No.10653802

Thanks guys. I'll get around to it.

>> No.10653805

>Welcome once again to the FWG Awareness Week! To help us in our goal of highlighting minority culture and writers in furry literature

>> No.10653822
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>> No.10653836

Just finished Ubik by PKD. I loved it. I have Flow My Tears, Do Androids Dream, Scanner Darkly, High Castle, all ready to go. Hooked to PKD. Leaning towards Flow My Tears or Scanner Darkly.

>> No.10653882

>Ubik by PKD
I'd say read High Castle next.

>> No.10653930

Has anyone here read the acts of caine series? I enjoyed the first one although i would've like to have had more world building/character development, do the sequels expand on the themes or is it another self contained adventure story.

>> No.10653994
File: 21 KB, 200x337, Darkover_Landfall1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just learned of the existence of Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover series and put a bunch on hold at my library.
Should I read in publication order or chronological order, and should I bother with anything released after Rediscovery?

>> No.10654022

Do Androids Dream is the best, avoid High Castle.

>> No.10654123

Never read Darkover but as a general rule you should always read in publication order.

ASOIAF probably does meet your criteria but, for real, it's probably never going to get finished.

I'd recommend Lyonesse.

>> No.10654131

>The future is here and it's disappointing
>We never colonized space, there's no economic incentive
>No flying cars and fancy cybernetic enhancements, just cheap chinese drones with explosives, decaying infrastructure and facial recognition tracking
>Corporations and governments spy on everyone hardly anyone cares
Is there a name for this sub-genre?

>> No.10654185


>> No.10654323
File: 450 KB, 1197x706, firstpage[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are describing Neuromancer by William Gibson, and by extension, the dystopian cyberpunk genre.

Actually there ARE fancy cybernetic enhancements but these are pretty grim too.

>> No.10654337

Update cyberpunk for the current year.
>It's not raining or night all the time
>Replace all cheesy Japanese culture stuff with cheesy Chinese cliches
>Hacking is far more mundane and you can't just hack everything

>> No.10654343

The hacking is not mundane it's desperately real but it's happening the other way. Corporations are hacking the minds of consumers in mindblowingly effective ways via all the new technology and media channels.

>> No.10654510

For some reason almost nobody ever answers the OP. I think the questions are just lost amid all the text.

>> No.10654532

>Love of Fiction Edition
I haven't read nearly as many sff that have romance in them for me to be able to answer that question seriously. I can think of maybe 3 or 4 books (not counting of course shitrpg or smut) that had some serious romance.

>> No.10654546


>> No.10654605

Recommend me a fun read that won't leave me feeling dead inside by the end. Fantasy, preferably.

>> No.10654860

Is Orson Scott Card any good?

>> No.10654888

i don't think anyone is going to say "don't read ender's game"

>> No.10654929

Ender's game is good, the rest of his work is different in tone but I've heard some praise for it. Read 'Game then if you're still invested try Speaker for the Dead

>> No.10655041

Any fantasy with a good old fashioned happy ending? You know, the guy gets the girl and lives happily ever after and shit. All of the recent books I've read that are finished usually end in some convoluted way with some forced bittersweet ending for extra drama. It's like nobody wants to write a happy ending anymore. I know happy endings are "boring" but it's still nice to get one every now and then especially in this day and age where writers are trying a bit too hard to be grim and edgy.

>> No.10655076

Wizard Knight is a good one

>> No.10655108

>you can't just hack everything
IOT my friend. It's worse than you know.

>> No.10655121

not the guy youre responding to but how big are the chances old audiobooks get re-recorded?
the wizard knight audiobooks are so old they are fucking hurting my ears with how bad they are quality wise.

>> No.10655160

What's the problem with Darkover? It seems at the surface level to be something I'd be really into.

>> No.10655237

Ender's Game and Treason

>> No.10655327

Hello /lit/
Do you have any recommendation for dark fantasy books ?
Anything with a Dark Souls feeling is welcome.

>> No.10655727

book of the new sun

>> No.10655781

Sup /lit/, I was wondering if there was an equivalent to the western canon for classics for the genres of sci-fi and fantasy. I need a break from high brow and non-fictio. What are the absolute best of the best?

>> No.10655809

The best of the best just aren't very good. Sorry dude.

>> No.10655819


>> No.10655830

Any Clarke Ashton Smith stories, Dark Eidolon in particular

>> No.10655845
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>I need a break from high brow...


>> No.10655957

Is there any consensus in /sffg/ on what the best Asimov book is?
I sincerely hope it's The Gods Themselves

>> No.10655978

There is no consensus. Peruse the lists in OP.

>> No.10655993


>> No.10656021

Stop testing your unbans in our general, before you get banned for ban evading.

>> No.10656261

I think I can do this. Got that Necronomicon collection gathering dust.

>> No.10656312

Never actively looked into any of Robert E Howard's work but I've just read The Worms of the Earth by him and I'm kind thirsty for more eldritch horror/low fantasy crossover stuff. Any recommendations?

>> No.10656406
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>> No.10656526

Just wait till the Giant Obsidian dicks down the midget Red

>> No.10656881

Is this a bot?
If he posts three report his ass.

>> No.10656899

Nah, it's a weird Star Wars KotOR reference. 3's a grenade.

