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/lit/ - Literature

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10655533 No.10655533[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>*Name drops every philosopher they read a university*
>*Critiques you for writing pop philosophy when the point of writing the book was to be accessible to young general readership*
>*Jordan Peterson is a snobby aristocratic pseud, don't mind me while I shit on pop science and write an excessively verbose article that name drops everyone I can think of*
>*Blah blah blah lalalalalala something about your interpretation of Nietzsche wrong for the bazzilionth time in history*
>*Says some shit about capitalism*
>*We're irrational because of capitalism and imperialism and shit, not because were flawed beings and not all capable of using "reason" to guide us, especially those of lesser intelligence*


>> No.10655553

>Newman’s attempt to refute Peterson through cordial debate failed after she conceded to elements of his worldview, including the need for corporate hierarchy and an ethos of competition.

>> No.10655567

>Despite Newman’s relatively polite behavior, she soon faced a misogynistic backlash.


>> No.10655587

>American marxists who doesn't understand Nietzsche argues against Canadian boomer who also doesn't understand Nietzsche
Why can't they just stick to analytic philosophy? This shit is getting really tiring.

>> No.10655598

Yeah, we really needed another thread on this tool.

>> No.10655600

Sigh... yet another Nietzsche expert on 4chan.

>> No.10655601

>reads jacobin in the link
Gave up.

>> No.10655607

I'm so glad both of these people are as distant as you can get from the levers of power.

>> No.10655611

fuck off amerilard

>> No.10655955
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What do we have here?
At first I misread it as Jacobite lul

>> No.10656442
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This is the author.


Who wants to bet that he's active on /r/badphilosophy?

>> No.10656454
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>> No.10656483

>*Name drops every philosopher they read a university*
Kinda like the retarded Canuck did with Heidegger and *capital B being* in his latest tour de force?

>> No.10656501

>the evil left, man! society is doomed cause leftists and trannies!

>> No.10656515

>You need to be an expert to understnd that Jordan Peterson is we Todd Ed

>> No.10656534
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>Jordy Penisson does this and he's bad!
>Allow me to do exactly the same, see how much better i am than him?
Great criticism

>> No.10656540

My critcicism was that everyone except for me s retarded. No wonder it went over your head.

>> No.10656544

>cordial debate
>relatively polite behaviour

>> No.10656574

Jacobite Mag > Jacobin Mag

>> No.10657018

Who's the biggest brainlet, Peterson for not understanding Nietzsche or Marx for not understanding Hegel?

>> No.10657048

trannies are literally a problem though, everyone agrees except dipshit liberals

>> No.10657068

This. Also:
>every progress has been made by progressives but this time progressives are evil, man! let's just keep everything as it is forever
Conservatives are this retarded.

>> No.10657105
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>every progress

>> No.10657115
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>> No.10657129

>>every progress has been made by progressives
lol never go full soy, anon.

>> No.10657152

>pop psychology
>t. "lecturer in philosophy"
>(to Dr. Jordan Peterson, much-cited Psychologist)

>> No.10657159

Jacobite >>>>>> Jacobin

>> No.10657167
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>> No.10657173

To all the /pol/tards ITT, you need to go back. You're not welcome here.

>> No.10657192

same to anybody who un-ironically links Jacobin

>> No.10657209

Fuck off, /pol/tard. /lit/ doesn't belong to your kind.

>> No.10657221


>> No.10657225


>> No.10657227

>muh /pol/ boogeyman is ruining /lit/ memem
just hide peterson threads retard, if someone likes politics and also likes books they are able to browse both boards :^)

>> No.10657230

Based Peterson working the soyboys into a shoot.

>> No.10657240

>Peterson tries to Latinize the bourgeois kitsch with mediocre calls of self-actualization. But the self is not actualized: it is told to kill or be killed in capitalism’s endless competition
This is absolutely right, and a good summary of Peterson's pseudo-philosophy.

