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10652950 No.10652950[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books on why healthcare is such total shit?

>> No.10652965

What do you mean?

>> No.10652969
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>> No.10652982

What don't you understand? Books on why healthcare is so bad.

>> No.10652998

What do you mean by healthcare?

>> No.10653007

The current healthcare system in the West, hospitals, clinics, doctors etc.

>> No.10653013

>in the West

>> No.10653021

>the system
How about you say what you mean with specifics and shit

>> No.10653025
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But there is, OP.

>> No.10653031

>The west
The "west" has very different healthcare system in every country. Are you retarded or just american?

>> No.10653062

What do YOU mean? I mean all of healthcare in the West, private sector and public sector. Pharmaceutical industry included. But actually not just the West interests me, healthcare globally and not just current system either.

I have one book in Swedish, Forskningsfusket, I've read just a few pages.
In that book is mentioned the book White Coat Black Hat, haven't read it.
And then there is this video, which isn't a book but that's fine too, need to rewatch it, only watched a part of it I think.

>> No.10653072

systems then dumbass

>> No.10653225
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>Americans trying to do anything other than get fat/shoot each other

>> No.10653240

You don't like medicine?

>> No.10653264

The current healthcare systems in 'the West' are the best in the world...excluding USA.

>> No.10653284

USA is not "inna West" and it hasn't been in 50 years

>> No.10653285

Eat more apples and drink more water you dumb faggot

>> No.10653305

You don't need a book. Here, let me condense it for you:
>Since medicine and healthcare is for-profit in the US, there is incentive to keep extraordinarily lucrative institutions such as chemotherapy and opioid-based medication in broad circulation instead of researching other cures and treatments
>Because privatized healthcare would be otherwise impossible to afford for the middle and lower class, overwhelmingly the largest profitable demographic in the US, legislators begrudgingly force their corporate cronies to cough up healthcare benefits so Pfizer can crank out enough pills to satisfy an entire nation of over-prescribed junkies while making obscene amounts of money

>> No.10654641

> yfw bulletproof from good diet and exercise

Yuropoors and liberal landwhales just don't get it!

>> No.10654645

*Throws the samefag off a helicopter*

>> No.10654651

Fucking moron. The for-profit motive is the exact reason why the US does basically the entire worlds medical research. To manufacture a drug costs hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars, and it might not even end up working.

>> No.10654669
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>mfw as a yuropoor I get to enjoy the benefits of a public healthcare and of american r&d while mutts are constantly buttfucked by corporations

>> No.10654684

Pretty much, but it's probs gonna be a couple years before the pendulum swings towards the social democrats and then we (Australia anon here) could be fucked

>> No.10654691


Are you retarded or something? Bayer is the single biggest company producing and researching meds and they're German.

>> No.10654693

Look at total R&D dickhead, not just one company. The US is like 50% of all medical innovations and 75% of all new drugs.

>> No.10654751

The Big Book of Retarded American Retardation

>> No.10654826

I don't know about you but here in Finland it's very good and basically free.

Oh yeah but we're suffering the high taxes here in the Nordic countries, our lives are just so miserable, we all wish we would be in USA where we didn't have to pay taxes for the guvurnment.