>> No.10656907
File: 234 KB, 584x709, Winter_Tide_Smartbitchestrashybooks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Review through a romance novel centric website.

In short, I tried to find Sci-Fi romance novels. Then I came across this review.

>> No.10656915

Throne of Bones by Brian McNaughton

>> No.10656918

missed your post when I posted this

>> No.10656934


Let's see if I can direct post the review.

>> No.10657147

see >>10655727

>> No.10657148

Quest for Lost Heroes and Gemmell's stuff in general. He was a non-preachy Christian who believed in love, romance, redemption, etc., and wove those themes into most of his work.

>> No.10657158
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>> No.10657163

Michael Moorcock's Elric (but read it in chronological order), Karl Edward Wagner's Kane stuff (start with the short stories since they're better than the novels).

>> No.10657191

If you're specifically wanting to read more Howard stories that leans more on the side of horror than his usual stuff then get this book:


>> No.10657272
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I was never much of a book reader but not too long ago /u/ of all places got me into reading books and I discovered that good books actually exist even though they are very few.

Sadly as with all other media the amount of yuri books is very limited and I never got to scratch my itch for some good fantasy.

Could you please recommend me some books?

I am somewhat open for everything but I have some preferences. I'd prefer no romance except yuri. I have a weak spot for post-apocalypse, survival and dark fantasy. I am generally hesitant about sci fi because I am autistic about tech. However, most important to me are characters and entertainment. Especially the protagonist should be competent and smart. I am extremely easily bored and want constant action, something that is direct and to the point. Story but especially characters should have subtle depth without being pretentious. I don't like ostentatious text and I hate incoherent and stupid books. I love smart books that are very information dense and almost every sentence matters and is interesting. I hate books that want to be thought provoking.

From what I tried, I somewhat liked I Am Legend but I disliked World War Z and LotR. I strongly dislike Harry Potter, Kingkiller, Star Wars, Star Trek and anything similar.

Now two books that I liked:
Icehole is 'sci fi' horror somewhat similar to The Thing except that it plays in a strictly hidden and isolated military underground operation where they dig out a suspected UFO from deep within the ice. All the lesbian sex is not really my thing but the book is great. Dialogue on point, very concise, I felt like most sentences belonged, the writing is direct and functional just how I love it. A simple and good story with likeable characters.

The One Who Eats Monsters is urban fantasy about an ancient immortal goddess that always lived in the wilderness but gets brought into civilisation. She has the apperance of a girl and falls for a senator's daugther whom she protects. She hunts rapists, murderers and evil supernatural beings. I loved the two main girls. Especially the goddess was very cute but also very powerful and the daughter could be very nice, smart and courageous at times. There is much action, the antagonists are quite interesting especially in design and the story is interesting and entertaining. The language was great and refined. A lot of little sentences with great wit that expressed much more than just the words in it and no useless baggage.

Anyway, thank you for every recommendation.

>> No.10657355
File: 381 KB, 1638x2441, OB_SHALLAN-SPREN-CORRUPTED_ebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm gonna read the rest of the Dragonlance material that seems good
>all the rest of the mainline seems neat and it's like 15 books
>download anyway
fuck this is what I didn't want to do

>> No.10657492

>points 3 and 5

My sides. It was almost like she was about to write "his neighbor John, to whom he always told to fuck off and respect his stories".

>> No.10657660

What litrpg are you guys reading?

>> No.10657714

Just got done with an alex verus novel, and Oathbringer.

I'm looking for my next massive modern fantasy epic

>> No.10657725

>alex verus
It started nice, but fell off later on. I dropped the series at book 5.

>> No.10657731
File: 1.97 MB, 380x285, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>massive modern fantasy epic

>> No.10657736

I still can't believe litrpg is a thing that exists. It's like something out of a near-future satirical novel.

>> No.10657744

Man I love white girls, they are so cute.

>> No.10657752

I used to hate it too, made anti litrpg memes and posts (before actually reading it), it's fun.

Most of the "excerpts" are taken out of context. If you like Ready Player one, you can endure litrpg.

>> No.10657781
File: 908 KB, 2058x2892, Norman Knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting a military-fever guys. What's a good sci-fi or fantasy military novel?

>> No.10657816

Galaxy's Edge: Legionnaire

>> No.10657826

I like books long enough to let me leisurely stroll through it, enjoying their content rather than being pressed for time and over compression, and I while I am far from averse to dated english, when it is like, your 3rd language, it tends to be something you need to be in the mood for.

>> No.10657850

>if you have shit taste, you can eat shit just fine

>> No.10657885

Chronicles of the Black Company
Starship Troopers
Gaunt's Ghosts books

>> No.10658059

Alpha world. From that anons recommendation, it nice so far.

>> No.10658081

>i will usher in a new age of e/lit/ism to sffg

>> No.10658103

What exactly is litrpg anyway? Like novelized dnd games?

>> No.10658255

Imagine playing WoW, but it's in novel form.

>> No.10658537

If I enjoyed Altered Carbon, are the sequels worth a read?

>> No.10658542

No, a novelized D&D game would just be stuff like the Deed of Paksenarrion or Drizzit. LitRPG is about /playing/ the author's concept of the perfect MMO. The authors will happily subject the reader to pages of the character hitting dire wolves for 5hp/hit.