>Peterson’s narrative reduces leftist sentiment to resentment, envy, and anger among society’s “losers.” This echoes George Orwell’s dismissal of British socialists as merely filled with spleen and bile against the rich; Peterson compares the analysis of the Left in Orwell’s The Road to Wigan Pier to Nietzsche’s critique of slave morality.
>Orwell rejected socialist “cranks,” a category that included feminists, in favor of a commonsense approach that appealed to the educated middle class, an analysis that pushed him rightward toward the end of his life.
>We must reject the characterization of Peterson’s fan base as normal people who are sick and tired of the politically correct left; this assumption simply repeats Nietzsche’s disdain for the common struggles of the oppressed, including the struggles of racial minorities, women, and LGBTQ people. It accepts a standard of normal as defined by the mainstream media or, worse, by the alt-right themselves.
>For instance, Peterson’s refusal to respect people who use different pronouns to express their identity is no small issue, but a central one for recognizing the humanity of transgender people.
Here we go again. This is exactly why the left isn't taken seriously nowadays.
I mean, do these people have ever opened Das Kapital and read its first chapter? Do they know that Marx didn't give a single fuck about girls with feminine penises? Do they know that the main point of Marxism is to create a society where we produce shit for its concrete utility and not to sell it for tokens representing some abstract value that you can accumulate? Have they ever tried to assess how many idpol (and ecological) problems would be solved if we end up doing that, instead of wondering how we could have more black Muslim female CEOs?
Orwell was right, and will continue to be right as long as faggots like this will continue to write in socialist magazines.

>> No.10657241

>Fuck off, /pol/tard. /lit/ doesn't belong to your kind.
The only worse cancer than /pol/-fags is people like you. What's that, you don't like a pseud pop Marxist publication more focused on design than quality of content? STORMFAG STORMFAG back to /pol/ with you!!!

>> No.10657268
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Getting nervous, no-foreskin?

>> No.10657271

i kinda like him but i wish he'd move beyond nee-chee and dosto, arent you supposed to do that when youre 19

>> No.10657287

Nazi bitch samefagging.

>> No.10657304

JP is a sexist, racist bigoted homophobe. there i said it.

>> No.10657308


>> No.10657312

That's a funny string of words

>> No.10657346

t. same nazi bitch falseflagging as a leftist to make us look dumb
Why are you /pol/tards so obsessed with appropriating /lit/ anyway? It's pretty obvious that you don't care about literature.

>> No.10657364

Stop posting a million Peterson threads a minute before you whine about other people's "obsession".

>> No.10657380

The problem is that /pol/tards can't separate their hobbies from their politics, so they just end up talking politics everywhere they go. They have constructed for themselves a complete political nature of reality from which everything must be viewed and in service of.

>> No.10657382

>At first I misread it as Jacobite lul
tfw you get hyped about a new nicky land production prematurely

>> No.10657394

lmao dude I'm (>>10657241) not even right wing

>> No.10657406

with all your political strawmanning it seems you don't care about literature. Also /lit/ is not and was never a marxist board.

>> No.10657421

Liberals don't understand that change != progress. While change is required to progress, stagnation (conservatism) can prevent the regression caused by change, and is effectively positive.

Change what is needed to change, and dont fix what isnt broken elsewhere

>> No.10657486

Okay I hate Memerson as much as the next guy, but calling him Nietzschean is just flat out stupid. It seems like the media want this guy to be alt right so hard, and he just isn't, at least not from anything he's outright said. The worst that can be said in this regard is that he has repeatedly failed to address and condemn the far right segment of his audience, and that he occasionally slips a "cultural Marxism" into his speech out of sheer dumbfuckery.

>> No.10657509

Marx got fucking roasted by Stirner of all memesters for not understanding Hegel and was so shitter shattered he wrote a reply to dur Einzigguh longer than everything Stirner ever shit out put together, including Stirner's reply which amounted to a twitter shitpost that assblasted Marx even further.

Peterson just conveniently ignores the parts of things he doesn't like.

>> No.10657536

I wish someone would write a good slam-dunk critique because it's not hard, Memerson's contentious ideas are insane. I could do medium article myself that's just /lit/ screenshots and it would be better than this.