It's Sword Art Online but even more pathetic and written by Redditors and TV Tropes for autistic Russians. It doesn't even have the escapism of Isekai power fantasies because at the end of the day it's just Vladislav Miroslav mining rocks in FANTASY VR MINECRAFT all day.

>> No.10658756

Have we ever not made fun of RPO?

>> No.10658930

Is it better to play video games or to read science fiction / fantasy books?

>> No.10658935

What do you think?

>> No.10658970


I'm thinking that I need to stop playing games and read some more.

>> No.10659268

Me too man, me too. My book backlog is crazy.

>> No.10659271

i solved that with audiobooks.
now i can do the at the same time.

>> No.10659323

>I'm one of you guys.jpg

>> No.10659347

I doubt your ability to absorb the information.

>> No.10659380

You might as well be listening to random noise, you're not retaining any of it.

>> No.10659529

t. brainlets

>> No.10659775

>comparing two largely different forms of entertainment
I'd obviously answer reading, since it's my favourite hobby. But it's obviously a highly subjective answer.

>> No.10660506
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Fuck this chad and his shit unwanted writing.

>> No.10660533

tbf what's to retain my guy, it's genre fiction

any essential /brit/ scifi? I just finished the Meme Itself and I enjoyed how Anglo the entire experience was.
rest of the book was 'meh', didn't really understand the ending either.

>> No.10660537


Thank you

>> No.10660565


Read the whole trilogy my dude, you won't regret it.

>> No.10660591

The meme itself is only one book to my knowledge.

>> No.10660646

>any essential /brit/ scifi?
Surprisingly few desu. The only British sci-fi author that I can recall AND would call essential is Iain M. Banks.

>> No.10660666

Yeah I think substituting 'Meme' into the titles of every book is a bad idea, I meant Robert's Thing Itself not Lightning (which I probably won't read)

>> No.10660670

>Iain M. Banks
pretty fucking disgusting t b h

>> No.10660701
File: 881 KB, 1875x2713, Cabrol-watcher[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any essential /brit/ scifi?

>H. G. Wells' "The Time Machine" & "The Island of Dr Moreau"

>William Hope Hodgson's "The Night Land" (the prose is arguably terrible but the conceptually it's fucking amazing. Read this one with some strong whisky.)

>David Lindsay's "A Voyage To Arcturus" (more philosophical and theological with little in the way of plot, but definitely essential. Absolutely incredible imagery and feels).

>Arthur C. Clarke "Rendevous with Rama" (and others)

>Charles Stross "Accelerando"

>George Orwell "Nineteen Eighty Four" (not a personal favourite but it is essential and you have to admire how efficient his prose is)

>Aldous Huxley "Brave New World"

>Douglas Adams "Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (it's unironically still funny)

>Iain M. Banks "Player of Games"

There must be a lot I missed but those are all pretty essential

>Surprisingly few desu. The only British sci-fi author that I can recall AND would call essential is Iain M. Banks.

Have you considered suicide, my good man?

>> No.10660711
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>> No.10660719

>Have you considered suicide, my good man?
Maybe I should, reading your post I realized that my post is bad and that I should feel bad.

>> No.10660742
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I thought this book was pretty good.

>> No.10660745

Thanks a lot, I've not delved into earlier scifi but your mentioning of Well's has inspired me too.

>> No.10660772

Forgot an important one

>Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" (or my preferred title, "The Modern Prometheus")

The nice thing about some of Wells' best works is that they're nice and short, especially the two I mentioned. His other popular ones are "The Invisible Man" and "War of the Worlds" - I haven't read these but probably worth checking out.

I got into Wells because of a great American sci fi author Gene Wolfe who has a short story called the Island of Dr Death which is a reference to the Island of Dr Moreau. There was a stronger horror element than I expecting. I was fairly creeped out by the end.

>> No.10660791

>I haven't read these but probably worth checking out
I have. War of the Worlds is great. The Invisible Man is probably the worst of the ones mentioned yet, but it's still good and worth a read if you like Wells.

>> No.10660922

chiming in to shill pic related, one of the most wonderful collections of short fiction I've ever read. Forgetting it's status as proto-scifi, some of these short stories are truly wonderful and you can really feel their influence in the short work of other greats like Clarke.

>> No.10660927
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nice job me

also I think if you enjoy Well's characters The War in the Air has a very enjoyable protag

>> No.10660945

Sounds great. Added to my reading list.

>> No.10661046

Sax sorts em out

>> No.10661176

Armor by John Steakley

>> No.10661324

Netflix wants me to watch altered carbon. Should I read Richard Morgan first?

>> No.10661346

Reading LOTR and I'm enjoying it for the most part but I'm getting sick of hearing about hills and mountains.

>> No.10661359

Yeah he does go on about them. But often the scenery is almost a character in its own right. Caradhras comes to mind.

>> No.10661361

If you read it, understand that the hard boiled noire aesthetic is not carried over well in the show. Also be forewarned that completely new plots are written into the show to give female characters more face time, per the show creator. The show feels like a mashup of Firefly and blade runner. The book is more like dash hammer's version of blade runner.

>> No.10661367
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Thanks lads

>> No.10661961

Have you did your daily duty of pestering an author asking for a new book today?

>> No.10662151

I actually e-mailed Peter Watts the other day, he's not replied.

>> No.10662239

I always have a soft spot for the original Foundation Trilogy, but I just finished reading End of Eternity and it's fantastic.

>> No.10662397

>sills characters of their own
Fuck off lotr shills

>> No.10662614

I guess Cordwainer Smith's stuff. He basically invented the modern catgirl.

>> No.10662620

>implying one can shill the single most popular work of fantasy ever

>> No.10662654

If a 4channer mailed me, I would not reply either.

>> No.10662843

What's the name of that book with a broken mask on the cover? It's quite recent and the name is something like The T*** B******* C*******.

>> No.10662866

How many books are in your to read list? Post them (or if your backlog is huge, post the 8 or so you expect to read next).

>> No.10662893

I have 12 litrpg books in my to-read list atm
They are getting priority over the big mainstream authors.

>> No.10662939

Books 2 and 3 of Quantum Thief trilogy
Reread of Botns then first read of Long and Short sun
Too like the lightning depending on how close the release date of book 4 is.

>> No.10662970

The Traitor Baru Cormorant

>> No.10663011

That's the one! Really nice cover. Is it readworthy?

>> No.10663015
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Hey that story about the girl climbing the wall to find the whatever on the other side... what was the resolution of that story? I think it was in Oathbringer but I could be terribly wrong.

>> No.10663024

Dragonlance stuff.

Axiomatic better be your next one.

>> No.10663026

everyones a horrible person the males are all beta cucks and the women are horrible sluts and all bad things that can happen do happen

>> No.10663066

I work at a used bookstore so I'm always picking stuff up. Basically I grab stuff randomly from a to-read pile, though I like to alternate SF, F, and anthologies.

>> No.10663067

like 200
immediate to read list is
>last 3 cleric quintet books
>first five redwall books
>stormlight archives
>hopefully begin wheel of time by the end of the year
what about you?

>> No.10663109

cosmerefag when are you reading Daniel Black?

>> No.10663119

>>William Hope Hodgson's "The Night Land" (the prose is arguably terrible but the conceptually it's fucking amazing. Read this one with some strong whisky.)
Someone actually re-wrote The Night Land with much more easily digestible prose.


>> No.10663128

I have no idea i haven't read it, it was on my to read list but I had a look at some reviews then was afraid the author would try to smash my head in with a sledgehammer to force his political views into the story.

>> No.10663312

>in Latro in the Mist
>Latro meet with the Sphinx
>the Sphinx ask her usual riddles, and crack jokes about Oedipus, but claim to be Gaia/Gaea/Dementer
Did Wolfe just make shit up as he went for it to fit Latros reasoning the earth is a sphere lol or am I missing things?

>> No.10663584

That's cool but it just wouldn't feel right, I need it all raw


>> No.10663735

I have a huge backlog and it's not all SFF, but of the ones that are:

Seven Surrenders
The Insidious Dr. Fu-Manchu
The Fall of Hyperion
The High Crusade
To Live Forever
Earth Abides

>> No.10663747


So I'm writing garbage fantasy stories that are, at best, above average but probably passable enough to get a small audience.
I get maybe a few hundred views per work I do.
Does anyone have any advice on how to better promote your own works to get more views?
I'm not selling anything, my stories are free.
Despite that, I don't want to shill them here because yeah.

>> No.10663755

Put it on Amazon for $0

>> No.10663768

i want to read them, as long as they're not some meme shitfest like Super Sales or Daniel Black

>> No.10663828

some of my favourites on that list, pretty jealous of what you've got ahead of you

>> No.10663833

Add a bunch of sex, violence and progressive politics and you will win a Hugo. Especially if you put on a wig and claim to be a trap.

>> No.10663860


I don't know what you mean by memefest, but there aren't any memes in my stories.
Right now I have one story done if you want to read it. It's just a 10k short story about a traveling mage and some stuff that the mage does.
I'm just a mediocre amateur, so I just ask you set your standards accordingly if you want to read it.


That's horrible and I really don't want to believe that has worked for anyone.

>> No.10663871

that sounds interesting, I'd like to take a look

>> No.10664045

>That's horrible and I really don't want to believe that has worked for anyone.
Oh you sweet, innocent anon.

>> No.10664100


Alright. I'm just going to give a download link.
I hope you like it. If not, well, hey.

>> No.10664228

What a shitty fucking book.
Should be called "First world problems, in space: Nothing happens"
Fuck me, i was on the edge of my fucking seat reading about how someone cant decide if he wants to fuck this person or the other, but in SPAAAAACEEE.
Appreciate the hard si-fi elements ... until the author starts introducing magical solve it all tech pulled out of the ass.

>> No.10664247
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>hard sci-fi

>> No.10664271

>My inspiration for Daniel actually comes from some of the more capable players I’ve met in tabletop RPG games over the years. You know that guy who can debate everything from Napoleonic military tactics to advanced space launch technologies? The one who keeps bypassing the GM’s carefully constructed plot complications by doing something clever but sensible instead of just charging after the obvious plot hooks?
Another one on the AVOID list.

>> No.10664284

>post on literotica
>10-20k views
>post anywhere else
>100-500 views
it hurts anon

>> No.10664302

Ignore it, it's just this one guy who alternates between screaming about how Larry Korea didn't win a popularity contest, and complaining about Patrick Rothfus.

The genre where the turbopump in the fuel system for a rocket has better writing and characterization than the actual characters, and the author self insert mathmaengineer repeatedly explains basic concepts to Ph.D level research scientists.

>> No.10664320

I hated it too, until I read. The shill got me, and if you read it, it will get you too.

>> No.10664344

>Ignore it, it's just this one guy who alternates between screaming about how Larry Korea didn't win a popularity contest, and complaining about Patrick Rothfus.
You're a retard if you don't think the Hugos have become about virtue signaling.

>> No.10664436

Yeah it was Oathbringer, they tell it twice, and the first time, she finds Stormlight and brings it back over the wall, causing the first Highstorm, but also giving mankind a source of light and power, like Prometheus. The second time, it's a metaphor for a huge reveal that The Parshendi are the original inhabitants of Roshar, and the humans migrated to the planet after blowing up their own, bringing Odium with them.

>> No.10664462
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the encabulator needs more kasidoliculide to aid its photon-tokamak plasma injector, Larry.

>> No.10664477

>muh virtue signaling

As you well know Bob, the standard procedure in this case is to increase the circular rotation of the primary tremipipe to effectively prevent side fumbling in the inverse reactive current.

>> No.10664492

Objective Wheel of Time POV Rankings

>God Tier:
Rand, Mat, Tuon

>Good Tier
Perrin, Min, Aviendha, Forsaken, Padan Fain, Galad, Moiraine

>Alright I Guess Tier
Nynaeve, Egwene, Gawyn, Random Black Sisters, Tower Aes Sedai, Cadsuane, Loial

>Pretty Boring Tier
Elayne, Morgase, Any Winderfinders

>Unbearable Tier

>> No.10664514

>hacking the minds . . . in mindblowingly effective ways via all the new technology and media channels.
I see this as well. Applied psychology is going to keep a ruling class in place who has no urge to leave their herds behind and traverse dead space. They are symbiotes who need others to suborn and have no use for solo adventure in the unknown.

>> No.10664578

>tips menorah

>> No.10664777

Are there any good mecha-centric sf books? Preferably hardcore gear-head shit where half the book is mountians of technical details about futuristic giant robots and how they're designed, buit, operated, and maintained.

>> No.10664788


>> No.10664874

I just read Stranger In A Strange Land. I didn't like it. Am I missing something? How did this book get so popular?

>> No.10664884

Mechs by Bv Larson

>> No.10664889
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Has anyone got Child of a Mad God yet? Is it any good?

>> No.10664895
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>How did this book get so popular?
hedonism and hedonistic tendencies

>> No.10664899

>reading r a salvatore

>> No.10664944

There's nothing wrong with Drizzt, anon. He's a good character.

>> No.10665053
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Anyone read this? From the blurb I was expecting some wack Mulan shit, but it really is more like a British war adventure with some magic trappings. Definite 4/5 for sure, if you're looking for some lower-brow adventurism in the desert.

>> No.10665061
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>book is obviously a NaNoWriMo project that got fleshed out a bit
>book hasn't been edited
>genre: young adult
>child author
>YA but it's also a ripoff of whatever youth media franchise is popular now
>author is too incompetent a writer to incorporate their politics as anything other than a "LIBERALS/MEDIA/PACIFISTS BAD!" bludgeon
>the fantasy religion is a modern religion with different names
>book is about a assassin or thief but they're just a generic hero who uses two swords and climbs on roofs
>SF but it's blatantly fantasy with not-jedi flying around using photon wings and energy bows
>Lists with This Book: litRPG
>anybody who disagrees with the main character is doomed to failure/humiliation/death
>Author reviewed their own book on goodreads
>"disclaimer: I went to school with the author and we're best friends but they asked for a honest review and it's 20/10 stars!"
>author paid for 3D poser at instead of real art
>top search result for reviews is theodre haybale
>"published by niche press inc, a Delaware shell company"
>book description references firefly, hunger games, LOTR, whatever
>back of book: "My agent gave me $50 to say a nice thing about this book!" raves famous author
>author repeats stuff well known to be false like "knights needed cranes to be put onto their horses" or that wife-stealing nobility thing
>characters in a fantasy/pre-modern setting have modern morality or behave like Victorian puritans
>author decides that the crews of "age of sail in space" starships are illiterate
>book 2 of 15 in the overwrought fantasy name cycle
>cthulhu mythos but it's adventures where the creeping cosmic horror can be fought
>author thinks "pulp" means ERB and Robert Howard and not potboilers printed on the cheapest possible paper
>Kindle Unlimited

It's the best of the "Fantasy Napoleonics" out there right now IMO. Haven't read the most recent one though.

>> No.10665072



That's the descriptor I was looking for! I kept trying to describe it like "Master and Commander, but without ships."

>> No.10665082

it's nice but a few books in it's starting to feel more formulaic.

>> No.10665086
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"Fantasy Sharpe" would also work, though that's perhaps more the Powder Mage series.

>> No.10665107

>SF but it's blatantly fantasy with not-jedi flying around using photon wings and energy bows

Need more of this, I can't think of anything besides Red rising.

>author is too incompetent a writer to incorporate their politics as anything other than a "LIBERALS/MEDIA/PACIFISTS BAD!" bludgeon

Where does this happen? There's a bunch of examples of the exact opposite, I want some fantasy liberal slaying.

>> No.10665117

>"Fantasy Napoleonics"
picked up

>> No.10665154

>Where does this happen?

The Sword of Truth series had a hilariously bad part where a bunch of eeeeevile pacifists force the MC to murder them.

>> No.10665191

Similar stuff:

Powder Mage series: Written by one of Brandon Sanderson's students, more high-fantasy themed series about people who can snort gunpowder like magical cocaine that makes them fight better.

David Drake's RCN series: Thinly veiled Aubrey–Maturin series, very consistent overall but the latter books don't change much from the earlier ones. Basically it's the adventures of a hyper-competent starship captain and a violent middle-aged librarian turned hacker.

Alexis Carew series: More in the style of Horatio Hornblower, young midshipwoman from a backwater planet goes on space adventures, middling quality but entertaining and inoffensive.

Glen Cook's Instrumentalities of the Night series: Rolls the clock back further to the late crusades period in Fantasy Europe, gunpowder is rare at the start of the series but by the end armies are using a lot of arquebuses and light canons. Sadly the ending is very rushed because the 5th book got canceled while he was writing the 3rd book.

>> No.10665211

I remember that one, probably not a common enough thing to whine about with exactly one reasonably known sf/f writer being a follower of Ayn Rand. What about liberals and the media?

>> No.10665258

There's a ton of symbolism in this memory palace that involves Latro returning to his awareness of what he once was

(as the Sphinx, who says she is his mother, and his mother's mother) lifts off to the air to become a part of the palace as she makes this cryptic clue about him returning to what he once was. He prints his name on a falcon headed statue and there is a crocodile headed one as well (Horus and Sobek, gods of war from Egypt). Ares would be one of the children of such a syncretic goddess, but Latro resonates more with Mars. However, we learn in the palace of Kotys, who was supposedly an heir of Ares, that Pleistorus, the Thracian God of War, was the great good god Ahura Mazda of the Persians incognito. In the memory palace you will see a winged bull headed man, a winged lion, and three camels following a man to the south. the symbols of the gospel writers are a winged bull, a winged lion, a winged man, and an eagle (present in Latro as it symbolizes Rome). Latro is all about syncretism, and we see an avatar of the god of war reconciling other pagan deities as he also symbolizes the coming glory of Rome and peace which will allow the birth of Christ. Syncretism like no other.

>> No.10665262

also those three camels ... the three Persian magi following yonder star to give Christ those epic gifts.

>> No.10665342

you can read modern day gibson and that's basically what you get

>> No.10665368

Yes, the evil bad guy has emerged on our radar approximately 12 light minutes, adjusted for the submetaphysical ion stream pulsating through space-time oddily enough from the south pole meaning its angular momentum influxed in tandem with the binary wolfemass.

>> No.10665390

Honestly, yes. The 3 AC books are the only cyberpunk worth reading until the end.

>inb4 neuromeme and snow crash! Mom made pancakes

>> No.10665403

Also Adrian Tchaikovsky wrote a standalone one called Guns of the Dawn that's apparently good, and the Malorum Gates series by Stina Leicht, but I haven't read either of them.

Basically a lot of MilSF will have cookie cutter strawmen to show how stupid anybody who disagrees with the author's political views is, and since most military SF is written by conservatives or ex-military types it's generally THOSE DANG LIBERALS. David Weber is a example, if you don't like monarchism or aren't in the war party you're gonna end up humiliated or killed, though he's gotten better about it after becoming friends with card carrying communist Eric Flint, apparently now Communist Space France formed an alliance with Manticore in the more recent Honor Harrington books.

But like I said the authors are generally far too incompetent to make it work, mostly it just comes off as "and then everybody stood up and clapped" wankery.

>> No.10665420

My backlog right now is mostly just authors I haven't bothered to sort into a read list. Right now I'm waiting to read A Scanner Darkly.

>> No.10665428

The film is fan-fucking-tastic. Keanu's best role to date, better than John Wick, My own Private Idaho and even Bill&Ted. Rotoscopy really works in a PKD film, as his reality is translucid anyway.

>> No.10665448
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>but what about

>> No.10665462

So I've heard, I've actually been waiting to watch a lot of PKD-based film and TV until after I read the original material and A Scanner Darkly is one of them.

>> No.10665481

Yes, what about the other things called out in that post I quoted, what the fuck are you implying? Military SF sounds terrible in general though, staying away from that, I think Armor was the only thing I have down in my backlog.

I still want some science fantasy too, you'd think people would rip off star wars more often with how popular it is, not like that shit even did energy swords first.

>> No.10665489

It's the most PKD film out of all of them except, maybe, Minority Report. MR does not have the weird schizoid PKD trademark tho.

>> No.10665490

A bunch of Philip K. Dick books cause my friend lent me his Witcher series books to read.

They captured the character banter well in the movies.

>> No.10665495

TFW I want to write my novel as an epistolary of corresponding interviews between several different people of an incident that happened recently as they are being reviewed by other people who two shits about.

>> No.10665497


Stop screeching like an autist when someone says something you don't like.

>> No.10665502

Are you fucking retarded? Follow the post chain you mongoloid autist, I was referring to it from >>10665061 for specific examples because I haven't run into it.

>> No.10665505

>RDJ being a fast talking paranoid loon
>Woody his usual stoner self
>Keanu just kinda out of it
>alex jones as himself

10/10 casting

>> No.10665514

read most of it. There's a huge fucking swathe where nothing happens plot-wise. Characters build up but what's supposed to be the main plot is put on the back burner for most of the book

>> No.10665515

You haven't run into Tom Clancy tier sffg garbage? Well, congrats on your taste. Try Atwood if you wanna work yourself into a rage: HT got me genuinely angry for its forced message and awful worldbuilding.

>> No.10665540

Read In the Grove(one of the two storied adapted as Rashomon) and Pale Fire, then mix them.

>> No.10665557
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I like you two lads

>> No.10665565

That what I was kinda going for.

>> No.10665590

thanks for taking one for the team

>> No.10665596

>Military SF sounds terrible in general though, staying away from that, I think Armor was the only thing I have down in my backlog.

Generally it is, and I say this as somebody who reads a lot of it. Like 80% of it is written by former enlisted or chickenhawk republicans who've never served writing stories about the heroic and valiant space marines who are always right and always win.

I'd suggest trying The Forever War and some of David Drake's Hammer's Slammers stuff though. He served in Vietnam and got his start writing horror fiction before moving to fantasy and SF. Specific short stories I'd point out are "The Interrogation Team" and "The Butcher's Bill."

Clancy tier milSF would be the broadly inoffensive stuff like Honor Harrington, Marko Kloos or the Wing Commander novels. Generally the genre trends more towards Richard "Rogue Warrior who defrauded the Navy on a grenade contract" Marcinko's ghostwritten books in (lack of) quality.

>> No.10665634

what was really bad was the forever war series
god i fucking hate that people compare it to starship troopers and armor

>> No.10665644

>what about you?
72 currently. The ones I'm planning to read soon are Roadside Picnic, the Foundation Trilogy, The Mists of Avalon, TLtL, A Voyage to Arcturus and a couple of non SFF books.

>> No.10665648

Forever War is more of a book that explores the sense of alienation that soldiers going to Vietnam felt. And it's got a good depiction of the relativistic effects of space travel.

The rest of it is hilariously dated though and comes off as grandpa's hellish vision of the future where the UN world government makes everybody be a gay mulatto due to overpopulation, the perennial non-nuclear boogyman of 70s-80s scifi.

>> No.10665654

It was full of new ideas and was kinda controversial when released. Nowadays it's just a book.

>> No.10665666

It was his nightmare though, the world completely changed while he was away at war.

Also it all came true.

>yfw hillary literally almost won because it was "her turn," as in she had been around so long she naturally moved up into a leadership position despite being horribly under qualified.

>> No.10665668

>Forever War is more of a book that explores the sense of alienation that soldiers going to Vietnam felt. And it's got a good depiction of the relativistic effects of space travel.
that's about the only part i liked

then again at least it's head and shoulders better than old man's war, scalzi is a fucking hack

>> No.10665740

>gets beaten by a guy even more horrendously underqualified because she was such a fucking cringy bore

>> No.10665754

I liked Old Man's War. Until the sequels, they fucking ruined it retroactively.

>> No.10665768

It's The Last House on the Left of /sffg/

>> No.10665769

it about killed me when old guy got a medal for remembering to pick up the space macguffin's user manual. in real world raid operations that kind of shit is extremely basic, no credible SOF unit would carry out a raid and forget to exploit the target for intelligence value. so he basically got a medal for doing his job

>> No.10665776

Scalzi doesn't into military operations or logic or sanity.

>> No.10665794

yeah in retrospect it's definitely the worst of the commonly compared mil SF books like starship troopers, armor, etc. like holy shit scalzi has no business writing anything remotely military related, he's almost as retarded as david baldacci

>> No.10665807

He clearly hates the idea of militarism and has no respect whatsoever for serving men; why then does he write about it, and not in a satirical fashion?

I read a lot of Hasek in my life: dude got how things work and knew how to critique and satirize the institution. Scalzi is closer and closer to becoming Beale's reflexion.

>> No.10665832

Left Hand of Darkness
Hadrian's Memories(already started, might be one of my favorite books of all time already)
Earthsea(might be a bit old for it)
Voyage to Arcturus
The Latro in the Mist sequels
Dossadi Experiment
White Plague

>> No.10665854

Generally "doing your job in a situation of notable combat" would merit one of the lesser awards like a bronze star or MSM/Joint Services Medal. I've got a distant relative who received a bronze star for just being good at operating radio equipment in Iraq.

There are tons of people in the military with medals because their base got mortared or they went on a patrol once. Recently there was a big flap about the Air Force awarding too many bronze stars, and now the British are debating giving medals to drone pilots. And hell, now they just give you a National Defense Service Medal if you're in the military for more than a month or so because ~the war on terror is everywhere~!

Fuck back during the Civil War they gave a Medal of Honor to everybody in a regiment who reenlisted.

>> No.10665935

1 out of every 15 soldiers serving died in the Civil War, making it the deadliest war in American history. For comparison, WWII was about 1 in 50 and Vietnam was about 1 in 200.
If you willingly sign up for a second roll of the dice on that you probably deserve a medal.

>> No.10665976

>One girl will break the world
>Salvatore post-90s
>This particular girl reading it
Yeah, I mean, like, uh..

>> No.10666036

>finish BotNS
>reading gene wolfe about the author
>"the shadow of the torturer won the world fantasy award and the british sf association award"
>"the claw of the conciliator won the nebula award"
>"the sword of the lictor won the Locus award"
>"the citadel of the autarch won the jon w campell award and prix apollo"
>"the urth of the new sun appeared in 1987"
kek. damn, is urth of the new sun that bad?

>> No.10666058

It's very very good, my favorite of the series. That ending is a punch to the gut.

>> No.10666070


>> No.10666074
File: 2.55 MB, 805x435, 1390902689346.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Time Traveller (Wells)
Norwegian Wood (Murakami)
The Mighty Dead: Why Homer Matters (Nicholson)
Count Zero (Gibson)
Various essays from Montaigne's Complete Essays
Paradise Lost (Milton)
Glory of the Empire (Mendelsohn)
A Canticle for Leibowitz (Miller)

>> No.10666078

Pic sauce?

>> No.10666084
File: 2.58 MB, 615x336, 1390904892414.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This battle on EVE Online 4 years ago

I was on 4chan after it happened and some anons who were there were posting .gifs and .jpgs, I saved a few

>> No.10666089

huge eve battle some time ago.
it was basically a live action space opera full of intrigue, plotting, backstabbing and backroom deals.
i think people lost actual money in that battle. like a lot of actual real life money.

>> No.10666094
File: 1.42 MB, 1920x1080, thefaceofwar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one

>> No.10666097


Oh. Disappointed tebehe, I find that shit to be W40k l-tier autism.

>> No.10666101

It's the ultimate autism, the final autistic boss of the internet. I don't play EVE myself but find it fascinating.

>> No.10666133

I often see people mention reading about EVE autism but not playing it, is there some place that compiles it all in detail?

>> No.10666154

Probably. I don't spend that much time reading about it, just the odd article on the usual tech news websites. You're better off asking /v/ or maybe checking out the subreddit.

>> No.10666502
File: 231 KB, 441x474, 12743-deedlit2ij4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recommend me a book where the MC gets a cute elf GF

>> No.10666522


its a litrpg but i found it really enjoyable.
nothing ever bad happens and in the first book mc gets together with a cute elfgf and they get engaged. the rest of the entire series is pretty much them obsessing over each other.

>> No.10666533

Goodreads was a mistake
>The plot sounded so fun! But the characters are not believable and the prose is incoherent. It... kind of reads like a Donald Trump speech about walk-through of a moderately interesting MMORPG. Which sucks because I really wanted to like it.

>> No.10666537

Film was shit. It was nothing but ayyee drugs.
So many pretentious snobs in this fucking general. They praise shit books, and shit movies. Just kys

>> No.10666539

goodreads really is a mistake.
but there really is no other alternative for presenting information.
i just wish there was a tag system rather than shitty shelves.

>> No.10666590

Correspondence anon. If you couldn't do shit two years ago, you can't do shit now. You just cry about it year after year.

>> No.10666651

>they shit talk trump
>there are people who don't think like me using this place
>goodreads was a mistake

>> No.10666664

its not about trump or not liking peoples views.
its just that goodreads is made up of the most insufferable faggots in existence.
its actually a drinking game for a few friends and me. go to a indie book page and read the comments. take a shot every time anything leftist or right wing gets mentioned.

>> No.10666670

it's more about the fact that the first thing you see is a "MUH TRUMP" post

it's godwin's law 2.0

>> No.10666719

So like 80% of this series is just porn, then?

>> No.10666793

now i remember the other thing that pisses me off, everyone sucks the main character's dick cause he "invents" 2 shot burst as a firing mode. nobody seems to have any awareness that it's not a new idea

>> No.10666838
File: 21 KB, 610x324, Gene Wolfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imma write a response and post it in the new thread yo.

>> No.10666936

Nah. 80% is using current day knowledge to survive in medieval Europe. He imitates processes and items with magic. The survivalist, engineer loving geek in me gets excited how he over comes problems with applied theory.

15% is porn. 5% is end of world winter.

>> No.10666945
File: 433 KB, 1680x1260, 1481497095274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much Christianity is involved?

>> No.10666966

Not that much from my understanding desu. Only the concept of several aspects of one or several gods, like the Trinity in Christianity.

>> No.10667146
File: 283 KB, 450x669, 12663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Beth still has the power, right?

>> No.10667156

>Warning: This novel contains graphic violence, inventive sex, unconventional opinions and a protagonist who has no interest in being normal. Read at your own risk.

It sounds, really, really, really, really shitty. If you have read it, please tell me what these apparently 'unconventional' opinions are.

>> No.10667240


>> No.10667296

The most unconventional thing I've seen there (besides the small amount of sex) was the conventional medieval opinion in servitude. Lack of payment, work in exchange for housing and protection, women as possession, this kind of thing. It's more a warning so leftists and sjws leave the comments alone.

>> No.10667359

Okay that's a bit better than what I thought it would be. Generally when I see someone saying shit like "my opinions are dangerous! the state wouldn't like my ideas!" it's just really basic bitch libertine progressiveness that amounts to 'everyone is equal'.

Do you happen to know anything about the author? I can't find much information on him. Does he describe himself as some kind of neoreactionary perhaps?

>> No.10667364

Why didn't you give me (you)s?

>> No.10667403

New Thread

>> No.10667418

wtf is going on in this pic

>> No.10667428
